Formation of a healthy lifestyle (HLS). Calendar-thematic planning (preparatory group) on the topic: Work plan for the formation of a healthy lifestyle Work plan for healthy lifestyle


  • f developing in students of all ages an understanding of the importance of health for their own self-affirmation.
  • creating conditions for preserving and improving physical, emotional and mental and moral health and quality of life of schoolchildren.

Educational tasks:

  • Familiarize students with traditions and customs careful attitude person to their own health;
  • Create conditions for students to develop a culture of preserving their own health;
  • Help overcome bad habits students through physical education and sports.
  • Implement modern methods health monitoring.
  • To develop new technological methods of correction and rehabilitation at school for children with various types disorders in physical and mental development.
  • Develop activities that reduce the risk of diseases and injuries associated with social aspects of the lives of children and adolescents.
  • Promote a healthy lifestyle (contests, promotions, classes, lectures, conversations)
  • Create conditions to ensure the health of students, their full physical development and the formation of needs healthy image life.
  • To identify the current state of physical and mental health of children through involvement in this problem medical workers, parents, school psychologist.
  • Improve the material and technical base, refurbish the gym, purchase modern sports equipment.
  • Improve modern methods of health monitoring.
  • Promote a healthy lifestyle (contests, promotions, classes, lectures, conversations).
  • Form healthy relationships with the outside world, society and yourself.
  • Improve the qualifications of teachers in matters of child development and health protection.
  • Educate parents about maintaining their child’s health.
  • Involve students in morning jogging, physical education and sports.
  • Create conditions for good nutrition schoolchildren.
  • Develop a negative attitude towards bad habits.
  • To promote the formation of a conscious attitude of students towards their health.


For children:

  • Class hour “How to grow up healthy”
  • Health Lesson
  • Conversation “If you want to be healthy”
  • Class hour " Your health and teaching load"
  • Class hour “Your new daily routine”
  • Club of interesting meetings “What harm does smoking cause to health”
  • Conversation “Cleanliness is the key to health”
  • Conversation with a doctor “Are you watching your posture?”
  • Acting out situations “Mood at school. Street Have a good mood»
  • Traveling around the city of Zdoroveysk
  • Sports competitions “Fun Starts”
  • Let's argue with the facts. How air affects health.
  • Class hour “Mood after school”
  • Club of interesting meetings “What the microscope told us”
  • “Be friends with water” - advice from Dr. Water
  • “Sport will help us increase our strength”
  • Games: “Hardening, signs of a hardened person”
  • Health Lesson " Blinding smile»
  • Conversation “Taking care of your eyes. The eyes are the main ones human assistants"
  • Conversation “Cleanliness and Health”
  • Class hour “Lessons from Moidodyr and Doctor Chistyulkin”
  • Health lesson “Eyes are the mirror of the soul”
  • "Ear care"
  • “Games at home, at school, on the street under the motto “Movement is the path to perfection”
  • Class hour “Knowledge Lesson. Bad habits"
  • Health Day. Fun starts.
  • "Basic types of injuries and first aid"
  • Useful tips “Human working tools. Hand and foot care"
  • Games, contests, competitions under the motto “Sun, air and water - niches” best friends»
  • Holiday “Don’t waste time in summer, gain strength and health”
  • Olympics of strong, brave, dexterous.
  • Essay competition “My family on vacation”
  • Cross "Health Day", city sports festival, dedicated to the Day oil worker Half marathon.
  • Conversation about the dangers of smoking
  • "Destructive Cigarette"
  • Urban competitive program"Who are we?" (for teenagers requiring special attention and control).
  • “Beer makes the heart flabby”
  • Inviting doctors from the children's clinic for preventive conversations.
  • Prevention of tobacco abuse, drug addiction, alcohol;
  • "Surprises" adolescence
  • We construct the model healthy person
  • Competition for the city championship “Merry Snowballs”
  • "Smoking is voluntary madness"
  • Game “How to stay healthy”
  • Inviting doctors from the prenatal clinic and antenatal clinic for preventive conversations.
  • Quiz "In arms" tobacco smoke»
  • Conversation “drugs and their role in human life” (as part of a single anti-drug campaign)
  • Conversation with a psychiatrist on the topic: “Alcoholism”
  • Class hour "Prevention of influenza and ARVI"
  • Prevention of neglect and crime.
  • Inviting doctors from narcological clinic for preventive conversations.
  • April 7 - World Health Day
  • Health Lessons “Healthy lifestyle. Hygiene and disease prevention."
  • Educational class hours on the topic “Youth for a healthy lifestyle.”
  • Health lesson in primary school.
  • Prevention day - meeting with a juvenile affairs inspector.
  • Student survey
  • Conversation “I choose a healthy lifestyle”
  • Table tennis.
  • Exhibition of thematic literature “I choose life!”
  • Performance at the regional competition of propaganda teams “Youth for a Healthy Lifestyle.”
  • Meeting with FAP employees. “Our health is in our hands!”
  • Exhibition of drawings and posters “I don’t smoke and that’s great”!
  • April Fool's Day "Laugh and be healthy!"
  • Mini football.
  • Cool hours dedicated to World Health Day.
  • Essay competition “Give yourself health” as part of world day health.
  • Parent meeting “A sober view of drunkenness”
  • Sports evening “Sports against bad habits”
  • Checkers tournament “Miracle of Checkers”
  • Round table “Being healthy is fashionable!”
  • Festive evening “You can live without this!”
  • School tour rally.
  • Physical Culture Week
  • Game library
  • School mini-football championship
  • Health Day
  • Life Safety Week
  • 1) Program “Choose Life!”
  • 2) Meetings with TsSPSD specialists
  • 3) “Winter fun starts”
  • School Pioneerball Volleyball Championship
  • Competitions on the skating rink
  • School tug of war championship
  • Cultural and sports program “Wall to Wall” (team of children against a team of adults)
  • Quiz "Signal"
  • School Hockey Championship
  • Defender of the Fatherland Day
  • "World against drugs"
  • School Championship to date tennis
  • School street ball championship
  • School Checkers Championship
  • Formation review and songs
  • Tourist "Map of Treasure Island"
  • Maintenance sanitary and hygienic regime at school (light, heat, ventilation, condition of furniture, windows).
  • Aesthetic design of the interior of a classroom, school (information stands, corners of nature. Inspection of classrooms.
  • A rational lesson schedule that does not allow overload.
  • Activation of active recreation during breaks (outdoor games, library work).
  • Involving the family in activities physical culture and sports, organizing a lecture on promoting a healthy lifestyle.
  • Involving children and adolescents in active physical education and sports in their free time. Conducting physical education sessions.
  • Expanding the range of sports sections.
  • Organization of children's recreation areas.
  • Health improvement for children in children's camps and sanatoriums.
  • Testing students to identify bad habits
  • Participation in the celebration of International AIDS Day (competitive essay, poster competition, drawing competition, testing, doctor’s talk). Campaigns “No to drugs!”, “We are for a healthy lifestyle!”. Game "Trial of bad habits."
  • Participation in international day fight against smoking. Educational event: “Smoking is harming yourself!” Conversations, lectures.
  • Analysis of the health status, participation of students in physical education and sports:
  • 1) determination of health group, identification of deviations;
  • 2) employment in sports sections;
  • 3) participation in sports competitions.
  • Development of innovative programs for improving the health of children in day care centers.
  • Increasing the number of hours motor activity schoolchildren (third hour of FC)
  • Creating conditions for children who are registered at school to play sports.
  • Conducting medical examinations.
  • Organization of mass sports activities at the place of residence.
  • Organization of nutritious meals at school.

For parents:

  • Family collection " Healthy child with a healthy psyche"
  • Family collection "Second-Grade Mode"
  • Conversation “Schoolchildren’s daily routine. His role"
  • Family collection “Harmony of communication is the key to psycho-emotional health”
  • Round table “The child went to school. Schoolchild's daily routine"
  • Family collection “What determines the performance of schoolchildren”
  • “How does the psychological climate in the family affect the child’s health?”
  • Conversation “How to regulate a schoolchild’s mood. Student motivation"
  • Family collection "The Path to Health"
  • Conversation " physical development junior schoolchild at school and at home"
  • Conversation with a doctor
  • “How to improve a child’s motor activity”
  • Doctor's prescription “Conscious approach to nutrition. Ecology of nutrition"
  • Family collection "Health child is the basis success in learning"
  • Conversation “Prevention of bad habits”
  • « Stressful situations in a child's life"
  • Sharing experiences: “Personal example of parents in preventing bad habits”
  • “How to wean yourself from bad habits”
  • Conversation “Learning is the main skill”
  • Family collection "Complete nutrition- the most important condition child development"
  • Conversation “Vaccinations against diseases”
  • Conversation “Family is a friendly team”
  • Family collection “Formation of a value-based attitude towards health”
  • "First aid for overheating and heatstroke, for burns and frostbite"
  • Interview - cafe "Evening in the Family"
  • Family collection "Family recreation and entertainment"
  • Conversation “Physical maturation and its influence on the formation personal qualities child"
  • Practical advice “Outdoor recreation. Who should educate whom during a picnic?”

PLAN of events at Kushokinsky Secondary School in the direction of “Healthy Lifestyle”

(prevention, prevention of the use of narcotic and other harmful substances, fire safety, traffic regulations, safety precautions, suicide prevention, environmental knowledge) for 2012-2013 academic year

Target: Formation of healthy lifestyle skills, ability to resist negative influences, moral attitude towards nature. Familiarization and training on fire safety and compliance with rules traffic, skills formation right actions in case of fire or accident.

Tasks: Develop knowledge about conservation and strengthening personal health, negative attitude towards bad habits. Develop a sense of responsibility for the fate of nature. To increase students' knowledge of fire safety, traffic rules, and to facilitate the acquisition of skills and abilities in handling primary fire extinguishing equipment.


1. Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On approval of the Strategy for combating drug addiction and drug trafficking in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2006-2014.” dated November 29, 2005 No. 678.

2. Regulations on drug treatment post.

3. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 10, 2002 No. 340-11 “On the prevention and limitation of tobacco smoking.”

4. UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (Life, health and rest of children).

Areas of work






healthy lifestyle

Daily exercise

“Five minutes of cheerfulness!”

during a year

Subject teachers, class physical educators

Organization of outdoor games during big breaks

throughout the year, according to schedule

Duty teacher primary classes

Class hours on the topic: “Prevention infectious diseases»


School nurse, class manager

Series of class hours “Providing first medical care»

Class teachers

MO of class teachers

Sports clubs (preparation for regional competitions):

    table tennis

During a year

Physical education teachers

Head of the Ministry of Physics and Technology: Popova Zh.G.

Propaganda of healthy lifestyle

Safe behavior training “I know how to choose”


educational psychologist

Psychological game"Bad habits"


educational psychologist

Line “We are for a healthy lifestyle!” + drawing competition

5 “B” - Guryanova L.P.

Extracurricular activity on promoting healthy lifestyle.

4 “B”, 4 “C” - Ospanova A.Zh., Sukovskaya S.V.

Stand design with photos best athletes schools.

Head of the Ministry of Physics and Technology

Health Day

Health Festival 2012

A) Cool watch “If you want to be healthy, be healthy!”


Class teachers

B) Sports events (DK square, stadiums, gym)

Head of the Ministry of Physics, physics teachers,

class teachers

Meeting with the director

Suicide prevention

A) Relaxation lessons, trainings on the development and correction of the emotional-volitional sphere, self-esteem.

Throughout the year and upon request

educational psychologist

B) Classes on the prevention of suicidal behavior

Class teachers

Methodical hour

B) Conversation “I wanted to scare”

District Police Inspector

D) Training “Learn to control yourself”

educational psychologist

D) Moral clock.

Throughout the year and upon request

educational psychologist

E) Training “Is it possible to learn to control yourself”

educational psychologist

G) Training “Formation of confident behavior of a high school student in an exam situation”

educational psychologist

Class hour

"Balanced diet"

Class teachers

Drug addiction prevention

A) Issue of a wall newspaper

“About the dangers of nasvay”

Moldekenova A.A. -

school nurse

C) Visiting the homes of “at-risk” children

Narcopost of the school, social teacher: Kurubaeva G.M.

Administrative meeting

D) Training “Say NO to drugs!”

educational psychologist

D) Line “No to drugs!” + poster competition

9 “B” - Tuspekova A.O.

E) Training “Drugs: know how to say no!”

educational psychologist

Prevention of alcohol use

A) Class hours on the topic:

A) “A healthy lifestyle is great!”

B) “Consequences of early alcoholism”

C) “Take care of your dress again, and your health from a young age”

Class teachers

B) "Alcohol and modern society"(collage)

Weekly lineup

B) Communication hour “About the dangers of alcohol”

educational psychologist

A) Cool watch

“The concept of friendship, good and bad friends”

“I don’t smoke, I’m a smoker!”

“To smoke or not to smoke? –

that is the question"

Class teachers

B) Conversation “Don’t smoke!”

educational psychologist

B) Friendly football match

D) Campaign “Childhood – a smoke-free territory” (plan attached)


Deputy Director for HR: E.A. Traiber,

Alibaeva K.A., social teacher: Kurubaeva G.M., Moldekenova A.A.-

school nurse

MO of class teachers

A) Class hours “AIDS – shame and tears of the 21st century”

Class teachers

B) Conversation “HIV/AIDS”

educational psychologist

B) Line “AIDS – a disease of behavior”

9 “B” - Gubskaya N.V.

MO of class teachers

D) Publication of newspapers “Your knowledge is protection from AIDS”

9 “B” - Gubskaya N.V.,

class teachers

AIDS prevention

A) “Happy Vacations” - sports competition in football, table tennis

The winter vacation

Tasmagambetova N.R. - head of the yard club “Clever Men and Clever Girls”

B) Issue of a san bulletin on the topic “HIV/AIDS”

Moldekenova A.A. -

school nurse

B) Sports competitions

“We are for a healthy lifestyle!”, dedicated to the fight against HIV/AIDS.

physics teachers

Class hours on the topic: “Tuberculosis”

Moldekenova A.A. -

school nurse, class teachers

Health Day

Fun starts “Hello, spring!”

Tasmagambetova N.R. - head of the yard club “Clever Men and Clever Girls”

A) Drawing competition

“Let’s hit cigarettes with humor”

Isakova Z.B. - senior counselor

Weekly lineup

B) Conversation “Letter to a smoking girl”

educational psychologist

Environmental education

Sanitary cleaning month “Clean Yard”

Prosvetova T.G. -

head of household, room hands

Methodical hour

Ecological landing

“Me and the schoolyard”, “The cleanest office”

every Thursday throughout the year

Prosvetova T.G. -

head of household, room hands

Administrative Council meeting

Extracurricular activity + Drawing competition “Ecological Problems”

7 “B” - Akhmetova A.K.

Weekly lineup

Drawing competition on the topic:

"Ecological problems"

Isakova Z.B. - senior counselor

Weekly lineup

Prevention of road traffic injuries

A) A series of classes on prevention of road traffic injuries

According to the educational plan of the class teacher

Class teachers

MO of class teachers

B) Cyclist relay


Physics-hands school

B) Update of the corner of Young Traffic Inspectors

Isakova Z.B. - senior counselor, YID squad

D) Drawing competition “Attention – pedestrian!”

Isakova Z.B. - senior counselor, YID squad

D) Participation in regional competitions of Young Traffic Inspectors.

Deputy Director for HR: Alibaeva K.A., Traiber E.A., Isakova Z.B. - senior counselor, school physical trainer, NVP teacher

Meeting with the director

Fire safety prevention.

A) Updating the fire safety stand.


NVP teacher:

Burkitbaev E.M.

B) Series of classes on fire safety prevention

According to the educational plan of the class teacher

Class teachers

MO of class teachers

C) Mass evacuation in case of fire within the framework of the month for civil defense and emergencies.

NVP teacher:

Burkitbaev E.M.

According to schedule

Meeting with the director

D) Essays on fire safety. Optional topics: “An incident in the forest”, “Fire is the friend and enemy of man”, “The honorable profession of firefighter”.

Class teachers

D) Poster competition “Fire is the friend and enemy of man”

Isakova Z.B. - senior counselor, YID squad

Weekly lineup

E) Safety measures (traffic regulations, fire safety)

2 “B” - Gridneva N.Yu.

Meeting with the director

GUK "CBS of Bobruisk region"

central Library

Event names

on promoting healthy lifestyle

(to help planning)

Promotion of healthy lifestyles

"Health created by hands"

"How to rest"

“A healthy generation for the new century”

“You can’t buy health - your mind gives it”

“If you ruin your health, you can’t buy new ones”

"Insidious destroyers of health"

"Little tricks for good health"

"Enemies of Soul and Body"

"Life is beautiful - don't waste it in vain"

“The real danger of virtual values”

"A bouquet of healthy habits"

“Cleanliness is the most beneficial - it will protect you from all diseases”

“And may your life be long”

“Clean water is a disaster for the sick”

"Life without addictions"

“Being healthy means living a long life”

"New generation - healthy advancement"

“My lifestyle today is my health and success tomorrow”

“Young in old age is the one who takes care of his health from a young age”

“For healthy people, every day is a holiday”

"Fight with the enemies of the body"

"All vices come from idleness"

“Human health is the main wealth of society”

“Make a choice in favor of health”

“Small weaknesses mean great responsibility”

“Health is a sign of well-being”

“Books convince of the benefits of a healthy lifestyle”

“My health is the basis of my life”

“The ABCs of Health for Strong Kids”

"Honey is a natural healer"

"The ABCs of proper nutrition"

“You need to help your health”

"Healthy needs and health needs"

“He who is smart is not too lazy to brush his teeth every day”

“Health as wisdom and measure of life”

“The main value is human life”

“The world needs sport”

“Nature gives beauty and health”

"In the light of the Olympic flame"

“We are friendly with physical education - we are not afraid of diseases!”

"Temptation by Curiosity"

“Get ready for the journey, go for your health”

“We need sports to multiply the force”

“Healthy lifestyle - there is no alternative!”

“To be healthy and strong, you must maintain your health!”

"Teenager. Lifestyle - healthy"

“A healthy lifestyle is our life”

“If you want the wheel of Fortune to turn towards you, pedal”

"Youth on the wave of health"

“Live in peace with people, but fight with vices!”

“The way you eat, the way you smile”

"A healthy beggar is happier than a sick king"

"Golden Rules of Nutrition"

"Sweet illness - bitter fate"

Prevention of bad habits

"Sweet Mist is a Deception"

"Life without dependence"

“Alcohol + you = broken dreams”

"It's dangerous - don't take unnecessary risks"

"I despise cigarettes"

“Smoking is not fashionable - let’s breathe freely”

“Drinking alcohol means living less”

“A sober family is a mighty power”

"Drunkenness is the root of all vices"

“A cigarette is poison, it’s dangerous for guys”

“From bad habits to madness”

"Wine makes wine"

"Incidence angle - 40 degrees"

“A smoker is his own gravedigger”

“Alcohol will bring a big guy to the grave”

"Alcohol and crime"

“The world is quitting smoking, and you?”

"Smoking is a game for fools"

“We can smoke. We can stop smoking!”

“When you sow a habit, you reap a character”

"Don't break your destiny"

“Bad habits are a fight”

"A sip of trouble"

"When the cigarette smoke melted"

"Embraces of Tobacco Smoke"

“NO to alcohol madness”

“It’s healthy to live in the world without bad habits”

"Guide to Adult Life"

“Smoking? No, I will not!"

"Smoking: how it all begins"

"I despise cigarettes"

"Nicotine Castle in the Air"

"Bitter fashion for poison"

“Is it worth going for Klinsky”

"The Green Serpent: Myth and Reality"

“Beer front. Who will win?

“A glass is not for a teenager!”


“The smoker burns along with the cigarette”

"Protest against smoking"

“It’s better to know a fool than tobacco”

“I’ve had enough wine and the young man is gone”

"Alcohol is an insidious enemy"

"Defect coordinates - 40 degrees"

“If a person smokes, his life will be short-lived”

"Labyrinths of alcohol addiction"

“Stop it, boys, don’t start, girls”

"Life is beautiful - don't waste it"

“Give up tobacco - the power will be great”

"Captive of bad habits"

"Alcohol: personality and health"

“Living without smoking and beer is now fashionable and beautiful”

“If you’re not a weakling, throw away the tobacco”

“I don’t smoke - and that’s great!”

"Dangerous Delights"

"Territory of Risk"

"Embrace of the Green Serpent"

"Evil is called alcohol"

"Life without cigarettes"

"The Price of Delusions"

“Until trouble knocks on the door”

“To drink or not to drink, it’s up to you”

“If you decide to part with a cigarette”

"Break the cigarette before the cigarette breaks you"

"Destructive Cigarette"

“If a person smokes, his age will be short”

"The World of Dangerous Addictions"

“Slanting life: speaking frankly”

“Who wins on the beer front?”

“In the footsteps of the “green snake”

“Where there is intoxication, there is crime”


drug addiction and HIV infection

"AIDS - global problem humanity"

"Positivity is your weapon against drugs"

“The temptation is great, but life is more precious”

“It’s an endless nightmare - drug addiction”

"At the Dangerous Line: Drugs"

“There are no harmless drugs”

“How to live today to have a chance to see tomorrow”

“How to recognize trouble?”


"Drug. Should he be trusted?

“Confrontation. Drugs are against us"

"Curiosity costs life"

"Drugs: mirage and reality"

“A terrible price to pay for a short moment of joy”

"Drugs and the Law"

“The country has never seen such a disaster before”

“Drugs are a problem in society. Drugs are a personality problem"

"Drugs: The Temptation of Curiosity"

"The key to drug addiction prevention"

"Drug addiction: one step from the abyss"

“Loyalty to a partner is life without HIV”

“There are no soft drugs”

"Datura - grass, or deceived destinies"

“The new generation is on the move - the country’s future is in the dark”

"Toward death step by step"

"Drugs are a road to nowhere"

“Drugs are a substitute for happiness and a source of troubles”

“Be able to say “No!” dope"

"Lifelong Captivity"

“Be able to say no, or how to refuse and not lose friends”

"Sports instead of drugs"

“Get off the needle!”

"Gate of a Hundred Sorrows"

"Our alarm bells"

“The diagnosis of grief is drugs”

“The high from “dope” and “wheels” - your whole life is derailed”

“AIDS is not a fault, but a misfortune”

Health must be protected from a young age. Everyone is talking about it famous saying. In this article I would like to talk about what activities you can prepare for a healthy lifestyle.

What it is?

At the very beginning, you need to understand such a concept as a healthy lifestyle. What is it? It must be said that this is a whole concept of life activity individual person. Its main goals are:

  1. Disease prevention.
  2. Maintaining and maintaining health.

For this you can use the most different ways, the main ones: healthy eating, physical exercise on the body, refusal and the correct moral attitude.


So, I would like to separately consider all kinds of healthy lifestyle activities. In what ways can you try to convey the truth to citizens? of different ages? First of all, this can be done through conversations on a given topic. This is most often used in schools. Thus, not only teachers, but also various specialists in the medical and sports industry tell children and adolescents about why they need to try to adhere to certain rules and what the consequences of violating them are. In this case, you can use a variety of supporting materials: real life stories, video and photographic materials, posters, sketches. Similar events can be held in adult groups.


What other events are there? So, if we are talking about schoolchildren, you can organize a little quiz. In this case, you will first have to prepare a script and select one that will relate to the given topic. And to make it more interesting for children, everything needs to be organized in the form of a small competition with a winner determined and small prizes. In this case, the guys will be more attentive in this game form They will understand the material offered by teachers much better.

Children's Health Day

What kind of healthy activities can there be? primary school? In this case, you can organize a Health Day. But for this you will have to involve your parents. Thus, children are invited to spend the day according to pre-agreed rules (exercise, healthy breakfast, school activities, walk on fresh air, playing sports, etc.). That is, the child can be given the task of doing as many healthy things as possible in a day. As evidence, you can ask kids to film or photograph certain activities. Children will love this, since they will need to use modern gadgets (which even the smallest children can easily master). To illustrate a healthy lifestyle, you can take a video of how the young winner spent his day. And, of course, the child will need to be rewarded. For example, this could be an element of sports equipment.

Health Day (city level)

Considering events on a healthy lifestyle, I would like to say separately that you can also hold Health Day at the city level. To do this, you can involve social services and other city institutions that should deal with such issues. So, the plan for the event can be completely different. The day can begin with a collective run of citizens along the main street of the city. Then you can hold all kinds of competitions: football, basketball, volleyball, etc. A good idea is to organize relay races and bicycle races. And in order to attract young people, we will have to remember modern and non-classical sports. So, you can open breakdancing competitions, organize a tournament for skateboarding or rollerblading fans. In fact, there are many options. The point is to involve as many citizens of different age groups as possible in the action.

Poster competition

Why not organize a competition for the best “Healthy Lifestyle” poster? So, this can be done at the class or school level. You can even organize an interschool tournament. To do this, groups of children must make the most informative and creative “Healthy Lifestyle” poster. As a gift to the winner, this creation can be placed on billboards in the city or region.


Everyone knows that a healthy lifestyle is great. After all, a person is trying not only to maintain, but even to improve his health. And in this matter, a method such as training helps a lot. What it is? During the training, children play out certain situations, based on the results of which they must draw the right conclusions. That is, the training itself is not aimed at showing how to do (live, act) correctly. Its goal: for the child to understand what is “correct” using a simple example. Such classes can be conducted in a variety of age groups. Of course, to all the guys different ages I will enjoy participating in such events.


Prevention of a healthy lifestyle is a very important action that concerns not only children, but also adults. And in order to have better and better conversations on a specific topic, it is best to organize meetings with various specialists. So, this will not just be a lecture from a healthcare professional or a qualified athlete. During such meetings, listeners can ask questions, ask what exactly interests them on a particular issue. The interest is that a specialist in a given field is better versed in certain concepts and categories than, for example, a simple school teacher. Thus, the doctor will be able to more clearly explain why smoking is harmful and how exactly it affects the patient’s health. And an athlete with a category will tell you more clearly how to conduct training correctly in order to improve your health, and not harm it.


Various public organizations They like to do all sorts of promotions on a given topic. Why not hold a similar event called “A healthy lifestyle is great!”? In this case, all kinds of booklets, brochures, calendars with slogans, etc. are used. You can also make a short presentation with short skits that relate to a healthy lifestyle. To attract the attention of passers-by, you can use all sorts of methods. Even briefly informing citizens about the rules of a healthy lifestyle is of great importance and action.

Sport competitions

An excellent way to improve health is sports. It is simply impossible to organize a healthy lifestyle without it. Therefore, it is possible to instill a love of physical activity in children through various competitions. So, the guys really love to find out who is better. Therefore, a wide variety of sports competitions can be organized. All of them should end with the selection of winners and their awarding. This is a great motivation for children of different ages.

Round tables

Prevention of a healthy lifestyle can also be discussed at a round table. So, this event is more relaxed in its scenario. In this case, the participants sit down at the so-called negotiating table and discuss a given topic. What's the advantage here? During conversations, disputes may arise, which, as we know, give rise to truth. In addition, various ideas often arise at round tables that can then be successfully implemented.

Information stands

A very important stage is called “forming a culture of a healthy lifestyle in a child.” So, all means are good for this. Besides active actions(competitions, competitions, promotions, meetings) various information stands are also very useful. Similar ones are often placed in schools and other educational institutions. So, they should not only be as informative as possible, but also bright. That is, such that they attract attention. The stand should be interesting, not boring. The child needs to want to read it or at least view it.

Living for health

All parents should know how to form correctly. So, to do this, it’s enough to organize your day yourself so that it is as healthy as possible. After all, everyone knows that a child learns from the example of his parents. If mom and dad smoke and don’t play sports at all, there is no need to demand the opposite from the baby. However, if the baby sees his mother preparing healthy food every day balanced breakfast, and dad does exercises, the baby will learn that this is normal, the way it should be. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to create a healthy lifestyle for parents, and then demand the same from their heirs - children.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle today is hot topic for any person, be it an adult or a child, a schoolboy or a student. Sometimes in a family, parents instill a culture of a healthy lifestyle in their children, starting from preschool age. Kindergartens, schools, facilities mass media Today they are actively engaged in promoting a healthy lifestyle and its constituent elements: physical education, gymnastics and various diets. There are reasons for this trend.

The whole point is that modern life requires a person to make large investments of their labor, time and, most importantly, health in order to achieve their own goals. The situation is also aggravated by poor ecology, sedentary working conditions, poor-quality products and poor diet, harmful radiation from a variety of equipment and many other factors that can affect our mental and physical well-being. Although modern medicine has achieved significant success in the treatment of a wide variety of diseases, it often turns out to be powerless in cases where the human body is no longer able to fight the disease even with the help of medications and medical events. In order to avoid such cases, you need to know and follow special preventive techniques and rules, which represent the basis of a healthy lifestyle.

In this training, we invite you to take a series of free online lessons devoted to how to lead a healthy lifestyle, form healthy eating habits, engage in physical education and sports, and how to build optimal mode day, and also maintain your mental health. The course program is designed to help everyone form their own healthy lifestyle system.

The concept of a healthy lifestyle, or what is it?

Healthy lifestyle (healthy lifestyle) is a human skill, which consists in the ability to perform special actions (or, conversely, refuse to perform them) aimed at maintaining and improving his health and preventing diseases.

Disease prevention is called a system of measures to prevent or eliminate causes, causing disease. Prevention comes at different levels: primary prevention is a system of measures to eliminate the causes and factors of disease, secondary prevention is the prevention of the progression of an existing disease, and tertiary prevention is the prevention of relapses of diseases. Within the framework of a healthy lifestyle, it is customary to consider primary prevention diseases.

Have the ability to lead a healthy lifestyle - this means having special knowledge about what is healthy and what is not, how to discipline yourself, build the right daily routine, as well as perform special procedures and eat the right food.

Why lead a healthy life?

Each of us has our own physical and mental characteristics, some of which are passed on to us at the genetic level. Someone without doing anything physical exercise and special nutritional recommendations, always remains in good shape, some are not prone to colds, and in winter it is impossible to infect him with acute respiratory infections; someone is able to sleep 4 hours a day and remain alert. All these abilities are more than exceptions to the rule, characteristic only of some people. And we can certainly say that there is no ideally healthy person in the world who has all the advantages listed above. That's why it's important for us to know our weak spots and be able to accept everything necessary measures in order to prevent diseases. This is the role of a healthy lifestyle.

Application of healthy lifestyle knowledge can be useful to any person in the most different situations, for example, will allow:

  1. Raising children correctly (parents, educators, educators and teachers).
  2. Live longer and feel better - for absolutely everyone.
  3. Do not ruin your health in youth for everyone who studies a lot while in college and who works tirelessly to climb the career ladder.
  4. Organize events and make the right decisions if you are involved in organizing human pastime, for example, you are an employer, a school director or a university rector.

It is worth noting that the culture of a healthy lifestyle affects the quality of life of any person, which is associated with achieving longevity, the ability to fully perform social functions and actively participate in family, work, and social life of society.

How to learn it

Many of us sometimes think about how to lead a healthy lifestyle: exercise or eat a moderate and balanced diet. But often things don’t go further than promising yourself that you need to change your life from Monday. These promises can be repeated many times until the actual serious problem, which will be quite difficult to cope with.

In order not to bring your body to such situations, you need to follow special rules, which will help maintain your health and which you will learn about from the lessons of this course. Compliance with these rules must be targeted And systemic . To do this, firstly, you need to decide what you want to achieve by leading a healthy lifestyle and set goals for yourself. Secondly, you need to try and confidently strive for your goal every day. When leading a healthy lifestyle, as in any other endeavor, it is very important to develop a routine, habits and self-discipline.

One of the important habits should be proper nutrition, consisting of a balanced diet and taken in the right mode. No less important for health are such components as the correct balance of work and rest, sleep, moderate physical activity, understanding biological rhythms your body and much more. However, even a person leading a healthy lifestyle is not immune from all diseases, and therefore it is important to know how to behave correctly in the event of illness or injury. To successfully lead a healthy lifestyle, you need to be able to understand your body, learn own experience, constantly adding to my knowledge base.

A healthy life also requires complete failure from bad habits that can ruin all your efforts. You must understand that drinking alcohol, smoking, overeating and many other weaknesses only aggravate the impact of factors associated with poor ecology, mental and work stress on the human body.

Want to test your knowledge?

If you want to test your theoretical knowledge on the topic of the course and understand how suitable it is for you, you can take our test. For each question, only 1 option can be correct. After you select one of the options, the system automatically moves on to the next question.

Healthy lifestyle lesson course

Below is the outline of the healthy lifestyle course. In our lessons, we tried to collect everything you need for self-study: information about the key elements and concepts of a healthy lifestyle, diagrams and pictures, videos, notes, programs, scenarios, as well as projects of events aimed at improving health and preventing diseases. We see the key function of this training in the fact that, unlike school essays, reports or class hours, from these lessons you will receive not so much theoretical and propaganda knowledge, but practical skills applicable in the life of every person.

How to take classes

You can take lessons on a healthy lifestyle in any order, paying attention to what interests you. The material in the lessons is presented, to some extent, concisely and is aimed at general familiarization with the main principles of a healthy lifestyle. However, the lessons contain many practical advice and examples. Among the universal recommendations, the following should be highlighted:

Practice self-discipline. It is the ability to stick correct mode every day is the main component of almost all elements of a healthy lifestyle. In order not to let yourself relax, remember more often that the most important thing is at stake - your health. And if you need other motivational techniques, you can find them in time management training on our website (coming soon!).

Learn to understand your body. Each person has his own physical and mental characteristics, so no ready-made universal techniques can replace your own experience.

Approach any recommendation carefully and with doubt. Whenever you have doubts about the effectiveness or harmlessness of any healthy lifestyle advice on our website or in any other source of information, do not follow the recommendation until you are completely sure of it. Try to consult with specialists, doctors, nutritionists, trainers from time to time, and also read reviews on the Internet - all this will help you avoid mistakes.

In order to assimilate the principles of a healthy lifestyle as effectively as possible, and then form your own habits and daily routine, we recommend that you first familiarize yourself with all the lessons of this training and try to perform the suggested exercises and recommendations. After reading all the lessons, you will have enough knowledge to begin creating your own healthy lifestyle program. You may need additional knowledge. You can find some useful information in the materials discussed below, as well as using regular search engines. But remember that everything should be viewed somewhat critically, and remember that often using some special radical measures to improve your health, you risk getting the opposite effect and causing serious damage to your body.

Additional material

In addition to online lessons, in this section we will collect all the useful information about a healthy lifestyle: articles, videos, books, textbooks, notes, diagrams, as well as reviews and recommendations from experts and ordinary people about the practice of applying the principles of healthy lifestyle.

Also, take a look at the Healthy Body category on our blog, where you can read articles such as:

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