Where is the blood type indicated? How to define a group yourself. Self-determination of human BG and RF

When undergoing a medical examination, registering a woman for pregnancy, registration in a hospital, delivery donated blood One of the questions that must be asked of the patient concerns blood type and Rh factor. This information is of great value if an urgent blood transfusion is needed, emergency surgery. How to find out your blood type and what to do with this information?

Blood groups: classification

For simplicity and convenience, many countries use the AB0 system, according to which all people are divided by 4 large groups depending on the presence/absence of antigens and antibodies in the blood.

  • Two types of antibodies (agglutinins in blood plasma) - α and β
  • Two types of antigens (substances that simulate the production of antibodies) in red blood cells - A and B

Accordingly, the following options are possible:

  1. Group 0 (first group) - both types of antibodies are present in the blood, but there are no antigens. This blood type is the most common. It is believed that it is she who is the ancestor of all the others that appeared as a result of changes in the living conditions and nutrition of people.
  2. Group A0 (second group). In the blood, respectively, antigen A and agglutinin β are present.
  3. Group B0 (third group) – characterized by the presence of B antigen in the plasma, and α antibodies in erythrocytes.
  4. Group AB (fourth group) is the opposite of the first, both antigens migrate in the blood, but there are no antibodies. This group is the youngest, scientists attribute its appearance to the spread of mixed marriages, a peculiar evolution circulatory system: the fourth group is the rarest, but people with such blood - universal recipients, they are suitable for transfusion with blood from any of the four groups.

Universal donors are considered to be people with blood group 1, which is suitable for everyone else, while patients with blood group 0 only accept blood of their own group for transfusion. Accordingly, blood from the first and its own groups is suitable for the second and third groups.

In addition to blood type, another important indicator is taken into account: the Rh factor.

If antigen D is detected on the surface of erythrocytes (red blood cells), then it is customary to speak of positive Rh and designate it as Rh+. About 85% of people on the globe are considered “positive”. The remaining 15% do not detect the D antigen and are called Rh negative and are designated Rh-.

Here's how to write blood groups indicating the Rh factor:

  • II (0) Rh+ / I (0) Rh –
  • II (A0, AA) Rh+/ II (A0, AA) Rh-
  • III (B0, BB) Rh+/ III (B0, BB) Rh-
  • IV (AB) Rh+/ IV (AB) Rh-

Where can I find out my blood type?

  1. The easiest way to determine your blood type is a test at a clinic or medical center. The blood is mixed with standard, specially prepared sera and by agglutination, after 5 minutes the group is determined. Similarly, the Rh factor is determined using anti-Rh serum. The test takes little time, is highly accurate and allows in case of emergency quickly give an answer about the patient’s group affiliation.
  2. Do your own rapid test at home.

Home test for Rh factor

The pharmacy sells kits for self-determination of blood type. They include a test strip on which reagents are applied, a needle, a pipette and a circuit for determining the result.

A drop of blood from your finger is applied to areas of the test strip and through certain time the result is evaluated.

Before carrying out the determination, you need to make sure that the packaging is not damaged and that the test has not expired. This method is convenient for determining the blood group in elderly, weakened, bedridden patients, and in young children.

Determining blood type in the laboratory is more reliable and, if possible, it is worth entrusting such a responsible task to professionals.

Where is the blood type recorded?

After determination, data on the blood group and Rh factor are entered into the medical record. Men of military age and women liable for military service receive a mark on their military ID. A similar stamp can be placed in your passport so that, if necessary, urgent help was provided immediately.

Methods for conducting blood group testing without testing

  1. The child's blood type can be determined by the parents. In some cases, options are possible, in others the answer will be clear. For parents with the same Rh, the child inherits it with a 100% probability. If the parents have different Rh factors, then the chances of inheriting any of them are equal. In cases where a Rh-positive mother develops a Rh-negative fetus, a Rh conflict is possible, which can lead to miscarriage and miscarriages. early stages. It is very important to take action on the part of the doctor.
  • The first group is monovariant: parents with blood group 0 can only give birth to children with the same group. In other cases, options are possible. The first group can “appear” in parents with the second and third groups, but never with the fourth.

Since an exact answer can only be obtained for a child whose both parents have the first positive group blood, without tests, nevertheless, in all other cases it is impossible to do.

Combination various groups blood, especially when the mother is from the first group, can lead to the development of late gestosis and eclampsia, the woman should be under the supervision of a doctor, constantly monitor blood clotting, and, if necessary, take blood thinning medications. In some cases, antigen serums are indicated. Quite often observed in newborns hemolytic jaundice.

Blood groups determine a person’s character and make up special diets:

  • People with the first blood group are easy-going and sociable, purposeful, emotional and trusting. In food they prefer meat products, and to reset excess weight, they need to give up dairy foods;
  • The second blood type “disposes” to daydreaming and solitude, presupposes an analytical mind and the ability to listen to the interlocutor. The diet of such people is dominated by plant food, but meat should be reduced to a minimum;
  • People with the third blood group are creative bohemians, originals and lovers of shocking. They love dairy products, but fatty meat, seafood, and nuts are food alien to them;
  • The fourth group “rewards” an easy character, excellent intuition and independence. They are recommended seafood, green vegetables and fruits, rice; prohibited are red meat and offal, mushrooms, nuts, and some fruits.

Determination of blood group by taste preferences, appearance or character traits is akin to fortune telling on coffee grounds. The medical test is not complicated, you just need to do it once, record the results officially and not return to this issue again.

Do you know your blood type? How to do this and why can such knowledge be useful?

It is unlikely that anyone will dispute the fact that knowing your blood type is very important and necessary. Our life is quite unpredictable and no one is immune from situations in which the need for blood transfusion may arise. Determine blood type and the Rh factor can be determined by the doctor during a special blood test.

The blood group, in itself, is a kind of identifier of an individual. It does not change throughout a person’s life and is passed on to the child from the parents.

A little bit of history

It is believed that the appearance of a particular blood group is directly related to nutrition. As people migrated and adapted to local foods, changes occurred in their digestion and immune system, because we had to fight new diseases and all this was reflected in the blood. Thus, each blood type contains genetic messages about the diet and behavior strategies of our ancestors, and we are still influenced by their inclinations and habits.

It is customary to allocate 4 blood types. Their appearance is associated with the four stages of human evolution. The first stage is the appearance of the first people, who all had the same blood group - first. The second stage is the transition to an agricultural method of obtaining food, the third is associated with the migration of African-type races to Europe, Asia, North and South America. And finally, when mixing different blood groups, a fourth appeared.

Blood group determination

These days it was open a large number of blood groups. But the “A-B-zero” (AB0) system is still taken as the basis. It is known that plasma contains antibodies, and red blood cells contain antigens. In human red blood cells, according to the above system, antigens A and/or B may be present or absent (0). And the blood plasma may or may not contain antibodies to antigens A and B.

According to the “A-B-zero” system, there are 4 main blood groups:

Group I (0)– agglutinins A and B are present in plasma, agglutinogens are not present in erythrocytes

Group II (A)– agglutinins B are present in plasma, and agglutinins A are present in erythrocytes

III group (B)– agglutinins A are present in plasma, and agglutinins B are present in erythrocytes

IV group (AV) – in plasma there are no agglutinins at all, but in erythrocytes agglutinins A and B are present

The concept of Rh factor

There is also such a thing as Rh factor. The Rh factor is essentially also a system of antigens, but it is not inherent in all people. The Rh factor can be positive or negative. A blood designation such as I(0) Rh-, for example, indicates the presence of the first blood group with negative Rh factor. These data can be determined by taking a special blood test.

How to find out your blood type from your parents' blood type

Everyone knows that each of us receives 1 gene from our parents. If we assume that the mother has the fourth blood group (AB), and the father has the second blood group (A0), we can try to combine the options that are potentially possible in the child. If you take one gene from each parent, it turns out that their child can have any blood type, but with different chances. In probability, in this case, the second blood group wins.

IN modern world Most often, carriers of the first or second blood group are found. The rarest blood type is considered to be the fourth, since it occurs on average in only four out of a hundred people.

Tell me your blood type and I will tell you who you are!

In some countries, for example, in Japan, they believe that blood type can influence a person’s character.

I blood group: People with the first blood group are more likely to have leadership qualities. They strive to achieve their goals by any means, they believe in own strength more than others and have increased emotionality. Sometimes they are too ambitious, jealous and fussy.

Blood group II: Those with the second blood group are distinguished by their love of peace and order. These people are hard-working, tolerant and friendly. Their main weaknesses include the inability to relax and stubbornness.

III blood group: Those who have the third blood type are very capricious, do as they please in life. Sometimes their desire to be independent can transform into weakness. These people can adapt to any situation and have a good imagination.

IV blood group: Those with the fourth blood group are tactful, calm, fair and balanced. They know how and love to entertain others. However, they experience certain difficulties when the need arises to take a responsible step or make a decision.

Should a person know what his blood type is, or is this not at all necessary? The answer is clear: it is important not only to have this information, but also to note it in some documents.

Such information about yourself and your loved ones turns out to be extremely useful in a situation where the timeliness of providing assistance depends on knowledge of it.

Determining your blood type is a fairly simple procedure. It is carried out not only in inpatient hospital conditions during examination.

To figure out necessary information You can go to any clinic. To do this, you need to take a referral for analysis from family doctor or a therapist.

Having received the results, it is advisable to enter the indicators into documents - a medical card, policy, military ID, identity card or passport. Some people purchase a special bracelet that contains information not only about the group, but also about the Rh factor.

Determination methods

How to find out your blood type? You can turn to a variety of methods. The most common and providing high level the accuracy of the indicators are as follows:

  1. Laboratory analysis. This is the simplest and effective method. Its use makes it possible to obtain the most accurate results, since the blood is examined using special equipment by highly qualified laboratory technicians.
  2. Donor blood collection. Also ensures accuracy and quick determination of indicators.
  3. Tests used at home. The data obtained using these innovative methods is also accurate. However, without certain knowledge in the field of biology, not everyone can independently decipher such meanings.

There are also theories for calculating blood type based on taste preferences and a person’s belonging to one of the psychological types. But there are many conflicting opinions regarding the possibility of using such determination methods.


The distribution of blood into four groups was proposed by the Austrian scientist Landsteiner. It contributed to a significant reduction in deaths associated with incompatibility between the patient’s and donor’s blood when transfusion was required.

The algorithm for determining blood types is based on the presence/absence of antigens and antibodies in it. The fundamental factor of such a study is the ratio of the location of these components on red blood cells.

The unified AB0 system, adopted throughout the world, distinguishes 4 main blood groups based on special variants of the agglutination reaction, taking into account antigens and antibodies. The main indicator of affiliation is considered to be agglutinins - antibodies that are contained in plasma.

For example, groups I and III are characterized by the presence of α-agglutinin. But β-agglutinin is present in the blood of groups I and II. It should be noted that antigens A and B on red blood cells are located in three combinations:

  • both components are present;
  • there is one of them;
  • both are missing.

Considering the belonging of blood to one of the groups, you can see the picture reflected in the table:

The leading place in terms of prevalence is occupied by the first and second groups. The fourth is very rare.

In addition to digital indicators, the medical card also contains letter designations. It looks like this:

  • 00 - first group;
  • 0A, AA - second;
  • 0B, BB - third;
  • AB is the fourth.

No less important is an antigen such as the Rh factor.

Decoding indicators

It is not difficult even for people ignorant of medicine to understand its meaning based on the results of a blood test. In the analysis results it is represented as “+” or “-”, which means positive or negative.

The Rh factor (RH) is of particular importance when planning pregnancy. Most favorable combination partners have two “+” or both “-”.

Otherwise, there may be a Rh conflict between mother and child, which negatively affects his condition.

Compatibility of blood during transfusion

As already mentioned, knowledge various types blood according to group affiliation prevents the likelihood of incompatibility and deaths when administered to patients from donors.

There are research results that determine that if transfusion is necessary, the following combinations of donor blood are allowed:

  1. The first group, distinguished by the presence of two types of agglutinin, is suitable for almost all others.
  2. The second is suitable for patients in group II or IV.
  3. The third is allowed to be transfused only to those with III and IV.
  4. The fourth is suitable only for group IV.

Interesting! The first group is the oldest. The second and third are a consequence of population migration. The fourth is considered the rarest due to its latest occurrence.

Blood testing methods

A variety of forms and methods allows you to accurately determine indicators. To do this, you can go to the clinic or use tests for home examination.

Standard method

This option is distinguished by its reliability and ease of execution.

A few drops of blood are taken from the patient's finger and standard serum is used. It is prepared from blood plasma that contains antibodies. Added to it isotonic solution sodium chloride.

A standard reagent corresponding to all four groups is placed in drops on a special flat plate with round wells. The patient's blood is then added and mixed with existing reagent samples. Results are ready in five minutes.


The serum becomes light. But in some samples the coagulation process is observed, while in others this does not happen. The definition process is as follows:

  1. If the reaction does not occur in all samples except 1, the patient is in the first group.
  2. Group 2 is indicated by the formation of flakes in all samples except the second.
  3. Group 3 is determined in the absence of a reaction only in the sample with reagent No. 3.
  4. With sample group 4, the reaction is observed in all samples.

If the picture is not clear enough, the research procedure is repeated and microscopy is used.

Crossover method

To avoid mistakes in the case of a weakly expressed agglutinin reaction, they resort to examination using a cross reaction.

Unlike the previous method, the analysis uses not standard isohemagglutinating serum, but the patient’s blood. To do this, it is processed in a centrifuge, and then the serum is removed from it.

Progress in determining results

Only two tests are performed. 1 drop of the resulting serum sample is deposited into special wells. A standard reagent of group II is added to one, and group III to the other. Mixing these components results in the following values:

  • the first group corresponds to the manifestation of coagulation in two samples;
  • with the fourth, the reaction does not occur in the samples at all;
  • if it is observed in only one sample, then the definition of the group depends on the presence/absence of flocs in the sample.

The further course of decoding the last option is the same as with standard method described above.

Application of zoliclones

Instead of standard serum, synthetic agglutinins - zoliclones - are used to determine indicators. Advantages this method in a very fast response compared to previous methods and in high accuracy of results.

The progress of the study and interpretation of the results are the same as when using the standard method.

Express test

Using the “Erythrotest-group cards” set makes it possible to quickly identify the necessary information not only in laboratory conditions, but also in extreme situations.

In this tablet for determining indicators, there is a card with recesses, at the bottom of which there are dry standard serums, as well as a reagent that determines the Rh factor.

To conduct such a blood group test, just add a drop of water to the dry reagents and introduce the patient’s blood, then carefully mix all the components with glass rods. After 5 minutes you can read the result.

If the values ​​are necessary for an operation or transfusion, a repeat study is required, accompanied by a compatibility check.

This approach is due to the presence in the blood of antigens that are not studied by the ABO system, but manifest themselves in weak degree. Their detection is necessary only in patients with serious pathologies.

How to define a group yourself

At home, you can use not only a tablet, but also a test in the form of a cardboard, the margins of which reflect your blood type. It is enough to just apply a small amount of it to the fields.

The Eldoncard express card, which was developed in Denmark, also allows you to simplify the procedure for determining your blood type and Rh factor to the maximum.

You can conduct the test without special preparation. It will require a few drops of water or a special injection solution. The actions are similar to those described when using Erythrotest.

Eldoncard is a reusable test, which distinguishes it from its analogues. The only condition for its reuse is the application of a film that protects it from the effects of the external environment.

Other definitions

The question of concern to future parents about the blood type and Rh factor of the child can be answered with relatively high reliability without tests even before his birth.

In most cases, the baby inherits the parent's variant values. For example, in the first group, both partners have a 100% chance of having an heir with the same type.

If the parents have different values, the baby will become the owner of his mother’s or father’s type. The chances of any option are equal.

The technique is not suitable for determining paternity using such parameters. For this purpose, a DNA test is performed. This is due to various subtleties, a more thorough study of blood components not provided for by the ABO system.

You can experiment with independently determining the group and rhesus, if we are not talking about serious problems with health. There is a high probability of erroneous indicators, which may cause undesirable consequences due to incompatibility of donor blood during transfusion.

Of course, every person should know their own blood type. “Why is this even necessary?” - you ask. The fact is that our lives are sometimes unpredictable and various kinds of unforeseen circumstances often arise. The question of how to find out your blood type should be asked by everyone who does not have information on this matter. For example, there has been an accident, the victim has lost a lot of blood, doctors are asking for help, an urgent transfusion is needed or there will be death. If you are somewhere nearby, knowing at the same time what your blood type and Rh is, will you really remain indifferent to someone else’s misfortune? What if your family and friends get hurt? Unfortunately, in this case, it may be too late to wonder how to find out your blood type.

And when prescribing a particular diet, the above factor has priority. In any case, there can be many situations.

What is blood made of?

Before we move on to the question of how to find out your blood type, let’s analyze what the red liquid consists of. Many people know that it contains plasma and dense formed elements. Thanks to the first component, the “yushka” in the body is liquid, so all organs and vital systems receive nutrients in a timely manner. Shaped elements consists of leukocytes, erythrocytes and platelets, which ensure blood clotting. The structure of platelets also includes antigens of two groups “A” and “B”.

Blood serum contains agglutinins, which are also divided into alpha and beta categories.

In progress laboratory tests different samples are combined with each other and their reaction determines which group each of them belongs to. This research method was called the “ABO system.” Experts have found that today there are over one and a half million different groups based on individual characteristics each person.

At the same time, there is a standard classification, according to which there are four categories, within each of which there can be either negative or positive Rh factor. Moreover, the second one is usually dominant. For example, if one parent has blood type 1 with positive Rh, and the other has the same group, but is Rh negative, then their offspring will be 90% Rh positive. This is another reason to inquire about how to find out your blood type.

In which institutions can you find out your own blood type?

It should be noted that the study of “red” liquid for the Rh group is quite common.

The above analysis is mandatory for women who are pregnant, as well as young people called up for service in the Russian Armed Forces.

Don't have the slightest idea where to find out your blood type? Naturally, at the clinic at your place of registration. Consult your local GP about this issue. Moreover, no appointments are required for this. Of course, the doctor will try to provide you with every possible assistance in this matter, since not everyone currently cares about their own health. Where else can I find out my blood type? In a specialized medical institution. It is called a blood transfusion station. This is where people become honorary donors.

Analysis procedure

IN morning hours On an empty stomach, blood will be drawn from a vein and sent to the laboratory, where it will be examined through a simple immunohematological reaction. The meaning of the analysis is quite simple. Using a wax pencil, a laboratory technician makes eight marks on a flat plate according to the number of groups and Rh factors in each of them. Next, next to each of them, a “standard” serum is placed, into the structure of which a small amount of the patient’s blood is added. If the serum antigen combines with the antibody of the “red” liquid, and sand precipitates, this means that an agglutination reaction has occurred.

In order to be sure of the final result, it is additionally confirmed cross reaction, which allows you to accurately determine the Rh factor. Moreover, the rarest blood group is the fourth “negative”. Information about the results of the analysis is entered into the passport, since this is the main document for a person.

Is it possible to determine your blood type yourself?

Of course, not everyone has the time or desire to visit doctors. In this regard, some people are interested in the question of where to find out their blood type without resorting to the help of doctors. Well, you can make attempts to find out this yourself. However, we should immediately warn you that without special knowledge in the field of medicine, determining your blood type is quite a difficult task. In addition, no one will give you any guarantees that you were not mistaken.

There is a certain percentage of people who believe that there is no need to do any blood group testing, and that the “red liquid” can be identified based on a person’s external data. In particular, if he has a big nose- that means he is the owner of the first group, if he has huge eyes - the second group, if cold ears - the third, and plump lips- evidence that the fourth blood type flows in his veins.

Of course, it is difficult to judge the degree of effectiveness of the above method, and there are doubts here.

Others advise determining your blood type based on how quickly it clots. An incision is made on the finger, and then it remains to be seen how quickly the wound heals. It is believed that the worse the blood clotting, the lower its group. But then a completely natural question arises: “Isn’t it easier to visit a clinic and get tested?”

Alternative options

To solve the problem under consideration, you can view the information contained in the parents’ passports. Representatives of the fairer sex usually inherit their father's blood type, and stronger sex the mother's blood type is transmitted. If the parents have an identical blood category, then the child will have the same blood category.

The easiest way to find out your own group is to look at the medical record, which is mandatory for everyone who has visited a doctor at least once in their life.


Whichever method you use from the above, the most reliable is an analysis in a medical institution.

New technologies certainly open up new horizons of knowledge, and there are rumors that it will soon be possible to purchase a special test at the pharmacy that will help accurately determine your blood type at home. But for now these are just rumors.

Various unforeseen situations can occur in a person’s life: accidents, accidents. To quickly provide assistance, a doctor needs to know the patient’s basic medical data. Experts tell you how to find out your blood type easily and quickly.

Why might you need it?

A group is an ordinal number determined by the presence or absence of certain antigens in red blood cells. It is necessary to know it in following cases:

  • during blood transfusion, while searching for a suitable donor for the recipient and eliminating their incompatibility;
  • when planning pregnancy - to prevent Rh conflict between mother and child;
  • during preparation for surgery.

Blood type, which is determined in laboratory conditions, will help you find a suitable donor. Only in this case the transfusion will not cause rejection and complications. Not all types of blood can mix with each other. Thus, the carrier of the first group is universal donor for all people, and blood of the second group can be transfused only to patients with a similar or 4 group, the latter are the best recipients, they can be transfused with any blood.

IN in rare cases During pregnancy, immune conflicts arise between mother and child. For the expectant mother You should be tested for the presence of antibodies and regularly checked with your doctor.

Important has such an indicator as the Rh factor.

Timely determination of the Rh factor of the blood will prevent Rh conflict in the expectant mother.

How to prepare for the test

Before determining your blood group and Rh factor, you must:

  • build your diet wisely - do not overeat, consume large quantities clean water;
  • inform the doctor about the appointment medicines and drugs;
  • avoid stressful situations and physical overload;
  • stop smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.

Physiotherapeutic procedures will also have to be temporarily postponed. Experts recommend not eating 8-12 hours before donating blood. Tests are taken early in the morning, so such fasting will not bring discomfort to a person. After receiving the results, it is recommended to test the blood again. This will help ensure the accuracy of the analysis.

How is blood type determined in the clinic?

In immunological laboratories, blood is tested for the Rh factor and its group affiliation is determined. These laboratories operate in special medical centers and some hospitals. People who are thinking about how to recognize their group can contact these institutions.

For quick diagnostics the patient can consult a general practitioner at his place of residence. The doctor will issue a referral with which the person will come on the appointed day at treatment room. The results will be ready in 2-3 business days, the tests are carried out free of charge. In private clinics, a referral for testing is not required: blood can be donated here with or without an appointment. The laboratory technician will tell you when the results will be ready, but they are often issued the next day.

To conduct the study, a small amount of blood is taken from the patient's cubital vein. For similar purposes, in the maternity hospital, blood is taken from a vein in the head of newborn babies. In both cases, the algorithm for determining the blood group is the same: blood mixed with a special solution is placed in a test tube and then in a centrifuge. During this procedure, a precipitate is formed under the influence of agglutinins. A saline solution with a concentration of 3% is added to the container with the working material.

When recognizing a blood group, the determination method remains the same. Today doctors still use standard system AB0. This system serves as the basis for a special test to determine group and rhesus. The letters A and B stand for special lipids, also called agglutinogens.

The study requires 2 units of blood.

Anti-A reagent is added to the first, and anti-B to the other. The presence of antibodies indicates one or another group.

There are uniform ways to determine the Rh factor. If, after shaking the liquid in a centrifuge, white flakes appear on the surface, Rh+ is diagnosed. When a pink liquid forms in a test tube, experts conclude that the patient’s Rh is negative. This method of determining the Rh factor allows you to get a guaranteed correct result.

What technique is used

There is a unified technique for determining the group and Rh factor. During the study, agglutinogens - antibodies are used. Here a positive or negative reaction. There are 4 options for the final results. This:

  • complete absence agglutination in 4 working cells, indicating the first group;
  • lack of the desired reaction in cells 1 and 3, or the second group;
  • group 3 in the absence of agglutination in cells 1 and 2;
  • the presence of agglutination in cells 1, 2, 3 - 4 groups.

The ABO system allows you to find out the necessary information in as soon as possible. This method of determining blood group has proven itself and is used in most medical centers.

How to find out your blood type without tests

Today, every person can determine their blood group independently, without going to a medical institution. You can solve the problem by looking at the relevant information in your parents’ medical records. Girls inherit their father's group, and boys inherit their mother's group. Parents with identical indicators give birth to children with the same characteristics. The following table will help you obtain the necessary information, knowing the parents’ details:

The necessary information may be contained in your personal medical card a person located in a clinic at his place of residence. You can find out information at the registration desk. medical institution.

You can check your data without analysis in the hospital using a special test. To conduct a home survey, you need to purchase a kit consisting of several components:

  • tablets with 5 holes, with which you can find out your blood Rh factor and group;
  • instruments for obtaining samples;
  • glass rods for mixing liquids;
  • clean pipette for transporting solutions.

The kit will allow a person to understand what kind of blood he has. Everyone can analyze for themselves. The wells on the plate contain reagents for antigens (coliclones -A, -B, -AB), as well as for the main antigen, which allows you to find out your Rh factor (coliclone anti-D).

Well number 5 contains the control reagent. It helps prevent possible errors and inaccuracies, correctly determine group affiliation and other important indicators. Despite the ease and accessibility of this procedure, the most proven method of research is still considered to be contacting a specialized laboratory or medical center. Probability of error in in this case relatively small.

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