It's all from nerves, or psychosomatic disorders in children. Psychosomatics, or why children get sick. Treatment with love

To understand the essence of children's psychosomatics, it is necessary to remember that at the energetic level, parents and children are a single whole. This position has been repeatedly confirmed by research.

This fact is also noted by Dr. V. Sinelnikov: if the child is very small, he works with the parents. Parents change and the child recovers. If the child is an adult, the doctor works directly with him. As the child recovers, the parents themselves change.

V. Sinelnikov writes that even if parents hide their bad relationship, the child knows everything, feels due to the energetic connection that his subconscious contains all the information about their feelings and thoughts. Therefore, if parents have problems - the child either behaves strangely or is sick - this is how he reacts, since he cannot express in words what he feels.

From here, the doctor concludes, a child’s illness is a signal for parents to change themselves. But in practice, this signal is ignored and suppressed by pills. V. Sinelnikov notes that in this way the disease-signal does not disappear anywhere, but continues to destroy the child’s subtle field structures.

He argues that very often negative, destructive programs are laid in the subconscious of children already during pregnancy through negative thoughts and feelings, poor relationships between parents, and sometimes grandparents (for example, a mother’s thoughts about an abortion can subsequently cause pregnancy complications or childhood illnesses in a newborn ).

Psychologist, famous author of books on psychosomatics Liz Burbo claims, that children mainly suffer from diseases of the throat, nose, ears, eyes and skin. In her opinion, any childhood illness indicates that the child feels anger in connection with what is happening around him. But it is difficult for him to express his feelings: either because he does not know how to do it, or because his parents forbid him (“don’t scream,” “don’t cry,” etc.).

According to the position of Liz Burbo, these diseases appear when the child lacks attention and love.

Louise Hay believes that childhood illnesses are based on parental principles and behavior: belief in ideals, social ideas and false laws, as well as child behavior in adults (parents and other loved ones).

According to Dr. O. Torsunov, if there is no atmosphere of peace and tranquility in the family, then it is in this sense that the children will be very sick at first - they will be deprived of peace. This manifests itself as a feeling of intense heat in the body, a feeling of anxiety. They will cry, scream, rush about (restless mind and restless sleep). According to O. Torsunov, this indicates that no one in the family wants peace for others, that the family is aggressive inside, that aggression is developed towards others.

For seeking parents, we note that the psychosomatics of childhood illnesses is very well revealed in the book by Dmitrieva N.Yu. “Children’s psychosomatics: why our children get sick”, as well as in the article “A child is sick: treat dad and mom.”

Let's consider the possible causes of some psychosomatic diseases in children


The main reason is the parents’ fears (especially the mother’s, with or without reason (more likely without reason: small, but exaggerated, out of nowhere: this is about overly restless mothers). Another reason is the child’s subconscious feeling that he is unwanted.


Luule Viilma writes that the appearance of sore throat in girls under 1 year of age is based on problems in the relationship between parents. Quarrels between parents, which are accompanied by screaming.

Another reason for psychosomatic sore throat is the psychologically incorrect attitude of adults, or more precisely, parents, towards children (often gagging the child, prohibiting him from expressing his opinion or emotions, as well as protest: “don’t scream”, “don’t make noise”, “don’t cry”, “ too young to learn”, “shut up”, etc.). Crying, screaming, speaking are natural ways for children to express their attitude, and not just whims, as some parents think.


Appendicitis in children occurs due to their inability to get out of a deadlock situation.


Asthma and its psychosomatics Louise Hay reveals it well. In her opinion, in children this illness appears due to fear of life or reluctance to be in a given place. The question arises: if a child feels that he is loved and love and peace reign in the family, how can he have such negative experiences?

Some psychologists write that among the causes of childhood asthma there is a suppressed feeling of love and fear of life.

If we are talking about bronchial asthma, then it is based on the absence or lack of love and warmth of the mother and, conversely, an excess of suffocating care, overprotection of the mother.

Atopic dermatitis

In general, childhood skin diseases (chickenpox, measles, scarlet fever, rubella) are designated by B. Baginski and Sh. Shalila as the next step in the development of the child. In their opinion, something that is still unknown to him and therefore cannot be freely processed without difficulty appears on the surface of the skin. And after such illnesses, the child becomes more mature, which is noticed by others.

Atopic dermatitis occurs more often in children. As psychologists write, based on their practice, it is based on emotional reasons (lack of love or suppressed aggression due to parental overprotection).


Liz Burbo points out following reasons childhood allergies: allergies as rejection (constant quarrels between parents) and allergies as a way to attract attention (due to a feeling of lack of attention and love).

Sinelnikov notes that an allergic reaction in children is a reflection of the behavior of their parents.

Food allergies in children it speaks of the helplessness of the liver, and this, according to Luule Viilma, means that there is a lack of energy of the heart chakra: from the collapse of the parents’ love, the child’s heart is blocked by silent heart pain.

In her opinion, an allergy in the form of a scab on the skin speaks of muffled or suppressed pity in the mother, as well as sadness. A common allergy is the hatred and anger of parents towards everything, the fear of “they don’t like me” in a child. An allergy to fish products is a child’s protest against the self-sacrifice of their parents.

Luule Viilma writes that if a child allergy to wool– you need to take a closer look at the mother, since the reason may be her imbalance.

According to the observations of psychologists, allergies in children can also arise due to long separations from their mother, conflicts in the family, constant prohibitions and restrictions, as well as as a way to attract attention and satisfy the needs for love and affection.

In infants, the occurrence of an allergic reaction is closely related to state of mind mother, as well as emotions such as anxiety and fear.


Research on this disease has revealed that its causes should be sought in infancy, in the life of a child up to the age of 8 months (appears as a defensive reaction that allows you to “close yourself” from scandals in the family). According to Liz Burbo, such a child is too strongly connected karmically with his mother: it is possible that in a past life something very difficult and unpleasant happened between the child and his mother, and now he is taking revenge on her, rejecting the food and love that she offers him ( Let us remember the characteristic symptoms: silence, painful withdrawal into oneself, loss of appetite, absence of the pronoun “I” in his speech, inability to look people straight in the eyes).

The psychologist believes that the child unconsciously chooses the disease to escape reality, and notes that his actions indicate that he does not accept this incarnation.


V. Sinelnikov claims that if there are constant quarrels and conflicts in the family, then children begin to suffer from bronchopulmonary diseases.

Among the psychological causes of childhood bronchitis, psychologists highlight parental authoritarianism. With such parents, children are prohibited from expressing their desires and opinions out loud.

Luule Viilma believes that bronchitis in girls indicates problems with communication and love feelings.


The psychosomatics of childhood myopia is manifested in the fact that if there are constant troubles and conflicts in the family that cause suffering to the child’s soul, then his body, in order to ease the mental pain, weakens his vision.

Adolescence brings a growing person a lot of experiences related to his own future (it’s scary to become an adult, it’s scary to choose your own path (what if I make a mistake), etc.). The body's response to mental torment in in this case myopia will reappear.

Sometimes there are cases when a child is happy at home, but in big world(kindergarten, school) problems and discomfort in relationships await him. Then myopia appears as a protection from the outside world.

Viral diseases

Viral diseases in children, according to Luula Viilma, are a wordless struggle for their own survival. These illnesses are associated with their desire to leave home and die.

The doctor believes that complications of viral diseases in boys are due to the fact that the mother cannot cope with the father and therefore fights with him mentally and verbally.

Chicken pox, measles, mumps

Chicken pox, measles, mumps, according to Luule Viilma, indicate maternal anger due to impotence or maternal anger due to renunciation.

Congenital diseases in children

Psychologist Lise Burbo gives the following metaphysical explanation congenital diseases in children: such a disease indicates that the soul that incarnated in the newborn brought with it to this planet some unresolved conflict from its past incarnation.

She further explains that the soul incarnates many times, and its earthly lives can be compared to our days. And by analogy, it turns out that if a person injured himself and could not recover on the same day (in a previous life), then the next morning (present life) he will wake up with the same injury and continue to heal it. Therefore, in this life, a child with such an illness wants to heal a spiritual conflict from a past life. To do this, he simply needs the love and help of the parents he chose.

Here I would like to remind you that such a child “comes” to specific parents (and this is not a matter of the mother’s age, since both young and healthy parents such children are born). This means that the souls of the parents and the soul of such a child are somehow connected with each other and know for what purpose this is happening (souls always know, unlike the selfish mind that refuses to accept).

Some authors believe that a child with a congenital disease is the karma of the parents, a punishment for the parents, some consider it a test for the parents, and some consider it a blessing for the parents (that is, they are given the opportunity for spiritual growth through love for their unusual child).


Psychologists believe that the basis of this illness is an escape from something that cannot be comprehended by children (unreal fears associated with characters), as well as real fears (fear of the dark, etc.).

Liz Burbo believes that a person suffering from diarrhea is dominated by feelings of rejection and guilt. The psychologist characterizes them as hypersensitive children who, when fear appears, begin to reject the situation associated with fear.

B. Baginski and Sh. Shalila also write that diarrhea is based on problems associated with fear, when you want to quickly get rid of negative experiences or impressions.


The causes of constipation in children, according to A. Nekrasov, lie in the relationship between the parents. This disorder in a child says that there is no dynamics in their worldview, that they live with the old (old outdated and unnecessary principles, ideas, thoughts, emotions, etc.).


According to Liz Burbo, stuttering occurs due to a fear of expressing one's needs and desires. Such a child, the psychologist believes, is afraid of those who represent power for him (father, mother, grandparents) and he is afraid to show or express anything in front of them.

Louise Hay writes that the psychological causes of this illness are a feeling of insecurity, a lack of opportunity for self-expression, and also when the child is forbidden to cry.

Runny nose

Psychologists believe that a runny nose indicates a child’s low self-esteem, his urgent need to understand his value in this world, and the need to recognize his abilities.

Luule Viilma sees a constant state of resentment as the basis for chronic runny nose.


V. Sinelnikov writes that when there is noise and quarrels in the family, the child often reacts to this with ear inflammation, signaling to parents that he needs silence, peace and tranquility, harmony in the family.

Increased temperature, fever

Luule Viilma identifies the following reasons for high fever: tension in a quarrel with the mother, exhaustion, strong, bitter anger, anger when judging the culprit, overwhelm with stress.

In other words, the child is filled with anger, anger, he literally “boils” because he cannot or does not know how to express his emotions. Even doctors remind that an increase in temperature in children can occur after hysteria and intense crying, which are an indicator and expression of children’s anger (therefore, they cannot be prohibited from expressing this way - they need to free themselves from negativity).

Psychosomatic temperature can also be a reaction of the child’s body to stress associated with a change in the usual environment (moving, changing the environment or daily routine, visiting a kindergarten, etc.). It has been noticed that as soon as children return to their familiar environment, this symptom disappears.


As psychologists note, this illness indicates that children are forced to do something that is not theirs, something that they do not like. This is especially evident when parents force them to attend some clubs, but the child likes something completely different.


According to psychologist Liz Burbo, this illness indicates that the child restrains himself so much during the day that at night he is no longer capable of it. He is very afraid of the one who represents power for him - the father (or the one who performs the functions of the father): he is afraid of not pleasing, not meeting his expectations.

Louise Hay also believes that enuresis in children is based on fear of their parents, usually their father.

Dr. Luule Viilma sees the cause of the illness as the child’s fear for the father, associated with the mother’s fears and anger directed at the child’s father .

Ways to heal psychosomatic illnesses in children

To begin with, let us remember that based on his practice, Dr. V. Sinelnikov concludes that all diseases of children are a reflection of the behavior and thoughts of their parents.

Hence a hint for parents: parents can help their child recover by CHANGING THEIR principles, thoughts and behavior.

I also agree with the position of psychologists that a child’s illness is his CRY for help. The child needs psychological help and emotional support from his parents because he feels bad, he is in pain, he is scared because of incomprehensible but frightening situations in his life (coldness in relationships, a noisy quarrel between two people dear to him, rejection of himself (shouting at him “wrong”, “you’re doing it wrong”, etc.)).

Parents must remember that the child reflects the father and mother (physically this is true: 23 pairs of chromosomes are transmitted to the child from the father, 23 from the mother). And on the energy plane, it is through them that the male and female principles of the Universe are present and develop in him.

If conflicts occur between dad (the symbol of the masculine principle) and mother (the symbol of the feminine principle), then the child cannot connect and absorb into his inner world these two cosmic energies, which are so important in the life of every person. Therefore, an imbalance and conflict begins inside him, in his soul, which provokes negative experiences. And long-term negative experiences, as we already know, lead to disruptions in the functioning of the child’s body and to illness.

It follows that if parents want their child to grow up healthy and happy, they, they are the ones who must treat each other well, their child (he is you), and the world around him.

This is all possible, provided that Love and Peace reign in their souls. All that remains is to cultivate these vital feelings and states of mind within yourself.

Yes, it also happens that often a child (his soul) chooses for himself a difficult illness (autism, etc.) for certain reasons known only to him. Therefore, parents should not blame themselves or anyone else: if this is the choice and decision of the child, then his soul (and with it, the souls of the parents, since such a child came to them) needs to go through this life lesson to develop certain qualities and abilities.

Another important point: RESPONSIBILITY. Always remember that it was you, the parents who wanted to become a father and mother and dreamed of a child, calling for him to come to you (do not forget that someone has been begging for years for this miracle to come to them). The child responded and came. What did you do in preparation for his arrival? Have you cultivated love and patience, understanding and harmony, and other qualities necessary for a friendly family?

Yes, even when you want to say that this conception happened by accident, the question arises: how did two adults allow themselves to be so irresponsible (what else can you call it?) so that the little angel who is a reflection of you subsequently suffered?

That is, when your child suffers (whether from illness, from scandals, etc.) - it is a part of yourself that suffers, your blood part, a part of your soul. Knowing this, every normal person will do everything to stop suffering and create conditions of Love and Peace in his family.

And there is no need to make the excuse that “we were raised this way and that.” Yes, your parents didn’t know such “subtle” things, they loved you and raised you the best they could, thinking that they were doing everything right.

But now everything is in your hands. You can give your child what (I mean love, warmth, kindness, attention, sensitivity, respect, etc.) that you would like to have the same attitude towards you, since your child is you, an extension of you. After all, if your child is happy and healthy, you will be happy and healthy (since you will not have worries or heavy thoughts about him, but will only have joy from his achievements). So, go ahead!

I wish you happy parenting and a happy family!

In order for psychosomatic disorders to appear, at a minimum, information about negative events and other factors described above are necessary. A newly born baby has contact with the outside world thanks to the senses of the mother, with whom he has a strong symbiotic relationship. Therefore, any negative emotions or shocks experienced by the mother are perceived by the child as part of her. A child can react to the mother’s anxiety, anxiety, depression, and despair only by changing his physical health. Even premature babies of mothers experiencing financial adversity, betrayal of loved ones or illness of parents respond to them with stunted growth, persistent loss of body weight and inability to absorb the nutrition they receive.

Psychosomatic disorders in early childhood varied and sometimes enduring. Infantile colic - attacks of abdominal pain, occurring with strong screams, crying, restlessness, bloating and lasting minutes or hours. Habitual regurgitation - regurgitation of a small amount of food received during feeding. Sometimes combined with finger sucking, sleep disturbances, tearfulness, etc. Anorexia - lack of appetite, which often occurs in especially active, irritable children. Can be selective and depend on who is feeding or from what utensil. Peak symptom - a perversion of appetite in which children tend to eat inedible substances: coal, clay, paint, earth, paper, plaster, rubbish, or chew linen and clothes.

Psychosomatic disorders in preschoolers and children of primary school age.Headache, occurring after excitement and often accompanied by nausea, pallor, sweating, and mood changes. Fever - attacks of a short, large increase in body temperature (up to 39-40 ° C) or prolonged, but insignificant (37-38 ° C), not associated with any somatic diseases. Stomach ache - one of the most common disorders in which children react to trouble. They can be recurrent, that is, repeated repeatedly in difficult situations. Psychogenic vomiting, Eruption of food from the stomach may be an episodic occurrence due to anger, disgust or fear, or a constant reaction to any difficulties in life. Enuresis, involuntary loss of urine, as well as encopresis, involuntary excretion of feces is a common somatic manifestation of emotional disorders in children.

Psychosomatic disorders of adolescence may be a continuation of those that arose in an earlier period of life, and thus are not fundamentally different or characteristic primarily of the age of puberty. Psychological or anorexia nervosa characterized by persistent refusal to eat, noticeable loss of body weight (15% or more of the age norm), active use of techniques to reduce body weight (inducing vomiting, taking appetite suppressants or laxatives), distortion of the image of one’s body, in which only low body weight, absence of menstruation in girls and loss of potency in boys, arrest of sexual development if the disease began at the beginning of puberty is considered acceptable for oneself.The personalities of these patients are distinguished by quite high intelligence, rationality, reasoning, varied interests, activity, great sense of responsibility, and in relationships with others superficiality. Often these qualities are combined with shyness, uncertainty, an internal feeling of inadequacy, high level claims without sufficient criticism of one’s capabilities, hysterical manifestations or tendencies to obsession. During the course of the disease, physical exhaustion, mental asthenia, and sometimes depression develop. Psychiatric or bulimia nervosa, Repeated bouts of overeating may be a stage of anorexia nervosa or an independent disorder. Reproductive dysfunction in girls: Juvenile bleeding (prolonged, excessively heavy with irregular menstruation), amenorrhea (absence of menstruation), algomenorrhea (painful menstruation), as a rule, occur in people with extremely changeable moods, increased fatigue, irritability, a tendency to hypochondria, indecision, increased vulnerability and feeling of one's own inferiority. Reproductive function disorders are often accompanied by an unusual focus on painful phenomena, fear of irreparable loss of health, experience of one’s ugliness or inferiority, asthenia, affective disorders: anxiety, fears 336

death, decreased mood, increased irritability. Vegetative-vascular dystopias - conditions based on changes in blood pressure. With dystonia of the hypertensive type, high blood pressure, constant or paroxysmal headache with nausea, vomiting that occurs with overwork, fainting, dizziness, discomfort or pain in the heart area, palpitations and, less often, shortness of breath during exertion are observed. Teenagers are capable of making independent decisions, are impatient, excitable, irritable, unbalanced, tired, and have increased reactive anxiety. Most of them are not confident in the success of treatment, a third treat the disease with disdain and ignore it. D i s t o n i hypotonic type characterized by low blood pressure, intense and prolonged headaches, most pronounced in the afternoon, morning weakness, fatigue, dizziness after school and when changing body position, a tendency to fainting and stabbing pain in the heart. Patients are insecure, vulnerable, dependent, sensitive to threats, fearful, fears for their lives and health predominate, they have an increased level of personal anxiety and a hypochondriacal focus on the disease.

Etiology. As already mentioned, many factors are involved in the origin of psychosomatic disorder.

1. Acute or chronic stress. These include insufficiently protective and sometimes completely inadequate family upbringing, early leaving the family, deprivation of a mother, being raised by strangers, repeated placement in hospitals, friction in communication with fellow students, misunderstanding by teachers and educators, discrepancy between abilities and school programs, difficult relationships with those experiencing unstable environment by parents, the influence of antisocial peers, encounters with criminal elements, etc. One explanation of the mechanism of stress uses only psychosocial factors: suppression or containment of anger towards others or directing it towards oneself, usually with low self-esteem. Other - to understand stress, analyzes the relationship between the stressor and the individual against the background of a specific social situation, taking into account defense mechanisms personality (coping mechanism) and the body (nervous and humoral).

2. Accumulation emotional stress. Countless traces of intellectual, affective, sensory stimuli create an emotional background, which is not always realized and in some cases is successfully discharged, and in others leads to the accumulation of negative emotions. The latter occurs in people with neurodynamic disorders, leading to stagnation of emotional arousals in the limbic system of both functional and organic origin.

Kommersant Genetic factors. Among relatives of patients suffering from psychosomatic diseases, 60-70% suffer from the same disorders.

4. Predisposition factors. Experiencing crisis situations (floods, earthquakes) that turn out to be unbearable for the individual.

5. Premorbid features of ligity. U Some patients are dominated by increased anxiety, which is impossible to express in words and get relief (alexithymia); others have self-confidence, aggressiveness, intolerance, constant shortage time, tireless struggle for maximum achievements in a particular area, extreme dedication to work; still others have timidity, impressionability, tension with an inability to discharge, increased responsibility, low level of self-esteem, and poor tolerance of frustration.

4 6: Unfavorable microsocial environment. The family of a psychosomatic patient is characterized by confusion social roles, overprotection, rigidity in behavior, inability to resolve conflicts.

7. Unfavorable mental state at the time of the stressor. For example, lack social support, helplessness.

8. Greater subjective familiarity of the stressor. For example, a child’s excessive experience of even a short-term absence of his mother against the backdrop of his constant fear of losing his parent.

Thus, for the occurrence of psychosomatic pathology, in addition to stress, a genetic predisposition to one or another form of adaptation disease (stomach ulcer, hypertension, bronchial asthma, neurodermatitis, etc.), neurodynamic changes that contribute to the accumulation of emotional stress, personality traits, unfavorable microsocial environment, mental state at the time of the stressor, favorable to its pathogenic effects, and the greater subjective significance of the stressor.

Treatment. It is carried out with medications by the specialist who has the greatest knowledge in the relevant diseases - a therapist, gynecologist, dermatologist, etc., but always with the participation of a psychologist and psychotherapist. Psychologist performs diagnostic tasks, studying the personality and individual mental manifestations of the patient. He must also assess the family situation in which the patient lives and analyze his place in the group of peers. All this will become material

for the psychotherapist to develop the best therapeutic approach to the individual, family and wider environment.

Prevention and early recognition. For children and teenagers many life circumstances can play the role of conditions conducive to the development of psychosomatic disorders in the event that the biological resistance of the body and the socio-psychological defense of the individual turn out to be untenable. Such situations may include inadequate parenting, parental divorce, a disharmonious family, the inability of parents to fulfill their conventional or gender roles, conflict between these roles and interpersonal relationships in the family or society, difficult learning conditions, rejection by peers, etc. Children who are early deprived of emotional connections, lacking support, a sense of belonging, security and purpose in life are especially vulnerable. In this situation, children find themselves left without parents, sent to poor closed children's institutions, hospitalized for long periods of time, often changing peer groups or place of residence, living with sick or mentally troubled parents who are unable to love and care for their child.

In order to prevent psychosomatic disorders, it is necessary to recognize the unfavorable situations in which the child exists and try to help the family and the child correct it. To prevent development psychosomatic diseases sent early detection children and adolescents with signs of chronic anxiety. Anxiety in older children is subjectively perceived as restlessness and mental discomfort. In younger children, dysthymic phenomena (mood disturbances), fussiness, restlessness and motor restlessness can be noted of varying severity and persistence. Along with this, such children experience: 1) pre-neurotic phenomena: sleep disturbances, tics, finger sucking, obsessions, causeless crying; 2) vegetative dystonic phenomena: dizziness, headaches, palpitations, respiratory rhythm disturbances, fainting, repeated abdominal pain; 3) somatic phenomena: bulimia, increased thirst, repeated vomiting, obesity, fever of unknown origin, itchy skin etc.

In the past, these children have experienced episodes of psychosomatic reactions: under the influence of unfavorable circumstances, headaches, enuresis, abdominal pain, vomiting, and discomfort in the chest appear.

Psychological research revealing increased level anxiety, can confirm the presence of a risk of disease or even raise the question about it for the first time. Methods used for this purpose: 1. Eysenkoff personality questionnaire.

2. Cattell Personality Questionnaire.

3. Spielberger scale.

4. Luscher color test.

5. Special method of unfinished sentences.

6. Reynolds Childhood Anxiety Inventory.

7. Klinedinst Child Anxiety Questionnaire.

8. Koppitz test.

9. Drawing of a family.

Using observational and research materials, they create a comprehensive program for preventing the development of psychosomatic disorders.

Corrective and pedagogical measures. Educators and pedagogues, having the above information about children increased risk, create the most favorable conditions for the normalization of their emotional state. An optimal training program, if necessary, relationships with peers are settled, work is carried out with the family. The presence of severe psychosomatic illnesses in children requires consultation with doctors and support from a psychotherapist.

] Test for independent work

1. Psychosomatic disorder is:

a) dysfunction of organs and systems, in the origin of which the leading role belongs to psychotraumatic factors;

b) hysterical disorder;

c) hypochondriacal syndrome.

2. The cause of psychosomatic disorders is:

a) complicated heredity;

b) emotional stress;

c) a combination of many factors, the leading one being mental trauma.

3. Psychosomatic reaction is:

a) the patient’s experience of his chronic illness or disability;

b) somatic symptoms in a nervous or mental patient;

c) short-term psychogenic disorder of somatic functions.

4. A psychosomatic situation is:

a) short-term psychogenic disorder of somatic functions;

b) the patient’s experience of his chronic illness or disability;

c) hypochondriacal syndrome.

5. Psychosomatic disorders of the cardiovascular system are:

b) coronary heart disease, hypertension;

c) “fading” in the heart area, rapid heartbeat.

6. Psychosomatic disorders eating behavior- This:

A) peptic ulcer stomach, spastic colitis;

b) mental anorexia, mental bulimia;

c) preference for some types of food over others.

7. Psychosomatic skin disorders are:

a) syphilis;

b) neurodermatitis;

c) paleness or redness of the skin.

8. Psychosomatic disorders of the gastrointestinal tract are:

a) nausea;

b) dysentery;

c) gastric ulcer, spastic colitis.

9. Somatization is:

a) the predominance of somatovegetative manifestations in neuropsychic disorders;

b) short-term psychogenic disorder of somatic functions;

c) mental disorder of somatogenic origin.

10. Hypochondria is:

a) the patient’s conviction that he has a serious illness;

b) hysterical disorder;

c) inventing an absent disease.

Antropov Yu. F., Shevgenko Yu. S. Psychosomatic disorders and pathological habitual actions in children and adolescents. - M.: IIP, 1999.

Garbuzov V.I. Practical psychotherapy. - St. Petersburg: Sfera, 1994.

Isaev D. N. Psychosomatic disorders in children. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000.

Korkina M. V., Tsivilno M. A., Martov V. V. Anorexia nervosa.- M.: Medicine, 1986.

Korkina M.V., Lakosina N.D., Ligko A.E. Psychiatry.-M.: Medicine, 1995.

Psychiatry, psychosomatics, psychotherapy / Ed. K.P. Kiskera et al. - M.: Alteya, 1999.

Mental health children and adolescents / Ed. I. V. Dubrovina. - Ekaterinburg: Business Book, 2000.

Frequent illnesses in childhood, alas, are not uncommon. Usually parents encounter this as soon as the child starts attending kindergarten - colds follow one after another, the child is capricious, constantly complains, throws tantrums or becomes incredibly quiet, indifferent to everything. Parents stuff the baby with potions, fancy drugs, and take them to doctors, trying to save their nerves and restore the baby’s health. In fact, in some cases it is necessary to pay close attention to the relationships in the children's team, family, and the child's ways of communicating with peers - childhood psychosomatics is the cause of many physiological ailments.

Healthy mother - healthy child

The fact of the psychological nature of many diseases has long been proven - oriental healers They are encouraged to look for the causes of the disease in relation to life, the people around them, and themselves. You are often nervous and get problems with your heart and blood vessels, you are angry - your teeth and liver suffer, you are sad a lot - bronchitis is inevitable, chronic cough etc. Child psychosomatics has the same nature as adults - all emotional experiences find a way out in frequent colds, following one after another.

Pregnant women are always advised not to be nervous, try to avoid stressful situations, get more rest, etc. These are very correct recommendations, since the formation of psychosomatic disorders in a child occurs already at the stage of intrauterine development. A child who is loved and expected comes into this world calm and balanced. Babies whose parents did not plan the pregnancy are not very happy about the birth of the child and allow negative emotions to interfere with the natural course of the baby’s development; they are often born premature, tearful, and painful. In infancy, these conditions can almost always be corrected; the main condition is a calm, healthy and relaxed mother. The connection between the baby and the mother is very strong - the baby is sensitive to changes in her mood, catching her changes, and changes her behavior.

Child psychosomatics, unlike similar problems in adults, has its own special manifestations - a child cannot cope with mental discomfort in ways that are available to people in adulthood. He simply does not understand what is happening, but only feels depressed and insecure. Sooner or later, his dissatisfaction results in health problems. How often do parents complain that just hearing the word “ kindergarten", the child immediately begins to simulate, inventing non-existent pain in the stomach, head, throat, etc. But if colic is difficult to check, then it is impossible to simulate persistent sore throats and bronchitis. The baby simply subconsciously triggers mechanisms that lead to the occurrence of diseases. Moreover, he has learned well that during illness his mother is always next to him, pitying and caressing him, so he uses this scheme every time he begins to feel lonely.

Psychosomatic causes of childhood illnesses

Often a child gets sick due to lack of attention, overprotection or an unfavorable atmosphere in the family - these are the main psychosomatic sources of childhood illnesses. Child psychosomatics is typical in its manifestations. A child has a sore throat - he is either very offended or suffers from the inability to express his opinion. The parents of such a child often cut off his initiative, stopping him with requests to be silent, not to interfere, and do for him what he is able to do on his own. If every cold is accompanied by a cough, then this is an internal protest - the baby does not want to do something, but is afraid to openly object. A child whose freedom is constantly limited by prohibitions will have breathing problems - pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchial asthma. Asthma can also be a manifestation of the opposite behavior - parents literally suffocate the child with their care, and do not allow them to take a step on their own. Almost all children attending kindergartens suffer from chronic runny nose - this is a sign that not all is well in the team. The child tries to protect himself from situations or people who do not suit him (teachers, peers, relatives), so at home such a runny nose goes away, and recurs only when a source of irritation appears. The second reaction to life in a group is ear disease, which can also be a consequence of swearing, scandals and raised conversations that a child hears. Complaints of abdominal pain should alert parents - something is frightening the child. The baby's teeth are deteriorating - perhaps he is trying to restrain his emotions, anger or severe irritation. Skin problems - allergic dermatitis, chickenpox, the appearance of a rash and other reflections of the internal state indicate that the child is trying to establish a distance between adults and himself. The same overprotectiveness, which manifests itself in regular touching, hugs, kisses, leads to the fact that the baby subconsciously puts up a barrier - he needs personal space. Urinary disorders and bedwetting occur in children who tend to control themselves for fear of negative reaction from the parents.

Eliminate the source of the problem

Child psychosomatics, as a source of disturbances in the child’s physical condition, is subject to correction, but it is necessary to work with all family members. Even more important is the parents’ awareness that any of their emotions, actions or behavioral characteristics are always reflected in the child’s health. Understanding the need for change, doing everything possible to ensure that all people close to the child are involved in the recovery process - this is already half the path to success. It is important to choose a good specialist whom you will completely trust, because the price of such work is high - the health, harmonious development and future success of your child.

Dr. N. Volkova writes: “It has been proven that about 85% of all diseases have psychological causes. It can be assumed that the remaining 15% of diseases are associated with the psyche, but this connection has yet to be established in the future... Among the causes of diseases, feelings and emotions occupy one of the main places, and physical factors - hypothermia, infections - act secondary, as a trigger... »

Dr. A. Meneghetti in his book “Psychosomatics” writes: “Disease is a language, the speech of the subject... To understand the disease, it is necessary to reveal the project that the subject creates in his unconscious... Then a second step is necessary, which the patient himself must take: he must change. If a person changes psychologically, then the disease, being an abnormal course of life, will disappear ... "

Let's consider the metaphysical (subtle, mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious, deep) causes of childhood illnesses.

Here's what world-famous experts in this field and authors of books on this topic write about it.

The most common childhood illnesses are WHOOPING COUGH, MUMPS, MEASLES, RUBELLA and CHICKEN POX.

Emotional blocking:

It is interesting to note that most of the diseases that affect children primarily affect the eyes, nose, ears, throat and skin. Any childhood illness indicates that the child feels anger in connection with what is happening around him. It is difficult for him to express his feelings - either because he does not yet know how to do this, or because his parents forbid him to do this. These diseases occur when a child does not receive enough attention and love.

Mental block:

If your child is sick with some childhood disease, read this description to him. Be sure that he will understand everything, no matter how small he is. You must explain to him that illness is his reaction to the world and that difficulties in this world are inevitable.

Help him understand that he came on this planet with a certain set of beliefs and must now adapt to the beliefs, opportunities, desires and fears of other people. He must realize that those around him have other responsibilities besides caring for him, so they cannot bother with him around the clock. He must also give himself the right to feel anger and express it, even if adults do not like it. He will understand that the people around him also have difficulties from time to time, but he should not be responsible for their failures. See also separate article on relevant childhood disease.

Bodo Baginski and Sharamon Shalila in their book “Reiki - the Universal Energy of Life” write:

In all childhood diseases that manifest themselves through the skin, such as chickenpox, measles, rubella and scarlet fever, the next step in the child’s development announces itself. Something that is still unknown to the child and therefore cannot be processed freely, without difficulty, appears clearly on the surface of the skin. After one of these illnesses, the child usually becomes more mature, and everyone around him feels this. Tell your child that everything that happens to him is good, that this is how it should be, that life is a journey during which people encounter new things again and again, and that in every treasure that the child discovers in himself there is a piece of growing up. Give him this time more attention, show trust and give him Reiki as often as you can.

Dr. Valery V. Sinelnikov in his book “Love your illness” writes:

Half of my patients are children. If the child is already an adult, then I work directly with him. And I am always pleased to see how the parents themselves change as the child recovers. It is easier and more interesting to work with children. Their thinking is still free - not clogged with small everyday worries and various prohibitions. They are very receptive and believe in miracles. If the child is still very small, then I work with the parents. The parents begin to change and the child gets better.

It has long been established that parents and children at the information-energetic, field level are a single whole.

Adults often ask me: “Doctor, how can a child know about our relationship if we hide it from him? We don’t swear or quarrel in front of him.”

A child does not need to see and hear his parents. He has in his subconscious full information about your parents, about their feelings and thoughts. He just knows everything about them. He just can’t express his feelings in words. That's why he gets sick or behaves strangely if his parents have some problems.

Many have heard this expression: “Children are responsible for the sins of their parents.” And so it is. All illnesses of children are a reflection of the behavior and thoughts of their parents. This is very important to understand. Parents can help their child recover by changing their thoughts and beliefs, and their behavior. I immediately explain to my parents

that it is not their fault that the child gets sick. I wrote about how illness should generally be treated as a signal. And to a child’s illness is like a signal for the whole family.

Children are the future of their parents and a reflection of their relationship. By the reaction of children we can judge whether we, adults, are doing everything right. If a child gets sick, this is a signal to parents. Something is wrong in their relationship. It's time to sort it out and achieve peace and harmony in the family through joint efforts. A child’s illness is a signal to the father and mother to change themselves! What do adults do when their child gets sick? Do they perceive a child’s illness as a signal for themselves? Not at all. Parents stuff their child with pills, suppressing this signal. Such a blind attitude to the child’s illness aggravates the situation, since the disease does not disappear anywhere, but continues to destroy the child’s subtle field structures.

Children choose their own parents. But parents also choose their children. The Universe matches a particular child with the appropriate parents who are best suited for him.

The child reflects the father and mother. The masculine and feminine principles of the Universe are present and developing in it. The child's subconscious contains the thoughts, emotions and feelings of the parents. The father personifies the masculine principle of the Universe, and the mother represents the feminine. If these thoughts are aggressive and destructive, then the child cannot connect them together, and does not know how. So he declares himself or strange behavior, or diseases. And therefore, the health and personal life of their child depends on how parents treat each other, themselves and the world around them.

Let me give you an example. A very young child develops epilepsy. Seizures occur very often. Medicine is simply powerless in such cases. Medicines only make the condition worse. Parents contact traditional healers, to the grandmothers. This gives a temporary effect.

The father came to the first session with the child.

“You are a very jealous person,” I explain to my father. - And jealousy carries a huge charge of subconscious aggression. When your relationship with a woman was under threat of collapse, you did not accept this situation as created by God and you, did not try to change anything in yourself, but experienced colossal aggression. As a result, your son from his first marriage became a drug addict, and this child from his second marriage suffers epileptic seizures. An illness in a child blocks the subconscious program of destroying women and oneself.

What to do? - asks the child's father.

There is only one thing that can cure a child - your deliverance from jealousy.

But how? - asks the man.

You can only do this if you learn to love. Love yourself, wife, children. Jealousy is not love. This is a sign of self-doubt. See your wife as your reflection, not as your property. Review your entire life, those situations when you were jealous and hated, when you were offended by women and when you questioned your masculinity. Ask God for forgiveness for your aggression in these situations and thank him for all the women who were in your life, no matter how they acted. And also - this is very important - ask God,

so that he will teach you, your son and all your descendants who will be in the future, love.

Here's another example. They brought me to see a girl who suddenly, six months ago, began to feel depressed. Staying in a mental hospital only worsened the condition.

I had a long conversation with her father. We managed to find the cause of the disease in him too. In his subconscious there was a powerful program for the destruction of the world around him. This manifested itself in frequent resentment, anger and hatred towards life, towards one’s fate, towards people. He passed this program on to his child. While the girl was at school, she felt relatively well. But after graduation, this subconscious program began to work in full force and was realized by an unwillingness to live.

When there is noise in the house, parents or loved ones quarrel, the child often reacts to this with ear inflammation or bronchopulmonary diseases, thus expressing his feelings and giving his illness a signal to his parents: “Pay attention to me! Silence, peace, tranquility and harmony in the family are important to me.” But do adults always understand this?

Very often, negative programs are laid into the subconscious of children already during pregnancy. I always ask parents about this period and even what happened in their relationship in the year before pregnancy.

At the beginning of your pregnancy, did you think about having an abortion, I say to the woman who came to the appointment with infant. The child recently developed diathesis.

Yes, that’s true,” the woman answers. “I thought that the pregnancy was untimely, but my husband and my husband’s parents convinced me that I needed to give birth to a child.

You gave birth to a child, but in your subconscious there remains a trace of the program for its destruction. Reluctance to give birth is a direct threat to the life of the child. He reacted to this with illness.

What should I do now? Is there any way I can help him? Doctors say there is no cure for this disease

no, just diet.

There are medicines. I will give you homeopathic remedies. First there will be an exacerbation, and then the child’s skin will clear up. But the most important thing is that you need to “cleanse yourself”. For forty days, pray and ask God for forgiveness for thinking about abortion, for not being able to create a space of love for your child. This will help you neutralize the program of its destruction. In addition, you will express love for yourself, your husband and your child every day. And also, remember that any complaints against your husband or grievances against him, any conflict with the family will immediately affect the child’s health. Create a space of love in your family. This will be good for everyone.

The state of thoughts and emotions of a pregnant woman is very important for the health of the unborn child. Thoughts about untimely pregnancy, fears of giving birth, jealousy, resentment against the husband, conflict with parents - all this is transmitted to the child and turns into a self-destruction program in his subconscious. Such a child is born already weakened immune system and begins to suffer from infectious diseases almost immediately, in the maternity hospital. And doctors have nothing to do with it. The reason lies in both the child and the parents. It is important to understand the reasons and cleanse yourself through repentance. Diathesis, allergies, enteritis, staphylococcal infections- all this is the result of negative thoughts of the father and mother during pregnancy or after.

When children have all kinds of fears, the reason must again be sought in the behavior of their parents.

One day I was called to a house with a request to cure children of their fears. Later it turned out that the mother herself suffers from fears - she is afraid to go far from home, and the father uses drugs. So who needs to be treated?

Or another example with fears. The woman brought a very little girl to me. The child has recently developed fears of being alone in his room and a fear of the dark. My mother and I began to find out the subconscious reasons. It turned out that there were very strained relationships in the family, and the woman was thinking about divorce. But what does divorce mean for a girl? This is the loss of a father. And the father personifies support, protection. The mother just had negative thoughts, and the child immediately reacted to this with his fears, demonstrating to his parents that he does not feel safe.

As soon as the woman gave up thoughts of divorce and began to act towards strengthening the family, the girl’s fears disappeared.

The dependence of children's behavior on the behavior of parents is clearly visible in the treatment of alcoholism. Parents often come to me and ask me to help their already adult alcoholic children. The children themselves do not want to be treated, so I start working with the parents. We identify those subconscious behavior programs of parents that reflect the child’s alcoholism, neutralize them, and amazing (but actually natural) things happen - the son or daughter stops drinking alcohol.

In this chapter and in previous chapters I have given many examples of childhood illnesses. You can do this ad infinitum. It is important that we, adults, understand one simple truth: if love, peace and harmony reign in the family, then the child will be completely healthy and calm. The slightest disharmony in the parents' feelings - both the child's behavior and his state of health immediately change.

For some reason, there is an opinion that children are stupider than adults and the latter should teach children. But, working with children, I discovered that they know much more than us adults. Children are open systems. And from birth we, adults, “close” them, imposing on them our perception and doing of the world.

Lately, I have often turned to my 8-year-old son for advice. And almost always his answers were correct, simple and at the same time unusually deep. One day I asked him:

Dima, please tell me what I need to do in order to be rich?

After thinking for a while, he simply replied:

We need to help people.

But, as a doctor, I already help people,” I said.

But you need, dad, to help not only those sick people who come to see you, but all people in general. And most importantly, you need to love people. Then you will be rich.

Dr. Oleg G. Torsunov in his lecture “The Effect of the Moon on Health” says:

If there is no atmosphere of peace and quiet in the family, it means that the children will be very sick, very sick at first. And these diseases will be of this nature. The child will feel intense heat in the body, he will feel constantly restless, he will cry, scream, run, rush, etc. This means that no... in the family no one wants peace for other people. The family seems to be aggressive inside; a mood of aggression towards others is cultivated. In such families, politics is usually discussed, because aggression needs to be thrown out somewhere. [inaudible] Cries - not always, but if there is no rest, i.e. such a child is deprived normal sleep straightaway. He has a restless sleep, first, second - he has a very restless mind, i.e. The slightest irritation causes him problems. In this case, these families are usually engaged in discussing the political situation, not giving salaries on time, and... well, in general, this type of aggression, an aggressive attitude towards others. In this case, children are deprived of peace, because people constantly cultivate such a mood. Here. Their state is like this: “I’m always missing something, in winter – summer, autumn – spring.

Belief in ideals, social ideas and false laws. Children's behavior in the adults around them.

Harmonizing thoughts: This child has Divine protection, he is surrounded by love. We demand the integrity of his psyche.

Sore throat in girls under 1 year of age - Problems in relationships between parents.

Allergies in children (any manifestations) – Hatred and anger of parents towards everything; the child’s fear “they don’t love me.”

Allergy to fish products in children - Protest against the self-sacrifice of parents.

Allergies (manifestations on the skin in the form of scabs) in children - Muffled or suppressed pity in the mother; sadness.

Appendicitis in children - Inability to get out of a deadlock situation.

Asthma in children - Suppressed feelings of love, fear of life.

Bronchitis in girls - Problems of communication and love feelings.

Viral diseases in children:

The desire to leave home and die is a wordless struggle for one’s own survival.

Taste (loss in children):

Parents censure the child’s sense of beauty, declaring him devoid of a sense of taste, tasteless.

Dropsy of the brain in children:

The mother’s accumulation of uncryed tears, sadness over the fact that she is not loved, not understood, does not regret that everything is in life goes on not the way she wants.

Headaches in children:

Failure to resolve disagreements between parents; destruction by parents of the child's world of feelings and thoughts. Constant grievances.

Throat (diseases in children):

Quarrels between parents, accompanied by shouting.

Deforming polyarthritis with progressive destruction bone tissue in children:

Shame and anger against the husband’s infidelity, inability to forgive the betrayal.

Diphtheria in children:

Guilt for an act committed, which arose in response to the anger of the parents.

Daytime urinary incontinence in children:

A child's fear for his father.

Mental retardation in children:

Parental violence against the child's soul.

Children's hysteria:


Nosebleeds in a child:

Helplessness, anger and resentment.

Laryngospasm in children:

Guilt for an action committed when a child is strangled by anger.


The child's father experiences great unexpressed sadness due to the inferiority of his mind, which is overly rational.

Anemia in children:

Resentment and irritation of a mother who considers her husband a bad breadwinner for the family.


The child's father mercilessly exploits the rational side of his mind.

Brain tumor in children:

Relationship between mother and mother-in-law.

Complications of viral diseases in boys:

The mother cannot cope with the father and therefore fights with him mentally and verbally.

piggy -chicken pox-measles

Maternal anger due to impotence. Maternal anger due to renunciation.

Touch (impairment in children):

The shame of a child when parents do not allow him to satisfy the need to touch everything with his hands.

Deviations in child development:

A woman’s fear that they will no longer love her for her imperfections. Cultivating parental love as a desired goal.

Cancer in children:

Malice, bad intentions. A group of stresses that are passed on from parents.

Heart (congenital or acquired defect in children):

Fear “nobody loves me.”

Hearing (impaired in children):

Shame. Shaming a child by parents.

Slouching in children:

Excessive dominance of the mother in the family.

High temperature:

Tension in a quarrel with the mother, exhaustion. Strong, bitter anger. Anger when judging the guilty.

Overwhelmed by stress.

Tuberculosis in children:

Constant pressure.

Chronic runny nose:

A constant state of resentment.

Schizophrenia in children:

Obsessive ideas in parents; The wife has an obsession with re-educating her husband.

Sergey N. Lazarev in his books “Diagnostics of Karma” (books 1-12) and “Man of the Future” writes that the main cause of absolutely all diseases is the deficiency, lack or even absence of love in the human soul. When a person puts something above the love of God (and God, as the Bible says, is Love), then instead of gaining divine love, he rushes to something else. To what (erroneously) considers more important in life: money, fame, wealth, power, pleasure, sex, relationships, abilities, order, morality, knowledge and many, many other material and spiritual values... But this is not the goal, but only means for acquiring divine (true) love, love for God, love like God. And where there is no (true) love in the soul, how Feedback from the Universe, diseases, problems and other troubles come. This is necessary so that a person thinks, realizes that he is going in the wrong direction, thinks, says and does something wrong and begins to correct himself, takes the right Path! There are many nuances in how the disease manifests itself in our body. You can learn more about this practical concept from the books, seminars and video seminars of Sergei Nikolaevich Lazarev.


Liz Burbo in her book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” writes:

This disease most often occurs in children and manifests itself in swelling of overgrown tissues of the nasopharynx, which makes it difficult to nasal breathing, forcing the child to breathe through the mouth.

Emotional blocking:

A child suffering from this disease is usually very sensitive; he can anticipate events long before they happen. Very often, he, consciously or unconsciously, predicts these events much better and earlier than the persons interested or associated with them. For example, he may feel that something is not going well between his parents much earlier than they themselves realize it. As a rule, he tries to block these premonitions so as not to suffer. He is very reluctant to talk about them with those with whom he should talk, and prefers to experience his fears alone. A blocked nasopharynx is a sign that the child is hiding his thoughts or emotions for fear of being misunderstood.

Mental block:

A child suffering from this disease feels superfluous and unloved. He may even believe that he himself is the cause of the problems that arise around him. He should check with close people whom he trusts the objectivity of his own ideas about himself. In addition, he must realize that if others do not understand him, this does not mean that they do not love him.

Louise Hay in her book Heal Yourself writes:

Friction in the family, disputes. A child who feels unwanted.

Harmonizing thoughts: This child is needed, desired and adored.

Dr. Luule Viilma in his book “Psychological Causes of Diseases” writes:

Adenoids in children - Parents do not understand the child, do not listen to his worries - the child swallows tears of sadness.


Liz Burbo in her book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” writes:

In psychiatry, autism is understood as a condition in which a person is completely disconnected from reality and closed in on himself, in his inner world. Characteristic symptoms of autism include silence, painful withdrawal, loss of appetite, absence of the pronoun “I” in speech, and an inability to look people directly in the eyes.

Emotional blocking:

Research into this disease shows that the causes of autism should be sought in infancy, before the age of 8 months. In my opinion, a child suffering from autism is too strongly connected karmically with his mother. He unconsciously chooses illness to escape reality. Perhaps something very difficult and unpleasant happened between this child and his mother in a past life, and now he is taking revenge on her by rejecting the food and love that she offers him. His actions also indicate that he does not accept this incarnation.

If you are the mother of a child with autism, I encourage you to read this passage out loud specifically for him. It doesn’t matter how many months or years old he is, his soul will understand everything.

Mental block:

A child with autism must understand that if he decides to return to this planet, he needs to live this life and gain the necessary experience from it. He must believe that he has everything to live, and that only an active attitude towards life will give him the opportunity to develop spiritually. The child's parents should not blame themselves for his illness. They should realize that their child has chosen this condition and that autism is one of the things that he must experience in this life. Only he himself can one day decide to return to normal life. He can withdraw into himself for the rest of his life, or he can use this new incarnation to experience several other states.

Parents will play an important role in the life of a child with autism if they love him unconditionally and give him the right to make any choice on his own, including the choice between isolation and normal communication. It is also very important that relatives of a sick child share with him their problems and experiences associated with his choice, but only in such a way that he does not feel guilty. Communication with a child with autism is a necessary lesson for his loved ones. In order to understand the meaning of this lesson, each of these people must identify what causes them the greatest difficulty. If your child is sick, read this text to him. He will understand everything, since children perceive not words, but vibrations.


Liz Burbo in her book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” writes:

What is the metaphysical significance of congenital disease?

Such a disease suggests that the soul, which incarnated in a newborn, brought with it to this planet some unresolved conflict from its past incarnation. The soul incarnates many times, and its earthly lives can be compared with our days. If a person injured himself and could not recover on the same day, then the next morning he will wake up with the same injury and will have to treat it.

Very often, a person suffering from a congenital disease treats it much more calmly than those around him. He must determine what this disease prevents him from doing, and then he will have no difficulty in figuring out its metaphysical meaning. In addition, he should ask himself questions like those given at the end of this book. As for the parents of this person, they should not feel guilty for his illness, since he chose it even before he was born.


Liz Burbo in her book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” writes:

At first glance, a hereditary disease suggests that a person has inherited the way of thinking and life of the parent who is a carrier of the disease. In reality, he did not inherit anything; he simply chose this parent because they both need to learn the same lesson in this life. Failure to acknowledge this usually results in the parent blaming himself for the child's illness, and the child blaming the parent for his illness. Very often, the child not only blames the parent, but also does everything possible to avoid becoming like him. This creates even greater confusion in the souls of both. Thus, a person suffering from hereditary disease, must accept this choice because the world has given him a wonderful opportunity to make a huge leap in his spiritual development. He must accept his illness with love, otherwise it will continue to be passed on from generation to generation.


Liz Burbo in her book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” writes:

Stuttering is a speech defect that appears primarily in childhood and often persists throughout life.

Emotional blockage

A stutterer in his youth was very afraid to express his needs and desires. He also feared those who represented power to him; It was especially scary in those moments when he needed to show or express something.

Mental block

It's time for you to realize that you have the right to express your desires, even if your head tells you that it is unreasonable, or if you are afraid that someone will consider your desires not entirely legitimate. You don't have to make excuses to anyone. You can afford whatever you want, since in any case you will have to take responsibility for the consequences of your choice. This is what all people do.

You consider other people to be bossy, but there is a bossiness within you that is trying to come out. Once you realize that this power is not associated with evil and can even help you assert yourself, it will reconcile you with those whom you consider to be powerful.

Louise Hay in her book Heal Yourself writes:

Unreliability. There is no opportunity for self-expression. Crying is forbidden.

Harmonizing thoughts: I can freely stand up for myself. Now I feel comfortable expressing whatever I want. I communicate only with a feeling of love.


Liz Burbo in her book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” writes:

Whooping cough is an acute infectious disease. Its causative agent is a bacterium. The main symptom is a severe cough. Whooping cough primarily affects children under five years of age. See the article CHILDHOOD DISEASES, with the addition that the child feels like a favorite and coughing is a way for him to attract attention.


Liz Burbo in her book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” writes:

Rickets is a disease that affects children's body during the period of growth and inhibits its development. IN traditional medicine It is believed that rickets is caused by a lack of vitamin D in the body.

Emotional blocking:

Rickets most often occurs in children who suffer from lack of love and attention. This does not mean that parents do not take care of them, but such children simply have too strong a need for care. Children themselves subconsciously slow down their development, hoping to continue to remain in the center of everyone's attention, to feel the love and care of others.

Mental block:

If your child has rickets, know this; that you should not only feed him the vitamin D his body needs, but also talk to him. There is no need to babysit, you can talk to him like an adult, since children perfectly understand the meaning of our words, perceiving their vibration. Tell him that sooner or later he will have to rely only on his own strength, and if he continues to believe that he needs to depend on others, he will be bitterly disappointed. Always remain a child - not The best way win the love and attention of others. He must understand that his parents or people who replace his parents love him and take care of him as much as their abilities and capabilities allow them.

Louise Hay in her book Heal Yourself writes:

Emotional hunger. The need for love and protection.

Harmonizing thoughts: I am safe. I feed on the love of the Universe itself.


Liz Burbo in her book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” writes:

Mumps, or MUMPS, is an acute viral disease of an epidemic nature. Infection occurs through the air with droplets of saliva. Symptoms of mumps include pain in the parotid glands and swelling of the face, which takes on a moon-like shape. Mumps can also make chewing difficult.

Emotional blocking:

Since this disease is associated with saliva and mainly affects children, it indicates that the child feels spat upon. Perhaps some other child literally spat on him, but usually the problem is psychological in nature, that is, someone prevents this child from getting what he wants, reproaches him for something, or completely ignores him. He has a desire to spit at this person in response, but he restrains himself, remains deaf to the insults, anger accumulates, and a tumor appears.

Mental block:

If you are an adult, this disease means that you find yourself in a situation that reminds you of some kind of psychological trauma experienced in childhood or adolescence and to this day causing pain in your soul. You continue to act like the child you once were. This situation gives you the opportunity to realize that if you feel spat on, it means that you allowed yourself to be spat on. So, you should use this situation to assert yourself and get rid of your inferiority complex. Understand that other people are just as flawed and just as afraid as you. Feel the fear of the one who spat on you, feel compassion for this person and tell him what is going on in your soul. Perhaps he will help you understand that you have spat on yourself.

If a child has mumps, read to him everything written above and explain to him that since this disease is caused by his wrong beliefs, he can get rid of it on his own by changing these beliefs. See also the article CHILDREN'S DISEASES.


Liz Burbo in her book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” writes:

Somnambulism is observed mainly in children and adolescents. The patient gets up and walks in a state deep sleep, making familiar movements and uttering meaningful phrases. Then he returns to bed on his own and continues to sleep as if nothing had happened. The next morning he remembers nothing of what happened during the night. In my opinion, somnambulism is a problem not for the patient, but for his loved ones, since they are afraid for him. Somnambulism manifests itself when a child sees some kind of vivid dream that causes him strong feelings. In this state, he ceases to distinguish between the physical world and the world of dreams. As a rule, such a deviation is observed in children who have a very rich imagination. They cannot realize their desires while awake, so they do it while sleeping.


Liz Burbo in her book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” writes:

Enuresis, or urinary incontinence, is an involuntary and unconscious urination that occurs constantly and most often at night in children over three years old, that is, at an age when they should already be able to control themselves. If a child wets the bed once, after a nightmare or strong emotions, this cannot be called enuresis.

Emotional blocking:

Enuresis means that the child restrains himself so much during the day that he is no longer able to do this at night. He is very afraid of the one who represents power for him - the father or the person performing the functions of the father. But this is optional physical fear. A child may be afraid of not pleasing his father, of not living up to his expectations. He feels no less ashamed of disappointing his father than of peeing in the bed.

Mental block:

If your child has bedwetting, read this article to him and understand that all he needs is support. He is already too demanding of himself. His parents should praise him as often as possible and tell him that they will always love him, no matter what mistakes he makes. Sooner or later, the child will begin to believe this and stop experiencing stress during the day. Help him check whether his ideas about what his parents (especially his father) expect from him are really justified.

Louise Hay in her book Heal Yourself writes:

Fear of parents, usually father.

Harmonizing thoughts: They look at this child with love, everyone pities him and understands him. Everything is fine.

Dr. Luule Viilma in his book “Psychological Causes of Diseases” writes:

Enuresis (in children):

The child’s fear for the father, associated with the mother’s fears and anger directed at the child’s father.

The search and research into metaphysical (subtle, mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious, deep) causes of childhood diseases continues. This material is constantly being updated. We ask readers to write their comments and send additions to this article. To be continued!


1. Louise Hay. “Heal yourself.”

2. Lazarev S. N. “Diagnostics of karma” (books 1-12) and “Man of the Future.”

3. Valery Sinelnikov. “Love your illness.”

4. Liz Burbo. “Your body says: “Love yourself!”

5. Torsunov O. G. lecture “The influence of the Moon on health.”

6. L. Viilma “Psychological causes of diseases.”

The prerequisites for the occurrence of such disorders are individual psychological characteristics of personality and character and the state of vegetative homeostasis. Those most susceptible to the development of psychosomatic disorders are those with a weak type of response to external stimuli. These may be persons with asthenic, psychasthenic, hypochondriacal personality traits.
The relevance of the need to identify psychosomatic disorders is dictated by statistical data from specialists from different countries of the civilized world (Remschmidt, Karvassarsky, etc.). According to their generalized data, 22% of patients who go to doctors with numerous and various complaints about their physical illness have psychosomatic disorders.

Psychosomatic disorders

Psychosomatic disorders are understood as psychogenically caused symptoms and syndromes in the somatic sphere, namely, disorders of functional systems internal organs and other areas.

In medical clinical psychology, there are several basic models of the formation of psychosomatic disorders:
1) psycho-physiological model, founded by I.P. Pavlov and called “experimental neurosis”, which is based on the strengthening of conditioned unconditioned reflexes and failure of adaptation;
2) the psychodynamic model of Alexander, who defined psychosomatic disorders as “autonomic neurosis”, while its symptoms can manifest themselves as physiological vegetative accompaniment of an emotional state;
3) Pezeshkian, one of the founders of psychosomatic medicine, believed that a person is able to speak through the speech of his organs, since at this moment he has no other ways of processing his experiences;
4) the socio-psychosomatic model (Delius) states that psychosomatic illness is the result of improper development of the relationship between the individual and social structures, and the main thing is the wrong solution to your individual problems.
In the mechanism of formation of psychosomatic disorders, an important role is played by the factor autonomic dysfunction, which can become a “predisposition” in the clinical picture of a psychosomatic illness.

Criteria for psychosomatic disorders

Criteria psychological diagnostics psychosomatic disorders:
– the patient has multiple and various complaints about symptoms from internal organs or other systems, for which no adequate explanation for the presence of a somatic disease has been found;
– ignoring the advice of doctors in terms of the patient’s absence of illness, his endless search for other doctors or paramedics who would confirm that he has serious illness;
– obvious disruption of family and social functioning associated with somatic symptoms and behavioral characteristics of the patient;
– active self-medication with many unnecessary examinations and use various drugs on the advice of other people, but not specialists whom the patient usually does not trust.
It is necessary to distinguish the psychological characteristics of a patient with psychosomatic disorders - he creates his own individual concept of the internal picture of the disease and considers it the only correct and indisputable one.
Moreover, unlike the “hypochondriac”, where he, mainly mentally, considers himself sick, the “psychosomatic” actually experiences unpleasant and sometimes painful sensations from his internal organs and other “sick” systems.
In medical clinical psychology, the following main groups of psychosomatic disorders are considered:
– conversion or dissociative disorders;
– functional syndromes or somatized, somatoform disorders, “organ neuroses”.

Conversion and dissociative disorders

The concept of “conversion” was introduced into the clinic by S. Freud back in 1894. By this term he understood the transition, the conversion of mental negative energy to the psychosomatic level. At the same time, attention is drawn to the discrepancy between the psychotrauma and the patient’s motives with the severity of the patient’s symptoms. Subsequently, when such disorders were considered only within the framework of hysterical symptoms, they were defined as “flight into illness” from a frustrating situation. However, the transition of psychologically negative energy to the motor or somatic level is much more complex in its mechanism. Features of personal response, stability of motivation, and the presence of the patient’s highly valuable conviction in making the right choice own internal picture of the disease, sometimes deeply hidden intrapersonal conflict, passive-defensive personality type and much more.
Conversion disorders can manifest themselves in various forms: motor disturbances, sensory disturbances, dysfunction of analytical systems (hearing, vision). All these disorders are psychogenic, and the blockade of functions does not depend on the will of the patient. Perhaps the patient’s behavior seems demonstrative, but it is clearly not deliberate, these are subconscious violations.

Let us consider the most common conversion disorders from the motor functional system.

Motor stupor

Motor stupor is a complete immobility of the patient with loss of expressive speech (answering questions). Such disorders most often occur in stressful situations (disasters or evidence of them, acute psychological trauma, grief, fear of the unknown).
An example of such a condition can be a case from practice.

Yura M., 12 years old, fell ill suddenly. Before his illness, the boy grew up as a calm, sociable, but somewhat fearful child. He studied well at school and successfully studied piano at a music school.
The psychogenic situation before the illness developed as follows: at the insistence of the doctors, Yura was placed in the ENT department for tonsillectomy. After the operation, he was in pain and scared, as “blood was oozing from my mouth, and I was afraid to die.” He began to cry and call the nurse, but on the operating day she, naturally, was very busy and did not come right away. Yura's fear grew, he began to scream, which worried the nurse, and she forbade him to cry and demanded that he lie still, otherwise there could be bad consequences. The boy stopped crying and “froze.”
7 months have passed since then, and Yura remained motionless, although at night, during sleep, he moved quite freely in bed. He didn’t talk to anyone, he ate from his mother’s hands. During his illness, he changed several clinics, where he was transported in a lying position on a stretcher. However, no neurological disorders were identified.
For the last 2 months he has been treated in a psychiatric hospital with a diagnosis of psychogenic conversion stupor. Then, at the insistence of his parents, he was discharged home in a state of slight improvement (he began to sit up in bed, his speech was restored).
In the spring, his father took him outside and sat him in a sliding chair. The boy enjoyed watching the children play, became more active, and cheered up.
One day, children nearby were playing with a ball and accidentally threw it into Yura’s lap. He caught the ball with his hands and threw it back, laughing. He was glad that he could move. Since then, the motor sphere has gradually begun to recover. Within a month, movements in the arms, legs, and torso returned. Yura quickly learned to walk and run.
And so, almost 10 months after the onset of the illness, Yura returned to a full life: he continued his studies at school and successfully studied at a music school. However, over the next two years, when meeting with doctors, Yura seemed to be replaced: his movements became slow and uncertain, his gait clumsy, he spoke after a pause, slowly drawing out his words. In everyday life, the boy was absolutely healthy.

Psychogenic paralysis is manifested by a violation of complex and purposeful motor acts and voluntary movements. But these disorders of the motor functional system do not fit into the picture of a neurological disorder according to innervation.

Case Study. The girl Masha, 12 years old, was very worried about her parents’ divorce, after which her mother left the family and went abroad with her new husband. Masha, of her own free will, stayed with her father. For a couple of years they lived with their father amicably, in complete harmony. Rare meetings with their mother did not disturb their prosperous life. However, 2 years after the divorce, my father met a woman with whom Masha established a warm and trusting relationship. That was until the father announced his marriage to this woman.
Masha was very upset by this; she intended to live with her father until she became an adult. Masha’s mood and attitude changed - she became irritable, was rude to her father and his fiancee, often cried, and in every way showed active protest to her father’s marriage. About a month after these events, father was called to school and his attention was drawn to the fact that excellent student Masha began to study poorly, especially in written subjects. The girl refused to do written assignments, stating that it became difficult for her to write, “writing cramps her hand.” To her father’s questions, Masha answered that when she tried to write, her fingers went numb, they didn’t listen to her and couldn’t write the necessary letters and numbers.
When examining the girl by a neurologist, it turned out that when Masha takes a pen or pencil in either hand, the hand seems to “numb” and becomes rigid. The fingers do not straighten on their own, although the girl makes vain attempts to use them in writing. Over time, the same phenomena were repeated with her toes, which prevented her from putting on shoes and socks. No changes were detected in the nervous system. Passive flexion and extension of the fingers and toes, performed by the doctor, was easy, but voluntary movements were blocked.
After psychotherapy sessions, Masha’s condition improved, she calmed down, reconciled with her father’s marriage, and voluntary motor acts were completely restored.


Astasia-abasia is the inability to sit, stand and walk independently, maintaining balance, while maintaining the ability to make other voluntary, purposeful complex movements.

Let us give an example of a psychogenic disorder of this type.
Kira I., 16 years old, came to the clinic with complaints that she could not independently maintain balance when walking or standing.
From the history of the development of this condition it is known that the family consists of 3 people: father, mother and girl. By nature, Kira is calm, balanced, sociable, she studies well and has no problems. Except...her own family, where there are constant scandals between father and mother, which greatly upsets the girl. During these conflicts, parents try to “win” her to their side.
One day, Kira fell ill with ARVI with low fever and catarrhal symptoms. Three days after the temperature returned to normal, the mother, returning from work, discovered that the girl, at the insistence of her father, was still in bed, and there were a lot of things and garbage around. The mother was indignant and demanded that the girl get out of bed and clean up after herself. But the father, who came in at that time, began to be indignant at the mother’s demands, shouted, claimed that the girl was still weak and seriously ill. At her mother’s insistent demand, Kira got out of bed and staggered. The father screamed terribly, seeing this as a manifestation of the girl’s serious illness. Although the doctor had discharged the girl to school the day before and considered her healthy.
Since then, Kira began to complain that it was difficult for her to stand and walk on her own because she “couldn’t feel her legs” and couldn’t maintain her balance. The father made active attempts to establish a diagnosis and treatment for the girl and began to contact specialists in various fields. At the same time, neurologists from different clinics did not find any abnormalities in the neurological status. Kira moved very quickly on all fours.
Over the next two years, the father, having lost faith in the competence of doctors, began to treat her on his own: alternative medicine, physical exercise. Kira rode a bicycle very well on her own, but continued to stand and walk with the help of her father. There was still a tense psychological situation at home.
One day, when Kira was once again riding a bicycle along the side of the road, a huge truck was rushing towards her. The girl got scared, threw her bike and quickly ran along the sidewalk. Since then she has been able to walk and run normally.
Six months later, she again visited the doctor, where her father brought her with other complaints. Kira began to refuse food. In a separate conversation with the doctor, the girl asked to be spared her father’s excessive care, otherwise she would leave the house.
A psychotherapeutic conversation with my father did not give the desired results.
The mother filed for divorce and exchange of the apartment. Since then, Kira lived with her mother and made no complaints about her illnesses.

As can be seen from the above example, psychosomatic disorders in the presence of a psychogenic situation that is significant for the patient can change - from motor disorders to somatized symptoms.

Hearing and vision disorders

Disorders of the organs of hearing and vision can also be psychogenic if the child is in a chronic frustrating situation. This can be psychogenic blindness, complete or partial, and psychogenic deafness.

Example from practice. The boy Zhenya, 10 years old, was very reluctant to study piano. The teacher and parents scolded him more than once for his negligence and poor preparation for classes. But Zhenya couldn’t sit still, she really wanted to play with the guys in the yard.
And then one day Zhenya complained of worsening vision; he does not see or distinguish musical notes. A check of the visual apparatus by an ophthalmologist showed normal vision in both eyes.
But the ophthalmologist drew attention to the fact that Zhenya sees ordinary letters and numbers well, but not musical symbols or similar drawings.
A psychotherapeutic conversation was held with Zhenya and his parents, as a result of which it was revealed that the boy had a complex complex of aversion not only to reading notes, but also to listening to musical phrases. Musical studies were suspended for a while, and then stopped altogether, especially since Zhenya did not have sufficient abilities to become a future musician.

Sensitivity disorders of a psychogenic nature often occur after stress and are manifested by loss of sensations (rather than true sensitivity) in the form of “socks” and “gloves”. A neurological examination does not reveal any innervation type sensory disorders. Moreover, when attention is distracted, these phenomena disappear, and reactions to pain are natural.
Medical clinical psychologists suggest paying attention to the psychological characteristics of patients with conversion disorders.

Symptoms in patients with conversion disorders

They are characterized by (Remschmidt, Karvassarsky):
– symptoms have their own goals and content, they can be associated with a provoking situation;
– symptoms are sometimes demonstrative (“look what a serious illness I have”);
– there is a significant contradiction between the severity of the symptoms and the person’s behavior: he remains inactive in getting rid of his illness;
– the final landmarks are obvious to people, but not to the patient himself.

The somatized, somatoform type of psychosomatic disorders is a psychogenically caused violation of the functional regulatory systems of various internal organs.

From the standpoint of medical clinical psychology, alexithymia is the basis of somatoform disorders. The term “alexithymia” was coined by Sitheos in 1973, which literally meant “without words for feelings.”


Alexithymia is a psychological characteristic that determines the following characteristics of an individual (B.D. Karvassarsky):
1. Difficulty in distinguishing between feelings and bodily sensations;
2. Difficulty in describing and identifying one’s own feelings;
3. Decreased ability to fantasize, limited symbolization;
4. Focusing more on external events than on internal experiences.
According to N.V. Khaitovich’s definition, “alexithymia is an individual’s limited ability to perceive his own feelings and emotions, their adequate verbalization and expressive transmission.”
From the point of view of the concept of alexithymia, the inability of an individual to regulate and modulate emotions that cause him suffering mental level lead to increased physiological reactions from internal organs, especially in stressful situations (Taylor, Karvassarsky).
If we consider childhood, then, according to the basic concepts of developmental psychology, the presence of alexithymic manifestations in the child’s psyche may be associated with variants of insufficient maturation of the above-mentioned components of mental response to external conditions.
In adolescence, according to psychophysiological signs, difficulties arise in identifying “oneself” and one’s own feelings, emotional instability, rigidity of adolescent motivations and lack of experience. These features of the adolescent psyche, according to developmental psychology, may also be a predisposition for the occurrence of alexithymic manifestations.
In addition, in childhood and adolescence, the state of the autonomic nervous system as an autonomous regulator of the functions of internal organs also plays a role in the mechanisms of formation of somatization disorders.

Somatization, somatoform disorders

Somatized, somatoform disorders are characterized by the presence of multiple, recurring and often changing somatic symptoms that can relate to any part of the body or internal organ system (G. Heminghausen).
Such disorders are well known to pediatricians and family doctors.
Somatization disorders in childhood and adolescence are psychogenically caused symptoms that manifest themselves functional disorders regulation various organs and systems: cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, urinary, thermoregulation and sleep regulation systems. A special place is occupied by pain syndrome and its psychological design.

In childhood, especially infancy, somatization disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, thermoregulation and sleep disorders are most common. These disorders manifest themselves in infants with a neuropathic constitution, which is based on autonomic dysregulation of the functioning of internal organs. At the same time, minor conditions of physiological or psychogenic discomfort can lead to the appearance of symptoms of somatization disorders.
For example, “intestinal colic” usually occurs before the age of 3-4 months and is known to manifest itself as spasms along the intestines. This, naturally, worries the baby and his parents very much. Cases are considered when the warm hands of the mother and a sung song neutralize these painful sensations, and the child calms down. And, conversely, the forced absence of the mother is a stressful situation for the baby, and similar phenomena are repeated and intensified. Described cases of positive emotional influence mothers appear only if there is complete agreement in the system of mother-child relationships, and the mother “understands” her child, his needs and emotional state.
In infancy, frequent regurgitation, sometimes profuse, can also be observed, which accompanies the child’s emotional anxiety.
A child with a neuropathic constitution is also characterized by thermoregulation disorders, sleep disturbances, etc. Moreover, these manifestations can be provoked by various factors: disruption of sleep patterns, an unfamiliar smell, the presence of many people who want to “snuggle the nice baby,” especially in the absence of the mother, whom the baby perceives as a “talisman,” etc.
In preschool age, somatization disorder of the gastrointestinal tract can manifest itself in the form of habitual vomiting.

Let's give an example from practice.
Lyusya S., 5 years old. The child’s mother came to see him about his recurring vomiting every morning. The girl, the only child in the family, grew up selfish, spoiled, and whiny. She was raised in a family of 3 people: mother, father and daughter. Due to her parents being busy at work, Lucy was mostly with her grandmother and felt psychologically comfortable.
When the girl was 4.5 years old, her grandmother fell ill and was unable to care for Lyusya. The girl was sent to kindergarten, where she was greeted kindly. But the girl was not used to being in a group of children, did not know how to establish contact with them on her own, and refused to attend kindergarten. However, the parents had no choice, and Lucy was forced to attend kindergarten. After about 2-3 months, Lucy started vomiting on the way to kindergarten. An examination by specialists did not reveal any organic changes in the girl’s internal organs. And the vomiting continued and turned into “habitual vomiting.”
After consulting a psychologist, conducting play psychotherapy, psychological correction In the system of relations between the girl and the children, the vomiting stopped.

At school age, psychogenic symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract may also appear. For example, a feeling of nausea before a test at school, if the student is not sure of a successful assessment.
Flatulence and “irritable bowel syndrome” can have a psychogenic provocation against the background of autonomic dysregulation in a passive type of person. This is one of the forms of somatized response to the situation.

Let's give an example from practice.
Igor L., 15 years old. By nature, calm, shy, timid, somewhat insecure, he fell in love with a classmate. For a long time he hesitated to ask her out, but at the same time he blushed, sweated, and had difficulty pronouncing short phrases. And finally, it happened! The girl turned out to be “spiritier” and invited Igor on a date. He prepared carefully, slept poorly at night, and was worried. But the meeting was interesting and emotionally intense, if not for one unpleasant circumstance. During the conversation, Igor’s stomach began to “seem.” In his words: “The intestines and rectum were especially noisy - they were literally singing.” It seemed to Igor that the girl heard these sounds, and he naturally tried to move away from her. The girl did not like this behavior of the fan, and she left the date. Subsequently, any meeting between Igor and the girl was accompanied by more or less intense manifestations similar type. Examination of the intestines and rectum revealed no organic changes. Seeing a psychotherapist helped the boy get rid of this “suffering.”

The psychotherapy carried out increased the boy’s self-esteem, taught him to overcome psychologically difficult situations and helped him remove the internal complex of his own inferiority.
Everyone knows that in a situation of stress, in addition to the motor sphere, the functional system of the gastrointestinal tract can also react. This somatization reaction can manifest itself in various ways: constipation and diarrhea (“ bear disease"), anorexia and bulimia and other forms.
Somatic disorders of the urinary system can also be observed in children.
For example, a boy partially urinates during a lesson with a strict teacher. These manifestations intensified after the teacher in a stern voice forbade him to go to the toilet when necessary during class. This led to the appearance of psychogenically caused daytime enuresis, and the boy had to be homeschooled.
Let us pay attention to the following case and the doctor’s tactics in helping the child.

Masha, 4.5 years old. An intelligent, sociable girl was raised at home under the supervision of her grandmother. They lived on the 4th floor of a five-story building without an elevator.
One day at the end of October, Masha and her grandmother were getting ready to go for a walk. The grandmother, who had difficulty climbing the stairs, reminded the girl that before going for a walk she must go to the toilet. To which Masha answered negatively, because she saw a friend on the street and was in a hurry to see her. The grandmother and granddaughter went outside, and literally 15 minutes later Masha needed to go to the toilet and urgently urinate. Naturally, the grandmother returned to the apartment with her and angrily sent her to the toilet. However, Masha was unable to urinate, despite all the efforts of the girl and grandmother, “the urine did not come out.” The girl's parents were called and took her to the clinic, where she was examined by a urologist, but found no organic abnormalities. However, the urine “didn’t come out.” I had to do a catheterization. Since then, catheterization of the bladder was repeated several times over the course of 2 days. An examination by a neurologist also did not reveal any organic changes in the innervation of the girl’s urinary system. Since then, the girl began to actively resist visiting the clinic. A doctor invited to the house had a conversation with Masha. Then they played with the naked doll in the bathtub under running water. We managed to persuade the girl to bathe with the doll. And when Masha went into the bathroom, warm water poured onto her pubic area - urine began to flow reflexively. After several sessions of reflex urination, Masha began to urinate voluntarily, which she was incredibly happy about.

Somatization disorders from the outside respiratory system may manifest themselves in the form of hyperventilation syndrome (frequent breathing without physical need), psychogenic cough, “imaginary bronchial asthma” and others.

Let's give an example from practice.
Ulyana, 15 years old. At the insistence of her mother, she went to the pulmonology department with complaints of constant attacks of suffocation. Before that, she lived in a small town and for 2 years was unsuccessfully treated for bronchial asthma. They lived together with their mother; the father died when the girl was 3 years old. The girl had average abilities; her studies were difficult for her. However, Ulyana was uncritical of her capabilities, had inflated self-esteem and lack of a real opportunity for self-realization at the level she desired. Moreover, she was extremely passive.
Since the girl fell ill, her father’s relatives have provided funds for treatment. In the department, the pulmonologist did not find any obvious symptoms of bronchial asthma during a physical and instrumental examination.
The medical staff drew attention to the fact that any situation in the ward that was not in favor of the girl led to the provocation of an “asthma” attack. Auscultation at the time of the attack revealed no changes in the lungs. But the girl and mother continued to insist on a serious illness. At their insistent request, Ulyana received a referral to a rehabilitation center in Solotvino.
At the beginning of treatment, according to her words, the attacks stopped. But then, after a conflict with the nanny, they resumed again. The mother's fixation on the girl's illness supported and provoked attacks of suffocation and fear of the possibility of suffocating from lack of air.
Over time, Ulyana stopped studying even at home, declaring that the sight of notebooks and books leads to seizures. That is, the personality “entered” into illness, and arose pathological development Personalities of the passive-defensive type with manifestations of alexithymia.

It should be noted that a psychosomatic radical is also present in the mechanism of true bronchial asthma. For example, confidence in immediate help from others or having the necessary medicine at hand will help protect a patient from the onset of another attack.
A psychogenic cough can occur in a child after a mild ARVI, when somatic manifestations have already passed, but the cough remains and manifests itself in a difficult situation ( test, conflicts in family and school).

Violation of thermoregulation

Thermoregulation disorders - an increase or decrease in body temperature under the influence of traumatic circumstances can be observed in children and adolescents. If there is a constant low-grade fever that cannot be explained by an organic disease of the internal organs or the hypothalamic region, it is advisable to contact medical psychologist. Its tasks include: the study of the psychological characteristics of the individual, his reactions in frustrating situations, as well as the identification of intrapersonal conflict in the patient, and in adolescents - the presence of an internal picture of the disease, an alesithymic radical.
Somatization disorders of the cardiovascular system manifest themselves in the form of “heart neurosis”, hyperkinetic cardiac syndrome, psychogenic paroxysmal tachycardia and other heart rhythm disturbances. These disorders are well known to doctors and are widely presented in relevant publications (N.V. Khaitovich, G. Remshmidt).
Pain syndrome and its psychosomatic aspects are one of the central problems in biology, medicine, and psychology.
According to P.K. Anokhin’s definition, “pain is a unique mental state of a person, caused by a set of physiological processes of the central nervous system, brought to life by some super-strong or destructive stimulus.” Painful sensation occurs under the influence of external stimuli and is a warning about danger threatening a person.
However, the doctor cannot always judge the objective characteristics of pain and all its parameters. This is due to the fact that pain is a subjective sensation, which depends not only on the intensity and quality of the stimulus that caused it, but also on the individual’s psychological personal reaction to the painful sensation.

Psychological factors

Of the psychological factors that have a great influence on the experience of pain, the following are the main ones (B.D. Karvassarsky):
– diverting the patient’s attention from the outside world and focusing it on the pain sensation and anticipation of it;
– characteristics of the patient’s personality, resistance and endurance to pain or delicacy and intolerance to pain;
– various emotional states in stressful situations can block pain sensations (post-traumatic shock);
– social and moral attitudes and orientation of a person’s life values, which can determine his attitude towards pain.
An example of the fact that in a pain syndrome, in addition to physiological mechanisms, there are psychological factors, are various forms of psychalgia.


Psychalgia is a feeling of pain in various parts of the body (head, limbs, back), which arises and intensifies under the influence of a traumatic situation and can disappear on its own after its cessation.

"Phantom" pain

“Phantom” pain is pain in a non-existent part of the body or organ; it also has a psychosomatic mechanism.
Psychalgia and phantom pain are successfully treated with hypnotherapy or another type of psychotherapeutic intervention that is more suitable for the patient. In children and adolescents, psychalgia is a common phenomenon that occurs in a situation of frustration and can linger for a long time due to the principle of pathologically strengthened connections. This connection can be broken by using psychotherapy that is adequate for the patient’s personality.

If you want to know more, read:

1. Anokhin P.K. – Key issues of the theory of functional systems. M., Science. 1980.
2. Karvassarsky B.D. – Textbook of psychotherapy. Peter. St. Petersburg 2002.
3. Mendelevich V.D. – Clinical and medical psychology. M. Medpress-inform. 2002.
4. Renmschmidt G. – Child and adolescent psychiatry. M., Eksmo-press. 2001.
5. Developmental psychology. – Ed. M. Martsinkovskaya. M., Academy. 2001.
6. Textbook - clinical psychology. – Ed. Karvassarsky B.D. 2nd ed. St. Petersburg Peter. 2006.
7. Khaitovich M.V., Maydannik V.G., Kovalova O.V. – Psychotherapy in pediatrics. Kyiv. Aspect-polygraph. 2003.
8. Heminghausen K. – Somatoform disorders. In the book. "Child and Adolescent Psychiatry." M., Eksmo-press. 2001. p. 334 – 338.

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