Are electronic cigarettes harmful or not? Reviews from doctors. Modern electronic cigarettes: harmful or not

We should immediately partially debunk the myth that e-Sigs release combustion products into the environment. As a result of the lack of combustion in a cigarette, it is not smoke that is released, but steam. The latter is less harmful to others. How much? Let's figure it out.

It is enough to find out about the composition of the liquid that is used for cigarettes - glycerin, propylene glycol and various flavoring agents. The most harmless of all the named components are propylene glycol and glycerin. The former is converted into lactic acid in the human body. This component is widely used in cosmetics and is approved in all countries of the world. Glycerin, in addition to being used in cosmetics, can also be found in food products.

However, when transformed into a pair, these components cannot have any effect positive result, but just the opposite. Therefore, it is worth talking about the dangers of steam both for the steamer and for others.

There is not much to say about nicotine. There is no way to justify him. Nicotine is pure evil, and the word “harmless” is definitely inappropriate here. It is addictive and has a detrimental effect on the body.

Harm from e-cigarette vapor for the vaper

Even if you use “self-mixing” for an electronic cigarette, do not think that this substance will be less harmful. The presence of nicotine and other additives in liquid is not a reason to hear “thank you” from your body. Therefore, it is better to give up cigarette products altogether. Remember, if smoking causes addiction, then electronic cigarettes support it!

In addition, it also happens that the cigarette battery overheats. Consequently, the liquid in the device heats up above normal and its harm to the body of the steamer and those around him increases significantly. Moreover, overheating can cause a cigarette to explode.

Now let's look at the harm and impact of electronic cigarettes on the body in detail. All the symptoms and Negative influence confirmed by scientists conducting relevant research. See for yourself.

  • Lungs. Have you heard about popcorn lung disease? It is this disease that haunts vipers (those who smoke electronic cigarettes). Another name for the disease is obliterating bronchitis, caused by a component such as diacetyl. A study of diacetyl was conducted at Harvard University and revealed its far-reaching adverse effects on the lungs.
  • central nervous system. On the functions of the nervous system, or rather the cause of disturbances in its functioning in regulation internal organs affects nicotine, which is in the e-cigarette liquid. It has a particularly harmful effect on the vegetative nervous system. This is where heart disorders often occur. vascular system, digestive problems arise even among those who prefer vaping to regular cigarettes. The reason for this is regular poisoning of the body with nicotine.
  • Liver. Let us remember that nicotine metabolism is carried out by liver cells. After going through this process, the harmful substance is converted into cotonine, which is very harmful to health. Due to the fact that during the day our body receives another dose of harmful substances from bad environment, the liver is working hard. In turn, overloads lead to disruption of the parenchymal tissue.

It should also be recalled that nicotine contains strong acid, which causes irreparable damage to the liver vessels. As a result, circulatory disorders and sclerosis may occur. Nicotine harms the liver, lungs and nervous system!

Harm from e-cigarette vapor to others

Device lovers should remember that vape is also harmful to the health of others. Despite the fact that steam does not contain carbon monoxide and carcinogenic substances that are contained in the smoke of a regular cigarette, there is harm to steam from electronic cigarettes with other components.

During evaporation, the nicotine, glycerin, propylene glycol, and flavorings contained in the liquid are not completely absorbed by the viper and most of the components dissolve in the air. Therefore, people who are near the vaporizer unwittingly become participants in the whole process. It is not surprising that these are for others, and especially for children and pregnant women.

  • For children. A growing child's body reacts worse to nicotine. After all, many organs are not yet fully developed. Therefore, you should think carefully before you start using a cigarette, even an electronic one, with children. Besides, smoking is not the most best example to kid healthy image life. Read more...
  • For pregnant. Even a small amount of nicotine negatively affects the formation and development of the fetus in the womb. Smoking mom risks causing diseases such as asthma, autism, and mental disorders in the child.

To avoid harm to pregnant women and children, you should not smoke in their presence. Remember that smoking not only kills you, but also those around you. Vaping of electronic cigarettes is also accompanied by the release of harmful substances in the vapor. This could be not only nicotine, but also other substances that the manufacturer simply kept silent about.

Do not forget that if instead of smoke an e-cigarette produces odorless steam or is completely invisible, it is not a clear sign that the steam does not poison the air with toxic substances. Therefore, a passive vaper may become addicted. If you smoke such cigarettes indoors, nicotine vapor will certainly settle on walls, windows and other surfaces, and this is no longer safe for others.

So, is it steam or smoke?

As we have already said, there is no combustion in an electronic cigarette, so there is no need to talk about smoke. It would be more common and correct to say that the result of the process of smoking this device is steam. From this vapor you can get a hit in the throat at any time during the process of using an electronic cigarette. It is produced by inhaled hot steam. Result strong blow- cough.

In e-cigarettes, voltage is a factor in the amount of vapor produced. Therefore, the higher the voltage, the larger and hotter the steam, and hence the blow.

A strong blow to the throat can occur if the steam is not held in the mouth, but inhaled immediately with the lungs. Smokers often do this. It is not surprising that the results of such influences are various diseases.

What do doctors and WHO say about e-cigarettes?

Modern doctors and employees are actively studying the harm caused by e-cigarette vapors on the human body. Regular research is being conducted all over the world, and there is still no unanimous answer. And will it happen when the forecasts and results are not at all consoling?!

What exactly do medical scientists study? The effect of steam on the human body. The problem is aggravated by the fact that modern market there are more than 400 brands and more than 7 thousand unique scents, which makes conducting research and recording it a complex process.

One of the leading researchers in this field, Maciej Goniewicz, found that vapor contains significantly less carcinogens and toxic substances. Although he made it clear that despite the fact that propylene glycol and glycerin are generally considered safe, no one can say that they are safe if you inhale them daily for a long period of time.

Professor and doctor medical sciences G.M. Sakharova recalls that electronic cigarettes contain nicotine, and nicotine has the ability to have a negative impact on health and cause cancer, but also damages DNA, and this is a hint of pathology in future offspring. In addition, the substances contained in the cigarette are synthesized when heated, formaldehyde and other carbonyls. In other words, they are carcinogens. Therefore, there is no need to talk about the safety of electronic cigarettes.

remember, that medical nicotine- this is the same nicotine, but which is used in medical purposes. It is as dangerous to health as the nicotine we know. Therefore, do not be fooled by the purchase, or rather by its name.

Electronic cigarettes have begun to become increasingly popular among smokers. Many people believe that the danger from these devices is less than from conventional tobacco products, and there is no addiction. Therefore, more and more often, heavy smokers are changing their usual cigarettes to an electronic equivalent, especially when they are trying to quit bad habit. Manufacturers say that e-cigarettes have health benefits and are very economical.. It is difficult to say for sure what is more harmful - an electronic cigarette or a regular one; both types have their drawbacks.

What's in the refill liquid?

In general, this device was invented back in the last century, and during this period it gained great popularity among smokers. Still, many consider it harmless to health. In addition, against the backdrop of a strong increase in prices for tobacco products and a total ban on smoking in public places, these products have become a godsend. Buying electronic device for smoking, people don't think about possible harm. Although if you look at what the refill liquid is made of, you can see that it contains many toxic substances:

  • propylene glycol;
  • glycerol;
  • nicotine;
  • flavorings.

The chemical compounds propylene glycol and glycerin are used as solvents for flavorings. Thanks to these substances, an attractive vapor emanates from the device, which imitates smoke.

What causes more harm?

Some smokers still sometimes wonder what causes more harm? To understand what harm an electronic cigarette brings compared to a regular one, you need to understand what is included in both. The composition of a regular cigarette includes not only nicotine, but also tar, which is obtained during the combustion of the tobacco mixture and paper casing. Included tobacco smoke The following harmful substances were found:

  1. Various aromatic hydrocarbons, the most harmful of which is benzopyrene.
  2. Nitrosamines and amines.
  3. Phenolic compounds, naphthalenes.
  4. Cyanogen.
  5. Isoprenes.
  6. Acetaldehyde.
  7. Ammonium.

Besides these chemical compounds, tobacco smoke contains many other hazardous substances, among which the radioactive component polonium was discovered.

Substances that are included in the smoke emanating from classic cigarettes provoke the occurrence of cancer.

All these harmful elements are absent in the smoking liquid and in the outgoing vapor. And although vaping is safer than a regular cigarette, the harm from it is also noticeable. This can be understood if we consider in detail all the substances that are in the smoking liquid.

What is the danger


Both traditional cigarettes and electronic ones contain nicotine. This element is considered a narcotic, with a pronounced neurotropic effect. Nicotine is quite dangerous for people; it has a bad effect on the functioning of the heart and vascular system.. This harmful element is addictive, both psychological and physical. Its inclusion in the smoking mixture, which is often used to quit smoking, is highly doubtful.

Some e-liquids contain too much nicotine. If these cigarettes are heavily abused, nicotine intoxication will occur and there will be health consequences.

The lethal dosage of nicotine is approximately 100 mg. For some people this figure may be higher, while for others it may be lower, it all depends on the characteristics of the body and immunity.

With constant consumption of nicotine, the following conditions and diseases arise:

  • increased blood glucose levels;
  • instability of blood pressure;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • unstable heart function;
  • heart failure;
  • myocardial infarction.

In order to get rid of bad habit Must have desire and willpower. Even more expensive substitutes tobacco products will not give results if a person does not have a strong desire to quit smoking.

Whatever you say, electronic cigarettes pose less of a health hazard, which is explained by the absence of toxic resins and other dangerous components in them. But nicotine is also present in the liquid for refilling, so the health hazard is obvious. The only exception is nicotine-free smoking liquid, which contains almost nothing except flavorings. Such a liquid is only in rare cases causes individual intolerance.

Having appeared on the market not so long ago, the electronic cigarette quickly became a competitor to the regular one. Some fans of the invention consider it a panacea for tobacco addiction, others – a fashion accessory, and the debate about whether electronic cigarettes are harmful or not does not cease. Where is the truth?

What is the composition of the liquid in electronic cigarettes?

Although a patent for electronic cigarettes was proposed back in the 60s of the last century, they were invented in our usual form only in 2004 by the Hong Kong company Ruyan Group Ltd. The structure of the cigarette is quite simple: essentially it is an electronic unit and an evaporator. The shape of a cigarette can be any - from the usual thin “cigarette” to a smoking pipe.

The power supply contains batteries that ensure the operation of the device. A vaporizer or atomizer consists of a heating element and a wick, and serves to uniformly supply liquid to the heating element, where it evaporates. Externally, this vapor resembles tobacco smoke.

An empty e-cigarette is simply a safe device, but an e-cigarette with liquid is the subject of fierce debate over its dangers and safety.

So what's in this liquid?

Liquid for e-cigarettes consists of the following components:

  • glycerin, necessary for vaporization, is an essential liquid component;
  • propylene glycol (not an essential component), which acts as a solvent for other components, allowing the liquid to be fluid and enhancing its taste;
  • water, which may not be present in the composition, acts on the principle of a solvent and gives the liquid additional fluidity;
  • nicotine, unlike traditional cigarettes, is not an essential component of electronic cigarettes; it is included in the composition of liquids in different dosages and acts as a psychoactive substance;
  • flavorings that add taste and smell to the composition, but are not essential;
  • dyes that determine color are also not required components.

The liquid has important characteristic– its thickness (or viscosity). The thickness depends on the concentration of glycerin - the more there is, the thicker the liquid. And the cheaper the cigarettes, the less thick the liquid they contain, and the less glycerin they contain, since with a weak supply, the cigarette wick does not have time to wet itself, and the coil overheats, which leads to failure of the device.

Smoking among young people is global problem, because It’s rare that a schoolchild doesn’t let out a ring of exhaled vapor. The question of what is more harmful, an electronic cigarette or a regular one, concerns everyone who has a smoker in their family.

Proven harm from classic cigarettes

Smoking has a detrimental effect on the smoker's body and his environment. Doctors have long since discovered that being near a person smoking a cigarette, has a very bad effect on health, especially children are susceptible to this.

Which Negative consequences causes a bad habit:

  1. Nicotine addiction. Conventional products differ from electronic cigarettes in that classics always contain nicotine to one degree or another. Nicotine is classified as a drug that causes the desire to smoke approximately every half hour to an hour. It is possible to get rid of nicotine simply by giving up cigarettes; the drug is completely eliminated from the body within 20 days; the psychological craving for smoking disappears after 2 months from the moment of the last cigarette.
  2. Resin deposition. Cigarette products contain a very harmful component - tar. If possible, choose cigarettes with reduced content nicotine, then the tar in tobacco products always has a fairly large volume. When smoking, the component is deposited on the mucous membranes of the larynx and in the lungs. It is under the influence of resin elements that they develop cancerous tumors And acute diseases respiratory system.
  3. Exposure to toxic elements in cigarette smoke. A smoker risks his health by inhaling smoke, tar, and nicotine. People around you are at risk simply by being near a lit cigarette.

    It has been proven that in families of smokers, children are more likely to develop asthma, bronchitis, and poorer health compared to their peers.

    Even if you smoke on the street, the smoke does not lose its concentration at a distance of several meters and a random passer-by can inhale the poison without even knowing it.

Harm from vaping

Vaping, vaping, wipe, soaring - that's all the name social phenomenon, which is increasingly replacing smoking classic cigarettes.

The development of the first electronic cigarette in 2003 in China convinced the government and medical institutions in the safety of the product and process. But after almost 15 years, scientists, pharmacists, and doctors more carefully studied the composition, the effects of the process, observed those who were addicted to blowing clouds of steam, and came to the conclusion that there is nothing good in this invention.

A simple electronic cigarette also causes significant harm to human health.

Differences between electronic and conventional cigarettes

The differences between electronic cigarettes and regular cigarettes can be easily presented in tabular form.

Regular cigarette

Electronic Cigarette

Necessary presence of nicotine.

There are nicotine-free liquids for electronic devices.

There are no resins, unlike regular ones, but there is propylene glycol.

Poisonous smoke for others.

The influence of steam on nearby people has not been studied.

Legislative restrictions on sales based on age.

Sales are carried out without restrictions.

Counterfeits, addition of foreign impurities.

Possible fakes.

Forces frequent purchases.

High price for the product.

Causes severe illness.

Causes acute diseases, including cancer.

If we consider the questions of what is better to smoke, what is more dangerous, an electronic cigarette or a regular one, you need to clarify the points in the table and the effect of some components of electronic devices on the human body.

Nicotine-free cartridges - they really exist, but they are in less demand than regular ones, with a certain drug content.

Propylene glycol is, of course, not the tar from a regular cigarette, but it can cause allergies, itching, cough, and sore throat.

Selling without obstacles due to a young age puts schoolchildren in danger, first of all, and develops in them a sense of impunity and disrespect for adults.

The cost of the product is quite high. Although there is evidence that a refilled cartridge lasts much longer than a regular cigarette, if you smoke without interruption, the difference in use time is reduced significantly.

Also, high cost does not mean quality; cases of counterfeit detection are not uncommon in the smoking products market.

The development of serious diseases is associated with:

  • influence of a complex of components;
  • incorrectly chosen dosage;
  • intolerance to the elements;
  • the presence of chronic diseases before starting smoking;
  • The influence of wipe devices on the body has not been fully studied.

The conclusion of the majority that electronic cigarettes are more harmful than regular ones, no matter what cartridges they come with, is justified and is more of a precautionary nature.

Why do people quit smoking regular cigarettes and go for a wipe? The hope that a gradual decrease in nicotine content or its complete absence will free you from addiction is unjustified; usually such smokers do not let go of the electronic cigarette, because. cannot get enough of the drug and, as a result, use their usual means again. And when figuring out which cigarettes are more harmful, electronic or regular, you need to know for sure - any smoking is harmful to health.

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