Air flow teeth cleaning. What it is? Reviews of professional teeth cleaning using the Air flow method

The Air Flow procedure is an abrasive teeth cleaning that is performed with a sandblaster in the dentist's office. Its principle is softening and delicate scraping of plaque from the enamel. The method is effective against persistent age spots from coffee, tea, cigarettes. In addition, it also prevents caries and gingivitis.

Cleaning or bleaching?

Air Flow gives a double effect - professional teeth cleaning and whitening.

Basic principles of the procedure:

  1. Enamel cleaning occurs due to exposure to a strong jet (water, air and abrasive paste).
  2. The special Prophy-Mate tip delivers the mixture under high pressure, washing away plaque and polishing the enamel.
  3. Baking soda or calcium-containing powders are used as an abrasive, which are gentle on the surface of the teeth.
  4. The procedure has a cosmetic effect because it lightens the enamel to a natural shade. Teeth look 2-3 shades lighter.

This is an excellent alternative to expensive and not always safe chemical bleaching. However, if your goal is to make your smile look snow-white in Hollywood, you should additionally undergo laser or photo whitening.

How does the procedure work?

The session lasts about 30-40 minutes and consists of the following stages:

  • the patient puts on plastic goggles to protect his eyes from splashes;
  • a saliva ejector is placed in the oral cavity;
  • the doctor sets the nozzle at an angle of 50-60 degrees in relation to the dentition and cleans each tooth from all sides without affecting the gums;
  • the pressure of the sandblaster is adjusted depending on the volume of dental plaque;
  • the remaining material is collected by a special suction tube;
  • at the end of the procedure, the tooth enamel is coated with a protective fluoride varnish;
  • After the session, it is not recommended to consume coloring food, drinks or smoke for 2-3 hours.

Advantages of the method

  • It is painless and comfortable, does not require anesthesia;
  • allows you to clean even the most difficult to reach areas - fissures (grooves on chewing teeth) and interdental spaces;
  • brightens enamel, artificial crowns, fillings;
  • does not damage enamel and gums;
  • After the procedure there is no hypersensitivity of the teeth.

Ultrasound or Air Flow?

The main task of abrasive cleaning is to remove soft pigmented plaque. However, this procedure is not able to cope with tartar. For this purpose it is used ultrasonic cleaning.

A special scaler attachment creates ultrasonic vibration that literally breaks hard limestone deposits into small particles.

Then follows the second stage - mechanical cleaning with a special brush with abrasive pastes.

As you can see, ultrasonic method- this is the heavy artillery in the fight against different types raid. Air Flow is more suitable for smokers and coffee lovers.

The cost of the procedure is about 4000 rubles. (2 jaws), an ultrasonic cleaning session will cost approximately 3,000 rubles.

Contraindications to the procedure

The method is safe for health, but still has some contraindications:

  • asthma, bronchitis and other diseases respiratory tract(due to the threat of an attack of suffocation);
  • inflammatory diseases periodontal disease in the acute stage;
  • thinned, weak enamel, as well as its increased sensitivity to temperature and mechanical stimuli;
  • bruxism, which is characterized by pathological abrasion teeth;
  • deep carious lesions;
  • childhood.

Air Flow during pregnancy

However absolute contraindications There is no use for Air Flow while pregnant; the main thing is to consult your doctor first.

It is worth abandoning the procedure in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. During this period, the laying of all the baby’s organs occurs, as well as the formation of the placenta. Therefore, it is better to limit any stress on the body.

The safest time for hygienic teeth cleaning is the second trimester of pregnancy.

Cleaning results in the “before” and “after” photos

Air Flow whitening price

The procedure can be performed in almost every dentistry. The price of the service is from 1500 rubles. The cost depends on the newness of the device, as well as the level of the dental clinic. To maintain the effect, it is recommended to carry out hygienic cleaning every 4-6 months.

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Every person dreams of having beautiful teeth. And with the help of modern dentistry this is quite feasible. No matter how well and correctly we take care of our teeth at home, we still cannot avoid plaque in the form of tartar and darkening of the enamel. But today dental service offers professional hygiene oral cavity, which will make it easy to avoid such problems.

One of the popular methods of brushing teeth is hygiene procedure using professional Swedish equipment of the Air Flow system.

air flow cleaning is a teeth cleaning procedure performed using an air jet with a water-abrasive solution with a special device. This method does not relate in any way to chemical effects on the oral cavity, nor to mechanical ones. Rather, it is an additional method of removing dense or soft plaque from teeth, which quickly and harmlessly gives them a natural shade. This procedure cannot be called teeth whitening, since the tooth enamel is lightened quite a bit.

The basis of the air flow method

The impact on the teeth is carried out by a special device of the Air Flow system, which supplies under pressure an air-water mixture containing microparticles of an abrasive substance. Usually this substance is ordinary soda. The grains of soda are finely dispersed, so they do not harm the enamel., and plaque and dirt are removed from the tooth. They cannot cope only with coarse deposits of tartar, but they very well and painlessly remove dirt from dental pockets, interdental spaces, and supragingival areas. Teeth cleared of pigment spots become lighter and restore their natural color. It is believed that with the help of air flow, the enamel is lightened by 1-2 tones.

The force of the mixture on the oral cavity in the air flow nozzle is adjustable; the pressure can be weakened or increased. Citrus flavoring is added to the water mixture, which imparts a lemon flavor, which should contribute to greater patient comfort.

When is air flow cleaning necessary?

When should you use this method?

  1. If you have artificial structures in your mouth, such as dentures, crowns, veneers, implants, then the air flow procedure is The best way cleaning them.
  2. The same cleaning is often used as a preliminary step before implantation, installation of crowns, and even when filling teeth.
  3. When gum problems begin, the air flow system allows you to clean all hard-to-reach interdental spaces, thereby reducing the risk of periodontal disease.
  4. If persistent plaque has appeared on the teeth and tartar begins to form, then air flow will not only help remove them, but will be a good preventive measure for caries.
  5. For everyone who drinks coffee and other drinks immoderately coloring products For those who have very pronounced pigmentation of tooth enamel, as well as smokers, doctors strongly recommend carrying out such air flow cleaning up to 2 times a year.
  6. Incorrect closure of teeth is another indicator for this procedure. Only air flow can gently remove all dirt from the interdental spaces when there is twisting or very dense placement of teeth.
  7. This method is recommended hygiene care before the planned removal of braces.

How to clean with the air flow system

This method is often used as a preparatory procedure before dental services such as prosthetics, implantation or teeth whitening.

As a stand-alone procedure, Air Flow cleaning is usually used as part of a complex procedure professional hygiene oral cavity. This procedure usually consists of three stages:

  1. Using an ultrasonic attachment to chip away tartar deposits.
  2. Hardware teeth cleaning with the Air Flow system.
  3. Mechanical treatment of teeth (polishing, varnishing).

This happens as follows:

  • The patient is placed in a chair, a cap and safety glasses are put on him.. Tartar removal is an unpleasant procedure, so the patient himself chooses whether he needs anesthesia. Usually the doctor selects pain relief in such a way that hygienic cleaning is comfortable for the patient. The ultrasonic scaler is adjusted to the desired vibration frequency, and the sharp end of the device is used to destroy the tartar.
  • The stone crumbles, after its destruction the tooth is sandblasted using the air flow system. Soda crystals, which are fed from a nozzle with a fine water mixture, help remove the remaining microscopic pieces of deposits. This technique allows you to remove any coarse deposits.
  • Using the air flow device, the doctor cleans each tooth, moving the nozzle in a circle without touching the gums. The procedure for cleaning the entire oral cavity with a device usually lasts about twenty to thirty minutes. Then the teeth are polished with a special attachment with a brush with an abrasive paste applied to it. After this, the teeth become even, smooth, and shiny.
  • To maintain the cleaning effect, strengthen enamel and reduce tooth sensitivity they are coated with fluoridating varnish. The doctor gives recommendations on long-term preservation of the effect of professional oral hygiene.

The entire hygiene procedure takes about an hour. The price of this comprehensive care ranges from 2900 rub. up to 3600 rub.

Advantages and disadvantages of air flow cleaning

The undoubted advantages of this method include the following:

  1. elimination of plaque and tooth pigmentation quickly from all sides in one session;
  2. restoration of natural coloring of teeth;
  3. gentle effect on the enamel, while the tooth becomes smooth;
  4. painless method of exposure;
  5. the ability to clean artificial structures without compromising their appearance;
  6. selection of the pressure force applied to the oral cavity, which allows you to clean sensitive teeth;
  7. non-toxicity of the substances used for cleaning. Soda does not cause allergic reactions.

Among the disadvantages, the most serious is that using the air flow device it is impossible to remove old hard tartar, as well as subgingival deposits. Sometimes sandblasting the device can lead to accidental damage to soft tissue.

And, of course, such cleaning has a short-term effect, repeat this procedure recommended at least 2 times a year for sustainable effect. And the price of a complex procedure is slightly higher than the price of a separate cleaning with the air flow system, so it is more profitable to carry out comprehensive oral hygiene.

Who is this procedure contraindicated for?

Air flow cleaning is an excellent way to prevent caries and periodontal disease, as it helps to destroy a huge number of bacteria and microorganisms that provoke the development of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. It seems like it should be useful to everyone. And yet there are some categories of people for whom it is contraindicated. These include:

  1. People with pulmonary diseases such as bronchitis, asthma. Difficulty breathing may occur.
  2. People suffering from periodontal diseases.
  3. People with thin enamel and very high sensitivity teeth.
  4. People who are allergic to soda and citrus fruits.
  5. With caution - pregnant women and nursing mothers.

In general, the procedure for professional cleaning of the oral cavity, despite the considerable price, is not only useful and necessary, but also gives us self-confidence, because after it we can safely smile.

And a smile with beautiful, clean teeth will certainly be attractive!

Conventional oral hygiene methods, even with careful adherence to the rules, do not protect against the appearance of plaque and tartar. The result is systemic enamel damage, caries and other dental diseases.

Medicine owns additional methods preservation of teeth. An effective development by scientists - Air Flow, “Air Flow”: cleaning enamel with a stream of air saturated with a water-abrasive solution.

Air Flow does not refer to chemical or mechanical methods of influence; rather, it is an original and safe way removal of soft and hard plaque.

What is Air Flow?

“Air flow” teeth cleaning is performed by a device that generates an abrasive substance saturated with water and microparticles, supplied by a stream of compressed air.

Soda, as a rule, acts as a “grinding” material. The fineness of soda guarantees safe, high-quality cleaning of dental pockets, removal of age spots and lightening of enamel.

Operating principle

Air Flow teeth cleaning - air flow simultaneously removes plaque and whitens teeth

Air Flow (air flow, air flow) - an alternative, modern method safe whitening teeth.

Enamel cleaning with a device from the Swiss company EMS Air Flow is multi-purpose - the air flow simultaneously removes plaque and whitens teeth.

Operating principle:

  • purification is ensured by a flow of pressurized air containing water, baking soda or other fine powder containing calcium;
  • The air pressure is provided by a compressor and a Prophy-Mate double tip.

Advice! The air jet whitening level is 2-3 tones. If needed snow-white smile, additionally undergo laser or photo whitening.


The professional method of cleaning teeth with compressed air is used:

  • in the presence of dental stones;
  • plaque and the formation of age spots;
  • predisposition to periodontal disease;
  • in preparation for teeth whitening.

Attention! Before brushing your teeth with the Air Flow method, consult your dentist.

Preparatory stage

Preparation for cleaning using the Air Flow system in dentistry consists of protecting the patient’s body from particles of abrasive substances, for which they wear a special cap and glasses.

Then the doctor installs a retractor and a saliva ejector, and lubricates the patient’s lips with a cream that protects the skin from drying out.

Important! Before you start brushing your teeth with a directed air flow, localize existing inflammatory processes oral cavity - get rid of caries and gum disease.

Professional teeth cleaning

After cleaning with Air Flow, dentists advise not to consume food or drinks containing dyes.

Upon completion of the preparatory stage of professional hygiene, the dentist installs a device that supplies the air-water mixture and adjusts the power of the jet depending on the volume of detected formations.

  • install the nozzle at an angle of 30⁰-60⁰ relative to the teeth;
  • Clean the teeth from the outside and inside in a circular motion.

At the same time, the cleaning mixture is supplied through a 2-channel tip: the inner channel contains soda and air, the outer channel contains water, and the waste material enters the suction tube.

The final stage of the procedure is to coat the tooth enamel with fluoride-containing varnish.

After cleaning Air Flow, dentists advise: do not consume food and drinks containing dyes, coffee, tea, and do not smoke for several hours.

Depending on the condition of the periodontium and the rate of formation of dental plaque, repeated cleaning is carried out after 3-6 months.

Tools and materials

Air-Flow device

The Air Flow device was developed by EMS (Switzerland), specializing in the production of dental equipment wide range actions.

EMS technology is used in outpatient, periodontal and maxillofacial surgery.

Operating principle of Air Flow: removal of dental plaque using a stream of compressed air, water and finely dispersed powder.

The device package includes:

  • guide tip;
  • head with two nozzles;
  • needles for cleaning canals;
  • hoses for air and water supply;
  • control pedal;
  • sterilizing box.

The Air Flow device has a thoughtful design and durable body. For ease of grip and holding, the handle is equipped with recesses.

The buttons built into the handle are easy to press; The tip holder, rotating 360⁰, is equipped with a lock. The power of the air stream is controlled by a special regulator. The device is easy and safe to use.

Cleaning powders

Powders for cleaning using the “air flow” method are made from finely dispersed calcium-rich organic matter. The final product has a certain taste and aroma.

Today, the Swiss company EMS produces three main types of powder:

Duration of cleaning

Brushing teeth with an “air flow”, as a rule, does not last long.

Depending on the complexity and volume of the task, the procedure takes 30-50 minutes.

Painfulness of the procedure

The Air Flow teeth cleaning procedure is a painless and gentle method of removing plaque - a mixture of air, water and soda does not injure tooth enamel.

After cleaning, the teeth are coated with fluoride varnish, which protects the enamel from caries and prolongs the effectiveness of treatment.

Care and effect

How to care for your teeth after Air Flow:

  1. Stop brushing your teeth for one day. This will allow the protective varnish to dry and harden to the surface.
  2. Do not smoke for several hours.
  3. Do not drink coffee, tea, foods or drinks containing dyes.

To protect your gums from injury, refrain from eating hard, solid foods for 2-3 hours.

Air Flow is not only whitening, but also cosmetic cleaning combining the removal of soft deposits, plaque and disinfection of the oral cavity.

The duration of the effect depends on the patient's oral hygiene and diet. Coffee, strong tea and nicotine restore plaque a few weeks after cleansing, but with moderation and quitting smoking, the result lasts for 5-6 months.

Professional teeth cleaning with Air Flow – before and after the procedure


Air Flow is also contraindicated for women in the first and third trimester of pregnancy and during lactation.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Air Flow teeth whitening method has advantages and disadvantages that are recommended to be taken into account when making a decision:

Plus Minus
Removal of soft deposits, pigment, plaque Don't expect snow-white color- enamel lightens by 2-3 tones
Eliminating bad breath Air Flow does not remove tartar
Painless and no anesthesia The method has medical contraindications
Natural origin of materials used in cleaning
Safe manipulation for gums and bone tissue
Prevention of dental diseases
Affordable price


The total cost of the Air Flow cleaning procedure depends on the number of teeth treated. average cost tooth - 200 rub.

Attention! If you don’t have enough money, you can order cleaning of your front teeth, which are visible when you talk and smile.

The price of Air Flow increases if ultrasonic cleaning is required to remove tartar and mineralized deposits.

Majority dental clinics offer comprehensive solution Problems. Today, the total cost of cleaning, including coating of teeth with fluoride varnish, is 6-7 thousand rubles.

Ultrasound or Air Flow

The ultrasonic treatment method is safe and does not have a mechanical or chemical effect on the enamel

Ultrasonic teeth cleaning is no less popular than Air Flow and patients often ask questions about the advantages and disadvantages of the methods.

According to dentists, both methods are useful.

Air Flow is effective in removing plaque from nicotine, ultrasound in eliminating tartar and preventing caries.

Ultrasound crushes tartar and also disinfects the oral cavity: it destroys pathogens in the subgingival zone and interdental spaces.

The ultrasonic treatment method is safe and does not have a mechanical or chemical effect on the enamel.

But ultrasonic cleaning is not for everyone.

This method contraindicated in patients:

  • with pacemakers;
  • chronic heart diseases.

Ultrasound is not suitable for patients with dentures that break down during cleaning,

In turn, Air Flow does not break up large tartar, but removes soft plaque.

Conclusion: best option cleaning is a combination of two methods: removal of dense deposits with ultrasound, and finishing treatment with an “air jet”.

The benefits of keeping your mouth clean are hardly worth explaining: plaque, which accumulates on the enamel after eating and drinking, is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria, which, in turn, provoke tooth decay – caries.

It is very easy to clean soft plaque from enamel using a regular brush and paste, but for this you need to follow the technique proper cleaning and carry out the procedure for at least one minute. In practice, such a desire to treat is rare, so the soft plaque is transformed into a hard stone - a dense film, which is almost impossible to remove using home methods.

The appearance of a smile suffers greatly from the presence of tartar on the enamel: the teeth become yellow, and due to the roughness of the surface, plaque accumulates more actively. The proliferation of bacteria leads to inflammation of the gums, which can lead to unpleasant smell from mouth.

Therefore, it is obvious that a professional system in the fight for a clean smile is necessary for everyone who wants to preserve the beauty and health of their teeth.

Professional cleanings - what are they?

Which method is best to use when planning to carry out therapeutic oral hygiene, each patient chooses independently, based on financial capabilities and the advice of the attending physician.

All methods can be figuratively divided as follows:

  • Mechanical;
  • Ultrasonic;
  • Jet.

Mechanical professional cleaning is known to everyone; it is carried out at every visit to the dentist, before installing braces or dentures. It takes no more than fifteen minutes and shows good results.

Cleaning mechanical method is carried out as follows: apply to the surface of the teeth special composition, which dissolves and softens the stone. After this, a brush-shaped attachment is put on the handle of the drill, and the doctor mechanically removes deposits and then polishes the enamel. The result is whiter teeth, and the smooth surface of the teeth prevents plaque from accumulating later, making the need for repeated cleanings less frequent.

But such professional technique has a number of disadvantages: firstly, in this way it is impossible to clean the spaces between the teeth. Secondly, the process itself may seem painful to people with sensitive enamel teeth. Finally, the mechanical effect of the brush can cause injury to the gum tissue.

Therefore, it is better to pay attention to other, more advanced methods.

Ultrasonic cleaning

If the tartar that forms on your tooth enamel is hard, it can be very difficult to clean it with a rotary brush. In addition, making efforts to remove stones can damage the enamel, which will lead to increased sensitivity teeth, and provoke tissue destruction.

Ultrasonic cleaning has been used by dentists for many years; it is very effective and simple. During the ultrasonic enamel cleansing procedure, the patient does not experience any discomfort.

Large deposits are removed very effectively, but dentists do not recommend using ultrasound alone: ​​it is better to combine the procedure with other methods. Ultrasonic cleaning will remove large hard deposits, and mechanical professional cleaning will erase soft deposits.

Unfortunately, not everyone can use ultrasound. Wave methods have not yet been sufficiently studied, so people with a history of chronic serious pathologies, Related immune system, hematopoietic organs and endocrine system, should refrain from using these methods.

Jet method

The most effective and safe method oral hygiene – brushing teeth Air Flow, which literally translates as “air flow”, and in fact it is what it is. It is recommended to do it at least once every three months to keep your teeth healthy and white. Regarding the whiteness of the smile, it is worth noting: those wishing to undergo teeth whitening must first undergo the Airflow procedure. The result will be pleasantly surprising: your teeth will be several shades lighter, and there will be no need for chemical dentin whitening on your own.

This method arose relatively recently, and its appearance was dictated by the desire to create a worthy replacement mechanical cleaning, which has a series unpleasant consequences. The first tests showed that the cleaning result is no worse than with other methods, while the absence mechanical impact on the enamel allows .

Air Flow teeth cleaning involves cleaning the enamel, interdental space and gums with a jet of water, air and abrasive material. Despite the fact that the jet is quite strong, it does not cause the patient any discomfort during the procedure.

The advantage of Airflow is the fact that the jet goes around the entire tooth, allowing you to clean even hard-to-reach areas. In this case, there is no damage to soft tissues, which means the process is better tolerated.


Air Flow teeth whitening is well tolerated by patients, and undesirable consequences rarely make themselves known. However, despite being an effective procedure, Air Flow has its contraindications.

For example, you should not resort to Airflow method at feeling unwell and exacerbation of any somatic pathology. This rule exists for the simple reason that it is better to postpone any manipulations in order to improve aesthetics until your health improves.

An absolute contraindication to Air Flow is bronchial asthma, since a strong flow of air, water and abrasive particles can provoke an attack or exacerbation. In this case, it is better to resort to other methods that do not affect the breathing process, such as ultrasonic cleaning.

There is an opinion that Airflow should not be used by people who are forced to comply salt-free diet. But in fact, the restriction is not absolute: the fact is that the indication for sodium restriction is dictated by kidney disease. And any nephrological pathologies require sanitation of any foci of chronic infection. Plaque and tartar are excellent provocateurs for the development of pathological microorganisms in the oral cavity, so people with diseased kidneys need to pay attention to oral hygiene Special attention, and professional cleaning is the best assistant in this matter.

People without health problems should go to a specialist without fear and carry out hygienic treatment. The only thing you should not forget about is the qualifications and experience of the doctor, which are necessary to ensure that during the procedure there is no damage to the mucous membrane.

Thus, oral hygiene performed by a specialist gives excellent results, and the air jet enamel cleaning system is the most gentle and effective.

Plaque that accumulates on the enamel not only turns snow-white teeth yellowish or gray and does not allow you to smile calmly and widely, but can also cause the development of diseases of the oral cavity. Caries, periodontitis and many other disorders appear as soon as your teeth are neglected and you stop caring for them regularly.

There are many in dentistry modern methods to remove plaque. So, now cleaning is at the peak of popularity teeth air flow. What advantages does it have?

What is air flow

Professional teeth cleaning using air flow technology takes no more than half an hour and is carried out as follows:

  1. The doctor treats the patient’s lips with Vaseline or similar protective agent so that the mucous membrane does not dry out;
  2. The head and eyes can also be further protected safety glasses and a cap;
  3. The dentist places a saliva suction device in the patient’s mouth to remove it in a timely manner during the procedure;

On this preparatory stage ends, and the doctor begins cleaning using the tube of the air flow device.

Cleansing begins from the front upper teeth. The dentist places the tip of the sandblasting device at an angle of 30–60° to each tooth and carefully cleans the enamel. The stream of air, water and powder, thanks to the shape of the nozzle with a long lower and short upper edge, practically does not reach the mucous membranes, but acts directly on the enamel.

After treating each tooth externally, the doctor begins cleaning the spaces between them. And lastly, cleans the cutting part and inner surface teeth.

Then the entire procedure is repeated for the lower jaw.

After tooth enamel dries, a restoring and strengthening gel based on fluoride is applied to it.

Video procedure

To maximize the preservation of the results obtained after cleaning, it is important:

  1. Refrain from eating and drinking, except water, and do not smoke for 3 hours;
  2. Do not use decorative cosmetical tools for lips on the day of the procedure.

In order for the enamel to maintain a clean and tidy appearance for as long as possible, dentists recommend not consuming products containing dyes and limiting the consumption of tea and coffee. All of these products have a negative impact on general state teeth, and to a large extent on the color of the enamel - giving it a noticeable yellow tint. And for dental and oral care, choose toothbrush with soft bristles, regularly rinse your mouth with products containing mineral components.

Photo gallery: before and after

Air flow cleaning modern dentistry recommends to many patients. However, it should be remembered that there are contraindications for it:

  • Allergic reactions to any of the components of the cleansing mixture;
  • Pregnancy and lactation period;
  • Age up to 15 years;
  • Acute inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity (stomatitis, periodontitis, caries);
  • Hypersensitivity of gums and tooth enamel;
  • Chronic diseases of the lungs and bronchi;
  • Acute kidney diseases.

The cost of teeth cleaning using airflow technology averages up to 250 rubles per tooth. However, in combination with it they can prescribe additional procedures, among which are remineralization or ultrasonic cleaning, as a result of which the price will increase to 5,000 for the entire oral cavity.

Repeat air flow cleaning at least once a year to always enjoy a beautiful and healthy smile.

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