What to do if you get burned by the stove. Carbon monoxide poisoning or how one gets burned in a bathhouse

This product is incomplete combustion various types fuel, colorless and odorless, has a pronounced toxic effect.

In the old days, carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide) poisoning was common - you closed the stove damper before the firewood burned, fell asleep... and did not wake up. This still happens in villages today. And with the expansion of dacha construction, the “process” went further. Car heaters also pose a considerable danger: a couple dozed off in the cabin, numb from the heat... And car exhaust gases contain very a large number of carbon monoxide.

This gas enters the human blood 200 times faster than oxygen. Special studies It has been established that carbon monoxide “takes over the initiative” from oxygen. It binds with hemoglobin several times easier and more actively, converting it into a chemical complex - carboxyhemoglobin. As a result, hemoglobin loses its ability to carry oxygen to tissues, especially to vital ones - the brain, lungs, heart. The lack of oxygen causes suffocation. Similar dysfunctions occur during poisoning natural gas due to careless use of gas appliances.

Fortunately, lethal concentrations of gas do not form immediately, except in cases of industrial accidents.

Therefore, a person can determine the first symptoms of poisoning himself. Unless, of course, he is sleeping. What are these symptoms?

Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning

There is a feeling of heaviness and pulsation in the head, pain in the temples and forehead - the forehead, as they say, is squeezed by a hoop, knocking in the temples, flashing in the eyes, making noise in the ears. Darkening begins in the eyes, trembling, weakness, palpitations, nausea, vomiting, and stupor appear. A person in such a situation intensively strives to Fresh air. And he does the right thing! This is quite enough. Of course, you immediately need to ventilate the room or interior of the car and eliminate the source of the gas.

If a person remains in a gas-filled space, then consciousness becomes confused, drowsiness increases, followed by loss of consciousness. The pupils are dilated, breathing is shallow, the pulse is rapid, and convulsions occur. There is poisoning.

✏ If you witness such an incident, then immediately open the windows, doors, put out the fire, and fill it with water. Turn off electrical and gas appliances. Turn off the heater in the car and ventilate it. Take the injured person out into the fresh air. Take a closer look at it and determine the degree of poisoning. If everything is limited to a dry cough, dizziness, increased heart rate, nausea or even vomiting, then you are on time. Unbutton your shirt collar, free your chest, and provide fresh air.

If the poisoned person’s condition has reached moderate severity, and consciousness is clouded, bring a cotton swab soaked in ammonia or other irritating liquid (cologne, for example) to his nose, rub his chest, cover him with a blanket, give him hot coffee or tea. Remember: before losing consciousness, a person experiences excitement and may experience hallucinations. And then lethargy, apathy sets in, and pulls you to sleep.

Upon loss of consciousness, which already indicates severe poisoning, the victim’s skin turns red and the pupils dilate. Breathing, initially frequent and loud, becomes shallow. The person defecates involuntarily. But even if things have gone so far, one cannot despair. The salvation of the victim is in your hands. Immediately take him outside, and if you are unable to do this, open the window and as a last resort, break it. Place cold compresses or a heating pad with ice on your head and chest, a bottle of cold water. Give the cotton wool with ammonia a whiff.

If cardiac and respiratory activity drops, give injections of cordiamine, caffeine, ephedrine (2 ampoules each). If necessary, proceed to artificial respiration, and in case of cardiac arrest, to chest compressions. In case of severe carbon monoxide poisoning, starting to provide emergency care, arrange an ambulance call.

✏ And don't forget about one more thing. If the victim has not lost consciousness, induce vomiting, then give him hot, strong tea or coffee.

There are old folk remedies and methods for intoxication

Here are a few of them.

♦ Healers tried to induce vomiting not only “with two fingers in the mouth,” but also healing decoction. For this purpose, take 1 tbsp. spoon of coffin root (European coffin is widespread in the middle zone of the European part of the country, in Western Siberia and in the southeast, mainly in forest-steppe areas), place it in an enamel pan and add 300 ml of cold water, boil for 15 minutes over low heat. The resulting mixture is filtered and given to the victim to drink 50 ml warm.

♦ In the old days, people used to put cold cranberries in their ears to combat intoxication; if there were no cranberries, they were successfully replaced with viburnum berries.

♦ The following method of saving the burnt was also common. In clean and fresh air, the victim was washed with cold water mixed with vinegar in a 1:1 ratio. This solution was given to the burnt person to drink at the rate of 100 ml per dose. Apparently, carbon dioxide bound and neutralized carbon monoxide.

It is especially difficult for those who visit the steam room for the first time. Heat, hot water, high humidity can cause the most unexpected reaction.


Due to high humidity and stuffiness in the steam room, the blood begins to be less well supplied with oxygen and cerebral circulation is violated. As a result, leaving the steam room or a sudden change in position can cause fainting, which is usually accompanied by pallor, weakness, dizziness, nausea, hearing or vision impairment. A person complains of ringing in the ears and the appearance of spots before the eyes.

In this case, in order to prevent fainting, you need to sit or lie down and do several slow and deep breaths. This procedure will ensure the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the head and remove the first alarming symptoms. After this, it is advisable to leave the steam room for fresh air.

If a person has already fainted, he must be immediately taken out of the steam room, placed on his back, legs slightly raised. This stimulates blood flow to the head. You can rub the victim’s temples with a cotton swab soaked in ammonia. If he does not wake up, you need to call him as quickly as possible. ambulance“- only an experienced and highly qualified doctor should bring a patient out of deep fainting.

Before the doctor arrives, in case of deep fainting, it is advisable to try to increase blood flow to the head and heart. For this right hand the victim needs to be lifted up for 15 minutes, and left leg lift slightly and bandage tightly, starting from the fingers and moving all the way to the thigh. If the ambulance does not arrive after 15 minutes, the position of the legs and arms should be changed: raise left hand and bandage my right leg.


It's more serious condition than normal fainting. ABOUT heatstroke testifies sharp increase body temperature up to 42 "C, feeling of heaviness and dizziness, headache, loss of consciousness, shortness of breath.

In this case, the victim should be placed on his back and immediately taken out of the steam room to a cooler room with fresh air. The body and head must be wiped with towels soaked in cool water. It is prohibited to apply ice or cold objects to the body, and especially to the head! This may lead to the development colds. When the victim finally regains consciousness, you need to give him a cool liquid, preferably mineral water. He should drink as much as possible.

Clinical death

Clinical death is the most dangerous condition, which only a qualified doctor can handle, since a common person, as a rule, does not know how to implement artificial respiration and indirect cardiac massage. Clinical death is usually observed in people suffering from chronic pathologies of blood vessels and heart. Visiting the steam room is in principle contraindicated for them, but, unfortunately, not everyone follows the rules. If the victim is clinically dead, it is necessary to call an ambulance as quickly as possible and, while waiting, provide first aid.

Clinical death can be determined by the following signs: very pale and even bluish skin color, dilated pupils. To determine that the victim is not breathing, you need to bring a small mirror to his mouth. If it does not fog up, then you need to act immediately. The faster help is provided, the greater the person’s chances of survival. After all, when clinical death heartbeat and breathing must be restored within 5-7 minutes, otherwise irreversible processes will begin in the victim’s body.

Those who master the techniques indirect massage heart and artificial respiration, can put their skills into practice. But if you haven't done this before, it's better not to try. Inept actions can only cause harm.

Artificial respiration

The chest should be freed from clothing and the head should be thrown back. It is extremely important that the victim's mouth is empty.

After this, pull back with one hand lower jaw, and the second one pinch his nose. Then you need to inhale as deeply as possible, press your lips very tightly to the patient’s lips and exhale as much as possible. After this, the victim’s chest should straighten as much as possible. Then you need to remove your fingers from his nose.

Indirect cardiac massage

It is necessary to place the victim on solid flat surface. After this, determine whether air is entering the lungs: examine your mouth and tilt your head back, placing a rolled towel under your neck.

The victim's chest should be freed from clothing, and your palms should be placed on it so that they are 2-3 fingers above the place where the lower ribs meet. Then press sharply on chest, while it should fall down by 4-5 cm. Such shocks are produced 50-60 times per minute. When 12-15 pressures have been applied, you need to take 2 breaths “mouth to mouth” to the victim.


If you do not follow the rules of behavior in the bathhouse, you can get 1-2 degree burns. First aid is quite simple. First, you need to place the burned part of the body under a stream of cold water, then treat it with anti-burn ointment and cover it with a sterile bandage. It is prohibited to puncture blisters once they have formed, as this may lead to infection.

If a large area has been burned and the skin has become quite red or blistered on its surface yellowish color If the victim has a fever, you should immediately consult a doctor. This type of burn requires immediate medical attention.

Carbon monoxide poisoning

In a bathhouse with a non-electric heater and improperly equipped ventilation, there is a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. If you experience tinnitus, headache, dizziness, heaviness in the head, nausea, weakness, increased heart rate, then this indicates oxygen starvation, which is caused by excess content in the air carbon monoxide.

At the first symptoms, you should immediately leave the bathhouse for fresh air. If one of the visitors has lost consciousness, you must immediately take the person out into the air and give him a sniff. ammonia, massage your feet and then give you some hot tea to drink.

Remember that carbon monoxide poisoning is much easier to prevent. Therefore, you need to properly arrange the ventilation in the bathhouse and do not forget to regularly clean the ventilation ducts. Then you won’t have to worry about your health.

To prevent accidents, each visitor to the bathhouse should consult a therapist before the procedures.

He will determine who can take a steam bath and who should refrain from visiting the steam room. And then bath procedures will only bring pleasure!

The Russian steam room is a favorite vacation spot for many people. But, unfortunately, often during bath procedures a person may show signs of fumes in the bath. Why is this happening? What causes the accumulation of carbon monoxide in a bathhouse and what should be done in case of poisoning? Every person who wants to usefully spend time in a steam room and not harm their health should know the answers to all these questions.

The main reasons for the accumulation of toxic substances

Carbon monoxide is extremely toxic if it enters the human body. It is much heavier than air and has neither color nor odor. That is why a person does not even feel at what point a poisonous gas begins to enter the body, which, combining with hemoglobin in the blood, prevents the flow of oxygen. What is the cause of carbon monoxide accumulation? The fact is that in a traditional Russian bath there must be a wood-burning stove, which is most often installed directly in the steam room. But when handling it, like any other heating device, you need to be extremely careful and adhere to the basic rules of operation.

What can be the main reasons for the release of carbon monoxide?



Closed exhaust damper. Many people make the big mistake of trying to keep the stove hot and the steam room warm by closing the damper early. As a result, carbon monoxide cannot escape through the chimney and begins to enter the room. Thus, the poisoning of the people who are in it occurs.
Premature closing of the oven. If the stove has not yet been sufficiently heated and has not warmed up the room, it should not be closed.
Late or poor quality. Clean the pipe regularly to prevent gas from entering the steam room.
Improperly equipped ventilation system. We need to give it to her increased attention at the construction stage.

It is absolutely forbidden to ignore safety rules. Most often, a person in a bathhouse receives mild degrees of carbon monoxide poisoning. But still the consequences can be very dire, even fatal.

Poisoning occurs completely unnoticed by humans. In order not to get burned in the bath during water procedures, you should take the rules for using the stove very seriously.

Signs of poisoning in a bathhouse

A person, while in a bathhouse, cannot notice the flow of carbon monoxide into the room. And even signs of intoxication do not appear immediately. It is especially difficult to recognize the problem if the person drank alcohol before the steam room.

The main symptoms that indicate carbon monoxide poisoning are:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • bitter taste in the mouth;
  • headache;
  • general weakness;
  • vomit;
  • dyspnea;
  • loss of orientation;
  • noise in ears;
  • disturbance of visual perception.

And, besides this, experienced bathhouse attendants do not recommend being in the steam room yourself. After all, a person alone may not notice that he gets enough severe poisoning body. And there will be no one to help him.

First aid for carbon monoxide poisoning

In Russian baths with a non-electric stove there is always a chance of getting burned. Therefore, there should be no rush during bath procedures. All safety rules must be strictly followed. Be sure to listen to yourself and your feelings in the steam room to avoid trouble. If you feel that you are starting to feel dizzy and have a headache or that you are starting to feel sick in the bathhouse, you need to immediately leave the room for fresh air without waiting for your condition to worsen. You may have inhaled carbon monoxide and that is why you feel unwell.

Experts recommend warm tea or simply drinking plenty of fluids after leaving the room. But all this applies to mild degrees of poisoning. What to do if a person becomes very ill? The first step is to help the victim by taking him outside. If the person is unconscious, call an ambulance immediately. You need to take him out into the fresh air, let him breathe in ammonia and rub it on the burnt man’s temples. After this, make the person warm herbal tea.

What to do if ammonia does not help bring the victim to his senses? You need to do artificial respiration and wait for the ambulance. And be sure to remember that if a person does not regain consciousness, you need to put him on his side so that the tongue does not sink in and the person does not suffocate.

Stay close to the victim, monitor his pulse and breathing. Provide first aid and wait for the ambulance.

Consequences of poisoning

Carbon monoxide is a very dangerous and toxic substance that leads to difficult-to-correct disruptions to the functioning of the entire body. And the result of poisoning will be the most complex consequences, including mortality. When carbon monoxide is inhaled, a person experiences a severe lack of oxygen. Therefore, the brain, respiratory organs, heart and skeletal muscles are primarily affected.

As a result of inhalation of carbon monoxide and subsequent oxygen starvation the human heart, trying to perform its main function, increases the number of contractions per minute, which causes tachycardia, which in the future can cause a heart attack. When toxins enter the bloodstream, the nervous system. As a result negative influence toxins affect parts of the brain, which leads to headaches, dizziness, etc. If you do not take a person outside in time and provide him with help, poisoning will lead to loss of consciousness and coma.

IN medical practice There are two types of consequences after carbon monoxide poisoning:

  • early;
  • late.

Early consequences are expressed in headaches, nausea, lack of coordination of movements, pulmonary edema, cerebral edema, impairment heart rate, coma and death. TO late consequences Carbon monoxide poisoning may include memory loss, hearing loss, blindness, decreased intellectual abilities human, pneumonia, angina pectoris. That's why it's important timely assistance to the victim. After all, what longer person is indoors, inhaling carbon monoxide, the more serious the consequences of poisoning will be.

Of course, even an experienced steam lover is not immune from poisoning. But there are still ways to reduce the risk of carbon monoxide entering the steam room. To do this, you should use the stove correctly during bathing procedures, regularly clean the chimney, choose safe raw materials for lighting the stove and take river stones for the heater, which do not emit harmful substances when heated. In addition, you can install a special alarm that responds to carbon monoxide.

Follow all the rules - then bath procedures will bring you both joy and benefit.

Carbon monoxide in a bathhouse is no joke. Poisoning may be invisible to humans. Characteristic symptoms can pass secretly, especially if the victim has been drinking. Most often, poisoning occurs in bathhouses or in houses with stove heating.

In the chimney (more precisely, in the neck) of a stone stove or in a chimney, a valve is made in order to regulate the draft. When the wood (fuel) is all burned out, it is closed. If there is unburnt wood or coal left in the stove by the time the valve is closed, then carbon monoxide will form due to a lack of air. And as a result, poisoning can occur. If the burning of wood coals is delayed, the penetrating cold air will take some heat from the room. In order to remove and reduce the amount of carbon monoxide in the valve closing the chimney, make a hole with a diameter of 20 mm.

How many stones should be loaded into the kiln?

The stones in the bathhouse serve to heat the room and generate steam. The stones must be river stones - collected near the water, gray, medium size - approximately the size of a man's fist (depending on the size of the bathhouse, if the bathhouse is large and a large amount of heat is needed, then larger stones are taken, but if the bathhouse is not large, then small stones are needed), round in shape, so that when they form a hill, there was a hole between them through which smoke passed freely, and so that the stones were heated evenly. The stones are placed on a grid, usually a grid of steel rods with a diameter of approximately 3-5 cm. The number of stones should be 35-40 kg per 1 square meter. When the heating of the bath begins, the temperature in the bath rises to 500-600 degrees. This temperature is enough to heat the steam room. The amount of firewood should be approximately 2.5-3.0 per 1 square meter of bath area.

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