A series for newborns: how to properly brew and prepare a bath and ⑤ special recommendations for bathing. A series for children: from prevention to treatment

Bathing a newborn is an important ritual in every family. Despite the abundance of cosmetics on the shelves of pharmacies and children's stores, many mothers prefer the time-tested method of bathing in herbs. Baby bathing pot is one of the most recommended herbs by pediatricians. Its popularity is due wide range effects on the body of infants - it can combat many problems of infancy.

The benefits of a bath with a string for a baby

The grass is a treasure trove useful vitamins and microelements. It is most often prescribed for bathing newborns due to its complex effect on the child’s entire body:

  • has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin - due to the content of vitamins A and C, as well as calcium, manganese, magnesium, potassium and essential oils gently dries out inflammation and redness;
  • its disinfecting properties eliminate the need to boil water intended for bathing;
  • after a series of baths, babies fall asleep faster, sleep becomes sound and calm; due to the positive effect of the sequence on nervous system child, it is indicated for all children who have a sleep disorder - long periods of falling asleep, restlessness during sleep, shuddering, awakenings accompanied by crying -;
  • a large amount of vitamin C in the composition helps fragile body combat unfavorable environmental conditions, especially during the season respiratory diseases; bathing in a series also serves preventative measure if one of the parents has a cold;
  • for a newborn who eats little, a bath with a series will increase appetite and improve digestion, which will have a positive effect on the condition of a child suffering from infant colic - and also;
  • if the child is on breastfeeding, she is able to cope with allergies that are caused by the food consumed by the mother.

An infusion of succession, prepared for bathing newborns, will help in the fight against many problems affecting infants. But do not forget about the need to consult a pediatrician - he will give recommendations regarding correct application baths for every individual occasion.

At what age can you add string to bathing water?

After discharge from the maternity hospital, they give a recommendation that the newborn should be bathed exclusively in boiled water, adding a little potassium permanganate to it. It is not recommended to add a decoction of all kinds of herbs to the water until it is completely watered; this process lasts, on average, 2-3 weeks.

It happens that the baby’s delicate skin responds to the action of potassium permanganate severe dryness and and then the best alternative becomes a decoction of the series. It contains potassium and gently dries the wound without overdrying. skin baby. In this case, there is no need to boil the water; the herb perfectly neutralizes all bacteria contained in the water supply.

There is only one limitation for bathing in a series - the presence of an umbilical remnant; until it falls off, you need to bathe the newborn in boiled water without additives.

Preparing a bath with a series for babies

In order to properly prepare a succession, it is important to take care of the quality of the grass. It is recommended to buy it only in pharmacies, in bags, or in bulk. The dried and crushed plant retains all its beneficial properties as much as possible thanks to special collection and drying technologies.

How to prepare a series so that bathing is beneficial? There are 2 ways:

1. Make a decoction

It doesn’t take much time to brew a batch for bathing a newborn. It is important to take care of the availability of enamel dishes in advance - you only need to prepare the decoction in them, aluminum products easily react with the grass. IN as a last resort porcelain will do.

It is necessary to pour 15 grams of string with two glasses of boiling water. After this, the container is covered with a lid and placed on water bath. The boiling process takes about 20 minutes, then the broth should be cooled and added to a bath of water.

2. Prepare an infusion

You need to take care of this in advance; an infusion prepared a day before swimming is considered ideal.

About 15 grams of string should be poured into three glasses of boiling water, the dishes (it should also be enameled) should be covered with a lid and wrapped in a warm towel.

The infusion is better than a decoction, since the concentration useful substances higher in it - during the boiling process, part of them is destroyed.

Before swimming you need to follow a few rules:

  • for a newborn, the water temperature should be about 35C, but not higher than 37C; for an older baby, the water may be a little cooler - 33C, the main thing is that he feels comfortable in it;
  • the infusion or decoction of the string must be poured into the water before bathing; it should be carefully filtered so that no grass particles get into the bath;
  • The pediatrician should tell you how much of the herb is needed for bathing a particular newborn, but it is important to know that you cannot brew more than 30 grams of herb, this will definitely cause allergic reaction; too much concentrated solution not only will it not eliminate existing inflammation, but will also aggravate the situation;
  • For bathing in the line, it is recommended to use a towel, which can then be thrown away - it has a strong coloring effect, and the fabric does not wash off afterwards.

Bathing with a series should not be carried out more than once a week.

How to properly bathe a newborn in a herbal bath

After preparing water with a decoction or infusion of the string, you can begin the bathing process.

A newborn is very sensitive to any influences on him, so the bathing procedure should be carried out taking into account some nuances:

  1. It is necessary to gradually immerse the baby in the water, let him get used to temperature conditions. A baby's crying signals to parents that the water is too cold or, conversely, too hot. Perhaps bathing time is also not suitable: if the newborn is too active after taking a bath, then it is better to bathe him in morning hours, if he relaxes and falls asleep quickly - in the evening. It is necessary to focus on the well-being of each individual child; he should be comfortable in the water.
  2. If you are getting acquainted with the series for the first time, then the duration of the bath should be about 5 minutes; in subsequent times you need to increase the time to 15 minutes. After the bath, it is important to observe the baby’s condition a little - if he becomes restless, capricious, or redness appears on the body, then the sequence must be excluded, this is definitely a reaction to it.
  3. When bathing, you do not need to use any cosmetics; water with the addition of string has cleansing and bactericidal properties. Besides, various gels and foam will prevent the penetration of beneficial substances through the child’s skin pores and the procedure will be ineffective.
  4. After finishing bathing, the newborn should be wrapped in a towel. Rinse clean water it is impossible, since the series will still affect the body for some time.

The string is a medicinal plant and you need to take into account the existing contraindications before you start swimming in water with its addition.

Contraindications for bathing a child with a string

Like any herb, the string has, albeit a small, drying effect. If there are already dry areas and flaking on the child’s body, then it is better to postpone bathing in the herbal bath, and lubricate the baby’s skin with baby cream until the dryness completely disappears.

Any plant can provoke an allergic reaction, so before the first bath in a series it is important to conduct a sensitivity test.

To do this, you need to prepare a highly concentrated decoction and cool it. Afterwards, you need to moisten a piece of cotton wool in it and rub it over any part of the baby’s body, without touching the face. Observation of the child should last about half an hour, if no reaction follows - rashes, redness, then the series is suitable for bathing a newborn.

After several procedures, you can prepare herbal infusions and add chamomile or lavender in equal proportions to the mixture. Depending on the problems bothering the baby, the attending physician will give recommendations regarding the use of herbs.

Since time immemorial, the herb has been considered a treasure trove of vitamins, tannins, biochemical elements. This herb is widely used in both folk medicine, mainly these are decoctions and infusions, as well as in the traditional one. Based on the string, various ointments, tinctures, and medications for treatment are made respiratory system, cosmetical tools. Often, the herb is used to treat skin diseases: psoriasis, diathesis, lichen, diaper rash, acne, and decoctions and infusions are also prepared from it for infant baths. There is no specific recipe for how to brew a string for bathing a newborn baby. Of the many proposed options for brewing a series, we will consider the most common ones. But first, let's look at the causes of rashes and redness on the body of newborns.

Probably every new mother has encountered such problems as rashes, irritation, diathesis and other rashes on her child’s body. Usually within two three months the rash goes away on its own. But compassionate mothers cannot sit and wait with their hands folded, since the rashes are sometimes accompanied by itching and dry skin, which in turn creates discomfort for the baby. The first cause of the rash may be:

  • Not proper nutrition mother (if she is breastfeeding). In this case, the mother should reconsider her diet and remove from it foods that can cause a rash or redness in the baby. If the child is fed artificially, then the milk formula that is fed to the newborn should be changed.
  • Failure to comply with hygiene rules causes diaper rash in a child, and the cause of “prickly heat” is the heat in the room or the baby is dressed very, very warmly.

But anyway. If redness of the skin is detected, you should contact your pediatrician. Most pediatricians recommend bathing the baby in a bath with a decoction or infusion of the string to relieve redness and rashes.

Benefits of baths with string

Baths with a decoction or infusion of the string have a positive effect on the baby’s skin and its general condition. The series relieves inflammation, dries wounds and promotes them faster healing. A common skin problem in newborns is allergies, and string is considered an anti-allergic herb. Baths with a series are good for disinfecting a newborn, since the grass has a disinfecting effect. If your child is excited or has difficulty sleeping at night, you should try a series bath before bedtime. This herb can calm and relieve tension. When bathing a child in a decoction or infusion from the herb, there is no need to use any other detergents.

The process of bathing in a series, features and precautions

Before bathing your child in a series, you should conduct an allergy test. Like any other herb, string can cause allergies (in in rare cases due to the body's immunity). With a decoction of the string or an infusion prepared in advance for bathing, you need to moisten a cotton pad and apply a strip one centimeter thick on the baby’s wrist or elbow. After thirty, forty minutes, check the result. If there are no changes at the application site, then you can safely bathe the child in the series.

The first bath should not be delayed, just five to seven minutes, and then extend the wash gradually increasing the time to twenty, twenty-five minutes. The use of baths with a series should not be frequent. If baths are done only for disinfection reasons, then this procedure should be carried out only once a week. And if the cause is redness, rash, or diaper rash, and the bath is used in medicinal purposes, then at least three or four such procedures should be done for the result to appear. But again, you should bathe your child no more than twice a week.

Features of preparing decoctions and infusions for baths

As mentioned earlier, decoctions and infusions are used for baths. What is the difference between an infusion and a decoction? What infusions and decoctions are prepared on water based. The main task in their preparation is to extract as many useful substances as possible from the medicinal plant.

  • For infusion use as cold water, and warm, but the temperature of the water should not be the boiling point. Infusions are prepared from any plant raw material: roots, leaves, stems, flowers. You can strain it hot or cold.
  • For the decoction, the rough parts of the plant are used: bark, roots, rough leaves, and at the same time they are boiled in boiling water and filtered while hot.

All infusions and decoctions quickly deteriorate and after a short period of time they lose their medicinal properties. So you need to prepare them on the day you decide to use them, that is, if you decide to bathe your child in the evening, the series should be brewed in the morning.

How to brew a series for bathing a newborn baby

Now that all the nuances have been considered, let's move on to the main thing - how to brew a series for bathing a newborn. There are several brewing methods, we will look at each of them in more detail below.

Brewing methods:

  1. Pour fifteen grams of dry string grass into three glasses of boiling water. The container in which the batch is prepared should be wrapped in a towel, or even better, an old fur coat or down jacket. The ideal option is a thermos. Thus, let the herb brew for about ten to twelve hours.
  2. Pour two glasses of boiling water into an enamel or porcelain vessel, add fifteen grams of dry string there. Close the container with a lid and place it on steam bath for fifteen, twenty minutes. After the time has passed, remove from the bath and let the herb cool. Then we add it to the baby’s bath.
  3. For the next method you will need a large container - more than ten liters. Pour the string into the water and let it simmer for ten minutes with the lid closed.
  4. Seventy-five grams of string pour half a liter of boiling water, wait until the string cools to thirty-five degrees and pour into a bath of water where the newborn will bathe.
  5. One spoon of dry herb is poured into a glass of boiling water and left for ten minutes, filtered through cheesecloth and poured into water in a bath.

Here, perhaps, are all the most common ways to brew a series for bathing newborns. In conclusion, a couple more tips: the temperature of the water in the bath in which the baby bathes should be thirty-seven, thirty-eight degrees Celsius. It is better when the water is boiled, because the child’s skin is still completely defenseless and is not ready to accept all the “delights” of ordinary tap water. After finishing bathing, the child should not be wiped vigorously, but only lightly wet the moisture with a towel or diaper. Make sure that the folds dry well when putting on the diaper. Let bathing always be a pleasure for both the baby and his parents.

How to properly brew a series for bathing a newborn baby: video

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To keep the baby’s skin clean and not overdried, all kinds of products are used during bath procedures. medicinal herbs. The absolute favorite of young parents is the series. This is due to the fact that the series is recommended by the best pediatricians. A decoction of this herb has a soothing, anti-inflammatory, and also dries out effect on the child’s skin.

Rules for preparing a bath with a series for babies

In order not to harm your little one, but to bring maximum benefit from medicinal bath, need to stick to following rules :

  1. with a series, should not be higher than 37 degrees to give a relaxing and therapeutic effect;
  2. Bath your child for no longer than 15 minutes, so as not to dry out the already unprotected skin. The first procedure should last no more than 5 minutes. Then you can gradually bring it up to the allotted time;
  3. Do not use shampoos and soaps so as not to reduce therapeutic properties herbs;
  4. Do not rinse your baby after taking a bath. It is recommended to leave a little infusion diluted with water to rinse the baby after the procedures;
  5. Do not perform the procedure daily to avoid negative consequences. It is best to use the solution once a week;
  6. Do not increase the concentration without agreement with a specialist, because it may cause dry skin;
  7. Take a bath only before going to bed at night. The plant has an excellent calming effect and will provide the baby with a healthy, sound sleep;
  8. Do not mix with other types of herbs;
  9. Remember that after drying, brown marks will remain on the towel. Therefore, you can purchase a separate towel for these purposes;
  10. maybe not earlier than umbilical wound will heal completely. This usually happens after the second week of the baby's life.

Many young mothers and fathers are interested in how to brew a series for bathing newborns correctly.

Recipe for a decoction of dry string for bathing

This is most often used recipe:
Pour 3 tablespoons into a glass. dry pharmaceutical herb and pour boiling water over it. Cover, wrap thoroughly and leave for 12 hours. Then strain thoroughly and add to the baby’s bathing water.
Prepare herbal infusion It's better to use it in the morning to use it in the evening. It is advisable to use before evening sleep.

Recipe for a decoction of string sachets for a small bath

Often this medicinal plant sold in special bags. The convenience of their use is that after brewing there is no need to strain the decoction. The main thing is to know exactly how many packets of string to brew for bathing newborns.

For one bathroom, 3 pieces are enough, which are filled with a liter of boiling water.

Cover and wrap with a warm cloth. After 40 minutes, the decoction is ready for use.

Why bathe a child in a series

If you use similar procedures regularly, the baby will not be bothered by rashes and itching because of them. 100% result occurs after 10 – 12 baths.

It is very important that before bathing a newborn, you should do a simple allergy test. To do this, apply a little infusion to the crook of your elbow and wait. If no redness appears within 24 hours, you can bathe.

Chemical composition of the string

The beneficial properties of this pharmaceutical herb have been known since ancient times. After all, this medicinal plant consists of the following elements:

  • Vitamins: A (retinol), C (ascorbic acid)
  • Tannins
  • Essential oils
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Manganese and other elements

All of the above components give the plant amazing properties. The series heals wounds, dries, restores and is an excellent antiseptic. Its effect on the skin can compete with many medications modernity. Possessing undoubted regenerative properties, this herb helps rapid recovery fabrics.

People call the string differently: goat horns, scrofulous grass, dog burrs, swamp arrow, bident, trailer, dog walker, shabashnik.

Dr. Komarovsky strongly recommends a decoction of this plant to get rid of many skin problems in a newborn. It is especially important to purchase medicine at the pharmacy. Only there can you be sure that the plant is not radioactive, collected in an environmentally friendly place and in the most the right time. This will ensure complete safety for the newborn while taking herbal baths.

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Faced with unexpected troubles (rash, allergic reaction, heat rash), others skin problems in infants, do not rush to use immediately medications. The child is so small that they should not be used for skin ailments no parent would take the risk. Comes to the rescue age-old wisdom traditional healers. A wonderful doctor for the baby there will be a line for bathing newborns. Many young parents have heard about its miraculous properties: the plant is included in many healing preparations. But not everyone knows how to apply them to solve problems.

Baby bathing sequence

Causes of skin problems in small child can wear different character. Babies may have the following skin problems:

  • irritation;
  • diathesis;
  • dermatitis;
  • diaper rash;
  • allergies;
  • heat rash;
  • skin ulcers.

Sequence for bathing newborns with rashes

The doctor prescribes baby baths with a series. The bathing procedure soothes the baby's skin and relieves inflammatory processes, reduces itching.

Skin problems in babies recede when faced with a concoction from the series. A herbal bath can quickly change the condition of the skin for the better. Eliminate any rash. What properties of the herb contribute to such a strong effect on skin diseases in children under one year old?

Grass string for bathing newborns

How is a string used to bathe babies? It is enough to carry out 10-12 procedures to completely cure the baby’s skin problem. The series is one of the natural and most commonly used remedies to combat skin problems in newborns. It contains many healing substances:

  • manganese;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • essential oils;
  • tannins;
  • vitamins (C, A).

It is used to prepare preventive and medicinal baths, carried out before bedtime, as they have a powerful sedative effect. In addition, it has a spectrum healing actions and is capable of curing not just one, but several ailments at once. Therefore, you need to brew it for each disease according to a special recipe. This will save the baby from side effects and ensure maximum benefit from bathing.

About the healing properties of the plant

The benefits of string for bathing

Preserving it depends on the ability to brew the herb correctly. beneficial properties and direction of treatment. In order for parents to better understand how the decoction will affect the baby, they must have a good idea of ​​what kind of miraculous plant this is and what properties it will help the child get rid of the disease:

  • A therapeutic or preventive bath made from a string has anti-inflammatory, restorative, antimicrobial and drying properties, and has a gentle effect on the baby’s skin.
  • Has a beneficial effect on the baby's nervous system.
  • It is used as a disinfectant for disinfection instead of potassium permanganate, which has a harsher effect.
  • This is a strong hypoallergenic product. It is used to eliminate allergic reactions and is good for baby's skin.
  • Decoctions from the string are used for compresses.

The decoction must be prepared correctly, because for the baby’s thin and delicate skin the solution must be of low concentration.

How much to brew for bathing a newborn

Fifteen grams of dried string is enough for a baby bath. When a child is bathed in a large bathtub, the amount of herb increases up to two times. For the first solution, 0.5 liters is enough, for the second – 1 liter. The peculiarity of preparing tinctures from a series is that they are simple to prepare, but require large quantity time: before the infusion is ready, it is placed in a thermos, filled with water and left for 10-12 hours.

How to brew a series for bathing a newborn

How to make a line for bathing a baby

If you urgently need to obtain a bathing product from the string for infants, you can use a decoction. It is prepared as follows:

  1. The dry collection is poured with boiling water.
  2. Cover it with a lid and place it in a steam bath for ten minutes on low heat.
  3. After which the container must be removed from the heat, wrapped in a towel and kept in it for forty minutes.
  4. The resulting broth must be filtered through gauze folded several times.
  5. The composition is ready. It is poured into the baby's bathtub. This decoction can be used within twelve hours from the moment of preparation.

If it is not possible to make an infusion or decoction from herbal collection, you can use string extract. The product is sold at the pharmacy. The method of preparing it is simpler than from collection. Preparation instructions are included inside the bag. The product is not inferior in effectiveness to infusions and decoctions.

A line for bathing newborns in bags

In order for the effect of the series to be complete, it is alternated with decoctions of chamomile and nettle, which also have wound healing, drying and antiseptic properties. Interchange of these funds is acceptable. It is not recommended to use several decoctions in one bath. In the event of an allergic reaction, it will be impossible to determine which herb caused it. When peeling the baby's skin after baths with a series, you can use similar infusions, decoctions or extracts of nettle or chamomile.

How to bathe a newborn in a line

Carrying out a test for individual tolerance of the solution

After young parents learned to make several types of products for herbal bath out of the sequence, you can start bathing the baby. There are also certain subtleties that should be studied in advance.

The main principle of bathing is always to be careful not to accidentally harm the baby.

This tool hypoallergenic, but a test for individual tolerance to it must be carried out. This procedure boils down to the following:
  • Prepare an infusion, decoction, or use an extract.
  • Dilute in the ratio to be used for bathing.
  • Use a cotton swab with the string solution to wipe the area on the baby's elbow.
  • If after 30-40 minutes there is no reaction (redness, rash), the child can be bathed in a bath with this concentration of the herb.

Rules for bathing a baby in a line

Bathing a newborn in a line

  • A baby can be bathed in a bathtub with a series from 2 weeks, provided that the umbilical wound is dried.
  • Add the infusion immediately before bathing. Do not use part of the solution. After bathing, dilute it to a weaker concentration and rinse your child with it.
  • Don't break the rules when bathing your baby in a line for the first time. The bathing procedure can last no more than 5-7 minutes. In subsequent times, it is gradually increased to 15 minutes.
  • Do not use other washing products (baby soap, shampoo). This can significantly reduce the effect of the healing effects of the herbal collection.
  • After bathing and rinsing the baby, wrap him in a towel.
  • Remembering that the series has by-effect(skin peeling), you can bathe your baby in a solution with a series of no more than three times a week until the problem is eliminated.
  • For prevention, bathing can be done once a week. All other days you need to bathe your child in ordinary water, you can use the properties of other medicinal herbs for these purposes.

A series as a remedy for diaper rash

Diaper rash is a common problem in newborns. Its solution is also within the power of the sequence:

  • Diaper rash goes away from swimming in a line.
  • When applying compresses. A cotton swab soaked in a solution with a string is applied to the folds for two minutes for five days.

If there is no improvement, then the remedy is not suitable for the child. You need to contact for help pediatrician, although in practice such cases are extremely rare.

Infusions, decoctions and extracts from the string are natural healers. Added when bathing a newborn, they strengthen his sleep, nervous system, help get rid of skin problems, restoring its healthy microflora. All this will be achieved by parents who correctly use the properties of the series for bathing newborns.

Is it necessary to bathe a child in a series: video

After birth, any baby needs the maximum care that a loving mother can provide. Many parents may find this process difficult, and they often seek advice from doctors or more experienced relatives. This way they learn about the need for a line for bathing newborns. What is this medicinal herb, what properties does it have?

Properties of the herbal mixture

According to medical research, the series has anti-inflammatory and healing properties, the effect is visible after bathing. Undoubtedly, on modern market There are many similar products that cope well with inflammation of the skin. However, they work well on the skin of adults, but are not suitable for babies. The series is ideal for babies; it copes with the slightest wounds and scratches. No wonder it is also called “tender” grass.

In case of diaper rash on the skin, which can be found in almost every child, there is nothing better than a healing herbal bath. Often, older people advise in such situations to resort to a line for bathing newborns. By the way, this problem occurs mainly in children who spend most of their time in diapers. Not surprising, because they are made of polyethylene, which contributes to the formation of diaper rash on the folds in the genital area.

Doctors also recommend bathing children with diathesis, prickly heat and various skin ulcers. The fact is that the herbal mixture contains potassium permanganate, thanks to which such troubles soon cease to bother the baby.

The herb also has a calming/sedative effect. It has been noted that after taking such a bath, babies quickly fall asleep, become calmer and are much less likely to bother their parents by screaming. This is another plus to the benefits of herbal collection.

Despite such positive influence effect that the herb has on children, in some cases it is contraindicated for use. The danger really exists, and mothers need to know when their newborn should not be bathed in a line.

In addition to its anti-inflammatory properties, the herbal tea may also reduce already delicate skin baby. Therefore, if your child’s skin suddenly begins to peel off after taking such a bath, know that this is the effect of a series. In such situations, there is no need to panic, you just need to smear the skin with baby cream, and everything will go away by itself.

Although the herb is hypoallergenic, it doesn't hurt to test for an allergic reaction. To do this, you need to soak a cotton swab in the prepared broth and anoint your baby’s skin with it. If after an hour or two strange redness or hives appear on the body, which usually occurs with allergies, you should not bathe your baby in such a bath. In order for the reaction to occur, a steep decoction should be brewed. A weak concentration of the train in the liquid may show incorrect results.

Pediatricians do not recommend bathing a baby if he does not have any skin irritation - this can only cause harm. Also, under no circumstances should you expose your child to bathing if he has elevated temperature bodies.

In general, bathing in a series should be no more than once a week. If you violate these instructions, you can actually damage your baby’s skin. It will constantly peel off, which is not a good symptom.

Mommy must remember one more nuance. The herbal collection from the string has interesting feature– it has a very strong coloring pigment. Therefore, when bathing a newborn, you should take care in advance of the availability of towels with which you will wrap the baby after the bath. It is desirable that they are old, and it would not be a pity to throw them away after this. New accessories can get very dirty, but the pigment practically cannot be washed off.

Preparing a series and bathing

It is important to understand here that infants should not be bathed until the wound on the navel has healed. This happens 7-10 days after birth, and before that you should take baths based on weak solutions manganese

So, how to brew a decoction? There are certain instructions.

  1. The collection should be prepared in advance, about a day before swimming. Like all herbal infusions, the string must be brewed in an enamel or porcelain container, so make sure you have the necessary utensils in advance.
  2. For 10 liters of water you will need 15 grams of herbal mixture. However, it is important to know one thing - it is not allowed to brew herbs weighing more than 30 grams in a series for bathing a newborn; this can easily provoke an allergic reaction. Therefore, the permissible maximum is 20 liters of solution. Make sure to maintain the proportions.
  3. So, pour the required amount of herbal mixture with boiling water and cover tightly with towels. Let's let the mixture brew for a bit.
  4. We are preparing a bath. An ordinary plastic bathtub, which is used for bathing newborns, will do. It is necessary that for swimming the temperature is at least +35°. Maybe a few degrees more. Some parents claim that the ideal option is +37°.
  5. We carefully immerse the baby in the bath with a series, having previously measured the water temperature. It is not advisable to use additional detergents (soap, shampoo) when bathing in herbs, as they weaken the healing effect.
  6. After bathing, immediately wrap your baby in warm blankets and blankets, let it dry. Unwrap it and look at the skin - if it is peeling, it would not be a bad idea to anoint it with baby creams.
  7. And one more piece of advice. If the baby behaves very restlessly after bathing, you should not organize such a bath again after a week. Give him some time to adapt to external environment, the baby needs to get used to it.

Don't be afraid if your little one takes a sip of water while bathing - it won't do any harm to his stomach. In order for a baby to have at least some kind of overdose, he needs to drink at least a bucket of a steeply brewed series.

OK it's all over Now. This is exactly how a child swims in a healing bath. After a month or two, you can start bathing your baby in other baths - for example, with chamomile and sage. Old people claim that bathing in herbs strengthens the baby’s body and promotes good health further.

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