How to go big faster. How to restrain yourself if you really want to in an awkward situation. How many days is constipation considered in adults?

So how to quickly go to the toilet when constipated?

Causes of constipation

Regular bowel movements and good digestion are the main indicators of human health. But if constipation does occur, then before taking any remedy, it is necessary to find out why stool retention occurs.

Constipation can be caused by the following reasons:

  1. Lack of physical activity.
  2. Diet (too many processed or dairy foods, not enough fiber).
  3. Pharmaceuticals.
  4. Stress.
  5. Dehydration.

Stool retention can also be caused by diseases (colon cancer, hypothyroidism, Parkinson's disease), travel, dependence on laxatives, nutritional deficiencies, attempts to retain stool during the initial urge to defecate, hypertensive dyskinesia of the colon, sluggish and atonic intestines.


TO general symptoms stool retention can be attributed to straining during defecation, disruption of the act of defecation, incomplete bowel movement.

Pain, gas, and bloating can also accompany constipation. Ideally, the distal intestine should be emptied without straining 1 to 3 times a day. The chair must have dark brown color(however, color may change due to food consumed) and be well formed.

According to some doctors, the norm is at least one bowel movement every three days.

This condition is usually observed in people who have sedentary work, or in older people. With physical inactivity, weak and sluggish peristaltic movements of the intestine are observed, so feces are not able to move to the distal section. In this case, it is recommended to use laxatives that increase smooth muscle tone and improve peristaltic movements. Products with a choleretic effect and bitter herbs activate the intestines.

Magnesium sulfate and alimentary fiber soften feces and also make them more voluminous, which facilitates their movement in the intestinal lumen.

Usually found in people at a young age with vegetative-vascular dystonia or neuroses. In this case, persistent constipation is observed, caused by hypertonicity of smooth muscles and spastic bowel movements. The person is bothered by spasms and painful sensations in the side and lower abdomen. This condition is sometimes observed due to poor nutrition or food poisoning.

Herbs, antispasmodics, and nerve calming medications will reduce bowel spasms, thereby making stool easier to pass.

How to go to the toilet if you are constipated?

Many people underestimate proper nutrition in the prevention of constipation. By literally changing the menu a little, you can improve your intestinal function and get rid of such problems in the future. For example, it is worth excluding pasta, sweet and flour. These products contribute to the compaction of feces and provoke gas formation.

There are also products that have a natural laxative effect:

  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • dried apricots;
  • prunes;
  • sour milk (yogurt, fermented baked milk, yogurt).

At daily use With these foods, constipation will disappear forever.

Equally important allocated to fluid intake. It is advisable to drink up to two liters of water per day. It is better to completely abandon coffee and strong tea in favor of compotes and juices.

Drug treatment

Since going to the toilet if constipated can be problematic even after changing your diet, a possible measure is to use medicines with a laxative effect. Thanks to them, the problem will disappear within a few hours.

Among such funds are:

  • "Guttalax";
  • "Regulax";
  • "Duphalac";
  • "Exportal";
  • "Lactuvit";
  • "Dioflan."

Glycerin compounds are highly effective rectal suppositories. However, they have no contraindications, and even children are allowed to use them.

An effective way to relieve constipation is also an enema with vegetable oil. It is prepared by mixing a liter of chilled boiled water and 2-3 tablespoons of glycerin, olive, vaseline or sunflower oil.

To go to the toilet easily and quickly, you should take on board the following tools: traditional medicine. For example, experts recommend buckthorn, rhubarb, licorice root, nettle, yarrow and aloe.

Berries such as currants, gooseberries, rowan, and lingonberries have a good laxative effect. To activate the intestines, you can drink a glass in the morning (on an empty stomach) clean water. For improvement taste sensations need to be diluted a little lemon juice and a spoonful of honey. The product cleanses the body of toxins.

Quick cleansing of feces occurs by consuming a few tablespoons of sunflower or olive oil.

You can also drink a decoction of senna leaves; this stimulant effectively eliminates the accumulation of feces. The only drawback of the herb is the presence of side effects in the form of bloating, pain and cramps.

You can also go to the toilet if you are constipated by drinking warm brine obtained from sauerkraut. Has a similar effect cucumber pickle. It is prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. Place cucumbers in a jar and add water.
  2. Add 4 tbsp. spoons of salt, leave to infuse for a month.
  3. Take a glass of brine 3 or 4 times a day.

You can drink spinach or beet juice, which has a pronounced laxative effect.


In addition to special food and medicines, can be used special exercises. They improve intestinal motility, which makes the bowel movement process much easier. The simplest and known method activate the functioning of the intestines - massage by stroking the abdomen (stroking clockwise). You can also start the massage in a circular motion, then apply light pressure and rub the abdomen. And finish with light stroking to move the intestines. Very often, such a procedure immediately causes an acute urge to defecate.

The following exercises help with stagnation of feces:

  1. Lie on your back. From the “birch tree” position, cross your legs behind your head 20 times.
  2. Sitting on your knees, you need to inhale, exhale, then sharply draw in your stomach.
  3. Lie on your back. Spin the “bicycle” or swing your legs. It is recommended to make at least 70-80 revolutions.
  4. Get on all fours. Tighten your stomach, round your back - while inhaling, bend over reverse side and lift your chin up a little - while exhaling.

It is very important to launch the body as a whole and gallbladder particularly in the morning after waking up. To do this, you need to roll over onto your left side while lying in bed and take the intrauterine position (pulling your knees to your chin). Place on the liver area right hand and breathe deep breaths. It is important to breathe from the stomach. Similar procedure activates the flow of bile.

It is also possible to lie on your back and place your hands on your stomach and take 10 deep breaths.

If constipation is ignored, severe complications may occur. Irritation of the intestinal walls by masses of feces leads to the occurrence of inflammatory disease of the intestines: colitis may develop (damage to colon) or proctosigmoiditis (inflammation of the intestines and sigmoid colon).

Long-term constipation can cause problems such as inflammatory disease biliary tract or even a complication of hepatitis.

Constipation often causes cracks in the anus, hemorrhoids, and inflammation of the peri-rectal tissue. If these complications occur, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Stagnation of feces can lengthen and expand them, that is, the formation of acquired megacolon, which further aggravates constipation, is possible.

The most serious complication constipation is bowel cancer.


The best defense is an attack, so preventing constipation is easier than treating it. However, if you do experience constipation, try using the above remedies. quick fix stagnation of feces.

Defecation, or emptying the rectum, is the release of feces by the human body. Normally, defecation in an adult occurs 1-2 times a day. Also, the frequency is considered to be 1 time in 2 days. Frequent, loose stool is called diarrhea, infrequent stool is called constipation. These pathological conditions are usually accompanied by visible changes in bowel movements.

Patients often ask a question at a doctor’s appointment: I go to the toilet a lot, why does this happen, what should be the norm in this condition, what should I do? To answer it, you need to conduct a series of examinations and analyses. If a pathology is detected, appropriate treatment will be prescribed. You and I will not be able to make a diagnosis, but we will be able to find out how often a person should have bowel movements normally and when the frequency of bowel movements indicates pathology.

Diarrhea and stool retention

Diarrhea, diarrhea - usually characterized by a liquid, and in some cases, watery consistency, occurs frequently, up to 10 times a day. When defecation is delayed, called constipation, stool hardens, becomes rough, and its consistency loses elasticity. When passing through the rectum, they can injure the mucous membrane. With constipation, bowel movements can occur once every 3 days.

Typically, such disturbances in the frequency of bowel movements are symptoms of a specific disease. If you have diarrhea or constipation, you should consult a gastroenterologist or proctologist. If an adult experiences hyperperistalsis (frequent bowel movements), several times a day, but does not bring any inconvenience or negative sensations, this can be considered normal.

However, doctors recommend, in this case, to monitor appearance your stool (consistency, color, impurities, smell). If everything is fine with this, but the person walks very often during the day, it is recommended to visit a psychotherapist. Frequent bowel movements may indicate the presence of a somatoform disorder.

Why do I often go to the toilet for a long time? Causes of frequent bowel movements

If frequent stools of normal consistency are observed in a newborn, this indicates healthy digestion of the baby. If an adult often goes to the toilet for a long time, this may indicate some pathological conditions.

As we have already said, the norm for such trips to the toilet is considered to be once a day. Or 2 times, if you are overweight or eat a large amount of food, or if the foods eaten have a laxative effect (for example, prunes). Let me clarify that we are not talking about diarrhea. We are talking about frequent stools of normal consistency.

Sometimes frequent bowel movements in an adult are observed due to insufficient production of enzymes, when the intestines lose the ability to fully break down fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. In this case, the urge to go to the toilet occurs several hours after eating.

Of course, with normal metabolism substances, the frequency of bowel movements can also be more than 2 times a day. But in this case, the feces do not change their consistency, color, smell, have no inclusions or foreign impurities. However, in any case, it is better to consult a gastroenterologist and get tested for enzymes.

When is frequent bowel movements a symptom of what pathology?

When a patient wonders: why do I go to the toilet so often, what should I do in this case? There is only one answer - contact a specialist. Especially if bowel movements occur more than five times a day. In this case, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible, since this condition cannot be considered normal and is often a symptom of certain, sometimes quite dangerous diseases. For example:

Crohn's disease, which affects the large intestine;
- various types of colitis;
- presence of salmonellosis;
- dysentery, hyperthyroidism, and intestinal tuberculosis;
- cancer- tumor of the colon or rectum.

All these and other pathologies and intestinal diseases can be accompanied by frequent bowel movements, mainly diarrhea. Are changing external signs stool: consistency, color, smell. Foreign inclusions and impurities (mucus, blood) may be observed.

If frequent stools are loose, watery, and painful, we are talking about diarrhea. This is a symptom of a wide variety of gastrointestinal diseases, including dysbacteriosis, food poisoning. You can't do it without medical care.

Frequent trips to the toilet may occur due to insufficient production of bile acids. Then the feces acquire pale color, oily, shiny consistency. At the same time, the quality of vision in a person decreases, especially in the evening, bones become more fragile and brittle. Bleeding is observed in the anal area. All these are symptoms of diseases of the liver, biliary tract, or duodenum.

How to normalize frequent bowel movements? What should I do for this?

The sooner the pathology is detected, the better. If you try to endure the urge to go to the toilet for a long time, the consequences can be very unpleasant. In particular, constipation may develop, causing slagging in the body. Will begin to form in the intestines fecal stones, injuring the intestinal mucosa.

Therefore, the first step is to find the reason this state. To do this, you need to see a doctor, undergo necessary examination, get tested. You may need to undergo an ultrasound internal organs, do a colonoscopy.

Outside the home, people often don't have much time to sit on the toilet for long periods of time. But when a problem takes you by surprise, you need to somehow get rid of it and very quickly. Often busy people immediately resort to taking pills, which is not very good. But there are other methods.

To successfully go big outside the home, you need:

  • Eliminate tablets and use regular food. Often after eating the right product, we will get a better effect than from effective means. You just need to know which foods have a strong laxative effect.

Proper nutrition is also prevention. By remembering the list of the following foods that contain large quantities of fiber, you will ensure a constipation-free life:

  • Fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • Leafy vegetables;
  • Nuts;
  • Pumpkin seeds;
  • Legumes;
  • Whole grain products;
  • Berries;
  • Lactic acid products;

You can easily take this food with you to work. If you have problems with bowel movements at work, eat something from the list. In case of force majeure, take it with you to work or school every day.

  • Skip the pills and drink water. A water diet is important for every person. If you do not consume a certain amount every day, problems will arise not only with constipation. Application ordinary water very effective, since you can quickly go to the toilet in 10-30 minutes (depending on the amount of water you drink).

If you feel like you urgently need to pass a bowel movement, drink at least half a liter of water at a time. Moisture liquefies feces in the intestines and promotes their successful exit.

Drink water slowly and in small sips!

At home

If you are at home and sit on the toilet for a long time, you can use using the following methods Treatments without the use of tablets:

  • Drink herbal tea.

Chamomile, senna, flax, fennel, dandelion and others are suitable. This tea should steep for at least twenty minutes. Before use, be sure to read the instructions on the package to be sure that the product will not cause allergic reactions.

Most the best choice- This herbal teas, on the packaging of which it is written - “for constipation.”

A decoction of rhubarb root has a very effective effect on the functioning of the colon. It is better to drink rhubarb tea before bed. At night healing herbs will do their job, and after waking up you can easily go to the toilet.

At home, you can also eat or cook some cleansing foods:

You can also drink a glass of kefir before bed. While you're sleeping, useful material, contained in it, will restore intestinal function, so when you wake up in the morning, you can successfully go to the toilet.

During treatment, exclude:

  • Sweet and flour
  • Alcohol
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Strong coffee
  • Some fruits (quince)

If nothing helps, you will have to resort to medication.


In advanced cases and to alleviate the condition, take next pills:

  • Bisacodyl. It has irritant effect, although quite effective. It is addictive, so frequent use is not recommended. It often causes by-effect– additional abdominal pain. In this case, you should stop taking it.
  • Lactulose-based tablets (Normaze, Goodluck). They are prebiotic laxatives and lead to soft and painless bowel movements. They can be used for up to three months. They are good because they normalize the intestinal microflora.

Enemas and suppositories

Sometimes it is necessary to cleanse the intestines urgently, since a person has been sitting on the toilet for a very long time and suffers from pain, so enemas and suppositories are often used, applied topically.

Enemas are done:

An enema can be done once to quickly go to the toilet and thus cleanse the intestines. This will alleviate the patient's condition. However, an enema should not be used frequently.

Candles are:

  • Glycerin. The most gentle ones are often given to newborn children and the elderly.
  • Papaverine. Normalize motor function intestines with irregular bowel movements.
  • Bisacodyl. Annoying nerve endings intestinal walls, however, are the most effective. It's better not to use them often.


Urgent bowel cleansing can be achieved not only with diet and medications, but also physical activity. Constipation often occurs due to low mobility and a sedentary lifestyle. Let's talk about how to cleanse the intestines with exercise.

IN for preventive purposes sign up for swimming, go jogging, or just go for a walk fresh air. To go to the toilet if you are constipated, try these exercises:

  • Lie on your back. Do the “bicycle” exercise - first in one direction, then in the other (at least 50 revolutions).
  • Sit on your knees. After each inhalation and exhalation, sharply draw in your stomach.
  • Sit on all fours. As you inhale, make your back round and pull your stomach in, and as you exhale, bend in the other direction, raising your head up.
  • Perform the “birch tree” exercise while lying on your back.

Exercise is important not only in the treatment of bowel retention, but in general. By training the muscles not only of the whole body, but also the intestines, we tone the entire body. Because of this, feces that have stagnated in the body are eliminated faster and easier.

“How do we poop?” — the author of the book “The Charming Intestine”, at that time a medical student and roommate, once asked. The answer to the question resulted in a book chapter that helped many people take a fresh look at the process of bowel movements and get rid of constipation caused by psychological reasons and incorrect posture in the toilet.

The process of defecation is the result of coordinated work, in particular, of two nervous systems. For this purpose, nature has developed in our body special devices and tricks.

It all starts with an incredibly sophisticated system of locking mechanisms (or sphincters). Almost everyone is familiar only with the external locking mechanism, which opens and closes by conscious impulses. A similar locking mechanism is located a few centimeters higher - it is beyond our control.

As soon as the brain decides that the moment is unfavorable for going to the toilet, the external locking mechanism obeys and closes as tightly as it can. The operation of the internal locking mechanism is regulated unconsciously. Whether Aunt Bertha likes to fart or not is of little interest to him. His priority is maintaining comfortable conditions inside the body. Are gases accumulating and causing pressure? All negative factors the internal locking mechanism tends to be released outside the body as quickly as possible.

How does the urge to go to the toilet arise?

Both locking mechanisms work hand in hand. When our digestive waste approaches the internal locking mechanism, it opens reflexively. Before all the contents are directed towards the external sphincter, a testing process takes place. In the space between both locking mechanisms there is a large number of sensitive cells that analyze information about the incoming contents: whether it is gaseous or solid in nature, and the resulting information is sent to the brain. At this moment, the brain forms a need like “I want to go to the toilet” or “I want to fart.”

Now the brain begins to confer with its consciousness: it focuses on what is happening around us at the moment, collecting and analyzing information from our organs of vision, hearing and existing experience. In just a few seconds the brain has full picture and sends data to the external locking device: “I looked, we’re here in Aunt Bertha’s living room. It is still possible to fart, but only if it is done quietly. But it’s probably not worth going to the toilet when you really need to... not now.”

The external locking mechanism receives the information received and compresses even more tightly than before. The internal sphincter respects the decision made by the colleague, and by joint decision the test sample is sent to the queue for excretion.

After some time, the internal locking mechanism sends the sample again for evaluation. At this time, we are already sitting at home, sitting comfortably on the sofa: now we can!

Constipation is caused by holding back bowel movements

Our internal locking mechanism is a stubborn companion! His main postulate: “What needs to come out will be brought out”. The external locking mechanism is in continuous contact with the outside world and constantly evaluates: “Will it be convenient to use someone else’s toilet, or is it better not to? If I don’t go to the toilet now, I won’t be able to do it until later in the evening, which means I’ll have to be inconvenienced throughout the day!”

If we hold ourselves back from going to the toilet, suppressing urge after urge, then we inhibit the functioning of the internal locking mechanism and, as a result, can even damage it. The internal sphincter is in constant submission to the external locking mechanism. And the more the external sphincter commands the internal one, the higher the risk of developing problems and constipation.

Conscious suppression of natural processes occurring in the body should not be frequent, don't let this become a habit.

The gut is our second brain, responsible for intuition. It is not for nothing that the Russian language has preserved the expression: “I feel it in my guts” or “I feel it in my gut.” Therefore, it must be treated with care and should not be suppressed natural process defecation.

From time to time it is useful to reconsider your habits and ask questions: “Is the path to the stop that I am taking the shortest? Do I really look more beautiful and more modern when I comb my hair over my bald spot? Or even like this: “Am I sitting on the toilet correctly?”

It is extremely difficult to get a clear, unambiguous answer to the last question. But by experimenting on yourself, you can introduce some kind of novelty into an established process. The Israeli doctor Dov Zikirov shared the same opinion.

As part of his experiment, he observed an experienced group of 28 people who visited the toilet daily, taking one of three positions: relaxing on the toilet normal size; the same way, but sitting on the toilet very small size; literally crouching or squatting, as in nature under a bush. In this case, the time of defecation was recorded using a stopwatch, after which questionnaires were filled out.

The results were as follows: the act of defecation of the “in nature” type took an average of 50 seconds; after defecation in this position, the subjects described their condition as “a feeling of complete emptying.” Sitting in a familiar position, the process lasted an average of 130 seconds and subjective sensations lagged behind those of the first group of subjects.

Why is the “under the bush” position better for bowel movements?

The fact is that our obturator apparatus is designed in such a way that when we are in a sitting position, it cannot open completely. There is a muscle that wraps around the rectum in a loop, like a lasso, when we are in a sitting or standing position, as a result of this action a bend is formed. This mechanism is additional to the existing obturator muscle devices. An analogy can be drawn with a bend in a watering hose. If you quickly straighten the formed kink, after a few seconds the water begins to flow again.

Thanks to the blocking bend on the rectum, the obturator sphincters, when we are in a standing or sitting position, make less effort to restrain the movement of feces inside the body. As soon as the muscle changes position and ceases to affect the intestines, the crease is eliminated and the path is clear.

The squatting position is an evolutionarily developed, natural position of our body during the process of defecation.

The modern sitting position became a habit with the advent of indoor toilets at the end of the 18th century. But the “caveman always...” explanation is a somewhat problematic argument for medical professionals. Who said that in a squatting position the muscles relax in such a way that unhindered movement through the intestines is ensured? And so Japanese scientists, to study this issue, gave a group of subjects, along with food, substrates containing substances marked with luminous marks, and during the process of defecation in various positions they monitored them using x-ray equipment.

Conclusion No. 1. Indeed, in the squatting position, the intestinal excretory canal takes a straight trajectory and unhindered, rapid emptying of the rectal cavity occurs.

Conclusion No. 2. Still, there are still altruists who friendly agreed to absorb labeled substrates and allowed themselves to be monitored during such a delicate matter as defecation!

Intestinal pathologies and constipation are phenomena that are prevalent mainly in countries where bowel movements occur in a “sitting on a chair” type. The reason for this, especially in young people, is not weak muscles, but precisely high blood pressure on the intestines. Development hemorrhoids, protruding from the rectal cavity, is one of the mechanisms for compensating for increased internal pressure in the abdominal cavity.

1.2 billion people who are accustomed to relieve themselves while squatting do not suffer from intestinal hemorrhoids. The more developed part of humanity, pushing every day, sooner or later encounters problems, for the solution of which they go to a specialist. Is this really the price to pay for sitting comfortably on a toilet throne instead of relieving yourself in an unusual way - squatting? But if only this!

Doctors are unanimous in their opinion that frequent tension abdominal wall and straining in the toilet are one of the reasons for the development of; in addition, the risk of strokes increases and there are even cases of loss of consciousness during bowel movements.

One day I received a text message from a friend who was vacationing in France: “The French are crazy! Someone stole toilets from as many as three parking lots!” At first I laughed because I thought he was not serious. And then I remembered my first visit to France and how for the first time, seeing a toilet without a seat, I thought to myself, looking longingly at the hole in the floor: “Please forgive me, why do I have to squat when it would be more logical to install a regular toilet.”

If you have difficulty defecating it is recommended to create an angle convenient for the obturator sphincters - take a squatting position.

In most Asian countries, African countries and South America people relieve themselves in the pose of a weightlifter lifting a barbell, or a skier at the next turn. We, on the contrary, spend time blissfully on the toilet, while reading the newspaper, folding origami from toilet paper, or simply looking patiently at the opposite wall.

When I read this text to my family, I observed confused looks in which I saw: “So what now, give up earthenware toilets, make a hole in the floor and relieve yourself there?” Of course not! It turns out that you can change the position of the muscle while sitting on the toilet in the usual way. The following recommendation is especially useful if relief of need is carried out with varying difficulties. Here's what to do: top part We tilt our torsos slightly forward, place a low stand under our feet - and voila!correct angle found. Now you can peace of mind read the newspaper, play toilet paper or look at the surrounding objects!


It would seem that it would be easier to go to the toilet, such a natural and ordinary thing, but it can cause so many problems.

Comment on the article "How to sit on the toilet correctly? Causes of constipation and hemorrhoids"

The cause of constipation and hemorrhoids is the modern toilet. What toilet position is good for... How to sit on the toilet correctly? Why is the “under the bush” position better for bowel movements?

Causes of constipation and hemorrhoids. Constipation is caused by holding back bowel movements. How to sit on the toilet correctly? Why is the “under the bush” position better for bowel movements? Here's what you need to do: tilt your upper body slightly forward, place a low stand under your feet - and...

How to sit on the toilet correctly? Causes of constipation and hemorrhoids. How does the desire to go to the toilet arise? Constipation, hemorrhoids and posture in the toilet. Bowel movement according to Ayurveda: how often should you go to the toilet.

Constipation may be due to a family history poor nutrition, systematic suppression of the urge to empty the bowels (during doing something) Constipation is the most common intestinal pathology during pregnancy and the postpartum period.

That is, the urges will appear at the same time. Since the anus is absent as such, it is difficult for children to feel, so to speak, that they need to go to the toilet, very often children may experience minor leaks from the rectum and feces and air...

The patient does not feel the urge to go to the toilet and does not control the functioning of the pelvic organs. But if the patient is constantly in a diaper, this circumstance increases the risk of inflammation Bladder and kidneys and alleviates the appearance of bedsores in bedridden patients.

Today I already did five (!) enemas of 250 ml, inserted a suppository with glycerin - nothing at all... I don’t know what to do anymore... apparently we are getting used to Fitolax and Slabilen. 1. I’ve heard many times that you shouldn’t get carried away with her because you can’t go to the toilet without her later.

“The right thing to do is to allow the child to lose interest in excrement by providing him with dirt or clay. What to do if children are constipated? Such illiterate behavior of the teacher leads to the fact that children deliberately suppress the urge to defecate during school.

Anus I’m just bursting all over, but I can’t go to the toilet. This has happened before - I drank a laxative, glycerin suppositories. ...that we suffer from very similar disorders: constipation, increased frequency of cases. Have you tried to understand why she is afraid to go to the toilet in general?

Causes of constipation and hemorrhoids. The cause of constipation is holding in bowel movements. How to sit on the toilet correctly? Sports for tall girls. I was such a tall girl, how the constant offers to play volleyball/basketball infuriated me! but I chose mountaineering...

How to sit on the toilet correctly? Causes of constipation and hemorrhoids. How does the desire to go to the toilet arise? Constipation is caused by holding back bowel movements. How to sit on the toilet correctly? And if you are predisposed, you should take a laxative periodically...

If, pardon the details, you feel unwell while sitting on the toilet, you need to quickly lower your head between your legs and sit in this “cozy” position. As soon as it feels a little better, slowly get up and go to lie on the bed (preferably raise your legs, placing a pillow under your feet).

How to sit on the toilet correctly? Causes of constipation and hemorrhoids. I sit like a bag in a chair for half a day and only get up to go to the toilet! Our midwife Natasha said to call her when I want to push. pregnancy diary.

Fear of defecation. Need a consultation with a psychologist. Child psychology. Fear of defecation. Good afternoon My son is 3 years 5 months old. The problem is this: he refuses to use the toilet in order to walk for a long time.

How to sit on the toilet correctly? Causes of constipation and hemorrhoids. The internal sphincter is in constant submission to the external locking mechanism. And the more the external sphincter commands the internal one, the higher the risk of developing problems and constipation.

How to sit on the toilet correctly? Causes of constipation and hemorrhoids. ...a straight trajectory and unhindered rapid emptying of the cavity occurs. The more developed part of humanity, pushing every day, sooner or later encounters problems...

How to sit on the toilet correctly? Causes of constipation and hemorrhoids. Causes of occurrence. Pregnancy and constipation: how to improve bowel function? 9 tips. But if, with the onset of pregnancy, visits to the toilet are delayed and increasingly remain unsuccessful, despite...

Many people do not know exactly how to solve the problem of constipation and what causes it. According to modern scientific data, daily bowel movements are not necessary. 3 visits to the toilet “in a big way” per week are enough.

Constipation refers to the impossible or very difficult act of defecation. At the same time, a small amount of feces is released and the sensation remains. incomplete emptying intestines.

Along with the inability to go to the toilet, a person may be worried about: decreased appetite and performance; head and muscle analgesia; sleep disorder; nervousness.

At chronic constipation The skin also begins to suffer: it loses elasticity and becomes yellowish. Over time they appear painful sensations in the rectum, hemorrhoids may develop.

How can you still get rid of constipation and go to the toilet “for the most part”?

First, you need to eliminate the causes of constipation: unbalanced diet; depression, fears, conflicts; "passive lifestyle; overwork; overexertion. Do not get carried away with dishes " fast food" - such products can disrupt normal functioning intestines. Practice moderation when consuming meat and eggs. If constipation was caused by illness nervous system, then it is necessary to combine plant and sedatives(tinctures of valerian, peony, motherwort, etc.).

If you have difficulty defecating, follow certain rules:

  • It is better to visit the toilet at the same time, preferably in the morning;
  • regardless of fecal excretion, do not sit on the toilet for more than 15 minutes;
  • Avoid excessive strain during bowel movements.

Remember that when visiting the toilet periodically certain time produced in the human body conditioned reflex, and after a while, bowel movements will be much easier.

Remove the following products from your diet: strong tea, black coffee, chocolate, cocoa, pears. It would be better to consult a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate drug: Duphalac, Slabilen, Regulax, Exportal, Guttalax. For elimination constant constipation Mild laxative drugs are used, thus the risk of disrupting intestinal function is reduced to almost zero. The result from taking mild laxatives, of course, will not be as fast, but longer lasting than from powerful laxatives. And after stopping mild laxatives, the intestines easily return to normal rhythm work.

Sometimes enemas with olive oil, Vaseline and sunflower oils(consume internally Vaseline oil there is no point in constipation). In general, you should rarely use saline and oil laxatives and enemas with these drugs.

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