What you need to know to avoid side effects of manual therapy. Chiropractic. Spine treatment. Manual therapy

It is known that he offers his methods for treating back problems. The main difference between such methods and traditional medicine– individual approach.

Chiropractic refers to unconventional methods traditional medicine. It has a centuries-old history and has not yet lost its relevance.

Each chiropractor uses his own methods, applies them intuitively, based on his knowledge and experience.

It can alleviate and sometimes cure:

  • scoliosis, including long-standing;
  • remove pinched nerve;
  • set the slipped vertebra back into place;
  • remove salt deposits;
  • restore flexibility of the spine.

The spine is important!

Connected with all other organs nerve endings. If a nerve is pinched, the organ “attached” to it suffers. Therefore, many patients note that having cured back pain, they were able to get rid of other diseases, the body as a whole.

But it should be taken into account that there are several diseases for which treatment by a chiropractor is contraindicated. These are tuberculosis or bone sarcoma, osteoporosis and anything else that leads to the destruction of bone tissue.

A chiropractor treats the spine using manual therapy. This massage is done only with your hands, without using any aids. Gentle pressure, stroking - the technique seems very simple, but the effect is amazing. After a course of treatment, a person’s gait changes and their posture improves. By straightening the spine, you can even become 2-4 cm taller.

Watch the video of how a chiropractor diagnoses the spine:

Old illnesses and severe pain

Of course, if the diseases are old and serious, during treatment the patient will experience discomfort, even severe pain. After the session, pain often appears in the muscles returning to their normal position. All unpleasant manifestations must be endured; treatment cannot be abandoned halfway. Disturbed but not corrected curvatures of the spine will only get worse in the future.

Traditional medicine is based not only on the physical, but also on the mental component of a person. During the session, it is advisable to relax your muscles as much as possible and not think about anything. After the manipulations, you need to avoid stress for some time. Be sure to dress warmly to avoid catching a cold on your back. The chiropractor will also select a course special exercises. To achieve results, these exercises must be performed regularly.

Also be sure to read.

(called alternative) medicine, which in modern times are called “manual therapy”, “osteopathy”, “chiropractic”, different kinds massage, all kinds of independent exercises...

If a chiropractor's manipulation is carried out according to all the rules of the Art, it cannot harm the patient. ©Hippocrates.

The point here is that the spine is the main “supporting structure” human body, it is also the “main energy highway” of the body, and any disturbances in this system will not slow down to affect a person’s well-being, mood and health.

Chiropractic is a set of methods for correcting ailments, and in to a greater extent designed to prevent the very “falling” into an unhealthy state is based on the fact that any malfunctions in the functioning of the ridge always lead to corresponding problems in the body. These “problems” themselves may consist in displacement of the vertebral discs, which causes “clamping” of the passages passing there. nerve fibers, in violation of the normal mobility of individual vertebrae (weakened, or vice versa, “looseness”), up to severe deposition of salts in places with limited mobility. All this is accompanied by an uneven muscular load on individual “intervertebral” muscles, which affects posture, spoils gait, reduces height... which in turn gives a large number of accumulating complications and inconveniences “create the ground” for deterioration of health.

Not only obvious bone pains are associated with the ridge (such as “back ache”, “neck hurts” or “leg can’t walk”), but various internal organs, and symptoms of a wide variety of diseases, including “nervous” ones, may appear even before organic (and noticeable to the doctor) changes in the “sick” organs appear. That is, something already hurts, worries, but in fact is not yet sick... this is where the help of a chiropractor will be most effective. Such a “new disease” as allergies, as well as other problems associated with failures immune system- also turn out to be directly related to the condition of the spine.

Nowadays it is almost impossible to meet a person on the street who has a bad back. All in order: minimum- there are only noticeable chiropractor changes, and usually- there are scoliosis known to the “owner”, and other “non-diseases” that he abhors modern medicine. She does not pay any effective attention to them, and these curvatures with diseases “attached” to them, which are treated with pills, injections, or surgically. However, pills and “warming” alone will not return the popped vertebra to its proper place, and the process of creating the disease continues little by little... but by actively tidying up your back, you can eliminate headaches, back pain, and even fight such things as allergies and decreased performance immune system, heart and brain problems.


Modern Medicine does not deny the disease of any kidneys with problems in the corresponding part of the spine - there are corresponding terms, such as “radicular syndrome”, which refers to problems with nerve endings pinched in the ridge and “reaching” the same kidneys, sending “wrong” signals to them . To put it simply, the “control system” of the same kidneys somehow passes through the spine, and if due to problems in the spine this “communication channel” ceases to function normally, then the effect of a “damaged phone” is obtained. By restoring the connection, the “control system” is also restored, and the remaining viable protective and self-regulatory systems of the body can work effectively... however, modern medicine does not recognize the possibility of treating diseases by correcting problems of the musculoskeletal system.

A chiropractor does not treat a disease “symptomatically” (by eliminating the symptoms of the disease) - he eliminates the cause and effect of the disease inherent in the spine. It is observed here Feedback- problems in the organs themselves lead to characteristic displacements in the corresponding parts of the spine, and problems in the spine initiate all kinds of diseases. So chiropractic is effective in both cases.

However chiropractic in general, it is not limited to working only on the spine (this is within the competence of chiropractic), because the spine itself is curved due to, for example, a leg injury - a person begins to subconsciously, out of habit, “protect” the once injured leg, transferring the load to the second. At the same time, the position of the pelvis changes, and the load on the entire spine is redistributed - it bends, “twists with a screw,” and due to the asymmetrical muscular load on individual vertebrae, their independent displacement begins.

How is the correction made?

Spinal straightening is performed through physical manipulation of the patient's body; this can be an effect on individual vertebrae or entire sections of the spine. As a rule, no mechanical devices or tools are used - the entire “toolkit” of a chiropractor comes down to his hands, fingers, some kind of couch (or mat), chair or stool.

There is no point in describing the process itself, since everyone has their own personal experience, “techniques,” preferences, and it also depends on the “overall dimensions” of the patient and the chiropractor...

During manipulations, the patient is required to relax the indicated muscle groups as much as possible, not hold his breath, helped, but not obstructed chiropractor manipulations. The most favorable moment for conducting a “session” is when the patient is in his “comfortable” state, that is, unable to nervous tension, not in a state of exhaustion and fatigue - the best state is “reduced muscle tone", which in natural conditions occurs in the state light alcoholic drunkenness” or having recently woken up smoothly.

After the manipulations, it is required that the patient does not catch a cold in his back (does not sit in a draft), and loads the back muscles in a dosed manner (i.e., does not “relax”). The chiropractor often recommends doing certain exercises at home, and you should do them whenever possible. Also, watch your posture, that is out of habit do not return to what has become familiar incorrect poses.

How often can you see a chiropractor?

Of course, you shouldn't get carried away. But this in no way means that you have to endure pain when noticeable problems occur due to any unusual loads or other sudden circumstances! Here you need to either run immediately, or, if the moment is missed and the inflammatory processes in the muscles and ligaments - weaken these symptoms with “lotions and poultices” (medicines, in short) and go for repairs after about three days.

There are also established time intervals that are recommended to be observed between “sessions”, necessary for the body to have time to readjust to correct mode without much stress and unnecessary tension.

When there is an intensive process of correction - this interval is no less than a week, when correction is going on “normally” - it requires two weeks of endurance and independent exercises.

Who needs the services of a chiropractor?

Not to mention those to whom it is already clear that not everything is in order with the spine (those suffering from spinal curvature, pain in the back, lower back, people with incorrect posture, lumbago, sciatica, etc.), we should outline less obvious options, where the help of a chiropractor will have a very noticeable positive effect:

    All women who have given birth, as a rule, have very significant negative changes in the lower back. In the process of bearing a child, the center of gravity of the body “shifts,” which leads to a redistribution of the load on the vertebrae. Further, fussing with the baby (raise and lower this weight, and bend over) also greatly overloads the back, which in the current reality inevitably leads to displacement of the vertebrae.

    Everyone who is forced to “shake in transport” for a long time (both drivers and passengers) - uncomfortable posture, vibration, weight in the hands, on the shoulder - all together leads to very sad consequences for the spine.

    “Sedentary” workers - this is understandable; after sitting hunched over the table, you “creakly” straighten back up.

    Separately, “those who sit at the keyboard for a long time and ‘poke at the buttons’.” There is a whole complex of negative factors, including the notorious “irradiation” and “tunnel syndrome”.

    “Gardeners” who either dig a lot, bend their backs, poke around in the beds upside down, carry heavy things in their hands.

    Users of myo-stimulators and some types of “figure-improving” exercise equipment experience an unbalanced “pumping” of the muscles, which themselves are able to push the vertebrae and other bones out of their place. Myo-stimulators are generally a separate problem... In short, muscles learn to respond to external electrical impulses to such an extent that they are “lazy” to recognize impulses from their native body.

    Bodybuilders (in common parlance - “jocks”) who work out with “iron” for a long time, and “strongman” athletes - they usually have certain problems in the spine.

In addition, it makes sense to consult a chiropractor for those who “have pain, but the doctors can’t find anything.” It happens that the heart or kidney quite frankly hurts... but no illness is discovered that would explain the presence of these pains. This also includes those suffering from migraine-type headaches that are difficult to relieve with painkillers. All this is very often connected only with spinal problems.

Almost everyone who has reached the age of 30–35 years is recommended to at least see a chiropractor, so that by the age of 50 they will not have well-known and very common health problems. (see article about)

Are chiropractic procedures painful?

As a rule (with a good chiropractor), compared to the torment of problems, “this is nothing at all”... It’s really scary - BONES CRUNCH!!! - this is what it seems to the patient out of habit. In fact, the bones do not crunch, this sound and sensation are similar to how some people themselves like to “crunch their fingers,” and in subsequent sessions all this fear disappears.

However, there are also quite painful procedures associated with correcting serious violations- for example, straightening severe old scoliosis, chronic dislocation of a joint... but here at least you know why you are suffering.

One more point - usually after the session they appear muscle pain in those areas of the back where something has been corrected. This is natural, some muscle groups begin to work, tense, and hurt just like muscles feel after an intense workout. Other muscles, on the contrary, have gotten rid of the constant exorbitant load, and here an effect similar to how you “sat your leg off”, straightened it, and a mass of preforms is formed in it. discomfort. All these effects quickly pass on their own, but you can speed up the relief of unpleasant sensations with a local massage, or simply “working” painful muscles, stretching in every possible way and straining individual muscle groups. The only thing that is highly not recommended to do in such situations is to fall into bed and wait for it to pass, imagining yourself sick and weak.

What are the contraindications?

There are contraindications, for example osteoporosis, bone sarcoma, bone tuberculosis and the whole other set of organic diseases that lead to bones losing their strength. Also, a chiropractor should not associate with convinced vegetarians.

Also, you should handle with extreme care bottom spine on later pregnancy, in cases mechanical damage spine... that is, a chiropractor should always be warned about all injuries, fractures, and suspected illnesses that are significant in this matter.

Also, under no circumstances should you turn to a chiropractor, paranoid people, or people convinced of “anti-science” this method, persons suffering from suspiciousness (who listen with fear to every movement in their body or see the machinations of the Antichrist in everything)! It is forbidden! - they are better. And for those whom faith does not allow - .

Is it possible to “self-medicate”

As they say, “not mona, but noona!” Because this is the only way to keep your spine in working condition, without regularly going to chiropractors and chiropractors for every reason. There is a wild misconception, expressed, for example, in the phrase “my whole back was corrected half a year ago!” They may have fixed it, but in half a year without independent or “external” support for the desired state, everything has probably already shifted back... or not everything, but something has definitely shifted.

Now the question How get better yourself? ...and here it’s more complicated - there are no problems, or almost no problems with self-correction only for those whose spine has already been brought into an active, “working” state. It's not only here straightaway the slightest “jump” of any vertebra is felt, but the back muscles are able to clearly obey their owner in order to correct the problem “on the spot.” However, having successfully completed the required course of manipulations by a chiropractor, the patient usually receives a comprehensive set of instructions, exercises and “tricks” with which he can help himself in the event of a problem. However, not all of these exercises will give results right away - they need to be “felt” for them to become effective, but nevertheless, until such a skill has been developed, the recommendations should be followed to one degree or another “formally”.

It is very important to learn all this, since, at least little by little, throughout the day, under the influence of certain unusual loads, various small displacements of the vertebrae occur, and it is desirable to keep the spine in the correct state for as long as possible. Then, in the end, the muscular system of the back will be “tuned” and will be able to easily withstand those loads that were extreme in the “usually broken” state.

Effects of chiropractic care

In “non-severe” cases, the positive effect of the manipulation is felt literally immediately - the pain goes away, the head “lightens up”, allergies disappear, a surge of strength is felt, the mood improves and all that... this first impression from visiting a competent chiropractor. There are other interesting effects, for example, as a rule, an increase in height appears, breathing becomes easier, and greater freedom of movement appears. Often, an allergy attack (if there was one) immediately stops, sleep improves, and fatigue decreases.

Upon successful completion of the required course of therapy (following the recommendations and learning methods of self-correction), great changes occur in the entire appearance of the patient - the gait changes, the posture straightens, many health problems that have already become habitual go away... the person, perhaps even for the first time in his life, learns to use with your body. For example, he stops slipping on ice, if he falls, it is not in a traumatic way, he stops spraining his ankles after falling off his heels, and so on. All this, in turn, is very important for how your future life will turn out - how you feel is how you live.

Are “training” methods good?

IN Lately one hears about “vibro-traction of the spine”, electrical stimulation various groups muscles, about various “modern scientific methods"good old chiropractic care... Well, maybe somewhere this is good, but in practice it is more often necessary to correct the consequences of using similar methods. True, from the position of the corrector, such an impression is understandable - those for whom everything has been “fixed” will not seek salvation somewhere else. However, it can be stated with complete certainty that no “hardware” can work as accurately as a living creature, and it is quite applicable A complex approach, when therapy is carried out not only with pieces of iron, but they are used within a holistic course.

Electromyostimulators deserve a separate discussion - everything is very sad here... The operating principle of such devices is based on the “replacement” of the body’s electrical signals that cause the muscles to fire, with signals from a device that imitates these impulses. It turns out the following - the device generates signals that are almost “ideal” in shape and quite powerful in strength, against the background of which its own, “native” impulses seem almost like noise. As a result, it is actually violated normal the functioning of the muscular system, and the normal response to signals sent by the nervous system. In addition, after intense loads on the muscles created by the devices (which actually force the muscles to “convulse”), in a real situation these same muscles turn out to be unloaded, and without regular repetition of the procedure they begin to quickly lose tone. There are other specific negative factors, such as the established frequency of forced contractions - it, as a rule, much exceeds the natural one (well, that’s how “many contractions in short term"), and such frequencies are already akin to the same “transport vibrations” that “pour the spine into your pants.”

21.08.2017 14:29

If you are experiencing persistent pain in your spine, muscles or joints, this is good reason see a doctor. However, in order not to make mistakes and subsequently pay for them with your health, you need to know exactly which specialist is best to contact. Official medicine recommends chiropractors, and since the time of our great-grandmothers there has been an opinion that in such situations a person will be helped. Who should I go to? Let's try to figure it out.

Who it chiropractor?

Chiropractors can be compared more with traditional healers than with doctors - after all, not a single medical university teaches students the specialty of chiropractic care. Most often, knowledge is obtained from a father or grandfather, as a result of self-study or in private courses - it is not confirmed by a state diploma. Such healers work quite harshly, acting, as a rule, on the musculoskeletal joints. Their main specialization is quite narrow and is usually limited to setting dislocated or broken bones and joints. As a rule, after using such harsh techniques, swelling occurs at the site of manipulation, which causes discomfort and interferes with correctly assessing the effectiveness of treatment.

Of course, among such healers there are truly talented people who can solve the patient’s problem. But, unfortunately, agreeing to chiropractor services, you cannot be sure of a positive result in advance.

Who is a manual operator?

Name, year of birth. A.O., born in 1955

Occupation. Restaurant director.

Place of residence. Ukraine, Kharkov.

Observation period. 1989

Complaints. His complaint A.O. formulated this way: “Get me in order, I don’t like my figure.”

Treatment in medical institutions. A.O. considered myself healthy woman, By at least, from the ODA. I did not contact doctors about this.

Primary CRT diagnostics. When A.O. stood in front of us, we did not notice any deviations in posture, except for slight fullness. When we examined her muscles, we found them uniformly swollen. Physically A.O. She has never been overloaded, but when asked about nutrition, she said that she loves to eat well, often eats in restaurants, at home she also likes to cook spicy dishes with a lot of spices and salt, she eats French fries every day - this is her favorite breakfast. We assumed that A.O. there is a pathology of the digestive system.

When she lay down, we suddenly discovered at the level of the 8th–10th vertebrae thoracic a large dent centered on the spine. It was the size of a coffee saucer. The ribs were also crushed and concave; the spinous processes of these vertebrae could not be palpated.

– When did you fall with your back on the stone? – we asked.

“I didn’t fall, it was the fist that hit me…” she said the name of the famous chiropractor. “I took my friend to him; her knee hurt. Thanks to her acquaintance, we were immediately accepted, and I entered the office with her. When he finished working with his girlfriend, he turned to me: “Let me take a look at you too.” “Yes, I have no problems, nothing hurts.” “When problems arise, you may not come to me. Did you see the crowd on the street? Let me check your spine." I undressed reluctantly, he laid me down, ran his hand along my spine and suddenly hit me. My vision darkened and I jumped up. “I inserted the disc into you, it would soon make itself felt to you.” I thanked him with tears of pain. This place hurt for a long time, was swollen, and a month later my husband noticed this dent.

We told A.O. that, given at what level spinal column there was a blow, she could have been paralyzed right in the healer’s office and it is unknown whether she had a pathological protrusion of the disc then, but now they (no longer it, but they) definitely exist, and in general, she suffered serious injury spine. We explained to her that she was saved only by the absence of significant degenerative-dystrophic changes in him at that time. This means that the natural anatomical connection of the dense fibrous rings of the discs with the ligaments and adjacent vertebrae has not yet been disrupted, and most importantly, there were no cracks in the fibrous rings, otherwise prolapse of the disc core would definitely have occurred. Once even the ribs were bent, the blow was very powerful.

Why did we think that she did not have osteochondrosis and other degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine and the entire musculoskeletal system at the time of injury? From our experience, we know that degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine are always a consequence of persistent (long-lasting) systemic destruction of the entire musculoskeletal system, therefore, by the time they appear, there are already gross displacements of bone elements in the periphery, and if so, they are organically degenerated there must also be muscles anatomically associated with them. Then depository structures and hyperstructures are observed in the body - pathological zones of the musculoskeletal system, in which the “stone” muscles are “fused” together with displaced bones, calcified ligaments and tendons. Actually, in these formations, the very concept of “muscle” is lost, since they cannot be called those functionally inferior inelastic cords into which they turn as a result of organic degeneration muscle tissue and system-wide circulatory and innervation disorders throughout the body. Functional disability is expressed in a significant loss of ability to contract and complete loss– relax, and also transmit pulling forces anatomically correctly. All this turns such muscles and the entire space of such pathological zones into non-anatomical formations that disrupt the internal mechanics of the musculoskeletal system.

At A.O. At the time of our diagnosis, there were no significant displacements of the elements of the musculoskeletal system, except for the injured vertebrae; its muscles also did not have noticeable organic changes. But all the muscles were somewhat swollen, it was the swelling of the A.O. muscles. took it for body fat and therefore asked her to put her figure in order. On the contrary, the cavity itself and the adjacent muscles were very hard, but these changes were localized only around it, which excluded all other causes of its formation, except for gross trauma. Naturally, if now we observed only muscle swelling, then 3 years ago (at the time of injury) they were healthy, which means there were no hard depository structures and hyperstructures (that is, there were no dominant causes of osteochondrosis) that could worsen blood circulation not only in soft tissues, but also in cartilaginous, ligamentous and bone elements, including the spine.

We repeat that the absence of organic changes in the discs saved the patient at the time of injury. However, seeing the depth of the depression, which remained with her for the rest of her life, we assumed that she had suffered a spinal cord contusion. We carefully asked A.O. if her legs were getting tired. “They get tired, I have sedentary work, I don’t walk much, I drive mostly by car. So I’ve been sitting here until I’ve gained weight, and sometimes my legs even go numb, I have to periodically rub them, even at night,” she told us. These were alarming symptoms, indicating a nerve conduction disorder, and we advised her to do it as soon as possible full examination at the Institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology.

Comments. Why didn’t we start rehabilitating her ourselves? Because they suspected traumatic injury spinal cord. And such cases can lead to unpredictable consequences in the post-traumatic period - throughout life. Even with deep systemic destruction caused by constant excessive mechanical loads on the musculoskeletal system, pathological process controlled by the control system, and this makes it extremely rare for such a sudden occurrence dangerous pathology, like a spinal cord lesion with irreversible consequences. But this is possible with injury. Yes, with A.O. nothing terrible had happened yet, either immediately at the moment of impact, or in the next 3 years, but this “still” may have been hanging by a thread. And in order to do something, it was necessary to have a clear picture of what this “else” was.

It could be that at the slightest attempt to change the position of the vertebrae to a more correct one, the natural protective complex of organic changes in the structure of the spine formed at the site of injury (a product of self-organization of the musculoskeletal system) could partially collapse and complete the consequences of the blow in the most unpredictable way. We did not subject A.O. danger and sent her to a specialized medical institution, which has the ability to accept radical measures and which would be able to prove, if necessary, harm to the patient. In addition, our systemic reconstructive therapy was developed as a technology for correcting the musculoskeletal system with the participation of its functional control system - the intact central nervous system. If the ODA control system itself is seriously damaged, then, theoretically, the use of SRT may be ineffective. True, in our practice there have been cases of complete rehabilitation for paresis and even paralysis. Studying the capabilities of the ODA management system to restore itself is the next stage of our research, and it is already underway, practical results, we repeat, are already available, but theoretically we are not yet ready to talk about how this happens, just as we cannot explain why they have there are cases of spontaneous disappearance of cancerous tumors after restoration of the articular system using our technology.

There was a case in Hungary when a man contacted us about an intervertebral hernia, received 30 sessions of SRT, but kept silent about stomach cancer, because he knew that with such a disease we would naturally not take it. He knew that our rules were strict and that persuasion was useless. We eliminated the hernia in 9 sessions, but for some reason he continued to come to the appointment, explaining this with the desire to completely restore the entire body. Then a year later he came and showed us medical reports: first about the presence of a cancerous tumor, and then about its absence. He said he decided to take the risk, even though he knew that any manual manipulation could stimulate the growth of his tumor. He was prompted to this decision by the sudden disappearance of constant pain in his stomach after our fifth session: “I told myself: since the pain stopped, I will walk until I die. I agreed to die faster, but without this debilitating pain.”

There in Hungary, we were involved in the rehabilitation of a young woman who had 3rd degree kyphoscoliosis and severe pelvic displacement. Her rehabilitation dragged on for 1.5 years, and then she stated that she had cancer tumor(stage 1-2), and suddenly it disappeared. To confirm her words, she showed us the results medical research with a difference of 2 years. But we repeat, we have no right to directly connect such phenomenal cases with SRT sessions, because theoretically this is inexplicable. Perhaps, we repeat, perhaps the restoration of blood circulation throughout the body (characteristically, these patients took a lot of CRT sessions and radically improved the anatomical status of their musculoskeletal system) stimulated self-healing processes, which led to the destruction of tumors.

Let's say a few more words on the topic of the sad incident that happened to A.O. A book was published in 1992 and republished in 2002, where the author calls osteochondrosis a “misconception,” thereby denying the presence of organic destructive changes in intervertebral discs for diseases “which used to be called radiculitis and lumbago.” According to his theory, the culprit is a sudden spasm of the deep muscles of the back, which blocks a healthy intervertebral disc with “some kind of latch,” and the chiropractor, in his opinion, “resets the latch with one precise blow” and thereby eliminates excessive compression of the disc. That is, the author appeals to this fact as proof of the truth of his theory. To this proof I would like to add a “seal of truth” in the form of a cast from the chiropractor’s fist, imprinted forever on A.O.’s spine, so that no one would doubt that this is exactly how to relieve the mythical muscle spasm, which, in his opinion, lasts for years in a healthy spine. The author of this book probably knows about the effectiveness of healing with a stab in the back only by hearsay, since otherwise he would be careful to provide such evidence. After all, if, according to his own theory, there are no organic changes in the intervertebral discs, then after a “precise blow” that collapses 3 vertebrae inside at once, they will certainly appear.

- How relevant is this direction?

What is meant by this term? Chiropractic is different from chiropractic. Pressing on a bone that has been displaced as a result of a fracture in order to return it to its original position is normal. Impact on the vertebra for the purpose « put» his place - this is a very ambiguous situation. But it is precisely such manual manipulations that have become widespread as a method of treating the spine. Practice therapeutic effects on the bones of the spine is unique, efficient, effective and time-tested. But its mass implementation is tragic.

- Is pain in the back, near the spine or neck always a reason to contact a chiropractor?

Of course not. In one situation, these procedures can be a salvation, and in another a crime. Chiropractors argue for the need to influence the bones of the spine by the fact that when they shift, they affect nearby nerves and vessels, and this leads to pain and disruption various organs and fabrics. To restore the activity of the latter, it is necessary to put the allegedly displaced vertebrae in place. This could indeed be the case. Although it is rare for the vertebrae themselves to become displaced, it is much more common for the joints of the vertebrae to become displaced. But if this happens, it does not mean that they are necessarily necessary. « straighten».

This is how it happens in most cases. A person feels pain, he turns to a chiropractor. That and« sets». Or maybe it’s worth first proving and arguing the need for these« reductions»? But this is not easy to do. The displaced vertebra is also visible on x-rays. Displacement of the joints of the vertebrae, their subluxations, are not visible on MRI images.

Pain in the back and near the spine is not necessarily the result of misaligned vertebrae and their joints.

The vertebrae and their joints are exposed to bone-setting effects. These fabrics are different from other fabrics in that they are hard and not elastic. Therefore, when you press on them, they do not change their shape like, for example, muscles. They cannot resist this pressure, and they have no choice but to change their position, which is what they do. Good if there is really a need

« reductions», and the specialist himself is truly a professional.

Impact on tissues near the spine, and even more so on the spine itself, is associated with great risk - in the immediate vicinity of the spine there are many nerves and vessels, including the main one spinal cord. With unnecessary or stupid impact on the bones of the spine, they can be injured themselves or injure nearby nerves and blood vessels. And this is a tragedy. The neck generally requires a neat and gentle attitude. This part of the body is a slow-motion minefield.

- Does this mean that a bad or inexperienced chiropractor can cause harm to health?

Absolutely right. Today a very pressing question is: « What is the person who uses these actions guided by: the desire to help, cure or earn money?» It is necessary to distinguish therapeutic effects from the one who performs them.

Is it possible to contact a chiropractor without a preliminary examination and tests, relying only on his professionalism?

This is exactly what happens in most cases. Professionalism and practical experience are very important. But the primary factor is, as already noted, the high risk of performing manipulations on the spine and in its immediate vicinity. It is necessary to decide on the appointment of these procedures and perform them after analyzing and minimizing the risks. Therefore, the more preliminary examinations are done, the more practical experience and the higher the professionalism of the chiropractor, the greater the chances of success and the lower the risks. Seven times... as they say.

- If after the chiropractor’s manipulations there is no relief, what should I do?

If only things didn't get worse. For what reason did relief not occur? Are misaligned vertebrae and their joints really the cause? Are they really displaced at all? Has this been proven? Or it may be otherwise, it becomes easier for a while, and then the pain arises again. These are all indicators of either the uselessness of these manipulations, or an indicator « literacy» specialist Therefore, really, as long as it doesn’t get worse.

- Is it possible to contact a chiropractor regularly and just have him correct something?

These manipulations are not cosmetic, not health-improving, not anti-aging, etc. Argument –

« you need to undergo several chiropractic sessions for prevention» – illiterate and criminal. These procedures should only be performed when necessary. And the necessity is proven displacement of the joints of the vertebrae, or the vertebrae themselves. Which are, again, a proven cause of pain and dysfunction of organs and tissues.

Little of. If there is a need for such actions, then there cannot be a course of such sessions. A professional specialist needs no more than two meetings with a patient. And the explanations for the need for 4-5-10 sessions by saying that the bones of the spine need to be fixed so that they do not move in the future are just as illiterate, or the person just wants to make money. On the contrary, the more and the more often you influence the bones of the spine, the larger they will be « babble».

- What is the attitude of our and foreign official medicine to this practice?

The practice of realigning the bones of the spine is not recognized official medicine technique. But that doesn't mean it doesn't work. Traditional methods sometimes they work miracles. Therefore, it is not about recognition, approval or rejection. The person must be cured - this is the only goal. And to achieve it, all means are good, this does not mean that you need to treat everyone. The human factor is the fundamental phenomenon that either cures or cripples.

- What is the responsibility of these specialists for the health of their patients?

Who currently practices this technique? Where did these people study? Can they analyze survey findings? Do they understand what is visible in the photographs if these photographs are shown to them? Can they put together an overall picture of a sick person's condition? Is there at least one known case of prosecution for dishonesty or erroneous actions? The current situation regarding the realignment of displaced vertebrae and their joints is very reminiscent of roulette.

- By what characteristics can you identify a real specialist and not end up with a charlatan?

An intelligent specialist will not rush to make a decision, much less insist on the urgency of carrying out manipulations. He will try to understand the situation, because again, the risk of these manipulations is great. After all, even if a sick person really needs these procedures, then he somehow lived without them before.

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