Exercise for the eyes Zhdanov Shichko. Gymnastics for the eyes: a complete set of exercises by Zhdanov

The computer is the main tool of today, and long work it does not have a beneficial effect on our vision. Add to this computer games, social media- this is the stereotype of how a huge mass of young and not so young people spend their time. The result is a decline in vision from a very young age. Ophthalmologists are sounding the alarm - almost half of Russian residents already have similar problems.

Headaches, dry eyes, redness and noticeable blurred vision are problems that you can deal with on your own, unless there are more serious ones. eye pathologies. To correct deteriorating eye function, it is not at all necessary to pay a lot of money for operations and spend it on medications. There is a great opportunity to deal with the problem yourself and completely free of charge.

Ophthalmologists recommend not to start immediately with radical methods treatment unless the condition requires it. The gymnastics proposed by V.G. Zhdanov accumulates many of the techniques used by doctors, adding to them a spiritual component. His eye gymnastics are based on the method of Dr. Bates and some of the developments of Indian yogis. Professor Zhdanov includes in his vision correction program general health improvement the body by streamlining nutrition, exercise and a healthy lifestyle. The essence of the technique itself is simple - creating a balance of mobility eye muscles, relaxing the too tense and strengthening the weak.

Myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism and strabismus are diseases that gymnastics helps fight. For each of them, Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov developed a separate complex. However, there are rules common to all exercises that must be followed to obtain tangible results.

Basic rules for performing exercises

  • Before starting, remove your glasses and contacts.
  • do gymnastics regularly.
  • Do the complex no more than three times a day.
  • should not be produced sudden movements eyeballs.
  • Gymnastics is carried out only with the eyeballs, without the participation of the facial muscles.
  • each exercise is performed at least 3 times.
  • It is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist before starting classes.
  • Do exercises with caution if your myopia is -4 or more.

Important! Gymnastics should not be done by those who have undergone eye surgery for six months after it. It is contraindicated in case of retinal detachment.

Eye exercises for myopia

Gymnastics is based on focusing your vision alternately on distant and near objects. To do this, Zhdanov recommends making two tables with inscriptions. The text can be any, the main thing is that each line below is written in a smaller font than the previous one. It should look like a vision test chart.

One needs to be written on large paper to hang on the wall. The second is on a regular sheet. Algorithm for performing the exercises:

  1. Stand at such a distance from the table that only the top line is clearly visible. The second should be less distinct.
  2. First, one eye is trained, the other can be covered with the palm of your hand.
  3. Hold a piece of paper with the same text in your hands.
  4. Focus on the first line large table, then transfer it to the top, on a small piece of paper. Repeat 3-4 times.
  5. Do the same exercise with the second line. To see it clearly, strain your eyes. Do this at least three times.
  6. Repeat the exercises for the second eye in the same way.
  7. Gradually master all the rows of the table.

And another set of strengthening exercises for muscles is performed only with the eyes, the head is motionless.

  1. Blinking is aimed at maximum relaxation and should be light, without squeezing your eyes shut. From now on it will be used in all other exercises.
  2. Eyes up and down. done for 5 seconds, then blinking.
  3. Left and right. Performs for 5 seconds, then blinks.
  4. Diagonal movements. Left and up, then left and down, do it 5 times. Blinking. Right and up, then right and down 5 times, blink.
  5. Draw a rectangle starting from the right side. We blink. We describe the figure in the opposite direction.
  6. Clock face. Imagine a watch with the base of the hands at the bridge of your nose. We make circular movements with our eyes from 12 to 12 o'clock in the direction of the arrow. So we go through the entire circle. We blink, then go in the opposite direction. In conclusion, we blink again.
  7. Zigzag or snake. We mentally draw a snake with our eyes. Then we follow in the opposite direction. We finish with a blink.

And remember, exercises should not be abused to obtain supposedly the fastest results. The effect can be the opposite and cause significant harm to the eyes.

For those with vision of -4 or lower, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Use caution when performing exercises to avoid damaging the retina.

Eye exercises for farsightedness

The goal of the complex is to strengthen the oblique muscles of the eyes by alternating their tension and relaxation. To do this, you can use a pencil or pen.

Exercise 1.

  • Extend your hand with a pencil straight in front of you, blink and look into the distance.
  • Look at him.
  • Without taking your eyes away, bring it closer to a distance of about 15 cm.
  • Gradually extend your arm back.
  • Blink and look into the distance for a few seconds.

The complex is performed from 5 to 10 times

Exercise 2.

  • Bring the pencil to your eyes (hold it vertically).
  • The gaze is directed into the distance at all times.
  • Begin to quickly tilt the pencil to the right and left.
  • Move it 20 cm to the left, also keeping it at eye level, then return it to its original position.
  • Move the pencil 20 cm to the right, also holding it at eye level, then return it to its original position.

Duration two to three minutes.

These classes are also suggested to be done using thumb hands and extended index finger.

Eye exercises for astigmatism

Astigmatism – serious illness eye. This is a lack of focusing of vision associated with a violation of the sphericity of the cornea or lens. The disease can be congenital or acquired as a result of injury. If left untreated, it eventually leads to severe vision loss or strabismus. Apart from purely medical methods treatment, gymnastics helps very well as a supporting factor.

Despite the rather cool attitude of the medical community towards eye gymnastics for astigmatism, V.G. Zhdanov, she has many fans and grateful responses.


  • Make movements with your eyeballs from top to bottom and from right to left.
  • Walk in a circle.
  • Look around an imaginary square.
  • Draw an infinity sign ∞.
  • Describe the figure eight (8).


It must be said that palming is recommended not only for astigmatism, but for eye fatigue and excessive strain on vision. It helps relieve tension and relax muscles.

  • Rub your palms thoroughly until warm.
  • Place your hands over your eyes so that they are closed, but your nose remains free and can breathe easily (one hand covers the other at a right angle).
  • Close your fingers so that the light does not break through your palms.
  • Close your eyes and sit like that for a few minutes. The body and arms should be relaxed.
  • Think about something good, pleasant memories will help. Hold them in a visual image.
  • We exit palming correctly: straighten your back, close your eyes slightly under your palms (several times). Then remove your hands from your face, with eyes closed gently shake your head up and down, then from right to left. Rub them a little with your fist and, opening them, blink frequently. All.

At the workplace at the computer, it is recommended to do palming every hour or hour and a half. It takes no more than 5 minutes.


This exercise leads to muscle relaxation and has a good effect on the process of vision restoration.

It can be done with any light source, with the exception of fluorescent lamps.

  • Face the light. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, relax your body, and close your eyes.
  • Turn your body to the right, while raising the heel of your left foot.
  • Turn left in the same way.

Make turns 20–25 times until you see the flickering of sun “bunnies” under your closed eyelids.

Palming will help get rid of sun spots and relax tense eye muscles.

Solarization can be done while sitting using a candle in a darkened room. To do this, it is placed at a distance of a meter. The effect of sun “bunnies” is achieved by repeatedly turning the head from left to right.

Palming and solarization for strabismus

Strabismus not only affects visual acuity, but is also a cosmetic defect that can poison life. The help of gymnastics is very important and effective.

Palming and solarization with a candle give good results for strabismus. Zhdanov especially emphasizes the component of palming, which he calls “pleasant memories.” The professor believes that they create a double effect when using this exercise.

Modern devices such as televisions, computers, smartphones, tablets and others can very quickly damage a person’s vision. Statistics show that almost every person with vision problems has some kind of modern gadget. Many people get scared and pay a lot of money for procedures that are either not necessary at this stage of the disease, or they can be done independently, at home and for free.

There is a wonderful and effective technique gymnastics for the eyes according to V.G. Zhdanov, which enjoys great success. These exercises can be used both as treatment and as a preventive measure for vision impairment and various diseases.

The professor collected in his methodology research work the famous American ophthalmologist Dr. Bates, and also included some of the developments of Indian yoga experts. Vision correction according to Zhdanov includes not only creating a balance of the eye muscles and relaxing too tense muscles, but also adjusting the rules of nutrition, playing sports in nature, a normal daily routine and switching to full healthy image life.

Eye exercises according to Zhdanov help fight diseases such as farsightedness, astigmatism,. For each of them, Professor Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov has developed entire sets of exercises that will definitely help, you just have to practice systematically and follow the following rules:

  1. Before starting gymnastic exercises, you need to remove your lenses and glasses, if any.
  2. As already mentioned, perform the exercises systematically and three times a day.
  3. It is recommended not to make sudden movements with the eyeballs to avoid any problems.
  4. Perform gymnastics not with the facial muscles, not by turning the head or tilting the neck, but only with the eyeballs.
  5. Each gymnastic exercise perform at least three times.
  6. If myopia is −4 or more, you should perform these exercises with caution.
  7. It would be a plus to visit an ophthalmologist before starting classes for further advice.

It is important to know that gymnastics should not be practiced by those who have undergone eye surgery within six months. Also, in case of retinal detachment, this gymnastics is contraindicated.

Now that all the rules are clear, you can begin to perform the following exercises.

In order to start studying, it’s worth making two tables with inscriptions, like in an ophthalmologist’s office. The text can be anything, for example: “soon I will be able to cure my eyes,” “it’s very easy to treat my eyes.” The main rule is that each line below should be smaller than the previous one. One table should be large in size (A2 format can be used), and the second should be like a regular sheet used for printing on a printer (A4).

The algorithm for execution is as follows:

  1. Stand at such a distance that only the first (top large) line is clearly visible. You should see the second one weaker.
  2. Cover one eye with your hand.
  3. Pick up a small sheet of paper with a table of inscriptions.
  4. Focus your gaze on the very top line of the large table, and then look at the top line of the small sheet. Repeat the exercise 3 times.
  5. Do the same exercise, looking at the second line. Since you see her worse, you will have to strain your eyes, this is how it should be. Repeat this part of the exercise three times.
  6. Close the first eye with your hand and open the second.
  7. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for the second eye.
  8. Over time, master all the rows of the table.

The professor explains that this algorithm will be able to restore normal focusing, which will have a beneficial effect on restoring visual acuity.

The following exercises are used to strengthen the eye muscles. I remind you that you cannot move your head and neck, only do it with your eyes.

  1. Blinking. Blinking is the basis of all exercises and will be found in all subsequent paragraphs. You should blink easily and without squeezing your eyes to achieve maximum muscle relaxation.
  2. Look up and down, up and down. You should perform this for five seconds, then blink.
  3. Look left and right, left and right. Also perform for five seconds, then blink.
  4. Left and up, left and down. This turns out to be a diagonal. Draw 5 lines with your eyes on each of the two sides, blink.
  5. Right and up, right and down. 5 times on each side, then blink.
  6. Draw a rectangle with your eyes, starting from the upper right corner. Then draw a rectangle in the opposite direction. We repeat several times and blink.
  7. The bridge of the nose is the base of the clock hands. We draw a circle, like a clock dial. We blink. We carry it out in the opposite direction. We blink again.
  8. We draw a snake with our eyes. First from top to bottom, then from bottom to top. We blink.

The exercises will be effective if you perform them according to the requirements specified above. It is worth remembering that abuse of the technique can not only cause harm, but also aggravate the situation.

Exercises for farsightedness

With the help of the following exercises, the oblique muscles of the eye are strengthened by alternating tension and relaxation of the muscles.

Lesson 1
. You will need a pencil, pen or art brush. You can also use a large or forefinger hands.

  1. Extend your arm straight in front of you and hold the brush. Look first into the distance, then at the brush, but before that, blink.
  2. Without taking your eyes off the brush, bring it closer to your eyes so that the distance between the brush and your eyes is approximately 15 cm.
  3. Slowly extend your arm again.
  4. Blink and look into the distance.

Perform the first lesson five to ten times, remembering to blink.

Lesson 2.

  1. The gaze on completing this entire task looks into the distance.
  2. Bring the pencil to your eyes and begin to quickly swing it left and right.
  3. Next, you should move the pencil to the left 20 cm, continuing to hold it at eye level. Then return it back.
  4. Move the pencil 20 cm to the right and repeat the end of step 3.

The duration of the lesson is three minutes.

Exercises for astigmatism

Lack of focusing of vision is associated with a violation of the sphericity of the cornea or lens of the eye. Astigmatism can be congenital or acquired, for example, in the case of any injury, improper surgery, etc. If you don't do treatment of this disease, this can lead to serious consequences, such as decreased vision or even strabismus. The exercises are famous for the many grateful responses from people who have improved their vision.

The following procedures must be carried out:

  1. Look with your eyeballs from top to bottom and from right to left.
  2. Draw a circle with your eyes and then a square.
  3. Draw a figure eight and then an inverted figure eight (in other words, an infinity sign)


  1. Warm your palms by rubbing them together.
  2. Place warm palms on your face so that your eyes are closed and your nose can breathe freely.
  3. Close your fingers. The light can't get through.
  4. Close your eyes and sit, relaxing and thinking about something good. The latter is very important.
  5. In order to get out of palming, you need to straighten your back. Close your eyes slightly under your palms. Remove your hands from your face. With your eyes closed, gently lift your head up and then lower it down. Then make smooth bends from side to side (from right to left). Rub your eyes lightly, open and blink frequently. The exercise is completed.


The exercise is done under any light source (sun, lamps, candles, lanterns), excluding only fluorescent lamps.

  1. Face the light. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, relax your body and close your eyes.
  2. You need to turn your body to the right, raising the heel of your left foot.
  3. Turn to the left, lifting the heel of your right foot.

Repeat the turns 20 times until you begin to notice sunbeams under your closed eyelids.
After this, you need to do palming while standing. This will get rid of sunbeams and relax tense eye muscles.

Palming and solarization for strabismus

The help of gymnastics with strabismus is necessary, since this disease not only spoils vision, but is also not a particularly pleasant cosmetic defect that can ruin the lives of both adults and children.

The professor claims that these two exercises give good results for strabismus. Dr. Zhdanov also emphasizes that it is simply necessary to think about something pleasant and good while performing all these exercises, since morale and good mood are also very important for achieving good results. If you believe in positive result techniques, it will definitely appear soon.

To the question “what is the danger of poor vision for a person and the people around him?” there are answers. Poor eyesight clearly makes a person dangerous to everyone who is near the patient and comes into contact with him.

Danger due to uncontrolled actions. The danger does not depend on the patient, but this does not negate its presence. Poor vision leads to the fact that the information entering the brain through the organs of vision is always distorted.

A person may perceive inadequately:

  • sizes of objects;
  • distances;
  • forms;
  • colors.

Having such disorders, living in a world where you always need to actively interact with many active elements is simply impossible. A person with visual disorders needs to start treating them as soon as possible. Scientists have proven that approximately 80% of the information about the world around us is formed by the eyes, and if this information is received incompletely or in the wrong form, then the consequences can be very unpleasant. First of all, it is a danger to life.

What are the dangers of wearing glasses?

Research-backed information - people with normal vision experience painful sensations in the eyes after wearing them.

This is explained by the fact that glasses lenses do not correct vision, they only fix existing anomaly in such a way that without glasses a person cannot see.

At the same time, a person's vision is normal with glasses. As mentioned above, this is a sign that the visual anomaly is fixed, stabilized and perceived as normal.

This fact is confirmed by research - once you put on glasses and the lenses in them, you always have to change them to stronger ones, since weak ones will no longer give a satisfactory result.

What is written, of course, does not mean that glasses are useless and should be abandoned. This is just a reminder that glasses are a means of vision correction, and not an element that needs to be worn constantly.

All the above information boils down to the following conclusion: we need a perfect and progressive method restoration of vision. And this can be called an option based on the developments of ophthalmologist W. G. Bates and psychologist G. A. Shichko. Fixed by Professor V. G. Zhdanov, converted into a full-fledged technique, this option is one of the most perfect ways correction and restoration of vision at the moment.

The essence of Zhdanov’s technique

Zhdanov's technique is based on a single fundamental position. The provision states that “physical health is inextricably linked with spiritual state.”

If you wear glasses and contacts for a long time, it becomes more and more difficult to give them up, because, as mentioned above, glasses and contacts create the illusion that everything is normal.

The human brain does not understand that there is something wrong with vision, because thanks to these means, surrounding objects are visible with the required clarity.

This causes the brain to perceive the visual defect as normal condition the body, and does not work towards correcting the existing problem, leaving the regenerative functions of the body in an inactive state.

In essence, Zhdanov proposes to correct vision problems using exclusively physical exercise. He tested the number and sequence of these exercises on his own, so he can speak with confidence about the consequences, problems that occur and the required frequency of these same exercises.

Also, the structure of the vision restoration process includes 2 accompanying elements:

  • Diet.
  • Refusal of any negative thoughts.

Only in this way of life does Zhdanov see effective method treatment of vision problems. He is not unreasonably convinced that this is the only way a person can achieve harmony between the spiritual and physical worlds of man.

Convincing Optimism

Professor Zhdanov convinces, thoughts are power. Any thought process in the body happens for a reason. It is based on what surrounds a person and fully affects the functioning of most body systems.

Therefore, if a person thinks optimistically, then his health will be nervous system stronger:

Prevention and eye hygiene

In addition to “setting up your psychological state“A person who wants to restore vision using the Zhdanov method must follow a number of procedures and rules.

To begin with, a person must follow proper prevention eyes, and provide adequate care for vision devices.

First, it’s worth talking about the prevention of eye diseases.

The most adequate prevention of most eye diseases is regular eye exercises. The main thing is to choose the right set of exercises.

Such a complex is proposed by Professor Zhdanov. This complex is given below, it cannot be used if the eyes have recently had surgery, but it can also be agreed upon with an ophthalmologist in the hospital.

During exercises, the facial muscles should be motionless. Sudden eye movements are also prohibited.

By completing this course of exercises, a person will improve the functioning of the eye muscles, as well as improve blood flow to the eyes. Constant repetition of the course will have a positive effect on all aspects of vision. In addition, eye hygiene is very important. It is important to prevent foreign elements from getting into your eyes, monitor how dusty the air in the room is, clean your eyes from unnecessary deposits and constantly monitor their general condition, because a person can carry out these processes directly.

Israeli specialists managed to create the most effective drug to restore and protect vision. In my opinion, it's all about a very precise combination of blueberry anthocyanins and carotenoids.

If you experience redness, tiredness or blurry vision, you should contact a clinic as soon as possible. I have already recommended this remedy to almost a thousand of my patients. They were very pleased with the result!

Commercial truth

And it may seem: everything is so simple, why? this method not used everywhere? The culprit is a simple commercial truth: everyone has to make money.

Manufacturers of glasses and contact lenses have such close connections in the highest medical circles around the world that now if a method were found to treat any eye disease painlessly, and in a day or two, it would not be received very warmly due to the fact that the method would put an end to the data business devices.

Putting ordinary exercises, which can be found for free on any video hosting site, on a regular commercial stream is almost impossible, and will bring less profit. A fact that changes the perception of reality.

Yes, glasses and lenses save many people around the world and make their lives easier. This would not have been necessary if the Zhdanov method had been recognized as the only adequate method for treating visual defects.

Or if it were studied, the effectiveness or lack of effectiveness of some elements of the method was recognized and improved to the ideal, providing people with what they really need.

What needs to be done according to Zhdanov?

If you follow Vladimir Zhdanov’s method word for word, then you need to go through several steps to recover:


Palming- these are exercises. The essence of these exercises6 is to develop the work of the oculomotor muscles to the maximum extent, to bring their capabilities closer to optimal. The essence of palming is in the intercourse of work human body with the functioning of his brain and his spiritual state.

You need to switch to palming when a positive attitude for the day is a reality, when a person has learned to discard the bad and unnecessary and concentrate on exclusively meaningful positive emotions. This result is achieved through training and perseverance.

Palming is carried out in several stages:

The exit from palming is also quite simple:

  • You need to sit straight, under your hands you need to close your eyes and relax your eyes several times.
  • Afterwards, you need to twist your head a little in order to restore blood circulation as adequately as possible.
  • Next you need to copy the child. rub your eyes with your fists (lightly).
  • At the end there is a small breathing procedure(inhale-exhale), then the eyes open and the person blinks very quickly for several seconds.

Palming while standing

Palming while standing- This is a method of relaxing the eyes. It allows you to bring your vision back to normal after a day of working at a personal computer monitor and will also help you get rid of glare (sunbeams).

It is carried out in several stages:

  • You need to place your feet shoulder width apart.
  • Next, you need to close your eyes and turn your face towards the sun.
  • Afterwards, you need to warm your palms a little and cover your eyes with your palms.
  • Then you need to relax and wait until the “bunnies” completely disappear.
  • At the end, you need to open your eyes and blink intensely for several seconds.

Gymnastics for farsightedness

A course of exercises to improve vision:

  • Make a fist and show your thumb.
  • Extend your arm forward.
  • Look at your finger and blink a few times.
  • Bring your hand closer and don’t look away.
  • Blink constantly.
  • Repeat 5-6 times.

Gymnastics according to Zhdanov for astigmatism

Exercises with alternating eye movements:

Morning exercises for the eyes according to Zhdanov

  • Perform the exercise while lying down.
  • Close your eyes tightly. Repeat 6 times.
  • Open your eyes and mouth alternately. 6 times.
  • Blink frequently. 6 times.
  • Relax.
  • Chaotic finger movements. 10 times.
  • Repeat palming.


  • It is necessary to perform successive turns of the head.
  • Rotate your head clockwise and counterclockwise.
  • Repeat constantly when the head is motionless for more than 30 minutes.

Sunbathing for the eyes

It is important to do eye baths under very warm sunshine: expose them to gentle sunlight once a day for 50-10 minutes.

Center fixation

  • Find the point in the center of the eyes (at the tip of the nose)
  • Fix.
  • Keep focus for a few seconds.
  • Unfocus and refocus.
  • Carry out relaxing treatments

Solarization of eyes using a candle

The solarization method is described above, only the light source is a candle.

Exercises near - far

A nice little thing is that Zhdanov’s method will not only help the patient’s vision, it will improve general state human body. Blood circulation will improve and immunity will be strengthened. The most important thing is that the patient will lose the opportunity to be dependent on glasses and lenses.

The fact is that modern man I constantly face problems with my vision, I have only myself to blame. There are many temptations to damage your eyesight: watching television, computers, various gadgets...

In youth, people don’t think about preserving their vision, but by the age of 30, many have to deal with acquired myopia, astigmatism, eye fatigue syndrome, glaucoma...

Many doctors and doctors offer methods for restoring vision. traditional healers– Avetisov, Norbekov, Professor Zhdanov... Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov believes that glasses are needed only in case serious problems with the eyes, in other cases a person is able to help himself, with the help of gymnastics and mobilization of fortitude.

When developing his methodology, the professor was based on the research of psychophysiologists Bates and Shichko.

Zhdanov’s eye gymnastics is performed along with other recommendations:

Professor Zhdanov believes that it is first necessary to restore a person’s psychological stability, to revive him spiritual world, and all this together will help normalize the health and function of all organic systems.

  • A set of eye exercises according to Zhdanov

    You need to turn your face to the sun - your eyes are closed. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body, relaxed.

    Exercise: turn the chest and head in one direction, turn the opposite side of the leg accordingly, turn the heel up. That is, turn to the right, the heel of the left foot turns upward - the sun with right side. Turn in the opposite direction - heel up of the left foot, sun on the left side. You should repeat to yourself: the sun is on the right - the sun is on the left. After 10-12 repetitions, a sensation of flashes appears before the eyes. In total you need to make 25-27 turns.

    The sun's rays that penetrate the eyelid accelerate the blood supply to the retina and activate its functionality.

    In cloudy weather, the sun is replaced with a table lamp or a burning candle. If it is difficult to maintain balance, you can simply turn your head, leaving your legs motionless.

    • Palming.

    Contraindications to palming:

    • retinal detachment;
    • period after ophthalmic surgery - the exercise can be done no earlier than 6-8 months after the end of the rehabilitation period.

    The exercise is named after "palm"- palm in English. Helps restore eye function after increased visual stress.

    Palming. You need to sit down and straighten your back. You should first rub your palms to feel the warmth. Next, the palms are folded crosswise, at right angles, forming a cage. Hands are brought to the face so that the nose is in the corner formed by the little fingers, and "cell" in the center of the forehead. The eyes are covered with palmar dimples. You need to press it so tightly that not a single ray of light penetrates your eyes. Elbows rest on the table.

    Under the palms of your hands, you need to turn your eyes to the side, close them, open them - that is, make voluntary movements, while repeating the mantra: “I love my eyes, they allow me to see all the beauty of the world around me. My vision is improving every day, I see better and better.”.

    You need to breathe calmly, only positive emotions, unpleasant moments should be completely cut off. Unpleasant memories - and there will be no benefit from the exercise.

    Exit from palming. Inhale and exhale, blink quickly.

    This exercise quickly restores visual acuity after prolonged eye strain. The entire lesson will take about 5 minutes.

    1. If the cause of eye fatigue is increased ultraviolet radiation or blurred vision after Solaris, then palming is carried out according to the following algorithm: the eyelids are closed:

    However, you should not sit down; the exercise is performed while standing. Once the flashes have disappeared, you need to blink.

    Exit from palming is carried out according to the method already described - rapid blinking. Next, relax your arms, bending them several times and straightening them at the elbows.

    • The near-distance exercise is designed to train the longitudinal and transverse eye muscles.

    During the lesson, you need to look at objects that are at different distances. That is, they focus their gaze on the bridge of their nose - then turn their gaze to an object approximately 5 meters from themselves, to the tip of the nose - 7-10 m from themselves, upper lip- ceiling.

    It is useful to perform while working at the computer, or after watching TV - it helps to quickly improve the quality of vision.

    • Alternating movements eyeballs. The exercise is performed once every 2 days.

    While practicing, draw figures with your eyes:

    • eyes in a circle - blinking;
    • diagonals – left and right – blinking;
    • rectangle clockwise – right/left;
    • bow - blinking;
    • snake - blinking;
    • examine the watch dial - gradually expanding circles - blinking;

    All movements help improve vision, they help speed up metabolism - normalize blood supply and improve the supply of nutrients.

    The spiral is untwisted from the tip of the nose to the walls of the room in which they are located, the globe is rotated through the equator, the eye exercise is combined with blinking and movements of the facial muscles - tension and relaxation.

    • Gymnastics to strengthen the oculomotor muscles - morning complex.

    To fully conduct a lesson, 15 minutes is enough.

    You need to take a comfortable position - lie on your back, even out your breathing. Arms and legs are spread freely. Next, you should perform the movements as comfortable as possible - roll over from side to side, turn your head, open and close your mouth and eyes, blink frequently. At the same time, various figures are outlined with the nose and gaze.

    These actions normalize blood supply in cervical spine spine, which helps improve vision.

    It is advisable to supplement the training with movements of the fingers - they are squeezed and unclenched. Each movement is performed 4-6 times. Calm breathing helps you recover.

    • Zhdanov's eye exercises for farsightedness.

    The goal of the workout is to activate the eye muscles. However, not only they are involved, but also the hands.

    Extend your arm in front of you with your hand bent thumb"Class!". Then the finger is moved closer to the organ of vision - at a distance of 15 cm, then the finger is moved away, moved to a distance of 5 cm. 15 approaches.

    Now the index finger helps restore vision. They lift it to the distance of an outstretched arm, move it from side to side, move the hand to the right and left, deviating from the axis by 20 cm, the finger constantly performs oscillatory movements, you should concentrate on it - that is, the gaze is constantly directed at the fingers

    Gymnastics to restore vision with astigmatism is the already described palming. It should be performed immediately when, while reading or working, you feel that the image begins to blur.

    Professor Zhdanov's eye gymnastics undoubtedly helps eliminate fatigue of the eye muscles after overwork and restore visual acuity.

    The complex includes exercises developed by the author and those that are traditionally used in classes with adults and children.

    It is hardly possible to cure serious ophthalmic disease even regular exercises, but to restore visual acuity to those who have just begun to lose it due to inability to plan own time– it is quite possible to establish a balanced work and rest regime.

    Before you start doing eye exercises, you should definitely consult an ophthalmologist.

  • Greetings, dear readers! Unfortunately, most modern people lead an unhealthy lifestyle, which affects Negative influence on the body. As a result of this, sooner or later, each of us experiences various kinds of problems, in particular with vision.

    Today there are several ways to deal with eye diseases, but one of the most effective is considered to be restoration of vision using the Zhdanov method.

    Professor Vladimir Zhdanov developed this technique to combat eye diseases: farsightedness, myopia, strabismus, astigmatism, etc. Today I will tell you about the features of his technique.

    The principle of Vladimir Zhdanov’s methodology is based on the inextricable connection between the spiritual and physical health. Instead of wearing glasses, which harm the eyes, the Russian professor encourages people to think about eliminating vision problems using his drug-free technique. When compiling it, he used popular ophthalmological methods and Shichko.

    In addition to eye gymnastics, Zhdanov’s philosophy includes:

    • separate meals (you need to minimize fat intake and increase the amount of carbohydrates and proteins consumed);
    • minimizing stressful situations;
    • giving up bad habits that ruin your health.

    Rules for performing exercises

    The main conditions that will help achieve high efficiency, lie in the systematicity and correctness of performing specific exercises. Before you start doing gymnastics for your eyes, you first need to familiarize yourself with several rules for its implementation:

    1. While performing specific exercises prescribed by your doctor, you need to take off your glasses.
    2. Under no circumstances should you make sudden movements - all exercises should be performed smoothly.
    3. If a person is diagnosed serious pathologies, you should limit the number of repetitions of each exercise (maximum 3 times for severe myopia and hypermetropia).
    4. During such gymnastics, the eyes are exposed to quite high load, therefore it cannot be done to people who have had surgery on the eyes for the last 4 months.
    5. In between exercises, it is recommended to do palming - it helps to relax the muscles and enhances the effect.
    6. Compulsory preparatory stage is blinking. Before you start doing gymnastics, blink for about 5 seconds to “stretch” your eye muscles a little.

    Visual gymnastics according to Zhdanov

    Useful complex vision restoration from V. G. Zhdanov includes 6 exercises that must be performed in a certain order:

    Eye gymnastics always ends with palming (about 5 minutes). By doing this gymnastics complex 3 times a day, your vision will improve in 2-3 weeks.

    Restoring vision with sunbathing

    One of the most popular and effective exercises, proposed by Zhdanov, is natural recovery vision (solarization). Its essence is to improve vision by various sources Sveta.

    It is best if the sun acts as such a source. Sit facing the sun, close your eyes and relax. Start tilting your head so that your eyes move closer to the light and then move away from it.

    When performing this exercise, you must ensure that there is some kind of obstacle (book, tree) between your face and the light source.

    Accordingly, the head is tilted to one side - right, then to the other - to the right. left side will allow us to achieve Sun rays periodically caught my eye. This exercise should be repeated approximately 5-15 times.

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