How to use dried dates. The benefits and harms of dates for the body of men and women. Selection and storage

Dates are the fruit of the date tree. They also have another name - “desert bread”. They are grown in Iran, South Africa, hot Tunisia, Egypt, as well as in Israel and Algeria. In the East they still blindly believe that if you eat dates alone, you can live up to 100 years. According to the Holy Quran, Prophet Muhammad used them in his daily diet.

Dried dates can be stored for a very long time.

Fresh dates can be kept refrigerated for up to 10 months, while dried dates can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 years. All properties of dried dates are preserved.

In 100 g fresh fruits calorie content is 145 calories, dried - 280 calories. Dry dates have significantly more fiber. In their composition high content sugar, the more they are dried, the higher the percentage of fructose and.

The drying process is not completed, so they are soft and sticky. It is ideal when the fruits are dried in natural conditions in the sun. But they are usually dried in production.

The effect of dates on the body

To replenish daily dose in copper, sulfur, you need to eat 10 dates. 2 pieces are enough for a child. Also, this amount will replenish the body with 1/2 dose of iron and 1/4 dose of calcium.

The fruit contains 60-65% carbohydrates, 23 types of amino acids, vitamins A, PP, BC. There are more than 15 minerals and salts. 100 g of dried fruits contain 11 g of dietary fiber. Date palm fruits:

  • Taken for sore throats, flu, viral infections. When consumed during bronchitis, it thins mucus, promotes its removal, and destroys harmful microorganisms.
  • , cracks, wounds, suppuration.
  • They weaken gently and painlessly, thanks to the coarse fibers.
  • They normalize metabolism, as they contain pantothenic acid, and strengthen the immune system.
  • Vitamin A helps strengthen hair, prevents its fragility, and restores split ends. Nails acquire a healthy appearance and do not peel.
  • They are useful for pregnant women, as the stimulants present in the fruits strengthen the walls of the uterus, which helps and facilitates childbirth.
  • Strengthen the heart muscle, reduce the risk of diseases associated with the heart muscle and blood vessels.
  • Improves nutrition of brain vessels. Eating dates has a positive effect on the condition nervous system, relieves anxiety and stress.
  • Block education oncological tumors, prevent aging.
  • Prevents the formation of caries due to the presence of fluoride. If it is not possible to freshen your mouth, chewing up to two pieces of dates will prevent the spread of bacteria.
  • They have a positive effect on potency in men, improve the quality of seminal fluid, and increase the duration of sexual intercourse. Use a decoction of the seeds, it has a good effect on work genitourinary system body.
  • To lose weight, do not consume anything other than dates, washed down with water or green tea for several days. The serving quantity is determined individually by the doctor.
  • Helps reduce .
  • Eating dates regularly can help you get rid of night blindness.
  • Improves performance in anemia.


Dried dates are very high-calorie product.

There are also contraindications for use. Not recommended for people with overweight, since the calorie content of the product is high.

And also to use in case of pathologies of the oral cavity and the presence of caries, this aggravates the course of the disease and causes destruction.

Dates should be taken with caution by people with peptic ulcer, an exacerbation may occur. And also people with liver problems need to follow the norm.

Elevated glucose levels can cause discomfort in the stomach area, diarrhea. Not recommended for people with metabolic disorders - diabetes mellitus. And also for those who have individual intolerance to this product or have urolithiasis.

For long-term storage, dates are processed in production chemicals. Therefore, the fruits must be thoroughly washed before consumption. If you have problems with the intestines and stomach, then such fruits can cause intoxication: dizziness,...

What are the benefits of dates, how to choose, store, recipes

Large quantities of fruits are collected from ten-year-old palm trees. From one tree it is possible to obtain a hundredweight of fruit per year. Dates are divided into soft, semi-dry, dry, depending on the ripeness of the fruit.

From them you can boil date honey, make alcoholic juice, get sugar, and from the middle of the tree - date flour.

How dates are selected and stored

Dried dates should be stored in dark place in vacuum packaging.

The quality of dates is determined by a uniform matte color without any spots. They are crumbly, without excess moisture. If the skin peels off and has cracks, it means they were dried in chambers using chemicals.

The glossy color of the fruit indicates violations of drying conditions. It is better to purchase fruits with seeds. You should not take it with sugar crystals on the surface, as they are treated with sugar syrup.

Store the fruits at room temperature in a dark place, in vacuum packaging. For long-term storage, place in the refrigerator in glass containers. Close the lid tightly to prevent foreign odors. Can be frozen.

Healthy recipes

Date decoction will help with constipation.

At prolonged cough you need to drink a decoction of dates: 6-7 fruits are thoroughly washed, placed in a container, poured with a glass of milk and boiled for 10 minutes. Cool slightly and drink, the fruits can be eaten. Do it before bed.

The following composition is prepared for constipation: 10 pcs. Wash the fruits and cut them without seeds. Take butter, not vegetable oil, heat half a tablespoon, add ground black pepper on the tip of a knife.

Mix everything. Drink on an empty stomach, then neither drink nor eat for 2 hours. Anemia and fatigue mixture: 10 pieces of fresh dates; ginger 1/2 tablespoon; cardamom spice on the tip of a knife; saffron seasoning pinch. Mix the fruits and other ingredients in a glass container, close and shake thoroughly. Place in the shade where it is warm for 10-14 days. Use 1 pc. in the morning.

For insomnia and neuroses, eat dates with milk. For vigor and energy reserves, soak 5 seedless fruits in 200 g of water in the evening. In the morning, grind everything in a blender and drink. For children:

  • when teething, give dates to chew;
  • for diarrhea, drink 1/2 teaspoon of date sugar, adding 1/2 tablespoon of honey. Drink up to 3 times a day.

For rapid heartbeat and chest pain, mix two chopped fruits with 1 tablespoon of honey. The remedy for indigestion is prepared as follows: from 5 dates and 200 g of water, boil for 15 minutes. Remove the seeds and grind everything together, add 200 g of boiled rice. Consume dessert after meals.

Dates - delicious product, brought from the East, has a wide range of beneficial properties. By regularly consuming an acceptable amount, you can improve your health and prolong your life.

This video will tell you how to choose the right dates:

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You either like dates or you don’t. They reach consumers in dried form, which in no way detracts from the taste and benefits of this product. But date lovers should know about potential harm which they can cause to the body. And for those who are just considering introducing them into their diet - about the beneficial properties. Having taken into account all the contraindications, eliminating the possibility of their development, you can continue to enjoy this amazing delicacy.

Diet sweets

The calorie content of dates of different varieties is around 220-280 kcal/100 g, that is, about 25 kcal in one medium-sized fruit. The minimum fat content (only 0.5 g) and the presence of dietary fiber (7.5 g) make it a very attractive product from a nutritional point of view.

Adhering to proper nutrition I like the set of vitamins. In terms of the content of vitamin B varieties, it is simply a champion among dried fruits. The combination of vitamins, micro- and macroelements makes it one of the most best fruits. Recommended for inclusion in the diet of vegetarians and raw foodists. 23 types of amino acids are a serious claim to success compared to many products.

For those on a diet, the fruit will seem suitable due to its content pantothenic acid. It plays an important role in metabolism. Don't be alarmed by the amount of sugar in this product (66.5 g/100 g). It is represented by fructose and dextrose, which are simple sugars, will not harm your figure, but will only add energy.

For those who want to lose weight, dates can replace sweets

Regardless of the purpose of use, the following rules should be observed:

  • Adults 100 - 150 g per day.
  • Children up to 50 g per day.

Beneficial features

Sleep problems are one of the most negative manifestations of rhythm modern life. Dates will come to the rescue due to tryptophan (a special amino acid) in their composition. Melatonin, the “sleep hormone,” is formed from it. How it works:

  • stimulation of a tired person;
  • fight against insomnia – 5 pieces per night.

Tryptophan produces the hormone Have a good mood"(serotanin). This is not the time to take antidepressants - you should try dates. After all therapeutic effect tryptophan is also used in monotherapy.

Advice. To prevent dates from losing not only their organoleptic qualities, but also their medicinal qualities, store them in a glass or cardboard container, tightly closed, for up to one year.

Doctors also note important properties– prevention of cancer, and potassium salts have a positive effect on the functioning of the brain and heart.

Information for women only

Pregnant and lactating women are characterized by anxieties, fears, and general psychological instability. Postpartum depression and PMS has not been canceled either. Therefore, eating dates will help stabilize the nervous system during all these periods of life.

Dates are good for the female body

Scientists have found that the fruits of the wonderful palm tree contain substances that naturally strengthen the muscles of the uterus. Positive influence V postpartum period– reduction of bleeding.

There is a lot of calcium (64 mg/100 g), so during the natural period of its deficiency, you can replenish the balance. Eat folic acid, only in in kind, and not in tablets, as doctors like to prescribe it.

During breastfeeding, potential manifests itself in different ways:

  • promote lactation;
  • improve the quality of milk.

Attention! Consult your doctor and pediatrician before starting use.

Beware: dates!

Regardless of the individual health status, the main dangers facing everyone who consumes the fruit are:

  1. Caries - fruits leave plaque. You can get rid of it only by brushing your teeth.
  2. Digestive disorder. Only careful pre-treatment before use.
  3. Allergy, and not only to the fruit itself. If you rinse poorly, you may encounter chemical compounds on the surface (for example, sulfur dioxide), which is sometimes used to treat dates by unscrupulous suppliers.

Attention! Too wrinkled fruits, mold, strong sugar content, light color– “correct” dates should not have such signs.

The following aspects can be distinguished from a narrowly targeted effect on a specific organism:

  1. High glycemic index, the level of which is a real record holder. Therefore, it is not suitable for consumers who have to monitor their blood sugar levels.
  2. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract system. Dates are a “heavy” food that takes a long time to digest.
  3. High degree of obesity. Any carbohydrates become contraindicated.

People with gastrointestinal problems need to be careful when consuming dates

From antiquity to the present day

There is a version that dates contain the entire set nutrients, necessary for a person for a full existence. Historical figures are known who ate only dates and water for several years. But this food option, like a few pieces washed down with a glass of milk a day, is nothing more than an urban legend. Diet modern man must be correctly composed, and mono-diets are not approved by most experts.

Over more than 5 thousand years of existence, these amazing fruits of the first cultivated palm tree have become overgrown with all sorts of myths and stories. Traditional medicine has long adopted dates as a medicine against purulent wounds, inflammation. Some examples in the treatment of gum disease are very convincing and can be taken into account. Prevention, but not treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, is also appropriate. Rely on dates as the only way It is not worth curing from serious illnesses.

Today you can choose varieties from different producing countries, among which you will find the ideal dates. Consuming them with tea or milk for better absorption, some will find it tasty, while others will find it simply useful. But in any case, you cannot neglect the opportunity to improve your diet and quality of life in such a simple, affordable way.

Date palm fruit- exotic guests on our table, unfortunately, not yet appreciated by domestic buyers. The places where palm trees grow are located in hot countries, where the sun shines most of the year, which has a beneficial effect on date fruits and allows them to literally become saturated with important for humans microelements and vitamins.

In the Muslim world, dates are valued for their nutritional properties And excellent taste. They pamper children instead of sweets. And adults in desert conditions can live for several days eating only dates washed down with water.

Are they useful and why? dried dates? First, it should be noted that these are the only ones that are not processed sulfuric acid. Besides important fact, date fruits are a unique product in its composition.

Useful properties of dried dates

Benefits of dates for human body it is difficult to overestimate:

  • Date palm fruits are quite rich in vitamins and mineral composition. Their regular use will help replenish the missing chemical elements in our body. Dates have been successfully used for treatment hypovitaminosis and improving overall well-being.
  • Potassium and magnesium, which are part of the fruit, contribute to the withdrawal excess liquid from the body. They also normalize the functioning of the heart and strengthen blood vessels.
  • High content oxytocin makes dates an indispensable product for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding . Date palm fruits naturally stimulate contractions, speed up birth process and relieve pain.
  • They are also used for prevention liver diseases.
  • The vitamins found in fruits help preserve skin elasticity, remove inflammatory processes and make her healthy.
  • Known beneficial influence dates for human nervous system. The fruits help cope with stress and relieve depression.

By consuming date fruits, we are enriched with vitamins and minerals, supporting the functioning of of cardio-vascular system, stimulate brain function, replace harmful sugar in our menu at .

Useful elements and chemical composition

and them the nutritional value. Date fruits are quite a high-calorie product, from one hundred grams of which we get 292 calories. Proteins contained 5,4% , fat 0,9% , carbohydrates 28,1% from daily value consumption for an adult.

The composition also includes fifteen minerals and salts, more than two dozen amino acids.

The vitamin composition is represented by almost the entire vitamin B group:

  • thiamine and riboflavin – 0.05 mg each;
  • pantothenic acid – 0.8 mg (16% of the daily value B5);
  • pyridoxine – 0.1 mg.

Sufficient quantities contain vitamin E - 0.3 milligrams and PP - 1.9 milligrams.

Dietary fiber 6 grams.

From minerals and the most microelements in one hundred grams of fruit are:

  • calcium – 65 mg;
  • magnesium – 69 mg;
  • sodium – 32 mg;
  • potassium – 370 mg (14.8% daily value);
  • phosphorus – 56 mg;
  • iron – 1.5 mg (8.3% daily value).

Healthy and therapeutic nutrition

  • Date fruits are used in folk medicine since antiquity. They treat diseases of the cardiovascular system. Reduces high blood pressure.
  • Cleanse the kidneys and gallbladder from stones and toxins.
  • Cures inflammatory processes in joints.
  • And dietary fiber, contained in large quantities, is prophylactic against oncology.
  • With the help of dates, they strengthen the immune system and recover after hard physical work.
  • These fruits are excellent sleeping pill. Thanks to melatonin included in their composition, you can successfully get rid of insomnia.
  • Tryptophan- another valuable hormone for humans that takes part in the synthesis serotonin. This substance stabilizes the mental state, relieves depression and improves the performance of brain cells.
  • During pregnancy, date fruits are recommended to be consumed as a means of strengthening the muscles of the uterus. They prevent postpartum hemorrhage.
  • The components of date fruits are beneficial for men, helping to improve potency and sperm production.

Dates are widely used in oriental cooking. As a dessert and sugar substitute, dried fruits are served with or eaten with milk. Chopped fruits are added to salads and baked goods.

It is obtained from the juice alcoholic drink, produce sugar and. And from the hearts of palm trees they prepare flour, from which they then bake.

Dates on a diet

IN diet menu date fruits are very popular.

  • Thanks to pantothenic acid this product regulates metabolic processes and speeds up metabolism.
  • Pleasant sweet taste and rich content fructose allows you to replace sugar with fruits.
  • And snacking on dates is quite normal healthy eating. The fruits are quite high in calories and after eating them you no longer want to lean on junk food like sandwiches and instant noodles.

Maybe last up to ten days and include the fruits themselves, green tea, apples and oranges. Thanks to diet you can get rid of five to seven kilograms excess weight.

A large number of date fruits are contraindicated in case of rapid metabolism, because dates increase the level of insulin in the blood, which causes a feeling of hunger when accelerated exchange substances. This is also the reason for their properties in diabetes mellitus.

On a note. The menu of such a diet contains little protein, so it is recommended to introduce lean meat into the diet.

How to select and store

The choice of date fruits is quite simple. When purchasing these valuable dried fruits, pay attention:

  • for dryness– the fruits must be dry, but not overdried;
  • cleanliness– good dates without damage or traces of mold;
  • color, which should be dark. It indicates ripeness (unripe fruits are lighter in color).

Fruits with seeds are considered more useful, since during drying they retain all trace elements.

Many dates sold in packages are fresh, not sun-dried. Their ripening occurred due to the slow evaporation of the liquid. Some manufacturers first freeze the fruits, then defrost them and sell the products. Therefore, fruit varieties are conventionally divided into soft, semi-soft and dry.

  • Dried fruits a little sticky and smooth.
  • Dried look wrinkled and show through light easily. Dried dates are considered beneficial.
  • Canned with sugar syrup the fruits look damp and sticky to the touch. This storage method does not affect the quality of the product, but the body will receive less benefit from it.

The average shelf life of fruits placed in carton boxes and located in a dry place is six months. In the refrigerator, the product is stored in a closed container.

Consumption standards

Adults can eat up to 5 items date fruits per day along with the peel.

Children are given the fruit from eight months in the form of compote. To prepare it, add two hundred grams of dates to a liter of water and boil for five minutes. After five years, the child can be given one date a day.

Before eating or cooking, be sure to wash the fruits with hot water!

Harm of dried dates and contraindications

  • individual intolerance;
  • diabetes;
  • peptic ulcers.

Date fruits are a very valuable product that can and should be added to traditional dishes. For example, bake a duck with them or add them instead. Of course, we should not forget that overeating even the most healthy product can bring nothing but trouble. Three hundred grams of dates can cause constipation or indigestion. Be reasonable and then dates will delight you with their exotic taste and benefit your body.

We hope our material helped you understand what the benefits and harms of using dried dates can be.
How often do you eat these fruits? Do you like their taste? What results did the date diet bring?

Hello, friends!

I remember that as a child we really loved to eat delicious sweet dates. But they were not so often in our diet and did not become mandatory for consumption, unfortunately. But in China, dates form the basis of nutrition, as it is believed that they prolong life and improve health.

A few months ago I read an interesting article about incredible benefits dried dates, it really amazed me and now I try to eat dates every day, which I encourage you to do too.

Why, now I’ll tell you how dates are useful for humans.

Dried dates. Benefits and harms

First of all, pay attention to the composition: the beneficial properties of dates are due to the fact that they are rich in vitamins A, B, C, PP. Dates contain a lot of potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, copper, fluorine, selenium and other minerals.

This set reminds me of . But, unlike them and other fruits, dates contain much more amino acids, there are 23 of them, including essential amino acid tryptophan. It is she who prevents the aging of the body, helps maintain normal mental state, optimal functioning of the brain, strengthening memory, which is especially important for older people, and young people too.

In addition, dates contain a lot of proteins, carbohydrates, unsaturated fatty acids, sugars, dietary fiber, due to which they are quite high in calories, perfectly satisfy hunger, relieve fatigue, give strength and energy, and are easily absorbed and digested. Do you know that dates are always present on the menu of astronauts as both food and medicine? So we all definitely need to eat them, not only as a sweetness that replaces candy.

And now, in more detail, point by point, how dates are beneficial for the human body and its health.

What are the benefits of dried dates?

  1. First of all, dates are an excellent way to strengthen the immune system.
  2. Dates improve appetite.
  3. When eaten on an empty stomach, dates kill all harmful bacteria in the body and help with intestinal disorders.
  4. Dates have a mild laxative effect and are useful for constipation.
  5. Improve metabolism and reduce cholesterol levels. Dates themselves do not contain cholesterol.
  6. Dates contribute normal development and functioning muscle mass, so they are useful for children, adolescents and athletes.
  7. Dates restore strength and relieve fatigue within half an hour after eating them.
  8. Dried dates increase brain performance by 20 percent.
  9. Stimulates the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, strengthen the heart, improve liver and kidney function.
  10. At increased acidity gastric juice Dates are useful.
  11. Eating dates helps prevent stomach ulcers and cancer.
  12. The properties of dried dates prevent the formation of blood clots.
  13. Restore strength after illness and operations.
  14. When taking antibiotics to reduce side effects You should definitely eat dates.
  15. Dates are good for anemia.
  16. They strengthen the walls of capillaries.
  17. Dates are useful for hypertension, they normalize and slightly reduce high blood pressure.
    Here the question arises: is it possible to eat dates with low blood pressure? I think that 2-4 dates a day will not lead to a sharp drop in blood pressure, but will only be beneficial.
  18. Dates can help with bleeding gums.
  19. Dates support and improve vision and relieve eye fatigue.

    To strengthen my eyesight, I also do this regularly. I recommend!

  20. At nervous disorders When stressed, dates are a must! This is much healthier than even chocolate, much less various harmful sweets.
  21. If you get motion sickness while riding on a bus or flying on an airplane, seasickness It's good to eat dates.
  22. Substances similar in composition to aspirin, which are contained in dates, help cope with infections and inflammations, and even relieve pain.
  23. Dates are very useful for women. Because they make it easier premenstrual syndrome, prevent miscarriages, facilitate the process of childbirth, restore strength after childbirth. And mothers’ milk is enriched with vitamins.
  24. Dates are useful for beauty and strengthening hair and nails.
  25. The benefits of dates for men were known in ancient times to increase potency and improve the quality of seminal fluid.
  26. You can eat dates when you are losing weight. After all excess weight Most often it occurs from an overabundance of harmful carbohydrates, as soon as you give up sweets and you begin to lose weight, this is exactly what happens to me. But it’s also difficult without carbohydrates at all, so dates will just fill the required amount of carbohydrates. You just need to eat no more than 2-3 of them in the morning, but not at night. After all, we need energy during the day, and by evening all accumulated carbohydrates should already begin to be processed.
  27. Surprisingly, dates even prevent the formation of arthritis!
  28. From all the above listed beneficial properties of dried dates, it is clear that dates prolong youth!

How many dates should you eat per day? Calories in dates

In this section I will answer several questions.

Firstly, about the calorie content of dates.

This fruit is quite high in calories. 100 grams of fresh dates contain about 270 calories, and dried ones - 340!

One date weighs approximately 8-9 grams, so count how many dates are in 100 grams - about 11-12 pieces.

Therefore, you should not overeat them. Enough 4-10 pieces per day for adults and 2-4 pieces for children.

I usually eat 4 dates with tea in the morning, but sometimes I really want them so much that I eat one after another, although you can’t handle more than 10, they are too sweet.

Are dates washed before eating? Of course they wash them, because they are brought to us from distant places, there is a lot of dust on them, they are treated in a special way so that they are better preserved, and they go through a lot of hands.

How to properly rinse dates: I soak the dates in advance warm water, then I rinse. During soaking, all the dirt comes off from them, and besides, they become soft, making them more pleasant to eat.

Harm of dates

The harm of dried dates lies precisely in their calorie content and sugar content. Therefore, dates should not be consumed if you are obese, or with caution if you have diabetes.

Based on this information about the benefits and harms of dried dates, we can conclude that there is almost no harm in them if consumed in moderation, as is the case with everything. And there are so many benefits that you need to eat them; dates should be one of the main fruits on our table.

Dates are a product that is well known to us and loved by many since childhood. The fruits of the date palm have been considered a delicacy since ancient times. Widely cultivated in hot countries and sold throughout the world. Most often we purchase dates in the form of dried fruits, because it is in the dried form that they acquire their characteristic sweetish-spicy taste. Like any product, dates are not suitable for everyone. Let's consider what are the benefits and harms of dates, what is their role in human nutrition.

Useful properties of dates.

1. First of all, dates contain a large amount of dietary fiber (6.7 g per 100 g of product). Dietary fiber normalizes work gastrointestinal tract, adjust the chair. Due to the fact that they are not digested by the body, fiber cleanses the intestines of toxins and participates in the restoration of its microflora.

2. The presence of pantothenic acid in dates suggests that they regulate metabolism in the body, increase immunity resistance during acute respiratory diseases, control the functioning of the nervous system and adrenal glands. Remember this, when consuming dried dates, the benefits and harms are in an incomparable balance - and the advantage is in the direction of benefits.

3. A large amount of retinol, or otherwise vitamin A, in dates will help keep your hair healthy and not split, and your nails beautiful and strong.

4. Dates contain an essential element for the body - potassium. It maintains normal cardiac muscles, as well as the muscles of the human skeleton. A small portion of dates - 150-200 grams will completely replenish daily requirement potassium for an adult, and for a child to get the required amount of potassium it is enough to eat only 2-3 pieces of date fruits.

5. When considering whether dates can contain both benefits and harm, one cannot help but evaluate the amount of calcium they contain - 64 mg per 100 g of product. Calcium is a macronutrient that every person needs, because the strength of bones, skeleton and teeth directly depend on its sufficient quantity in the body. In this regard, dates are recommended for pregnant and lactating women who need a balanced and calcium-enriched diet.

Dates also contain whole line vitamins, thanks to which the nutritional value of these fruits increases significantly:

  • Thiamine (B1);
  • Riboflavin (B2);
  • Niacin (B3);
  • Pyridoxine (B6);
  • Folacin (B9);
  • Ascorbic acid (vit. C);
  • Vitamin D;
  • Vitamin K

Rich energy value— 277 kcal per 100 grams of product suggests that dates can be a complete snack during the working day. Quite a high-calorie product, thanks to fast carbohydrates satiate the appetite, give energy and strength.

  • Iron;
  • Magnesium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Sodium;
  • Zinc;
  • Copper;
  • Manganese, etc.

Dates will help maintain strength on long journeys and tiring roads. Therefore, a traveler would be wise to take a portion of date fruits with him for a snack; this has been adopted by researchers and just amateurs long journey– overwork becomes easier to bear thanks to this healing product.

There are many legends that dates are such a nutritious and rich in composition product that eating only it and drinking water, you can stay healthy and live a full life for many decades. There is even evidence of similar experiments. Perhaps these stories have some good basis, given the extreme usefulness of dates. But I would like to warn you that you should not expose your body to such extremes. Moreover, dates include benefits and harms, and there are people who should better refrain from including this tasty product in their food.

Contraindications for eating dates.

Dates - so useful product, that, it would seem, it is not only possible, but also necessary to be eaten by every person. However, there are restrictions that do not allow certain categories of people to include dates in their diet.

— Dates should not be consumed by people with diabetes. They very quickly increase the amount of sugar in the blood, which is unacceptable for people with increased glucose levels.

— Dates have a high glycemic index and at the same time belong to foods with high calorie content. Therefore, dates should not be included in the diet of people who are obese or overweight.

— People with increased dental caries should consume dates with caution - the sugars contained in dates have an aggressive effect on tooth enamel. And if it is damaged by caries, then within a day there is a risk of complicating the course of ordinary caries with pulpitis. However, this is a feature not only of dates, but also of most dried fruits.

As you noticed, there are much fewer cons than pros. The benefits and harms of dates are a very subjective concept, but it is still worth paying attention to the above points for your own peace of mind.

The norm for the consumption of dates in daily nutrition.

Taking into account the benefits and harms of dates daily norm fruit consumption – 3-5 pieces per day. A child only needs 1-2 large date fruits. This optimal quantity, recommended for replenishing vitamins and minerals. If you get carried away or simply decide to enjoy more, you should not eat more than 300 grams. dates per day. Dates take quite a long time to digest thanks to dietary fiber, and by “overdoing” the amount eaten, you can get the exact opposite effect - the stomach will “get up”, the intestines will react with constipation, and the digestion process will drag on for a long time. Then without medications not enough. Therefore, always take measures so that this wonderful product brings only benefits to your body.

Dates in daily nutrition - how to eat?

The best option it will be easy to eat dried fruits whole dates, remembering to remove the pit. The peel should not be removed under any circumstances - it contains many valuable substances and coarse fiber.

Choose large, juicy fruits; they will delight you with a sweet and slightly tart taste. Dates are a great addition to tea instead of sweets and flour products. Even without sweetening your drink, dates will make your tea drinking enjoyable and moderately sweet.

Dates can also be added to homemade baking if you like candied fruit pies. Dates can be a great substitute.

Children older than 8 months can cook compote from dried dates, you need to pour 200 grams of dates with a liter of boiling water, cook for 5-7 minutes and let it brew for about an hour. Even picky babies will like this compote, and most importantly, it will soothe the tummy and prevent the formation of painful colic.

Add dried dates to your favorite dishes - bake with duck instead, decorate ice cream and cook rice kutya with pieces of dates. A little imagination - and you will surprise not only yourself, but also your loved ones with the result.

Good health to you!

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