The atomic diet is a system of alternating carbohydrate and protein days. Atomic diet Protein-vegetable diet for weight loss menu

The most effective diets for weight loss should not be based on strict restrictions on the foods consumed and numerous prohibitions, but on a balanced and healthy eating. They last quite a long time, but give good results and allow you to change your eating habits in better side. For example, protein vegetable diet, which you need to stick to for 21 days, helped get rid of excess weight to many. It is also called the English diet, related to. And among the British there are very few people with overweight, which indicates their reasonable eating habits. What kind of diet is this, and how should you eat while sticking to it?

The essence of the diet is that the diet will consist of 50% protein products and 50% vegetables, and a quarter of the vegetables should be eaten raw, and the rest - after heat treatment.

A protein-vegetable diet for weight loss is highly effective and allows you to achieve good results. Its main principle is the rejection of many carbohydrates: the diet will not contain cereals, potatoes, bakery and confectionery. You will also have to exclude sugar and salt. The diet will be based on the following products:

  • vegetables;
  • lean meat, fish, mushrooms;
  • fruits;
  • nuts; dairy products.

This protein-vegetable diet menu allows you to reduce the caloric content of your diet without actually reducing the amount of what you eat. This will allow you to lose weight without stressing your body.

Another important principle The diet is that you need to alternate protein and vegetable days. The most commonly used diet is two days of protein and two days of vegetables, although there is an option where it alternates three days. It is recommended to spend a couple of fasting days in advance so that the body adjusts to changes. And to consolidate the results, you will need the right way out of the diet. If you decide to lose weight using this method, you will need to adopt the following rules:

  • Days must be alternated strictly according to the scheme. The meal schedule cannot be changed.
  • Meals should be four times a day.
  • It is advisable that the last meal is no later than 18 hours.
  • Drink at least two liters of water a day.
  • In the morning, drink a glass of water with added lemon juice or a slice of lemon.
  • It is important to limit the amount of salt in your diet.
  • Although you cannot change the menu, you can replace some ingredients in vegetable salads with others. This will help make the menu more varied.
  • To support your body, take vitamins.
  • During the diet, you should not consume sugar, sweet fruits, alcoholic drinks and sparkling waters.

Diet results

If you strictly follow all the rules, then in three weeks of the diet you can lose up to 10 kilograms. Additionally, you can cleanse the body and saturate it with valuable components. Since the diet contains a lot of proteins, it is the fat that will go away, not muscle mass. Also, a protein-vegetable diet restores metabolism, so in the future it will be easier for you to keep yourself in the desired shape. And if you exit the diet correctly, the result will be as lasting as possible.

Protein-vegetable diet for 21 days: menu

The protein-vegetable diet has many different options. So, there is a mixed method, in which you will need to eat up to five times a day in small portions. This option is suitable for those who want to lose weight slowly but safely, without stress to the body. This diet can even be used as a fasting menu after suffering from certain diseases.

Strict menu in in this case No. Proteins and vegetables can be eaten together. The diet should include dairy products. The diet in this case can be adjusted and can be quite varied.

But the most popular option is a diet alternating protein and vegetable days. It involves separate meals: two days we will eat proteins, two days vegetables.

The diet has contraindications. It involves a serious load on the liver and kidneys. If you have diseases of these organs, it is not recommended to adhere to such a diet.

The menu for 21 days of a protein-vegetable diet suggests the following scheme:

  • The first two days, as well as days 7-8, 13-14 and 19-20, will be fasting days.
  • Protein days – 3-4, 9-10, 15-16 and 21 days.
  • Fruits and vegetables will need to be consumed at 5-6, 11-12 and 17-18.

On fasting days you will need to adhere to the following diet:

  • In the morning and shortly before bed, you will need to eat a slice of bran bread.
  • The rest of the time you will need to drink low-fat kefir. In total, you will need a liter, which must be consumed in four glass times.
  • A glass of lemon juice is allowed in the evening.
  • Diet in the morning " protein-vegetable days"recommends eating a sandwich from rye bread, half a teaspoon of honey and a cup of coffee with milk.
  • For lunch you can eat 100 grams of fish, fish broth and a piece of black bread.
  • During the break, you can eat half a teaspoon of honey.
  • For dinner, boil a couple of eggs, eat 100 grams boiled meat and 50 g low-fat cheese. Drink a glass of kefir.

Protein days 9-10 suggest the following menu:

  • In the morning, eat a piece of bread, a spoonful of honey and drink Herb tea.
  • During the day, make broth with meat or mushrooms, and stew vegetables.
  • During the break, it is recommended to drink rosehip decoction with the addition of a small amount of honey.

Protein days 15-16 will need to be eaten as follows:

  • For breakfast, make an omelet from a couple of eggs and drink tea.
  • Snack on 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese and a cup of rosehip broth.
  • For lunch you need to eat 100 grams of turkey meat.
  • A glass of kefir is suitable as an afternoon snack.

The final 21st protein day of the diet will look like this:

  • Breakfast: boiled egg, piece of whole grain bread, chamomile tea.
  • Snack – kefir in the amount of one glass.
  • You can cook for lunch meat broth And chicken cutlets(do not fry them, but steam them).
  • For dinner 100 grams of boiled meat, 50 grams low-fat cottage cheese, some kind of unsweetened drink.

Now let's move on to the fruit and vegetable days, which the menu suggests for 21 protein and vegetable diets.

On day 5-6 you will need to eat this way:

  • For breakfast you can eat an apple and an orange.
  • Prepare for lunch vegetable soup and vegetable salad (do not use potatoes or steam vegetables).
  • At noon, drink tea and eat an orange.
  • Make it for dinner carrot salad, eat a piece of whole grain bread, half a teaspoon of honey, drink tea.

And this will be the diet on days 11-12:

  • In the morning, make a salad of peppers and tomatoes, eat a piece of bread, drink tea with honey.
  • Snack on a couple of oranges or bananas.
  • For lunch you need to eat up to 200 grams of boiled rice and up to 100 grams of fish.
  • For an afternoon snack, drink a glass of low-fat kefir.
  • As dinner will do salad with Chinese cabbage and nuts

On days 17-18 the diet will be as follows:

  • Do it in the morning vegetable salad and drink coffee without sugar.
  • During the day, eat vinaigrette, stew vegetables, drink tea.
  • For an afternoon snack, prepare a casserole of parsnips, onions and carrots, and celery juice.
  • For dinner there will be a vegetable stew of zucchini and eggplant.

This is the protein-vegetable menu for weight loss that we are offered. Overall it is quite balanced and represents a more strict version proper nutrition. Even in protein days a small amount of carbohydrates in the form of honey will also be present - this will help avoid weakness and maintain energy. In order not to break down, it is advisable to always have a menu in front of your eyes, and also remember about motivation.

How to get out of a diet correctly

If, at the end of the diet, you immediately start overeating on fatty and sugary foods, all your efforts will be in vain. Moreover, you may gain even more than you weighed before the diet. Therefore, the right exit is very important.

After a diet, you need to eat in small portions. The diet should be moderate. You can continue to build it on proteins and plant foods, which are useful not only for losing weight, but also for staying fit, but add complex carbohydrates.

Protein-vegetable diet - a good option For healthy weight loss. Both nutritionists and those who have tried it on themselves speak well of it. But, of course, remember that diet is only a temporary measure. And in order to never be overweight again, you should develop healthy and proper eating habits.

A significant number of human diseases are associated with poor nutrition. One of the main problems of our time is obesity. Exist different ways and means of combating excess weight. Effective method against obesity is a protein-vegetable diet for weight loss. This weight loss technique is designed for different periods use, however, the most common was the one designed for 21 days.

The basis of such a diet is to contain about 50% of various vegetables and the same amount of protein in the diet. Moreover, 25% of vegetables should be consumed only raw, the rest - after appropriate heat treatment. Lean meats, as well as fish, low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, and chicken eggs are used as protein foods.

When a person wants to lose weight, he needs to choose low-calorie foods for his diet:

  • completely low-fat or 1% fat kefir;
  • cottage cheese no higher than 3% fat content;
  • chicken eggs and breast;
  • fish.

As a result human body feels a deficiency of carbohydrates, as well as fats, so it will spend its accumulated reserves as much as possible to maintain natural functioning.

For a person who is not involved in sports, only 1-1.5 g of pure protein per kilogram of existing body weight is enough. The same protein-vegetable diet looks different, the 21-day menu of which is developed for athletes - the entire amount of protein products in this case should consist only of animal components. It is not necessary to count fats in the diet; you just need to make sure that their amount is insignificant.

The protein-vegetable diet, the menu of which will be discussed below, has the following advantages. These include her high efficiency– in 21 days of following the proposed diet, you can lose about 10 kg of unnecessary weight. It is worth noting that the result of such a nutrition system depends only on the person losing weight.

The disadvantage of this diet is high load on the liver and kidneys, which may result in general malaise and headaches. If a person has heart disease or vascular system, such a diet is contraindicated for him. The protein-vegetable diet for weight loss, the menu of which we will consider below, is contraindicated for nursing mothers and pregnant women.

Mechanism of diet

The main fundamental principle of such a diet is to exclude from your diet for some time sugar and salt, confectionery “goodies”, cereal porridge, potatoes.

But without restrictions it is allowed to use:

Such nutrition provides a decent restriction of caloric content of food consumed, without practically reducing the volume of food. Thanks to this, it happens fast weight loss, which does not cause stress to the body. In addition, such a comprehensive intake of products perfectly supports the activity digestive tract, it gives a rejuvenating result to the body. The protein-vegetable diet, the menu for 21 days of which we are considering, is quite simple in home use, that’s why people resort to it.

Diet rules

The success of losing weight entirely depends on following the rules of using the diet. It is imperative to remove carbohydrates from the diet and increase the volume of liquid consumed per day to 2 liters. Attention should be paid physical activity. When eating protein, dinner should be completed before 19 o'clock, and when vegetable days arrive, the last snack should be consumed before 21 o'clock.

If someone who is losing weight really wants to lose weight efficiently and quickly, then he should know that the diet implies the following nutritional plan. Eat protein foods for two days, vegetables for two days. Be sure to do fasting days before the diet.

Execution options

The protein-vegetable diet, the menu of which we will now consider, has quite a lot of different options.

There is a mixed method, when meals are taken up to 5 times daily. With this diet, portions are kept small. This method is suitable for those who want to gradually reduce their weight, and it is safe for the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, without causing stress to the body. This mixed diet can also be used as unloading menu after illness.

The main advantage of this food option is that there is no need to create a really strict menu. There is absolutely no need to remember the diet; you are allowed to eat fish along with lean meat and various vegetables. Be sure to consume fermented milk products twice a day instead of meat.

It is important that vegetables and protein are equally represented on the menu.

Another advantage of this method of eating is that recipes for such a mixed diet are quite easy to adjust and are varied. Salads, soups, stews, casseroles, a piece of fish are available to everyone.

There is a second version of the protein-vegetable diet, which consists of 2 protein and 2 vegetable days with separate meals. With this scheme, food portions should be small. This method of losing weight is quite tough, since it puts a serious load not only on the liver, but also on the kidneys. If a person suffers from chronic diseases of these organs, then it is better to replace such nutrition with a more suitable diet.

  • fasting days should be performed on the first two days, and then on days 7–8, 13–14 and 19–20;
  • protein days become 3–4, 9–10, 15–16 and the last day;
  • days for fruit and vegetable diet you should choose 5–6, 11–12 and 17–18.


On fasting days, the diet should be as follows:

  • for breakfast, and also before bed, you need to eat a slice of bread containing bran;
  • for the rest of the time, use low-fat kefir in an amount of 1 liter;
  • It is recommended to drink a fermented milk product in the amount of a glass (250 ml) at a time;
  • in the evening you can have another glass tomato juice.

After fasting day You should start losing weight directly.

Protein days

  • in the morning - 250 ml of coffee with added milk, 0.5 tsp. honey and a bread sandwich (necessarily rye);
  • lunch – 100 g of fish and fish broth, a slice of black bread;
  • afternoon snack – honey (0.5 tsp);
  • dinner – low-fat cheese (50 g), boiled eggs (2 pcs.), boiled meat (100 g), kefir (250 ml).

Diet protein nutrition(9–10 days):

  • in the morning herbal tea, a slice of bread, an egg, a tablespoon of honey;
  • in the afternoon - broth prepared with meat or mushrooms, vegetable stew;
  • After lunch, you can have a snack with rosehip decoction with 1 tsp. natural honey;
  • for dinner 100 g hard cheese, as well as low-fat kefir (200 ml), an egg, a small slice of rye bread.

Protein diet (15–16 days):

  • breakfast – a glass of tea and an omelet made from 2 eggs;
  • snack – 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese and a cup of rosehip decoction;
  • lunch – 100 g steamed turkey meat;
  • afternoon snack – 200 g of kefir;
  • dinner – 200 g chicken meat, Cup of tea.

Protein diet (21 days):

  • breakfast – tea with chamomile, a piece of whole grain bread, boiled egg;
  • snack - a glass of kefir;
  • for lunch – steamed chicken cutlets, meat broth;
  • for dinner 50 g of low-fat cottage cheese, 100 g of boiled meat, unsweetened drink.

Fruit and vegetable days

Nutrition menu for days 5–6:

  • breakfast may consist of an apple and an orange;
  • for lunch, vegetable soup, vegetable salad (only without potatoes and stewing);
  • afternoon snack – orange and a cup of tea;
  • for dinner, carrot salad, a slice of whole grain bread, a cup of tea and 0.5 tsp. honey

Diet for days 11–12:

  • in the morning, a salad of 2 tomatoes and peppers, a slice of bread, a glass of tea with a spoon of honey;
  • next snack – bananas or oranges;
  • for lunch, fish (maximum 100 g), as well as boiled rice (no more than 200 g);
  • afternoon snack – a glass of kefir (low-fat only);
  • For dinner, a salad of nuts and Chinese cabbage is allowed.

Nutrition menu for days 17–18:

  • in the morning unsweetened coffee, vegetable salad;
  • in the afternoon, vinaigrette, stewed vegetables, green tea with 0.5 tsp. honey;
  • afternoon snack: parsnip casserole with onions and chopped carrots, celery juice;
  • for dinner tea, vegetable stew of eggplant and zucchini.



Wanting to get beautiful figure, women, and sometimes men, try various options and ways to lose weight, achieving the desired result. Some exhaust themselves with long workouts, strict diets, and finally, starvation. However, people usually fail by losing their enthusiasm and desire to continue working on losing weight.

Why the atomic diet got such a name, to be honest, remains a mystery to me. Are the authors of the diet sure that its effect is similar nuclear explosion(they claim that in a week of diet they lose from 5 to 8 kilograms), or they considered it a sensational method of losing weight, literally blowing up the usual ideas about how to lose weight - but you can also argue with this thesis :). Well, be that as it may, let’s look at this diet in more detail.

Rules of the atomic diet

The atomic diet is based on alternating protein and vegetable days. Protein day - vegetable day - protein again - vegetable again, and so on. This, in fact, is main principle diets.

On a protein day the following are allowed:

  • lean meat, skinless poultry, fish;
  • milk and any natural fermented milk products (cheese, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt without additives, etc.);
  • eggs.

On vegetable day you can eat:

  • any vegetables except potatoes;
  • any fruits and berries, except the sweetest (bananas, grapes);
  • and everything that can be prepared from them ( lean soups, vegetable and fruit salads, pickles, vegetable stew, etc.).
  • potato;
  • sugar and sweets;
  • bread, pasta and any other flour products.

In the first week of the diet, you should also exclude cereals and legumes from the diet; If you decide to stick to the diet longer, then in the future they can be consumed, occasionally and little by little, on vegetable days.

There is no limit to the amount of food you can eat during the day. But this, of course, does not mean that you can overeat to satiety. You need to eat when you want, and just enough to satisfy your hunger. Don't overeat.

The last meal should be at least 3 hours before bedtime.

Sample menu

Protein day:

  • breakfast – 1-2 eggs, cheese (or a piece of sausage, or sausage, cottage cheese), coffee with milk;
  • dinner - chicken breast, meat or fish (can be fried or baked, but better boiled);
  • dinner - cottage cheese, fish, cheese (it is better not to eat meat in the evening, as it takes a long time to digest).

Vegetable day:

  • breakfast – vegetable or fruit salad with olive oil;
  • lunch - cabbage soup or lean borscht without potatoes, lecho or vegetable stew;
  • dinner - vinaigrette;
  • snacks – fruits, juices.

It seems, however, that you should rush to such extremes only if you really liked eating in the atomic diet mode. Otherwise, upon reaching the desired weight (or if, despite all efforts, it has stopped decreasing), it is worth smoothly switching to a nutritious, rational, balanced diet.

The atomic diet, as well as one very similar to it, is contraindicated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, of cardio-vascular system. And for everyone else, it wouldn’t hurt to consult a doctor before using it.

If you want to lose weight as quickly as possible, you should use the “2 by 2” diet: it allows you to short time put away overweight without resorting to fasting.

Diet “2 days of protein, 2 days of vegetables”: essence and features ^

Key Feature This diet is that for 21 days you have to eat according to the scheme “2 days - only proteins, 2 days - carbohydrates”, i.e. Every two days you need to alternate the menu.

Thus, the body enters a stressful state due to a sudden change in diet, as a result of which it has to replenish energy reserves by breaking down existing fat deposits.

Advantages and disadvantages

The “2 days of protein, 2 days of carbohydrate” diet has many advantages noted by nutritionists:

  • Even a beginner can withstand it, because... there are no significant restrictions on the amount of food consumed;
  • Protein foods strengthen muscles and bones, and carbohydrate foods cleanse the intestines and activate metabolism, so this diet is very beneficial for health and the immune system;
  • It helps to quickly lose excess weight, without much starvation, because... you have to eat every 2 hours;
  • Its menu is quite varied.

Even with such positive qualities the technique has its drawbacks: it is not suitable for pregnant and nursing mothers, and if there is chronic diseases You should first consult your doctor.

How much weight can you lose?

Those who use the 2-by-2 diet usually manage to lose up to 10-15 kilograms in a 21-day cycle, but this result is only possible if all the rules are followed, as well as the use of specific foods on certain days.

What foods can you eat on protein days:

  • Poultry and meat low-fat varieties boiled or baked;
  • Steamed, boiled or baked fish;
  • Boiled eggs;
  • Seafood;
  • Skim milk, kefir, bifidok, whey and cottage cheese;
  • Lean ham.

The diet for carbohydrate days consists of the following foods:

  • Berries;
  • Fruits, except grapes, bananas and persimmons;
  • Fresh, boiled or baked vegetables;
  • Porridge: they need to be cooked only with water and without adding oil.

Any sweets, fatty and fried foods, as well as baked goods, baked goods, fast food, chips, crackers and lemonade are subject to exclusion.

Menu, recipes and rules ^

Rules of the “2 by 2” diet for weight loss

  • At the very beginning, you need to spend 2 days of fasting, consuming low-fat kefir or milk, and only after that eat protein foods for another two days;
  • Drinks allowed still water, green tea or coffee without sugar, and salt should be added to dishes to a minimum;
  • You need to drink 2-2.5 liters of liquid per day: this allows you to quickly get rid of stagnant water in the body and speed up metabolism;
  • On a diet, eating every 2 hours is one of the main rules; longer breaks between meals should not be allowed;
  • You are allowed to drink either half an hour before meals or an hour after;
  • After 6 pm, unsweetened fruits are allowed on carbohydrate days, and kefir on protein days;
  • You cannot mix products from the two different days in one thing: you can eat only proteins in protein dishes, and exclusively in carbohydrates slow carbohydrates indicated in the list;
  • If you wish, you can eat according to your usual menu once a week, but this may reduce the effectiveness of the diet.

Protein day menu

This menu allows you to more clearly familiarize yourself with your diet and create your own nutrition plan:

  • We have 100 g of cottage cheese for breakfast, drink tea;
  • After 2 hours, we eat a couple of boiled egg whites for lunch;
  • We dine on seafood;
  • For an afternoon snack we eat yogurt;
  • We have dinner with a piece of baked fish and drink a glass of kefir.

Carbohydrate day menu

"After sitting" on protein menu, you should use carbohydrate:

  • In the morning we eat fruit salad or porridge, drink tea;
  • For lunch – orange and juice;
  • We have lunch with fresh or stewed vegetables;
  • We have an afternoon snack of 100 g of berries;
  • We have steamed vegetables for dinner.

Results and reviews of those losing weight ^

According to nutritionists, such alternation allows you to quickly get rid of excess weight, but you should also take into account that the diet can lead to health problems, so it is not recommended to stay on it for more than 21 days. After the entire cycle, only positive results can be achieved:

  • Activation of metabolism;
  • Losing weight by 10-15 kg;
  • Stronger muscles.

Reviews from our readers

Margarita, 29 years old:

“I’ve been eating according to the “2 by 2” plan for 2 weeks now. There are no difficulties: hunger is not felt due to frequent meals, but the weight decreases at a rapid pace. During this time, I managed to lose 7 kg, but I’m not going to stop there – I need to lose the same amount.”

Zhanna, 39 years old:

“I didn’t know what to do with my weight - no diets helped. A friend suggested a technique for alternating proteins and carbohydrates, and I decided to use it. At first it was a little difficult, because... I was not used to eating this way, but after a week the changes were no longer felt, but in 21 days I lost 14 kg. I’m thinking of taking a break and repeating it one more time to bring my figure to my ideal.”

Tatyana, 25 years old:

“I struggled with excess weight for a very long time, and I also went to the gym - there were practically no results. I recently found out about this diet and decided to try it just to chance - I didn’t have much hope for any results. Surprisingly, after 2 weeks of such an unusual diet, I lost 7 kilograms and came to the conclusion that such a diet is the best for those who cannot get rid of kilograms with simple proper nutrition.”

Eastern horoscope for May 2019

How to lose weight without harming your body? There are many diets, but we would like to talk about the English diet. In the English diet, the body receives almost everything it needs. The peculiarity of the diet is that where salt is prohibited as a class, here you can salt food as usual.
Not allowed: sugar, white bread, potatoes, alcohol, lemonade - and all their derivatives.
The first 2-4 days of this diet are always a bit difficult, but then the stomach will get used to the smaller dose.

About sports. You cannot combine diet with sports. The body is already weakened by a lack of calories, but we will give it even more stress. You need to exercise after the diet. And while on a diet, walking in the fresh air is better.

English diet - recipe 1

1. Two fasting days
1 liter of milk or kefir, 1 glass of tomato juice, 500 g of cottage cheese. Eat all this in any proportions throughout the day.

2. Two protein days.
Morning- coffee, possibly with milk, 1 slice of rye bread with 0.5 tsp. drain oil and 0.5 tsp. honey
Dinner- 1 tea cup of meat or fish broth, 70-100 g of boiled meat or fish, 2 tbsp. l. green peas (canned), a piece of rye bread.
Afternoon snack- 1 glass of tea with honey or a glass of milk
Dinner- to choose from:
- 70-100 g of boiled meat or fish (you lose weight with baked fish or meat! If you don’t add fat, then the calorie content is almost the same; if the fish is boiled, then a little fat goes into the broth. You can take lean fish and reduce the portion ), or
- 2 pieces of lean ham, or
- 2 eggs, or
- 50 g cheese
+ a glass of kefir, a piece of rye bread.

3. Two vegetable days
Morning- 2 apples and an orange (citrus fruits remove toxins and help burn fat in the body. Mix the juice of 4 oranges, grapefruits and 2 lemons with two liters mineral water. Drink this cocktail throughout the day, and the results will soon be visible)
Dinner- to choose from:
- vegetable soup (Take cauliflower or regular cabbage, onions, tomatoes, celery (in pods, not in tubers and not greens), bell pepper, cut, add water (so that the vegetables are just covered) and cook until tender, in At the end put herbs, salt, spices. Celery is a mandatory ingredient, it’s the whole point), seasoned with vegetable oil, or
- salad,
- vegetable stew in vegetable oil
+ a piece of black bread.
Afternoon snack- fruits
Dinner- salad, 1 piece of rye bread, a glass of tea with honey.
Hungry days are not repeated; protein and vegetable days alternate. Only 20 days.
Drink green and black tea, coffee over time - but all without sugar.

English diet - recipe 2

Breakfast (200 kilocalories)
Option I: one boiled egg or fried egg, a slice of dried wholemeal bread, 100 g of fresh juice.
Option II: 1/3 cup oatmeal with a glass of skim milk, tbsp. spoon of raisins, 150 g of fruit juice.
III option: 2 tbsp. spoons of whole grain porridge with a glass of skim milk, apple.
IV option: 200 g fruit salad, 150 g of kefir or yogurt from skim milk.

Second breakfast (about 300 kilocalories)
Option I: potatoes baked in their jackets, stuffed with 100 g of cottage cheese with sweet fruits (or steamed dried fruits), vegetable salad, seasoned with a spoon sunflower oil, orange, apple or pear.
Option II: vegetarian broth, 25 g of grated cheese, whole grain bun (50 g), pear or apple.
Option III: 2 slices of dried bread, 50 g of baked beans (beans), 100 g of fresh fruit.
IV option: omelette of vegetables, cheese and two eggs with tomato slices, green pepper and mushrooms, apple.

Dinner (about 500 kilocalories)
Option I: hot dish of beans (beans), 100 g of fresh fruit.
Option II: semi-milk vegetable soup, 25 g grated low-fat cheese (brynza), whole grain bun (dried), 50 g dried apricots, soaked with cheese.
Option III: a large potato baked in its jacket, 60 g of baked beans (beans), carrots, cabbage, 2 cups of kefir, to which several chopped dry apricots have been added.

Remember that in the struggle for harmony, only self-discipline will help restore tone to the body. Be healthy and beautiful!

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