Oranges for weight loss. Is it possible to lose weight on the orange diet?

Any girl has heard about diets such as cucumber or apple. These are already hackneyed food systems that few people enjoy. That's why we want to offer you something new. To those who love fresh fruits, you will like the orange diet, which helps you lose weight and at the same time stay in a great mood.

A diet of citrus fruits will enrich the body with vitamins, so necessary for a person, especially in winter. This mono-diet is accessible to absolutely all people, because orange fruits can be found in any store. Perhaps you should choose the orange diet for weight loss. Therefore, we suggest weighing all the pros and cons to find out.

Beneficial properties of orange

Oranges have a pleasant aroma and taste, and at the same time they have many useful properties. Everyone should know about this if they decide to go on a diet based on these fruits.

  • It's no secret that citrus fruits are a storehouse of vitamin C, which in turn can protect immune system from viruses. They also help reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
  • Oranges will be a good helper for improving skin condition. Vitamin C maintains its youth, beauty and elasticity.
  • Orange and grapefruit have special dietary fiber, which helps remove cholesterol and harmful substances.
  • Citrus fruits improve digestion because they contain fiber.
  • The orange fruit is rich in beta-carotene and lutein, which improve vision. Vitamin A also helps the eye absorb light better and see in the dark.

Oranges, grapefruits and tangerines are too healthy to be forgotten by a losing weight person, for whom their properties are especially important.

Composition of the fruit

All the beneficial properties that an orange has are activated by the substances included in its composition:

  • proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • vitamins (C, A, E, K);
  • minerals (calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese);
  • phyto-nutrients (carotene, lutein).

All this is contained in just one fruit. And by eating even a small orange, you will definitely improve your health.

Do oranges help you lose weight?

Not all people know that oranges actually help you lose weight if you include them in your diet.

It is useful to introduce this sunny fruit into your diet because it:

  • will be a good alternative to snacking;
  • prolongs the feeling of fullness;
  • will provide vitality.

Doctors advise eating several oranges a day for normal metabolism and weight loss. But their volume should not exceed more than 2 kg. per day.

It is beneficial to drink homemade orange juice while eating healthy, even if you are not even trying to lose weight. This drink contains the daily requirement of vitamin C, and also has a cleansing effect and prevents aging.

Orange diet

Citrus fruits are low in calories - one fruit has no more than 90 kcal. An undoubted advantage is that after eating an orange you will not feel hungry for at least 2 hours. Fiber plays a big role in losing weight; it prolongs the feeling of fullness and improves digestion.

However, orange does not literally burn fat. But it normalizes metabolic processes in the body, which is important when losing weight during a diet.

Types of orange diets are designed specifically for everyone losing weight. Those who find it difficult to adhere to the monosystem can try a diet for 7 days, and vice versa. Oranges, tangerines, and grapefruits are also suitable for weight loss. Choose the appropriate menu, follow the rules and lose weight to your heart’s content!

Orange weight loss for 3 days

Express diet for those who cannot withstand strict restrictions for a long time. A three-day course will help you understand whether this nutrition system is suitable and whether you like it.

This is a strict mono-diet that allows you to eat only orange fruits. It is necessary to distribute 1.5 kg into 5-6 servings. oranges for the whole day and eat them. You are not allowed to drink anything other than water.

With this regimen, you can lose up to 2 kg in 3 days.

Of course, not everyone can do the orange mono-diet, so soberly assess your strength and do not injure your body by starving.

Orange weight loss for a week

If you have a lot of patience, then feel free to extend your diet for another week. It is strict, but has a more varied menu, which can make it easier to achieve results.

So, in your weekly diet includes:

  • orange or juice of this fruit;
  • kefir or yogurt;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • tomatoes and herbs;
  • lean beef or chicken.

Should be served for breakfast citrus fruit and a cup of green tea, this duet will give you energy for new achievements and invigorates you better than any coffee. For lunch, you can treat yourself to 100 g of beef and tomato with herbs. Dinner should be the same portion of meat as for lunch, tomato and orange.

You won’t last the whole day on this menu, so have orange snacks and drink water or green tea. If you follow all the rules, you will get rid of 4-5 kg.

Weight loss depends on your initial body weight. The more extra pounds, the more noticeable the weight loss result.

Weight loss for 3-4 weeks

For people with truly iron willpower, the diet can be stretched to 3 or even 4 weeks.

There are two variations of this diet:

  1. Gentle mode, in which you eat like weekly diet, arranging light relief for the stomach on weekends. You can include additional food in the menu, except for sweets, flour and fatty foods.
  2. The second, hard mode, which we will describe in the table.

Make sure that the diet does not develop into a four-week diet. If you follow all the nuances, you will lose up to 10 kg. for the entire period.

Be careful and carefully monitor your well-being, because not every body can withstand such restrictions. If you feel excessive fatigue, drowsiness and relaxation, then stop the diet or switch to a gentle regimen.

Kefir-orange weight loss

This option is perfect for fasting days. The point is simple: you need 1 liter. kefir and 1 kg. oranges daily.

Each meal begins with a glass of low-fat or low-fat kefir and one orange fruit. Additionally, you can drink a mug of herbal or green tea. During the lunch break, it is proposed to add 100 g to the main menu. chicken meat, and for dinner enjoy kefir and citrus pulp. At night or during snacks, kefir and orange fruit are also consumed.

Oranges, together with kefir and green tea, will help you lose weight because they speed up metabolic processes in the body.

Egg-orange weight loss

The egg-orange diet is spreading among girls who want to quickly and noticeably get rid of excess weight.

You can choose egg-orange diet for 7 days. This regime has quite strict restrictions: every day you need to eat 6 eggs and oranges. However, during attacks of hunger, slices of tomato or cucumber are allowed. Important condition- Be sure to drink green tea and water.

Or give preference egg- orange diet for 4 weeks. It's orange food will be fine for those who have serious weight problems. The menu is protein-rich and varied, but you will have to eat in small portions. Allowed, in addition to the main fruit: chicken and beef, tomatoes and cucumbers, eggs, apples and pears, a little cheese.

In the first days, the protein-orange diet may look like this:

Gradually introduce fish instead of meat. Build your menu as described above and remember that between the three main meals there must be orange snacks.

In a month of dieting on eggs and oranges you can lose up to 15 kg. excess weight.

Quitting the diet

The wrong way out of dietary nutrition is fraught not only with the return of lost kilograms, but also with serious health problems.

When leaving the diet, follow a few rules:

  1. On the first day after the diet, eat light food (porridge, soups).
  2. Drink more liquid: herbal and green teas, fruit drinks, juices, clean water.
  3. Gradually introduce foods from your usual menu, but without fanaticism.
  4. Eliminate the abuse of fatty, smoked, salty foods and fast food from your diet forever.
  5. Give up bad habits.
  6. Take care of yourself and your body regularly.

The smoother the transition from diet menu to the previous diet, the less likely it is to gain extra pounds again.


A diet based only on eggs and oranges for weight loss is not allowed for everyone without exception.

Such nutrition is primarily contraindicated if:

In general, you should not injure yourself and your body by fasting if you are not ready for it.

This exotic fruit prevents a woman from gaining weight, which is why oranges for weight loss are very popular. The main component of citrus is pectin, which minimizes the body's absorption of excess fats and reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. Daily norm The fruit is 150 g: this orange menu is quite enough to saturate the body with vitamin C (ascorbic acid).

Orange fruit is a valuable storehouse of components that are beneficial to health. Vitamins in citrus (A, B, C, PP) have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, the beauty of hair and nails. Among the microelements in orange you can find:

  1. magnesium;
  2. iron;
  3. potassium;
  4. sodium;
  5. calcium.

This product has gained popularity in dietetics and among girls due to its rejuvenating effect. Orange is great prophylactic against diseases and pathological conditions. Among the beneficial properties of citrus juice are:

  • toning the body;
  • getting rid of anemia (anemia);
  • eliminating indigestion;
  • increase in appetite;
  • antiallergic and antiviral effect;
  • hemostatic effect during heavy periods;
  • prevention of blood clots.

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Calorie content of oranges

The sour-tasting fruit is a low-calorie product. Do oranges make you fat? No, citrus is used in various diets to lose weight, to become beautiful, slim figure. Useful material and a low percentage of calories are two integral components effective product for people wanting to reset excess weight. The nutritional value fruit and its juice - the same: in 100 grams of orange dietary product contains 36 kcal, of which:

  • proteins are 0.9 g;
  • fats – 0.2 g;
  • water – 87 g;
  • carbohydrates – 8.2 g.

Is it possible to eat oranges while losing weight?

The low-calorie product contains a lot of useful components, and not only. It is impossible to gain weight by eating oranges for weight loss: dietary fiber replenishes hunger and helps improve digestion and normalize gastrointestinal tract. When deciding to choose an orange for weight loss, preference should be given to a special variety - the Sicilian citrus fruit.

Most useful variety distinguished by red flesh: this type has a pronounced anticarcinogenic effect. Sweet and at the same time sour fruit prevents the formation of fatty deposits and cellulite (“orange peel”). Fat-burning wraps and scrubs based on citrus essential oil help maintain skin elasticity and increase the ability to regenerate cells.

Orange diet

The exotic fruit is integral part unloading programs, including the well-known Dukan technique. The orange diet for weight loss includes a strict diet, following which you can lose about 10 kg within 2-3 weeks. Excess fat mass does not return after completing the weight loss method. There are the following types of orange diets:

  • five-day;
  • seven days;
  • designed for 3 weeks;
  • with the addition of chicken meat;
  • with apples.

The diet of fruit consumption for weight loss on a five-day diet is not the most varied. Breakfast is the same every day (a piece of toasted bread, citrus fruit). Eat an orange every lunch and dinner. Please check the table for further specific meal menus:

Day of the week Dinner Dinner
  • kefir or natural yogurt – 1 tbsp.;
  • boiled egg – 1 pc.;
  • crackers – 1 pc.
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • boiled eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • bread – 1 pc.
  • yogurt or biokefir – 250 ml;
  • boiled egg – 1 pc.;
  • bread – 1 pc.
  • boiled beef – 150 g;
  • tomato – 1 pc.;
  • yogurt – 200 ml;
  • crackers – 1 pc.
  • yogurt without sugar - 2 tbsp;
  • boiled egg – 1 pc.;
  • bread – 1 pc.
  • yogurt – 150 ml;
  • boiled meat – 150 g;
  • crackers – 1 pc.
  • low-fat cottage cheese – 150 g;
  • bread - 1 piece;
  • cucumber, tomato – 1 pc.
  • steamed beef – 150 g;
  • cracker – 1 pc.;
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • apple – 1 pc.
  • biokefir – 400 ml;
  • steamed or boiled fish – 200 g;
  • tomato – 2 pcs.;
  • lettuce leaves – 2 pcs.
  • boiled egg – 1 pc.;
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • fresh salad - 5 leaves.

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Orange for the night

A wonderful discovery for those who like to eat at night is the news about the benefits of eating citrus at night. A delicious dessert helps the body digest dinner faster and improve its functioning. digestive system. Not all substances from food can be digested, which causes fermentation in the stomach. Fiber will rid the body of waste and toxins, removing excess residues. Eating an orange at night for weight loss prevents the process of decay of unprocessed food materials while the body replenishes its strength in sleep.

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Video: orange diet

How to eat oranges for weight loss - all about medicines and health on

Hello, my dear losers. Nowadays, there are many different foods that contribute to healthy weight loss. What have you heard about oranges for weight loss? It turns out that there are many different diet options with this orange fruit. About amazing properties oranges and their magical effect on the body today and we’ll talk.

Let's start with calories, of course. An orange has only 36 kcal per 100 grams. It contains 8.1 g of carbohydrates, 0.9 g of protein and 0.2 g of fat. The glycemic index of an orange is 40-50 units (the indicator depends on the type of fruit).

In addition to the delicious aroma and amazing taste that this sunny fruit has, it is also healthy. Orange is rich in the following substances:

vitamins of groups A, B, C, PP and others; calcium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium and other elements; sugars; organic acids; phytoncides; aromatic oils; pectins, etc.

By eating 150 grams of this sunny fruit, you will replenish your daily requirement of ascorbic acid (vitamin C)

With a lack of this vitamin, working ability deteriorates and mood deteriorates. And they're starting to pester me frequent colds and overcome the syndrome chronic fatigue. To avoid all this, it is enough to eat a couple of aromatic fruits a day.

Also present in oranges salicylic acid effectively combats high temperature bodies. Therefore, when you have a cold or viral disease this fruit is an irreplaceable “healer”.

In addition, eating oranges is indicated for diseases of the nervous, endocrine and cardiovascular systems. It has tonic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. This citrus fruit also helps normalize metabolic processes that occur in the body.

First of all, this overseas fruit contains dietary fiber. It helps to normalize digestion processes and provide a feeling of fullness for a long time.

This fruit is low in calories. Therefore, by eating it, you will not gain kilograms, like a hedgehog with needles????

Of course, any variety of oranges available to you can be used for weight loss. However, not so long ago, European scientists made an amazing discovery. It turns out there is one special variety of oranges. We are talking about a Sicilian citrus fruit. This fruit has red flesh, which has a pronounced anti-carcinogenic effect.

Consumption of this overseas fruit prevents obesity and, if necessary, fights it. And also this one delicious fruit reduce the likelihood of cancer.

Aromatics make their contribution to weight loss orange oil. Under its influence, skin elasticity increases and regeneration processes accelerate. Essential oil used for preparing massage products, scrubs and fat-burning mixtures for weight loss wraps. They prevent the formation of “orange peel” and perfectly fight cellulite.

I recommend eating citrus fruits V fresh with pulp. If you decide to treat yourself to freshly squeezed orange juice, dilute it with water in a ratio of 1 to 1. If you drink undiluted juice, it will be difficult for your body to cope with the amount of acid that has entered inside. As a result, an unpleasant, sour taste will appear in the mouth.

But in hot weather, take peeled orange slices and put them in a blender along with ice. And turn on the unit for grinding. Now your refreshing smoothie with low... glycemic index???? (which blender to choose for smoothies)

I would like to remind you that in these overseas fruits high concentration organic acids. Therefore, those losing weight who have heartburn or reflux esophagitis should not eat fruit on an empty stomach. It may increase acidity gastric juice or cause gastritis and other diseases of the digestive system. Therefore, it is better to eat oranges after meals.

People who are losing weight are often concerned with the question: “ Is it possible to eat oranges at night? Let's speculate a little. These citrus fruits contain carbohydrates, sucrose and fructose (and in large quantities). These are substances that reduce the breakdown of fats in the body. Of course, oranges are low in calories. But the presence of fructose, sucrose and carbohydrates significantly slow down the effect of weight loss. Therefore, I do not recommend eating oranges late in the evening. But before dinner, drinking half a glass of juice is just right.

There are many fasting nutrition programs based on this exotic fruit. Yes, and with the Dukan diet, citrus fruits can be eaten.

By the way, reviews of people losing weight say high efficiency orange diets In most cases, these are hard unloading programs. In a few weeks, up to 10 kilos of weight easily disappears. Well, after losing weight, this weight does not return.

Only when on such diets, you definitely need to listen to the signals emitted by your body. If your health has sharply deteriorated, “weight loss” on oranges should be stopped immediately.

All these days in the morning you need to eat the same foods. For breakfast you should eat 1 dried bread or crispbread + 1 orange. And you can pamper yourself in the morning with a cup of unsweetened black coffee or tea. Lunches and dinners vary.

Days Diet
First Lunch: 1 tbsp. natural yogurt / kefir + boiled egg+ orange + cracker

In the evening: 2 tomatoes + 2 boiled eggs + bread

Second Lunch: 250 ml biokefir/yogurt + boiled egg + orange + bread

Dinner: 200 ml yogurt + tomato + 150 g boiled beef+ cracker + orange

Third Lunch: 2 tbsp. yogurt without sugar + boiled egg + orange + bread.

Evening: 150 ml yogurt + 150 g boiled meat+ cracker + orange

Fourth Lunch: 150 g low-fat cottage cheese + fresh cucumber+ tomato + bread

Dinner: 150 g steamed beef + crackers + apple + 2 tomatoes

Fifth Lunch: 400 ml biokefir + 200 g steamed fish (or boiled) + 2 tomatoes + a few lettuce leaves

In the evening: boiled egg + 2 tomatoes + 4-5 fresh lettuce leaves

This diet is easily tolerated - numerous reviews testify to this. For this short period Over time, those losing weight lost an average of about 3 kilos.

This fasting nutrition system allows you to lose about 6 kg in a week. The menu is scheduled by day.

Monday. In the morning you need to eat a couple of crackers + an orange and drink a cup of tea. Additionally, eat 1 orange + a slice of diet bread + ½ liter of kefir + some greens. This set of products should be divided into 3-4 doses. Tuesday. The same diet as on Monday + 2 boiled eggs. Wednesday and Thursday. Tuesday's menu, but instead of eggs we add 150 g of boiled beef. Friday and Saturday. These days you can only eat skim cheese. Sunday. This is the day of boiled low-fat fish - choose any from this list.

Naturally, you need to drink as much fluid as possible every day. It could be still water or unsweetened tea.

During the 21-day period, breakfast is the same. In the morning you need to eat 2 boiled eggs + half an orange. Well, subsequent meals are presented in the table below.

In one squat you need to eat 200 g of boiled chicken + 1-2 citrus fruits. The recommended number of meals is 5-6 times a day. During this diet, you need to move as much as possible and drink a lot of fluids.

Nutritionists advise losing weight using this system in early spring. During such a diet, your body will be saturated with valuable substances and cleansed of the “garbage” that has accumulated here. It is recommended to sit on it for no more than 5 days. And the result is impressive: -7 kilos.

Breakfast and dinner are the same. During this meal, you can eat rye bread + low-fat cheese. And also drink unsweetened green tea.

4 hours after breakfast you need to do snack. You need to eat 1 orange and 1 apple.

Lunch better than a salad. To prepare it you will need an orange + an apple + a little natural yogurt. Chop the fruits and season with yogurt.

This weight loss can last up to 3 weeks. The main requirement of such a fasting nutrition system is that you need to eat a kilo of citrus fruits per day. Moreover, in daily diet In the first week you need to include 5-6 boiled eggs. In the second week, eggs are replaced with cereal porridges (they can be lightly salted). And in the third week, along with oranges, you need to eat other fresh fruits and vegetables.

Now you know how oranges can help you lose weight. Surely, you can’t wait to show off your knowledge in front of your friends. Don't hold back! ???? And send them a link to this article - let them be enlightened. And I wish you easy weight loss and say: bye-bye.

Sincerely, Olga Sologub

Oranges are a popular fruit belonging to the vitamin-rich citrus subfamily. The health benefits and harms of oranges have long been studied and are known to doctors, who in some cases recommend limiting the consumption of this fruit.

Benefits of oranges

This orange fruit is known for containing a rich supply of vitamins, especially ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) – very important component nutrition to maintain health and youth: it strengthens the immune system, helps treat anemia, rids the body of free radicals, and has a positive effect on the freshness and elasticity of skin and hair.

The benefits of orange juice are: citric acid, which is present in it in significant quantities. This acid prevents the accumulation of nitrates and other harmful compounds in the body.

Orange essential oils, which are very abundant in the peel of the fruit, are natural antibiotics and catalysts Have a good mood. The smell of oranges stimulates the appetite and stimulates nervous system, helping to wake up and cheer up.

Oranges provide health benefits for heart and vascular diseases, painful menstruation, hypertension, chronic constipation, liver and lung diseases.

The harm of oranges

Oranges are contraindicated for people who are allergic to them. If a person is prone to allergies, he can eat citrus fruits, but in small quantities, observing how the body reacts.

Oranges can be harmful to people with gastritis, increased stomach acidity, peptic ulcer. Oranges should be consumed with caution hypersensitivity tooth enamel. Dentists advise rinsing your mouth after eating an orange.

Oranges during a diet are a high-quality source of vitamins and minerals. Many fruits dietary nutrition prohibited because contain a lot of sugar. Orange is not a leader in sugar content, so you can include it in your diet. Blood oranges are the most useful during a diet - they contain substances that accelerate fat burning.

According to many nutritionists, orange is on the list of foods that have “negative” calorie content - when they are absorbed, more calories are consumed than you get from this fruit. But eating oranges for weight loss, preferably in slices, and not in the form of juice, because... It is fiber that is difficult to digest.

Almost all fruits and vegetables contribute to weight loss to some extent. No matter how you look at the fruit, it has some positive effects on the body and health. But not all foods are tasty and satisfying.

Orange is a sweet and filling citrus fruit that is great for weight loss. It can be eaten as a separate fruit, as a snack, or you can cook a variety of dishes with it.

Today we can say that oranges are at affordable prices and you can buy them at any time of the year. And oranges are liked by all ages and genders, both old people and children, both women and men.

There is only one contraindication for eating orange: an individual allergic reaction.

There is a misconception that lemons and limes are richest in vitamin C. But it’s not true that oranges and lemons contain approximately the same amount of vitamin C.

One medium orange contains the daily requirement of vitamin C for a person, and sometimes even more than the norm. You can't eat that many lemons at once. By the way, tangerines contain half as much vitamin C.

Orange contains:

calcium, limonoid, fiber, bioflavonoids, folic acid, potassium and a small amount of sodium.

This citrus fruit has a rejuvenating and antioxidant effect, removes toxins from the body, improves digestion.

Freshly squeezed orange juice is no less healthy than the fruit itself

Constant consumption of fresh juice can prevent the development of rickets and scurvy in children, promotes growth and increases immunity to infections. Fresh orange juice also supports the treatment of constipation and caries, adds vigor and energy. In combination with honey it will be useful for the treatment of heart attack and ischemia. It should also serve as the main food for the following diseases: fever, tuberculosis, measles and typhoid fever.

To maintain a slim figure or to achieve this slimness, oranges will be good helpers. Fiber from dietary fiber enters the intestines and swells, creating a noticeable volume and saturates well. Saturation lasts 4 hours, i.e. Having a snack with oranges you can be full for another 4 hours. Therefore, they are included in the citrus diet.

Taking red Sicilian oranges is beneficial for weight loss

Scientists from Italy discovered that constant consumption of this type of orange prevents the development of obesity. An experiment was conducted with three groups of mice. All groups of mice ate high-calorie food. One group was given blood orange juice to drink and did not gain excess weight. The second drank the juice of ordinary oranges and the third drank water - these groups of mice gained excess weight.

Orange is considered a low-calorie fruit, which is good for creating a diet during weight loss.

One average fruit contains only up to 90 kcal.

Digestion after taking orange is easier, the digestive organs are not overly stressed. Grapefruit will also be useful for weight loss; it also contains few calories.

In general, eating oranges has only positive effects, which is why there is a diet based on oranges. The diet is widespread throughout the world.

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In order to get rid of “extra” pounds, many people start following diets. Those who think that proper nutrition it's not tasty and monotonous. Now nutritionists have developed a lot of methods and they are all different, so everyone can find a tastier option. For example, citrus fruit lovers will definitely like the orange diet, the menu of which will be provided below.

What are the benefits of orange?

It’s not for nothing that the orange is called the “sunny fruit.” This juicy bright orange fruit not only resembles little sun, but is also able to charge us with the necessary energy for the whole day. It contains vitamins, micro- and macroelements, dietary fiber, which help fight excess weight.

Orange belongs to the citrus family and was developed in China. This is a hybrid of mandarin and pomelo, its name translates as Chinese apple (apple from China). It can be called “rejuvenating”, since the fruit contains ascorbic acid not only helps remove free radicals, toxins and waste from the body, but also has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, nourishing and toning it. One medium-sized fruit contains a daily dose of this vitamin, so a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice for breakfast it really energizes you.

In addition, this sunny fruit contains vitamins D, B6, B12 and fat-soluble retinol (vitamin A). The elements are magnesium, iron, calcium. Pectin substances help normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and reduce the development putrefactive processes in the large intestine. Folic acid strengthens blood vessels.

100g of oranges contain only 47 calories. This fruit contains no cholesterol or fat. Alimentary fiber When the fruit contained in this citrus reaches the stomach, it swells, and the feeling of hunger goes away. They are digested slowly, so you don’t want to eat them for a long time. This is why the orange diet works.

First option

There are several types of orange diets. The main difference between them is the duration of the period of adherence to such a diet and the number of kilograms lost. This option is for only 3 days. During this period you can get rid of 3 to 5 kg. It is recommended to eat 3 times a day.

  • For breakfast, it is recommended to eat 1 orange or drink a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. To add to them, you can choose a soft-boiled egg, white bread toast or bran flakes.
  • You are allowed to eat for lunch small piece lean fish (75g) or mushrooms, always fresh or boiled vegetables, boiled potatoes or rice (75-100g). Everything is taken in small quantities and eaten with orange. For dessert you can eat yogurt (125g).
  • Good for dinner low-fat varieties meat (75g), Brussels sprouts or broccoli, green beans or potatoes with zucchini and orange.

Second option

This orange-based diet lasts for a week. During this time you can lose from 4 to 8 kg. If you wish, you can stick to it more long time. It is perfect for young mothers to get back into shape after childbirth.

It is based on 2 products: orange and eggs. Both of them are allergens, so it is better for nursing mothers not to risk it. You cannot use this nutrition option for more than 2 weeks, since it will no longer be fat that will begin to disappear, but muscle mass. It is recommended to repeat the diet no earlier than a month after the end of the previous course.

At each meal, eat 2 boiled eggs and 1.5 oranges. The daily intake of this fruit should not exceed 1 kg. They eat 5 times a day. Every other day you should drink 1 cup of black unsweetened coffee for breakfast. You can “last” a week on such a mono-diet, then it is recommended to add fresh vegetables and fruits containing a large number of fiber: Bell pepper, cabbage, apples, avocados, legumes and seeds, tomatoes, bananas.

The transition to the previous diet should be smooth. First add low calorie foods, lean meats. Soups and vegetable dishes Best consumed as a puree. You can make juices. Then gradually more nutritious food is introduced.

Third option

This orange diet for weight loss is designed for 3 weeks, but only 5 out of 7 days will be considered dietary, on weekends the body “gets used to it” and you need to eat as usual. During this time you can get rid of 10 to 15 kg. Breakfast will be monotonous, it will be tea/coffee without sugar or milk, 1 cracker or toast and 1 orange (sometimes it can be replaced with grapefruit). Lunch and dinner will vary depending on the days of the week. Fish and meat are steamed, boiled or grilled, preferably without adding vegetable or animal fats.

  • Monday: lunch – boiled egg, 2 crackers and 400 ml of kefir or yogurt + orange; dinner - 2 eggs and tomatoes, some lettuce, 2 toast.
  • Tuesday: lunch – same as on Monday; dinner - 120 g lean beef, tomato, toast, yogurt and orange.
  • Wednesday: lunch - same as on Monday; dinner - roast beef or steak (125 g), a glass of yogurt, crackers and an orange.
  • Thursday: lunch – tomato, pickled cucumber, low-fat cottage cheese (120g) and toast; dinner - 125 g lean beef, 2 tomatoes, crackers and an apple.
  • Friday: lunch – fish (200 g), tomato and some lettuce, toast, yogurt; dinner - egg, tomato, lettuce.

We should not forget about water balance. You should drink still water, at least 2 liters per day. Drink tea and coffee without sugar, if you drink juice, then only freshly prepared one.

Any orange diet will be beneficial and help you achieve the desired result, you just need to be persistent and combine proper nutrition with physical activity.

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