What are the benefits of frozen drinking water? How to purify water using the Zalepukhin brothers' method. Other cooking methods

Many people do not believe that water purification by freezing is possible in principle. This is true, melted ice is water that is much cleaner and healthier than itself before freezing. How to properly purify water in the freezer?

Freezing is one of the simplest and effective ways cleaning

The water has traveled a long way through treatment plants, water pipes, and chlorination. But if the apartment has a good filter for cleaning, you can cook for yourself melt water to evaluate its effect on the body. People who are interested in freezing cleansing claim that when drinking such a liquid, the functioning of the digestive and excretory systems improves, in addition, the person becomes calmer and more balanced.

What is the essence of freeze cleaning?

Regular tap water contains impurities. It is heavy water, with hydrogen atoms replaced by deuterium (D2O). For such a liquid to freeze, it is enough for the temperature to drop to 3.8 degrees C. It contains various soluble salts, organic compounds, pesticides. The freezing point is -7 degrees C. Part of it with deuterium will freeze before the water with brine. Good living water freezes at a temperature of 0 degrees C. This is what water purification by freezing is based on. First you need to wait until the water with deuterium freezes, drain the clean liquid, throw away the ice, put the water back in the freezer, wait for the clean liquid to freeze. The part that is not frozen is poured out. This is brine - water with soluble salts. The remaining water is thawed and consumed.

Even after normal freezing (completely frozen in ice), it changes its structure. Its crystal lattice is no longer chaotic, but ordered. Once in the body, the molecules have beneficial influence on all organs, correcting their “liquid” content.

It is believed that melted water has a beneficial effect on the human body.

Methods for preparing thawed water at home

According to some sources, it is necessary to freeze half the container with water, and after removing ready ice put him under hot water, so that it breaks the plug and washes away the deuterium. According to other sources, it is recommended to remove the ice immediately. Here are the most common authoritative methods.

Interesting Facts

Cleaning according to the A.D. method Labzy

Pour into a 1.5 liter jar from the tap. But don't fill it to the top to prevent the jar from bursting. Cover with a lid and place in the refrigerator with a cardboard liner underneath (to insulate the bottom). Note the time it takes for half the jar to freeze. You can choose for yourself convenient time or the volume of the freezing vessel. Well, if the time is 10-12 hours, then you will have to repeat the cycle only twice a day. This will allow you to provide yourself with a supply of water for the day. You will receive a two-component system, which consists of ice (pure frozen water) and brine (non-freezing water under the ice, which contains impurities, salts). Water solution drain in the sink and defrost the ice and use it. In winter, you can soak the water on the balcony.

Freezing is a process that separates harmful impurities

Preparation according to the method of A. Malovichko

Pour filtered household filter into an enamel pan tap water. You should remove the pan after a few hours. By that time, the walls of the pan and the surface of the liquid will already be covered with the first ice. Water that has not frozen must be poured into another pan. The ice remaining in the first pan is heavy water, which contains various impurities and freezes at +3.8 degrees C. We throw away the ice and put the pan in the freezer again, the water will freeze by about 2/3. Drain the unfrozen one. This is light water and should not be consumed either. The ice remaining in the pan is frozen protium water. It is 80% free of impurities, but it contains 15 mg/l of calcium. Melt and consume throughout the day.

How to purify water using the Zalepukhin brothers' method

Not a large number of Bring tap water not to a boil, but to the “white key” - about 95-96 degrees. White bubbles appeared in it, but the formation of large ones had not yet begun. The container in which the water was heated must be immediately removed from the stove and quickly cooled using large vessel with cool water (for example, a basin or bath). Afterwards it is frozen and thawed according to the schemes described above. The authors of the method claim that such water goes through all stages of the water cycle in nature. It contains fewer gases (that’s why it is called degassed) and has a natural structure.

In his book “Three Pillars of Health,” the author suggests combining the two previous methods, and then freezing and thawing again. According to him, there is no price for such water. It is especially useful for those who are concerned about any diseases gastrointestinal tract.

Cleaning by freezing according to M. Muratov’s method

Engineer M. Muratov offered his new method obtaining clean water. He designed special installation, which allows you to receive light water a given salt composition using the method of uniform freezing. The water is aerated and cooled to form a circulating flow until small ice crystals form. There was less than 2% ice left on the filter, which contains heavy water.

To prove the benefits of the resulting liquid, engineer M. Muratov conducted a study that confirmed his assumptions about a significant improvement in well-being thanks to purified water. The author consumed at least 2.5-3 liters of such water per day, and noticed positive changes already from the 5th day. Disappeared chronic fatigue and drowsiness, the heaviness in the legs decreased. After 10 days, vision improved noticeably (by 0.5 diopters). A month later the pain in the knee disappeared, and after 4 months the symptoms disappeared chronic pancreatitis. Over the course of six months, the manifestations of varicose veins have significantly decreased.

Video: how to prepare defrosted water

Since ancient times, since ancient times, people have known healing properties frozen, ice water. Residents of the Caucasus and Altai still use thawed water from glaciers. They drink it and cook food with it. Modern Scientific research have proven the amazing structure of melt water molecules and its benefits for human health.

Let's try to find out on the www.site what its benefits are, and let's talk about the topic: the benefits of drinking cold, ice-cold frozen water.

Why is it useful to drink melt water?

The molecules that make up icy, frozen water are much smaller than the molecules of ordinary liquid. Therefore, they can more easily overcome cell membrane, activate metabolic processes body. If you make it a habit to drink a glass of thawed ice every morning on an empty stomach, you will soon feel a surge of strength and your health will improve significantly.

It is very useful for children's health. By drinking it regularly, the body is energized. This helps to activate the brain and improves memory. All this contributes to better perception and memorization of information, and therefore the whole educational process it gets easier.

Ice-cold, frozen water has a positive effect on the human heart and blood vessels, improves the quality and composition of the blood, reduces the level of bad cholesterol, alleviates the condition of varicose veins veins

Ice, frozen water for weight loss

It is extremely useful to drink it for people who want to lose weight excess weight. Exist special methods getting rid of extra pounds using defrosted ice. It is especially recommended to lose weight with its help for people with weakened immune systems and low resistance to stress.

When losing weight, it speeds up metabolism, removes toxins and wastes faster, long years, accumulated in the body. At the same time, it is much easier to follow a diet, since melted ice water gives a person vigor and significant endurance.

A diet using melted ice is called the ballerina diet. Another benefit of water after refrigeration is that it is with its help that ballet dancers who have gained a few extra pounds lose weight. If you follow such a diet, you can lose 5-6 extra pounds. However, you should not follow such a diet for more than a week.

The diet consists of drinking melted ice in small sips. The first glass should be drunk in the morning, on an empty stomach. Then throughout the day you need to drink three glasses of defrosted cold water.

Moreover, you should also eat only cold food all day. All kinds of vegetable okroshkas and beetroot pancakes cooked in melt water are suitable. You should also eat defrosted yogurt, cold cottage cheese, kefir, and fruit ice.

With this diet, the body spends a large amount of energy on natural heating of food, and then on its digestion. Of course, you should not follow an ice diet in cold period. It is better to wait for the warm summer, when it will become much more comfortable to follow this diet.

However, it should be remembered that eating very cold foods and drinking in hot weather can easily cause colds and sore throats. This diet is also contraindicated for those who are ill. chronic runny nose, sinusitis, people with reduced immunity, as well as those who often suffer from sore throat, laryngitis and colds.

How to prepare melt water?

There are many various methods preparing this healthy drink. I suggest you use in a simple way, which produces a healthy, harmless product:

Pour water into a wide bowl (not metal). Set to freeze. After some time, a white crust of luda will appear on the surface of the bowl. It should be removed as it contains a very harmful substance, deuterium. Then leave the water until completely frozen. After forming a piece clear ice, remove it from the dish and rinse under running water to remove any remaining harmful impurities. Thaw ice at normal room temperature.

It must be remembered that you need to drink all the defrosted liquid within 4-5 hours after final thawing, since after that it becomes ineffective.

You can also use another method of preparation: Remove the first crust of ice and freeze the remaining liquid in half. Discard the rest, defrost the ice and drink. This cooking method is considered by many to be the most useful.

Melt water can help a person overcome many ailments. Most of the earth's centenarians for a long time drink water from glacial rivers, prolonging their youth and health.

The benefits of drinking water after it has melted are known to many and no one disputes its healing properties. Take advantage of centuries of human experience and use it to heal the body and get rid of accumulated ailments. Be healthy!

Freezing water purification has stood the test of time. It has been proven that such a liquid can not only be a good drink, but also maintain human health. This is probably the secret of the longevity of the highlanders. But it's not that simple. Not everyone can prepare melt water correctly, since there are many technologies and methods for both freezing and defrosting. As a result, due to incorrect actions, a person consumes unpurified liquid, and the purified liquid goes into drains. Let's look at the question of what water purification by freezing is and how to carry out this process correctly.

A number of pollutants and impurities can always be found in ordinary tap water, even though the liquid undergoes filtration and chlorination. It is noteworthy that for water enriched with heavy metals to freeze, a temperature of 3.8 degrees Celsius with a plus sign is sufficient. That part of the water in which increased content salts, freezes at minus 7 degrees Celsius. This is called brine.

It is worth noting that despite the impurities, even completely frozen water already radically changes its own structure. So the crystal lattice ceases to be chaotic, and its structure quickly becomes ordered. That is why melt water is considered useful, because thanks to new form has a beneficial effect on the human body.

Similar water correct implementation production will not contain various impurities of salts and heavy metals. But this is not so much just a liquid frozen in a few hours, which is thawed and drunk. In ordinary defrosted water, all the impurities that you want to get rid of remain. And then we’ll move directly to the issue of freezing water.

We will consider preparing melt water at home. To do this, you will need a container, water, and a source of cold. It is worth mentioning that it is better to take a plastic container, which is specially designed for water, but in the absence of this, you can also use glass containers, just do not fill the water to the very top. And the neck better be wide. At the same time, scratches or other damage to the surface of the dishes are not desirable, since there the water freezes first, which means the freezing process will not be completed completely.

The first method of water purification

The container is filled with water approximately two-thirds, after which it is placed in a cold place. After a couple of hours, when the first ice appears, the liquid is poured into another container and the ice is thrown away. People call this part of the water “dead”. In fact, it is deuterium. The poured water is again frozen until about two-thirds of the liquid becomes ice. The remaining non-frozen water is poured out (this is brine or “light water”), and the ice is melted and drunk.

This is a fairly simple method that will help ensure you daily dose melt water. From one and a half liters of the initial volume of water, you end up with about a liter of melt water. Half a liter will be spent on cleaning. It is also worth noting that it is better to place the container with liquid on a board or thick cardboard. In this way, the bottom is insulated, and the freezing process is made more uniform. You can also pre-filter the water using a household filter. Then you will get more melt water at the output.

By the way, this method, according to the literature, was invented by A. Malovichko. The resulting liquid is called protium water. It is worth noting that, according to research, such a liquid is purified from various impurities by at least 80%, but the level of calcium it contains increases to 15 mg/l.

Second method of freezing water

There is no need to carry out any special manipulations with water. The entire container with liquid is frozen completely. When the freezing process is completed, the cloudiest part of the ice needs to be chipped off. It contains impurities various kinds, which freeze last. During the process, approximately a fifth of the ice is consumed, but here everything depends on the quality of the liquid being frozen. And it’s better to filter it first.

There are other methods, discovered and named after people, but they take more time in the process of preparing even just the amount of water calculated for a day for one consumer. These are methods for those who are especially patient, but they also give positive results.

Labza method

Water from the tap is poured into a one and a half liter jar, but not to the top (so that the container in use does not burst). Cover the dish with a lid and place a board, cardboard or other bottom insulation in the freezer. You need to wait until the water in the jar freezes only halfway. Ideally, the freezing time should be about 12 hours. But if it hardens faster or slower, it’s okay. Half of the water that did not have time to go through the freezing process in the allotted time is drained, and half is melted and used for drinking and cooking. In winter, this process can be carried out on a balcony or in another cold room.

Method of the Zelepukhin brothers

This method is considered not just cleaning, but especially effective method production of biologically active water. A certain amount of plain water must be brought to a white boil (this is a temperature of 96 degrees, when the water is almost boiling and tiny bubbles appear). When white boiling bubbles appear, the dishes are quickly removed from the heat and quickly cooled in another vessel with cold water(for example, in a basin or in a bath). Next, freezing and defrosting is carried out using any of the above methods. The authors of this method said in their works that in this way water is “forced” to pass through all stages of the natural cycle. As a result, it contains much less gases (hence the name of water - degassed). The water also acquires a natural structure.

Andreev's method

The author of the book “Three Pillars of Health” claims that if you combine the methods of the Zelepukhin brothers and the preparation of protium water using the first method, carrying out the freezing procedure twice, then the resulting water simply has no price. In his opinion, this liquid will be especially useful for those who have gastrointestinal diseases.

Method of water purification by freezing according to Muratov

Engineer M. Muratov also kept up with trends and was able to offer his own special method of preparing protium or melt water. It is difficult to apply this method at home, and for some it is completely impossible, but in fairness it is worth talking about a similar technique that may be of interest to very inventive people. The engineer designed a special installation that makes it possible to obtain purified water from saline solution. Uniform freezing is achieved through the process of aeration and simultaneous cooling using a circulating flow. This is done until the first ice crystals begin to form. This way, less than 2% of ice containing heavy metals remains on the filter.

In order to prove the effectiveness of his design and method, the engineer conducted a series of analyzes and studies that officially confirmed the actual improvement in well-being after drinking purified water. But for this, the author of the method consumed at least 2.5 liters of protium water per day. But positive changes began to appear within a week. Ten days later, the engineer’s vision improved. After about a month, the pain in the joints went away. After four months, pancreatitis disappeared. In six months varicose veins the veins began to appear much less.

Features of melt water

Many users worry that salts that are necessary for the body are removed from melt water. Yes, such a liquid is indeed somewhat depleted in the sense mineral composition, but at the same time its saturation indicator still remains at the proper level. It is not possible to make distilled water by freezing at home.

Freezing water is in a natural way purify water without special devices.

Considering the amount of impurities in modern water(it’s not without reason that there is a joke that “boiled water is always a little soup”), melt water simply gets rid of excess salts, chemicals, organochlorine compounds and heavy metals, and in some cases, heavy isotopes of dairium and oxygen. Melt water has a special cluster structure, which makes it biologically active. In this case, the degree of purification is at least 50%.

Some sources say that during the last freeze, when it is necessary to separate the brine from the melt water, the unfrozen liquid remains at the bottom. But it is not so. In the jar, unfrozen water remains in the middle when re-frozen. The process of freezing water is influenced by several factors:

  • Freezing temperature
  • Impurities in water
  • Dissolved oxygen
  • Irregularities and microcracks in the vessel

It has been proven that the first ice always begins to form in the damaged areas of the vessel. And the process is far from uniform. At home, achieving “perfect” freezing is quite difficult. Therefore, it is better to leave the water for several hours before the procedure. This will help rid the liquid of chlorine and other gases.

The main thing in the above methods is different speed converting water with certain impurities into ice. It has been proven that the slower the solidification process, the more actively harmful impurities are captured during freezing.

Methods for purifying water by freezing vary, but one thing remains common in them - the beneficial effect of the resulting liquid on the human body. The vast majority of people note a noticeable improvement in their health. Gastrointestinal organs, genitourinary system and other organs begin to function better. The condition of the blood improves, weakened the immune system. In a word, if a person consists of almost three-quarters water, then why not replenish the body’s reserves with such liquid? In addition, melt water has improved taste qualities, which was ultimately confirmed many times by a special tasting commission and the consumer world in general.

If you are going to prepare such water, then you should know a number of nuances that will make the process not only simple, but also effective in terms of the quality of the resulting liquid.

What do you need to know about the cooking process?

  1. You cannot take ice/snow from the street. They contain much more impurities, pollutants and other substances hazardous to humans than in untreated tap water.
  2. The best dishes for freezing are plastic water containers. Glass may break because liquid tends to expand at the top of the container when it freezes.
  3. Metal vessels will significantly reduce the efficiency of melt water.
  4. A snow coat in the freezer is also not suitable for preparing protium water for the same reason as ice from the street.
  5. Melt water can retain its special properties the first eight hours after completion of the defrosting process. Therefore, you don’t have to drink ice water right away and get colds.
  6. The temperature of melt water should not exceed 37 degrees, but the most useful water is still considered to be that obtained immediately after defrosting and having a temperature threshold of no more than 10 degrees plus.
  7. There is no need to add anything to freshly prepared melt water. You need to drink this liquid all day and in small sips.
  8. A person needs to consume up to 3 liters of this liquid per day. The optimal volume is calculated using the formula 4-6 ml/kg (meaning body weight).

So, as you can see, when preparing water purified by freezing, you need to take into account a lot of nuances. But the benefits of such drinking are an indisputable fact, confirmed by research. But any method requires time and patience.

Water purification by freezing is based on the property of substances dissolved in it to turn into ice at different temperatures during freezing.
Impurities of “heavy water” and some salts heavy metals freeze at +4 degrees Celsius, the remaining dissolved salts at -6 degrees Celsius, pure water at 0 degrees.

Three stages of obtaining clean water

  • The first stage is separation " warm ice", frozen at +4 and containing "heavy water". It ends after the formation of a crust of ice on the surface of the water and on the walls of the vessel. When about 5-7% of the frozen volume has passed into ice, the remaining water is drained for further purification. And “dirty” ice with impurities is thrown away or recycled.
  • The second stage is separation pure ice, frozen at 0 degrees. Drain the remaining water when the ice volume reaches 70-80% of the initially frozen water.
  • The third stage is the correct defrosting of the ice and obtaining melt water. At this stage, the water should defrost naturally, without the use of additional heat.

Preparing water for purification by freezing


When freezing, mechanical particles of dirt, rust, and sand are not removed from the ice. They must be filtered in advance using any mechanical filter.


If you do not have a purification system and you are going to freeze tap water, you need to settle it to reduce chlorine impurities. Some sources recommend degassing the water - bringing it to a “white boil” and then quickly cooling it by immersing the pan in a container of cold water or placing it in a bathtub.


If you have a reverse osmosis purification system installed, take it for freezing drinking water from this system.

Devices for water purification by freezing. Two ways.

Household cleaning (First method)

At home, any freezer with a temperature below -7 degrees is suitable for freezing.

The main condition is uniform cooling of the water; for this, the container is placed on cardboard or foam rubber to avoid overcooling of the bottom. The rate of freezing depends on the volume and temperature in the freezer. It is necessary to experimentally select such a volume so that half of the water turns into ice in about 10-12 hours.


Pour water into a glass jar, close with a plastic lid and place in the freezer. When ice forms on the surface of the water and inside on the walls of the jar, it means that the first stage is completed. Pour the water into another jar and continue freezing until the ice takes up 2/3 of the volume. You drain the rest of the water, and melt the ice back into the water and use it. Cleaning is complete.

Second way

In winter, freezing on the balcony is a suitable option for cold areas.

You experimentally select the volume of water to be frozen, but, unlike the freezer, you not only place it on an insulating material, but also wrap the upper third of the vessel.

This is necessary so that the ice does not rupture the container when it expands. Sheltered top part It will freeze a little slower, and the expansion will go upward, not to the sides.

Industrial cleaning by freezing.

It did not become widespread; high energy costs for cooling and loss of cold into the atmosphere made the process unprofitable.

Winter natural cooling of large volumes was studied and tried to be implemented in Finland for cleaning Wastewater quarries It was supposed to freeze water, chop the ice into transportable pieces, and transport it to a clean natural reservoir for natural melting.

Another application for industrial freezing is the desalination of seawater.

The benefits of melt water

The reverse osmosis purification system is so good that the question arises - why clean it by freezing after it?

Answer: melt water changes its structure.

Ice – crystalline substance, and while in this state of aggregation, water molecules arrange their position relative to each other, maintaining their natural structure for some time.

This water accelerates metabolic processes and has a rejuvenating and tonic effect.

The structure of melt water is lost when heated to 40 degrees or stored for longer than 12 hours. Therefore, it is recommended to drink this water immediately after thawing, heating it to 10-12 degrees.

I studied a lot of material on this subject and so that my article is not another unfounded option, I want to give for your attention an excerpt from the book by I.P. Neumyvakin (professor, doctor medical sciences since 1959, for 30 years, engaged in space medicine in the development and provision of emergency medical care for astronauts, and currently being traditional healer, author of many books on restoring our body). After reading this passage, you will understand why you need to pay so much attention to water, and why it is so important to drink the right water, which is healthy for us.

Excerpt from the book by I.P. Neumyvakin:

"Unlike Western countries Where water is ozonized for disinfection purposes, in our country it is chlorinated, and this is harmful to health. When combined with organic matter, chlorine forms poison, a kind of dioxin, and although it is small, gradually accumulating, it contributes to the poisoning of the body. In addition, chlorine causes corrosion of pipes, and therefore the water we drink is also rusty. And finally, there are a lot of calcium salts in the water, which, when boiled, form an insoluble precipitate (scale forms in the kettle yellow color, and with an admixture of iron salts - brown).
When drinking coffee or tea prepared with such water, these salts enter the body and contribute to its slagging and, accordingly, various diseases: atherosclerosis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, stone formation in the liver, kidneys, etc.
However, purity alone (to one degree or another) of water is still not enough for a living organism. Natural water is a chaotic accumulation of molecules. In order for it to start working in the body, it needs to be given a certain structural form, a matrix, reminiscent of the shape of ice. Only such water can be a carrier of energy. Considering that our body, like all living beings, including microbes and viruses, consists of 2/3 water, maintaining a constant internal environment, including water, is the main condition of life, the violation of which leads to the development of diseases.

Famous enthusiast healthy image After 50 years of life, P. Bragg drank distilled water and recommended it to others. In my opinion, you shouldn't do this, and here's why. In natural water, although in insignificant quantities, there are impurities important for the body, energy, the so-called prana, but in distilled water it is no longer there.
Many people only use boiled water. But if you consider that our water is chlorinated, then this is not the best option. When boiling harmful properties chlorine only intensifies, it turns into trihalomethane - a carcinogenic substance, which, for example, when taking a bath, is absorbed into skin degreased with soap and shampoos.

What to do?

Melt water is considered the most useful. It is prepared as follows.The water is heated to the “white spring” stage, when it does not yet boil, but intensive degassing occurs in it. This water needs to be removed from the heat, put the pan in the sink and cooled under running cold water, the faster the better: it has already acquired a structured shape. But in order to improve health and healing effect, then it must be put in the refrigerator, frozen, and then thawed and then only drunk.
However, that's not all. Water contains deuterium (heavy water), metal impurities, and chemical products. There is little deuterium, which is the source of nuclear reactions, in water, somewhere around 10 g per 1 ton of water. Deuterium is removed as follows. When the water cools to a temperature of 3.8-3.5 degrees, ice crusts form on the walls of the tray where the water is located (this is the freezing point of deuterium). At this moment, the water must be drained and the ice thrown away, and the drained water must be frozen again to ¾ of its volume. As a rule, the water begins to freeze at the edges, and a puddle remains in the center, which contains all the harmful impurities, so it needs to be poured out. If you missed the moment with the puddle and the water is completely frozen, it doesn’t matter, take boiling water and pour it in a small stream down the center. After letting it melt a little, pour it out. Thaw the remaining part - and here it is, healthy water.
This is the kind of water that long-livers in the mountains drink to prolong their lives. It contains minerals in the form of negatively charged colloids, which makes them energy-rich. If in summer preparing such water presents certain difficulties, then in winter, especially in central Russia or the North, it will not require much work and will not take much time.”

Well, I just want to summarize and supplement these lines a little, adding to this water the knowledge of Emoto Masaru, a Japanese scientist who dedicated his life to unraveling the mysteries of water.
In the meantime, I just want to first advise how, in our age, when we rush between work and home all day, we can prepare this water more quickly with less time wasted. Personally, I don’t have time to keep track of when the first, heavy water freezes, and when I can’t wait to drain the rest of the water containing all the impurities.. So:
I take a plastic bottle with a smooth cylindrical shape. I cut off the top so that the frozen ice can be easily shaken out of the bottle. I pour the water heated to “white key” and cooled into this bottle, but not to the very top, and put it in the freezer. If you manage to do as Neumyvakin described it, get rid of the first ice and then drain the impurity water that has not frozen in the middle, then do this. But... if you don’t have time to monitor this process, then let the water freeze completely.
Having taken out a bottle of water, you pour it from the tap onto the walls of the bottle. warm water. 1-2 ml of ice from the very wall of the bottle will melt, and this is the very deuterium that you just need to drain.
The remaining ice can then be easily removed from the bottle. In the middle of this frozen ice you will clearly see cloudier, non-transparent ice... this is the water with impurities. Take a kettle with hot water and pour into the middle, washing away this ice. You should only have a piece of ice in your hands in the form of a cylinder... clean and transparent like glass... This is the ice you set to thaw for drinking. But I still try to remove the bottle from the freezer a little early so that the middle does not have time to freeze completely... so by draining the rest I can only wash off some of the excess frozen ice with impurities, which makes this process easier.
Melt water retains its beneficial features(crystalline form) for a little more than a day. Therefore, prepare water so that you can drink it within a day and it’s good when ice is still floating in it.

Such melt water, according to the research of Emoto Masaru, is obtained cleared of all the information that the water contained in its memory, it is pristine. Therefore, you can put into this water the information that you would like to convey to your body. Water is a living substance!

Emoto Masaru recommends writing and sticking leaves with the words LOVE and GRATITUDE to the jar inside to the jar (do this by attaching it to the jar in which your water will thaw). With these words, water is structured in the most favorable way for our body. (watch a movie about this " Secret life water" you can click on the picture at the beginning of the article. There you will find it in the card for the Epiphany as a last minute gift).

Moreover, in such a virgin clean water you can immediately add a little and Epiphany water(5-10 ml per liter of melt water is enough), and after a couple of hours all the water will take on the structure of Epiphany water. But that's not all!

Before drinking such water, taking the glass in your hands, you can optionally read a prayer (which will further strengthen the structure of the water, but this is at the request of everyone) and say to this water everything that you want for your beloved organism. It’s no secret that our grandmothers cure many illnesses with slander about water. Water remembers everything you tell it. The only thing is to avoid the particle...NOT.. in your words (so as NOT to get sick, NOT to have a headache, NOT to have a pain in your legs, etc. - you cannot say this). All words must have the character of positive words.

For example: “Holy water, I love you, fill my cells with life-giving moisture, give me energy, health. May my eyes be sharp, my skin silky and clean, my arms strong, my legs light and fast. Give strength and energy to my heart, may it knocks exactly to the beat. Cleanse my liver and kidneys..... etc. choosing what needs treatment, but in a positive way for health.. without mentioning the word.. illness.. pain..
Transfer your energy to this water with these words, and then, drinking it with pleasure, imagine how it washes every cell of yours, bringing health to your body. Draw a picture that your diseased organ is healing thanks to this water. A lot of people even got rid of it like this cancer cells(imagining how they are from this saint and strong water burst and die). Remember that according to your FAITH you WILL BE REWARDED. The power of thought is a very powerful tool, and water, as a carrier of information, will convey information to your organ for healing, for eliminating any cause. Be grateful to this water and keep it away from negative impacts, shouting, swearing, television.

But how to drink water and at what time, watch the video of Professor I.P. Neumyvakin.

OK it's all over Now! Be healthy! I hope this article will help you better understand and appreciate the need to drink healthy water and even configure it to cure your diseases. If anyone has any questions, write in the comments, I will answer everything. And if you think that this article will be useful to other people, then click on the social buttons. networks, give them the opportunity to drink clean and healthy water for themselves and their families. With respect to everyone, Olga!

27 comments: Freezing water: preparing healthy drinking water.

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