Golden retriever. FCI standard (06/24/1987) Golden Retriever fci breed standard

Golden retriever is one of the four most popular dogs. With equal success he is kept in an apartment and in an outdoor enclosure. Distinctive qualities of the pet: poise, high intelligence, obedience. These are excellent friends and good nannies for children.

The Golden Retriever was bred in Great Britain as hunting dog. The standard of appearance and character was first described about 100 years ago. According to the Fédération Cynologique Internationale classification, it belongs to the eighth group, along with spaniels and water dogs.

Description of the breed

The breed is distinguished by its large size and harmonious build. Fully formed by the second year. Below are its main characteristics.

  • Height at the withers. Male - 56-61 cm, female - 51-56 cm.
  • Weight. Male - 26-41 kg, female - 25-37 kg.
  • Color. Various shades of cream and golden color are recognized (except red).
  • Lifespan. On average 11-12 years, sometimes 15.
  • Character. Loyal, sociable, friendly. Loves children.
  • Intelligence. Smart and quick-witted animal.
  • Security and guard potential. Retrievers are trusting, friendly, and are considered poor guards.

Breed standard

In addition to the main characteristics, there are indicators for assessing the purebred of the breed. Individuals that meet the standard shown in the table are allowed to participate in exhibitions and breeding.

Table - Golden Retriever breed standard

Head- Wide;
- proportional
Neck- Strong;
- muscular
Nose- Large;
- black
Tail- Long;
- straight;
- high
Front legs- Smooth;
- muscular
Hind legs- Massive;
- powerful
Wool- Long;
- thick

One of the psychology professors studied the intelligence of dogs different breeds. Out of 133 breeds, retrievers took fourth place in intelligence and intelligence.

Advantages and disadvantages

Retriever - large dog. Before buying a puppy, you need to study the breed in detail, weigh the pros and cons. Positive and negative traits retrievers are shown in the table.

Table - Pros and cons of a retriever

Retrievers are sometimes used in rehabilitation centers to relieve stress and tame the aggression of patients. Dogs have a calming effect on crying people and lift their spirits. There have been recorded cases where retrievers, without any training, pulled people out of burning houses and saved drowning people.

Origin history and interesting facts

The story is connected with Lord Tweedmouth. According to surviving papers, he purchased a hunting dog with a rare yellow coat color. This was the only yellow puppy from a litter of black retrievers.

Lord began work on developing a separate breed while preserving the beautiful, rare color. The first step was mating a retriever with a teacup tweed water spaniel. Already at this stage the lord managed to get three more yellow puppies. Work on the breed continued for a long time. The Lord carefully selected suitable individuals, trying to preserve the golden color.

After the death of the lord, the breed spread through his friends, who were once given puppies. Two of them had their own nurseries. To improve characteristics, crossings were carried out with Labradors, Irish setters, bloodhounds.

The breed was officially recognized by the British Kennel Club in 1913. It was originally called the yellow or golden retriever. The name was later shortened.


The Golden Retriever is a recognizable breed with distinct characteristics. Dog handlers distinguish three types of such dogs.

  1. American. It is distinguished by its rather bright color and greater height. There is no light or dark color.
  2. European. The coat color is light, sometimes close to white. They are distinguished by their massiveness - wide chest, muzzle, shortened, muscular legs.
  3. Canadian. They are an intermediate link between the two types described above.

All types have external differences, but have the same character. Golden retrievers are friendly, get along well with other pets, love children, and are devoted to their owner.

Differences from Labrador

Labrador - separate breed, but it was used in breeding Golden Retrievers. Therefore, dogs are similar in a number of criteria. For example, they are hunting, intended for searching and bringing shot game to the owner. They are friendly, do not enter into conflicts, and are not prone to aggression. They have an excellent sense of smell and can be used as search dogs. The distinctive features of the two breeds are reflected in the table.

Table - Similarities and differences between the Labrador and Golden Retriever breeds

Golden retrievers are kept in apartments and enclosures - they do not freeze in winter and tolerate frost well. As guard dogs do not use - you cannot put the retriever on a chain. Representatives of the breed cannot stand prolonged loneliness. You need to devote time to training and walks every day.

5 mandatory procedures

The responsibilities of the owners include carrying out five hygiene procedures.

  1. Eyes . Periodically wipe your eyes with a damp cotton pad. Their condition is assessed. The discharge of even a small amount of pus is a reason to take your pet to the veterinarian. Be sure to wash your eyes after walking in the forest.
  2. Teeth . Without care, teeth will develop yellow plaque, stone. Puppies with early age They are trying to get used to care. Teeth are brushed regularly with a brush and pet toothpaste.
  3. Ears . Look into your ears once a week and wipe them with a damp cotton swab.
  4. Bathing. There is no need for frequent bathing. This is done several times a year and additionally as needed. Use special shampoos that do not cause dry skin.
  5. Combing. The coat is brushed daily. Show dogs sometimes they cut their hair. It is difficult to make a natural haircut on your own - more often owners turn to grooming specialists.

The Golden Retriever does not choose one owner. He is equally friendly towards all family members - adults and children.

Natural diet

Make up a balanced diet - include meat, fish, cottage cheese, eggs, cereals and vegetables. Approximate menu retriever of any age is given in the table.

Table - Retriever Menu

ProductsRecommendedProhibitedShare in daily diet
Meat- Beef;
- turkey;
- chickens;
- rabbit meat;
- boiled offal
- Pork;
- mutton;
- smoked meats;
- sausages
Cereals- Rice;
- buckwheat;
- millet
- Barley;
- corn;
- semolina
Vegetables- Carrot;
- cabbage;
- beet;
- turnip;
- pumpkin
- Citruses;
- grape;
- rhubarb;
- spinach;
- exotic vegetables and fruits
Dairy- Cottage cheese;
- kefir;
- ryazhenka
- ryazhenka
- Whole milk;
- cream;
- yoghurts with flavors and fillings
FishLow-fat sea varietiesFatty sea and river

Many representatives of the breed have an excessive appetite. Daily norm Food is strictly divided into several meals and given in small portions.

Dry food

Until four to five months, retrievers are fed specialized food for puppies. large breeds. Then they are gradually transferred to adult food. Natural food not included in the diet. Choose premium or super-premium food for large breeds. They contain a sufficient amount minerals, supporting healthy joints.

Retrievers are prone to allergies, including to low-quality, cheap food. Allergic reaction manifested by changes in the color of fur and skin, itching. Feed is selected carefully, introducing it into the diet in small portions. Preference is given to types based on lamb meat.

Until the age of five months, puppies are fed four to six times a day. The daily amount of food is divided into small portions. Gradually reduce the frequency of feedings. By eight months of age, they are fed twice a day. Before the change of milk teeth, the puppy is given yogurt, cottage cheese, and kefir daily.


The success of training depends on the attitude of the owner towards the dog. Cannot be used on Golden Retrievers physical methods punishments. Screams and spanks lead to the fact that the puppy begins to take them for granted and subsequently stops responding to commands spoken in a calm tone. During the training process, five rules are followed.

  1. Getting to know society. From an early age, you need to take your puppy for walks in parks, allow him to communicate with other dogs, and teach him to ride in an elevator or in a car.
  2. Submission. Retrievers are smart and quick-witted - they quickly understand that a gentle owner can be manipulated. From an early age, the puppy must understand that the owner and other family members need to obey. The dog's open disobedience is immediately stopped.
  3. Patience . Retrievers are offended by shouts and refuse to follow commands until the owner runs out of patience. You can’t give in or show your powerlessness. The owner must endure, refrain from shouting, but resolutely achieve his goal.
  4. Coercion. Coercion means easy physical impact. For example, pressing on the withers or croup. The retriever quickly understands that the only way to free himself from compulsion is by following the command. Training continues daily until the dog learns to obey the owner's command the first time.
  5. Encouragement. Any success of the dog should be rewarded - with a tasty morsel or praise. Subsequently, the pet will strive to please the owner.

Retrievers are calm dogs with an easy-going character. But without training they become uncontrollable. From puppyhood, the dog must know what is possible and what is not.


Only purebred representatives of the breed that meet the standards are allowed for breeding. The first mating can be carried out from 20 months for females, from 18 - for males. Early mating stops the dog’s development and leads to subsequent health problems. The best option- mating for the third or fourth heat.


The upcoming heat is determined by changes in behavior - the dog behaves restlessly and leaves marks while walking. Before the start of the heat, the bitch is given anthelmintic drugs. For determining exact day Every morning they apply a napkin to the loop. Mating is planned on the 11-15th day of estrus. Before walking, the dog is treated with a special spray to avoid “courtship” by males.

A few days before mating, changes are introduced into the diet of male dogs - they increase the amount of meat or give dry food with high content protein. Immediately before mating they do not feed, they are given a good walk. Mating is carried out two days in a row to increase the likelihood of pregnancy.


Pregnancy in retrievers lasts 62-64 days. Its duration varies slightly depending on the number of puppies. If there are many of them, labor begins a little earlier, if there are few, later. Visually, pregnancy is not visible until 35 days. IN in rare cases The dog begins to develop toxicosis, refuses to eat, and thick mucous discharge appears from the loop. On later The abdomen begins to stand out, the mammary glands become swollen and enlarged.

By the end of the first month of pregnancy, the amount of protein food in the dog’s diet is increased - they give more meat, cottage cheese, fermented milk products. Carbohydrates are kept to a minimum. An intermediate - third feeding - is added to the diet. Additionally, special mineral supplements and vitamins E and F are used in oil form, one drop three times a day. Towards the end of pregnancy, vegetables and fruits are completely excluded from the diet.

If after 66 days of pregnancy labor does not occur, the dog is taken to the veterinarian. Small pregnancy results in increased fetal size - may require C-section. Known cases false pregnancy in dogs. It is advisable that the first birth take place under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Sometimes mating doesn't work. There are several reasons - it’s wrong certain time or physiological abnormalities. If two matings in a row do not result in pregnancy, the dog must be examined for pathologies.

Diseases and treatment

Golden Retrievers are strong, healthy dogs. They live an average of 12 years and have stable immunity. Most artificially bred breeds are prone to hereditary diseases. Retriever breeders have to deal with five diseases.

  1. Joint dysplasia. Expressed in defective development hip joints. Most often it is congenital, but sometimes develops as the puppy grows. Dysplasia can only be treated surgically.
  2. Epilepsy. Appears at any age. Dogs with epilepsy are not allowed to be bred.
  3. von Willebrand disease. Manifests itself in nosebleeds and bleeding gums. The disease is treated with blood transfusions.
  4. Retinal dysplasia. Congenital disease associated with impaired taurine synthesis. Common reason retriever blindness.
  5. Atopic dermatitis. An allergic reaction develops to a vaccine or food. Manifests itself in irritation skin, the appearance of eczema.


Vaccinations are given for prevention dangerous diseases, often leading to fatal outcome. The first vaccination is carried out at an early age. As they grow, revaccination is carried out. Many vaccinations are repeated every year. Three diseases pose the greatest danger.

  1. Plague. A viral disease that is fatal. Puppies are vaccinated for the first time, then the results are confirmed annually.
  2. Rabies. A virus dangerous to dogs and humans. Vaccination is carried out in stages and is repeated annually.
  3. Parvovirus enteritis. Gastrointestinal disease. The treatment is complex, lengthy, and does not always give results. The first vaccination is given at five weeks. Repeat annually.

Until the puppy has received preventive vaccinations, places for walks must be chosen carefully. You should not take it on long trips or go to parks where there is a risk of contact with infected animals.

TOP nicknames

The nickname should please all family members and suit the appearance and character of the dog. You can come up with something of your own or choose from the list of frequently used ones. The table shows the most common nicknames for Golden Retrievers.

Table - TOP retriever nicknames

First letterBitchMale
A- Isa;
- Angel
- Archie;
- Arnie
B- Bucky;
- Bessie
- Barney;
- Bucks
IN- Vicki;
- Venus
- White;
- Vinci
G- Gizma;
- Gretta
- Gray;
- Hans
D- Dina;
- Jeta
- Duncan;
- Jack
AND- Ilsa;
- Irma
- Player;
- Ideal
TO- Cleo;
- Kara
- Casey;
- Courage
L- Lilu;
- Lucy
- Lobi;
- Lucky
M- Maya;
- Molly
- Monty;
- Marty
N- Nika;
- Nessie
- Nike;
- Nick
P- Peris;
- Paulie
- Persian;
- Parker
R- Rhonda;
- Roxy
- Rolf;
- Ronnie
WITH- Sanda;
- Selina
- Sonic;
- Smile
T- Tessa;
- Taska
- Theo;
- Toby
U- Ulma;
- Umbra
- Umka;
- Urwin
F- Fiona;
- Fortune
- Phil;
- Frank
X- Helga;
- Holdy
- Khaki;
- Happy
YU- Yumi;
- Utah
- Eugene;
- Eustace
E- Elba;
- Emmy
- Ernie;
- Alvin

Photo review

From the photo you can see that Golden Retrievers are a beautiful breed of dog. Large, strong and at the same time good-natured - they are well suited for families with children.

Cost and where to buy

IN good nursery A golden retriever puppy is not cheap. Further, using the example of Moscow, prices in nurseries and private breeders are analyzed (data for January 2018).

  • In the nursery. A pet-class puppy will cost at least 25 thousand rubles, a show class puppy (for exhibitions) - about 60 thousand rubles and more.
  • From private breeders. Sellers offer puppies from purebred parents at prices starting from 15 thousand rubles. The cost depends on gender, pedigree, compliance with the standard, but usually does not exceed 25 thousand rubles.
  • On the free classifieds site "Avito". Here you can find puppies costing from 10 thousand rubles. A low cost may indicate that the breed is not purebred or has congenital defects.

Choosing a puppy

A non-purebred dog will differ not only appearance, but also character. Before choosing a puppy, the behavior of the parents is assessed. They must be obedient and not show aggression. If the parents behave with dignity and the puppies look healthy, pay closer attention to the following parameters:

  • proportional body;
  • wide chest;
  • dark eyes;
  • black nose and pads;
  • wide pelvis;
  • correct ear placement;
  • even bite;
  • deep muzzle.

If you plan to participate in exhibitions or breeding in the future, study the puppy’s pedigree and the parents’ exhibition diplomas. The dog is purchased from a kennel, not from private breeders.


It is safer to contact nurseries with a good reputation. There you can choose a puppy, look at its parents, and study its pedigree. At the time of sale, the puppy is vaccinated and everything is completed Required documents. There are golden retriever kennels in most major cities:

  • "Forest town" in the Moscow region, village. Forest town -;
  • "Fantasy Gold" in the Kaluga region, Maloyaroslavets-;
  • "Zarael" in Saransk -;
  • "RiEra" in Moscow -;
  • "Rolimber" in Murmansk -

Reviews: “You will never find such a friend anywhere”

The Golden Retriever is the smartest dog. Obedient, easy to train, loves all people. Positive dog. Even if she doesn’t like something, she won’t show it. The most best dog for the whole family. I will never be disappointed in this breed. After all, she is the best of the best breeds.

I bought my Bobby three years ago and was not the least bit disappointed in him. He loves my children, he loves my husband, he loves me, he loves my mom, he loves everyone.


Very kind dog! When she starts to rejoice, she cannot be stopped. She will run and destroy everything in her path. I have never seen my dog ​​sad, she is always happy about something. This is very uplifting.

Even at night, when you wake her up, invite her to play - with great willingness and joy, she will join in the game. I love this dog, the most a true friend! You will never find such a friend anywhere. Believe me.


We have a retriever. We live in our own house, so we didn’t really chew on anything. Initially they took a non-dominant puppy, there were also three children, even as a teenager he never bullied children. It is still better to take the puppy with the parents. Since character and health, which is weak in retrievers, like in all intellectuals, depends very much on pedigree.

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Country of origin. Great Britain.

Origin and general appearance. The English word "retriever", literally translated as "find and fetch", similar to the Latin "apport", refers to a special bird dog (huhnerhund, or short-haired pointer) that finds and rips up a bird at gunpoint and repeatedly searches for it on water or on land, to strangle wounded animals or to gently pick up killed game and bring it to the hunter. Most continental hunters consider dragging, or presenting game, a necessary condition for dragging a cop. IN early XIX centuries, English retrievers performed more of a bloodhound role, like the aboriginal reindeer and German spirit dogs (Schweisshund - sweat hounds), whose duties included searching for a wounded animal. This means that the dog was required to have exceptional lower sense, like that of a setter or spaniel, agility, instability, strong build, sharp vision, like a collie, the desire to work in water, like a Newfoundland, crags and thorny bushes, like a beagle, to have a soft character, eagerness and to crush game or a shot bird, like a poodle does, in order to return it to the hunter alive and without damage, which means soft diarrhea. So in the 60s, short-haired retrievers appeared from under the old English and water spaniels, setters, collies, bloodhounds and Labradors. The father of the breed is considered to be the Scottish Lord Guisican from Tweedmouth, whose estate was located on the Tweed River, who infused his dogs with the blood of the Tweed Water Spaniel and received the famous golden color.
The modern golden retriever is reliable and intelligent, affectionate and devoted to its owner. working dog, a passionate fetcher, an excellent guide for the blind and a bloodhound.

Sexual type. Well expressed. Males are larger, more courageous, females are smaller and lighter in build.
Slight deviations from the sexual type.
Vices. Sharp deviations from the sexual type.

Features of behavior and character. Temperament is lively, balanced, character is friendly, calm, sociable, intelligent. The dog is hardworking, intelligent, obedient, gets along well with its fellow dogs, is devoted to its owner, loves children and is easy to train.
Flaws. Shyness, nervousness.
Vices. Malice, cowardice, aggression towards people and fellow tribesmen.

Constitution type. Strong, with massive, strong bones and strong, defined muscles. The skin is moderately thick, elastic, tight-fitting, without folds or sagging.
Flaws. Rough or light bone structure, underdeveloped muscles, somewhat damp build.
Vices. Rough or light bones, loose or damp build, obesity or emaciation, long-legged or squat.

Height and weight.Height at withers: for males - 56-61 cm, for females - 51-56 cm. Weight: for males - 27-36 kg, for females - 27-32 kg.
Flaws. Minor deviations from the specified height.

Format. Slightly stretched. Format index - 106-110.
Flaws. Somewhat shortened format.
Vices. Square or stretched format.

Coat. Dense, water-repellent, with a thick undercoat. The coat is harsh, dense, close-lying, straight or slightly wavy, shiny and natural-looking. It is longer on the body, chest, ears, back surface of the forelimbs (from the elbow to the paws), hind limbs (from the ischial tuberosities to the hocks) and the lower surface of the tail, where it forms feathers, small trousers and a feather. The hair on the head, paws and front surface of the limbs is short, straight, and close-lying.
Flaws. The coat is long, rough or soft, sparse, loosely fitting, with insufficient decorative hair.
Vices. Sparse, rough, soft, silky, wavy, curly; long hair that hides the silhouette of the dog, short or without decorating hair; lack of undercoat.

Color. Rich, pure golden in various shades to cream. The fringes and dewlap may be slightly lighter.
Flaws. Individual white hairs on chest.
Too light (pale), red or mahogany (mahogany, or acaju) colors; white collar, white limbs, paws or fingers, blaze on the head.

Head. Proportional to the body, massive, with a wide, slightly convex skull, slightly rounded on the sides, almost square in format. The occipital protuberance and frontal bones do not protrude. The cheeks are flat. The transition from forehead to muzzle is clear, but not sharp. The muzzle is long (equal to the length of the skull), straight (the bridge of the nose is parallel to the line of the skull), wide and deep, well filled under the eyes and slightly tapering to a large, wide, mobile, with well-opened nostrils, black nose. Lips: Medium density, dry, tightly fitting, the upper one slightly overlaps the lower one, without going down beyond the edge of the lower jaw, forming a small fold in the corners, without exposing the mucous membrane. The edging of the lips is black. The jaws are strong and wide.
Flaws. Rough, smallish, slightly damp head, flat or overly convex skull, slight cheekbones, emphasized occipital protuberance; increased transition from forehead to muzzle; long, narrow, damp muzzle; somewhat damp lips; light nose and lip edging.
Vices. Rough, light or shallow head; domed, narrow or raw skull; overdeveloped occipital protuberance or brow ridges, high cheekbones, forehead or sloping forehead; sharp or absent transition from forehead to muzzle; rough, light, pointed, short, upturned, drooping muzzle, hooked nose; drooping, narrow, shallow nose; not fully pigmented nose, lips; damp, heavy lips, hairiness; narrow, small, short jaws.

Ears. Of medium length, set slightly above the eye line and posteriorly, hanging, close to the cheeks, with a wide base and rounded ends, covered with decorative hair, longer along the edge of the ear (with fringe), straight or slightly wavy.
Flaws. Hanging on cartilage, large, loosely fitting to the head, heavy and long ears.
Vices. Excessively short, pointed at the ends, erect on cartilage, low-set ears (below the eye line).

Eyes. Large, round, set wide, straight and moderately deep, dark brown or brown, with an intelligent, friendly, calm expression. When looking forward, the whites of the eyes are not visible. The eyelids are dry, tight-fitting, the edging of the eyelids is black. Flaws. Lightish, slightly bulging, rather close-set eyes, somewhat damp eyelids.
Vices. Light-colored, excessively large and bulging or small, sunken eyes; slanted, narrow or triangular eyes, damp eyelids, protrusion of the third eyelid, entropy or ectropia; when looking forward, the whites of the eyes are visible; incomplete pigmentation of the eyelids.

Teeth. Large, white, included. The incisors are located on the same line. Scissor bite.
Flaws. Smallish, with the initial appearance of caries, teeth worn out beyond their age; the presence of broken, extra or irregularly placed incisors, if this does not interfere with determining the correct bite.
Vices. Small, sparse, carious teeth; straight bite; incomplete teeth, except for P1 and MZ.

Neck. Medium length, strong, strong, muscular, set high, dry, without folds or sagging.
Flaws. Long, damp, slightly loaded neck.
Vices. Long, swan, deer, sheep neck; suspension

Withers. Well defined, raised above the straight line of the top. The shoulder blades are long, muscular, set obliquely, pressed to the back.
Vices. Weak, narrow withers; Loose, steep or sharp shoulder blades.

Back. Short, wide, strong, muscular, straight.
Flaws. Soft, slightly convex, narrow back.
Vices. Back that is too long or short, narrow, weak, sagging or hunchbacked.

Small of the back. Short, wide, muscular, slightly convex.
Flaws. Elongated, rather weak loin.
Vices. Long, narrow, overly arched or sagging lower back.

Croup Strong, wide, rounded, muscular, moderately sloping (at an angle of 30° to the horizontal).
Flaws. Sloping, insufficiently muscular, slightly straightened croup.
Vices. Narrow, too long or short, sharply sloping or horizontal croup.

Tail. Set just below the line of the back, wide and strong at the base, tapering towards the end, middle length(reaches the hock joint), lowered at rest, in motion and
when excited, it rises to the line of the back, and the end of the tail can rise slightly higher.
Flaws. Short tail, rising above the line of the back.
Vices. Short or excessive a long tail, log or wolf, thrown over the back or in a ring.

Breast. Moderately wide, long, deep, spacious, with moderately rounded ribs.
Flaws. Narrow, smallish, flat chest; short false ribs.
Vices. Short, shallow, narrow, barrel or flat chest.

Stomach. Moderately fit. The groin is short, slightly tucked.
Flaws. Excessively tight groin and abdomen; straight belly
Vices. Drooping, lean belly; long, overly toned groins.

Forelegs. When viewed from the front, straight and parallel, strong and muscular, dry. The shoulders are strong, muscular, the same length as the shoulder blades. The humeroscapular angle is 90°. The elbows are directed strictly back and pressed to the body. Forearms are straight, equal in length to the shoulder. Pasterns short, massive, slightly sloping.
Flaws. Narrow set of limbs, light or rough bones, underdeveloped muscles, straight shoulders, slightly turned outward or turned inward elbows, weak pasterns.
Vices. Excessively wide, tight or barrel-shaped position of the limbs, loaded or weak front, short bones of the limbs, steep or sharp shoulders, loose elbows, crooked forearms, long, weak pasterns, kozinets.

Hind limbs. Wide set, when viewed from behind - straight and parallel, strong and muscular. Femur stands at an angle of 90° to the croup. The angles of the joints are expressed. The hock joints are low, directed straight back, and dry. The hocks are short, strong, and vertically set.
Flaws. Small deviations from the parallelism of the stance of the limbs, excessively wide or narrow stance, some straightening of the angles of the joints, slight closeness or inversion of the hock joints, slight sabering, long and slightly weak metatarsals.
Vices. Narrow, excessively wide, barrel-shaped, cow-shaped or saber-shaped limbs, right angles of articulations, high hindquarters, short or excessively long lower legs, weak metatarsals.

Paws. Medium size, round, compact, balled, with thick pads and short, strong nails.
Flaws. Oval, soft paws; dewclaws.
Vices. Flat, splayed paws, splayed feet or club feet.

Movements. At the trot, free, straight, sweeping.
Flaws. Several related movements.
Vices. Connected, heavy movements, sideways movements, vertical croup movements, ambling.

Disqualifying faults. Unilateral or bilateral cryptorchidism; overshot, underbite or misalignment of the lower jaw; spotted or black color; depigmentation of the nose, eyelids, lips.

Who among us did not dream big as a child? four-legged friend? Or maybe someone hasn’t realized their dream yet, but the desire remains? Then take a closer look at the golden retriever. ABOUT wonderful doggolden retriever - breed standard will tell you a lot and give an almost complete picture of your future friend.

From own experience keeping a dog of this breed and from the experience of my friends - breeders, I will say that golden retrievers fully justify their name. Golden character, wide physical abilities and spectacular appearance make him a wonderful companion and family friend.

Golden Retriever - breed standard





Group 8. Retrievers, spaniels, water dogs.

Section 1. Retrievers.

With performance tests.

GENERAL IMPRESSION: Harmonious, balanced, active, resilient, with measured movements, strong, with a very friendly expression.

BEHAVIOR AND TEMPERAMENT: Obedient, intelligent and with natural working ability, good-natured, friendly and confident.

HEAD: Proportional, flawless or perfect lines.


Scull: Wide but not coarse, well articulated to the neck .

Transition from forehead to muzzle: Well marked.


Nose: Preferably black.

Muzzle: Powerful, wide and deep. The length of the front part is approximately equal to the length from the stop point to the occipital protuberance.

Jaws/Teeth: Jaws strong, with an excellent, regular, full scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth overlap tightly lower teeth and are located perpendicular to the jaws.

Eyes: Dark brown, wide set, with dark eyelids.

Ears: Medium size, placed approximately at eye level.

NECK: Good length, perfect lines, muscular.

FRAME: Balanced.

Back: The topline is level.

Small of the back: Strong, muscular, short.

Breast: Deep in the region of the heart. The ribs are deep and well sprung.

TAIL: Set on and carried level with the back, reaching to the hock, without bending at the tip.


FRONT LIMBS: Forelegs are straight and well boned.

shoulder blades: Well laid back, long bones.

Shoulders: Same length as the shoulder blades, allowing the limbs to fit well under the body.

Elbows: Fit tightly to the body.

Front legs: Round, cat-like.

REAR LIMBS: Hindquarters strong and muscular.

Knees: With good angles.

Shin: Good length.

Hock joints: Low set, the metatarsus are straight when viewed from behind, turning neither in nor out. Cow positioning is highly undesirable

Hind legs: Round, cat-like.

MOVEMENTS: Strong and energetic. Straight and even front and back. The stride is long and free, without prancing.


Wool: Straight or wavy with good feathering, dense waterproof undercoat.

COLOR: Any shade of gold or cream, but not russet or mahogany.

A few white hairs are allowed only on the chest.


Height at withers:

Males – 56-61 cm (22-24 inches)

Females – 51-56 cm (20-22 inches)

DISADVANTAGES / DEFECTS: Any deviation from the above points must be regarded as a fault, the seriousness of which must be judged in strict proportion to the extent to which it affects the health and welfare of the dog and its ability to perform traditional work.


  • Aggression or cowardice.
  • Any dog ​​clearly showing physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified.

NOTE: Males must have two well-developed testes, fully descended into the scrotum.

Gorgeous golden retriever dog with a golden character and appearance. Representatives of this breed can become true friends for children and adults, filling the world around with inexhaustible optimism.

Aristocratic handsome dogs are perfect for lovers of elegant luxury, and can replenish the owner’s piggy bank with many awards for victories in dog shows. It is important for an ambitious owner to thoroughly study the generally accepted breed standards Golden retriever. Height, weight, color and quality of wool must meet many regulated criteria. It is these parameters that indicate the quality of each individual individual and serve as the basis for receiving points in competitions. When choosing a puppy, you need to be able to see the traits that indicate the potential of a future winner.

It is important to remember that the Golden Retriever breed has several standards, depending on the part of the world in which it is intended to participate in exhibitions. The first representative of the breed was bred in an English kennel in 1911, and the original standard approved by the FCI was written in the same country. Golden Retrievers Russian Federation This club is treated the same way, and it is according to these regulations that dogs are judged in our country.

American and Canadian breeders gradually deviated from the generally accepted standard and representatives of the breed in these countries acquired their own characteristic features.

Today you can see three types of Golden Retriever:

  • European
  • American
  • Canadian

They have many common features in appearance and temperament. A significant difference can be called color - the European standard assumes light wool, up to white shades, and American dogs closer to the bright golden color familiar to many. In addition, Europeans are shorter and stockier than their overseas counterparts. The Canadian breed is a synthesis of two standards, in which the dog’s physique is close to the European type, and the color is close to the American type.

External characteristics of Golden

Many people know what does a golden retriever look like. She is harmoniously built, a little stocky, but graceful dog with kind eyes and a wonderful character. The description that distinguishes this breed from Labradors and spaniels indicates the acceptable golden retriever height and weight. Adult show males are distinguished by height at the withers from 56 to 61 cm, and weight from 26 to 41.5 kg. An adult female should grow to 51-56 cm at the withers, and weigh from 25 to 37 kg. The dog must be measured by placing it on a flat, hard surface with all its limbs supported. The paws should stand straight, without protruding or falling, and the head should be clearly parallel to the floor.

Some flaws and deviations from the standard can be examined in the nursery. To do this, you need to know such parameters as some measurements, height and weight of the golden retriever by month. Typically, breeders sell babies who have reached the age of two months and are already able to exist without a mother. Puppy golden retriever, weight whose weight is 7-8 kg, and whose height at the withers is about 31 cm, will be considered almost ideal. But when choosing a dog, you need to remember that the rate and duration of growth and weight gain varies from person to person, and there may always be room for surprises.

Proportionality of the Golden's limbs

The International Golden Retriever breed standard describes a dog with ideal balance, a straight back line continuing into the line of an even tail, and a deep chest with a characteristic bend.

Much attention is paid to the limbs.

  • The front legs should have good, even bone, extending into a long shoulder blade, almost equal to the shoulder. Elbows are pressed to the body and do not protrude to the sides
  • Hind legs with long shins and well-developed muscles. The stifles form a visible, expressive angle, and the hocks at the rear appear level and symmetrical.
  • The foot is rounded, resembling a cat's paw

Movements with well-developed limbs should be smooth and symmetrical, with free extension of the front paws. A long stride implies a gait without mincing elements.

Balance of the Retriever's Neck and Head

The special balance of the dog's head and neck gives the Golden Retriever its expressiveness.

  • The head should be as symmetrical as possible, with wide planes of the muzzle and forehead forming a clear angle. A skull with smooth shapes does not look rough. The muzzle is proportionally balanced, its length should correspond to the size of the transition from the line of the nose to the forehead
  • The hunting origins of the Golden Retriever breed set the standards for bite. It should be soft and vertically scissor-shaped, lower jaw best suited for carrying game
  • The ears are set fairly high and not too long, but when extended forward they should completely cover the eye.
  • The ideal nose should be a solid black color
  • Dark eyes of brown shades with a clearly defined, pigmented eyelid and no visible whites

Breed standards regulating the quality of the retriever's coat

The characteristic color of the Golden Retriever is a golden shade of wheat color, with a possible pinkish tint. The acceptable palette also includes cream shades, with the possible detection of white hairs in the chest area. The color mahogany and all variants of red tint do not meet the standard.

The structure of the coat should be quite soft and straight, but slight waviness is also possible. The undercoat should be thick enough to protect the dog while swimming.

Character and psychological portrait

The breed's docile nature and easy-going attitude in families of any number of people have earned it a reputation, making it one of the most popular pets in the world. A beautiful dog that will pleasantly appear with you during a walk, is not at all aggressive and will not cause much trouble in a crowded city street.

In a family with small children, a golden retriever can replace a nanny. He will be happy to accompany the child everywhere, protecting his safety. A kind dog will allow itself to be cuddled and will forgive unintentional carelessness.

For people with disabilities golden retriever is capable of becoming faithful assistant and a guide.

Education and training

Golden Retrievers are one of the most... smart dogs in the world. They are very easy to train as they love to learn and please their owner. One of the favorite commands for an active dog will be “fetch”; the retriever can fetch a ball or other prey ad infinitum.

A sociable and active dog needs training from an early age. He needs to learn the commands “fu”, “sit”, “toe”, and also get used to calm walks on a leash and possible travel in a crate.

Bred as a hunting dog, the Golden Retriever is in dire need of physical activity. You need to go jogging and long walks with your dog. Swimming in open water and active games in the fresh air are perfect.

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