Growing tobacco in the garden. Growing tobacco: planting, care, pest control. Which variety is suitable for growing tobacco at home?

Avid gardeners grow whatever they grow in gardens and summer cottages. An unexpected option is smoking tobacco. Why not? For a gardener-smoker, this is a good way to stock up on your own.

How to grow tobacco for smoking in the garden

Features of the growing process

The main feature of tobacco is the wide variety of varieties. They differ greatly in the methods of planting, care and harvesting. For example, shag is the most unpretentious option. If you grow ordinary tobacco in your garden, you will have to put in a little more effort. He loves warmth more, less water.

IMPORTANT! To grow tobacco in the garden, it is better to find out in advance which variety is suitable for a particular area.

In general, tobacco is planted, processed and fed like many other plants. For example, the process of transplanting seedlings into soil smoking tobacco very similar to planting tomatoes. It follows that anyone can grow tobacco in a garden.

Tobacco seedlings in separate pots

Planting by seeds

In order to get tobacco seedlings, you need to sow the seeds. Tobacco is quite capricious and heat-loving, so it requires proper care and knowledge of the process. At the first stage of interaction with him, it is recommended to plant a large number of units of a plant to understand the principle of its cultivation.

Tobacco seeds have some features:

  • size. They are so small that they look more like dust. Hence the peculiarities of planting tobacco seeds for smoking: they can simply be “scattered” over the surface of the ground and only slightly pressed;
  • germination. Tobacco seeds retain their germination properties long time. This means that fairly old seeds can be sown;
  • quantity. To obtain a result equal to a smoker’s annual supply, a quarter of a gram of tobacco seeds is enough. Such a small amount of material produces a decent amount of harvest.

Tobacco seeds - photo

Due to these features, a specific landing is required. Tobacco seeds are not planted deep. The maximum depth for planting them is up to 1 cm. To do this, simply scatter them on the surface of the soil and only slightly press them into it. After this, carefully pour a thin stream of water. If the pressure is too strong, the seeds will easily be washed out and spread over the surface, going beyond the allotted limits.

ATTENTION! Tobacco seeds can be planted slightly germinated, this will speed up the process of seedling germination. To germinate seeds, you need to soak them in water 4-5 days before planting.

An important factor influencing the rate of seed germination is temperature. It should be within 25-28 degrees, otherwise the seeds may not sprout at all.

Video - technology for planting tobacco seeds

Planting seedlings in open ground

How to understand that tobacco seedlings are ready to move into the open ground of the garden? There are a number of signs for this:

  • seedlings have a height of about 15 cm;
  • leaves have formed on it, there are about 5 pieces on each plant;
  • the root system has developed sufficiently;
  • frosts have passed and the likelihood of their occurrence is minimal. This factor is extremely important, since any sudden drops temperatures can destroy an entire crop.

ATTENTION! Before transplanting into open ground, tobacco plants must be hardened off. Otherwise, they will not be able to adapt to changed conditions.

The essence of hardening is to reduce the frequency of watering and periodically remove the seedlings to the open air. This will help strengthen the plants and make them a little more resilient to the elements.

The process of planting in the ground does not differ much from the standard one. Each bush is planted in separate holes, after pouring plenty of water into it. In addition, it is worth planting tobacco with a small amount of soil so that the root system is not severely damaged. This will help the plants survive the stress of replanting more easily and “get over it” faster.

Planting tobacco seeds in open ground

Care and feeding

Tobacco care involves regularly performing the following actions:

  • weeding from weeds is necessary as they appear;
  • loosening the soil around the plant. This helps oxygenate the soil and nourish the tobacco root system;
  • feeding It is similar to what is made for tomatoes;
  • watering. Tobacco does not like abundant watering; it is better to water it rarely, but abundantly. Just during the summer (not very hot) 3-4 times are enough.

When to harvest and how to dry it?

Growing tobacco is not as important a process as harvesting and drying it. The result directly depends on the correct implementation of these actions. Improper drying or fermentation can ruin all efforts to grow tobacco for smoking.

Tobacco drying is a critical step in the process of growing tobacco.

Tobacco that has changed the color of the leaves should be removed. If at first, at the stage of maturation and growth, they are green, then when they are ready for harvesting, they are closer to yellow. If the same bush has leaves of different colors, then they should be collected when ready. Hence, the harvesting process sometimes drags on for a long time.

Tobacco drying takes place in several stages:

  1. Hanging leaves. After harvesting, the leaves are hung in a room that must be ventilated and sufficiently humid. This is necessary so as not to dry out the leaves.

    Hanging tobacco leaves

  2. Direct drying. It will take about a month for the tobacco to dry to the desired level. During this period of time, all that remains is to wait and monitor the maintenance of conditions in the room.
  3. Preparing for fermentation. Sufficiently dried leaves are evenly moistened by spraying water on them. They should soften a little. After that, they are stacked on top of each other and covered with film.
  4. Fermentation. The prepared leaves are placed in jars or other containers. This is necessary to regulate the strength of tobacco and change its taste.

    The process of drying tobacco in the attic

Pests and diseases

To protect the crop from pests, it is worth knowing which ones threaten tobacco.

Peach aphid Pest attacking plant leaves Threatens complete destruction of the crop or a significant reduction in the quantity
Mosaic Appears as the name suggests. Some leaves remain green, some turn yellow Lack of treatment threatens plant destruction
Blackleg The plant lies down, the stem becomes thinner, withers Destruction of a plant
Black rot Plant wilting, drying out Death of the crop
Powdery mildew White-yellow coating in the form of a cobweb on the leaves, gradually completely covering the plant Reduces yield, negatively affects the quality of tobacco

Diseases can completely cover the entire plant and spread to neighboring ones. Treatment is carried out in the same ways as for other plants. Copper sulfate and other means are well suited for treatment, depending on the degree of damage to the plants.

Video - step-by-step instructions for growing tobacco in the garden

Thus, it is possible to grow tobacco for smoking in the garden. To do this, it is enough to care for it in approximately the same way as other plants. Tobacco does not like abundant watering, but loosening should not be neglected. In addition, air temperature is important. After harvesting, it is important to properly dry and ferment it. It’s a shame to lose the harvested tobacco crop at the last stage, so the drying process should be treated with special responsibility.

In our country, cigar or cigarette tobacco can be grown in open soil exclusively in the southern regions. As for the northern and central regions, they will need greenhouse structures for this. But shag has become widespread throughout Russia (with the exception of the Far North, of course).

Growing tobacco at home

Once growing tobacco at home for the purpose of its further sale was considered a common activity for many families, and samosada, as it was called, was a common product in the markets. This was largely due to the high cost tobacco products, but later, when cigarettes became noticeably cheaper, this type of business began to decline. Be that as it may, even today shag has a lot of admirers, so the question of how to grow it on your site is still relevant.

Growing smoking tobacco – is it worth it?

Let's say you are a smoker and live somewhere in the southern part of the country. You have several acres of land on which you would like to grow tobacco. In this case, you should start with simple calculations: one cigarette contains approximately 1 g of tobacco (the lower the quality, the less), which means there is about 20 g in a pack. On average, a smoker needs one pack of cigarettes per day or from 6 to 8 kg of tobacco annually. If conditions are favorable, then one plant can produce up to 30 g of tobacco, while 6-7 specimens can be planted per 1 m². If the variety is large-leaved, then the planting density should be 30x70 cm, and if we are talking about shag or plants with medium leaves, then 20x70 cm. It follows from this that in total it is necessary to plant from 270 to 300 plants, which will require about 40 m² . Moreover, the tobacco itself in this case will be extremely strong, so it will have to be diluted with stems. If this suits you, if you consider everything quite appropriate, or if you plan to sell products, then act according to step by step instructions given in this article.

All parts of plants contain nicotine

Note! All parts of plants contain nicotine, a powerful cardio- and neurotoxin that leads to short-term euphoria (the most of this substance is in the leaves - from 0.75% to 2.8%).

Step-by-step instructions for growing tobacco

This article will talk about how to grow ordinary tobacco. If you prefer Nicotiana rustica (this scientific name shag), then you won’t need most of the tips presented, since this variety is less heat-loving and easier to care for. In the regions of the middle zone, it is sown in May in open soil (under film or any other covering material) so that it has time to develop and produce a good harvest.

Growing tobacco on site

Traditionally, work should begin with the selection of planting material. There are many tobacco varieties, but you should only choose local ones.

Table. Tobacco varieties zoned in the CIS

Note! There is also Kentucky Burley, which has the advantage of having a low sugar content, as a result of which the leaves do not ferment. Immediately after drying, the leaves are steamed and crushed for consumption.

Stage one. We germinate the seeds

The technologies for breeding tobacco and shag are similar in many ways, but the main difference is the same ripening period. Thus, shag ripens in 75-80 days, and tobacco, therefore, in 105-120 days. You also need to remember that the seeds in in this case are not grown in the garden, i.e. in open soil - this should be done in a greenhouse or, alternatively, at home, using pots or seedling boxes.

Step 1. First, prepare the previously purchased seeds - 2-3 days before sowing, soak them in a solution of tartaric acid (proportions - 3 ml per 1 g of grains) for 24 hours. The air temperature during this time should fluctuate between 25-30°C. This simple procedure will provide more early maturation seedlings (for approximately 7 days) and an increase in germination by 20%.

Tobacco seed

Step 2. After 24 hours, remove the seeds from the solution, dry them a little and place them in a ceramic/enamel bowl in a 3-centimeter layer.

Step 3. Keep the material in this form for several days, moistening and stirring at least 5-6 times daily. As for the air temperature, it should already be 27-28°C.

Stage two. Preparing the greenhouse

Due to the fact that it is more expedient to grow tobacco seedlings in a greenhouse, we will focus on this option. So, take care of a nutrient layer consisting of humus and sand in a ratio of 3:4. Fill the greenhouse with the resulting mixture in a layer 10 cm thick.

The greenhouse must be filled with humus and sand.

Seeds should be sown in late February or early March, so make sure that the greenhouse structure is heated. The area of ​​the structure will be small, so this will not cause any particular difficulties.

Stage three. We sow seeds and grow seedlings

Step 1. Immediately before sowing, moisten the nutrient layer (water consumption when watering should be 1 l/m²). Over time, by the way, the watering rate will have to be increased to approximately 4 l/m².

Step 2. Sow tobacco grains superficially, scattering them evenly over moist soil. The consumption should be 4 g/m² (if you sow shag, then 20 g/m²).

Step 3. After sowing, carefully press the seeds into the soil about 0.3 cm (for shag this figure is 0.7 cm), then water. Water with extreme caution, otherwise the grains may go too deep.

Step 4. Reduce the air temperature in the greenhouse to 20°C.

Sowing tobacco seeds for seedlings

Further care of seedlings consists of meeting several important requirements.

  1. Regularly feed the plants with a solution prepared from potassium salt, superphosphate and ammonium nitrate (20 g, 50 g and 30 g, respectively, for every 10 liters of liquid).
  2. The consumption of the finished solution should be approximately 2 l/m² of soil.
  3. You can also use organic fertilizer - chicken manure diluted with water in a ratio of 1:7.
  4. 7 days before the expected transplant date, reduce the frequency and abundance of watering. Moreover, the tobacco seedlings do not need to be watered at all for the last three days.
  5. Hardened and high-quality plants should have an elastic stem that does not break when bent.
  6. A few hours before transplanting, water the plants with plenty of water - this will make it easier to remove them from the soil.

Tobacco seedlings ready for transplanting

After 40-45 days, when the height of the stems reaches 15 cm, thickness - 0.5 cm, and each plant already has several true leaves, transplant the seedlings into open soil.

Stage four. Transplanting seedlings

During transplantation, the soil temperature at a depth of 10 cm should rise to about 10°C (the specific indicator depends on the climate zone).

How to properly transplant tobacco seedlings

Step 1. Make shallow holes first. The distance between them should be from 25 cm to 30 cm, and the row spacing should be at least 70 cm.

Step 2. Pour 0.5-1 liters of water into each well.

Step 3. Remove the plants one at a time and replant them in the holes. In essence, the technology is almost the same as when planting tomatoes. However, remember that any transplant is a shock to the seedlings, so try to preserve the soil in which the plants grew on the root system.

Step 4. Before planting, dip each plant in a special mixture consisting of clay and cow dung.

Step 5. Fill the holes with soil and compact it carefully.

Grown tobacco seedlings in open ground

Stage five. Further care

In the future, regularly weed and loosen the rows, and also apply fertilizing. During the entire growing season, tobacco should be watered no more than 2-3 times (water consumption should be 8 liters per bush). Also periodically perform pinching (removing side shoots) and topping (breaking off inflorescences).

Tips for growing and caring for tobacco

Possible diseases

There are two most common problems with tobacco. Let's look at how to deal with them.

  1. Aphid. To fight it, use Rogor-S.
  2. Downy mildew. It can be defeated with a 4% suspension of zineb, added in a proportion of 5 l/10 acres, or with a 0.3% solution of polycarbacin.

Downy mildew of tobacco

Features of harvesting

Step 1. As soon as the leaves turn yellow, you can remove them, always starting from the lower tiers. It is important that each leaf is undamaged and dry.

Step 2. Transfer all these leaves to the shade for 12 hours, carefully laying them in a 30-centimeter layer. During this time they will become quite accustomed.

Step 3. Next, put the leaves on cords and hang them to dry. If you will dry it in the open air, then choose a suitable place for this, protected from precipitation and wind. If the weather is sunny, the leaves will dry faster, and the process will take no more than 2 weeks in total.

Drying tobacco leaves

Step 4. Take 5-6 cords with foliage, folded four times, and hang them on a special hook. A similar design is also known as a gavanka.

Step 5. Move one or more havankas indoors for subsequent drying, hanging them on the crossbars.

Drying tobacco after harvesting on the havanka

Step 6. When fall arrives, remove the leaves, smooth them out carefully, and stack them. That's it, the tobacco is ready for use!

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in growing tobacco; the main thing is desire, as well as compliance with all the tips given in the article.

Video - How to remove and dry tobacco

Video - Film about growing tobacco from A to Z

Video - Features of growing tobacco

It is not difficult to grow tobacco or shag; these crops have no more secrets than vegetables. True, you will have to tinker with the post-harvest processing of tobacco - fermentation so that it becomes fragrant. But it's no more difficult than canning cucumbers. If you smoke, feel free to follow the path of the ancient Indians, from whose “homesteads” tobacco came to us.

If shag grows everywhere: from the south of Russia to the Arctic, then tobacco is more heat-loving. It works well south of 55° north latitude; approximately this line passes through Ryazan, Smolensk, Ulyanovsk, Ufa, Chelyabinsk, Kurgan, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo.

Tobacco varieties for growing

It is better to choose zoned varieties. Thus, Trepezond Kubanets and Trepezond 162 are recommended along with the North Caucasus for the West Siberian region. Cigarny 17 and Bryansky 91 are considered the best for the Central, and Trepezond 15 for the Central Black Earth region. Most varieties have been created and zoned for the North Caucasus, where tobacco is a traditional crop.

On a personal plot, I advise you to plant Trepezond 15 and Trepezond Kubanets. They ripen in 100 days, a month earlier than many other varieties. Plastic - quickly adapt to different climatic conditions, maintaining good smoking properties.

Tobacco beds and seeds

The average smoker smokes up to 8 kg of tobacco per year. Based on this, we will determine the planting area so that we don’t have to look at a tobacco kiosk for a whole year.

Under favorable conditions, you can get about 30 g of smoking tobacco from one plant, and six to seven plants can be placed per 1 sq.m. The planting density for large-leaved varieties is 70 x 30 cm, and for tobacco with medium-sized leaves and shag - 70 x 20 cm. It turns out that you need to grow 270-300 plants, occupying approximately 40 square meters. m. plot.

The seeds of the crops in question are as small as dust. In one gram there are about 12.5 thousand pieces of tobacco seeds, shag - 4 thousand pieces. To get the annual “norm” of a smoker, you need to sow only a quarter of a gram of tobacco seeds or three-quarters of a gram of shag seeds.

Sowing and planting tobacco

Tobacco and shag are grown through seedlings, with or without picking. The seedlings are 40-45 days old. It works well in a greenhouse, greenhouse, on a sunlit window sill in a room - in a flower pot or wooden box, where nutritious soil is poured in a layer of 8-10 cm.

It is easier to sow dry seeds, but it is better to sow sprouted seeds. In this case, 4-5 days before sowing, the seeds in a cloth should be soaked in warm clean water, you can add a few drops of tartaric acid or a few crystals of potassium nitrate to it. Soaking time is 24 hours. This accelerates seed germination and reduces the time of forcing seedlings by 5-7 days. It develops better and yield increases.

Then rinse the seeds, remove excess water and place for germination in an enamel or earthenware container in a warm place, preferably not covered. Moisten the cloth periodically. Usually on the 3-4th day the seeds hatch: white “dots” appear. You should not allow the formation of a sprout longer than the seed: such sprouts easily break off. When two-thirds of the seeds have sprouted, they must be dried until they flow, mixed with well-disinfected fine sand or crushed humus. If the germinated seeds cannot be sown immediately, they can be stored for a day or two at a temperature of plus 1-2° in the refrigerator.

Important! The seeding depth is no more than 0.3-0.5 cm for shag, 0.7-0.8 cm for tobacco. Sprinkle the seeds with humus and sand (3:1). Water the soil before and after sowing through a thick strainer.

Watering small-seeded crops is a delicate matter. It is impossible to over-water or over-dry the seedlings. It is better to water a little almost daily. Before the “cross” phase (cotyledons and two true leaves growing transversely), they usually spend only 0.5 liters of water per sowing box; keep crops where it is warmer +23+25°. Then it is advisable to reduce the temperature to 20°, and double the watering until the “ear” phase (3-4 true leaves usually stick up). It is better to pick seedlings at the “ear” stage.

Sprinkle the seedlings two or three times with fertile soil and feed them with a solution of mineral fertilizers (30 g of ammonium nitrate, 20 g of sulphate or potassium chloride). You can use an infusion of chicken manure: pour 1 kg into 10 liters of water, leave for 10-12 days to ferment, stir from time to time. Strain the fermented mass and add 4-5 parts water to 1 part liquid.

Seedlings are planted with a height of 14-16 cm, having 5-6 developed leaves, not counting the cotyledons, a stem 0.3-0.5 cm thick and a well-developed root system.

7-8 days before planting, seedlings need to be hardened off, reducing watering and accustoming them to the open air. 2-3 days before planting, completely stop watering unpicked seedlings. 2-3 hours before planting, water the seedlings generously.

Planting in the ground begins when the danger of spring frosts has passed, and the soil temperature at a depth of 10 cm rises to 10°, from approximately April 20 to May 25. Make holes along the previously prepared furrow, pour 0.5 liters of water into them and spread out the seedlings. Right hand Use a peg to deepen the hole, place the seedlings vertically in it with your left hand, press wet soil to the roots, and sprinkle dry soil on top so that the moisture evaporates less. It makes sense to plant elongated seedlings deeper - additional roots will grow.

During the growth period, regularly loosen the soil, remove weeds, feed and water. You can feed based on the fertilizer rates for tomatoes. Usually they limit themselves to two or three waterings per summer, spending 6-8 liters of water per plant. It will tell you: if the leaves are slightly wilted, watering is needed. But it is better to underwater than to overwater.

In flowering plants, break off the inflorescences (topping) and regularly remove side shoots (pinching).

S. Cherkasov, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences. Magazine "Homestead farming".

Growing tobacco, video

  • Video.

Unfortunately, in Russia there is a huge percentage of people who smoke. People just can't give up their harmful addiction, which harms not only the smoker, but also his environment. According to VTsIOM, about 1/3 of all Russians smoke. 75% of men and 21% of women smoke regularly. This is a terrifying statistic. The worst thing is that last years The percentage of women smoking has increased.

We urge you to quit smoking. This is a habit that is killing you from the inside.

This article is dedicated to smoking people who just can’t quit smoking. Those who have already tried to quit several times and tried all the ways. There is a wonderful solution for you - growing tobacco at home. This business is extremely exciting and interesting. If all growing rules are followed, the finished product is very High Quality. This cannot be compared with what we buy in stores under the guise of tobacco and cigarettes.

Tobacco companies openly poison smokers by adding toxic chemicals to cigarettes in order to reduce the final cost of the product. At the same time, the price of tobacco products in stores increases every month.

For reference. The cost of 1 pack of cigarettes ranges from 1 to 5 rubles per pack.

From all this we can draw a conclusion. Tobacco companies poison smokers for huge amounts of money, making simply fabulous capital!

A little math. In 2016 average price per pack of cigarettes is 75-80 rubles. The average smoker smokes 10-20 cigarettes per day (0.5-1 pack). 80*365=29200 rubles. That is, the average smoker spends on cigarettes per year 15-35 thousand rubles. But this money can be spent with considerable benefit.

Benefits of growing tobacco at home.

Growing and processing tobacco in the garden does not incur any costs (except initial costs for the purchase of seeds). After you have received your first harvest, you no longer need to buy cigarettes in the store every day, spending a lot of money on it. You yourself will have a very large amount of tobacco, which will not only be enough for yourself, but you can also treat your friends.

But the most important thing is that the product will be natural, and therefore not so harmful.

Growing tobacco is a hobby during which a person relaxes. There is something sacred in this. You will feel like a Cuban tobacco baron. In this article we will tell you everything about growing tobacco, you will learn the whole process - from A to Z. Everything will be accompanied by visual videos, it will be very easy to understand.

Where to start growing tobacco in your garden?

Where to start growing tobacco in your garden? This is a question asked by many novice tobacco growers. Let's try to figure it out. It is necessary to decide on the variety, prepare containers for planting seedlings, and prepare soil for planting seedlings.

Choice of variety.

First of all, you need to decide which variety or varieties to grow in your garden. There are a huge number of different varieties. For beginning tobacco growers, universal varieties such as Virginia 202 or Herzegovina Flora are best.

Virginia 202.

Tobacco Variety: Virginia 202

Description. Virginia 202 is a very common tobacco variety that grows well in Russia in various climatic zones. The advantage of this variety is the low content of various harmful resins. At the same time, it has a very pleasant sweetish taste. Virginia 202 tobacco is one of the most common varieties in the world and is cultivated everywhere. Was bred in Russia, in Krasnodar region. Read more: Virginia 202 tobacco.

Tobacco Herzegovina Flora.

Photo: Tobacco Herzegovina Flor.

Tobacco Herzegovina Flora is Stalin's favorite tobacco variety. Joseph Vissarionovich himself spoke about this while smoking a pipe. Herzegovina flor is a very common variety. It has very good taste and aroma qualities. The leaves are moderately strong. Perfect for growing for beginners.

Planting tobacco seeds for seedlings.

The birthplace of tobacco - South America. The plant is heat-loving and ripens quite late. Therefore, in Russia, tobacco should be planted first as seedlings. The timing of planting seedlings is early spring. Tobacco seedlings can be planted throughout March.

Seeds should be planted in small containers. Disposable cups are very suitable for these purposes. A hole is made in the cups from the bottom to create drainage. Place a small layer of small pebbles or eggshells on the bottom.

After preparing the container, it is necessary to prepare the soil. Tobacco grows well only in fertile soil. It is advisable to buy a special universal soil for seedlings in the store. With this soil you need to mix regular disinfected soil from the garden in a ratio of 1 to 1. Add a little wood ash to the resulting mixture. The earth must be disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Will go directly to the agricultural technology of planting. There are several points here. Tobacco seeds are very small and difficult to work with. You need to be very careful. Before sowing, water the soil well in a cup warm water. Then carefully, straight from the bag, pour the seeds evenly into the container. Sprinkle a layer of earth no more than 1 millimeter on top.

Cover the container tightly with polyethylene and place in a warm place. Tobacco germinates within 3-5 days. As soon as the first bores begin to appear, the film must be removed and placed in a bright place, for example on a windowsill.

Caring for tobacco seedlings.

Let's talk about caring for tobacco seedlings at home.

Care before picking.

Before picking, caring for tobacco seedlings is extremely simple. Immediately after the first shoots appear, you need to remove the film and place the container with seedlings on a light windowsill, preferably on the south side. If this is not done, the seedlings will become very elongated and will grow very poorly.

You must constantly monitor the soil moisture; as soon as it is dry, you should water it with settled water at room temperature. It is highly not recommended to water plants with cold water.

Periodically, containers with seedlings need to be turned to the sun on the other side. This will ensure even growth and prevent stretching.

Picking tobacco into separate cups.

Tobacco picking

Tobacco picking- This is the process of planting seedlings at a normal distance from each other.

Growing tobacco without picking is simply impossible. The seeds are very small and plant sprouts are very frequent. Tobacco grows quite quickly and the seedlings begin to interfere with each other’s growth. As a result, the seedlings turn out to be very weak and elongated.

It is best to pick tobacco into separate containers. For these purposes, it is best to use plastic disposable cups. They are spacious for tobacco seedlings; plants will grow better in separate containers. It will then be convenient to plant seedlings in open ground from plastic cups. Read more in the article: Picking tobacco.

Care after picking.

Tobacco seedlings need to be plucked when 2-3 true leaves appear. By this time, the plants will grow crowded in one container. Plants are planted in disposable cups, 1-2 pieces per cup.


After picking, it is advisable to water the tobacco every day until it is accepted in a new place.


2 weeks after picking, tobacco seedlings should be fed. You can use both organic and mineral fertilizers. The most important thing is that they contain a lot of nitrogen. Liquid chicken manure is excellent. Use it in proportions of 1:10 with water. If the growth of the seedlings does not satisfy you, then you can make another feeding with chicken manure a week after the first. If there is a risk that the seedlings will outgrow, then a second feeding is not necessary.

Photo: Growing tobacco for smoking

Before planting in open ground, seedlings should be hardened off a little. First, just open the window in the room with the seedlings more often, and a week before planting, take them out to the balcony or veranda. Do not water for a week.

Growing mode of tobacco seedlings

Tobacco is a fairly heat-loving crop. Therefore, when growing, you should adhere to a certain temperature. The ideal temperature is 18-24 degrees. It should be adhered to.

Planting tobacco in open ground.

Photo: Growing tobacco from seeds in the garden for smoking

An important procedure is planting tobacco in open ground.

Tobacco seedlings are grown on window sills until the threat of frost has completely passed. Then it needs to be planted in a permanent place. Tobacco seedlings are planted either under a film or directly into open ground. When planting, it is very important to follow all agricultural practices so that the plants take root and immediately begin active growth.

The first step is to decide on a location. It is best to make the bed on a slight slope to avoid excessive accumulation of water. The place should also be protected from strong winds.

If you have a small plot and it is not possible to allocate a whole bed for tobacco, then you can plant the plants right along the fence in one row. The result will be a kind of living fence that will look very beautiful.

It is absolutely not necessary to plow the soil for tobacco. The area just needs to be well cleared of weeds and loosened a little with a Fokin flat cutter.

The area for tobacco needs to be fed first. Rotted compost is best suited for these purposes. Apply 0.5-1 bucket of compost per 1 square meter of area.

After selecting and preparing the site, you can proceed directly to planting in open ground. Tobacco is planted at a distance of 20-50 centimeters from each other, depending on the variety. You need to dig holes in the garden bed. They should be quite deep - 20-30 centimeters. Pour a little rotted compost onto the bottom and water it very generously with warm water (at least 0.5 buckets of water per hole).

Now we very carefully remove the plants from the containers, put them in the hole and cover them with soil. It is better to plant the tobacco a little deeper than it grew in the glass. It is advisable to mulch the ground around the plant (although this is not necessary). All that remains is to water the planted tobacco with warm water. Read more in the article: Planting tobacco in open ground.

Watering tobacco in open ground.

Watering after planting in open ground. Immediately after planting the seedlings in open ground, the tobacco is watered generously with warm water. Then water about once a week.

Watering, a month after planting. Plants become most demanding of moisture a month after planting in open ground. It is after this time that the very active formation of organic plant tissue begins. During this period, tobacco needs to be watered every 3-4 days at the rate of 10 liters per 1 square meter of land.

Watering 2 months after planting. From this time on, watering should be minimized. Moisture becomes less important, and the weather outside becomes wetter, especially at night. Water only when the soil noticeably dries out.

These tips are not universal, they are just general recommendations. You should always focus on weather and the climate of your area.

Read more: Watering tobacco in open ground.

Fertilizing tobacco in open ground.

Fertilizing tobacco after planting in open ground should be done with nitrogen-containing fertilizers. Plants immediately after planting need a large amount of nitrogen in order to begin to grow a large amount of green mass, and this directly depends on the yield. It is very important not to miss this growth phase and feed it on time.

Tobacco is fed 7-10 days after planting in open ground. Any complex fertilizer with a priority nitrogen content can be used as a fertilizer. Urea is perfect for these purposes. To feed, 1 tablespoon of fertilizer is mixed in 10 liters of water and watered under the root.

Read more in the article: Feeding tobacco in open ground.

Growing and topping of tobacco.

Photo: Topping tobacco in the garden

Stepchildren grow between the leaves. As a rule, a stepson grows between each leaf. They should be removed when they grow by about 1.5-2 centimeters. If you perform this procedure earlier, that is, Great chance that they will grow again. There is no need to do double work, especially if you have planted a lot of plants.

The most convenient way to remove stepsons is with scissors.

Tobacco usually begins to produce stepsons from the moment it starts flowering. You need to watch and not miss the moment.

Topping tobacco is the removal of flowers at the bud stage. This procedure is also done in order to obtain more product sheets. Due to topping, tobacco leaves become much stronger and the nicotine content in them increases.

Peduncles should be removed early stage budding

Read more: Growing and growing tobacco.

Tobacco harvest.

Photo: Mature tobacco leaves

Determining the ripeness of a tobacco leaf is very simple. The central vein turns white. The edges of the leaf become slightly yellow, and the middle becomes dull. green color. It is very important not to miss this period and pick the leaf, otherwise it will become overripe and its quality will greatly deteriorate.

The tobacco crop is harvested from the bottom up as the leaves ripen.

Read more: Harvesting tobacco.

Growing tobacco in the garden for smoking is a very interesting and exciting activity. Having received the harvest once and tried it, you will no longer want to buy poison in the store.

Video: Growing tobacco from A to Z. A very visual video about growing tobacco at home from seeds:

This is an entire film dedicated to growing tobacco.

Another video:

In 2014, the Japanese company Takii seed introduced petunia with a striking petal color - salmon-orange. Based on associations with the bright colors of the southern sunset sky, the unique hybrid was named African Sunset. Needless to say, this petunia instantly won the hearts of gardeners and was in great demand. But in the last two years, the curiosity has suddenly disappeared from store windows. Where did the orange petunia go?

In our family Bell pepper they love it, that’s why we plant it every year. Most of the varieties that I grow have been tested by me for more than one season; I cultivate them constantly. I also try to try something new every year. Pepper is a heat-loving plant and quite whimsical. Varietal and hybrid varieties of tasty and productive sweet peppers, which grow well for me, will be discussed further. I live in central Russia.

Meat cutlets with broccoli in béchamel sauce - great idea for a quick lunch or dinner. Start by preparing the mince and at the same time heat 2 liters of water to a boil to blanch the broccoli. By the time the cutlets are fried, the cabbage will be ready. All that remains is to collect the ingredients in a frying pan, season with sauce and bring to readiness. Broccoli needs to be cooked quickly to preserve its bright green color, which, when cooked for a long time, either fades or the cabbage turns brown.

Home floriculture is not only a fascinating process, but also a very troublesome hobby. And, as a rule, the more experience a grower has, the healthier his plants look. What should those who do not have experience do, but want to have indoor plants at home - not elongated, stunted specimens, but beautiful and healthy ones that do not cause a feeling of guilt with their fading? For beginners and gardeners who are not burdened long experience, I’ll tell you about the main mistakes that are easy to avoid.

Lush cheesecakes in a frying pan with banana-apple confiture - another recipe for everyone’s favorite dish. To prevent cheesecakes from falling off after cooking, remember a few simple rules. Firstly, only fresh and dry cottage cheese, secondly, no baking powder or soda, thirdly, the thickness of the dough - you can sculpt from it, it is not tight, but pliable. Good dough with a small amount of flour you will only get good cottage cheese, but here again see the “firstly” point.

It is no secret that many drugs from pharmacies have migrated to summer cottages. Their use, at first glance, seems so exotic that some summer residents are perceived with hostility. At the same time, potassium permanganate is a long-known antiseptic that is used in both medicine and veterinary medicine. In plant growing, a solution of potassium permanganate is used both as an antiseptic and as a fertilizer. In this article we will tell you how to properly use potassium permanganate in the garden.

Pork meat salad with mushrooms - rural dish, which can often be found on festive table in the village. This recipe is with champignons, but if possible, use Forest mushrooms, then be sure to cook it this way, it will be even tastier. You don’t need to spend a lot of time preparing this salad - put the meat in a pan for 5 minutes and another 5 minutes for slicing. Everything else happens practically without the participation of the cook - the meat and mushrooms are boiled, cooled, and marinated.

Cucumbers grow well not only in a greenhouse or conservatory, but also in open ground. Typically, cucumbers are sown from mid-April to mid-May. Harvesting in this case is possible from mid-July to the end of summer. Cucumbers cannot tolerate frost. That's why we don't sow them too early. However, there is a way to bring their harvest closer and taste the juicy beauties from your garden at the beginning of summer or even in May. It is only necessary to take into account some of the features of this plant.

Polyscias is an excellent alternative to classic variegated shrubs and woody ones. The elegant round or feathery leaves of this plant create a strikingly festive curly crown, and its elegant silhouettes and rather modest character make it an excellent candidate for the role of the largest plant in the house. Larger leaves do not prevent it from successfully replacing Benjamin and Co. ficus. Moreover, polyscias offers much more variety.

Pumpkin cinnamon casserole is juicy and incredibly tasty, a little like pumpkin pie, but unlike pie, it is more tender and just melts in your mouth! This perfect recipe sweet pastries for a family with children. As a rule, kids don’t really like pumpkin, but they never mind eating something sweet. Sweet pumpkin casserole - delicious and healthy dessert, which, moreover, is prepared very simply and quickly. Try it! You'll like it!

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Many crops require picking (and more than one) in the first weeks of development, while for others transplantation is “contraindicated.” To “please” both of them, you can use non-standard containers for seedlings. Another good reason to try them is saving money. In this article we will tell you how to do without the usual boxes, pots, cassettes and tablets. And let’s pay attention to non-traditional, but very effective and interesting containers for seedlings.

Useful vegetable soup red cabbage with celery, red onion and beets - a vegetarian soup recipe that can also be prepared in fast days. For those who decide to lose a few extra pounds, I would recommend not adding potatoes, and slightly reducing the amount of olive oil (1 tablespoon is enough). The soup turns out to be very aromatic and thick, and during Lent you can serve a portion of the soup with lean bread - then it will be satisfying and healthy.

Surely everyone has already heard about the popular term “hygge”, which came to us from Denmark. This word cannot be translated into other languages ​​of the world. Because it means a lot of things at once: comfort, happiness, harmony, spiritual atmosphere... In this northern country, by the way, most of the time of the year there is cloudy weather and little sun. Summer is also short. And the level of happiness is one of the highest (the country regularly ranks first in the UN global rankings).

Before you start growing smoking tobacco in your dacha, answer yourself this question: why do you need it? In order to get shag or insecticide to repel garden pests? Both the first and second purposes of growing tobacco are hardly advisable.

It is not safe to grow self-gardens for rolling cigarettes. Having grown tobacco and dried its leaves, can you independently determine the nicotine content in them? Of course not. And it, depending on the variety, agricultural cultivation technology, raw material processing technology, can range from tenths to four percent and more.

With a low nicotine content, smoking homemade cigarettes will not bring satisfaction to heavy smokers, and a high percentage of nicotine will have a detrimental effect on health. The uncontrolled use of tobacco dust and tobacco infusions to control garden pests is also unsafe for people.

It is also worth remembering that tobacco is a nightshade crop and therefore it is not easy for it to find beds where potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, physalis, and petunia have not been grown for several years.

Belonging to this family is fraught with viral diseases that can spread from tobacco to favorite garden crops and vice versa.

But warning about negative consequences growing tobacco, it’s time to talk about the agricultural technology of this crop.

Growing smoking tobacco through seedlings

There are over fifty types of tobacco, but only two are considered cultivated. The plants of one are the raw material for producing shag, the plants of the other are for tobacco. Shag can be grown throughout Russia, but tobacco can only be grown south of the 55º parallel.

From such small seeds such a huge bush grows.

An adult plant grows up to one and a half meters. The stem is straight. The leaves are entire, oval. The flowers are collected in a paniculate inflorescence at the top of the stem. The fruit is a multi-seeded capsule. The seeds are very small: there are 10-15 thousand of them in one gram. The root system is branched, penetrating deeply into the soil.

Most varieties belong to long-day plants: they enter the flowering and fruiting phase with 15-16 hours of daylight.

At what temperature to grow. Tobacco is heat-loving. Even in the southern regions of the country it is grown through seedlings. They begin to sow in early March in a mixture of humus, garden soil and sand (2:1:1). During the pre-emergence period, the temperature is maintained at 27-28 degrees. For emerging seedlings, it is lowered to 18-20 degrees. Provide good lighting.

Caring for seedlings. Water the seedlings without waiting for the soil to dry out. But a week before transplanting into open ground, watering is reduced, and two days later it is stopped. By the time of planting in open ground, the seedlings should have 5-6 true leaves and be 12-15 cm high.

Planting in open ground

Hardened seedlings are planted in open ground after the threat of frost has passed. The site is prepared in advance, choosing a place protected from the wind. Tobacco grows well after green manure (cereals, legumes).

It is not recommended to grow it after potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, physalis, and return it to its original place earlier than after 2-3 years. Tobacco responds positively to humus and compost added before planting (2-3 kg per sq. m).

Seedlings ready for planting.

The seedlings are planted in pre-watered soil, deepening the stem by 3-4 cm. You can go deeper, but do not cover the growth point. Per square meter place 4-5 plants of large-leaved or 6-7 medium-leaved varieties.

During the initial growth period, the soil on the site is moistened, increasing the rate of water consumption as the plants grow. On light soils, water more often than on heavy soils. By the time of harvesting, the intensity of watering is reduced. After each watering, the row spacing is loosened.

Tobacco is heat-loving, but temperatures above 35 degrees are unfavorable for it: young plants may die, and adults are delayed in their development.

Tobacco feeding

In the first half of the growing season, tobacco needs increased nitrogen nutrition. But overfeeding with nitrogen reduces the quality of the raw material: it turns out rough, when burned, it smells unpleasant. Nitrogen fertilizers are applied before planting seedlings - 2-3 tbsp. spoons per sq. m.

Phosphorus and potassium are needed throughout the growing season. Phosphorus promotes more early flowering, leaf maturation. Excess phosphorus leads to premature aging leaves. Tobacco also needs good potassium nutrition, but again without excess.

Tobacco plantation.

Excess potassium reduces the quality of tobacco: its smell becomes unpleasant. Typically, potassium sulfate and superphosphate are added during autumn digging - up to 0.5 cups per square meter. m.

When planting, you can add complex fertilizers dissolved in water (2 tablespoons per square meter) containing equal amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

For fertilizing, you can use organic infusions. They are placed in furrows made with a hoe in the middle of the rows.

To obtain good raw materials, plants are pinched (side shoots are removed) and topped (inflorescences are cut off) during the growing season.

When tobacco is harvested - samosad

Harvesting begins when the leaves acquire a slight yellowish tint. The lower leaves are broken off first - 3-4 from each plant. The second collection is increased to 3-5, the third - to 5-7 leaves. Then the number of harvested leaves begins to be reduced.

Drying tobacco leaves.

Remove the leaves in the morning after the dew has dried and in the evening. Before harvesting, the lowest (seedling) leaves are removed. The broken leaves are placed blade to blade, petiole to petiole. Then, using a large needle, the leaves are strung on twine so that they do not stick to each other.

The first phase of drying the leaves is carried out at a temperature of 25-35 degrees and air humidity of 75-90 percent. After the leaves turn from green to yellow, they are dried in the sun.

Pest control infusion

0.5 kg of dry tobacco leaves pour 10 l hot water, leave for two days. Before spraying add 40 g dissolved in water laundry soap, dilute half with water and treat the plants against aphids, leaf rollers, spider mites, onion and cabbage moths, and slugs.

Tobacco is considered a heat-loving crop, but there are varieties intended for cultivation in temperate climates. By following the tips below, you can easily grow your own tobacco.

We will tell you how to properly prepare the site and seeds for planting, care for grown plants and harvest. Our tips will make growing tobacco simple, easy and enjoyable.

It should be immediately clarified that herd does not belong to mass-cultivated crops, although in some regions and among individual summer residents you can find enough large landings this culture. Like other plants, tobacco has certain cultivation features, although in general this crop cannot be called capricious in terms of care.

However, if your goal is to grow high-quality tobacco for further sale or your own consumption, certain nuances will still have to be taken into account. In the following sections you will find detailed instructions on growing tobacco at home using various methods.

Tobacco varieties

Over the last decade of the 20th century, several dozen types of tobacco were developed, characterized by high yields and disease resistance. But to get a good harvest, it is better to choose local species.

The varieties differ not only in early ripening, but also in the number of leaves per bush and their nicotine content (Figure 1):

  1. Trebizond Kubanets- productive variety. Harvesting takes place 3-4 months after planting. Nicotine content 2.6%.
  2. Trapezond 92 - disease resistant. It is distinguished by early harvesting: the raw materials are ready for drying within 3 months after sowing.
  3. Samsun 85 - one of the most productive species. The time from planting to harvest is approximately 105 days. It is characterized by high productivity: you can get up to 50 leaves from one bush.
  4. Anniversary new 142- early variety, resistant to diseases. Nicotine content is a little more than 2%.
  5. Holly- late high-yielding variety with low nicotine content.

Figure 1. Tobacco varieties: 1 - Trepezond Kubanets, 2 - Trepezond 92, 3 - Samsun 85, 4 - Jubilee new 142, 5 - Holly

When choosing a variety, it is necessary to take into account not only climatic conditions, but also the type of land.

How to grow tobacco

Particular care should be taken when choosing a landing site. The soil must drain well, as the crop does not tolerate high humidity and cold winds.

Soil preparation

The soil should be loose and fertile; if necessary, add organic fertilizers (manure or compost). Before planting, the area is cleared of weeds.

Seeds are sown in late April or early May, but this period may vary depending on the region, since sowing begins after the end of frost and in consistently warm weather.

Seeds can be sown directly in open ground, but to obtain an early harvest, the seedling method is used. The seedlings are placed 20 cm from each other, and the distance between the rows should be at least 70 cm. To further increase the yield, additional fertilizers are applied: a mixture of slurry with superphosphate or a solution of water with sulfur powder.

Sowing seeds

A few days before planting, the seeds are soaked in weak solution tartaric acid for a day, and then dried and laid out in a thin layer in separate containers (Figure 2). Keep at room temperature, periodically moistening and turning. This procedure helps to increase germination and productivity.

Figure 2. Sowing seeds in open ground

Sprouted seeds are best used for growing seedlings. The pots are placed on the windowsill in the apartment, or sown in loose nutritious soil in the greenhouse. The seeds are scattered superficially, as they are very small, but do not lose their germination for a long time.

The video shows how to properly sow tobacco in a container for growing seedlings.

Growing seedlings

When germinating seeds for seedlings, they should not be allowed to produce too large sprouts (Figure 3). They may break off during the sowing process. Water the seedlings regularly using a fine sieve, since too much moisture or drying out can destroy the crops. Fertilize with mineral fertilizers or infusion of chicken manure several times.

Note: In order for seedlings to take root better in open ground, they are hardened off. To do this, watering is almost completely stopped and an intense flow of fresh air is provided.

When the seedlings reach the age of 40-45 days, the seedlings are moved to open ground. Before planting, the soil must be moistened. The transplant is carried out as follows:

  • Make furrows in the ground with holes, pour 0.5 liters of water into them and lay out one seedling at a time;
  • The hole is deepened with a peg, the seedlings are placed vertically, and the roots are sprinkled with damp soil;
  • The top of the hole is covered with ordinary dry soil.

Figure 3. Growing seedlings

If the seedlings are too stretched out, they can be deeper into the soil. Subsequently, the soil is regularly loosened, removing weeds, and the crop is watered and fed.

Growing in open ground

Seeds are sown in open ground in May, when warm weather stabilizes. The furrows for sowing should not be deep, but it is not recommended to sow directly on the surface, since the seeds can be destroyed by birds.

It is best to make shallow rows, sow seeds in them and sprinkle a mixture of regular soil and sand on top.

Figure 4. Growing crops in open ground

Plant care

Tobacco is a fairly unpretentious crop. And although initially it could only be grown in warm climates, modern varieties are also suitable for regions of the temperate climate zone.

In general, caring for bushes is the same as for other plants: the soil is regularly loosened, freeing it from weeds, fed with mineral or organic fertilizers, and watered.

Note: The bed is watered only 2-3 times during the entire growing season, since the plant may die from high humidity. The main guideline for the need for watering is appearance: if the leaves turn yellow and wilt, it means you need to add water (up to 8 liters per bush).

It is believed that due to the developed root system, adult bushes do not need to be watered. But experienced gardeners still advise adding additional liquid a few days before harvesting (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Growing and caring for tobacco

A characteristic feature of grooming is pinching and topping. This is the removal of the upper inflorescences and side shoots, which helps to stimulate growth.

Pests and diseases of tobacco

Despite its unpretentiousness, the culture is susceptible to some diseases (Figure 6):

  1. Black leg - It mainly affects seedlings, which first weaken and then die. Affected stems become thin and rot. It is important that the causative agent of the disease remains in the soil, so if the disease is detected, the soil must be treated with chemicals.
  2. Powdery mildew - develops on seedlings in open ground. The lower tiers are covered with spots with white cobwebs, gradually covering the entire plant. As a result, the yield of affected bushes decreases.
  3. Black root rot - It mainly affects seedlings, but can also occur on adult plants. The leaves on the affected bushes begin to dry out, and the roots turn black and gradually die.
  4. Mosaic - in diseased plants, the leaves become covered with light yellow spots. These areas gradually die off, which can lead to the death of the entire plant.
  5. Bacterial grouse occurs at high humidity. First, wet spots appear, which gradually rot and spread.

Figure 6. Common diseases: 1 - black leg, 2 - powdery mildew, 3 - black root rot, 4 - mosaic, 5 - bacterial grouse

Most of the causative agents of these diseases persist in the soil, plant debris and equipment even after harvesting or destroying diseased plants. To prevent re-infection, all equipment must be disinfected and the soil treated with special preparations.

The main pests are considered to be peach aphids and common broomrape (Figure 7). Peach aphids are a very common pest that settles on leaves and stems, drinks the sap of the plant and leads to a decrease in yield or complete death of the crop.

Figure 7. Plant pests: aphids (left) and common broomrape (right)

Common broomrape is a pest of plant origin. It reproduces by seeds, which develop near the roots of the crop, forming its own stem. It feeds on the bush, and a massive infestation can lead to the loss of the entire crop.

Collection and processing

Collecting raw materials begins from the lower tiers at the first yellowing. It is important that the raw materials must be dry and undamaged. After collection, the leaves are transferred to the shade, laid out in a thick layer (about 30 cm) and left for 12 hours to wither. After this, the leaves are put on cords and dried (Figure 8).

Note: Leaves and stems can be dried in the sun by hanging them in a place protected from wind and rain. This process takes about two weeks.

After this, the cords are transferred indoors and dried. The finished raw materials are stacked and sent for fermentation.

Figure 8. Harvesting, drying and fermentation of tobacco

Fermentation is a special process after which the raw material becomes more aromatic. The leaves are placed in a container and heated for 3 days at a temperature of 50 degrees and a humidity of 65%. Over the course of a week, the humidity is gradually increased, maintaining the temperature regime, and then the temperature is reduced, increasing the humidity. Next, the leaves are stored at room temperature with minimal humidity (no more than 15%).

Next, the leaves should rest for a month, after which it is cut into strips and crushed for further use. The video shows how to ferment tobacco at home.

Growing tobacco in Russia as a business

When planning to grow tobacco for sale, you should make some calculations. For example, to sow a crop on 10 acres, 400 grams of seeds are required. The retail price of a gram of seeds is 1,900 rubles, respectively, the cost of the required quantity will be 76 thousand rubles.

On average, you can collect 200-300 kg of raw materials from a plot of 10 acres. After this, it is important to establish retail sales of products. You can sell it in stores or online, but before you start trading, you must obtain permission from government agencies.

Growing this crop is a fairly profitable enterprise. On initial stage you only need to spend money on purchasing seeds, since the high yield allows you to grow the first crop without the use of special fertilizers. For drying finished products and growing seedlings, you can use any non-residential heated premises, and after receiving the first profit, you can equip greenhouses, greenhouses and drying rooms.

In our country, cigar or cigarette tobacco can be grown in open soil exclusively in the southern regions. As for the northern and central regions, they will need greenhouse structures for this. But shag has become widespread throughout Russia (with the exception of the Far North, of course).

Once growing tobacco at home for the purpose of its further sale was considered a common activity for many families, and samosada, as it was called, was a common product in the markets. This was largely due to the high cost of tobacco products, but later, when cigarettes became noticeably cheaper, this type of business began to decline. Be that as it may, even today shag has a lot of admirers, so the question of how to grow it on your site is still relevant.

Let's say you are a smoker and live somewhere in the southern part of the country. You have several acres of land on which you would like to grow tobacco. In this case, you should start with simple calculations: one cigarette contains approximately 1 g of tobacco (the lower the quality, the less), which means there is about 20 g in a pack. On average, a smoker needs one pack of cigarettes per day or from 6 to 8 kg of tobacco annually. If conditions are favorable, then one plant can produce up to 30 g of tobacco, while 6-7 specimens can be planted per 1 m². If the variety is large-leaved, then the planting density should be 30x70 cm, and if we are talking about shag or plants with medium leaves, then 20x70 cm. It follows from this that in total it is necessary to plant from 270 to 300 plants, which will require about 40 m² . Moreover, the tobacco itself in this case will be extremely strong, so it will have to be diluted with stems. If this suits you, if you consider everything quite appropriate, or if you plan to sell the products, then proceed according to the step-by-step instructions given in this article.

Note! All parts of plants contain nicotine, a powerful cardio- and neurotoxin that leads to short-term euphoria (the most of this substance is in the leaves - from 0.75% to 2.8%).

Step-by-step instructions for growing tobacco

This article will talk about how to grow ordinary tobacco. If you prefer Nicotiana rustica (this is the scientific name of shag), then you will not need most of the tips presented, since this variety is less heat-loving and easier to care for. In the regions of the middle zone, it is sown in May in open soil (under film or any other covering material) so that it has time to develop and produce a good harvest.

Traditionally, work should begin with the selection of planting material. There are many tobacco varieties, but you should only choose local ones.

Table. Tobacco varieties zoned in the CIS

NameImagea brief description of
The time interval between planting and the last break is on average from 103 to 134 days. There are 27 technically suitable leaves on each plant. Nicotine concentration reaches 2.6%
The variety is a late-ripening variety, characterized by intensive foliage development. The nicotine content is quite low, and the time that passes between planting and the last withdrawal is approximately 120 days
It is characterized by increased resistance to a number of irritating factors, including viral diseases. The growing season is short. Leaves are broken 98 days after planting
Another intensively ripening type of tobacco, which belongs to early-ripening crops (the time between planting and breaking is somewhere from 105 to 110 days). The percentage of technically suitable leaves is quite high - up to 50 pieces. from one plant

Note! There is also Kentucky Burley, which has the advantage of having a low sugar content, as a result of which the leaves do not ferment. Immediately after drying, the leaves are steamed and crushed for consumption.

Stage one. We germinate the seeds

The technologies for breeding tobacco and shag are similar in many ways, but the main difference is the same ripening period. Thus, shag ripens in 75-80 days, and tobacco, therefore, in 105-120 days. You also need to remember that in this case the seeds are not grown in the garden, that is, in open soil - this should be done in a greenhouse or, alternatively, at home, using pots or seedling boxes.

Step 1. First, prepare the previously purchased seeds - 2-3 days before sowing, soak them in a solution of tartaric acid (proportions - 3 ml per 1 g of grains) for 24 hours. The air temperature during this time should fluctuate between 25-30°C. This simple procedure will ensure earlier ripening of seedlings (approximately 7 days) and increase germination by 20%.

Step 2. After 24 hours, remove the seeds from the solution, dry them a little and place them in a ceramic/enamel bowl in a 3-centimeter layer.

Step 3. Keep the material in this form for several days, moistening and stirring at least 5-6 times daily. As for the air temperature, it should already be 27-28°C.

Stage two. Preparing the greenhouse

Due to the fact that it is more expedient to grow tobacco seedlings in a greenhouse, we will focus on this option. So, take care of a nutrient layer consisting of humus and sand in a ratio of 3:4. Fill the greenhouse with the resulting mixture in a layer 10 cm thick.

Seeds should be sown in late February or early March, so make sure that the greenhouse structure is heated. The area of ​​the structure will be small, so this will not cause any particular difficulties.

Stage three. We sow seeds and grow seedlings

Step 1. Immediately before sowing, moisten the nutrient layer (water consumption when watering should be 1 l/m²). Over time, by the way, the watering rate will have to be increased to approximately 4 l/m².

Step 2. Sow tobacco grains superficially, scattering them evenly over moist soil. The consumption should be 4 g/m² (if you sow shag, then 20 g/m²).

Step 3. After sowing, carefully press the seeds into the soil about 0.3 cm (for shag this figure is 0.7 cm), then water. Water with extreme caution, otherwise the grains may go too deep.

Step 4. Reduce the air temperature in the greenhouse to 20°C.

Further care of seedlings consists of meeting several important requirements.

  1. Regularly feed the plants with a solution prepared from potassium salt, superphosphate and ammonium nitrate (20 g, 50 g and 30 g, respectively, for every 10 liters of liquid).
  2. The consumption of the finished solution should be approximately 2 l/m² of soil.
  3. You can also use organic fertilizer - chicken manure diluted with water in a ratio of 1:7.
  4. 7 days before the expected transplant date, reduce the frequency and abundance of watering. Moreover, the tobacco seedlings do not need to be watered at all for the last three days.
  5. Hardened and high-quality plants should have an elastic stem that does not break when bent.
  6. A few hours before transplanting, water the plants with plenty of water - this will make it easier to remove them from the soil.

After 40-45 days, when the height of the stems reaches 15 cm, thickness - 0.5 cm, and each plant already has several true leaves, transplant the seedlings into open soil.

Stage four. Transplanting seedlings

During transplantation, the soil temperature at a depth of 10 cm should rise to about 10°C (the specific indicator depends on the climate zone).

Step 1. Make shallow holes first. The distance between them should be from 25 cm to 30 cm, and the row spacing should be at least 70 cm.

Step 2. Pour 0.5-1 liters of water into each well.

Step 3. Remove the plants one at a time and replant them in the holes. In essence, the technology is almost the same as when planting tomatoes. However, remember that any transplant is a shock to the seedlings, so try to preserve the soil in which the plants grew on the root system.

Step 4. Before planting, dip each plant in a special mixture consisting of clay and cow dung.

Step 5. Fill the holes with soil and compact it carefully.

Stage five. Further care

In the future, regularly weed and loosen the rows, and also apply fertilizing. During the entire growing season, tobacco should be watered no more than 2-3 times (water consumption should be 8 liters per bush). Also periodically perform pinching (removing side shoots) and topping (breaking off inflorescences).

Possible diseases

There are two most common problems with tobacco. Let's look at how to deal with them.

  1. Aphid. To fight it, use Rogor-S.
  2. Downy mildew. It can be defeated with a 4% suspension of zineb, added in a proportion of 5 l/10 acres, or with a 0.3% solution of polycarbacin.

Features of harvesting

Step 1. As soon as the leaves turn yellow, you can remove them, always starting from the lower tiers. It is important that each leaf is undamaged and dry.

Step 2. Transfer all these leaves to the shade for 12 hours, carefully laying them in a 30-centimeter layer. During this time they will become quite accustomed.

Step 3. Next, put the leaves on cords and hang them to dry. If you will dry it in the open air, then choose a suitable place for this, protected from precipitation and wind. If the weather is sunny, the leaves will dry faster, and the process will take no more than 2 weeks in total.

Step 4. Take 5-6 cords with foliage, folded four times, and hang them on a special hook. A similar design is also known as a gavanka.

Step 5. Move one or more havankas indoors for subsequent drying, hanging them on the crossbars.

Step 6. When fall arrives, remove the leaves, smooth them out carefully, and stack them. That's it, the tobacco is ready for use!

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in growing tobacco; the main thing is desire, as well as compliance with all the tips given in the article.

Video - How to remove and dry tobacco

Video - Film about growing tobacco from A to Z

Video - Features of growing tobacco

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