Dandie Dinmont Terrier breed description. Dandie Dinmont Terrier: history of development, modern standard, choosing a puppy, care. Health and life expectancy

The breed was developed from the Skye Terrier and the extinct Scottish Terrier (not to be confused with the Scotch Terrier). The breed was popular among gypsies and was also used by farmers to kill pests. Thanks to short paws could go hunting for badger and otter. In 1814, Sir Walter Scott wrote about the breed in his novel. In the book there was a character named Dandy Dinmont, from whom the breed got its name. It was recognized by the AKC in 1886. Some of Dandy Dinmont's talents include rodent extermination, hare, otter, badger, marten, weasel and skunk hunting.


The head is large, with a tuft, proportional to the body, the skull is wide between the ears, gradually tapering towards the eyes, the muzzle is deep, big teeth found in a “scissors” bite. Moderately a big nose and dark lips. Large, round, widely spaced eyes, dark brown with dark rims. Ears from 7-10 cm, low and wide, hanging, adjacent to the cheekbones. The legs are short, the “scimitar” tail looks like a curved sword and is 20-25 cm in length, tapering towards the end. The dewclaws can be removed when the puppy is three or four days old. The coat is about 5 cm in length, with a combination of soft and hard hairs, the lower undercoat is softer in texture. The coat color can be dark bluish-black with a slight silver-gray tint or reddish-brown to pale fawn. Height 20 – 28 cm, weight 8 – 11 kg. Life expectancy is approximately 12-15 years.


The Dandie Dinmont is an excellent companion dog, gentle and kind. A lively, bold, brave, independent and intelligent dog. It should not be left alone with pets such as hamsters, rabbits, laboratory mice and guinea pigs. Gets along well with cats if he grew up with them from puppyhood. They are easy to train if you are firm and consistent. Despite its small size, it is still a terrier, which needs to be shown who is boss, otherwise problems may arise. behavioral problems including, but not limited to, stubbornness, determination, willfulness, obedience difficulties, biting, aggression and barking. Once the owner begins consistent behavior and management, the negative behavior will begin to subside and the Dandie Dinmont will be a wonderful, reliable family companion.


Overall a healthy breed. Some of them are prone to glaucoma and epilepsy. The animal should not be overfed, as overweight may lead to back problems. The Dandie Dinmont Terrier is well suited to living in an apartment. They are quite active indoors and need daily walks. The breed needs professional care.

The content of the article:

Looking at the Dandie Dinmont Terrier - the dog of the “old lady of England”, it is impossible not to smile, this creature has such a funny and extraordinary appearance. Dandy terriers in all their appearance resemble a dachshund, “dressed up” in a dapper fancy dress with a false mustache, a beard and a fluffy original hat. How can you not smile? But a closer acquaintance with this unique dog shows that behind his rather amusing appearance hides an extraordinary mind, a very serious character, a loyal soul and an infinitely brave heart.

History of the origin of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier

Starting the story about this amazing pet with a unique appearance, it is worth noting that it is difficult even for recognized experts to distinguish the true history of their origin from the legends and fictions that have accumulated over centuries of existence. However, this often happens with ancient dog breeds, when truth is inseparable from fiction. Knowing this, we will try to tell you the truest story of all known about dandy terriers.

It is believed that such unusual-looking terriers first appeared in Scotland at the turn of the 16th-17th centuries. And the reason for their appearance was quite prosaic - the need to create a special breed of dogs to fight hordes of rats. These rodents in those days annoyed residents of villages and towns in Scotland and Northern England. History is silent about which dog breeds were involved in this ancient selection.

Modern research experts believe that dandy terriers were obtained by crossing the ancient Scottish terrier (not to be confused with the modern Scotch terrier) with otter hounds and Bedlington terriers. Perhaps that's how it was. Moreover, the quality of the dandy terrier’s fur is similar to the quality of the Otterhound’s fur, and the famous “cap” on the dog’s head has an almost perfect resemblance to the same “headdress” of the Bedlington. But from whom the dandy-dinmont inherited his short legs remains a mystery.

And if everything is not yet clear about the true ancestors of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier, then researchers have long figured out the origin of the very original name of the breed.

It must be said that there are only a few breeds of dogs known in the world whose names immortalize the name of a literary character. IN in this case, the name of the new Scottish Terriers is directly related to the historical novel “Guy Mannering or the Astrologer”, published in 1815, the author of which was Sir Walter Scott himself. The novel was extremely popular in Great Britain (the entire circulation was sold out on the first day). One of the heroes of the novel was a character nicknamed Dandy Diamond, an avid dog lover and hunter, keeping a whole pack (the so-called “immortal six”) hunting dogs, later called Dandie Dinmont Terriers. “They weren’t afraid of anyone with fur growing on them.” This is what is written about these dogs in a literary work. Well, the name of their owner was subsequently firmly attached to the dogs themselves, becoming original name new breed- Dandie-Dinmond-Terrier.

In addition to hunting rats and mice, Dinmont Terriers (like dachshunds) were later trained to hunt all burrowing animals found in Scotland and England. And these fearless little dogs successfully dealt with large badgers and foxes, driving them out of their holes.

For many years, short-legged terriers were especially popular among hunters, wandering artisans and artists, as well as Scottish “travelers” (or simply gypsies). After all, such an intelligent dog not only helped to obtain food, but also desperately and bravely guarded property, and warned in advance about the danger lurking on a deserted road.

But even with such a long history of existence, the breed received official recognition only in the 20th century, when in 1918 it was finally registered by the main English kennel club - the Kennel Club. Over time, grading standards were created. Currently, the breed is actively gaining popularity around the world.

Purpose and use of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier

Terriers with an aristocratic name are simply irreplaceable in the fight against rodents of all stripes and sizes. They also cope well with the duties of a nosy hunting dog. They can be good watchdogs and wonderful companion dogs.

External standard of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier

These animals are small in size and have an absolutely unique and somewhat funny exterior (these dogs are similar in appearance to a wire-haired dachshund). Dandie Dinmont Terriers are quite miniature, their height at the withers rarely exceeds 25 centimeters (and the smaller they are, the more valuable they are). But with such a small stature, the dandy’s body weight is quite decent and reaches 8–11 kg.
  • Head medium size, proportional to the body, but due to short limbs it looks large. The shape of the skull is wide with a distinctly convex forehead. The muzzle is well defined. The bridge of the nose is wide. The nose is distinct, wide, and black. The cheekbones are pronounced, gradually tapering towards the muzzle. The jaws are very strong. The teeth are powerful, with well-developed canines, well closed, and have a scissor bite. The inside of the mouth usually has a dark or black palate color, regardless of the overall coat color.
  • Eyes the dandy terrier has low and wide set, large, round shape, not convex. When judging, preference is given to dogs with dark hazel eyes. The color of an animal's eyes is not tied to the color of its fur. The look is very smart, attentive, calm.
  • Ears displaced far towards the back of the head, pendulous, wide at the base and slightly tapering towards the ends. The length of the ear reaches 7.5–10 centimeters. Ears covered with fur and have whole line nuances required for the breed, both in coat length and color.
  • Neck very well developed, muscular, strong, looks massive (almost equal in width to the back).
  • Torso long, muscular and flexible. The chest is round and well developed. The animal's back is strong. The back line resembles an arch, with the highest point at the dog's loin.
  • Tail in Dandie Dinmont Terriers, it is smooth, without kinks, and reaches a length of 25 centimeters. It is thick at the base, retains its thickness for almost half its length, then gradually tapers towards the tip. The tail set is medium in height. Usually, the dog holds its tail slightly above the level of its back, and when excited, it holds it vertically.
  • Limbs short, widely set, very muscular. The hind legs are slightly longer than the front ones. There should be no dewclaws. The paw pads are dense and well developed.
  • Wool double, with soft undercoat and hard guard hair. To the touch, the guard hair resembles a thin wire, although not as rigid. The fur growing on the dog's back should be longer, flowing in strands. The fur of the forelimbs forms fringes up to 5 centimeters long. On the head of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier there is an obligatory “pedigreed cap” of a fluffy appearance. Funny “strands-tassels” on the ears. The fur on the muzzle forms a kind of “mustache” and “beard,” giving the dog a seriously comical appearance.

As for color, the standards allow two main options: mustard (Mustard) and pepper (Pepper).

  1. Mustard- a color that has a variety of shades from reddish-brown to light fawn. The “cap” on the dog’s head has a light cream color. The ends of the paws have more dark color fur.
  2. Pepper the shade has quite a few variations and transitional colors. Main range: from silver-gray to blue-black (“raven wing”). Breed feature The “cap-hairstyle” on the head is usually light or silver-gray.
All dogs acceptable colors The feathering of the fur on the forelimbs is always lighter than the main color. White spots on the chest and small spots on the paws are acceptable. Completely white paws are a serious fault.

Personality of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier

The Dandy Terrier's small size and toy-like appearance are quite deceptive. This dog is not at all a small decorative animated thing. The character of this “toy” is not at all like a toy, but exclusively combative and fearless. In terms of courage and determination, this small dog is in no way inferior to larger ones. service dogs and always strives to stand up for himself. Moreover, his fangs and grip are just right. The Dandie Dinmont Terrier is always ready to fearlessly rush to attack more large dog, if it seems to him that he is encroaching on his territory or is capable of causing harm to the owner. IN small body This dog has a great warrior spirit. Therefore, it is better to walk such a daredevil exclusively on a leash. This way it will be calmer for everyone.

At home, the Dandy Terrier's behavior is somewhat different. He is very energetic and is not averse to frolicking, playing pranks, racing with children, and finally, even giving your slippers a good beating. But all this is not out of malice, and not out of harm at all. His character is just so cheerful and a little playful.

These original dogs in “hats” are quite sociable and easily get along with other pets. Although, sometimes “for the sake of order,” the Dandie Dinmont Terrier can still chase your beloved cat around the rooms (so that he knows his place and avoids sour cream). But this is so, nothing more than a game. But these dogs have a completely different conversation with mice, rats and hamsters. And if you have such pets, then carefully protect them from your attention small terrier. Don’t forget, it was precisely created for the extermination of rodents.

And these dogs are also very independent (like true dandies), businesslike, and sometimes headstrong. Therefore, when getting such a pet, you must immediately accustom it to the arrangement of the home hierarchy. Otherwise, when growing up, the Dandie Dinmont Terrier will definitely try to take a dominant position in your home “pack”. However, with proper upbringing and training, this happens extremely rarely.

Animals are distinguished by their special devotion to their owner and his family members. They will never allow anyone to offend them, always fearlessly coming to the defense. They are always on guard, and therefore are often overly suspicious. The trust of a dandy must be gained over a long period of time. A one-time treat will not buy the love of this decorative pet.

Dinmont Terrier - very cheerful dog, very hardy and energetic, loves movement and active games. Therefore, an elderly person or a leading sedentary lifestyle Such an active dog is unlikely to suit life. But for athletes and hunters, it is a real find.

The original, recognizable appearance, cheerful disposition, intelligence, courage and devotion of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier, their numerous talents have earned the love of dog connoisseurs all over the world.

Dog health

“The Scottish handsome guy in the cap” can absolutely be called healthy dog. Nature has worked a lot to strengthen his health, naturally having culled all the weak and sick individuals of the breed over the centuries-old history.

A dog's elongated body can sometimes create a predisposition to intervertebral disc disease (similar problems exist in dachshunds).

The only breed nuance that you need to pay attention to is the low pain threshold sensitivity, characteristic of most terriers and often leading to unnoticed injuries in a timely manner.

The lifespan of Dandie Dinmont Terriers averages 12–14 years.

These animals are absolutely unpretentious in care and easily adapt to life both indoors (apartment or house) and outdoors. To be completely happy, a dog needs the opportunity to have a full walk, the opportunity to run and frolic.

No problems were noted with hair care either. The Dandie Dinmont Terrier has a beautiful, crispy coat that requires minimal brushing and infrequent bathing (depending on general soiling). The silkier hair on the dog's head requires the most brushing - the famous “cap” and strands of hair on the ears. Regarding haircuts, expert opinions are divided. Some recommend cutting the animal two or three times a year, while others believe that it is only necessary to trim it, removing dead hairs.

The diet of Dandie Dinmont Terriers is no different from that of similar dogs with energetic behavior. Regardless of what kind of food you feed your pet (natural or industrially produced), the diet must be of high quality, well balanced in the composition of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, rich in minerals and vitamins and energetically valuable (to replenish energy costs).

Nuances of training the Dandie Dinmont Terrier

Dandy terriers are the smartest creatures, capable of understanding and mastering quite complex tricks and commands in a matter of minutes. Therefore, they are easy to train even for people who have minimal knowledge about dog training. Especially if your goal is not to make your pet a circus or hunting dog (here, of course, you can’t do without an experienced dog handler).

Interesting facts about the Dandie Dinmont Terrier

The great Scottish poet and writer Walter Scott more than once turned to the image of a funny dog, which has almost become a symbol of Scottish hunting dogs. These are the words in which he described the appearance of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier in one of his poems:

"He evolved from the Scottish hillside
The gray mist forming his body
A bunch of lichen his top knot
Crooked juniper stems his forelegs
And a wet bramble his nose."

“He seemed to come out of a Scottish hill,
gray mists created his body,
lichen bush - top note on the head,
crooked juniper stems - front legs,
and a wet blackberry is the nose.”

Price when buying a Dandie Dinmont Terrier puppy

Dogs of this breed are extremely popular in their homeland in Scotland. The largest population of these animals is located there. The average price for a purebred Dandie Dinmont Terrier puppy in the UK is around £600-700.

In the CIS countries and Russia, dog lovers learned about this breed relatively recently. But the breed suited the court and managed to fall in love. Kennels and fan clubs dedicated to dandy terriers have appeared in the CIS. The cost of puppies of this Scottish breed with average breed characteristics in Russia is in a fairly wide price range - from 20,000 to 60,000 rubles.

More about the Dandie Dinmont Terrier breed in this video:

The Dandie Dinmont Terrier is a fairly well-known breed of terrier, bred in Scotland back in the 18th century. It is known that representatives of this breed appeared as a result of crossing the Old Scots Terrier and the Bedlington Terrier. The dog owes its popularity to the novel “Guy Mannering” by Walter Scott, in which the main character Dandy Diamond was the owner of these terriers.

Initially, the Dandie Dinmont Terrier breed was used for hunting badgers, foxes, otters and small rodents. Farmers often kept these dogs to protect their farms from rats and mice. In addition, terriers perfectly demonstrate their guard skills, notifying of danger with loud barks. Currently, the breed is quite rare and dogs are often kept as pets rather than as hunting assistants.

Breed standard

The terrier received its official recognition by the Kennel Club in 1918. Today, the breed standard established in 1997 is in force.

  • Height: males 25 – 30 cm; bitches 20 – 25 cm.
  • Weight: 8 – 11 kg.
  • Lifespan: 11 – 14 years old.


The Dandie Dinmont Terrier has a noticeably elongated body and short limbs. The terrier's head is quite large with a wide forehead and developed jaws. On top of the head, thick wavy hair forms a “hat”. Hanging small ears are set low on the head. The fur on the ears is usually darker than the main color, and on the tips it is lighter and longer. The nose is quite large and black. The slightly elongated muzzle is covered with long, straight hair, which forms the so-called “mustache and beard.”

The terrier's eyes are large and round, dark Brown. The line of the back has an upward bend in the croup area. The stomach is tucked. Muscular limbs are widely spaced. The tail is hanging, saber-shaped, about 20 centimeters long.


The terrier's coat is very unusual. On the back and front of the head in the nose area, the coat is short and hard. On the rest of the body the coat is longer, silky and curly.


The Dandie Dinmont Terrier comes in two colors:

  1. Peppery- all shades of gray, black, silver.
  2. Mustard- shades of chocolate, red, yellow flowers interspersed with red.

White markings are often present on the chest of dogs. The fluffy “hat” on a terrier’s head is usually white, but a delicate peach color is also allowed.


Dandie Dinmont Terrier has developed intelligence , moderately active and playful. Doesn't like fuss or large crowds of people around him. As a rule, the dog is especially devoted to one family member, but is also friendly towards the rest of the household.

Terriers get along with other pets without problems, provided that the dog is early age raised among other animals. However, the Dandie Dinmont Terrier can react hostilely to other people's dogs and even start a fight. Therefore, when walking, you should keep your dog on a leash. The Terrier is distrustful of strangers and strangers.

Dandie Dinmont Terriers due to their compact size can live in any living space. Even in a cramped city apartment, they behave well-mannered, do not bark for no reason, and are not prone to harming the owner’s things and furniture. Like many dogs, terriers have a hard time with loneliness.

Dandie Dinmont Terriers need regular long walks and vigorous exercise. physical activity. They love outdoor games and are happy to keep company while jogging or cycling.


The owner of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier should take care of the pet's coat seriously. It is necessary to comb out the fallen hairs with a special brush and ensure that no tangles form on the long hair in the area of ​​the belly and paws. Periodically you need to trim the hair in the ears, between the toes, in groin area to give the terrier a well-groomed appearance. The terrier will also benefit professional haircut, especially in the summer. Washing your dog frequently is not recommended.


The Dandie Dinmont Terrier is trainable, but it will take a lot of patience and time to achieve good results. The fact is that terriers quickly lose interest in monotonous activities and become inattentive. Therefore, from an early age it is necessary to teach the puppy to carry out the simplest commands, while you need to be demanding and moderately strict with the dog, showing your place as a leader in the family.


Regarding the nutrition of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier unpretentious. He happily eats boiled meat and vegetables, cut into small pieces. It is recommended to give vitamins and special supplements for dogs to maintain a healthy appearance and good health. physical state pet. Dandie Dinmont Terrier has moderate appetite, so portions should be small. Small puppies need to be fed little by little, often, up to 5 meals per day. Gradually the number of techniques is reduced to two. A growing body will benefit from foods containing calcium: milk, eggs, cheese.

Besides natural products There are various dry and wet food, which contain the necessary nutrients. Before purchasing such food, you should consult a veterinarian and select best option food for terrier.


The Dandie Dinmont Terrier breed was bred to hunt game in all weather conditions, so these dogs have enough strong immunity and are not prone to colds. However, there are several diseases that these terriers can be susceptible to:

  • Glaucoma.
  • Food allergic reactions associated with poor diet.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Displacement of the vertebrae often occurs in dogs with long bodies and short limbs.

Breed photo

Buying a puppy

Before purchasing a puppy, you should take your choice of breeder seriously. Much depends on his integrity and responsibility. First of all, it is necessary to check whether he can provide all the documents to the buyer, and whether all vaccinations were delivered on time.

When meeting your future pet for the first time, you need to pay attention to its behavior. The puppy should be moderately active and show interest in others. Dandie Dinmont Terrier price may vary from 25 to 50 thousand rubles.

Choosing a nickname

As soon as a puppy appears in the family, it is necessary to decide on a name for it as soon as possible. Nicknames should be easy to pronounce and not be similar to the name of someone in the household. Nicknames that reflect qualities and external signs puppy. The most popular are: Marshmallow, Peach, Dandy, Charlie, Mary, Bounty, Fluff, Haze.

Where and when did the terrier breed appear? It is generally accepted that these breeds originate from Britain, but their history is not entirely clear. Only in recent centuries have references to terrier breeds appeared, and they began to be entered into stud books no earlier than the 19th-20th centuries.

But evolution and breeding - factors in the emergence of breeds - acted long before this. In 43 AD Britain became a Roman province. He first mentioned terriers in 55 AD. Roman Pliny the Elder. His compatriots penetrated the British Isles as far as present-day Wales and met everywhere there small dogs, with which they hunted animals living in burrows and rock crevices - foxes, badgers. They called these dogs "terraria" (from the Latin word "terra" - "earth"). Later, the English name for dogs of this subgroup arose. In my homeland" earth dogs"were first described in the 11th century. In 1576, court doctor John Caius mentioned in his book "About English dogs" burrowing dogs"terrars" who kill an animal in a hole or drive it out of there. In many parts of Britain, farmers and peasants kept these brave dogs, used them to hunt even bears, as well as to guard their homes, look after children, and sometimes they were used to herd livestock. They destroyed rodents and helped fight small predators.

Dandie Dinmont Terrier- an ancient breed of burrowing terriers. It was distributed mainly in the border area between England and Scotland, which is traditionally called the Borderland. The Dandie Dinmont Terrier was indispensable for hunting in the narrow rocky holes of that area. The breed gained fame and popularity thanks to the novels and short stories of Walter Scott, who described in detail hunting with low-legged dachshund terriers with long ears and a tuft on his head. The hero of the novel Ty Mannering, farmer and hunter Dandy Dinmont, kept six terriers of this breed. The novel was published in 1814, and since then these terriers began to be called Dandy Dinmont terriers. By the way, the breed has changed little since then.

According to images and descriptions of dogs of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier breed XVIII century we can conclude that the Dandy Dinmonts and Bedlingtons descended from the same ancestors. Dandies spread most of all in the 1870s. Currently, this original terrier remains a rather rare breed. This dog is an excellent companion, preferring to be its owner's only friend and protector. This healthy and hardy dog ​​often lives up to 15 years or longer. The Dandie Dinmont Terrier remains an excellent fox hunter: he is strong and vicious, has a powerful low voice that does not match his height, and his small size allows him to penetrate any hole. It is not recommended to hunt with several Dend Dinmont Terriers at once, as the dogs can fight among themselves.

Excerpts from the standard

General form. The Dandie Dinmont Terrier is a low-legged terrier with an elongated, strong and flexible body and shortened limbs. The length of the body from the withers to the base of the tail is 2.5-5 cm less than twice the height. Height at withers. 20-25 cm. Weight. 8-11 kg.

Head. Large, wide between the ears, with a convex, rounded forehead, tapering towards the muzzle. Muzzle with powerful jaws. The length of the forehead relative to the length of the muzzle is 5:3. The nose is large and black.

Eyes. Large, widely spaced, round. At one of the exhibitions in Europe, the Dandie Dinmont Terrier received a special prize “For the most beautiful eyes.”

Ears. Hanging, rather large, wide at the base, rounded at the ends.

Neck. Strong.

Frame. Elongated. The chest is deep, with rounded ribs. The topline is smoothly curved.

Limbs. The forelimbs are short and powerful. The hind limbs are longer than the front and wider apart. The claws are strong, the front paws are larger than the hind paws.

Tail. 20-25 cm long, carried straight, moving above the line of the back.

Hairline. About 5 cm long, coarser and darker on the body and on top of the tail, not attached; on the head it forms a fluffy, necessarily light-colored cap, on the muzzle - a mustache and beard, at the ends of the ears - soft tassels, and at the bottom of the tail - a dewlap. The soft fluffy coat is an elongated undercoat. The soft tuft on the head and the “tassels” at the ends of the ears, as well as the “edge” on the bottom of the body and on the limbs must be carefully combed, and the dead, hard hair on the upper part of the body and tail should be periodically carefully plucked off without damaging the undercoat.

Color. Pepper or mustard colors. "Pepper" - from blue-black to silver-gray; "mustard" - from reddish-red with a bronze tint to pale fawn. At the same time, the crest on the head is white with a cream tint, on the limbs it is darker. Happens often White spot on the chest.

Olga Mishchikha, Friend magazine (dogs)

It is not known exactly how this breed developed. Experts suggest that already from the 17th century. dogs with this phenotype lived in the border Scottish and British territories. Dog experts suggest that in order to get this breed, they crossed Otterhounds with Old Scottish Terriers and Bedlington Terriers.

The breed was called Dandie Dinmont Terriers thanks to Walter Scott. One of his characters in the novel Guy Mannering was named Dandy Diamond. Admiring hunting, he kept dogs to help him in this. Together they hunted foxes, badgers and other small predators.

Interestingly, the prototype of Dandy Diamont was the hunter John Davidson. When he died and was buried, on the tombstone, in addition to his real name, Dandy Diamond was engraved. The breed was first mentioned from the beginning of the 17th century, and it was officially recognized only in 1918.


According to the standard, dogs of this breed should be no higher than 29 cm at the withers and weigh up to 10 kg. Their head is large with a convex forehead. The skull visually tapers towards the eyes. The nose is black.

Pets have a scissor bite. The jaws are well developed and strong, closing tightly. The canines are large for such a small dog.

The eyes are wide apart. They are large and convex. Most often nutty.

The ears are low set and hang down freely, lying close to the cheeks. Their color is no different from the pigmentation of the body.

The dogs' chest is developed and wide. The ribs have a rounded shape. If you follow the line of the back, it will go down.

Pets have a short tail. It bends in an arc, but this does not mean that the vertebrae are curved.

The legs are short and strong. The shoulder blades are set obliquely. The thighs have well-developed muscles and hind limbs higher than the front ones. Dogs of this breed move gracefully and smoothly.

The outer coat of pets is hard, and the undercoat is soft. Pepper or mustard colors.


The dogs have an average temperament. They can be started by working people. Your pet will find something to do alone or in the company of a cat, and when you want to take a walk with him, he will be happy.

Dandie Dinmont Terriers are excellent watchdogs. Unfortunately, due to its small size, it will not be able to protect you from an intruder, but it will warn you that someone has entered your apartment or house by barking loudly.

If you are city dwellers, feel free to get this breed. The dog is calm and adapts well to frequent car trips and crowds of people. The pet will be happy to follow you around the apartment, taking part in many household chores.

The favorite of this breed is sociable, devoted, and sincerely becomes attached to all family members. He thinks independently and tries to do as he wants, showing his independence. If he is raised in a family with an older cat, he will sincerely become attached to her, most likely the animals will get along. He will also be disposed towards the parrot, guinea pig or a rabbit, another pet with whom he lives in the same house from puppyhood or grew up.

This dog will easily tolerate a child’s careless behavior with him when he pulls his ears or tail. The pet will be lenient towards a smaller and weaker pet, but if a dog of the same sex lives in the house, then fights are possible between adults. It is better to keep dogs of different sexes and neuter both.

Other types of terriers can show irritation and aggression, but this is not typical for a dandy. They're too friendly. Dandie Dinmont Terriers are curious and intellectually gifted. These dogs will happily obey all household members. The main thing is to start raising your pet from puppyhood and teach basic commands. And if you haven’t been taking care of your dog since childhood, then an adult will simply turn a deaf ear to your commands and ignore them.

The dog is small, but you need to behave with him, as with big dog. He will respect more not the always lisping hostess, but a more strict, strong-willed owner who demands the execution of commands. Dandies are prone to dominance and want to be in the know, but what's going on in the house?


The Dandie Dinmont Terrier has a thick coat. In winter it protects from the cold, and in summer from the scorching heat. TO When it is more than -10C outside, dress your pet in winter overalls with fur. Caring owners begin to dress their pets much earlier, when the temperature is below 0.

In hot weather, it is good to install air conditioning in the room, but if this is not possible, get a fan. There is also a special mat that cools in hot weather. Buy one at a pet store.

Walk your pet daily and at least 2 times a day. This will help keep all his muscles in excellent tone. Avoid going up and down stairs - this is harmful to your pet's back.

Brush your pet several times a week, but it can be done daily. These dogs are wire-haired and require quarterly trimming. Pluck dead hairs carefully with your hands. If you start doing this with scissors, you will ruin the wool. If you don’t undertake high-quality trimming yourself, then drive it every 3 months. pet to a hairdresser or to a hairdresser at home.

Your pet's teeth need to be brushed at least 3 times a week. Buy a special one at the pet store toothbrush and meat-flavored pasta. Clean your ears cotton swabs weekly. Don't go deep into the sink. Sticks can be wetted boiled water or in special means to clean the ears.

Wipe your eyes with a cotton swab dipped in chamomile infusion. Claws should be trimmed when they grow too long. Now go over them with a nail file.

If you want your dandy to be nimble and cheerful, feed him correctly. Experienced breeders who run nurseries recommend giving your pet dry food. But it should not be cheap with dyes and strong flavors - economy class. You need a good premium level, or better yet super-premium.

If it is not possible to buy expensive balanced food, then give preference to natural feeding. Only in this case will you have to purchase and give your pet vitamins. Introduce raw meat, scalded with boiling water, without fat into the diet; you can cook and give your pet meat with porridge and vegetables.

Introduce eggs with cottage cheese and hard cheese into your diet. Dogs can easily digest rolled oats boiled in water. What vitamins should I give my pet? Consult your veterinarian. You can buy fresh beef bones once a week. The kind that has more meat and feeds it to your pet. It is better to select the gnawed bone and throw it away or cook broth on it.

Remember that dogs should not be given food with spices, whether fried, fatty, or smoked. Don't feed them yeast-based baked goods or sweets. Legumes are not dog food. Barley and barley are not suitable for dogs barley grits. Let your pet have water constantly and change it every few days.


Experts have not found any genetically transmitted diseases in this breed of dog. It happens that pets get sick viral diseases. Doctors recommend vaccinating your pet (read about vaccinations) and if you suspect a disease, bring it in for an examination. The disease is treated faster at an early stage than when it becomes chronic.


On average, puppies of this rare breed cost the owners 48,000-56,000 rubles. This is from 1300 to 1500 USD. e.

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