Acupuncture massage is a unique therapeutic and preventive method of healing. Acupuncture massage: several useful techniques

One of the ancient methods of treatment and healing of the body is acupressure. This practice has become widespread in such eastern countries like China, Korea, Japan, Mongolia. Many centuries ago, healers of the East paid attention to special places on the body, the impact on which can significantly improve the functioning of the body. internal systems and organs. Later, ideas about them found their scientific confirmation in the research of scientists. In the process of experimental research, acupuncture points located on the human body were identified and the basics of their massage were developed.

Treatment today various diseases, based on massage effects on bioactive points on the body, is a widespread practice in official and folk medicine. It is based on compliance with such principles as:

  • implementation of an integrated approach;
  • thoroughness and leisurely treatment;
  • individual approach to every person.

Knowing where treatment points are located on the human body, and proper use their healing properties helps to get rid of both symptomatic pain (for example, dental, menstrual) and overcome more serious problems. So, knowing how the massage points on the back are located, as a result of using a course of acupressure, you can get rid of problems with the lower back that have tormented you for years.

The acupressure technique is quite simple and does not require the use of special equipment or expensive materials. Massage can be used as an independent means of pre-medical medical care, and in combination with other treatment methods. Let's take a closer look at what acupressure is, its principle of action and features of application.

Chinese acupressure is one of the types of influence on acupuncture points on the human body.

Acupuncture is healing method, based on the impact on special points located in various areas and related to work internal organs and systems. It has been scientifically proven that mechanical impact During the procedure of massage of active points, it helps to release endorphins. These are hormones whose influence on the body has a pronounced analgesic effect. Thus, by influencing active points on the body, we “trigger” the body’s self-healing process.

Chinese medicine offers several ways to influence points on the body - this can be either manual (acupressure) massage or the use of acupuncture.

However, in order to correctly influence the points to get rid of various diseases, the use of acupuncture must be performed exclusively by a qualified specialist with education in the field of medicine and physiotherapy. But acupressure, or, as it is also called, is a type of reflexology that is quite accessible for use at home with a sufficient level of preparedness.

The impact on the treatment points is carried out using the fingers. This allows you to activate the work of neuroreceptors in subcutaneous tissue, which, in turn, send an irritating signal to the brain. The reaction to such an irritant when exposed to Chinese points is either complete cessation pain symptom, or its minimization.

Interesting fact: there are more than 750 acupuncture zones on the human body (also called “health points”). Chinese medicine knows various points on the human body, or acupressure zones, through which one can overcome health problems and improve general state body. There are even so-called longevity points, and it is quite possible that having information about their location explains the secret of the longevity of the inhabitants of the East. In addition to the “zone” of longevity, there is also a “point of youth” on the human body, as well as many others, the features of which we will consider further.

However, before trying the healing capabilities of reflexology on yourself, you should know that this method of influencing points on the body has a number of contraindications that you need to familiarize yourself with.

Contraindications to acupressure

Chinese acupressure or acupuncture massage is safe, however, quite serious method effects on the body.

As a rule, the main indication for the procedure is pain of various kinds: pain in women, back pain, and chronic diseases, general fatigue of the body. Energy points on the human body, located in various parts of the body, function in such a way that thoughtless influence on them can cause serious harm. Therefore, we note that the Chinese massage technique, acupuncture, is contraindicated for such conditions and symptoms as:

  • tumors or suspected tumors;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • colds or other conditions accompanied by fever;
  • cardiovascular diseases, as well as previous strokes or heart attacks;
  • mental disorders;
  • age under 1 or over 70 years;
  • second half of pregnancy in women.

You should be careful when acting on a condition that has led to a significant deterioration in your well-being. In this case, you should not hesitate and self-medicate, but it is better to immediately seek medical help.

Consultation with a doctor is also necessary regarding the use this method in the first half of pregnancy and during menstruation in women.

How to find the right acupuncture points - location map

Chinese acupressure is based on influencing special acupuncture points, which, as we have already found out, large quantities located almost throughout the body. It is thanks to this type of influence, such as pressing on a specific acupuncture, that this massage is called acupressure (acupuncture).

In order to understand how to do acupressure, you need to know the pattern according to which acupuncture is located in the human body.

In general, there are main places where acupuncture points are located on the human body. These include:

  • on the back;
  • on fingers and toes;
  • on hands;
  • on the chest;
  • on the neck;
  • on the face.

This is interesting: many years of research experience have even made it possible to create a special atlas that clearly and in detail illustrates the places where acupuncture points are located on the human body.

A detailed diagram of the location of each acupuncture point on the body allows you to successfully use this method of oriental medicine, for example, during the acupuncture procedure, but for anyone who does not plan to use acupuncture, but simply wants to master the skills of self-massage, it will be enough to know how the main points are located. Therefore, before doing acupressure, you should remember the location of the necessary channels of influence, for example, by studying a photo or picture with their schematic location.

Massage points have features that provide a healing effect on the body:

  • low level of electrodermal resistance;
  • high electrical potential;
  • high skin temperature;
  • increased level of pain sensitivity;
  • high flow rate metabolic processes due to accelerated oxygen absorption.

All this provides high efficiency acupressure, but the types of this procedure may differ and depend on which places are affected. So, this could be, for example, acupressure of the chest, or a type of influence in which active acupuncture points on the hands and feet are stimulated.

This is interesting: influencing special areas on the hand allows you to activate the centers responsible for internal organs, which makes this type of massage useful for complex therapy various diseases.

Let's take a closer look at the location of the important points on which Chinese acupuncture and modern acupuncture are based.

Active points on the feet

Foot acupuncture is designed in such a way that on the feet there are points responsible for important human organs: liver, kidneys, gallbladder, bladder, thyroid gland. In addition, massage on the points of the foot allows you to get rid of back and lower back pain.

Having examined the biologically active acupuncture points on the feet in the diagram, you can see which of them are responsible for what. In the diagram of the correspondence of points on the foot to the internal organs, you can see the connection between their correct stimulation and the corresponding beneficial result.

Let's list the main acupuncture points on the foot.

  • On the second finger, slightly above the nail;
  • At the base of the last finger (located on the outside, in a small depression);
  • On the first finger, closer to the second, slightly above the base, there is a tai chun point.

Dot tai chun- this is the liver channel, its stimulation allows you to overcome the symptoms of exacerbation of chronic diseases and helps cleanse this organ.

  • Between the first and second finger, located on outside feet;
  • On the side of the inside of the foot, close to the shin, in a depression located at the highest point of the arch.

So, according to acupuncture, there are important acupuncture points on the foot, by acting on which you can alleviate the condition of diseases of various internal organs, and, as evidenced by acupuncture of the foot, improve the functioning of the brain, of cardio-vascular system, supporting apparatus. To do this, it is enough to regularly do acupuncture massage of the feet, which is performed by massaging the above points on the sole.

Active points on the hands

On the arms and palms, important acupuncture points are located symmetrically, which allow short term get rid of migraine attacks:

  • at the junction of the index and thumb(in a small depression);
  • in the recess between the radial and ulna on the forearm;
  • on the bends of the elbow joints.

These zones are “responsible” not only for wellness if a person experiences a headache, but will also help get rid of other health problems.

For example, acupuncture identifies points on the hands that are actively used in acupuncture to solve diseases such as lung diseases, digestive system, heart, liver, legs. The points on the hands responsible for these organs are located on the hand, and such points can be found on all fingers, from the thumb to the little finger.

To achieve a healing effect, the areas are massaged alternately on both hands.

General strengthening points

Let us also consider the main zones, which, according to oriental medicine, capable of providing restorative effect on the body.

  • Nei Guan point is a zone located on inside forearm, in the middle area. In order to determine exactly where Nei Guan is located, you need to place four fingers folded together on your forearm at the level of the wrist fold. The Nei Guan point is responsible for the functioning of the pericardial channel. Knowing where the Nei Guan point is located, you can have a calming effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems. To do this, slowly and deeply press on it and perform a massage procedure;

  • Wei Zhong point located in the popliteal fold, in its very center. It is easy to determine the Wei Zhong point in a sitting position (legs bent at the knees) or lying on your stomach. Chinese experts say that the wei zhong point is a channel Bladder Accordingly, its stimulation helps with problems of the genitourinary system;

  • Shen Men point– located near the left edge of the wrist fold on the hand. The Shen Men point is the channel of the heart, responsible for the task of healing it during various diseases. Its stimulation is also practiced in Eastern medicine in the treatment of mental illness;

  • Shen Shu point also responsible for the functioning of the kidneys and excretory system. Massage of this point, located on the back, or more precisely, on the spine, helps with kidney diseases and related side problems such as dizziness, weakness, chills, dry mouth, fever. Thus, knowing where Shen Shu is is useful for everyone who suffers from acute or chronic diseases kidney;

  • Yin Ling Quan point located on the inside of the knee and according to general interpretation, is responsible for the functioning of the spleen. At the same time, the acupuncture zones responsible for the functioning of this organ perform many functions. Massage performed on this area allows you to get rid of pain, dizziness, and illness. gastrointestinal tract, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite. Also, influencing this area on the legs will help get rid of pain in the knee joints.

  • Shen Men point also refers to general strengthening, and it is located on the ears - at the top of the triangular dimples on ears. Her massage helps to increase the body's performance, overcome depression, apathy, and improve immunity. Also, Shen Men acupressure is used in the fight against tobacco addiction;

  • On the crown of a person, in his very center, if you draw a conventional vertical and horizontal line, there is Bai Hui point, or Baihui. In this place, all the channels of the body actually connect, and therefore the list of possibilities that a properly performed massage has is very wide;

  • "Channel of Youth" or San Yin Jiao. The name speaks for itself - her massage provides beauty and youth appearance. If you want to know how to find the place where the San Yin Jiao point is located, you should place four fingers on the bone on the inside of the shin. Where the fourth finger ends up will be its location. Armed with this information and skills proper massage, women can not only improve the appearance of their skin and hair, but also normalize menstrual cycle, the functioning of the nervous system, reduce the appearance of the first wrinkles and even prevent the onset of premature menopause.

So, if you want to achieve longevity, you should definitely know that influencing these points is a secret good health and the longevity of many Eastern sages.

Other useful points on the body

In addition to those discussed above, there are other active points on the body, the massage effect on which helps improve well-being and the general condition of the body. These could be, for example, longevity points, so named because their stimulation has an active effect on the functioning of many organs and systems at once.

Longevity points can be located at different places our body, for example, Tzu-san-li– a longevity point on the knee, the impact of which is widely used in acupuncture.

Many areas located on the head (for example, in the center of the forehead, above the bridge of the nose, or symmetrical areas located at the inner edges of the eyebrows) help even in cases where medications are powerless.

Renders beneficial influence to the entire body, since the ears also have projections to all human organs.

In addition to the fact that there are acupuncture points for various diseases that are relaxing, there are also those that help women look younger and more beautiful. So, among the secret techniques oriental beauties You can find pinpoint or pinpoint and during menopause.

So, Chinese acupressure, or acupuncture massage, is a special technique that has been used for many years to improve well-being and treat various diseases. – safe method non-drug treatment, however, consultation with a doctor before starting the course is still mandatory.

Chinese acupuncture massage is based on the impact of a brush or fingers on biologically active points; the origins of the technique are in oriental therapy. Acupressure helps strengthen physical health and prevent the development of pathologies.

Specialists at the rehabilitation clinic at the Yusupov Hospital master the technique of acupuncture massage and use it to improve the health of patients.

Chinese acupuncture massage: therapeutic effect

Ancient doctors of oriental medicine argued that an imbalance in the body and disruption of the functioning of organs leads to an imbalance vital energy Qi. However, acupuncture massage can make the impact on the points of life more effective and, thereby, normalize the functioning of internal organs.

During acupuncture massage, the specialist presses on certain points with a slight force, which gradually increases, and then the intensity of the pressure decreases. The duration and intensity of the massage determine its effect: relaxing or tonic.

Before a patient at the Yusupov Hospital is prescribed a massage of meridians and acupuncture points, a comprehensive diagnosis is carried out to identify pathologies and determine contraindications.

The main contraindications for acupuncture massage are:

Safe and effective acupuncture massage is performed by specialists at the rehabilitation clinic. Friendly medical staff, the absence of queues and the individual approach of specialists to solving each problem make your stay at the Yusupov Hospital comfortable.

Acupuncture massage of face and head

Acupuncture massage head and face affects the epicenters of tension in the body; in addition, it helps to relax the facial muscles and improve the condition of the skin, increasing the emotional background. It is indicated for the following conditions:

Doctors at the Yusupov Hospital are fluent in complex technology acupuncture massage. The specialist individually determines the duration of the massage course, as well as the intensity of pressure and other features of the procedure. The Yusupov Hospital has a modern material and technical base; for example, in the rehabilitation clinic, when carrying out this technique, an acupuncture massage mat and other devices are used.

Massage of acupuncture points of the body

Wellness acupressure is effective if it is performed by a qualified specialist who knows the location of the points, regulates the intensity of the effect and affects several organs.

Massage of acupuncture points is applicable for diseases of the spine, joint pain, reduced immunity, pain syndrome, bronchitis and cough. This technique is carried out by specialists from the rehabilitation clinic of the Yusupov Hospital to treat memory, improve the functioning of internal organs, and prevent age-related changes.

The technique of acupressure of the body involves the consistent and measured implementation of various techniques. Regardless of whether acupuncture massage of the feet, body or head is performed, an individual course is developed for each patient at the Yusupov Hospital, taking into account the condition of the body as a whole.

Acupuncture points on the foot: massage

Acupuncture foot massage has a positive effect on the body, since active points are located in this area. However, specialists at the Yusupov Hospital draw the attention of patients to the fact that this procedure will not save patients from serious problems, but is an effective addition to the main treatment or rehabilitation program.

For patients who are indicated for this procedure, the rehabilitation clinic also provides acupuncture foot massage using a Marutaka apparatus. Foot massage using this technology has a positive effect:

  • improves metabolism;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • normalizes blood circulation and blood pressure;
  • relieves sleep disorders;
  • has a relaxing effect;
  • removes emotional stress;
  • speeds up the recovery process after physical activity;
  • relieves PMS;
  • eliminates headache;
  • eliminates leg pain and swelling.

Acupuncture massage of the feet and other parts of the body combines therapeutic, preventive action, and also allows you to get rid of pain syndrome. If this procedure is indicated for you, contact the rehabilitation clinic of the Yusupov Hospital for consultation.

The coordinating doctor at the Yusupov Hospital will select a time convenient for you and answer all your questions.


Prices for services *

*The information on the site is for informational purposes only. All materials and prices posted on the site are not public offer, determined by the provisions of Art. 437 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For accurate information, please contact the clinic staff or visit our clinic. List of services provided paid services indicated in the price list of the Yusupov Hospital.

Traditional Chinese medicine says that foot massage helps improve the health of human organs and systems, as well as his overall well-being. The fact is that there are biologically active points on the body, including the legs, by acting on which you can improve blood circulation, get rid of many ailments and cleanse the body of toxins. For example, on the feet there are important Jinglo channels and approximately 60 reflex zones. Each point is a kind of projection of a certain organ, so systematic massage affects the functioning of the whole body.

Acupuncture points on the foot

Acupuncture points on the foot

Foot massage is recommended for everyone who cares about their protective function of the body and wants to strengthen nervous system. In addition, the impact on biological points serves as an excellent prevention of many diseases, and quickly restores the harmony of soul and body.

Benefits of foot massage

  • strengthens the immune system,
  • normalizes the functioning of the respiratory and digestive systems,
  • improves metabolism,
  • removes toxins and waste from the body,
  • relieves headaches,
  • normalizes blood pressure,
  • improves blood circulation,
  • helps cope with swelling and pain in the legs,
  • helps to recover after physical activity,
  • relieves PMS symptoms,
  • improves vision,
  • helps with flat feet,
  • relieves problems of the musculoskeletal system,
  • relieves stress and emotional arousal,
  • calms the nervous system,
  • relieves insomnia,
  • has a relaxing effect,
  • relieves chronic fatigue syndrome,
  • fights feelings of anxiety, worry and fear,
  • gives a feeling of inner comfort,
  • leads to inner harmony,
  • rejuvenates the body.

Contraindications and harm

  • severe heart pathologies,
  • acute chronic diseases,
  • elevated temperature,
  • the presence of inflammation, fungus and warts,

Before starting reflexology for young children, expectant mothers, and elderly people, it is advisable to consult a specialist.

Do not overdo the procedure to avoid negative consequences.

How to do a foot massage correctly

It is recommended to massage in the evening, after washing your feet. For greater effect use vegetable oil, for example, sesame or olive. According to Ayurveda, if every day a person does this procedure with oil, he will always be healthy.

Massage can be done with your hands or use a special one. For self-massage, 5-10 minutes a day is enough.

So. Sit comfortably, rub your feet thoroughly, moving from toes to heels, and then apply massage oil with smooth movements over the entire surface of your feet, be sure to rub it into your fingers and nails.

You should start massaging from the sides, moving towards the center. The movements should be pressing, but not too strong. If you feel pain in any area, this indicates that you have problems with the organ for which this point is responsible (see picture above). Give her some time Special attention. Each zone should be treated for approximately 10 seconds.

Don't forget about your fingers: pull them back and forth to stretch the muscles, and also make pressing movements. Pay attention to each finger for about 15-30 seconds.

Throughout the self-massage, try to knead your feet as much as possible: tap, press, rub, knead, etc.

Foot massage mat

In addition to massage, you can stimulate points on the feet using special foot mats. They are currently on sale different types, but each has the same effect - relaxation and getting rid of problems with the organs.

Using the mat is quite simple: place it on flat surface and start walking on it barefoot. The duration of the procedure varies from person to person, but it is customary to base it on pain, that is, as soon as you begin to feel dull pain, then stop.

A massage mat is an excellent solution for keeping your body in good shape.

Don’t be lazy to spend just 5-10 minutes on your feet every day. Eastern healers claim that influencing biologically active points on the feet gives a person a “second heart” and prolongs youth for many years.

Foot massage. Acupressure. Training video

According to the teachings of Qi energy, our internal energy can heal us if it is properly revealed and directed. There are whole techniques for balancing internal energy so that it does not harm, but rather improves our condition. The technique originates in China, where Chinese acupuncture massage is practiced using fingers or needles. At home, you can repeat this procedure using mats on which there are thorns - needles that have a similar effect on the body.

Acupuncture facial massage:
There are a lot of points on the face that can change your condition, improve your mood and even change your facial expression. In the morning, you can independently massage acupuncture points, stimulating the proper production of internal energy and at the same time carrying out treatment and prevention of diseases:

    Massage of the crown: in the depression there is a point, when stimulated, insomnia disappears and headaches disappear;

    Massaging the corners of the eyes near the nose improves vision;

    Pressing on the points at the beginning of the eyebrows: removes frontal pain and dizziness;

    Massage of the temples eliminates migraines;

    Massage the point under lower lip reduces stress.

More detailed methods You can read about facial massage in numerous treatises on oriental medicine and acupuncture massage.

Acupuncture body massage:
Stimulating points on the body not only relieves stress, but also relieves pain and even reduces weight. If you purchase a special mat, you can massage at home, improving posture and blood circulation, which helps eliminate congestion in the blood, gives you strength and fills you with energy from the inside. It is recommended to exercise on the mat for 3 to 10 minutes, then the time can be increased, depending on the adaptation of the skin and your body as a whole. Lying on the pins and needles of such a coating is very useful and is recommended by various specialists.

Acupuncture foot massage:
Stimulating various points on the legs can relieve joint pain, knee pain, swelling and fatigue. The main purpose of foot massage is acupuncture foot massage. There are the most points on the foot that not only relieve stress, but also treat headaches, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, vision problems and much more. Acupuncture foot massage can be performed using acupuncture, careful and proper hand massage, and also using a mat. If you walk on the mat for 2-5 minutes during the first procedures, almost all points will be stimulated, after which you will feel a surge of strength and relief in the spine.

To heal your body, renew it and give strength, you don’t have to go to exhausting classes, which are not a panacea, and can even sometimes cause harm, in certain cases when exercise is contraindicated. Acupuncture acupressure will help you be slim, healthy, with straight posture, without headaches and insomnia! Just a few procedures, and you will already feel an improvement and the release of internal energy, which, it would seem, you have never felt before.
It’s not for nothing that people in the East live long, you should listen to the recommendations of experts and use harmless and effective procedure.
Remember, we are our health, how we feel! Drug-free therapy and massage will give you a feeling of lightness!

We have already become a habit of treating ailments with pills and potions. Whether it’s a migraine or stomach pain, you can buy the appropriate medications for each case at the pharmacy. But there is also alternative ways getting rid of unpleasant and painful sensations– foot massage at acupuncture points. In other words, it is an effect on a particular organ of the body by stimulating a certain area of ​​the foot. This helps not only eliminate pain, but also normalize the functioning of vital important organs: heart, lungs, kidneys, certain parts of the brain, etc.

Preparing for a foot massage

The procedure cannot be carried out without preliminary preparation, so before the manual you must:

  1. Create an atmosphere in the room that promotes relaxation. For this purpose you can use essential oil lavender or roses combined with calm music. Know that the more relaxed you are, the more effective the stimulation of active points will be.
  2. Make a foot bath. You can add it to water various herbs, this will have a soothing and softening effect on the skin. A mixture of plantain leaves and chamomile flowers is perfect. The water temperature should be higher than body temperature, but tolerable to the skin. This will improve blood circulation in the feet and enhance the massage effect. It’s not for nothing that when treating, for example, spasticity or hypotension, the patient first undergoes an ozokerite procedure, and only then, when the blood flows to the surface of the skin, is massaged.
  3. Warm up and stretch your hands thoroughly. To do this, you can apply an emollient cream to them.
  4. Stretch your feet and do them general massage. The movements should be stroking - they will remove increased tone and muscle fatigue. No rubbing or patting, as this will have the opposite effect and the foot will not relax.

Stimulation of active points

IN different areas the soles of the feet are located points, the massage of which will have positive impact on certain organs of our body. Of course this won't solve global problems(will not get rid of thrombosis and will not completely restore vision), but can be an excellent addition to drug treatment. It must be remembered that to activate certain areas of the brain, massage is performed clockwise. Movements against it help relax tense muscles. This knowledge is important, since the impact on a particular area significantly affects the results of the procedure.

Stimulation point normal operation the eye is located under the second toe, at its very base. The area is not painful, so massage can be done thumb hands. The direction of movement is clockwise.

To normalize lung function, there is a fairly large area in the center of the ball of the foot. It can be massaged with two or three fingers. The direction of movement is clockwise.

Shoulder girdle

As a rule, the muscles in this area often need to be relaxed, so the movement of our fingers will be directed counterclockwise. The point intended for stimulation is located on the border of the sole and the outer arch of the foot, about 3 centimeters below the base of the little toe.

Reproductive system

A pressing question for those over 40. The point responsible for libido is located at the base of the heel (near the arch), along the line of the center of the foot. The massage is performed clockwise because this area needs special stimulation. Movements are made index finger brushes

Adrenal glands

If the adrenal glands are not functioning well, you can stimulate active point, which is located in the center of the arch of the foot. As a rule, the functioning of female sex hormones is largely related to the adrenal glands, so our actions should be aimed at activating a certain part of the brain responsible for this organ. Therefore, the massage should be performed clockwise.

Skeletal system

The area responsible for the functioning of the bones is located in the center of the heel. As with the lungs, it is quite extensive, so you can massage it with two or three fingers. If we pay special attention to the center of the zone, this will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the sciatic nerve.


There is also a certain area for normalizing intestinal function. It is located at the junction of the arch and heel and stretches across the entire foot so that its shape is more like an elongated ellipse than a point. For stimulation, it is not necessary to make rotating movements with your fingers; you can simply press on this area for 8-10 seconds.

Stimulation is aimed at activation, so we move clockwise. The point responsible for brain function is located in the center of the ball of the third toe; for the action of the pituitary gland - in the center of the pad of the thumb. It must be remembered that both feet need to be massaged. In this case, the duration of the massage should not exceed 10 minutes on one leg. Each point takes about a minute and a half, so stimulation of some areas will have to be postponed until next time.

I would like to warn women suffering from epilepsy and hypertension convulsive readiness: It’s better not to do a foot massage aimed at activating the brain and pituitary gland. Such stimulation is not as harmless as it seems and can provoke an attack.

2015-01-15 © All materials are protected by copyright law - Art. 146 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Copying is PROHIBITED!

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