Aphrodisiac essential oils: properties and application features. “Ylang-ylang oil: properties, home use and contraindications”

Ylang-ylang oil takes pride of place among other esters in terms of the number of beneficial properties for humans. It has found its application in both medicine and cosmetology. In addition, ylang-ylang oil is a powerful aphrodisiac that can help attract the attention of a potential partner, restore mental strength, and find harmony and love.

Ylang-ylang oil: general characteristics

Source essential oil Ylang-ylang is the flowers of the tree of the same name, which grows in the Philippine and Comoros Islands, Madagascar and Indonesia. This ether has long been used to maintain the beauty of hair and body. And only at the end of the 19th century its medicinal properties were discovered.

Ylang-ylang essential oil has a bright spicy aroma; it is often used as a natural flavoring for expensive teas and oriental sweets.

Currently healing properties ylang-ylang ether is found active use in cosmetology, aromatherapy and treatment of many ailments

Ylang-ylang oil is extracted using various methods of steam distillation. The type and duration of the procedure influence the value of the product, according to which it is classified as follows:

  • Extra class. The highest grade is obtained during the first hour of distillation. This oil is used in perfumery and medicine.
  • Second grade. To receive such broadcast, it takes more time - about three hours. The main consumer of this product is the cosmetics industry.
  • Third grade. The duration of the procedure for extracting this oil is up to 6 hours. The extract concentration here is low. The oil has the least value and is used in household chemicals.

Chemical composition of ether

The product contains the following substances:

  • α-pinene;
  • β-bisabolene;
  • α-curcumene;
  • linalool;
  • geraniol;
  • nerol;
  • α-terpineol;
  • nerolidol;
  • phytol;
  • benzyl alcohol;
  • methylheptenone;
  • n-cresol;
  • eugenol;
  • isoeugenol;
  • safrole;
  • isosafrole;
  • methyl salicytate;
  • formic, acetic, valeric and benzoic acids.

How to choose and store ylang-ylang oil

You should purchase only the highest grade oil, since it is the one that contains the maximum concentration of beneficial substances. The ether should have a delicate yellow color, a pleasant floral aroma, and not too thick consistency. The oil should be stored in the refrigerator (in a hermetically sealed container).

You only need to purchase ether at a pharmacy or specialty store. The first thing you should pay attention to is the composition of the product and expiration date.

Contraindications to the use of the product

Contraindications to the use of ylang-ylang oil are:

  • allergies or individual intolerance to the product;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • asthma;
  • age up to 12 years;
  • low blood pressure.

In addition, to avoid burns on the skin and mucous membranes, essential oil should not be used in pure form. Before use, the ester is mixed with other ingredients. Violation of the recommended standards in the use of this product can cause headaches, nausea and dizziness.

An overdose of ylang-ylang oil can cause nausea and headache, in order to avoid such consequences it is forbidden to use it undiluted

Use of ylang-ylang oil in medicine

The use of essential oils in modern medicine is determined by the content in their composition of substances with proven therapeutic properties.

For neuroses, insomnia, loss of strength

Treatment of insomnia, neurosis or loss of strength can be carried out in one of three different ways:

  • 1-3 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil are applied to the aroma medallion, which is worn around the neck. It's worth wearing until you improve. general condition.
  • A few drops (about eight for a room of 15 m²) of ylang-ylang ether are added to the aroma lamp.
  • 6-8 drops of oil are mixed with honey, sea salt (two tablespoons each) and a liter of milk. The resulting mixture is added to the bath. The duration of the procedure is no more than 20 minutes.

The oil helps relieve emotional stress, feelings of anger, increased anxiety. Its aroma calms, gives strength, causing feelings of peace and serenity.

Aroma baths using ylang-ylang ether are recommended for depression, stress, and some diseases of the nervous system

For cardiovascular diseases

The medicinal substances contained in the oil enter the body through the skin and breath. Ylang-ylang essential oil helps:

  • normalization of blood flow;
  • stabilization of heart function during arrhythmia;
  • vasodilation;
  • improving tissue oxygen supply.

To facilitate the flow cardiovascular diseases use aroma massages with the addition of this oil, Special attention is given to the back and chest. To do this, add 5-8 drops of ylang-ylang ether to your favorite basic massage product. Essential oils have high penetrating ability and are able to activate the nutrition of body cells, improving metabolism.

In addition to massage, it is useful to take aroma baths (pour 8-10 drops into the bath, the water should not be higher than 38 degrees) or simply add 3-4 drops of ether to the aroma lamps.

Therapeutic massages

Massages using ylang-ylang concentrate can fight a variety of diseases and illnesses. 2-3 drops of ether are added to 2-3 tablespoons of the base product (olive, almond, burdock or other oil) and applied massage movements to the following areas of the body:

  • on joints and lower back for pain and inflammation, as well as for prevention;
  • on muscles during cramps and muscle pain from increased stress;
  • on temples for headaches and migraines;
  • per region chest for breathing problems and increased nervousness, to ease the course of infectious diseases.

For women's health

Ylang-ylang oil is the ideal remedy for girls suffering pronounced PMS, as well as for women with the first signs of menopause. It has the necessary women's health properties like:

  • reduces the pain of menstruation;
  • calms;
  • aligns the cycle;
  • reduces sensitivity to hot flashes during menopause.

1-2 drops of oil are added to a spoon of honey and washed down with juice or tea. Aromatherapy works similarly. Baths with the addition of ylang-ylang, cypress and lemongrass esters (5-6 drops each) will help get rid of PMS and gain strength.

Massaging the lower abdomen and back with a mixture of oils can eliminate sexual fatigue in women. To do this, mix two tablespoons of apricot and almond oils, add 5-6 drops of ylang-ylang, ginger, and peppermint esters.

For dryness and irritation in intimate area you need to add a drop of ylang-ylang ether and 2 drops of ether tea tree in 10 ml of grape seed oil. The mixture is used after a shower at night as a local massage product.

The inscription “extra” on the packaging of ylang-ylang oil indicates that this ester contains the maximum amount of beneficial substances

The use of ylang-ylang oil in cosmetology

The unique properties of ylang-ylang oil have found their application not only in medicine, but also in modern cosmetology.

For hair

An effective way to restore shine to your hair by saturating it with a floral aroma is aromatherapy. To do this, apply a few drops of oil to a comb made of natural materials (preferably wood). Thanks to this procedure, blood circulation in the scalp improves, and the aroma of ylang-ylang soothes and fills with strength. Regular combing of hair can be called meditation to improve the general condition of the body.

Ylang-ylang essential oil is also successfully used as a component of various masks:

Essential oil improves blood circulation in the scalp, thereby reducing hair loss and stimulating nutrition hair follicles. If you don’t have time for masks, you can simply add 2-3 drops of ether to shampoo, conditioner or rinse water, pouring it into a basin. Keep your hair in this water for 1-2 minutes. They will gain shine, softness and a pleasant aroma.

Essential oil should be added to purchased cosmetic products immediately before use, squeezing the product into the palm of your hand, since changing the composition of the shampoo or balm may affect its shelf life.

The unique composition of ylang-ylang oil provides nutrition to the hair stem structure right up to the cut line, has a beneficial effect on the hair follicles, activating the growth of strands

For body

To increase skin elasticity and additional nutrition, you need to add 6-8 drops of ylang-ylang oil to the bath. The combination of ether with sea salt, milk and honey is especially effective. The water temperature should not exceed 39 ° C, and the duration of the procedure should not be 20 minutes.

For the same purposes, massage problem areas of the skin with almond oil (10 teaspoons) with the addition of ylang-ylang and geranium esters (10 drops each). Such rubbing is especially effective for restoring skin tone on the chest and abdomen after childbirth, lactation, or during sharp decline weight.

For face

Ylang-ylang essential oil is used to enrich face masks:

Cosmetologists do not recommend adding ylang-ylang essential oil to ready-made creams and face masks to avoid unexpected reactions on sensitive skin. To care for the area around the eyes, this ether should be used with caution so as not to cause irritation to the mucous membranes. One drop of concentrate is added to base oil (almond, sea ​​buckthorn oil or rose hips) and apply to this area for 15–20 minutes, blotting off the excess with a napkin. It is not advisable to use ylang-ylang ether on dry skin - there is a risk of drying it out. But for normal, oily and combination epidermis it is ideal.

The components of homemade masks can cause allergies, so before use you need to make sure there are no negative reaction on them

For eyebrows and eyelashes

Ylang-ylang concentrate is able to restore eyebrows after various cosmetic procedures such as removal or staining. 1-2 drops of ether are added to the oil (burdock, almond or wheat germ). The mixture is applied to the eyebrows for 15 minutes 1-2 times a week, washed off with a small amount of mild shampoo.

For cuticles and nails

Ylang-ylang ether perfectly fights nail splitting, nourishes the cuticle, strengthens and restores the nail plate after extensions, and also has bactericidal and antifungal effects. To care for your nails, you need to take 5 ml of oil (almond, sea buckthorn, burdock or apricot), add 2-3 drops of ylang-ylang concentrate. Rub the resulting mixture into the nail for 2-3 minutes, then remove excess oil with a paper napkin. The procedure can be carried out 1-2 times a week. To strengthen your nails, it is useful to take baths. For this, a teaspoon sea ​​salt dissolve in a glass of water, add 3-4 drops of ylang-ylang ether. Keep your hands in the water for 15–20 minutes.

Ylang-ylang oil can also be used for nails (especially beneficial for health nail plate there will be baths with the addition of ether)

Magical properties of ether

Connoisseurs of the magical properties of ethers give ylang-ylang oil a special place. It is believed that this remedy has the ability to attract love. Ylang-ylang oil has been used as an aphrodisiac since time immemorial. In Indonesia, the newlyweds' bed is still strewn with the petals of this plant. There is a belief that the aroma of ylang-ylang flowers will preserve love, harmony and happiness in the family, and will also contribute to a speedy conception. Oil helps women realize their own attractiveness and sexuality.

Currently, ylang-ylang ether is the main component of compositions for erotic massages. To prepare a massage oil with this effect, you need to take three tablespoons of apricot and almond oils, then mix them with concentrates of ylang-ylang, ginger and mint (10 drops each). The massage should be performed with smooth, lightly pressing movements, paying special attention to the area in the lower abdomen.

Ylang-ylang essential oil is called sexy oil or ether with increased erotic effect

Many perfume companies use ylang-ylang in their compositions. It is believed that this fragrance was created for passionate people who dream of love adventures.

Video: using ylang-ylang oil as an aphrodisiac

In the modern world, crazy in its speed, any person, to one degree or another, faces difficulties in intimate life. These problems can arise for completely ordinary reasons: fatigue, conflict situation at work or with friends, personal dramas. There may be many reasons, but the result is one - unsatisfactory intimate life. Everyone experiences this differently, but not everyone knows how to restore their libido. This is where aphrodisiac oils can come in handy.

Since ancient times, all kinds of recipes for essential oils and perfumes have come down to us. Even in those days, a direct connection between smells and sensations was noticed.

Modern scientists have only confirmed the research of the ancients. Science completely agrees with our ancestors: the connection between aroma and attraction is practically proven. Moreover, the “culprit” has already been identified. It turned out to be an aphrodisiac - a component that has a stimulating effect on a person. Its effect is caused by a combination of vitamins and minerals.

These substances are usually divided into several different groups, differing in the way they affect human perception.

The most effective are elements that influence the sense of smell. This is due to the fact that we perceive smells intuitively, and even a light aroma sets in motion the areas of the brain responsible for sexual desire, ease of communication, desire to please and much more. These instincts are common to both men and women.

The modern perfume industry has developed a whole direction - the production of “attractive odors” based on pheromones.

But let's get back to essential oils. They can truly diversify and bring novelty to the relationships of both sexes. Correct and appropriate use of aphrodisiac essential oils (massage, bathing with aromatic oils, rubbing into the skin) will dilute the gray everyday life of hectic days.

Modern pharmacology produces a lot of different drugs aimed at increasing tone and desire. But these drugs are purchased only with a medical prescription and have multiple side effects.

What is an aphrodisiac?

An alternative to medications are aromatic oils with aphrodisiacs, in high degree supporting sexual desire.

These products are available without a prescription and do not carry any side effects.

An aphrodisiac is a herbal drug that stimulates sexual desire. These essential oils are produced in several ways: cold pressing and hot steam distillation technology. The properties of the resulting substance are not at all affected by the method of processing the raw materials. They are directly related to the concentration of the oils they contain.

The mechanism of action is as follows: upon contact with a person, special receptors are activated, and a signal is sent to the brain, provoking the release of active substances into the blood. Their concentration creates euphoria, relieving tension, improving mood, and increasing sexuality.

There are varieties of male and feminine oils, but this does not mean at all that to compose stimulating compositions and attract the opposite sex, you should use only a certain direction. One drop of a male aphrodisiac added to a female aphrodisiac, on the contrary, will add piquancy to the composition and affect a man naturally.

A female aphrodisiac introduced into a male symphony will have the same effect.

Important! When composing a composition of perfumes or aphrodisiac essential oils, you can mix male and female scents.

Industrial production: what is used?

For the industrial production of perfumes, essential oils and other aphrodisiacs, extracts from many plants are used.

Let's look at some of them and pay attention to how they affect intimate life:

  1. Orange- relieves tension, fatigue, stiffness. Promotes emancipation and maximum return to mutual caresses. In addition, it removes anxiety and restlessness. Maximizes erection.
  2. Carnation- increases the strength of orgasm, while contributing to a longer duration of coitus.
  3. Vanilla- thanks to this component, both partners experience a wide variety of sexual desires, feeling them more voluptuous and refined.
  4. Bergamot - magic oil, wonderfully relaxing; evokes intimate fantasies.
  5. Ginger- conducive to romance and tenderness. Its aroma creates comfort and uniqueness. It does not cause a storm of passions, but gives intimacy tenderness and trepidation.
  6. Jasmine essential oil- gives confidence, liberating partners.
  7. Cypress- designed for older men. Helps enhance potency, increases sensitivity to touch.
  8. Lavender- true feminine scent. It has the ability to relax the nerves, reminds a woman of her charm and uniqueness; Helps get rid of annoying thoughts and insecurities.
  9. Cinnamon- gives vigor, energy, enthusiasm.
  10. Patchouli- truly an indispensable tool from chills in relationships, helps to return the former desire for your partner. Especially recommended for new parents, it relieves stress and fatigue accumulated during the day. Helps to relax, remove inhibitions, relieves nervous tension. Patchouli oil enhances the receptivity of erogenous zones.
  11. Sandalwood- a real man's protector. Enhances sensations when touched, increases potency.
  12. Rose- its oil is known as an aphrodisiac for women. It liberates the most inhibited, allowing them to forget about everything. Its vapors fill the space with a delicate aroma that helps both partners enjoy.
  13. Ylang-ylang- an aphrodisiac, and the most powerful of all transferred funds. Excites an irresistible desire, accompanying intimacy with bright colors. Significantly increases male potency and prolongs the female orgasm.
  14. Cedar- refreshes and invigorates; awakens desire. But this aphrodisiac is not suitable for flirting. Cedar is a symbol of a strong family, long relationships, firmness and fidelity.
  15. Clary sage- refined and alluring, warms, envelops you with its aroma, helps to distance yourself from negative thoughts.

In addition to aphrodisiacs made from plant components, there are essential oils of animal origin. One of these is white musk. This is a specific substance produced by the musk glands of the males of some mammals. But these products have seen limited use due to cost and the need to kill animals. Therefore, white musk is now produced synthetically. At the same time, it is much more accessible for use in perfumery.

Attention! The most powerful stimulant that increases potency and prolongs orgasm is ylang essential oil.

Use of aphrodisiacs

As noted earlier, the industrial production of aphrodisiacs has become enormous. Many perfume companies offer a wide range of all kinds of hygienic synthetic shower products, balms and perfumes. Their composition includes some percentage of aroma oil. But since all these products are synthetic, they often contain components that negatively affect health. This fact calls for turning to natural aroma products to lift your spirits and attract the attention of the opposite sex.

Attention! Synthetic drugs can be harmful to health.

Considering the reviews of people who practice the use of aphrodisiacs, we note that correct application fragrances can change your personal life forever, making it richer, more diverse, sensual and intense.

The nature of the impact on the psyche

Four groups of aphrodisiacs with floral, citrus, spicy and exotic aroma, depending on the components used for their production, were experimentally formed. Oils included in the same group can have different effects on the psycho-emotional background. This quality allows you to create a bouquet of aromas that have the desired effect.

Let's give sample list combinations of oils according to mode of action:

  • relax: ylang-ylang, patchouli;
  • stimulate: rose, ginger, cinnamon, geranium;
  • add energy: bergamot and cloves;
  • improve mood: geranium, bergamot, ylang-ylang;
  • enhance libido: vetiver, patchouli, ginger, ylang-ylang, bergamot;
  • remove complexities: ylang-ylang, cinnamon.

Features of ylang-ylang oil

Ylang-ylang is a well-known essential oil that has aphrodisiac properties. It can help people suffering from potency disorders and frigidity, inability to have prolonged sexual intercourse and other sexual dysfunctions. It is indispensable for women who have had surgery on organs reproductive system: will make them feel confident and will give them a feeling of being wanted by their loved one.

To achieve the maximum effect of the oil, you need to take aroma baths followed by light massage, use aroma lamps and just relax.

The product goes well with other scents. Let's look at which essential oils ylang-ylang interacts with best:

  • top note- citrus fruits, verbena, lemon balm;
  • middle note- floral aromas;
  • bottom note- patchouli, rosewood, sandalwood, incense, juniper.

If you buy this oil, for example, for an anniversary life together or another holiday, this will be a good gift for a loved one.

Here are a couple of examples of how to use ylang-ylang oil.

Its bouquet can bring great pleasure in combination with a relaxing massage. To do this, mix 9 ml of this product with 40 ml of olive oil. Rub it in, lightly massaging the skin. This will allow you to achieve complete relaxation of the body muscles.

An aroma lamp can be of great help. A candle is placed in its lower part, and water is poured into the upper part with the addition of 4 mg of this wonderful oil in combination with other additives, depending on what the goal is. The charm of an intimate evening will be guaranteed.

Sprinkling white bed linen with water, with a few drops of aroma oil dissolved in it, will add unforgettable shades to intimacy. The main thing is not to overdo it with concentration.

Ylang, as a relaxing remedy, is indispensable for everyday life, allowing you to detach yourself from the hustle and bustle of the day.


It is difficult to determine which scent will suit whom individually. This is always revealed experimentally. Therefore, they usually buy several varieties of oils, mix them according to the nature of the sound, and evaluate the resulting effect.

Let only consonant notes accompany you, creating mutual harmony!

People have been using natural vegetable oils since ancient times. They are mentioned in Tibetan treatises on medicine and in the Bible. Ayurveda attributes to many of them the ability not only to improve health, but also to change life itself, attracting love, prosperity, recognition and good mood. This is by no means accidental.

Natural essential oil

Natural oil is, one might say, the lymph of a plant, that is, its most important part, containing all the beneficial properties that are attributed to it. An extract from ylang-ylang occupies a special position among oils. The microbiological composition of oil is not a constant value. It depends on climatic and weather conditions, in which the plant developed. As for this, it grows in places with the most stable climate. The oil from its flowers is squeezed out in the same place where the plants are collected. For this reason, the properties of essential oils differ only by serial number according to the duration of the spin cycle.

The area that imbued the tree of love, youth and beauty with information content

The plant is native to Asia. In Indonesia, the Philippines or Polynesia, a beautiful tree with large feathery leaves reminiscent of sumac branches is found everywhere. It blooms in tropical conditions all year round. The aroma of the elegant sets you in a sublime mood. Ylang-ylang is the tree of love and tenderness.

Travelers who find themselves in the Philippines note that even the harshest of them become softer and more romantic under the influence of the local air. Back in the hustle and bustle big cities with their pragmatism, haste, nervousness and distrust of people towards each other, they retain a peaceful attitude and a philosophically benevolent view of the surrounding reality for a long time.

The scent of love and sensuality

The psychological impact of aromas on a person, on his subconscious, has been known for a long time. The ability of the plant to awaken tender feelings in people is successfully used by the peoples of tropical countries to establish strong associations. Ylang-ylang belongs to the group of aphrodisiac aromas. Fresh flowers of this plant have long accompanied the first wedding night of newlyweds. Awakening love, the sweet aroma enhances attraction and passion. This is how ylang-ylang affects the senses. The smell (what it is will be described below) surrounding the newlyweds’ bed envelops the couple in love, like a veil, separating them from the outside world. It is so different from daytime and everyday smells that for the rest of their lives, the association with it retains wonderful memories of the first night of love for the spouses. Thus, the aroma of flowers creates the mood for the entire upcoming life of the couple.

What scent is most appropriate for lovers' bed? This is a caressing freshness, enveloping sweetness, richness, warmth and spicy aftertaste. This is exactly how ylang-ylang essential oil works. Reviews from those who have used this fragrance are similar in their statements that it is truly a powerful aphrodisiac that attracts love. Many people associate its main note with gardenia, jasmine or water lily.

Aral lamps and complementary oil combinations

How else can you use it? aromatic properties Ylang Ylang Plants? The use of oil in aroma lamps is very effective for problems with cardiovascular system. It has a calming and relaxing effect. In combination with bergamot, grapefruit or lime, it perfectly relieves tension and normalizes blood pressure. Citrus fruits neutralize the cloying sweetness of ylang-ylang. This scent is a harmonious combination with the scents of rose, couscous, mimosa and neroli.

There are combinations of oils called biostimulated. This means that the ingredients in such preparations mutually reinforce each other. This is how mint, verbena, conifers, cinnamon and black pepper, which are complementary to the plant we are considering, manifest themselves. For insomnia, PMS, depression and chronic fatigue You should take baths with a few drops of ylang-ylang, cypress and lemongrass oils. But remember that without softening, ylang-ylang oil can cause dizziness and nausea.

Low grade extra-grade oils

The aroma of ylang-ylang as one of the main notes is present in the iconic perfume “Poison” from Christian Dior, as well as “Champ Elise” from Gerlein, “Aqua di Gio” from Armani, etc. This perfume also adds sexuality and femininity to the image.

Oil is produced only from flowers by steam distillation or regular distillation, followed by evaporation. For 50 liters of water, 100 kg of fresh raw materials are taken. The first distillation process lasts one hour. The result is the most concentrated Ylang-Ylang extract oil. The price is quite high, because to obtain one kilogram of oil, 100 kg of flowers are required. A ml bottle in retail costs approximately 100 rubles. This oil smells sweet, floral, like jasmine or It is widely used in the perfume industry to make luxury cosmetics.

If you are offered ylang-ylang with a woody aroma, then this is the oil of the lowest quality, the last pressing. It is called cananga and is much cheaper than ylang.

Penetration ability of essential oil

Essential oils are distinguished by the fact that they are introduced into the product in very small quantities, and ylang-ylang is an essential oil. Its properties are best demonstrated when mixed with base oils, alcohol, honey, yogurt and other substances that act as Vehicle. The fact is that when applied to the skin, essential oil does not spread over it, but penetrates exactly to the point of application. In addition, “extra” essential oils are very concentrated and can be harmful if undiluted. To evenly saturate the entire surface, the oil should be diluted. Since it does not dissolve in water, fats and alcohols are used.

Nonverbal effects of aroma on a person’s health, mood and aura

In concentrated form, aroma oils (ylang-ylang in particular) are used for aroma lamps. The smell of this plant deodorizes the room and calms nervous system, improves mood, helps get rid of depression, fears and anxiety. It's no secret that aromatherapy is not only an effective way to treat internal problems of the body. Inhaling volatile ethers can change a person’s life. Ylang-ylang will help attract love and improve existing relationships.

Essential oil properties begin to manifest immediately after inhalation. Try an experiment. If you find yourself in a bad mood, go to a fragrance store and ask to see the scent of ylang-ylang. After the first breath, you will forget about the problem that tormented you, or rather, you will see it from a different perspective. Despondency will quietly disappear, and you will embark on a path that will lead you out of the dead end in life. Thus, penetrating into the brain, the tropical plant ylang-ylang, an essential oil, changes our consciousness. The properties of the complex components included in it can also be used to solve problems with appearance.

Facial skin care products

If there are inflammations, age spots, mesh on the face fine wrinkles, then adding three to five drops of ylang oil to your daily home care products will help eliminate such problems.

Dry skin care

Ylang-ylang for the face with dry, aging skin is usually mixed with hypoallergenic extra virgin olive oil. For one tablespoon of base oil - 1-2 drops of essential oil, a quarter teaspoon of honey. The prepared emulsion should be heated to a temperature of 40 degrees Celsius, soak a soft terry cloth with slits for the nostrils in it and apply, lightly pressing, onto cleansed and steamed facial skin. For best results, cover the napkin with plastic and a thick terry towel.

Lie like this for twenty minutes. After this, remove the napkins and massage a non-greasy nourishing cream with a tightening effect into the skin with your fingertips. This procedure can only be done if the skin is not prone to rosacea and there is no allergy to honey. If you make such an oil mask twice a week, the skin will become elastic and smooth, and its color will even out and acquire a natural, healthy glow.

Oily skin care

Ylang-ylang is perfect for faces with oily or combination skin prone to inflammation. This type of skin is typical for young people. Fat base oils in this case are unacceptable. Since ylang-ylang is an essential oil whose properties include relieving tension, calming and deodorizing, as well as imparting a sexy personality, it should become an integral component of the cosmetic set of young unmarried ladies.

Adding it to caring, cleansing and anti-inflammatory masks will help strengthen the immune properties of the epidermis and improve overall mood and tone. Dry cosmetic clay should be diluted with a decoction of nettle, verbena, chamomile, red rowan or calendula, and 1-2 drops of ylang should be added to the clay mash.

Bath emulsion

Ylang-ylang essential oil for all skin types can be used in soap emulsions for bathing. You can prepare this remedy yourself. Mix 250 g of seaweed, 250 g of flaxseed flour and 15 drops of ylang oil. Pour 30 g of pine concentrate with a glass of boiling water and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Let it brew in a warm place for 1-2 hours. Strain and combine with a mixture of salt, flour and butter. Add 250 g of natural, stir well and use for baths - 2-3 tablespoons per procedure. The duration of the bath is 20 minutes. Water temperature is 37-38 degrees.

Hair care

The beneficial properties of ylang-ylang oil for hair are used to improve it appearance, to strengthen roots and eliminate dandruff. From the East came the fashion for wrapping hair with avocado pulp with the addition of a couple of drops of ylang. It's really good mask, after which the hair becomes more manageable, shiny and healthy. Ylang-ylang oil can be mixed with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar, the resulting concentrate should be diluted with water to a slightly acidic state and rinsed with it after washing your hair. This is an excellent conditioner. When using it, hair does not become electrified, falls out less and does not split ends. Ylang-ylang for hair should be added to oils against split ends and to balms that do not require rinsing.

Necessary Precautions

Like any natural vegetable oil, ylang-ylang extract can provoke allergic reactions. Therefore, before use, it is necessary to test the body’s reaction. Apply a drop of oil to the inner elbow of your arm, where the skin is especially thin, and wait 12 hours. If redness or itching does not occur, then you can safely add it to your care products.

The aroma of ylang-ylang, being very energetic, requires the right approach to its use. Being a powerful aphrodisiac, it is not appropriate in every situation. Going to visit a family friend, unmarried girl with his exaggerated sexuality he can ruin a friendly meeting and even lose a friend. When getting a job, you should also carefully choose the scent that will become your trail, or, as they say, your second clothing.

Don't use for a long time only with the same aroma to avoid addiction, and then ylang-ylang, an essential oil whose properties have been well studied, will make your life happy.

Ylang-ylang (Latin name Cananga odorata) is an exotic, evergreen tropical tree of the Annonaceae family. It reaches a height of up to 40 meters, the trunk is up to 75 cm in diameter, the bark is light gray or silver, smooth. The leaves are oval-oblong, measuring 13 - 49 by 4 - 10 cm. Flowers are from 5 to 7.5 cm long, bisexual, green-yellow, on a peduncle 2 - 5 cm long, with 3 sepals and 6 petals. The deep and rich scent of ylang-ylang flowers is reminiscent of jasmine and neroli.

Ylang-ylang means "flower of flowers" in Malay. His homeland is Southeast Asia. Currently, it is also grown in Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean. Flowers are medicinal raw materials. The main producers of ylang-ylang essential oil are Indonesia and Madagascar.

Ylang-ylang blooms almost all year round, its branches are often completely covered with flowers. The smell of ylang-ylang flowers is felt at a distance of 30 - 40 meters, and with a light breeze - much further.

Essential oil is obtained from amazingly delicate exotic flowers in two ways - by water distillation followed by evaporation or directly by steam distillation.

Depending on the duration of the process, three types of aroma oil are distinguished: the first is obtained an hour after the start, the second - after three, and the third - only after six hours of distillation. The last grade is suitable only for cheap products and household chemicals, while the first and even more concentrated “extra” varieties are considered the most valuable for perfumery and cosmetology.

When purchasing, pay attention to the grade, because the price of an oil of lower quality should not be the same as that of an “extra” grade aroma oil.

Cananga essential oil (Cananga odorata var. Macrophylla) is sometimes passed off as ylang-ylang essential oil. In perfumery, cananga essential oil is considered to be of lower quality due to its less sweet aroma. Although in their own way chemical properties can be used on the skin. But no clinical trials have been conducted at this time.

Externally, the essential oil, like most flower oils, is light and fluid, and is characterized by an almost imperceptible yellowness. The aroma of the oil is rich, sweet, very warm, caressing, combining candy and floral base in a festive and very intense bouquet with a spicy aftertaste.

According to the fire classification, it belongs to flammable liquids with a flash point of 79°C.

The essential components of extra grade oil are: linalool (13-19%), geraniol and its acetate (8-13%), benzyl acetate (10-25%), methyl benzoate (4-9%), p-cresol methyl ester (8- 16%), farnesol and its acetate (4-7%), benzyl benzoate (up to 8%), benzyl salicylate (about 2%). The presence of prenyl acetate (3.2%) and dimethylvinylcarbinol acetate (1.6%) was noted. As we move from the “extra” fraction to grades I, II, III, the content of caryophyllene and other sesquiterpenes increases from 8% to 76% with a corresponding decrease in the amount of oxygen-containing compounds.

Ylang-ylang essential oil is rich in sweet-smelling esters, especially benzyl acetate, methyl benzoate and geranyl acetate. It is thanks to these esters that the oil has a mild calming and sedative effect.


Action: antidepressant, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, lowers blood pressure. Applying essential oil to the skin causes a slight tingling sensation for 1-2 minutes, which is a natural reaction. Very diverse healing effect ylang-ylang essential oil. It not only has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, restores strength and relieves irritability, but also strengthens memory and helps cope with depression. It can help lower blood pressure. It is used for loss of appetite and bloating. Inhaling the aromas of ylang-ylang essential oil helps normalize breathing and heart rate... It is also used to relieve emotional stress and get rid of feelings of fear, anger and anxiety. The aroma of ylang-ylang gives confidence in own strength, love, stimulates creativity, intuition, gives a feeling of serene calm...

Recommended for reducing blood pressure and treatment rapid heartbeat, eliminates headaches in people prone to increased blood pressure, anticonvulsant. Has an anti-sclerotic effect. Eliminates spasmodic headaches. Ylang-ylang eases menopause and improves conditions during menopause. Studies have shown the effectiveness of ylang-ylang in some cases of diabetes. Under medical supervision, it can be used to prevent epileptic attacks. Anticonvulsant, antispasmodic. Relieves muscle spasms, brings relief from sciatica and back pain.

For any skin type, it rejuvenates, moisturizes, smoothes, and “polishes” the skin. Suitable for the care of sensitive and porous skin. Eliminates acne, prevents premature aging skin, stimulates the growth of new cells in the deep layers of the skin, gives the skin elasticity, velvety, tenderness, relieves irritation and inflammation, has healing effect for eczema and dermatoses. Recommended for use in a mixture with neroli and clary sage for baths, massage and room aromatization.

Massage: 5-7 k. per 15 g of transport oil.
Mixed with vegetable oil(5 drops of mlang-ylang oil per 10 ml of vegetable oil):
- erotic massage oil
- when peeling nails (before going to bed, massage your nails and nail beds with oil)
- for rubbing the skin after sunbathing.

For headaches, to relieve fatigue, and relax muscles after intense physical activity, use the proportion - up to 7 drops of oil per 15 grams of base.

Relieves anxiety: For massage, mix 30 ml of oil from grape seeds, 2 drops patchouli oil, 2 drops ylang-ylang oil and 5 drops sweet orange oil.

Additive to creams: 3 drops per 10 ml of neutral cream.
Enrichment of cosmetic preparations: 5 k. per 15 g of base.
Aroma medallions: 2-3 k.


Ylang-ylang essential oil in large quantities can cause headaches, nausea, dizziness and allergic reactions.
Do not use in children under 12 years of age or pregnant women.
Not recommended for use if you have low blood pressure.
Check for individual tolerance.
When applied to the skin, it causes a feeling of warmth, slight tingling (with damaged skin, short-term hyperemia is possible) for 2-3 minutes. The reaction is natural.
Do not use if you are hypersensitive.
Store away from direct sun rays cool place. Keep away from children and open flame. Shelf life if the packaging is sealed is 5 years.


Due to its intensity, essential oil from ylang-ylang flowers can cause discomfort and even dizziness with nausea, so it is recommended to use it only in a mixture with bergamot or lemon oil, which can neutralize its excessive sweetness.

In addition to the above, complementary to ylang-ylang aroma oil are mint, clove, orange, lemongrass, rose, rosewood, neroli, petitgrain, spruce, cypress, leuzea, pine, cedar, verbena, cinnamon, grapefruit, lime, tangerine, palmarosa and black pepper oil.

The magical flowers of ylang-ylang have attracted attention for many centuries. Why magical? But because they are often used during various rites and rituals, because it is generally accepted that they are endowed with some inexplicable magical power, which is able to give happiness, love and bring prosperity to anyone who asks the flower for it.

In some areas of distant and beautiful Indonesia, there is a tradition to this day that says that during the first wedding night of a newly-made husband and wife, their bed must certainly be completely strewn with these beautiful flowers. Only in this case the whole life of the newlyweds will be carefree and happy.

Essential oil is made from the ylang-ylang plant, which can be used much more often than fresh flowers, because they tend to fade quickly, and the wonderful intoxicating smell of ylang-ylang essential oil will accompany you whenever you want and wherever you want. Interestingly, this oil can please not only with its aroma, but also with healing properties that can be used by anyone, regardless of age.

How is ylang-ylang essential oil obtained?

Ylang-ylang essential oil can be extracted in two ways: water distillation method and steam distillation method. Any of these methods, of course, has its advantages, but the steam distillation method is much more effective, because during it an oil is obtained that almost completely retains all its healing properties. The fact is that people are accustomed to using ylang-ylang essential oil for a variety of purposes. Please note that not every ylang-ylang oil can have beneficial properties for humans. Some oils are made only to be used during aromatherapy, for example.

Oil can only be made from flowers that were collected in the summer. After the first distillation of flowers, the essential oil is obtained highest grade. This oil is often used in the field of perfumery. Exactly three hours after the distillation process was started, the second grade oil is obtained. After six hours, the third-grade oil is ready and can be added to inexpensive soaps and lotions to give them a subtle floral scent. This oil no longer has any medicinal properties. All that can be taken from it is only nice smell.

Ylang-ylang essential oil has a bright and even slightly Strong smell. Some people associate it with holiday cheer, while others can't stand the sweet aroma, so they mix it with other essential oils to create an incredible cocktail of scents that will bring pleasant emotions and a positive outlook. The consistency of ylang-ylang essential oil is fluid, liquid and light. Its color is golden, which does not distinguish ylang-ylang oil from other essential oils.

Beneficial properties of ylang-ylang oil

The oil is great for helping people who are suffering. nervous disorders who experience frequent breakdowns due to various stressful situations. By inhaling the pleasant scent of ylang-ylang essential oil, you will immediately feel how your heartbeat and breathing are restored, and the tense atmosphere is no longer so oppressive and depressing. The adaptogenic properties endowed with the essence allow it to be used as a mild antidepressant drug, which is quite effective and, at the same time, does not harm the body like acquired medications with dubious composition.

Many will be interested in the fact that oil is good aphrodisiac. It will be a wonderful erotic stimulant that will help you relax thoroughly and get as much pleasure from making love as you have never experienced before. Everyone who used this quality ylang-ylang oils were amazed by the feeling of bliss and happiness that covered them at the moment of immersion in the boiling lava of passion and orgasm. The oil will help men prolong their erection, and women will become more sensitive and will be able to feel the real taste of love.

With the help of this oil, you can forever forget about the nightmares that could haunt you all night after a difficult and stressful day. The smell of ylang-ylang oil will drive away depression, feelings of nervousness, fear, anxiety and anger from your life. Inhale its scent and feel the euphoria that overwhelms you, taking you mentally to the places where you would like to be most. If you suffer from insomnia, then oil will also help solve this problem. Its aroma will drive away insomnia and get rid of obsessive bad thoughts that just don’t want to leave your head. You will finally be able to have a normal, full rest, and in the morning you will be full of energy, strength and desire to conquer new heights.

The bioenergetic effect of essential oil is that it is capable of attracting only positive energy and can create a good atmosphere around you that in every possible way promotes relaxation, rest and relaxation. peace of mind.

A few more properties that the essential oil of the most beautiful flowers, ylang-ylang, has:

Promotes normalization menstrual cycle in women and helps to make the premenstrual period go much easier and unnoticed;

Will noticeably reduce muscle tone, help relax not only the body, but also the brain;

It has the ability to normalize the process of sebum secretion by the body;

Helps lower blood pressure that is too high, relieve terrible headaches and help you sleep.

A big plus is that the oil can also be used by children. Many parents are familiar with the problem of unfounded children's fears, which constantly haunt the child and do not allow him to get enough sleep, and also cause nightmares, which negatively affects the formation of the baby’s psyche and his behavior. If you notice that your child has become more irritable, withdrawn and less talkative, then feel free to resort to the help of ylang-ylang flower essential oil.

Ylang-ylang essential oil - contraindications and possible harm

Please note that this essence is suitable for external use only. You can simply sniff it or mix it into any kind of cosmetic product, but you should never drink this oil.

If you inhale the smell of pure oil, you risk damaging the nasal mucosa, because the essence itself is quite concentrated and has a sharp, unpleasant odor. Ylang-ylang oil can be easily combined with other essential oils, so it will be good if you add a drop of your favorite oils to ylang-ylang oil.

Some people are intolerant to oil. If, when adding it to cosmetics and various types of hair products, the skin begins to itch and redness is observed, then you must immediately stop using the oil and wash off its remnants with skin.

Oil should not get on mucous membranes. If this happens to be the case, don't panic. Immediately go and wash the mucous membranes with plenty of water without soap or any other means.

All those who are allergic to flowers or any other plants are advised to avoid this essential oil and are strictly prohibited from using it for any purpose. Do not inhale the smell of this oil, because red spots may appear on the body, and the nose will begin to itch and swell. If you inhale the smell of oil and signs of an allergy are already beginning to appear, then you urgently need to take an allergy medicine or, even better, seek help from a specialist.

The article mentioned that the oil can also be used by children. Yes, this is the absolute truth. But it is worth noting that children must be over three years old. If a child has not reached this age, and you give him the essential oil of ylang-ylang flowers to smell, he may develop a terrible allergy.

Indications and methods of use of ylang-ylang oil

This essential oil is often used for cold inhalations. If you have an aromatic pendant, then simply drop a drop of oil into it and breathe in its scent twice a day for five minutes. This procedure helps relieve stress, relieve headaches and eliminate nasal congestion.

Ylang-ylang oil is suitable for massage sessions. If you mix it with some fruit oils, you will get a wonderful mixture that will make the skin moisturized and soft, relax tense muscles, and the incredible smell can give positive emotions and make you, at least for a while, forget about boring and already boring ones. gray everyday life.

If you love taking bubble baths after a busy day at work, you can add a little oil to the water. This will help you relax and drive away bad thoughts. Moreover, after taking such a fragrant bath, the skin will become velvety, soft and acquire a floral scent that will accompany you all day and give a good mood not only to you, but also to those who are near you.

Benefits of ylang-ylang essential oil for hair

Essential oil can be used by those who dream of gorgeous hair, but have more than once been disappointed in expensive products that did not work at all. The oil helps strengthen hair follicles. Hair will fall out much less and gain beauty and shine.

You can add the oil to your existing cosmetic products, or you can make your own mask or lotion based on it. Here is a recipe for one good remedy: take a liter of water and add a little fresh juice from lemon, and then a few drops of ylang-ylang flower essential oil. Rinse your hair with the prepared miraculous solution after washing and you will soon see a result that you will certainly be satisfied with.

Not all properties of this oil have yet been fully studied. It in an incredible way can affect a person and even replace some medications for you. Many of those who have used oil once would not exchange it for anything else. Enjoy its mind-blowing smell and always be healthy and beautiful!

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