Indapamide causes cough. Medicinal reference book geotar

Many of us, having passed the forty-year mark, and some even before reaching it, learn what high blood pressure is. own experience. The modern pharmacological industry is replete with all kinds of drugs that help fight this disease. Nobody disputes this fact. It is much more important to find out the reason that led to arterial hypertension and, if possible, eliminate it, but this cannot always be done quickly. In such a situation, the doctor selects an individual antihypertensive drug. One of the medications that successfully helps cope with high blood pressure is Indapamide (INDAP).

Let's take a closer look at the drug Indapamide - description, instructions, price, contraindications of the drug.

Indapamide - instructions for use

Indapamide is a medicine used to treat hypertension due to its diuretic effect. This effect is achieved due to its effect on the kidneys and vascular tone.

"Indapamide" changes permeability cell membranes for calcium and reduces contractility vessel walls. As a result, small arteries dilate, precardiac load decreases, and blood pressure decreases.

At the kidney level, Indapamide prevents the reabsorption of sodium into the body and does not greatly affect the excretion of potassium, magnesium, and chlorine in the urine. Upon admission therapeutic doses The drug has a hypotensive effect without a significant increase in the amount of urine excreted per day.

The description of the drug Indapamide says that it does not change the metabolism of lipids and carbohydrates, including in patients with diabetes mellitus. Long-term use The drug reduces left ventricular hypertrophy. Indapamide can be used even by patients on chronic hemodialysis.

After taking Indapamide orally, it is rapidly absorbed from gastrointestinal tract. If you take the drug with food, the rate of its absorption decreases, but does not affect the amount of medicine that enters the body. A dosage form of Indapamide with a prolonged action has been created, which allows the substance to be released evenly over 24 hours. This made it possible to prescribe the drug once a day – in the morning. The maximum concentration of Indapamide in the blood is observed 12 hours after its administration.

Indications for use and doses

The instructions say that the drug is prescribed for the treatment of arterial hypertension. Take it orally in the morning before meals, one tablet or capsule (1.25 and 2.5 mg) without chewing, with a small amount of water. Indapamide can be prescribed either alone or in combination with other antihypertensive drugs. It is not recommended to increase the dose of the drug; this does not increase its ability to lower blood pressure, but diuretic effect intensifies. Indapamide has contraindications.


Severe renal dysfunction: renal failure not corrected by hemodialysis, lack of urine (anuria);
liver dysfunction, including with brain damage (hepatic encephalopathy);
allergy to Indapamide and its components;
children under 18 years of age;
pregnancy and breastfeeding;
not long ago acute disorder cerebral circulation;
in combination with drugs that increase QT interval on ECG (cisapride);
low level potassium in the blood;

Side effects

They occur rarely, but they are listed in the instructions:

Nervous system: fast fatiguability, headaches, vertigo (feelings that objects, or the patient himself, are in constant motion), muscle pain, weakness;
heart and blood vessels: decreased blood pressure, disorders heart rate;
blood: anemia, decreased platelet levels;
a decrease in microelements in the blood below normal and leading to pathological conditions: potassium, sodium, calcium, chlorine;
increase in content uric acid in organism;
digestive system: nausea, dry mouth, constipation, liver dysfunction;
allergic reactions: allergic rash, urticaria;
exacerbation of systemic lupus erythematosus;
respiratory system: cough, pharyngitis, sinusitis, sinusitis;

Interaction of Indapamide with other drugs

The drug Indapamide and lithium preparations are not recommended for use together, as the toxic effect of lithium on the body may increase.
The hypotensive effect of Indapamide can be reduced by its joint reception with the following drugs: adrenergic stimulants, glucocorticoids (prednisolone) and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Taking certain drugs together with Indapamide may reduce the effectiveness of the latter and also cause arrhythmia. These are erthromycin, pentamidine, vincamine, sultopyrpd, tarfedin, astemizole, antiarrhythmic drugs(quinidine, disopyramide, amidoran, sotalol, bretylium).
The risk of a decrease in potassium in the blood increases if you combine Indapamide with diuretics, cardiac glycosides, laxatives, glucocorticoids, and amphotericin B.
Antidepressants enhance the ability of Indapamide to lower blood pressure.

The price of Indapamide depends on the manufacturer and the weight of the tablet and ranges from 13 to 90 rubles for 20 tablets from 1.5 to 2.5 mg.


These instructions in the article are given in free form; before using Indapamide, be sure to consult with your doctor.

The diuretic drug Indapamide can effectively lower blood pressure. In this case, normalization occurs gently, and the diuretic effect is minimal. The drug has accumulative properties. The maximum result is observed 8-10 weeks after the start of use. The medication has a list of contraindications and side effects. To prevent the latter, you should consult a doctor and carefully monitor your health.

Composition, properties and release form

Indapamide tablets belong to the group of diuretics and antihypertensive drugs. The main actions include a gradual decrease in pressure. At the same time, the diuretic effect can be controlled, which helps prevent dehydration and maintains the balance of substances normal. Externally, the tablets are white or slightly grayish in color, round, coated. The action of Indapamide Retard is due to the presence of the active substance indapamide. Pills contain 2.5 mg of the drug. The tablets also contain:

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Mechanism of action

The medicine effectively lowers blood pressure.

The effect of Indapamide on the body is based on the increased removal of sodium and chlorine elements from the blood. At the same time, the drug has practically no effect on the concentration of potassium and magnesium. As a result, blood pressure decreases and a mild diuretic effect is observed. The value of reduced pressure does not depend on the amount of medication taken. As the dose increases, the volume of fluid released changes. The medicine is characterized by a cumulative effect. If you constantly take Indapamide for 8-12 weeks, you will achieve maximum result from treatment.

Why is Indapamide prescribed?

Indications for use describe situations in which the use of the product brings maximum benefit and the result. The diuretic drug is widely used for high blood pressure. Indapamide is prescribed as an independent remedy or as an addition to complex therapy. If the patient does not have hypertension, taking pills causes a worsening of the condition and manifestations adverse reactions.

Instructions for use and dosage

During treatment, it is recommended to adhere to the doctor's instructions according to the instructions.

You should take diuretics strictly according to the schedule specified by your doctor. Indapamide can be taken before or after meals. For high blood pressure, 1 tablet in the morning is recommended. The medicine is not taken in the evening, since Indapamide is a diuretic medication. If necessary, you can take the pill with a small amount of liquid. The result begins to appear no earlier than 2-3 weeks from the start of therapy. This is due to the cumulative effect. If the duration of use exceeds 4-5 weeks, but there is no effect, the drug should be discontinued or the daily dosage revised.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

"Indapamide" for blood pressure should be taken according to your doctor's recommendations. All risk factors should be taken into account. These include the period of gestation. Taking the drug in this case is dangerous. "Indapamide" during pregnancy has the ability to penetrate through the placenta to the fetus. At the same time, the diuretic reduces blood pressure and provokes oxygen starvation. Instructions for use prohibit the use of a diuretic during breastfeeding. "Indapamide" is harmful to infants as it passes into mother's milk. If a woman needs to take the drug, then during therapy, feeding is replaced with artificial feeding.

Is it used for children?

The drug is not recommended for children; there is a risk of low blood pressure.

The use of Indapamide for a child with illness is not recommended. It is prohibited to use due to the lack of experimentally confirmed evidence of the safety of the product. Use may cause cases low pressure in a young patient. If you are sick, it is better to resort to alternative drugs. There is an option to use the product every other day with a minimum daily dose and for high blood pressure.


Idapamide should be taken with caution at the beginning of treatment. This is due to the presence of a list of prohibited diseases. The consequence of ignoring the list is obvious side effects. Over time, they develop into health complications. Do not use if you have low blood pressure or gout. Other contraindications to taking Indapamide Tab include:

  • negative reactions to the composition;
  • age under 18 years;
  • taking incompatible medications;
  • circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • urinary disorders;
  • renal failure;
  • low level of potassium in the body.

How to understand that there is an overdose?

An overdose of the drug can cause weakness in the body, drowsiness and disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract.

Taking the medicine for a long time without the supervision of a doctor or in violation of the prescribed dosage can lead to an overdose. Long-term use with disturbances is characterized by nausea, hypotension, weakness, drowsiness and disturbances in the functioning of the stomach. At the same time, the balance of substances in the body is quickly disturbed. If you stop and start using the drug correctly, taking into account the prescribed dosage, you can avoid dangerous consequences. The concentration of indapamide in the blood can be reduced by rinsing. Activated carbon or other sorbents act similarly.

Indapamide is a diuretic that helps bring blood pressure back to normal. The drug excretes sodium along with urine, speeds up work calcium channels, helps arterial walls become more elastic. It belongs to the thiazide diuretics. It is used to treat hypertension and as a remedy that can relieve edema caused by heart failure.

Pharmacological action and pharmacokinetics

A diuretic with the active ingredient – ​​indapamide.

The latter resembles a thiazide diuretic in its structure. Indapamide is a sulfonylurea derivative.

Due to the peculiarities of the mechanism of action, the drug does not significantly affect the number of urinations.

So what is the medicine indapamide for? The action of the active substance reduces the load on the heart, dilates arterioles, and reduces blood pressure. And at the same time does not affect carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, even in patients with diabetes.

Another of its abilities is to reduce peripheral vascular resistance. Capable of reducing the volume and mass of the left ventricle. The hypotensive effect is felt even by patients requiring chronic hemodialysis.


Bioavailability of the drug is 93%. The period of maximum concentration of the substance occurs in the blood within 1-2 hours. Indapamide is well distributed in the body. Able to pass through the placental barrier and be excreted in breast milk.

The drug is 71-79% bound to blood proteins - high rate. The metabolic process takes place in the liver with the formation of inactive metabolites. From the body active substance 70% is excreted in urine, the remaining 30% in feces.

The half-life of indapamide is 14-18 hours. It is unknown whether this time changes in renal and hepatic failure.

Indapamide belongs to the pharmacological groups:

Thiazide-like and thiazide diuretics; Drugs that affect the renin-angiotensin system.

Mechanism of action of indapamide

Enhanced synthesis of prostacyclin and prostaglandin; Relaxes vascular smooth muscle cells - the result of changes in the transmembrane flow of calcium and other ions.

Indapamide: indications for use

Essential arterial hypertension


Take no more than one capsule per day, take orally: swallow whole, do not chew. Take a small amount of liquid.

It is possible to increase the dosage only after consulting a doctor. You need to be prepared for a greater diuretic effect, but at the same time increasing hypotensive effect not visible.

Side effects of indapamide

Using the drug in recommended therapeutic doses, rare cases appearance side effects. In long-term clinical studies side effects were recorded in only 2.5% of patients. A common violation among them electrolyte metabolism. Other side effects include:

Skin and allergic reactions: Lyell's syndrome, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, anaphylactic shock, urticaria, photodermatosis, skin rashes, purpura, Quincke's edema. Effect on the nervous system: dizziness, paresthesia, nervousness, body aches, vertigo, headache, weakness may occur. Influence at digestive system manifested by nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, impaired liver function, pancreatitis, constipation. From the heart and blood vessels are possible: arrhythmia, prolongation of the QT interval on the electrocardiogram, orthostatic arterial hypotension. Influence at lab tests: rare cases of thrombocytopenia, anemia, leukopenia, agranulocytosis, hypercalcemia, hyponatremia, hypokalemia, hyperglycemia, increased levels of urea and creatinine in the blood. Consequences for respiratory system: cough, rare cases of pharyngitis, sinusitis.

Indapamide blood pressure tablets: contraindications

Liver disorders. Anuria. Allergy to the active substance. Gout. Children under 18 – no experience in this field age group. Pregnancy, breastfeeding period. During pregnancy, the use of the drug is unjustified. Indapamide can lead to fetal malnutrition. If use is absolutely necessary during breastfeeding, then it is worth weaning the baby from mother's milk. The medicine will be transferred to the baby through it. Poor blood circulation in the brain (recent or acute). Hypokalemia. Use with drugs that increase the QT interval.

Before prescribing the drug, the patient often undergoes various tests. Especially if there is a suspicion that the medicine may provoke water-salt changes. If the drug is nevertheless prescribed, then it is worth periodically taking tests to determine the content of fibrinogen-deprived blood plasma, sodium, potassium and magnesium.

Constant level monitoring is also required residual nitrogen, glucose, uric acid, pH. The doctor is obliged to take under his supervision patients with cardiovascular failure(chronic form), coronary disease heart, cirrhosis of the liver. These patients are more likely than all others to develop metabolic alkalosis and hepatic encephalopathy.

Indapamide + other drugs

The hypotensive effect of the drug is impaired under the influence of salicylates in high dosages and systemic non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. If the patient is dehydrated, the use of indapamide will lead to renal failure. The solution is to replenish fluid in the body. Combination with medications that contain lithium salts increases the amount of lithium in the blood due to reduced excretion of the element. If such a connection is unavoidable, the patient should monitor the level of lithium in the blood. Glucocorticosteroids and tetracosactides neutralize the hypotensive effect of the drug. The reason is that water and sodium ions are retained in the body. Laxatives based on intestinal motility are provocateurs of hypokalemia. If similar drugs are used in parallel, it is necessary to monitor serum potassium in order to promptly diagnose hypokalemia. Hyperkalemia is caused by the combination of the described diuretic with diuretics, which provide potassium conservation. Increased risk of developing acute renal failure and arterial hypotension using ACE inhibitors. Cyclosporine with indapamide leads to an increase in plasma creatinine levels. X-ray contrast agent causes kidney failure. Estrogen-containing drugs neutralize the hypotensive effect. The reason is that water is retained in the body. Hypercalcemia is possible due to the intake of calcium salts. Tricyclic antidepressants lead to a several-fold increase in the hypotensive effect.

If there is no result within a month, do not increase the dosage of indapamide under any circumstances - it will lead to side effects. Instead, it is worth reconsidering the treatment regimen. This drug is often prescribed as part of a complex treatment. Indapamide is a drug for long-term use. A stable effect is noticeable after two weeks. Maximum effect is after 12 weeks. The effect of a single use occurs within one to two hours. The best time to take the drug is in the morning on an empty stomach.

When side effects occur, doctors talk about two possible options actions. The first is to stop using the drug. The second is to reduce the dose. The second option is rarely considered, since the side effects of the drug are dangerous. Indapamide will lead to impaired liver function, changes chemical composition blood, anorexia.

What to replace it with?

If the pharmacy does not have the drug described, then it can be replaced with another one with similar action. At the same time they may have different shape: dragees, tablets, capsules. But this does not affect the pharmacological properties.

Indapamide analogues – identical action to drugs with another active substance:

Ionic; Indopres; Enzix; Arifon retard; Indapen; Indapamide perindopril.

Synonyms for the drug indapamide - drugs with an identical active substance (INN):

Indapamide retard; Indap; Indapsan; Lorvas; Pamid; Lescopride; Frantel.

Without consulting a doctor, but with the help of a pharmacist, you can independently replace indapamide with another synonymous medicine. But analogue drugs should be purchased only after a doctor’s recommendation!


A dosage of 40 mg is toxic - exceeds the permissible limit single dose almost 30 times. Symptoms of overdose are: oliguria/polyuria, constant desire sleep, hypotension, nausea/vomiting, dizziness. A toxic dose disrupts the balance of salt and water in the body.

The drug can be removed from the body by washing the stomach and drinking enterosorbents (activated carbon). Further actionssymptomatic treatment, which is carried out exclusively in the hospital.

Note to athletes

Although indapamide tablets are not directly drugs that can be used as a doping to improve sports results. But at the same time, the World Anti-Doping Agency banned the use of any diuretics by athletes. The reason is that they help hide the fact of doping. And the detection of indapamide in an athlete’s body during competitions can cause his disqualification.

Effect on reaction

You need to be careful when taking medicine if you are a driver vehicle or are you doing one of the potentially dangerous species activities. The medicine must not be prescribed to those who work in constant voltage, in a state of intense concentration, for whom reaction speed is important.

Reviews about indapamide

Advantages of this drug: a mild diuretic that normalizes blood pressure.

Disadvantages: side effects are possible (but this is more the norm than a negative).

Dmitry, 52 years old. A neurologist prescribed this remedy to me. I take it in combination with Losartan because I constantly have high blood pressure. Indapamide has a cumulative effect. You can wake up in the morning, measure your blood pressure, and it is normal, but you still need to take the medicine, otherwise the effect of the drug will worsen.

I don't suffer all the time high blood pressure, sometimes there are jumps. Therefore, I do not take indapamide blood pressure pills every day, but only when necessary. I notice its effect within several hours. After the jumps, I drink it for 10 days in a row for better and stable normalization of blood pressure. This course is enough for me. Conveniently, you need to drink it once a day, and it does not significantly increase the number of trips to the toilet.

The drug scared me with the number of side effects, I read a lot on the Internet and already thought that I would not buy it. But the doctor prescribed it, and I obediently started drinking. I made several conclusions for myself:

You need to drink the entire course, even if it seems that your blood pressure is already normal; The drug acts quickly; There were no side effects.

The drug "Indapamide" affects vascular walls, relaxing them and normalizing muscle elasticity. Thanks to this medicinal product Arterioles enlarge, which leads to unhindered blood flow in the body. Indapamide tablets are a medicine for blood pressure. It is a vasodilator, similar in pharmacodynamics to a thiazide diuretic. During the day, the amount of urine produced increases slightly. Together with it, the predominant ions of sodium, chlorine, and potassium are removed from the body. While taking the medicine, carbohydrate and fat metabolism remain normal, which makes it possible for patients suffering from obesity or diabetes to take the drug. With a pronounced increase in the left ventricle of the heart, the drug "Indapamide" noticeably reduces the level of hypertrophy. With regular use of the drug, the effect is achieved after 2 weeks, and after 10 weeks the maximum beneficial effect is observed. Single dose of the drug "Indapamide" preserves therapeutic property up to 24 hours.


The blood pressure drug Indapamide is quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and is excreted from the body mainly in the urine. The content of inactive metabolites in feces is about 20%. The diuretic interacts with plasma and red blood cells, penetrates breast milk. With regular use of the drug, no accumulation was observed. Patients with liver failure This medicine should be used with caution to avoid the formation of liver encephalopathy.

Indications for use

What does the medicine Indapamide help with? Indications for its use are:

Arterial hypertension. Chronic heart failure (sodium and water retention in the body).


The use of the drug is limited for the following diseases:

Impaired liver function. Impaired kidney function. Intolerance to the components of the drug. Hypokalemia. Impaired blood circulation in the brain and spinal cord. Gout.

In what cases can complications occur when using the drug "Indapamide"

Lactose intolerance. Pregnancy and lactation. Age up to 18 years. Unstable water and electrolyte balance.

Directions for use, dosage

The drug is taken orally once a day, 2.5 mg. Taking it in the morning is more effective because a large number of food slows down the absorption of the medicine. The tablets should be swallowed without chewing, with plenty of water. Increasing the dose of the drug "Indapamide" does not lead to acceleration therapeutic effect, but causes a number of side effects. For patients suffering from heart failure, if there is no improvement, a dose of 5 mg per day is prescribed.

Adverse reactions

When taking the drug Indapamide (we already know what it is prescribed for), a side effect may occur. First of all, this happens when an increased dose of the drug is used, the body is intolerant of the substance, or the effect of individual components on a certain organ system. Side effects may manifest themselves in different ways.

Central nervous system: headache, drowsiness, asthenia, insomnia, irritability. Respiratory system: pharyngitis, acute cough. Digestive system: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Urinary system: nocturia, infectious inflammation. Cardiovascular system: arrhythmia, rapid heartbeat, hypokalemia. Skin diseases: itching , urticaria, rash.


The average price of the drug “Indapamide” in Russia is 12 rubles. The package contains 30 tablets of 2.5 mg.

Interaction with other drugs

Anti-inflammatory drugs reduce the effect of the drug "Indapamide", quickly consume fluid in the body, which is why it has to be constantly replenished. When taking Indapamide tablets, what determines the compatibility with other medications? The composition of the diuretic is quite complex, so complex treatment is selected by a specialist strictly individually, based on the prescribed medications.

Drugs containing lithium are quickly excreted in the urine, so it is necessary to monitor the level of the substance in the blood serum. GCS, on the contrary, retain water in the body, reducing the antihypotensive effect. Cardiac glycosides reduce the amount of potassium in the body, which can lead to hypokalemia. Calcium: increased salt content in the body. X-ray contrast agents containing significant amount iodine, can lead to the development of renal failure. Tricyclic antidepressants cause the risk of orthostatic hypotension.

special instructions

Which patients require careful monitoring of their condition while taking Indapamide? What do they need to protect themselves from? Patients with cirrhosis of the liver, cardiac, renal, and liver failure are required to undergo treatment with the drug "Indapamide" strictly under the supervision of doctors. Possible appearance dehydration in the body leads to an exacerbation of organ dysfunction. It is important to control the fluid content in the body and compensate for it in time.

It has hypotensive, vasodilating and diuretic (diuretic) effects. Indapamide reduces the force of contraction of arterial smooth muscle, reduces total peripheral vascular resistance, and also promotes involution of left ventricular hypertrophy of the heart. With a single dose, it lowers blood pressure for a long time and is used in treatment hypertension and chronic heart failure.

Varieties, names, composition and release forms

Currently, various pharmaceutical companies produce the following varieties of Indapamide:
  • Indapamide;
  • Indapamide MV;
  • Indapamide MV Stada;
  • Indapamide Stada;
  • Indapamide retard;
  • Indapamide retard-OBL;
  • Indapamide retard-Teva;
  • Indapamide Sandoz;
  • Indapamide-OBL;
  • Indapamide-Verte;
  • Indapamide-Teva;
  • Indapamide Polpharma.
These varieties differ from each other almost only in names, since they all contain the same active substance in the same dosage, but produced by different pharmaceutical companies.

The point is that according to international standards Every pharmaceutical company must produce a drug under some original name. And since in the past Indapamide was produced in the USSR under one name, pharmaceutical factories that became private enterprises simply added a word or abbreviation to it, meaning their modern name, thus obtaining some unique name, different from all others. Thanks to this, the main name remained the same and is well recognized by patients. Foreign pharmaceutical companies They followed the same path, naming their drugs according to the principle “Indapamide + abbreviation of the company name” in order to be recognizable on the market of the CIS countries.

Thus, the varieties of Indapamide can be conditionally considered the same drug, produced by different pharmaceutical companies. Of course, varieties of Indapamide may differ from each other in quality, which depends on which laboratory the active substance is purchased from. For example, Teva and Sandoz corporations purchase active substances from Italian laboratories, and Russian manufacturers from Chinese ones. Therefore, the quality of Teva and Sandoz drugs will be higher compared to domestic analogues, for the production of which raw materials of lower quality are used.

Despite these differences, all varieties of Indapamide have the same properties, indications and rules of use. Therefore, in the further text of the article we will consider them together and use one name - Indapamide - to refer to all types of the drug.

Various varieties of Indapamide are currently available in three dosage forms:
1. Capsules for oral administration;
2. Pills;
3. Long-acting tablets.

Extended-release tablets usually have the additional word “retard” or the abbreviation “MB” in the name, which allows you to immediately distinguish them.

As active component Indapamide contains the substance of the same name indapamide V different dosages. Extended-release tablets contain 1.5 mg of indapamide, while regular-release tablets and capsules contain 2.5 mg.

Compound auxiliary components even the same one dosage form may be different, since each pharmaceutical plant has the right to use its own manufacturing technology and formulation. Therefore, to clarify the auxiliary components of each specific drug, it is necessary to study the instructions given on the accompanying leaflet.

What does Indapamide help with?

Indapamide belongs to the class of thiazide diuretics and has the following pharmacological effects:
  • Reduces blood pressure (hypotensive effect);
  • Expands blood vessels(is a vasodilator);
  • Reduces total peripheral vascular resistance;
  • Reduces resistance in arterioles;
  • Helps reduce the degree of hypertrophy of the left ventricle of the heart;
  • Has a moderate diuretic (diuretic) effect.
Hypotensive effect Indapamide develops when taken in dosages (1.5 - 2.5 mg per day) that do not cause a diuretic effect. Therefore, the drug can be used to lower blood pressure over a long period of time. When taking Indapamide in higher dosages, the hypotensive effect does not increase, but a pronounced diuretic effect. It must be remembered that a decrease in blood pressure is achieved only a week after taking Indapamide, and a lasting effect develops after 3 months of use.

Indapamide does not affect fat and carbohydrate metabolism, therefore it can be used by people suffering from diabetes mellitus, increased level cholesterol, etc.

In addition, Indapamide is effective in lowering blood pressure in people with one kidney or on hemodialysis.

The high safety and good tolerability of Indapamide allow it to be considered the drug of choice for the treatment of hypertension in people suffering from diabetes mellitus, chronic renal failure or hyperlipidemia ( increased content cholesterol, triglycerides, low-density lipoproteins in the blood).

Indications for use

All types of Indapamide are indicated for use in the treatment of the following diseases:
  • Arterial hypertension ;
  • Elimination of edema syndrome in chronic heart failure (this indication is not registered in all countries).

Instructions for use

How to take Indapamide capsules and tablets

Tablets of regular duration of action and capsules contain 2.5 mg of active substance and are characterized by the same rules of administration.

Thus, tablets and capsules must be taken orally, swallowed whole, without biting, chewing or crushing in any other way, but with a sufficient amount of still water (at least half a glass). Tablets and capsules can be taken regardless of meals, that is, at any convenient time.

It is optimal to take tablets or capsules at morning hours, at approximately the same time every day to ensure that a certain concentration of the drug in the blood is always maintained.

For arterial hypertension, Indapamide should be taken 2.5 mg (1 tablet or capsule) once a day for at least three months. In general, therapy is long-term and can last for months or years. However, it must be remembered that if after 4 to 8 weeks of taking Indapamide, blood pressure does not normalize, then you should additionally start taking some other antihypertensive drug that is not a diuretic (for example, beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors, etc.).

Increasing the dosage of Indapamide to more than 2.5 mg per day is not recommended, since this will not lead to a significant increase in the hypotensive effect, but will cause a diuretic effect.

Maximum permissible daily dosage Indapamide is currently considered 5 mg (2 tablets or capsules).

Indapamide can be used either alone or in combination with other antihypertensive drugs (beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors). When using the drug as part of complex therapy, its dosage, as a rule, is not reduced, leaving it at 2.5 mg per day. When combining Indapamide with beta-blockers (for example, Metoprolol, Bisoprolol, Atenolol, Timolol, etc.), both drugs can be taken simultaneously. If Indapamide must be combined with ACE inhibitors (for example, Captopril, Enalapril, Perindopril, etc.), then in this case it is necessary to proceed as follows: 3 - 4 days before the start of administration ACE inhibitor cancel Indapamide; then, after gaining a maintenance dosage of the ACE inhibitor, Indapamide is resumed and both drugs are taken.

To eliminate edema in chronic heart failure, it is recommended to take Indapamide 5–7.5 mg (2–3 tablets or capsules) per day for 1–2 weeks. Such courses of therapy are carried out periodically, as needed.

Elderly people (over 65 years of age) take Indapamide in normal dosages. For this age category The drug is allowed if kidney function is normal or slightly reduced.

Designed for people suffering from high blood pressure. The medicine and the current active substance have the same name. Analogues of this medicine are drugs such as Ravel, Arifon.

How this drug affects blood vessels? First of all, under the influence of Indapamide, the vessel walls become less sensitive to angiotensin and have the effect of narrowing arterioles and arteries. In addition, after taking it, substances that are responsible for the normal lumen of blood vessels begin to be more actively produced. The concentration of calcium ions contained in smooth muscle decreases, so vascular tone returns to normal.

The drug has a slight diuretic effect. If we characterize the main property of the drug, hypotensive, then it is considered gradual. The action of Indapamide begins only when blood pressure exceeds normal.
The effect becomes pronounced when the drug is used daily for twenty days. Moreover, if the dose is increased, the pressure will decrease in to a greater extent, but the diuretic property is also more active. The drug is prescribed to patients with heart failure and hypertension.

Indapamide tablets may have a prolonged action or slow release. The instructions indicate that the dose of the drug, if it is not a prolonged form, is two and a half milligrams daily. The manufacturer also indicates that when increasing the dose, you need to be aware that side effects are more likely to occur, rather than a more significant decrease in blood pressure.

Indapamide can be prescribed both as a complex therapy and as an independent drug. Patients who have kidney diseases. In the case when one kidney is removed and the patient is on hemodialysis.

The drug Indapamide is contraindicated if there is individual intolerance, as well as in case of cerebrovascular accident, in the presence of serious liver and kidney dysfunction. The drug is not prescribed if there is a decompensated form of diabetes. Indapamide should not be taken if the patient is taking other cardiac medications that prolong the QT time. Pregnancy and breastfeeding are also contraindications.

Side effects and overdose of Indapamide

First of all, you need to take into account that the occurrence of side effects is most often due to high dose taken medicine. This medicine is a drug systemic action, therefore, in case of overdose, it may have negative impact on the condition of any group of organs.

As a result of an overdose, a significant decrease in blood pressure may occur. Fluid is lost, disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract occur, nervous system, there are problems with electrolyte balance. The patient needs to rinse the stomach and take sorbents (Activated carbon, Enterosgel).

Reviews about Indapamide

There are many reviews about Indapamide on the Internet. As a rule, they do not contain a description of the effectiveness of the drug, but questions about how to change the dosage, combine this drug with other medicines, And so on. This suggests that Indapamide itself has not been discussed for a long time; it is recognized as good effective remedy. Patients take it constantly and do not intend to change this medicine to analogues.

It should be noted that hypertensive patients regularly use the drug. There is an opinion from a girl who is worried about existing vegetative-vascular dystonia. She said she began to feel better panic fear disappeared, there is improvement in the heart condition. When the drug was discontinued she became worse.

To correctly determine the regimen for using any antihypertensive drug, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Therefore, after reading this information, in any case, discuss its use with a specialist.

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