Choosing sunglasses. How to choose quality sunglasses

Sunglasses are a fashion accessory that keeps your eyes healthy. But for many, the main word in this definition is “fashionable”; such people do not bother choosing quality glasses, they buy according to the principle “to make them look beautiful.” This is completely wrong! A low-quality accessory can seriously harm your health.

Why this is so and how it should be correct you will learn from this article. Let's figure out which sunglasses are best to choose.

Where does the danger come from?
I think everyone has heard that sunlight is dangerous due to ultraviolet radiation. This is true. Ultraviolet radiation (UV) can be three types: UV-A ( long wave range), UV-B ( medium wave range), UV–C ( shortwave range). Doctors say that type B radiation is the most harmful. The negative effects of ultraviolet radiation are enhanced by reflection sunlight from some surfaces, for example, snow reflects up to 90%, water surface – up to 70%. In this case, reflected rays are summed with direct ones.

Failure to protect your eyes from sunlight can result in very severe consequences. Significant deterioration of vision as a result of clouding of the crystalline lens, retinal burn or damage to the cornea of ​​the eye ( photokeratitis). It is precisely because of the real danger of ultraviolet radiation that it is necessary to choose truly high-quality glasses! It doesn't matter how dark the lenses are if they don't have protective properties. In such fakes, the pupils will reflexively dilate due to the darkening, thereby letting even more ultraviolet radiation into the eye.

Which sunglasses should you choose?

Lens material
Lenses sunglasses may be mineral ( glass) or synthetic ( plastic) origin. There is a misconception that glass lenses are much better, but this is no longer true. Modern technologies make it possible to produce plastic lenses very High Quality. More than 90 percent of sunglasses produced today come with plastic lenses. The use of various additives and coatings in production makes it possible to produce plastic lenses with unique properties, plus, unlike glass, they are shock-resistant and don’t fog up as much.

Lens color and coating

Lens color Characteristic
Gray (from light gray to almost black) In glasses with such lenses, you will perceive the colors of the objects around you as realistically as possible, without color distortion.
Brown Suitable for a bright sunny day, they will protect your eyes from glare and provide very good contrast.
Green Retains the greatest amount of ultraviolet radiation, reduces eye fatigue.
Blue (light blue, purple) HARMFUL! Lenses of such colors stimulate excessive dilation of the pupils, lead to deterioration of coordination and thinking, and can cause a state of lethargy, headache, mild irritability.
Yellow They help to better perceive space in depth in dim (cloudy weather, twilight) lighting, and relieve excess tension from the eyes. Recommended for drivers.
Orange Similar to yellow ones, plus they reduce the glare effect from bright headlights in dark time days.
Pink HARMFUL! “Life with rose-colored glasses” due to color distortion and possible loss orientation, can affect the psyche.
Gradient The lens is unevenly colored - darker at the top and less or not at all at the bottom. Suitable for dim sun, reading outdoors. However, people with not very good eyesight may cause eye fatigue, so long wearing not recommended.
Coverage type Characteristic
Mirror It darkens even more than just painted lenses. The color of the mirror coating (silver, gold, blue, rainbow) does not affect the quality of vision. Recommended for recreation in the mountains, on the water, and skiing.
Photochromic (“chameleons”) Depending on the brightness of the light, it becomes darker or lighter. Photochromic lenses with diopters can be chosen by people with poor eyesight who do not want to carry both regular glasses and sunglasses.
Polarization Does not transmit glare - rays reflected from certain surfaces (snow, water, glass, metal, etc.). Increases contrast and visual comfort. There may be different colors. Suitable for everyone.

Frame material
Frames come in a variety of sizes - from plastic and stainless steel, to titanium and precious metals. Choose according to your taste and financial capabilities. The main thing is to check the quality of fastening of the arms; they should not dangle or, on the contrary, move apart with force.

On tags, labels, stickers and even on the temples of quality glasses you can read necessary information.

Inscription like “Blocks at least 95% UVB and 70% UVA” ( percentages may be different) means that these lenses block 95% of UVB rays and 70% of UVA rays.

The marking may indicate the wavelength that the lenses block, for example 400 nm or “UV-400” - this indicator provides maximum protection from harmful radiation.

The next value is the refractive index, which is designated as follows: 1.5; 1.6 and so on. Thinner and clearer lenses are indicated by a higher coefficient.

Sunglass lenses are divided into five categories (0 to 4). Their characteristics are as follows:
«0» - light transmission 80–100%.
"1"- light transmission, respectively, 43–80%.
"2" - 18–43%.
"3"- light transmission 8–18%.
"4"- light transmission 3–8%.
Zero and first are the so-called “fashion” glasses with minimal ultraviolet protection; they can be worn solely for beauty, since they do not provide any benefit. The second provides partial eye protection and is suitable for wearing in cities in mid-latitudes. In the third, they are perfect for a trip to the beach and nature. In the fourth - snow-capped mountains or sun-rich tropics.

Shape of sunglasses
A mirror or an objective view from the outside will help you here ( husband or girlfriend). Stylists advise following certain rules when choosing the shape of glasses depending on the shape of your face.

  • “Square” face - it is necessary to visually make the cheekbones less wide and lower the chin. To do this you need glasses with thin frames ( metal), which will sit high on the bridge of the nose, the lenses should be slightly rounded towards the bottom.
  • “Rectangular” face - the elongation of the shape can be optically corrected with the help of massive glasses in dark frames with a wide bridge of the nose.
  • “Triangular” face – so that a wide forehead does not contrast too much with a narrow chin, choose glasses with small, dim lenses oval shape in a thin metal frame.
  • “Round” face - glasses in dark frames with rectangular lenses will help to visually narrow the face.
  • “Oval” face - you’re lucky, you have a lot of choice, since glasses of almost any shape will suit.

Some tips to help when buying sunglasses
1) No street glasses if you want to keep your eyes healthy. Feel free to go to specialized optics stores, where you can find not very expensive models of decent quality.

2) Having chosen the shape and color of the glasses you like, carefully study the markings on the labels, stickers and frames. Now, knowing the necessary information, ask the seller about this model. Ask to see the certificate ( or at least a copy) for glasses.

3) If you like glasses with a polarized coating, then good optics stores have special screens for checking them. First you look at the screen without glasses, and then with glasses, while there should be an image on the screen that you could not see with the naked eye.

4) Put on the glasses you like and carefully “listen” to yourself - whether the arch is pressing on the bridge of your nose, whether the ears fit well. Leave a deposit for the glasses with the seller and go outside ( preferably in sunny weather), pay attention to how clearly and without distortion you see the surrounding objects, how colors are transmitted, whether there is excess sunlight coming from the sides ( that is, aren't the lenses small?). When testing, do not look at the sun even with the best glasses.

5) If you are satisfied with everything and you bought glasses, then it is advisable to purchase another case ( or case) and a handkerchief for wiping lenses. This way your glasses will last you much longer.

If you think that sunglasses are just a fresh accessory for the summer season, and the most a good choice these fashionable gizmos in the underground passage near the Pushkinskaya metro station - you don’t have to read any further. However, with this approach, sooner or later (more likely sooner) you will not be able to read at all...

Sunglasses should have high-quality lenses that actually protect your eyes from ultraviolet radiation. Otherwise, the pupil, “deceived” by dark glasses, does not contract from the light, and the eye receives the full dose of all radiation through them. And then retinal burns, blindness and other troubles.

In general, remember - no sunglasses are better than fake ones made from cheap Chinese plastic. And most fakes are like that.

Small glasses that do not completely cover the eyes are bad glasses.

There are two parts to choosing sunglasses wisely. Part one (technical) – choice between glass lenses and plastic ones, choice of darkening degree and lens color. Part two (aesthetic) – choosing a frame that will decorate your face. These stages are very arbitrary, because you can firmly decide that you will only be satisfied with glasses with lenses Pink colour, and at the second stage it turns out that none of these glasses available in the store simply suit you, but the green plastic ones fit just perfectly. So it’s better not to fool yourself - modern quality Glass and plastic lenses allow you not to be principled, although both of them have individual advantages and disadvantages.

Part one

Glass or plastic?

Glass the lenses provide guaranteed protection from ultraviolet radiation (yes, if you save money and buy cheap ones, take glass ones) and do not scratch, unless, of course, you rub them on the asphalt.

Plastic lenses lighter and thinner than glass, and modern coatings make them scratch-resistant. But, let's be honest - plastic, firstly, must be of high quality, and secondly, it really requires a more careful attitude. But, unlike glass, plastic does not break, and if you drop plastic glasses on a concrete floor, you will not lose them. In addition, glass glasses fog up and are not recommended for children due to the risk of injury. That's all, actually.

Shade level

High-quality glasses can only be bought in a reputable optical salon or boutique famous brand. Otherwise, you are not protected from fakes.

The starting price of the issue is from 2,000 rubles.

TO good glasses Plastic lenses come with a label that indicates the percentage of UVA and UVB radiation and the wavelength blocked by the glasses.

Waves are measured in nanometers: 100% protection is provided by glasses marked 400 nm. If the number is less than 400, the glasses transmit some ultraviolet radiation.

It is customary to distinguish five degrees of lens darkening - from very light, transmitting 80-100% of light, which will protect the eyes from ultraviolet radiation only in cloudy weather, to very dark, transmitting only 3-8% of light.

For example, for summer in the city, glasses that transmit from 18 to 43% of light are sufficient. For a trip to the south, it is better to choose glasses that transmit no more than 18%. But at a ski resort or at sea, where snow and water reflect sunlight, you cannot do without completely dark glasses - such glasses are often mirrored and have serious anti-glare protection.

As you may have guessed, the more light the glasses let in, the lighter the shade of the lenses - from slightly smoky to opaque black. By the way, completely dark glasses (with a small capacity) are absolutely not suitable for those who drive, but a mirror coating on not too dark lenses is the best choice for the driver.

There is one trick that allows you to buy one glasses for all occasions - photochromic coating. Glasses with such a coating are called “chameleons” in everyday life. This wonderful invention changes the darkness of the glasses depending on the brightness of the light, and you can leave them on even in a dark room - there they will be absolutely transparent, and in the sun they will darken exactly to the required level - no more, no less.

Lens color

Now that we have decided on the material and degree of protection, we choose the color of the lenses.

Red, pink, orange, yellow, blue, it's certainly extravagant and flashy, but completely unreasonable for single sunglasses. Orange And red too aggressive for the eyes and affect the psyche. Yellow too light for sunny day, blue Few people can tolerate it in large quantities - feeling colorblind is not very pleasant.

Lenses are considered the most correct and safe gray , green And brown shades. They distort colors the least, absorb radiation best, and even “soothe” the eyes.

Keep in mind that the color of the lenses must be uniform. Glasses in which different areas Lenses of different degrees of darkness tire the eyes, and wearing them for a long time is not useful.

Lenses of any color can be coated with any coating you are interested in (anti-reflective, antistatic, water-repellent coating) - if you are making glasses to order. In ready-made ones, you will have to be content with factory coatings, the most common of which is anti-reflective.

Part two


Let's decide on the size of the glasses. General rule- the bigger, the better. The best choice is glasses that make their owner look like a dragonfly or a skier. It is desirable that the glasses have wide arms that cover the sides of the eyes.

With the help of large glasses, you will not only completely protect your eyes - both above and below, but also save delicate skin around the eyes from premature " crow's feet", which, as is known, is the result of squinting. You already know that ultraviolet radiation accelerates skin aging and you need to protect yourself from it.

Unfortunately, huge glasses are not for everyone. For example, in them I look not just like a dragonfly, but like a dragonfly whose nose was broken. For such unfortunate people, the only salvation is glasses with thin frames or without them at all. And the size of the lenses can be large enough, and large frames will not disfigure the face.

Another important note: Small glasses that don't completely cover your eyes are bad glasses. They are of little use, even if they are super-mirror-like. If light gets into your eyes, all super protection is simply pointless.

Rim glasses

You may have round face, and according to the magazine article, you need rectangular glasses with dark frames. But at the same time you may have too much big forehead, which can be corrected with glasses with bright large frames. Well, which recommendation should you follow? My advice is to take some time and try on the entire range that suits you in terms of quality and price. This is much smarter than looking for ready-made recipes.

Otherwise, it all depends only on your taste and wallet and individual characteristics body. Gold-diamonds or rhinestones on pink plastic temples? Look at yourself. You can repeat as much as you like that silver-colored frames are not suitable for blondes, but if you are a blonde and fundamentally do not wear, for example, gold, will someone’s abstract advice really stop you? If you really need advice, it’s more effective to call your girlfriend or boyfriend for help.

I repeat: everything is very individual. Some may have an allergy to metal, while others may have long eyelashes that push against glasses that are too flat. I will give only one recommendation for people prone to headaches - try on glasses with leather temples. They are softer than metal and plastic and will be more comfortable for your aching head.

The modern optical industry allows us to solve almost all problems associated with choosing sunglasses. If formerly man with very poor vision had to sacrifice either diopters or the quality of protection (lenses with diopters are always less than sunglasses), but now you can wear contact lenses and buy any sunglasses, especially since ophthalmologists recommend this.

Polina Shtrikh

As summer approaches, there is a need for good eye protection from the sun. But women, like most men, consider this accessory not just as a filter from radiation, but as part of the image. That's why it's so important to know how to choose sunglasses, which will make the image as harmonious as possible, and protect the eyes from harmful influence too active sun.

In the pursuit of fashion, we often forget that glasses are, first of all, protecting the eyes from destructive effects. sun rays

The ideal glasses are stylish, beautiful, fit well and with high degree protection

In fact, choosing sunglasses is not that easy. This is no less complex a procedure than, for example, choosing shoes.

Good glasses should have glass lenses and frames made of high-quality material

How to choose sunglasses

This accessory can be called a must-have for any woman. They are a stylish accessory with a lot of important advantages and undeniable advantages. Of course, when wanting to choose the right glasses, most of us are primarily guided by fashion trends: which frames are best to focus on, what current shades of glasses are featured in the fashion shows of the season. But this is far from the main thing. There are much more important details, which are not always given due attention.

So, initially, before purchasing sunglasses, you should familiarize yourself with the buyer's rules. Firstly, you should not buy glasses from a street stall or market. You shouldn’t skimp on such an accessory, because it should not only suit the shape of your face and protect your eyes from unpleasant light: the glasses are designed to protect against ultraviolet radiation.

When choosing glasses on the market, you risk harming your health with a low-quality product

You shouldn't rely on fashionable colored lenses either, because they hardly protect your eyes from UV rays. Simply put, it's just decoration.

Avoid models with large and massive frames. It will put pressure on the bridge of the nose, preventing blood microcirculation. Wearing these glasses for a long time may give you a headache.

It is important to remember that you can make money from frames made from unknown materials. serious problems. The fact is that it is not clear what composition the metal is oxidized, releasing substances harmful to the skin and the whole body. Glass made of plastic can become cloudy and refract light, causing vision damage. In addition, as an accessory you can verify from its technical characteristics, license, manufacturer brand, a simple fitting will help to obtain certain information. And to decide which sunglasses to choose after putting them on, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • glasses should be positioned so that the pupils are in the center of the glasses;
  • Gray-green or gray glass color is considered universal, but it is better to avoid yellow;
  • the darkening on the glass should be applied so that in the upper part the tone is a little richer;
  • abnormal is the distortion of the color and shape of objects by glass;
  • in the city, models with lighter, evenly darkened lenses are more appropriate, and in the mountains or on the beach - darker ones;
  • Before buying this important item, you need to hold it in your hands, open and close the arms a couple of times, bend them slightly: a good frame uses elastic steel, which immediately returns to its previous shape. You should also check all the screws that secure the arms. It is also important to try on the accessory, check whether they are pressing on the bridge of the nose with the nose pads, and whether the temples are too tight. You need to make sure whether you are comfortable in such a model.

Choosing the shape of glasses

Experts have a lot of advice on how to choose the shape of sunglasses. Moreover, the correct shape of their frames directly depends on the shape of the face.

For a long oval, in which the height prevails over the width, and the chin and lower jaw devoid of rigid contours, it is recommended to select frames that are round, wide, have a wide bridge and low-placed temples. Although, in fact, people with oval face shapes can count themselves, in a certain sense, among the lucky ones, because absolutely all shapes and types of frames suit their appearance perfectly. Experts consider this type of face to be the most universal, classifying it as classic.

Girls with oval face lucky - any glasses suit them

Representatives of oblong, elongated face shapes can opt for round, oval or slightly square frames. The ideal option is models with eye-catching top part or simply expressively colored at the top. This way you can emphasize the upper contours of the glasses, making your face appear visually wider, which is what you should achieve.

Owners of the most common face shapes – round – can opt for a softened oval shape, thin at the bridge of the nose and high-set arches. But round frames should be avoided. Both men and women with this face shape, on the advice of experts, can also use models that are somewhat angular in shape. These models do not have a pronounced width, differing in sharp corners and lines. True, if you don’t like this look, you can get out of the situation by choosing oval accessories. With such a face shape, it is quite logical to try to visually lengthen your appearance, so models with a vertical orientation of the shape of their frames are suitable here. That is, color accents need to be placed along the outer contours.

If you find it difficult to choose glasses, pay attention to classic aviators - this is a universal shape that suits everyone

When choosing frames for a pear-shaped face, you need to choose wide options that have a reinforced upper part. The most successful in this case are frames that are lightweight at the bottom. Accessories with very low temples should be avoided. It is recommended to choose slightly rounded glass.

With a heart-shaped face, it is important to avoid designs with an accentuated top, which can emphasize a wide forehead and temple area. But with a very thin frame you can always focus on beautiful eyes and give your look more expressiveness. Girls and guys with heart-shaped faces can easily choose butterfly or aviator models. Metal frames are also allowed, and the most suitable option is wide glasses that frame the contours of the eyes.

One option for every face shape

For a square face shape, options with rounded shapes and, which is also necessary, not very wide frames are suitable. Otherwise, the face will appear larger than its natural proportions.

Anyone with a diamond-shaped face can choose soft, rounded frames. These can be not only round, but also square accessories. It is noteworthy that Bottom part The frames should have a straight shape or slightly flared. Experts also recommend avoiding models that are larger than the width of your cheekbones.

Even the experts themselves and specialists from the same Polaroid brand claim that choosing sunglasses is not so easy, because it is a painstaking, delicate matter. And choosing this inconspicuous detail can take a lot of time. But if you prepare in advance, study all the nuances of this difficult matter before purchasing, then as a result you can easily choose a beautiful fashion accessory.

Two options each :)

In, important role given to the color of the glass and frame. According to experts, the glass should not be very dark, but not very light either. Most suitable for retina human eye- neutral gamma filter gray, which will not distort the color, but only muffle the shade. The color of glass is welcome, the haze of which has an uneven density: darker at the top, and lighter at the bottom, which will protect from the sun and at the same time allow normal vision.

Of course, unusually colored models with yellow, pink, orange, blue glass But when choosing them, you should keep in mind that they are very harmful to nervous system person, causing aggression and irritability. Red glasses can change the color palette, while violet and blue glasses are simply dangerous, because they can harm the substance of the lens. Do not forget that any unusual color of the surrounding reality scatters human attention, distracting and confusing. But green lenses can, on the contrary, calm and even lower eye pressure.

And three options for each face shape :)

Nobody argues that main goal This accessory provides protection against ultraviolet rays from the sun. But with the help fashion models You can easily visually correct a person’s appearance. Therefore, in the question how to choose men's sunglasses or women’s, it is important to consider that with their help, the advantageous parts of the face and overall appearance are naturally highlighted, and also distract attention from some shortcomings. Therefore, in addition to the shape, it is important to consider which frames are most suitable for certain skin and hair tones. Experts again recommend that those with dark hair and dark skin tone opt for dark-colored frames. The color scheme can be different: from gold, silver, copper, brown, burgundy and to radical black. Fair-haired and fair-skinned people may prefer models in a soft light shade: white, beige, pink or metallic. Gray-haired men and women should choose frames that are metallic, pewter, or just a neutral light color.

Choosing glasses for men

If we approach this issue from a fashion point of view, then accessories have become fashionable this season. different forms, including retro style and futuristic models. In terms of color palette, fashion offers greens, golds, silvers, bright shades, dark browns and chocolate colors.

How to choose glasses according to the degree of protection

Since glasses significantly affect the health of the person who wears them, it is important to know how to choose sunglasses taking into account the degree of eye protection. Of the main types, the most common are those with glass or plastic lenses, as well as models with additional lens protection from ultraviolet radiation. Undoubtedly, glass lenses are the safest, because they can protect against ultraviolet rays.

The advantage of glass is that it does not scratch as easily as plastic. But plastic lenses do not break; such options are, of course, lighter and cheaper, but they do not protect against ultraviolet radiation, which increases the load on the eyes, which can lead to clouding of the lens and weakened vision.

Degree of protection depending on lens color

Wise nature has endowed humans with natural mechanisms that protect against ultraviolet rays: the ability to squint, draw eyebrows, and cover eyelashes. However, in darkened glasses this function does not work, because the pupil, instead of the natural reaction to narrow in the sun, has to do the opposite - to expand. And when the glasses are not provided with a protective layer, then radiation of all types freely penetrates the defenseless cornea, and then onto the lens and even the retina of the eyes. This can often lead to disastrous results, even before total loss whole view. Therefore, it is better to listen to doctors’ recommendations and walk without any protection at all than to wear glasses with low-quality lenses. But if the surface of the glass is covered with a layer of special chemical composition, then a reliable shelter from ultraviolet rays will be created for the eyes. Although the glass may look simply transparent.

Ray-Ban has a wide variety of models with varying degrees of protection. They have options for all occasions

But if you are not sure how to choose high-quality sunglasses with the appropriate degree of ultraviolet protection, then it is better to resort to the services of specialized stores and optical salons. For each batch of accessories they have Required documents, from which the buyer can find out about the availability of protection not just from the seller. Although, some manufacturers should not be trusted so blindly, because they can deceive by indicating in the certificate the presence of protection against different types rays, from A to C, but in fact their protection figure is less than 450 nm. It is not advisable to buy such products. Also, to protect yourself, you don’t need to fall for discounts and promotions, which are often a gimmick, because designer models can’t be much more expensive. cheaper than analogues in competing stores. If the request to provide a certificate is met with refusal and excuses like “go to customs for it,” then it is better not to buy such an item, since the sellers are simply lying. After all, at customs, each batch of goods is provided with a quality certificate and a declaration of conformity, and all stores in the network receive copies of the certificate, certified by the “wet” seal of the distributor.

There are a lot of such little things, and they cannot be neglected, which will help you get a beautiful accessory that fully protects your eyes from the sun.


Lenses in Polaroid glasses and INVU are labeled UV-400 or 100% UV-Protection, guaranteeing 100% UV protection. Let's tell you in more detail how it works.

Ultraviolet radiation is dangerous to human eyes: UVA waves are responsible for premature aging eyes, UVB can cause irritation to the cornea, UVC are carcinogenic and can damage cell membranes and cause mutations.

The effects of ultraviolet radiation on the eyes are most often cumulative. If you neglect to protect your eyes from harmful radiation for many years, this significantly increases the risk of cataracts and cancer. But there are circumstances in which exposure to ultraviolet light in a matter of days or even hours affects the health of the eyes. For example, many of you have heard about such a disease as “snow blindness” - this is a burn injury to the eye, which often develops in people exposed to ultraviolet radiation reflected from the snow surface - skiers, climbers, polar explorers, winter fishing enthusiasts, etc.

The easiest way to protect your eyes from UV rays is to wear quality sunglasses. But how not to make a mistake when choosing them?

Myths about UV protection glasses:

1. Sunglasses with clear lenses do not protect your eyes.

This is wrong. Untinted glasses can also be excellent eye protection. The fact is that ultraviolet protection is provided by additional coatings or layers in the lens body. And the darkening layer is only responsible for reducing the brightness of the light.

2. D Even non-brand glasses do not protect against ultraviolet radiation.

Let's be honest, numerous professional and amateur tests, publications about which can be found both on the Internet and in various media, have shown that with ultraviolet protection, most often, equally Both Chinese fakes “from the transition” and branded glasses from official stores cope.

Does it make sense in this case to buy more expensive sunglasses? This is everyone's personal choice. Obviously, buying items of dubious manufacture is always a risk. Thus, with low-quality sunglasses, there is a risk that their lenses may not have UV protection, or it may be provided by a coating that will quickly wear off during use. In addition, such glasses will be significantly inferior to branded ones in many other respects.

3. Glass lenses protect your eyes plastic is better new

This really was true, but many decades ago. Thanks to modern technologies, high-quality plastic lenses are not inferior to glass ones in terms of UV protection. Let's say more - modern plastic lenses are much better than glass ones if we evaluate them from the point of view of convenience, durability and safety. Glass lenses are quite heavy in weight and are very easy to break with the slightest impact, and the fragments from them can injure you. Plastic makes it possible to produce the thinnest, almost weightless lenses with various inclusions to protect against ultraviolet radiation, eliminate glare, increase the strength of lenses and protect them from scratches.

Read the label: UV-400

A proven brand and the inscription on the label “UV-400” guarantee 100% eye protection from ultraviolet radiation. You can also find the spelling 100% UV-Protection or 100% UV protection. This means that the lenses provide eye protection from all ultraviolet radiation with a wavelength of less than 400 nm - that is, from UVA, UVB and UVС rays.

There is also a standard "UV-380" - the presence of this marking means that the lenses block light waves with a length of less than 380 nm. According to most experts, glasses marked UV-380 provide only 90% eye protection from harmful effects, and only a few experts are inclined to say that this degree of protection is sufficient for eye health.

Sunglasses are not only a stylish accessory that complements your appearance, but also a means of protecting your eyes from ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet radiation has a negative effect on the skin and mucous membranes. And if for protection skin you can use cream, that's all Possible Solution to ensure eye safety - glasses.

Specialized optical stores will help you choose the right sunglasses. Only in this case can you be sure of the quality of the purchased product, confirmed by a certificate. The certificate contains information about the manufacturer, material and level of protection against ultraviolet radiation. The best option protection against all radiation spectra (UV-A, UV-B and UV-C) in the range up to 400 nanometers is considered.

Is this accessory necessary?

In the absence of sun protection, the eye muscles reflexively contract. A person automatically begins to squint to reduce the penetration of ultraviolet radiation deep into the retina. If you use low-quality glasses with tinted lenses, but not protective ones, the pupil of the eye remains dilated, and ultraviolet light penetrates it unhindered. IN in this case Corneal damage or other serious complications may occur.

For example, the symptoms of an eye disease such as photokeratitis are quite unpleasant: increased tear production, irritation and redness, a feeling of sand in the eyes, swelling of the eyelids, sometimes short-term loss of vision. Therefore, in order to choose sunglasses, you must remember that cheap products cannot be of high quality.

Which is better: plastic or glass?

Preference is given to plastic for its lightness and practicality. These glasses are more difficult to break, and they have more variety in design than frames with glass lenses. Glass, in turn, can be traumatic and unsuitable for a child, and is also not entirely suitable for people driving active image life.

Today, plastic glasses have additional coatings. For example, polarization. It helps improve contrast and eliminate extraneous glare. Therefore, such glasses are especially relevant for drivers. However, the plastic may become scratched over time.

How to check sunglasses?

To check if the lenses have polarizing coating, you need to look at the special screen or sticker available on stands in optical stores. First with glasses, and then without them. If the picture is visible only with glasses, then their lenses have the desired coating.

You can also check polarized glasses by looking through their lenses at a computer LCD monitor or display cell phone. Coated glasses cause the screen image to darken when you turn your head.

To check Polaroid glasses, you need to find on inside The temples are marked with Polaroid branding and a four-digit model code with one capital letter indicating the color. The lenses must have a sticker with the manufacturer's logo. A passport is provided with the glasses this model in Russian. Moreover, the model code indicated in the description must correspond to the indelible code on the bow. You can check the polarization of Polaroid glasses using the methods described above.

How to choose the right sunglasses?

Frame selection

The frame of glasses should not put pressure on the bridge of the nose and temple area. Glasses should be comfortable. If you have a wide nose bridge, it is better to opt for frames with nose pads. Nylon is considered to be the most practical material for frames: thanks to its flexibility, it prevents many damages caused by careless handling.

Frame with wide temple limits peripheral vision, therefore its use is undesirable when driving a vehicle.

It is better to choose frames according to your face shape. The easiest way to choose glasses is for a classic oval face shape: almost all models are suitable for such people.

Those with a long face will look better with large, chunky frames of any shape, while small, rimless glasses will not look right.

A round face is best suited to wide frames, square or rectangular in shape.

Look perfect on your face square shape There will be large round glasses or aviators, but you should choose a frame with a low bridge, which will visually round the face.

The following principles will help you choose the right sunglasses: upper limit The frames should be located strictly on the line of the eyebrows, and not be higher or lower. The size of the frame should not exceed 1/3 of the size of the face, then the glasses will look more harmonious. The frame should not be too narrow or small. Its function is to protect the eyes and the skin around them. If sunlight penetrates from these sides, it is better to refuse to buy such glasses.

Size selection

The glasses must fit correctly. In order to check if they are large, you need to lower your head down, turn left and right. Suitable glasses will remain in place in this case.

Lens color

When choosing the color of lenses, keep in mind that the safest for the eyes are gray and green. In addition, these colors do not distort shades environment, which makes them stand out when it is necessary to use them indoors and outdoors. Golden yellow lenses block Blue colour, and therefore you can wear them only in cloudy weather. Mirror lenses reflect sunlight, which is why they are so popular among climbers and alpine skiers.

Other nuances of choosing sunglasses

Considering fashion trends, dragonfly-shaped glasses are most often recommended for women, and aviator glasses for men. Fans of stylish looks prefer to regularly change the color of their lenses: from black and gray to dark red and brown. Particularly popular is the graduated coloring of lenses, thanks to which the glasses on top have dark shade, gradually turning transparent downwards.

Hair color is also important criterion when choosing a frame model. So, for example, dark, blue or light green frames are more suitable for blondes, but not black. Holders dark hair You can choose sunglasses in both light and dark frames.

Also, do not forget about clothing style. The chosen model of glasses should not be dissonant with him. For example, if you adhere to an avant-garde style of clothing, then it is unlikely that you will fit into this image classic shape sunglasses frames.

For those who have vision problems, you can choose photochromic lenses with diopters that remain transparent indoors, but darken when exposed to bright sunlight. In addition to the vision correction function, these glasses are equipped with ultraviolet protection. Before purchasing such glasses, you should consult with an ophthalmologist. The doctor will write a prescription for the selection of lenses with the required number of diopters.

In addition, you need to take care of proper care for glasses. For this purpose, you can additionally purchase a special case (it is better if it is a hard case). Lenses should be wiped with a special cloth made of thin suede or a cloth with a fleecy surface. It should be remembered that glasses should not be placed on the table with the lenses facing down - this will damage the coating of the lenses.

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