What does vitamin C provide? The benefits of vitamin C, information on food supplements and foods sources of ascorbic acid. Why is ascorbic acid needed?

Vitamin C is one of the most popular and well-known nutrients in the list, necessary for a person. Many of us became acquainted with “ascorbic acid,” as this microelement is popularly called, in childhood and forever remembered the sweet and sour taste of a small yellow dragee. Vitamin C is found in many foods, and the consumption of this substance has become so unnoticed and commonplace that sometimes ascorbic acid is no longer given due importance, and yet many processes in human body impossible without her participation. Let's figure out what ascorbic acid is, how it is useful for humans, and how to get enough of this substance from the daily diet.

Why does a person need ascorbic acid?

For the first time about positive impact Vitamin C on the human body was talked about back in the 18th century. Of course, they didn’t know about ascorbic acid at that time, but already at that time it was noticed that citrus fruits contained a certain substance that prevented the development of scurvy (vitaminosis) in sailors. Much has changed since then: today scientists know almost everything about the benefits of this or that microelement, and therefore positive traits ascorbic acid also did not go unnoticed.

Vitamin C in human body has the following meaning:

  1. Possessing antioxidant properties, it participates in redox reactions and neutralizes harmful effects free radicals. This helps prevent many diseases, including cancer, and prevents the aging of the body.
  2. Thanks to its general strengthening qualities, vitamin C improves immunity. It is for this reason that it is recommended to increase the proportion of vitamin-rich foods during colds for get well soon and during epidemics - to prevent infection with viral and bacterial infections.
  3. Vitamin C has a beneficial effect on nervous system and protects it from stress and overexertion.
  4. "Ascorbinka" improves performance circulatory system, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and removes harmful cholesterol, significantly reducing the risk of developing atherosclerosis. In addition, it helps absorb iron and thereby prevents the development of anemia.
  5. Without vitamin C, normal absorption of many other microelements is impossible, in particular, retinol, tocopherol, and B vitamins.
  6. Vitamin C has a pronounced restorative effect: it accelerates the production of collagen and promotes fast healing wound Ascorbic acid is also involved in the regeneration of connective and bone tissue.
  7. Vitamin C perfectly helps absorb fats and prevents the accumulation of extra pounds.

It’s amazing how many beneficial properties everyone knows “ascorbic acid” has! However, this substance also has one significant disadvantage: unlike many other microelements, it is not synthesized in our body, which means that it can only be obtained from the outside, and therefore you should constantly ensure that there is a sufficient amount of food in your diet , rich in vitamin C.

What are the dangers of vitamin C deficiency and excess?

Due to the fact that our body is not able to independently regulate the level of ascorbic acid, there is always a certain risk of a deficiency of this substance. On the other hand, you can easily overdo it in trying to replenish vitamin C stores in the body, causing hypervitaminosis, which is not at all better than lack useful microelement.

Vitamin deficiency will not go unnoticed by the body: at first it will affect your well-being, causing weakness, lethargy, fatigue, and on appearance– the condition of hair, skin, nails and teeth will worsen. The more significant the deficiency of vitamin C, the worse their vital functions begin to function. important systems. With an acute deficiency of ascorbic acid, the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, and gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, vision deteriorates, and immunity is greatly reduced. Characteristic symptoms lack of vitamin C, frequent bleeding from the nose, from the gums, the appearance of bruises and bruises on the skin even after minor blows and constant colds. If the body long time does not receive enough vitamin C, this can lead to the development of such serious illnesses like anemia and scurvy.

Maximum daily dose vitamin C for an adult – 90 mg. If you often exceed the permissible amount in the diet, you can quickly get an excess of the substance in the body. Excessive use of ascorbic acid leads to digestive problems, cardiovascular activity, hematopoiesis, the work of the gallbladder, kidneys and adrenal glands. Vitamin C overdose in children causes severe damage metabolic processes and can provoke the development of diabetes. Pregnant women, hypertensive patients, as well as people suffering from cataracts, thrombosis and kidney diseases should be especially careful when consuming ascorbic acid.

To avoid a lack of useful microelement, you just need to include it in your menu certain products in sufficient quantity. If you do this correctly, you will no longer need to take additional pharmaceuticals containing vitamin C. If you decide to drink ascorbic acid in pills or tablets, be sure to get a preliminary consultation with a doctor: a specialist will select the required dosage and explain the dosage regimen. In case of severe vitamin C deficiency, introducing foods rich in this substance into the diet is often not enough, but make a decision to start taking appropriate vitamin complexes It is also necessary only in conjunction with your doctor.

We extract ascorbic acid from food

Most The best way Get vitamin C by eating right. What does this mean? IN daily diet certain products must be present high content ascorbic acid. It should be borne in mind that each person has his own norm. daily consumption vitamin C, and be sure to correlate this data with information about exactly how many milligrams of the microelement are contained in 100 g of a particular product. For example, men need to consume vitamin C in the amount of 60-90 mg per day, women - 60-80 mg, and children - 30-45 mg. In addition, you need to take into account that the body does not absorb 100% of the nutrients it contains from food, but only about 50-70%.

The most vitamin C is found in the following foods:

  • dog-rose fruit;
  • black currant, strawberry, sea buckthorn, cherry, red rowan, viburnum, strawberry;
  • citrus;
  • green apples;
  • fresh herbs (parsley, dill);
  • green bell pepper;
  • sorrel;
  • kiwi;
  • cauliflower and Brussels sprouts.

Most of the products on this list are best consumed in fresh, since in this case they retain all their benefit, or in as a last resort use steam cooking. But as for rose hips, it turns out that dried fruits This plant contains much more ascorbic acid than freshly harvested ones. This is why decoctions and infusions from rose hips stored for the winter are considered so valuable for human nutrition. Freshly squeezed apple, orange and berry juices are no less useful. Remember: you need to drink them immediately after preparing them, otherwise the vitamin C will be destroyed. It will also disappear if the juice comes into contact with a metal surface.

In order for vitamin C to be better absorbed, it is recommended to combine it with foods that contain rutin and vitamins B1 and B5 - for example, oatmeal, buckwheat, nuts, grapes. But some harmful substances, on the contrary, interfere with the normal absorption of ascorbic acid. This primarily applies to alcohol and nicotine. In second place are oral contraceptives. Vitamin C is also less absorbed into the blood in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, hypothermia and stress should be avoided: in such a situation, reserves are quickly consumed useful substance, and shortages can easily occur.

Ascorbic acid - essential substance in the human body. Vitamin C is involved in biochemical processes and prevents many serious illnesses and improves general state health. To feel good, you must monitor the level of ascorbic acid in the body and, if necessary, adjust it up or down by changing your diet.

Ascorbic acid is a vitamin with a sour taste, known to everyone since childhood. But not everyone knows exactly how ascorbic acid affects the body. This acid also has its contraindications, and an overdose is fraught unpleasant consequences. What is it like daily norm ascorbic acid? You will learn about this and much more below.

Ascorbic acid, or as it is also called, vitamin C, is an organic compound with the formula C6H8O6. Physical criteria are as follows: white powder of a crystallized nature, with a sour taste. Vitamin C easily dissolves in aqueous and alcoholic solutions.

If you delve into the history of ascorbic acid, its roots go back to 1928. It was invented only in its pure form, by the then famous scientist - chemist A. Szent-Gyorgyi. In 1932, he was able to explain to many why this acid is simply necessary for humanity.

Functions of ascorbic acid in the human body

The main function of ascorbic acid is antioxidant. With its help, the activity of free radicals is suppressed. This leads to proper control of oxidative and reduction reactions in the body. As a result, with the help of ascorbic acid, the walls of the body’s cells are protected from various kinds damage.

The benefits of vitamin C for each body system:

  • The immune system

— stimulation of the immune system;

preventive effect for diseases infectious nature, as well as assistance in fighting an existing infection in the body;

- Helps counteract allergic and inflammatory reactions.

— destruction of toxins contained in the blood;

- the process of hemoglobin formation increases;

- “unnecessary” cholesterol is eliminated, but “needed” remains;

- blood clotting is significantly improved.

  • Gastrointestinal tract performance system

— the process of absorption of iron from the small part of the intestine improves;

— normalization of the process of bile formation;

toxic effects liver impact on the body is minimized.

  • Endocrine system

- takes an active part in the connection of hormones;

- excretory activity of the pancreas shows its activity;

- productivity in thyroid gland improves by taking vitamin C in any form.

Daily norm of Ascorbic acid

On average, to fully satisfy the body with ascorbic acid, you need from 0.06 g to 100 mg. per day. But, if we take into account the fact that many people go in for sports, active image life, then in such cases the daily dose should be increased. On average up to 150 - 180 mg. per day.

For preventive use of ascorbic acid, an adult needs to consume from 60 to 120 mg. per day. Children - 1 tablet, which contains 50 mg of vitamin C.

If we are talking about taking Ascorbic acid in medicinal purposes for adults - 2 tablets, but the dose will be 3-4 times a day.

Therapeutic dose of Ascorbic acid for children:

- from 3 to 7 years - 2-4 tablets per day;

- from 7 to 10 years - 4 tablets per day;

- from 10 to 14 years - 4-6 tablets per day.

Taking ascorbic acid only after eating, then it is absorbed into the blood faster and begins its active activity.

If a child is found to have a deficiency of this vitamin in his body, he will need to be given 1-2 tablets twice a day.

Who should use Ascorbic acid?

What is vitamin C for? Who needs it:

  • The main criterion for people who need ascorbic acid is those who have been poisoned by any gas. Thanks to Ascorbinka, normalization occurs recovery processes, causing oxidation;
  • During the off-season, every person needs to monitor their health, and first of all, their immunity. Therefore, ascorbic acid is the best assistant for. It can be used in medicinal form, and there is also a large list of fruits and vegetables containing vitamin C;
  • Women during pregnancy simply need vitamin C. Pregnant women often do not have enough of it, and in order to receive a dose normal for fetal development, future mom should consume it in any form, but already 25-30% more than the usual norm.
  • Smokers also need Ascorbic acid. Consuming at least small amounts every day will help the smoker restore the acidic environment in his body.

Harmful properties of ascorbic acid

If you take vitamin C for a long time in greater quantities than required, and then abruptly stop taking it, the amount of this vitamin will be significantly less than it was before you started taking it. These consequences are associated only with the fact that if there is excess vitamin C in the body, a complete disruption of glucose absorption occurs. This threatens the appearance of the first signs of diabetes. There is also a threat of formation of kidney stones and bladder. As for children, an excess often leads to the destruction of tooth bone and enamel.

Therefore, there is no need to self-medicate and prescribe Ascorbic acid without first visiting a doctor. Like anyone medicinal product ascorbic acid can bring both benefits and harm.


The list of contraindications for taking Ascorbic acid is not long, but you should not neglect them:

  • Thrombophlebitis;
  • Diabetes;
  • Glucose-galactose malabsorption.

Before you start taking ascorbic acid for people suffering from kidney and liver failure, leukemia, anemia, developing cancer, hemochromatosis, you should definitely consult your doctor.

Excess and deficiency of ascorbic acid

Excess vitamin C is dangerous for humans and causes mass unpleasant symptoms. In addition, an overdose leads to an increase in the concentration of salts in the body, and this complicates the functioning of the kidneys.

The following are distinguished: symptoms of excess vitamin C:

  • Dizziness.
  • Gas formation.
  • Stomach ache.
  • Body itching.
  • Rash.
  • Insomnia.

In case of shortage vitamin C may occur:

  • bruises on the body;
  • constant bleeding gums;
  • increased nervous excitement;
  • frequent infectious diseases;
  • the skin is flaky and irritated, the hair loses its shine and breaks.

Ascorbic acid and glucose

Now in pharmacies you can find ascorbic acid with glucose in tablets. The features of this drug are as follows:

  • at joint reception ascorbic acid and glucose improve liver function;
  • Glucose provides rapid energy supply to the body.

Let's look at the functions that ascorbic acid performs with glucose in our body:

  • Metabolic action;
  • Improves oxidative and reduction activity;
  • Carbohydrate metabolism improves;
  • Blood clotting returns to normal;
  • Regeneration of body tissues is normalized;
  • The drug takes part in the combination of hormones - steroids;
  • Significantly increases immunity.

Vitamin C combined with glucose is easily absorbed, so this drug can be taken by children over 5 years of age.

Indications for the use of ascorbic acid with glucose

  • overwork, irritability;
  • increased permeability blood vessels;
  • chronic periodontitis, bleeding gums;
  • people exposed to frequent infectious diseases;
  • food poisoning.

You can read the instructions for using ascorbic acid with glucose in the article.

Ascorbic acid helps cope well with viruses, has a beneficial effect on normal functioning body. But before taking it, it is better to consult a specialist, as there are a number of contraindications.

Everyone has heard that vitamin C is beneficial, but not everyone knows about its real role in ensuring ideal metabolic processes. The human body becomes defenseless without ascorbic acid.

Without vitamin C, the body literally “creeps” apart. With its overabundance, everything is more complicated: for some, loading doses become a panacea for deadly diseases, for others - real threat existence.

What are the benefits of vitamin C? Sources of Vitamin C

The lifespan of each cell directly depends on antioxidants - substances that delay destructive oxidative processes. Vitamin C blocks reactive oxygen species (ROS), which are formed during respiration and, as it were, tear apart the cell from the outside. What are the benefits of vitamin C specifically? Approximately 1% of all oxygen received from the air goes into the ROS state. Substances formed by active oxygen envelop cells and become a powerful poisonous shield in the fight against various bacteria. However, if the quantity and quality of such attacks are negligible, ROS begin to have a detrimental effect on the cell itself.

Vitamin C Provides Mass Control active forms oxygen found on the surface of every cell structure in the body. In single loading doses, it provokes the immediate production of the required amount of ROS.

Besides, vitamin C:

  1. Responsible for the formation of collagen, seratonin, catecholamines. Is beneficial for the skin, brain activity and motor skills. Regulates restoration processes in tissues
  2. Stimulates the synthesis of interferon, which increases the degree of tissue immunity to viruses
  3. Inhibits glycosylation of hemoglobin. Helps maintain a certain blood sugar level
  4. Destroys cholesterol, some groups of which cause atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes
  5. Restores vitamin E, which improves immune protection body.
  6. Converts ferric iron to ferrous iron. Whereas a person is able to assimilate only the divalent form of this chemical element. Improves blood quality
  7. IN large doses inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins. Relieves fever and inflammation caused by attacks of viruses and bacteria.

Sources of vitamin C are located outside the human body: the body is not able to produce ascorbic acid on its own.

Daily intake of vitamin C, consumption in mg by age:

  • infants up to six months - 40
  • infants up to one year - 50
  • children under three years old - 15
  • children under eight years old - 25
  • children under thirteen years old - 45
  • teenagers up to eighteen years old - 65/75 for girls and boys, respectively
  • adults from nineteen years old - 90/75 for men and women respectively

Which people have an increased need for vitamin C?

The official instructions for the drug indicate that ascorbic acid is primarily indicated for people suffering from:

  • hypovitaminosis
  • blood diseases and of cardio-vascular system
  • bleeding of various etiologies
  • intoxication and radiation sickness
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver

Is vitamin C good for children?

With the advent of mass artificial feeding Scorbutic and similar manifestations began to occur in children much more often.

In case of early refusal breastfeeding or at his complete absence children experience an acute shortage of beneficial ascorbic acid.

This is due not only to the amount of the incoming substance, but also to its format. After all, there are at least three active vitamin C aggregations:

  • the most useful and active L-ascorbic acid
  • already oxidized, but capable of reduction, dehydroascorbic acid
  • complex substance ascorbigen, in which ascorbic acid is associated with bioflavonoids, proteins and nucleic acids

How to use vitamin C for facial skin?

In professional cosmetology today, so-called stable forms of ascorbic acid are used:

  • magnesium and sodium axorbyl phosphates
  • ascorbyl-2-glycoside
  • ascorbyl palmitate
  • magnesium ascorbyl 2-phosphate
  • tetrahexyldecyl ascorbate
  • polypeptide (ascorbic acid)
  • aminopropyl ascorbyl phosphate

Amateurs are forced to settle for unstable injectable forms or fruit juices saturated with ascorbic acid.

How to use vitamin C for facial skin? Ascorbic acid is a strong reducing agent and inhibits melanogenesis. This means that it is well suited for whitening and revitalizing tired skin.

Vitamin C should be applied to a thoroughly cleansed face, otherwise its unstable particles will not be able to penetrate even the upper layers of the dermis until they disintegrate. Moderate temperature regime And high speed applying the mask is of fundamental importance.

Ground pancreatin tablets should be added to low-fat masks for deep penetration of ascorbic acid. They contain the enzyme substance lipase, which will help deal with the remnants of sebum that interferes with the promotion of the vitamin. At the same time, it is also better not to introduce protein components into the mask, since pancreatin also contains other active enzymes.

How to get natural vitamin C?

At home, it is impossible to isolate pure ascorbic acid from food. And few industrial productions undertake this costly task.

How to get natural vitamin WITH? In our latitudes, production methods are used:

  • vacuum crystallization from rose hips and unripe walnuts
  • diffuse concentration from rose hips, pine needles and walnut leaves

Powder from dried primrose leaves contains a fairly significant amount of ascorbic acid. To ensure the daily intake, it is enough for an adult to take from 2 to 5 g of such flour.

Can our body store vitamin C?

Previously it was believed that ascorbic acid is not produced or accumulated in the human body. However, now scientists are not so categorical. It turned out that it is preserved for a short time by the adrenal cortex and skin.

Can our bodies store vitamin C somewhere else? Yes. For example: in the liver, brain, spleen, in eyeballs. Immune “guards” also contain ascorbic acid in incredible quantities:

  • phagocytes
  • lymphocytes
  • neutrophils
  • monocytes
  • T cells

The biological period for the removal of ascorbic acid and its breakdown products from the body of an adult varies within fairly wide limits: from two to forty days.

Arina, 35 years old.
I have asthma. Once I was advised to undergo treatment with ascorbic acid. They said that it would reduce the manifestations of concomitant vasculitis. It helped! The coughing attacks have lost their former intensity. Now I take it regularly.

Elena, 24
I was told at the antenatal clinic that pregnant women should absolutely not abuse vitamins C and A during pregnancy and even before it. These, it turns out, are strong mutagens and the child can be born with deformities.

Ivan, 45 years old.
Both of my heart surgeries were accompanied by taking ascorbic acid intravenously or in tablets. It reduces oxidative stress in the blood and organs after using a heart-lung machine.
Lydia, 50 years old.
My vision really improved after an intensive course of vitamin C. By as much as 0.75 diopters!

Video: EKMed - Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)

Video: What are we missing? Vitamin C

Video: Hello Vitamin C


What properties does vitamin C have? How does it affect the body’s vital functions and in what foods can it be found.

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is an element synthesized from lemon juice at the end of the 20s of the XX century. But the real discoverer unique properties vitamin is considered a student medical university in Edinburgh, who noted a hundred years earlier the ability of citrus fruits to fight scurvy. What are the features of ascorbic acid? Is it really good for the human body and how can we ensure better absorption of vitamin C?

Physical and chemical properties

Ascorbic acid belongs to the category organic compounds, which have much in common with glucose. The element dissolves well in water, participates in tissue repair, and helps the body absorb iron from food or medications. The element is a catalyst immune processes, which makes it an indispensable assistant in the prevention of colds and viral diseases.

Vitamin C comes in the form of a crystalline powder that is white in color and sour taste. During heat treatment, under the influence of light or smog, the substance is destroyed. A decrease in ascorbic acid in products is possible due to improper processing or long-term storage. Vegetables and fruits are recommended to be eaten immediately after cutting due to their rapid loss healing properties. Proper defrosting of foods containing vitamin C involves immersing them directly in boiling water. In case of prolonged defrosting, the volume useful element decreases.

Effect on the body

Now let's consider at least important question- What are the benefits of vitamin C for the body? Let's select the following action:

  • Prevention of scurvy. In the 18th century, sailors going on long voyages were forced to rinse their mouths with lemon juice. In addition, the diet included foods rich in ascorbic acid.
  • Strengthening the immune system. One look at the recipes is enough traditional medicine to verify the unique capabilities of ascorbic acid. After entering the blood, the vitamin stimulates the production of interferon and antibodies. Research has shown that taking ascorbic acid is beneficial in combating colds, viral hepatitis, herpes and even AIDS.
  • Protecting the body from cancer. Vitamin C has been proven to be a powerful antioxidant that prevents the production of nitrosamine. The latter is formed from nitrates contained in some foods (sausage, smoked meats) and poison the body. One gram of vitamin per day is enough to cover current needs and prevent the development of malignant tumor uterus, mammary or pancreas. It also reduces the risk of cancerous tumor in the body of the uterus, esophagus or bladder.
  • Improved vision. Antioxidant properties ascorbic acid are well known to ophthalmologists who prescribe vitamin B complex treatment cataracts and intraocular pressure.
  • Diabetes help. The question of why vitamin C is needed in the human body is relevant for people with the second stage of diabetes. The action of the vitamin is aimed at reducing harmful influence sugar, and a decrease in its level in the blood.
  • Strengthening the cardiovascular system. Scientists have proven a direct connection between the intake of ascorbic acid in the body, heart health and the cleanliness of blood vessels. 0.5 grams of vitamin per day is enough to reduce blood pressure, which is explained by an increase in the volume of nitrogen in the blood, eliminating spasms of blood vessels and relaxing their walls.
  • Elimination of stressful conditions, normalization of the central nervous system. Neurologists know why the body needs vitamin C. The element promotes the utilization of stress hormones, which helps the body cope with negative emotions and quickly return to normal.
  • Prevention of development urolithiasis . Scientists studied the level of ascorbic acid in the blood of patients with kidney stones or gallbladder. In all cases, the level of the substance was below the permissible norm.
  • Help with allergies or bronchial asthma . The action is due to the antihistamine properties of the substance, comparable in power to some special drugs.
  • Antiatherosclerotic effect. The antioxidant properties of the substance guarantee the suspension of lipoprotein oxidation and blockage of blood vessels. To achieve results, it is enough to take one gram of vitamin per day.

The properties described above are not all that vitamin C is needed for. useful qualities worth mentioning:

  • help in removing free radicals;
  • participation in hematopoiesis processes;
  • improving iron absorption;
  • removal of cholesterol from the blood;
  • rapid healing of wounds or damage to the skin;
  • assistance in removing hazardous metals from the body, namely copper and lead.

Indications for use

Ascorbic acid is prescribed separately or with complex therapy in the following cases:

  • period of active growth;
  • liver pathology;
  • overwork;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • avitaminosis;
  • infections;
  • bleeding (from the nose, gums);
  • dystrophy;
  • bone fractures, slow wound healing;
  • excessive psycho-emotional or physical stress;
  • intoxication.

Daily norm and therapeutic doses

Before starting to take medications with ascorbic acid, be sure to visit a doctor. Medical worker will determine why vitamin C is needed in each specific case and set the dosage. It's worth knowing that daytime The need for vitamin depends on a number of factors:

  • climatic conditions;
  • presence of bad habits;
  • pregnancy or lactation;
  • type of work performed;
  • gender;
  • age.

The need for ascorbic acid is increasing:

  • while taking contraceptives;
  • when living in the Far North;
  • in old age;
  • during illness, fever or toxic effects.

Human therapeutic dose - 0.5-1.0 grams per day. As for the body’s needs, it is below:

  1. Infants:
    • up to six months - 30 mg;
    • from six months to a year - 35 mg.
  2. Children:
    • from one to three years - 40 mg;
    • from four to six years - 45-47 mg;
    • from seven to ten years - 47-49 mg.
  3. Teens and men:
    • 11-14 years old - 50 mg;
    • 15-50 years - 60 mg;
    • from 51 years and over - 65 mg.
  4. Girls and women:
    • 11-14 years old - 50 mg;
    • 15-50 years - 60 mg;
    • from 51 years and over - 65 mg.
  5. Special periods:
    • during pregnancy - 70-75 mg;
    • during lactation - 95-100 mg.

After ascorbic acid enters the body, the latter is quickly consumed. For this reason, it is recommended to distribute the daily portion throughout the day. Reducing or increasing the dosage should be done gradually.

Deficiency (hypovitaminosis): causes, consequences

The results of research conducted by the staff of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, prof. Spiricheva V.B., showed that children in school age are experiencing an acute shortage of useful elements. The problem occurs in 9 out of 10 people. Deficiency manifests itself most in spring and autumn, against the backdrop of nutritional disruptions. How is vitamin C beneficial for children? It strengthens immune system, prevents the development of respiratory diseases and gastrointestinal problems. In addition, vitamin C deficiency is dangerous due to the risk of a decrease in the level of white blood cells in the blood of children and the lack of additional protection when microbes enter the body. Sufficient intake of ascorbic acid into the body reduces the risk of developing acute respiratory infections by 30-40%.

With prolonged deficiency, the following problems are possible:

  • development of depressive states;
  • prolonged wound healing;
  • bleeding gums;
  • general lethargy;
  • deterioration of skin condition;
  • tooth loss;
  • discomfort;
  • soreness;
  • joint pain;
  • tooth loss;
  • the appearance of bruises under the eyes.

Overdose (hypervitaminosis): causes and consequences

Linus Pauling was the first to study the issue of ascorbic acid overdose. The scientist did a lot of work - he studied what vitamin C is better absorbed with, what effect it has on the body, why deficiency and overdose are dangerous. His research has shown that increased intake of vitamin C improves the condition of cancer patients. But a series of subsequent experiments revealed side effects from overdose- exacerbation of ulcers or gastritis, allergic reactions, problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

IN beginning of XXI century, American scientists stated that excessive consumption of ascorbic acid leads to the development of atherosclerosis. To confirm (or refute) the information, studies were conducted in which more than 500 people took part. At the end of the experiment, tests were taken from the subjects, which confirmed the absence of deviations in vascular health. Despite this, scientists noted an increase in the risk of developing atherosclerosis by 2.5 times.

In children taking vitamin C increased dosage, allergic reactions are observed. This is explained by the fact that the body of some people is not able to break down ascorbic acid in large quantities, which leads to allergies.

The benefits of vitamin C for women, men and children are invaluable, but when determining the dosage there are a number of points to consider:

  • An increased dosage has dangerous consequences for the gastrointestinal tract - the appearance of diarrhea.
  • It is forbidden to take ascorbic acid simultaneously with drugs containing aluminum. In this case, the metal is absorbed faster into the intestinal walls and poisons the body.
  • Taking ascorbic acid in a volume higher than the daily norm for a long time can lead to hemolysis. In the presence of such violations, use is recommended only under the supervision of a physician.
  • Concomitant use with aspirin leads to gastrointestinal disorders and accelerated excretion of vitamin C in the urine. As a result, the risk of vitamin deficiency increases.
  • If the dosage is exceeded by more than one gram per day, the body’s ability to absorb AT 12, which leads to a deficiency of the element. That is why, during the period of taking ascorbic acid, it is recommended to keep cobalamin levels under control and receive it in a timely manner in the form of injections.
  • Chewable candies containing vitamins pose a risk to tooth enamel. To avoid such problems, after taking ascorbic acid, it is recommended to brush your teeth and rinse your mouth.
  • During pregnancy, increasing the required dosage is prohibited due to the risk of addiction in the child.
  • It is not recommended to increase the rate if there is a tendency to thrombosis or thrombophlebitis, as well as diabetes.


Every person should know the answers to the questions why vitamin C is needed and in what dosage to take it. No less useful is information regarding sources of ascorbic acid. They come in two types:

  1. Animal origin:
    • kumiss;
    • beef or pork liver;
    • goat and mare's milk;
    • beef and pork kidneys and adrenal glands.
  2. Vegetable origin:
    • rose hip;
    • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
    • Bell pepper;
    • oranges and lemons;
    • green peas;
    • potato;
    • melon;
    • peaches;
    • apples;
    • tomatoes;
    • horseradish;
    • seaweed;
    • eggplant;
    • sorrel;
    • currants and others.

When making tinctures rich in ascorbic acid, the following can be used:

  • plantain;
  • peppermint;
  • burdock root;
  • violets;
  • nettle;
  • violet and raspberry leaves;
  • pine needles.

Long-term storage of vitamin-containing products has a negative impact on the amount of ascorbic acid. The only exception is rose hips, in which the beneficial element is preserved for 10-12 months. A syrup is made from these fruits to cover the deficiency of useful elements.

Of the products containing vitamin C, withstands long-term processing White cabbage. After processing, up to 50 percent of the useful element remains in it. Almost the same amount of substance is retained in potato soup.

Reception features

Now let’s look at what vitamin C is absorbed with and what are the features of taking the substance worth remembering.

  • The daily portion should enter the body evenly. With this approach, it remains high dose“ascorbic acid” during the day.
  • Taking ascorbic acid is recommended during meals. The enzymes produced help improve absorption. If diarrhea occurs after taking it, it is recommended to reduce the dosage or stop taking it until consulting a doctor.
  • The reduction in the amount of ascorbic acid should be gradual. Abrupt withdrawal of the vitamin leads to deterioration of health.
  • Ascorbic acid is destroyed when exposed to high temperature, in contact with metal, under the influence of light, and also during prolonged storage.
  • To improve absorption, it is recommended to take biological supplements with vitamin C and bioflavonoids. Otherwise, ascorbic acid is not fully absorbed.
  • Vitamin C is absorbed with tocopherol and beta-carotene. This combination is considered optimal and ensures maximum delivery of the beneficial element into the blood.


The human body needs in regular intake of ascorbic acid along with food. In case of deficiency of the substance, it is recommended to take additional drugs with ascorbic acid to cover the daily requirement. At the same time, monitor your health. If you feel unwell, it is recommended to stop taking the vitamin and consult a doctor.

  • Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, familiar to many of us since childhood, is a substance that is actively involved in almost all biochemical processes of the human body. It must be consumed daily with food or in synthetic form for prevention and during illness for a speedy recovery. Vitamin C is found in many fruits and berries, including rose hips, pomegranates, and currants. The vitamin is sold in the form of dragees, powders, ampoules and tablets in pharmacies.

    Why is ascorbic acid needed?

    For the first time in pure form ascorbic acid was discovered by the chemist Zilva at the beginning of the last century, who synthesized it from lemon juice. According to its main characteristics, it is a crystalline substance white, sour in taste and quickly destroyed in water.

    Organic compound (C 6 H 8 O 6), or vitamin C, is found in many plants in different quantities. With its help, many oxidative and reduction processes occur, and if there is a lack of vitamin in the human body, hypovitaminosis may develop, leading to other disorders. It is needed for the production of lymphocytes that destroy infected cells, and maintaining white function blood cells(leukocytes). The body's ability to cope with infections depends on their readiness.

    Vitamin C must be constantly supplied to the human body.

    Consumption of ascorbic acid is especially important in the following cases:

    • poisoning chemicals when inhaled;
    • development of hypovitaminosis;
    • a growing organism, since the lack of a useful substance can lead to pathology of the skeletal structure;
    • during pregnancy;
    • with active smoking, since tobacco removes it from the body.

    Beneficial features

    When using vitamin complexes, many people are not fully aware of the benefits of ascorbic acid and often neglect it, preferring more expensive drugs.

    The beneficial properties of ascorbic acid include the following:

    • It helps increase the body's endurance.
    • Performs a protective function against colds, participating in collagen biosynthesis and in the production of lymphocytes that destroy infected cells.
    • Vitamin C promotes the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism and blood clotting.
    • Accelerating the process of wound healing and bone healing.
    • The participation of vitamin C in the synthesis of collagen protein promotes the growth of muscle cells, bones, and cartilage.
    • As an antioxidant, it removes toxins from the body by regulating redox processes. In particular, it contributes to the conclusion heavy metals, (copper, lead) from the body.
    • Restoration of exocrine function of the pancreas and thyroid glands.
    • Regulation of hematopoietic processes, normalization of capillary permeability.
    • Reducing body intoxication with frequent drinking and smoking.
    • Serves tonic for various diseases.
    • Renders positive impact on mental performance, mental condition, helps cope with stress.
    • Promotes the activation of enzymes in the liver, increasing the ability to cleanse the body.
    • Normalizes cholesterol levels.
    • Helps maintain skin firmness and elasticity, protecting against premature aging processes.
    • Participates in synthesis.

    Vitamin C is included in complex therapy in the treatment of many diseases. It is very important to give it in tablets to children, since a lack of vitamin C in a growing body can affect changes in the skeletal structure.

    Warnings and indications for use

    How much and how to take ascorbic acid? The daily norm is 100 mg. The synthetic form of the vitamin should be taken after meals.

    Vitamin C itself is not dangerous, but if it is abused, it can cause allergic reaction- the appearance of itching, small rash and other phenomena. If there are problems with gastrointestinal tract, then vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, used in large quantities, can lead to a number of complications. An overdose of ascorbic acid can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, and indigestion.

    Contraindications to taking ascorbic acid are: diabetes and thrombophlebitis: it has an identical composition to glucose, and this can cause an increase in blood sugar levels. Its use should be used with caution by those who have renal failure, anemia, leukemia, progressive malignant formations. Considering that ascorbic acid has contraindications, the intake and daily dose should be determined by a doctor.

    Speaking about the benefits of using vitamin C, we must not forget that its excess in the body can lead to the appearance of:

    • diarrhea;
    • nausea;
    • vomiting;
    • heartburn;
    • bloating and cramping;
    • headache;
    • insomnia;
    • formation of kidney stones.

    In large doses, ascorbic acid will work not for good, but for harm. Uncontrolled use can contribute to the appearance and accelerate the development of atherosclerosis; in children, it can injure the renal tubules, causing the development of kidney stone disease. Therefore, you need to know what daily intake is suitable for each person. The normal dosage differs for adults and children, for which specialist consultation is needed.


    According to experts, you can consume at least 90 mg of vitamin C per day for men and 75 mg for women. More precise dosages of the substance per day for people engaged in physically demanding work, professional sports, during pregnancy or breastfeeding are determined by the doctor, taking into account the characteristics of the body.

    Daily doses for younger patients are as follows: adolescents take 65-75 mg, children - about 35-50 mg. It will be convenient to use with 25 mg of vitamin in 1 piece. The recommended maximum daily dose is 2000 mg, but some modern scientists advise for prevention purposes oncological diseases increase daily dosage to 3000 mg

    This healthy vitamin is, and therefore does not accumulate in the body and is excreted in the urine. So drink it, eat it or taken in tablet form daily. He useful as recommended by doctors dosage people of any age, with the exception of certain conditions. If an adult or child ate fruits and vegetables rich in ascorbic acid acid, regularly in a healthy state, then at the first symptoms respiratory diseases it is necessary to increase their quantity and supplement it with the consumption of synthetic forms of vitamin C.

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