An adult frequently waking up at night, what to do. What juices should I drink? Possible causes of sleep disturbance at night

Dream - the most important part life of a person, because at this time processes occur in the body, thanks to which the psycho-emotional and physical state body. While we sleep, the brain processes the information received and assimilates it, which is why they say that the morning is wiser than the evening.

Sleep disturbances lead to disruptions in various systems of the body - immunity decreases, mental disorders develop and vascular diseases. What are the dangers of poor sleep at night in adults? What are its reasons? What to do to get back to normal night rest?

Sleep disorders in adults - types

There are more than 50 different conditions and diseases that lead to sleep disorders. Sleep disorders themselves are divided into the following concepts:

Dyssomnia – difficulty falling asleep, daytime sleepiness, feeling of fatigue after a night's rest persists.

Presomnia – a person cannot fall asleep for 2 or more hours.

Postsomnia - a night's rest does not bring vigor, one feels weak and apathetic.

Hypersomnia is daytime sleepiness that is sometimes uncontrollable.

Causes of poor sleep

It is useful for readers of Popular Health to know that there is a very large list of causes of sleep disorders in adults, but we will now look at the most common ones.

1. Internal disorders of the body systems - vegetative-vascular dystonia (the patient experiences panic attacks), apnea syndrome. This also includes the syndrome restless legs(itching, feeling of insects crawling on the skin, tingling).

2. External reasons– stress, overexertion, pain, intake various drugs(psychotropic in particular), alcohol intoxication, excessive smoking, drinking heavily before bed, overeating. Due to such reasons, nightmares may occur.

3. Circadian disorders - typical when changing time zones, as well as when working shifts. Such sleep disturbances occur in people who are prone to depression. To increase vigor, they take energy drinks in the morning and drink them at night sedatives, thereby disrupting the natural rhythm of the body, and causing an even worsening of the psycho-emotional state.

People with mental disorders may suffer from sleepwalking (waking while sleeping), bruxism (teeth grinding), or narcolepsy (excessive nap livability).

Any sleep disturbance requires treatment if it lasts more than three weeks. This question lies within the competence of the sleepologist, however, when identifying neurological or psychoemotional disorders Other specialists – a neurologist and a psychiatrist – are also involved in the patient’s treatment.

What's wrong with an adult having poor sleep??

Being small children, few people understand how wonderful this time is. What do parents require from their child? Grow up, get smarter, go for walks so as not to sit in front of the monitor, not get sick, eat well, go to bed on time... Having grown up, all people are forced to work in order to be able to provide for themselves and their families. Accordingly, if an adult’s sleep fails, this will directly interfere with his work. What if problems with night rest repeat again and again?! So this shouldn't happen.

What to do if you have a bad dream?

And first of all, you need to organize yourself so as to establish correct mode sleep. This is very important, because due to the lack of a clear regime in the human body, biological rhythms.

1. Determine for yourself the time at which you will go to bed every day. It is advisable to go to bed before 11 pm, or even better before 10 pm. According to neurologists, the most valuable and important period of sleep is the time period between 22.00 - 1.00 am. It is at this time that the body best shows its regenerative activity.

2. Half an hour to an hour before falling asleep, it is advisable to relax - read fiction or listen to light music.

3. You shouldn’t eat at night; it’s better to have a light dinner no later than 2 hours before going to bed. Drinking too much should also be avoided so as not to go to the toilet at night.

4. A walk in the evening will come in handy.

5. Avoid drinking invigorating drinks after lunch. At night it is better to drink weak tea with lemon balm and a spoon of honey or a glass of warm milk.

6. If you suffer from insomnia or are tormented by restless legs syndrome, give yourself a relaxing warm evening bath. A gentle massage of the limbs will not be amiss.

8. It is necessary to refuse alcoholic drinks if you use them frequently.

9. Neurologists warn against self-administration of any sedative and psychotropic drugs that may aggravate the patient’s problem.

If no independent actions help you get a good night's rest, you should seek help. medical assistance. It is especially important to do this if you suffer from nighttime seizures (panic attacks, nightmares), as well as if you notice manifestations of narcolepsy or somnambulism. Narcolepsy is especially dangerous for drivers and people working in production with machinery and equipment - uncontrolled daytime sleep can cost them their lives.

In most cases, sleep disorders in adults disappear if the correct regime of wakefulness and rest is organized. Stress is the main cause of insomnia in middle-aged people. Abundance of information high loads At work, conflict situations, lack of annual leave - all these factors contribute to the accumulation of negative emotions and fatigue, which often develops into chronic and leads to depressive disorders. Healthy image life, sports, walks, as well as the correct daily routine are the key normal sleep at night.

Insomnia (insomnia) is a condition in which the quality of sleep and its duration are disturbed, which causes a state of drowsiness, “brokenness” during the day. In addition, sleep disturbance at night leads to impaired attention, weakened memory, and causes anxiety and tension. If you think about what disease almost every person has suffered in life, then you need to admit that one or another sleep disorder is familiar to everyone. That’s why now we’ll talk about sleep disorders, causes in adults, symptoms, what to do to sleep normally.

It should be noted that everyone's need for night rest is different. Some people need 8-9 hours to get enough sleep, while others need 4-6 hours. This need is established in childhood and practically does not change throughout life. Therefore, if a person begins to sleep less over time than in his youth, it is not a matter of age. Most likely, we can talk specifically about insomnia.

There are transitional (transient) forms of the disease, periodic and chronic.

In the first case, sleep disturbance lasts from several nights to 2 weeks. In the periodic form, the disease manifests itself during certain periods of life. Chronic insomnia lasts more than a month.

Symptoms of insomnia

This disease, in addition to night sleep disorders, includes a whole range of problems. These include:

Difficulty falling asleep at night,

Frequent awakenings during the night, difficulty falling back asleep,

Frequent early awakenings

Lack of feeling of rest and vigor in the morning.

Such symptoms may appear all at once, or dominance of one or more of them may be observed. But we can say with confidence that all of them exhaust a person, do not provide the opportunity to rest, and also significantly reduce the quality of life. Indeed, in addition to morning fatigue, a person becomes irritable, quickly gets tired, and cannot work fully.

Causes of poor sleep quality

The causes of insomnia are most often attributed to age, since people over 60 years of age most often suffer from the disease. Also, the reasons include gender – women most often suffer from sleep disturbances.

Transitional and periodic forms often appear as a result of stress, loud noise, or changes in air temperature. A person may have difficulty falling asleep in an unfamiliar environment, as well as due to the effect of certain medications.

The main cause of the chronic form is considered to be depressive conditions, hypertension, joint diseases, asthma, heart disease and other quite serious diseases. So pay attention to this.

In addition, any form of insomnia can lead to a large number of coffee consumption, alcohol abuse, violation of the established daily routine and constant stress.

How to treat sleep disorders?

If insomnia becomes a problem, you should consult a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to establish a diagnosis, determine the form of the disease and prescribe modern, effective drugs for her treatment. You cannot prescribe treatment for yourself, as it usually involves using sleeping pills. But they should not be taken for more than 2 weeks, as then addiction may set in and insomnia will become chronic.

Treatment usually consists of several stages:

Determination of the underlying disease causing insomnia, its treatment,

Determination of possible psychological, behavioral disorders, their full treatment,

Individual prescription of medications.

You can fight insomnia on your own. To do this, try to follow these rules:

Develop the habit of going to bed and waking up at the same time, do not make up for hours of sleep lost at night in the daytime,

Avoid gambling before bed, don't watch exciting TV shows, don't read such books,

Remove all irritants, luminous things, phosphorescent clocks from the bedroom, take care of fresh coolness, silence and darkness,

Before going to bed, refrain from drinking coffee and chocolate. You can eat an apple or 100 g of cottage cheese, since a small amount of food helps you fall asleep,

Before going to bed, take a warm bath,

Do not take sleeping pills without a doctor's prescription

If you can’t fall asleep for a long time, don’t just lie there for more than half an hour. Better get up and do something that doesn’t require effort, stress or special attention. When you feel sleepy, go back to bed.

Try using sleep structuring techniques. If you spend for a long time in bed, making futile attempts to sleep, try special program. She expects to sleep only a few hours at night and then get up. This should be done for several nights in a row until the desire to sleep becomes irresistible. Gradually increase the time you sleep at night to the desired level.

If insomnia has been bothering you for a long time and no simple methods do not help, it is better to consult a specialist. In addition to medications, you may need physiotherapeutic treatment: medicinal baths, electromagnetic procedures. You can seek help from naturopathic medicine: homeopathy, herbal medicine and acupuncture. If insomnia is caused by psychological problems, for example, stress, you will need an experienced psychotherapist.


Sleep should be in complete darkness. Even the dim light of a night light or digital clock in the room can interfere with proper rest by disrupting the production of melatonin and serotonin.

Why do I sleep poorly or what should I do when I can’t sleep at night?

Close the bedroom door, curtain the windows with blackout curtains, and wear a sleep mask to protect your eyes from any light. You can make a sleep mask yourself or buy it in a store.

The bedroom should be cool. The best temperature for a good restful sleep is no more than 20-21 degrees Celsius. Ventilate the bedroom, sleep with the window slightly open. During the hot season, you can turn on the air conditioning.

Before going to bed, turn off household appliances from the network - electromagnetic fields They can also negatively affect the quality of sleep in people sensitive to their effects.

Do not work and, if possible, do not watch TV in the bedroom - this will prevent you from relaxing and tuning in. good sleep. Ideally, the bedroom should only be a relaxation area.

Finish all work and watching TV at least two hours and an hour before bedtime, respectively. Television shows and computer work overly activate the brain, which makes it difficult to quickly relax and fall asleep.

If you are one of those who fall asleep to a rhythmically droning TV, then it is better to listen to a disc with soothing meditative music before bed. The relaxing effect of music will ensure not only falling asleep quickly, but also long-term healthy sleep.

A light, pleasant reading - a magazine, a simple detective or love story - helps you get ready for sleep very well. Do not read only books that require active comprehension - do not overload your brain with work.
Go to bed no later than 11 pm - otherwise you risk waking up with dark circles around your eyes and in a “broken” state. Try to stick to this regime constantly.

Helps promote healthy and restful sleep light massage, deep meditative breathing and aromatherapy - inhalation of essential oils.

What else can you do when you can't sleep at night?

Don't drink liquids at least two hours before bed. It's better to eat before bed protein food, but not fatty or fried. You can also eat some fruit. This diet promotes the production of melanin and serotonin during sleep. Sweets and starchy foods are bad resting companions; they cause restless, intermittent sleep.

Avoid caffeine and alcohol. Although the latter can cause drowsiness, the effect will be short-lived, and you will often wake up or, with a more serious dose, you will wake up in a “broken” state and with a headache.

Take a warm bath before bed. It will relax your body and help you fall asleep faster and sleep more peacefully.
If your feet are cold, wear socks to bed. Alternatively, you can use a heating pad overnight.
Physical exercises, according to at least, 30 minutes a day will help improve your sleep. Just don't do gymnastics right before bed.

Why do I have trouble sleeping at night?

The reasons may be different - constant stress in the family or at work, overeating in the evening, going to bed late, an overly busy lifestyle, drinking small but constant doses of alcohol. But sometimes poor sleep is caused by an unimportant health condition. If the above tips do not help you cope with insomnia, contact a specialist and undergo an examination - it is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause of lack of sleep. But you shouldn’t get carried away with self-medication and prescribing medications for insomnia - you can not only harm yourself, but also miss time for treatment of possibly not yet serious sleep and health disorders.

Sleep problems are a fairly common problem, occurring in literally every fifth or sixth person on earth. This disease occurs at any age, but adults are especially dependent on good night, so that his absence could disrupt their daily lives. In this article you will learn the reasons for poor sleep in an adult, what treatment to carry out, how to take medications and much more.

There are several types of sleep disorders. Below you can see the most common ones, found in most patients:

  • Insomnia. Disturbance in the process of sleep and falling asleep. Insomnia can be caused by psychosomatic reasons, or maybe by external causes: frequent, medications or narcotic drugs. Quite often caused by mental disorders and breathing problems during sleep;
  • Hypersomnia. Excessive sleepiness. The reasons for its occurrence can be very different: psychophysiological state, frequent use of medications and alcohol, mental illness, breathing disorders during sleep, narcolepsy, various pathological conditions of the individual body;
  • Disturbance in sleep-wake patterns. They are divided into permanent and temporary. The former occur chronically and constantly, while the latter may be associated with irregular work schedules or due to sudden changes in time zones;
  • Parasomnia. Improper functioning of systems and organs that are associated with waking up and falling asleep. It includes somnambulism, various night fears and phobias, incontinence, and other mental disorders.


In most cases, a person wakes up frequently or sleeps very poorly at night due to chronic or physiological reasons. Listed below medical diseases sleep-related:

  • Insomnia. Almost 15% of the world's population suffers from this disease. Insomnia has a detrimental effect on Everyday life a person of any age, including, due to which his performance decreases, his concentration decreases, and sometimes mental illnesses and disorders may even develop;
  • Restless legs syndrome. This pathology manifests itself in the fact that a person constantly experiences excitement in the lower part of the body, which interferes with normal sleep. Convulsions, shudders, twitching and a strange sensation of flying are manifestations of this syndrome. It disturbs sleep only if a lot of physical activity was performed before falling asleep;
  • Narcoleptic seizures. During this state, a person can simply fall asleep in the middle of the street at any time of the day. Severe weakness and hallucinations are symptoms of this disease;
  • Bruxism. Involuntary compression of the upper and lower jaws. Because of this, a person grinds his teeth in his sleep and causes discomfort to himself. The next morning you usually feel pain in your joints and muscles, especially your jaw.
  • Somnambulism. Most people know this condition as sleepwalking. It manifests itself in uncontrolled walking in a dream and performing various actions, for which the person also does not give an account. In this state, a person usually drools, groans, and moans can occur during sleep, or tries to carry on conversations with himself. It is quite difficult to get out of this state, so it is better to let the person do what he wants and let him go back to bed.

Main symptoms

Sleep disorders have many symptoms, but whatever they are, they can radically change a person's life in a short time. The emotional state changes, the person becomes nervous and angry, labor productivity decreases, which can cause problems at work. And often a person does not even suspect that all his problems are connected precisely with poor sleep.


Insomnia is considered situational if it lasts no more than 2-3 weeks. Otherwise, it becomes chronic. People suffering from this form of insomnia fall asleep late, wake up frequently, and become awake quite early. They feel tired throughout the day, which can lead to chronic fatigue.

In addition, the person stresses himself out, worrying that he will spend the next night without sleep. This further weakens the nervous system.

As a rule, insomnia is a consequence of a strong emotional shock in a person’s life, for example. But after overcoming this event, sleep returns to its normal state. However, there are advanced cases when insomnia is caused by other reasons, and the constant fear of poor sleep only aggravates the situation and cannot be done without the help of a specialist.


Alcohol greatly shortens the REM sleep phase, which is why the phases are confused, interfered with and cannot complement each other normally. A person often wakes up in a dream. This stops after you stop drinking alcohol for two weeks.


Apnea – cessation at short term air flow into the respiratory tract. During such a pause, snoring or twitching in sleep begins. In severe situations complicated by external factors, apnea can even cause a stroke or heart attack, and sometimes death.

Delayed sleep syndrome

When a person cannot fall asleep certain time, he develops slow sleep syndrome. Sleep patterns are disrupted, the body does not get the necessary time to restore energy, performance decreases, and the person’s condition worsens. Usually sleep comes to him either late at night or in the morning. There is no deep sleep at all. It often appears on weekdays; on weekends or on vacation, this sleep problem disappears.

Premature sleep syndrome

The reverse syndrome of the above is premature sleep syndrome, but it is practically harmless to humans. It only manifests itself in the fact that a person falls asleep too quickly and wakes up too early, which is why he spends the next night the same way. There is no harm in this, and it is typical this state elderly people, but also occurs among adults.

Nightmares, night phobias and fears

Nightmares that occur during sleep usually bother you in the first hours. A person is awakened by his own scream or an obsessive feeling that someone is watching him. Breathing is rapid, pupils are dilated, and sometimes trachycardia may occur. A couple of minutes is enough for a person to calm down, and in the morning he doesn’t even remember what he dreamed about at night.. However, night phobias and fears - serious illness, and he requires appropriate treatment. Such things do not go away on their own.


Sleep norm is about seven to eight hours. If a person sleeps more or less than this time, then it’s time to think about his own well-being. As soon as you start to notice that your sleep is restless and you start to get tired often, It is not recommended to immediately run to a nearby pharmacy for a pack of sleeping pills. For better treatment, you need to see a doctor immediately, as soon as possible, to first find out what exactly happened to you and how to treat it. In most cases, you may have ordinary fatigue or age-related changes in the body, however, if a neurologist diagnoses a sleep disorder, then you need to follow his recommendations.

Benzodiazepine drugs and medications are used to treat sleep: midazolam And triazolam. However, they themselves often cause drowsiness during the day. In such cases, doctors prescribe medium-acting tablets: zolpidem And Imovan. In addition, such drugs do not cause addiction.

Sometimes sleep disturbance can be caused by a lack of one or another vitamin. Therefore, in some cases, vitamin-containing medications may be prescribed.

Taking sleeping pills should only be taken on the recommendation of a doctor., since abuse of this drug can also have negative impact for a person's sleep. In a sense, the state when you have taken too many sleeping pills is similar to alcohol intoxication. And the symptoms that alcohol causes are described above.

Sleep is one of the primary needs of our body. During sleep, the body rests and the brain relaxes. Lack of sleep negatively affects your well-being and appearance in general. However, not everyone is lucky, and some probably ask the question: “I don’t sleep well at night, what should I do?” Our article will help you cope with insomnia, in which we will analyze its causes and give some useful recommendations.

Causes of sleep disturbances

Experts believe that it is enough for our body to spend 6 hours a day sleeping. This is the time that is enough for the brain to rest. And if you feel sleepy during the day, it is not at all necessary that you want to sleep. It could be simple fatigue.

Also don't underestimate internal biorhythms each person. The fact is that it’s not for nothing that many people want to sleep already at 22.00, and one hour spent sleeping before midnight is equal to two after. Of course, each body is individual, so it is best to go to bed when you really want it. There are many reasons for poor sleep various factors, such as:

  • uncomfortable bed;
  • ambient noise;
  • discomfort in the body (for example, heaviness in the stomach, etc.);
  • stress, depression.

Also, you shouldn’t be overzealous with active ones: you don’t need to watch heavy movies at night and sit at the computer less than two hours before bedtime. Men are positively affected by sex before bed - they usually fall asleep quickly after that, but women do the opposite.

Next, we note that a hearty dinner before bed with coffee or strong tea will also not have the best effect on your falling asleep. You can learn more about the causes of insomnia from our article, and we will move on to recommendations for improving sleep.

What will help you fall asleep

  • IN warm time During the year, it is best to sleep on linen or silk sheets, and in cold weather, give your preference to wool sheets.
  • Choose sleepwear from natural fabrics such as cotton, avoid synthetics or sleep naked.
  • Try warming your feet and face before going to bed - this will help you sleep.
  • Walking for 30 minutes before bed will also help you fall asleep.
  • Breathing exercises performed for 5-7 minutes before bed will help you relax. Just inhale deeply and exhale slowly, and try to focus on your breathing.
  • Try taking a herbal bath several times a day (about 30 minutes), adding a decoction of rosemary, linden or a mixture of “calendula - string - chamomile - mint - oregano” to the water.
  • Do yoga, it's also relaxing.

It is also very useful to sleep on a hard pillow, for example, on a bolster. By placing your neck on such a pillow, you will correct the position of the cervical vertebrae. Headaches, diseases of the eyes, ears, nose and others will also gradually disappear. On a soft pillow, on the contrary, the functions of the vertebrae are limited, and after such sleep you may have back pain and more.

Do not use sleeping pills frequently, most of them are addictive, and real help from tablets - in best case scenario only for a few days. Your best bet is to try herbal teas to help you sleep. Let's look at a few tea options.

  • Regular tea + chamomile. A decoction of 20 grams of mint, 25 grams of valerian root, 5 grams of oregano stem, 5 grams of sweet clover stem, 5 grams of hawthorn flowers. You need to pour 500 ml of boiling water over the herbs, let it brew, and then take half a cup before meals.
  • If you have problems with the nervous system, it will help next decoction: tansy, calendula, oregano (1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water). You need to take this decoction 3 times a day. At serious violations nervous system should drink this decoction for 3 months.
  • A decoction of lemon balm has a strong effect on falling asleep, and it can be combined with mint, oregano and other herbs.

Our article will help you solve your sleep problems. Also many useful information you can learn about sleep and dreams from our section. In addition, you may be interested in learning about folk observations regarding improving sleep.

"Harmful" and "useful" places to sleep

There are so-called “harmful” places to sleep. They can be determined by a geobiological grid from north to south: the lines of force in such a grid run at intervals of 2 meters, and from east to west - a little more than 2.5 m. It is believed that sleeping at the intersection of such lines is quite harmful to the body . You can determine whether such a zone exists in your home using a homemade pendulum (a pebble on a chain).

In the area where the lines intersect, the pendulum will rotate clockwise, and on the lines - counterclockwise. And it is best to place the bed in this exact place, with the head of the bed facing north. If your bed is in an unfavorable area, simply place amber, a mirror, marble, garlic or chestnut under it.

Very often people have trouble sleeping and don’t know how to fall asleep very quickly. If you often have the thought in your head - I don’t sleep well, what should I do?, find out ways to help restore sleep right now from this article! We will tell you how to fall asleep quickly and always feel rested and full of energy!

What to do when you sleep poorly: causes of insomnia

First of all, you need to find out the causes of your problem. the main problem– noise and light that disturbs you. Even if you are used to falling asleep with the TV blaring, try to break this habit. Also, you should not decide important issues before going to bed, quarrel or think about unpleasant things.

Better leave it all until the morning and... Even if you are very hungry, it is better to postpone the meal until breakfast, your stomach also wants to rest. Alcohol and nicotine also interfere with your rest, so it is best not to consume these substances later than 2 hours before bed. I don’t sleep well at night, I wake up often, what should I do? - if this is about you, then read the tips and remember!

  1. Possibly if you drive sedentary image life will help you a short walk before you fall asleep.
  2. How to fall asleep quickly with help water procedures? Take a warm bubble bath, can be added to water and essential oil.
  3. What to do to fall asleep quickly is this read good book . Just don’t take literature related to your work, let it be something easy.
  4. It is very important to wear light clothing made from natural fabrics. Put away your pajamas made of synthetic material far into the box.
  5. T you should also have comfortable bed with orthopedic mattress.
  6. If you want to know how to quickly fall asleep in 5 minutes, then you can’t do without pills. If you don't want to take special medications, try pills from allergies.
  7. Another way to fall asleep quickly is yoga classes. Search the Internet for the most simple exercises, they will help you relax.

There are no ways to fall asleep quickly if you don't want to sleep. To do this, you should establish a sleep schedule by following our tips. Go to bed on time and don't stay up late watching a movie. But to the question of how to fall asleep faster at night, the answer is simple - try not to go to bed during the day.

It is better to go to bed early in the evening than to take a nap during the working day. By the way, poor sleep can also cause a deterioration in appearance: dull skin, acne, bags under the eyes. We hope our tips on how to fall asleep quickly will help you sleep soundly. Good night Our useful portal wishes you all :)

Adequate sleep without waking up is an indicator of good human health. Why do people wake up at night without obvious reasons, often at the same time, is of interest to sleep specialists - somnologists and people suffering from insomnia. How to return a healthy night's rest to adults, children and the elderly will become clearer with a deeper study of the topic of sleep.

Bad sleep at night

The quality of night's rest is one of the main factors full life person. Insomnia, no matter what the cause, affects the physical and emotional health of people. It is impossible to cure this disease with medication, because it becomes addictive to the medications. A person taking sleeping pills becomes dependent on the drug. The absence of medicine frightens a person and makes him nervous.

The main reasons for poor sleep in men and women are:

  • overwork;
  • excitation;
  • disruption of usual life biorhythms (work, study, entertainment at night);
  • uncomfortable conditions for night rest;
  • bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol);
  • mental and physical illnesses.

During pregnancy, women sometimes wake up due to hormonal changes in organism. This natural process although it brings inconvenience to the expectant mother, but is a temporary phenomenon. Don't worry about this. General somatic diseases such as osteochondrosis, diabetes, lung pathologies, gastrointestinal tract and other organs can lead to disruption of night rest due to painful symptoms.

Psychosomatic illnesses: rheumatoid arthritis, bronchial asthma, neurodermatitis, etc. in their nature have both physical and mental aspects. Stressful, panic states, and psycho-emotional experiences significantly excite the patient’s nervous system while awake, which leads to sleep disturbances. These reasons prevent adults and children from getting a good night's rest.

Some medications prescribed by a doctor to treat a particular disease have sleep disturbances as side effects. For example, beta blockers are a common type medicines for the treatment of diseases of cardio-vascular system, have this side effect. Using medical supplies, you must carefully study the instructions for use. If after using the medicine the patient begins to sleep poorly, he should contact his doctor with a request to change the drug.

In adults

People don't always think of nighttime urination as a problem, but it does exist. At night, the process of urine production slows down; a healthy person can sleep for 8 hours straight. Nocturia causes you to wake up frequently due to a burning desire to urinate. As the body ages, the quality of sleep is disrupted: it becomes superficial and intermittent. Old people may wake up several times a night due to physical pain that accompanies them chronic diseases.

Alcohol drunk in the evening can quickly plunge a person into deep dream. Some men and women use this remedy to relax and fall asleep quickly. The body will have to process alcohol at night, when most of the body's organs are not active. This creates an additional load on the liver, which causes internal unconscious anxiety in a person, a state of anxiety. As a result, he can wake up several times a night.

Sleep apnea (stopped breathing reflexes) is another cause of poor sleep. This disease affects about 5% of the world's population. Congenital pathologies, excess weight affects the narrowing of the upper respiratory tract at night, which leads to temporary cessation of breathing. The unconscious instinct of self-preservation forces you to wake up when there is a critical amount of oxygen in the blood. Sleep apnea sufferers often snore, which impairs the quality of their night's rest.

Patients with depression sleep poorly. Constant stress does not give the body the desired relaxation. It is difficult for a person to sleep, he often wakes up. Due to lack of sleep, anxiety increases and the disease worsens. With restless legs syndrome, the patient cannot sleep due to an irresistible desire to move his legs. This neurological disease causes discomfort: itching, burning, tingling of the legs. They are so strong that the signals from the nervous system force you to wake up.

Night heartburn, coughing attacks, pain when swallowing - for these reasons, most people wake up during the night. With gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), these symptoms torment the patient, causing them to wake up from acid reflux (acid reflux). gastric juice into the esophagus). Such emissions can occur several times during the night. The patient wakes up every time.

In children

Worried moms are worried that... infants often wake up at night and cry. The crying of infants in itself should not alarm parents. The daytime disturbances that the baby receives while awake can cause awakening. This emotional aspect is not pathological, because new impressions naturally excite his fragile nervous system.

Night feeding of a newborn baby is considered normal. If a mother breastfeeds her baby by the hour, waking him up for night feedings is natural. Gradually, mothers can increase the time between feedings, then, instead of milk, teach the child to drink water at night. With age, the habit of waking up at night will leave the baby if the parents are consistent and patient.

Babies often experience abdominal cramps because their metabolism child's body has not returned to normal yet. This may cause nighttime crying. A tummy massage, a warm diaper that warms the abdominal area, and special teas will help mothers relieve the child’s pain. Colic can bother babies up to three months of age. When a baby is teething, he becomes very restless and capricious, often waking up. This natural process brings suffering to the child. Your temperature may rise. Mothers should definitely seek help from their pediatrician at this time.

Babies have very sensitive skin. A full wet diaper worries the baby and he wakes up. A child does not sleep well when he has a cold, as he is bothered by a cough, snot, and fever. Like adults, children sleep poorly due to an uncomfortable bed, inappropriate clothing, and uncomfortable air temperature in the nursery. They are scared loud sounds, annoying strong odors. If optimal conditions are created for your baby, he will stop waking up at night.

It happens that older children wake up in the middle of the night and call for their mother. This is fine. Perhaps the child had a nightmare. Children often wake up if they are afraid. It is very important to put your baby to sleep correctly. When he is put to bed by loving parents, the environment is friendly and the child is healthy, he will have no reason to wake up at night and cry.

Why does a person wake up at night?

Melatonin is a sleep hormone produced by the pineal gland of the brain. It begins to be actively produced after 21 hours. If melatonin is produced normally, a person does not know what insomnia is. Closer to morning pineal gland Dopamine receptors are activated, which block the release of melatonin. If the production of these hormones fails, a person sleeps poorly. A polysomnographic examination can identify the causes of a patient’s poor sleep, and a sleep specialist will give necessary recommendations.

Somnologists help understand why people often wake up at night. In their opinion, there are a number of reasons that affect the quality of night rest. Having analyzed them, excluding negative factors, you can stop waking up at night. The temperature of the room where adults sleep should be 17-20°C. In the children's bedroom - 18-21°C. The body of a sleeping person, according to physiological processes, must cool down a little in order to enter the sleep phase. If your child often wakes up drenched in sweat, you need to change his blanket and pajamas to lighter ones.

Frequent waking up

The reasons for frequent awakening at night may be functional disorders of the body (parasomnias). It will not be possible to cope with them without the help of a doctor. Parasomnias include:

  • sleepwalking (walking unconsciously at night);
  • unexplained night terrors, nightmares;
  • enuresis ( involuntary urination at night time);
  • sleep paralysis

At the same time

Why people wake up at the same time at night can be understood by understanding anatomy human body and cycles of its functioning. If you have poor sleep, do not neglect the help of a doctor; he will select the necessary medication or cognitive behavioral treatment. The reasons for waking up at certain hours of the night may be as follows:

  • Human gallbladder Actively works from 23.00 to 1.00 hours. This is the period when fats consumed during the day are broken down by the body's bile acids. If you wake up during these hours, you should follow Lenten diet, do not overeat before bed. Psychologists say that resentment, condemnation, inability to forgive - probable reasons loss of sleep during this time.
  • From 1.00 to 3.00 the liver begins to active phase. It processes harmful toxins. Evening drinking of alcoholic drinks, fatty food may cause loss of sleep at this time due to the liver being overloaded. From a psychological point of view, anger and guilt are also the causes of insomnia after 1:00 am.
  • From 5.00 to 7.00 hours is the active phase of the intestines. All his work is aimed at cleansing. More often in the morning, a person emptys the intestines of processed food debris. If someone believes that interrupting sleep during this period of time is unacceptable for him, then he needs to undergo bowel cleansing procedures.

Every night

You can understand why you can’t sleep at night if you carefully examine your sleeping area. Often interruptions in sleep are caused by an uncomfortable bed or unusual furnishings of the room in which you have to spend the night. Stale air, pungent odors, coffee drunk before bed, emotional discomfort - these are far from full list reasons leading to disruption of a good night's rest.

At 3 o'clock in the morning

From 3.00 to 5.00 the lungs are active. During these hours, people suffering from lung diseases wake up. The cough intensifies because the lungs cleanse themselves at this time. If you wake up during this period, you should pay more attention to your lung health - quit smoking, for example. Susceptible depressive states people often wake up before 5 am.

In a cold sweat

Therapists will help determine why a person wakes up at night, pouring out cold sweat for no reason, by diagnosing diseases with this symptom. Cold sweat along with other signs is clinical picture the following diseases:

  • In case of infectious diseases, the patient is thrown into cold sweat, he is feverish. Viral pathologies: flu, HIV are accompanied by sweating when cold skin.
  • Migraine is diagnosed by frequent headaches that even wake a person up. He wakes up covered in cold sweat.
  • Withdrawal syndrome, characteristic of patients chronic alcoholism, accompanied by chills and cold sweat. An alcoholic sleeps restlessly and often wakes up in a cold sweat.
  • Mental illnesses are characterized constant sweating. Irritants in mental disorders can be situations that a healthy person perceives as normal.
  • Anemia is almost always accompanied by a feeling of cold extremities. The patient often wakes up in cold sweat.
  • Cancer causes sweating and weight loss. Poor sleep and general physical malaise often plague these patients.
  • Hormonal disruptions during menopause often cause cold sweats or hot flashes in women, causing them to suddenly wake up at night.
  • At hypertension horse racing blood pressure accompanied by sweating. The body includes protective property thermoregulation during contraction blood vessels. Taking diuretics ( medications, increasing the rate of urine formation) to lower blood pressure can provoke night awakening.
  • Thyroid disease affects psycho-emotional state sick. The condition of the thyroid gland affects the physical condition of the entire body. Hormonal imbalance may cause cold sweat.

What to do if you wake up at night

If nighttime urination is a problem, you should limit your fluid intake after 7 p.m. Tea and coffee are natural diuretics, so you should avoid them in the evening. Infectious diseases genitourinary system, nocturia, kidney disease, diabetes mellitus can provoke the desire to urinate at night. It is worth treating the root cause, not the effect: reviewing the medications prescribed by the doctor against the disease. Replace those that are diuretics and have sleep disturbances as contraindications.

Watching your lifestyle will help you stop waking up at night. If you drank alcohol in the evening and waking up at night is associated with this fact, you should give up alcohol in the evening. Napping in front of the TV, like sleeping during the day, can cause you to wake up at night. Sports and evening walks will help falling asleep quickly.

How not to wake up in the middle of the night

A comfortable bed, a high-quality mattress, and natural bed linen are the key to a healthy night’s rest, which contributes to a person’s excellent well-being during the day. A ventilated room, the absence of noise, bright lighting, emotional experiences and other irritating factors will help you not to wake up at night. Those who sleep poorly should stick to simple rules that will help restore normal night rest for 7-8 hours without waking up:

  • Dinner should be at least 2 hours before bedtime.
  • Resolution of important matters and their planning should be carried out in the morning and afternoon, taking care that your own nervous system could go into a calm mode in the evening.
  • An adult should go to bed before 11 pm. It is better for this to happen at the same time.
  • You need to choose for yourself the optimal number of hours for night rest, in which waking up in the morning will be comfortable.
  • A quiet walk before bed will help you get a good night's rest.
  • In the evening, you can take a soothing warm bath of pine extract, with essential oils having a relaxing effect.
  • Just before going to bed, have a drink Herb tea from lemon balm, motherwort or warm milk with honey.
  • Relaxation, listening to pleasant, calm music, reading your favorite book will help you naturally fall asleep.


Very often people have trouble sleeping and don’t know how to fall asleep very quickly. If you often have a thought in your head - I don’t sleep well, what should I do?, find out ways to help restore sleep right now from this article! We will tell you how to fall asleep quickly and always feel rested and full of energy!

What to do when you sleep poorly: causes of insomnia

First of all, you need to find out the causes of your problem. The main problem is noise and light that bothers you. Even if you are used to falling asleep with the TV blaring, try to break this habit. Also, you should not decide important issues before going to bed, quarrel or think about unpleasant things.

Better leave it all until the morning and... Even if you are very hungry, it is better to postpone the meal until breakfast, your stomach also wants to rest. Alcohol and nicotine also interfere with your rest, so it is best not to consume these substances later than 2 hours before bed. I don’t sleep well at night, I wake up often, what should I do? - if this is about you, then read the tips and remember!

  1. Perhaps if you lead a sedentary lifestyle it will help you a short walk before you fall asleep.
  2. How to quickly fall asleep using water treatments? Take a warm bubble bath, can be added to water and essential oil.
  3. What to do to fall asleep quickly is this read a good book. Just don’t take literature related to your work, let it be something easy.
  4. It is very important to wear light clothing made from natural fabrics. Put away your pajamas made of synthetic material far into the box.
  5. T you should also have comfortable bed with orthopedic mattress.
  6. If you want to know how to quickly fall asleep in 5 minutes, then you can’t do without pills. If you don't want to take special medications, try pills from allergies.
  7. Another way to fall asleep quickly is yoga classes. Search the Internet for the simplest exercises, they will help you relax.

There are no ways to fall asleep quickly if you don't want to sleep. To do this, you should establish a sleep schedule by following our tips. Go to bed on time and don't stay up late watching a movie. But to the question of how to fall asleep faster at night, the answer is simple - try not to go to bed during the day.

It is better to go to bed early in the evening than to take a nap during the working day. By the way, poor sleep can also cause deterioration appearance: appearance of dull skin, acne, bags under the eyes. We hope our tips on how to fall asleep quickly will help you sleep soundly. Our useful portal wishes you all a good night :)

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