Endocrine system of the dog. Metabolic diseases and endocrinological syndromes in dogs. OKNs that secrete excess sex steroids

The endocrine system of dogs, like other animals, is a very complex mechanism, the operation of which depends on many factors. Therefore, even minor physiological changes may lead to hormonal imbalance. As a rule, any changes in the endocrine system almost always make themselves felt, in particular this affects the behavior and appearance of the pet. Moreover, hormonal imbalance can lead to changes in the digestive, nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Symptoms of hormonal disorders

As you know, hormonal disorders are common among mature pets: nulliparous and unsterilized dogs are especially susceptible. But, as already said, it depends on many factors.

Regarding symptoms that indicate changes in hormone levels, then it largely depends on the breed of the animal. For example, if this is a fighting breed, then first of all the changes will be reflected in the behavior and emotions of the pet. If we are talking about a long-haired breed, then disruptions in the endocrine system will, first of all, be noticeable by the appearance of the coat.

Before highlighting the main manifestations of hormonal disorders, it is necessary to highlight the most common diseases: hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, polycystic ovary syndrome, pyometra and Cushing's syndrome. As you can see, dogs are susceptible to the same diseases as people. An interesting fact is that hypothyroidism is much more common than hyperthyroidism, not only among animals, but also among people. Based on this, it can be distinguished following symptoms which may indicate hormonal imbalance:

  • Apathy, constant fatigue and general weakness in the pet, unusual for its breed.
  • Hair loss or deterioration in its quality.
  • Unreasonable aggression and increased excitability.
  • Intolerance to cold, which is not usually characteristic of dogs.
  • Enlargement of the vulva.
  • A short period of time between heats, hypertonicity of the genitals.
  • Bloody vaginal discharge, without signs of pregnancy.
  • Rapid gain of fat mass or obesity.
  • Constant thirst for water.
  • Muscle weakness.
  • Reduced immunity, susceptibility to colds and viruses.

If at least one symptom is present in your pet, then you should be sure to consult a veterinarian. In such cases, the animal must be diagnosed and subsequently treated. Pets often undergo surgery. It is worth noting that the listed Clinical signs they cannot all exist at the same time.

Causes of hormonal disorders

The main factors that take the animal’s body “by surprise” include:

  • The use of contraceptives against estrus.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Stress.
  • Lack of iodine in the body.
  • The presence of diseases that contribute to hormonal changes.
  • Pituitary tumor.

Interesting fact! Dogs' bodies, more than other animals, produce oxytocin, the so-called love hormone. It is he who makes these animals be loyal.

Treatment of diseases

As a rule, diagnosed dog diseases associated with impaired hormone production are treated only by therapeutic or surgical means. In other words, there are practically no folk methods for combating illnesses for pets. However, if the cause is related to digestive diseases, then the dog owner should take care proper nutrition your animal. Treatment unpleasant symptoms directly depends on the disease.

So, if you pet hypothyroidism is diagnosed, the doctor will prescribe hormone therapy, using thyroxine. In severe or advanced forms, the disease is treated surgically. The main manifestations of hypothyroidism are: apathy, muscle weakness, deterioration in wool quality, and in some cases obesity. The reasons have not been fully identified, but hormones thyroid gland may be caused by iodine deficiency or severe stress animal.

Hyperthyroidism, unlike hypothyroidism, is much less common, but if the disease occurs, veterinary specialists usually advise playing and walking with the pet more so that the animal is active. Usually, increased level thyroid hormones may manifest itself in aggression and increased excitability. Thyroxine synthesis decreases somewhat with physical activity.

Diseases such as Cushing's syndrome or pyometra are usually caused by the presence of a tumor. Pyometra is usually accompanied by bloody vaginal discharge and frequent estrus of the animal. In this case, the tumor is inside or next to reproductive organs. Cushing's syndrome occurs due to stress and usually leads to muscle weakness or obesity. If identified physiological reasons these diseases, the doctor will prescribe hormonal therapy using synthetic estrogens or progestins.

Much more difficult to diagnose. The fact is that in both people and animals this disease does not make itself felt for a long time. However, the disease can be noticed by the quality of the coat or by constant thirst pet. The disease is practically incurable: the animal is prescribed periodic insulin injections.

Actually the list hormonal diseases very wide. The ones listed are among the most common. It is worth considering that many diseases have similar symptoms, but different pathogenesis of development. Dog owners should be extremely attentive to their pets.

04/06/2016, 18:00

Baldness and dermatoses- These are diseases of the skin and hair that not only spoil the appearance, but also greatly complicate the life of the animal. Alopecia (baldness) leads to baldness, and dermatosis irritates the skin. There are many reasons that provoke these diseases, and one of them is an imbalance of sex hormones. Your veterinarian will likely suggest therapy or try to either lower or raise your hormone levels back to normal. How can we determine that a dog is suffering precisely because of an imbalance of sex hormones?


  1. Soft or dry brittle fur.
  2. Dandruff.
  3. Darkening of the skin.
  4. Acne on the skin.
  5. Abnormal skin appearance or shape of the nipples, breasts, vulva, foreskin of the penis or clitoris, testicles, ovaries and prostate gland.
  6. Secondary bacterial infection.
  7. Inflammation of the outer ear with copious discharge sulfur.
  8. A lack of estrogen and testosterone can result in urinary incontinence.

Where does hair fall out first?

  1. The perineum (the area between the vulva/scrotum and the anus).
  2. Stomach.
  3. Hips.
  4. Back of the neck.


As a rule, animals that have impaired hormonal balance. Depending on what type of disorder is present in the dog’s body, the specialist selects treatment.

One of the reasons is secondary ovarian dysfunction in bitches due to:

  • low level of production of sex hormones in the adrenal gland;
  • false pregnancy;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • hormonal imbalance after spaying in intact bitches;
  • baldness of the groin and darkening of the skin in Edel Terriers, Boxers and English bulldogs.

Dachshunds and boxers are most susceptible to this disease.

Primary ovarian dysfunction (hyperestrogenism in bitches)
This condition may be associated with ovarian cysts (especially in English Bulldogs), ovarian tumors (rare), or overdose of estrogen medications. More often, this dysfunction affects older animals.

Increased estrogen levels in male dogs (hyperestrogenism)


  • excess estrogen due to testicular tumor;
  • Cryptorchidism is a dysfunction of the testes due to undescended testicles.

Boxers, Shelties, and german shepherds, Weimar Pointers, Cairn Terriers, Pekingese and Collies.

Pseudohermaphroditism (a developmental disorder in which the internal genitalia of one sex are combined with the external genitalia of the other sex) occurs in miniature schnauzers. Dermatosis in males is treated with testosterone. The pathology is associated with a decrease in androgen levels. It may occur against the background of atrophy and tumors of the testes.


To make a correct diagnosis, your veterinarian will need full story your dog's health, including a history of symptoms, injuries and incidents that preceded the illness. The specialist must carefully examine your pet: conduct an external examination, do tests, including biochemical profile, full analysis blood, urine test, and electrolyte panels. A skin biopsy may be required to show the presence of sex hormones in the skin.

If necessary, your veterinarian will refer you for x-rays, ultrasound, and even laparoscopy (exploratory surgery where a small camera is inserted into the inside of the abdomen to examine organs). This will help detect ovarian or testicular abnormalities or a tumor.

To check adrenal function, an ACTH test may be required to test for the presence of the hormone adrenocorticotropin, and a test for adrenal dysfunction. Hormonal tests are also needed to check your testosterone levels.


If your dog is suffering from hormonal imbalances, spaying or neutering is one of the main treatment options. If your dog is on estrogen therapy and the results are not good for his health, your veterinarian should stop the therapy. Anti-dandruff shampoo and medications to treat or prevent bacterial skin infections and itching will also be helpful.

Endocrine glands or endocrine system

There are three types of glands in the body: exocrine and endocrine and mixed.

Exocrine glands have their own excretory ducts, through which the secretion of these glands passes to the working organ. Examples of the action of exocrine glands: lacrimation when dust particles enter the eye, secretion of pancreatic juice when acidic food enters the duodenum, or increased formation of synovial fluid when a joint is damaged.

Endocrine glands do not have excretory ducts and secrete their secretions - hormones - into the blood, which carries them throughout the body. Hormones are specific chemical compounds that are produced in the endocrine glands.

Mixed glands are both exocrine and endocrine, because they produce both hormones that are carried into the blood and secretions that act “on the spot.” An example would be the pancreas or gonads.

According to their chemical nature, all hormones can be divided into four groups:

    amine derivatives (tyrosine);

    Peptides and proteins (insulin);

    Steroids (adrenal hormones);

    Fatty acid.

Endocrine glands include organs, tissues, and groups of cells that secrete hormones into the blood through the walls of capillaries.

The following endocrine glands exist in the form of organs: pituitary gland, pineal gland (epiphysis), thyroid and parathyroid glands, adrenal glands. Mechanisms of action and properties of hormones

The following mechanisms may be involved in the regulation of hormone secretion:

A. Presence of a specific metabolite in the blood. For example, excess glucose in the blood causes the pancreas to secrete insulin, which lowers blood glucose levels.

B. The presence of another hormone in the blood. For example, many hormones secreted by the anterior pituitary gland stimulate the secretion of hormones by other glands in the body.

B. Stimulation from the autonomic nervous system. For example, when there is anxiety, stress or danger, cells in the adrenal medulla begin to secrete adrenaline and norepinephrine.

In the first two cases, the time of hormone secretion and its amount is regulated according to the feedback principle. Both positive and negative feedback are involved in the regulation of the activity of the gland, but positive feedback, which increases the instability of the system, acts as part of the general regulatory mechanism. For example, the release of luteinizing hormone (LH) under the influence of estrogens is carried out according to the feedback principle, but its excessive secretion is prevented at the appropriate moment by progesterone, released under the influence of LH.

The secretion of hormones stimulated by some other hormone is usually under the control of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, and the final metabolic or trophic effect may result from the secretion of three different hormones. This kind of cascade mechanism is of great importance, since thanks to it, the effect of small amounts of the original hormone in the endocrine chain is enhanced many times over.

Hormones have specificity and act only on those target cells that have special receptors of a protein or lipoprotein nature that react with this hormone. Cells that are not targets for this hormone do not have such receptors, and therefore the hormone does not affect them.

Many hormones have specific sites in their molecule responsible for attachment to the receptor.

The release of hormones from the adenohypophysis is regulated by feedback from the hormones of the target glands. This happens as follows: the pituitary hormone stimulates the corresponding peripheral gland, and the level of its hormones in the blood increases; this leads to suppression of the secretion of hypothalamic factor (liberin) and pituitary hormone; as a result, the activity of the peripheral gland decreases, and when the concentration of its hormones in the blood falls below a certain level, their inhibitory effect on the hypothalamus and pituitary gland decreases and the latter again increase the secretion of hormones.


Hormones determine the intensity of protein synthesis, the size of cells, their ability to divide, the growth of the entire organism and its individual parts, the formation of sex and reproduction, various forms of adaptation and the maintenance of homeostasis; higher nervous activity. Hormones influence all these processes by activating the enzymes that carry out these processes. Target cells have special receptors for many hormones. Each type of hormone molecule can only bind to its receptor on the cell membrane.


Chemical nature

Target tissue

Functions (or effects)

Factors regulating activity


Liberins and statins. Hormones from the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland are also produced here.


Regulation of the secretion of specific pituitary hormones

Secretion is regulated by the level of metabolites and hormones according to the feedback principle

Posterior pituitary gland -


No hormones are produced here, but the following are stored and secreted:

breast, uterus

Negative feedback mechanism involving hormones and the nervous system


Stimulation of active milk excretion by the mammary gland and uterine contractions during childbirth

Antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin)

decreased diuresis

blood osmotic pressure

Anterior pituitary gland


Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)


seminiferous tubules, ovarian follicles

In males - stimulation of spermatogenesis;

in females - stimulation of egg follicle growth

Plasma estrogen and testosterone levels act through the hypothalamus

(lyuliberin stimulates, inhibin suppresses)

Luteinizing hormone (LH)


interstitial cells of the testes and ovaries

In males - stimulation of testosterone secretion;

in females - stimulation of the secretion of estrogen and progesterone, as well as ovulation, maintaining the existence of the corpus luteum

Plasma testosterone levels; acts through the hypothalamus.

Plasma estrogen levels; acts through the hypothalamus

(Luliberin stimulates)




Stimulation of the formation and secretion of milk, development of the mammary glands, awakens the parental instinct in females

Hypothalamic hormones

(prolactostatin inhibits the action), increased concentration of estrogens stimulates secretion

Thyroid-stimulating hormone(TSG)



Stimulation of synthesis and secretion of thyroid hormones and growth of the thyroid gland

Level of thyroid hormones in plasma; acts through the hypothalamus (stimulated by thyroid hormones, suppressed by thyroid hormones)

Adenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

adrenal cortex

Stimulation of the synthesis and secretion of hormones of the adrenal cortex, as well as the growth of this gland

Plasma ACTH and corticosteroid levels; acts through the hypothalamus


Growth hormone (somatotropic hormone, STH)

all fabrics

Stimulation of protein synthesis and growth, especially of limb bones

Hypothalamic hormones (somatoliberin stimulates, suppressed by somatostatin)

Epithelial body

Parathyroid hormone

bones, kidneys

Increasing the level of Ca and phosphorus ions in the blood and mobilizing calcium from the bones, and reducing the excretion of calcium by the kidneys and enhancing its absorption from the intestines

Plasma Ca and Po levels

(secretion is enhanced by a decrease in calcium in the blood)


amino acid derivative


causes melanin aggregation (skin lightening)

Synthesis and secretion are controlled by the length of daylight hours and are enhanced in the dark (or in blindness)


Triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4),

amine derivatives

most cells, especially muscle, heart, liver, and kidney cells

Regulation of basal metabolism, growth and development, increases metabolic rate, accelerates growth and development


bones, kidneys

Reduces the release of calcium from bones and increases its concentration in the blood, as well as the excretion of calcium and phosphorus

The level of Ca and PO in plasma (secretion is enhanced by an increase in the concentration of calcium in the blood0

Adrenal cortex

Glucocorticoids (cortisol)


liver, adipose tissue, muscles

Stimulation of protein breakdown, glucose and glycogen synthesis. Adaptation to stress. Anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effect

Mineralocorticoids (aldosterone)


distal renal tubules

Na retention in the kidneys, increased Na/K ratio in extracellular and intracellular fluids. Increased blood pressure

Promotes reabsorption of sodium ions from renal filtrate

Plasma Na and K levels, low blood pressure

Adrenal medulla

Adrenaline (epinephrine)

amino acid derivatives (catecholamines)

most cells

Increased heart rate and strength, narrowing of capillaries in the skin and internal organs. Dilatation of arterioles in the heart and skeletal muscles. Increased blood glucose levels

Sympathetic nervous system through the nerves of the internal organs

Norepinephrine (norepinephrine)

amino acid derivatives

most cells

General narrowing of small arteries, increased blood pressure

Nervous system

Pancreatic hormones

(Islands of Langerhans)

(beta cells)

all tissues (except nervous)

Increases cellular uptake of glucose and amino acids and reduces their levels in the blood

Secretion is stimulated high concentration glucose and is inhibited by glucagon, somatostatin inhibits secretion


(alpha cells)

liver, adipose tissue

Increased blood glucose levels, increased breakdown of glycogen into glucose in the liver

Secretion is stimulated low content blood glucose

Kidney hormones

activates the hormone angiotensin, which induces the adrenal cortex to secrete aldosterone, which stimulates the active transfer of sodium from the filtrate into the plasma, i.e. sodium ion absorption

Secretion increases with increased sympathetic stimulation of the kidneys, with a decrease in plasma sodium ions, with a decrease in renal arteriolar distension, blood volume or pressure.



Bone marrow

causes bone marrow hyperplasia, increases the formation and yield of red blood cells

Secretion increases with low partial pressure of oxygen in the atmosphere and with anemia


pelvic ligaments

causes relaxation of the pelvic ligaments and cervix

Secretion increases with increasing levels of progesterone and estrogen in the blood during late pregnancy

estrogens and progesterones

most fabrics

promotes the development and maintenance of female secondary sexual characteristics and behavior, oocyte maturation, regulation of the ovulation cycle, maintenance of pregnancy

Secretion is stimulated by LH and FSH

Corpus luteum

estrogens and progesterones

uterus, mammary glands

stimulation of growth and development of the uterus, continued development of the fetus, stimulates the development of mammary ducts

LH and prolactin, developing fetus


human chorionic gonadotropin, placental lactogen

corpus luteum, fetus, mammary glands

Maintaining the corpus luteum, stimulating mammary gland growth

developing fetus



most fabrics

promotes the development and maintenance of male secondary sexual characteristics, behavior and spermatogenesis

The main centers of coordination and integration of the functions of two regulatory systems (nervous and endocrine) are the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. The hypothalamus plays a leading role in collecting information from other parts of the brain and from its own blood vessels. This information is transmitted to the pituitary gland, which, by secreting specific hormones, directly or indirectly regulates the activity of all other endocrine glands.


The hypothalamus is located at the base of the forebrain directly below the thalamus and above the pituitary gland. It consists of several sections - nuclei, which are clusters of neuron bodies, the axons of which end on the blood capillaries in the median eminence and in the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland. The regulation of many physiological functions (hunger, thirst, sleep, production and release of heat) is carried out nervously with the help of impulses coming from the hypothalamus along the nerves of the autonomic systems. At the same time, control over endocrine secretion by the hypothalamus is based on its ability to record the content of metabolites and hormones in the blood. The information entering the hypothalamus, along with information from many other parts of the brain, is transmitted to the pituitary gland - either by releasing special hormones into the bloodstream, or through neurons. In the latter case, specialized neurons serve as transmitters - neurosecretory cells.

All nerve endings are isolated in synaptic endings chemical substances- mediators, but in neurosecretory cells this ability has reached especially high development. Substances formed in the bodies of these cells are packaged into granules or vesicles and transported along the axon with the axoplasmic current. The nerve endings of these cells form synapses on the capillaries, into which they release their secretion under the influence of nerve impulses passing along the axon. In certain areas of the anterior hypothalamus, vasopressin and oxytocin are formed, which then flow along the axons to the neurohypophysis. In other areas of the hypothalamus, stimulants (liberins) and inhibitors (statins) are formed.


The pituitary gland is a small red-brown gland. The pituitary gland is located at the base of the skull in the sella turcica of the carotid bone, is anatomically connected to the hypothalamus by a stalk and consists of two lobes - anterior and posterior.

Anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, or adenohypophysis. This section is formed from an upwardly directed outgrowth of the roof of the primary oral cavity. It is connected to the hypothalamus by blood vessels. The nerve endings of specialized nerve cells of the hypothalamus secrete two groups of substances into these blood vessels: liberins and statins. From the blood vessels, these factors enter the anterior pituitary gland, stimulate or inhibit the release of one or more “tropic” hormones, which are produced and stored here and act as specific regulators of other hormones. endocrine glands. “Tropic” hormones are released by the cells of the adenohypophysis into the bloodstream, distributed by the blood throughout the body and act on specific target organs.

Adrenocorticosteroid hormone (ACTH)- the main stimulator of the adrenal cortex. This hormone is released during stress, spreads through the bloodstream and reaches the target cells of the adrenal cortex; adrenaline and norepinephrine are released into the blood, which have a sympathetic effect on the body.

Luteinizing hormone (LH) is the main regulator of the biosynthesis of sex hormones in male and female gonads, as well as a stimulator of growth and maturation of follicles, ovulation, formation and functioning of the corpus luteum in the ovaries.

Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) increases the sensitivity of follicles to the action of LH, and also stimulates spermatogenesis.

Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) - the main regulator of the biosynthesis and secretion of thyroid hormones.

Somatotropic hormone or growth hormone (GH)- the most important regulator of body growth and protein synthesis in cells; also participates in the formation of glucose and the breakdown of fats; Part hormonal effects mediated through increased liver secretion of somatomedin (growth factor).

In addition to tropic hormones, the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland produces hormones that perform an independent function. Prolactin regulates lactation, differentiation of various tissues, growth and metabolic processes, instincts of nursing offspring. Lipotropins- regulators of fat metabolism.

Posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, or neurohypophysis. This section develops as an inferior extension of the hypothalamus. It does not synthesize any hormones, but only stores and releases two hormones - antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin) and oxytocin. Antidiuretic hormone and oxytocin are formed in the bodies of neurosecretory cells lying in the nuclei of the hypothalamus and transported along their axons to the neurohypophysis.

Antidiuretic hormone is released into the blood when the water content in plasma decreases; it enhances the reabsorption of water in the distal tubules and collecting ducts of the kidneys, and it is retained in the plasma. At the same time, the amount of urine decreases and its osmotic concentration increases.

Under the influence of vasopressin, the permeability of the collecting ducts of the kidney and the tone of the arterioles increase. Its entry into the general bloodstream occurs when the osmotic pressure of the blood plasma increases, as a result of which the osmoreceptors of the hypothalamus are activated. When the osmotic pressure of the blood plasma decreases, the activity of osmoreceptors is inhibited and the secretion of vasopressin decreases. Using this feedback mechanism, the constancy of the osmotic pressure of the blood plasma is regulated. If the synthesis, transportation, secretion or action of vasopressin is disrupted, diabetes insipidus(symptoms: passing large amounts of urine with low relative density (polyuria) and constant feeling thirst; in patients, diuresis exceeds the norm by at least 10 times. When water intake is limited, patients become dehydrated. The secretion of vasopressin is stimulated by a decrease in the volume of extracellular fluid, pain, some emotions, stress, as well as a number of drugs - caffeine, morphine, barbiturates. Alcohol and an increase in the volume of extracellular fluid reduce the release of the hormone. The effect of vasopressin is short-lived because it is quickly destroyed in the liver and kidneys

Oxytocin causes contractions of the uterus during childbirth and active removal of milk from the nipples. Sensitivity to oxytocin increases with the introduction of female sex hormones. The maximum sensitivity of the uterus to oxytocin is observed during ovulation and on the eve of childbirth. During these periods, the greatest release of the hormone occurs. The descent of the fetus through the birth canal stimulates the corresponding receptors, which transmit signals to the nuclei of the hypothalamus, which increase the secretion of oxytocin. During sexual intercourse, the secretion of the hormone increases the frequency and amplitude of uterine contractions, facilitating the transport of sperm into the oviducts. Oxytocin stimulates milk production by causing contraction of the myoepithelial cells lining the mammary ducts. As a result of increased pressure in the alveoli, milk is squeezed into large ducts and is easily released through the nipples. When the tactile receptors of the mammary glands are stimulated, impulses are sent to the neurons of the hypothalamic nucleus and cause the release of oxytocin from the neurohypophysis. The effect of oxytocin on milk production occurs 30-90 s after the start of nipple stimulation.

Pineal gland or pineal gland

The pineal gland is a tiny gland formed from the roof of the diencephalon and covered on top by the corpus callosum and cerebral hemispheres. The pineal gland has no direct connection with the central nervous system, but is richly supplied with blood vessels. It secretes hormones - melatonin, serotonin, antigonadotropin. The pineal gland innervates sympathetic neurons, which are influenced by the brain nuclei that receive signals from the photoreceptors of the retina, i.e. neurosecretion of the pineal gland depends on illumination. In the dark, melatonin synthesis increases, and this hormone, acting through the brain, changes the activity of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands and gonads. Melatonin acts on the brain and influences the timing of a number of physiological processes such as puberty, ovulation and sleep (melatonin administration induces sleep). The pineal gland plays the role of a “biological clock” and acts as an organ that converts periodic nervous activity caused by light into endocrine secretion. Melatonin regulates pigment metabolism.

Serotonin is a precursor to melatonin. Studies have shown that the content of serotonin in the pineal gland is greater than in other organs, and depends on the species, age of the animal, as well as on the light regime. It is subject to daily fluctuations with maximum levels during the daytime.

Epithelial body

Parathyroid glands - located near the wall of the thyroid glands in the form of two to four small round or oval bodies. These glands secrete the hormone parathyroid hormone. Secretion of parathyroid hormone maintains plasma calcium concentration at normal levels and reduces plasma phosphate concentration. The function of the parathyroid glands is regulated by a simple feedback mechanism. Reduced activity of the parathyroid glands - hypoparathyroidism - leads to a decrease in the level of calcium in the plasma and tissues as a result of its excretion in the urine; as a result, tetany may develop - a pathological tendency to prolonged muscle contraction. At the same time, phosphate excretion decreases, and its level in plasma increases.

Recently, the hormone calcitonin was discovered, which, in contrast to parathyroid hormone, causes a decrease in calcium concentration.


In dogs, the thyroid gland is located on the right and left on the wall of the trachea and has the appearance of oval-elongated lobes. There may be additional thyroid glands in the form of round and oval bodies located at the caudal edge of the main thyroid gland or in a chain on the trachea and above the pericardium. Inside the lobes there are follicles lined with secreting epithelium, which produce iodine-containing hormones - thyroxine(T3 ), triiodothyronine (T4 ) and thyrocalcitonin. These hormones (T3 and T4) are involved in the regulation of basal metabolism, growth and development, and thyrocalcitonin regulates the concentration of calcium in the plasma.

When the thyroid gland is activated by thyroid-stimulating hormone of the adenohypophysis, the cells of the secreting epithelium become cylindrical and on their inner surface microvilli appear.

Formation and secretion of thyroid hormones

Iodine enters the thyroid gland in the form of I ions, which are actively absorbed by secreting epithelial cells from the blood. Then the ions become iodine molecules, which react with the amino acid tyrosine, which is part of thyroglobulin, a protein secreted by secreting cells into the lumen of the follicle. Further iodination of tyrosine molecules and subsequent conversion leads to the formation of two thyroid hormones T3 and T4.

T function3 IT4

T3 and T4 have a great influence on many metabolic processes, including the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and vitamins. Their main physiological effect is to increase the intensity of basal metabolism - calorigenic effect. The calorigenic effect is associated with an increase in oxygen absorption and the rate of enzymatic reactions. This ultimately leads to increased production of ATP and heat in the tissues.

Together with growth hormone, T3 and T4 stimulate protein synthesis, which leads to accelerated growth.

In many metabolic processes influenced by thyroxine, its role is to enhance the action of other hormones (insulin, adrenaline, etc.).

Regulation of thyroxine and triiodothyronine secretion

Thyroid hormones have a longer-lasting effect than most other hormones, so maintaining constant levels is vital. important for the body. This is one of the reasons why T3 and T4 are stored in the gland and are ready to be released into the blood at any time. The release of T3 and T4 from the thyroid gland is regulated by their concentration in the blood. This regulation is carried out at the level of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus according to the feedback principle. When the concentration of hormones becomes higher than that necessary to maintain a constant level of basal metabolism, they suppress the secretion of thyroid hormone-releasing hormone by the hypothalamus and thyroid-stimulating hormone by the pituitary gland. This mechanism is influenced by external factors, which, through the overlying centers of the brain, stimulate the release of thyrotropin-releasing hormone; As a result, the pituitary gland's sensitivity threshold to feedback signals changes.

Smirnova O. O., candidate biological sciences, veterinarian therapist. Veterinary Clinic of Neurology, Traumatology and intensive care, Saint Petersburg.

List of abbreviations used: HAC – hyperadrenocorticism, OKN – tumor of the adrenal cortex, 17-GP – 17-hydroxyprogesterone.

To diseases endocrine system, which interfere with skin healing in dogs include GAK; hypothyroidism; diabetes.
Endocrine diseases that interfere with skin healing in cats include HAC; OKN, secreting excess sex steroids; diabetes; cellulite.

The most common among these pathologies in everyday veterinary practice are HAC, hypothyroidism in dogs and diabetes mellitus in both types of animals. Probability of developing the rest listed diseases below, but nevertheless we should not forget about them and should add them to the list differential diagnoses if appropriate symptoms are present. Also, the list does not indicate such a possible pathology in cats as hypothyroidism, since the likelihood of developing hypothyroidism in cats is extremely low and basically this pathology is either iatrogenic (as a consequence of thyroidectomy or treatment radioactive iodine patients with hyperthyroidism), or congenital. Since these cases are casuistic, we will not consider them. Besides, in Russian Federation Radioactive iodine treatment is not currently available.
At the same time, today the frequency of diagnosis of cases of both iatrogenic and spontaneous HAC in cats continues to increase. This is likely due to the development of specialization in small animal veterinary medicine, a better understanding of feline diseases, the desire of owners to conduct more complex examinations of their pets, growing awareness of this disease, greater familiarity veterinarians with many variants of disorders associated with excess glucocorticoids, and an increase in the life expectancy of domestic cats in principle 2.
In this article we will consider only aspects of pathologies of the endocrine system, united by cause-and-effect relationships with impaired regeneration of soft tissues, without touching on other clinical, diagnostic and treatment issues that might be of interest to the clinician when establishing these diagnoses. To confirm any of the diagnoses, we will need specific laboratory tests and visual diagnostic methods, the choice of which will be based on the characteristics of the anamnesis and clinical picture demonstrated by the patient. Discussion of methods differential diagnosis is also beyond the scope of this article.
It is important to understand that some of these diseases do not always lead directly to impaired tissue healing. In certain cases, they simply contribute to the development of an infectious (secondary bacterial or fungal) process, which, in turn, is the reason for the absence or slowdown of normal regeneration 7, 8.
Leather healthy dogs and cats are colonized by various bacterial and fungal organisms. They are usually non-pathogenic and, moreover, prevent colonization by pathogenic species of microorganisms through competition. Potential pathogenic microorganisms, such as coagulase-positive staphylococci, often colonize mucous membranes, including - oral cavity. Thus, these microorganisms can be introduced when an animal licks a diseased body surface.
Infection with Gram-negative species can result from oral-fecal or environmental contamination.
Majority skin infections develops when a combination of virulence factors and changes in skin condition allow microorganisms to overwhelm the skin's physical, chemical and immunological defenses. Often recurrent pyoderma is secondary to primary cutaneous or systemic diseases. This leads to epidermal damage, inflammation, and additional bacterial colonization and proliferation. Staphylococci and Malassezia also produce mutually beneficial growth factors. The vast majority of pyoderma in dogs is associated with coagulase-positive staphylococci. The most common species is Staphylococcus intermedius, and S. aureus, S. hyicus and S. schleiferi have also been isolated.
Superficial pyoderma characterized by a bacterial infection localized in the stratum corneum of the skin and in hair follicles. This form The disease is much less common in cats and is associated with a wider range of microorganisms, including S. intermedius, S. felis, S. aureus, Pasteurella multocida and anaerobes (although the latter are more common in abscesses). Methicillin-resistant species, including S. intermedius, S. aureus, and S. schleiferi, have recently been isolated from dogs and cats. The latter two bacterial species are likely associated with deeper, opportunistic infections12.
Secondary pyodermas are common early manifestations hypothyroidism and HAC, this skin disease may be noted even before the appearance of systemic clinical signs 8.

A detailed consideration of these pathologies from the point of view of skin lesions that impede tissue regeneration

One of the most common among them is the HAK of dogs. Sick dogs show a tendency to bruise, a decrease in the number of subcutaneous fat and skin stretch marks. The characteristic “fragility” appears not only in the skin, but also in the blood vessels. For example, after a banal puncture of a vein to take a blood sample or other even minor injuries, excessive bruising may occur. Rarely, bruising occurs due to metal staples in surgical suture installed several years ago. Subcutaneous tissue atrophy due to the catabolic effects of excess cortisol may also predispose to bruising. Wounds heal more slowly, probably due to the formation of a fragile, thin scar. Possible edge separation skin wounds due to insufficient fibrous tissue. For the same reason, long-healed wounds, including those from previous operations, can diverge (Fig. 1, 2) 2.

Atrophy of the glands of the hair root and epidermis is observed in 30–40% of dogs with HAC, which is likely due to the antiproliferative effect of glucocorticoids on fibroblasts with suppression of the synthesis of collagen and mucopolysaccharides. In humans, treatment local forms glucocorticoids reduce the synthesis of collagen types I and III; this may also be the case with HAC in dogs 2. Quite often these patients develop pyoderma, apparently due to multiple local skin changes and immune suppression from excess cortisol, which may be difficult to treat. In approximately 10% of cases of spontaneous HAC, demodicosis is detected that developed in adulthood. Specified inflammatory diseases skin, in turn, also prevent tissue regeneration 2.
It should also be remembered about secondary hyperparathyroidism, developing against the background of GAK. This pathology contributes to the activation of osteoclasts and, accordingly, osteodystrophy. A decrease in bone density and the process of its resorption prevent bone tissue regeneration during surgical interventions 2, 19.


The etiology and pathogenesis of the disease are associated with excessive androgenic stimulation. It may be caused by increased androgen production in testicular neoplasia (particularly interstitial cell tumors). Also, androgen stimulation may be associated with changes in peripheral metabolism of sex steroids and/or changes in the number or activity of peripheral receptors. Less commonly, in castrated males and females, pathology becomes a consequence of the synthesis of androgens in the OKN. The tissues of the perianal glands are androgen-dependent in males and females, so such patients are often diagnosed with gland hyperplasia or adenoma.
In males (including castrated ones) also for androgenic stimulation of OKN prostate will respond by developing hyperplasia.
Androgens stimulate epidermal hyperproliferation, increase sebum secretion and inhibit the onset of anagen. Dermatological manifestations include oily seborrhea, seborrheic dermatitis, otitis, alopecia, hypertrichosis (caused by abnormal retention of hair in the follicles) 12.
There are anecdotal reports of dogs that have been diagnosed with OCs that secrete sex hormones. In this case, patients had low serum cortisol concentrations, but clinical signs, presumably due to sex hormones, were consistent with OAB. Two dogs with ACC had clinical signs of HAC despite marked reductions in serum cortisol concentrations following ACTH administration. One tumor secreted progesterone, 17-GP, testosterone, and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, while the other secreted androstenedione, estradiol, progesterone, and 17-GP. In a publication describing 8 dogs with ACI and symptoms of HAC, three had decreased serum cortisol concentrations after an ACTH stimulation test, and one had an increased concentration of 17-GP; other sex hormones were not measured in these dogs, as were the other two dogs with cortisol concentrations below normal 2.

Hypothyroidism in dogs

Thyroxine plays a role in the normal immune response. Depletion of thyroxine suppresses humoral immunity and impairs T-cell function, and also reduces the number of lymphocytes in the circulating blood. Dogs with hypothyroidism may develop superficial bacterial infections (folliculitis, superficial spreading pyoderma, rash) characterized by papules, pustules, collar-shaped scaling and/or patches of alopecia. Such infections are usually caused by Staphylococcus spp. and are accompanied varying degrees itching. Hypothyroidism may be a predisposing factor for the development of demodicosis in adult dogs and chronic otitis externa 2.

Pituitary dwarfism

With this pathology, secondary bacterial and/or fungal infections 12. Changes in coat are caused by the preservation of secondary hairs and the absence of primary (guard) hairs. The skin progressively becomes hyperpigmented and scaly (Fig. 3) 19.
Diabetes mellitus in dogs and cats
In diabetes mellitus, secondary pyoderma, Malassezia and other fungal dermatitis have been reported 8. In addition to a predisposition to chronic recurrent skin infections, these patients may exhibit xanthomas (dermal accumulation of lipids secondary to diabetes mellitus)5.
A common pathophysiological feature of microvascular disorders in diabetes is the progressive narrowing and eventual occlusion of the lumen of blood vessels, which leads to insufficient blood supply and dysfunction of the affected tissues, as well as the death of cells that form capillaries.
Table 1 provides a schematic and overview of the main consequences of insulin deficiency 2.

Results from a retrospective study of 45 diabetic dogs conducted between 1986 and 2000 suggest that most dermatological changes in diabetic dogs can be attributed to concomitant diseases. However, no skin disease directly related to diabetes mellitus. The most common pathology in dogs with diabetes was a superficial bacterial skin infection. Otitis is also a common finding in these patients. The manifestation of deep infections was often interdigital furunculosis 7, 14.

GAK cats
Despite the development veterinary diagnostics and methods for treating pathologies of the endocrine system, GAK in cats is still considered rare disease and is accompanied by diabetes mellitus in approximately 80% of cats. Pituitary disease is present in 75–80% of cases of HAC, and 20–25% of cats suffer from cortisol-secreting tumors of the adrenal cortex (less commonly adrenal glands). In rare cases, adrenal tumors secrete steroid hormones other than cortisol. In addition to polyuria/polydipsia and weight loss usually associated with concomitant diabetes mellitus, typical clinical signs of feline HAC include an enlarged abdomen, an unkempt coat with seborrhea, thinning of the coat, lack of hair regrowth, and muscle weakness. IN severe cases the skin becomes fragile and very easily damaged (the so-called fragile skin syndrome develops, Fig. 4)5.

Skin signs HAKs are not always noted. Alopecia is observed only in 60–80% of cases. Fragile skin syndrome is noted in 15–30% of cases and is a dermatological sign of HAC, characteristic specifically of cats 5.
OKNs that secrete excess sex steroids
The number of cats described in the literature with OKN that oversecrete progestogens or other sex hormones is relatively small. Excess progestogens with typical symptoms of OAB have been described in some cats. A small number of cats experience increased androgen concentrations 2.
Progesterone-producing OCNs produce clinical signs identical to those caused by cortisol hypersecretion. This pathology, like GAK, contributes to the development of diabetes mellitus. This pathology, like GAC, is characterized by fragile skin syndrome. Skin signs are initially characterized by thinning of the skin, after which it spontaneously ruptures even from minor trauma (scratches, injections, etc.). In this case, bleeding and pain are usually absent. The skin of sick patients resembles appearance tissue paper. Histological examination of such skin shows epidermal and dermal atrophy. The epidermis consists of only one layer of keratinocytes; there are very few collagen fibers 8.

Feline hyperthyroidism

Dermatological signs in cats with hyperthyroidism are secondary and are associated with worsening grooming, that is, their fur becomes dry, matted, and seborrhea appears. However, chronic and recurrent inflammatory skin diseases are not typical for such patients 8.


Previously, the functions of fat were traditionally assessed as energy storage, thermal insulation, and structural support for certain organs. Classically, white adipose tissue was considered an inert and passive type connective tissue. But the discovery of leptin in the mid-1990s greatly increased interest in adipose tissue, which is now considered one of the important endocrine glands. Today it is known and generally accepted that adipose tissue is very active metabolically and is the largest endocrine organ in the body 6. The question of whether obesity in dogs and cats should be perceived as a disease still remains unresolved. Much remains unclear about obesity-associated diseases and their relationships in animals18. At the same time, there is a list of diseases that are considered to be associated with obesity. For cats, one of the sources indicated in the list of references for this article6 identified a list of diseases associated with obesity (type 2 diabetes mellitus, neoplasia, dental diseases, dermatological diseases, problems of the lower urinary tract, pregnancy complications, delayed wound healing, increased anesthetic/surgical risks) and likely leading to a reduction in life expectancy.


Cellulitis (inflammation of fatty tissue) in cats also interferes with tissue healing (Figure 5). Adipose tissue cells generate a wide variety of endocrine, paracrine and autocrine signals in the form of adipokines or adipocytokines, which are currently being intensively studied18. The metabolic role of most adipokines is complex and not fully understood18. However, perhaps one of their most important effects is their positive or negative impact on insulin sensitivity. Adipose tissue secretes more than 50 adipokines that influence metabolism, cell differentiation, tissue remodeling, immunity and inflammation10, but the most studied of them are leptin and adiponectin. In addition to adipokines, the following proinflammatory cytokines and acute phase proteins synthesized in adipocytes have now been identified: TNF-α, interleukin-1 and interleukin-6. They are quite well known and have both local and systemic pro-inflammatory effects4 and are also associated with the development of insulin resistance3.

TNF-α is a key component inflammatory process in obesity, which is expressed different cells, including macrophages, mast cells, neurons, fibroblasts and adipocytes 18. One of the main physiological effects of TNF-α is the induction of local insulin resistance. In this case, TNF-α suppresses the expression of genes responsible for insulin-dependent glucose consumption by cells 13 ; 15; 16 . In addition to inhibiting glucose transport into the cell, TNF-α reduces the uptake of free glucose by adipocytes. fatty acids and stimulates lipolysis and the release of free fatty acids into the systemic circulation 17 .


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