How to fish with a feeder when fluff is flying from the trees? Dangerous season, or Where does the poplar fluff fly? Poplar fluff appearance time

Residents of Tyumen will have to endure the downy attack for about two weeks - this is how long the balsam poplar scatters its seeds, which are generously planted almost throughout the city. The areas most affected by the poplar blizzard can be considered the House of Defense and KPD; in the new microdistricts there is no such scourge.

As the leading engineer of the Committee for Improvement and Gardening of the Kalinin District of Tyumen told the correspondent Lyubov Melikhova, poplar is a very useful tree, and if not for the only disadvantage - fluff, it would continue to be actively used in plantings. It copes well with noise and dust insulation, absorbs moisture well, which is important in our marshy area, and grows quickly.

Poplars began to appear in the cities of the USSR after the war. Landscaping began in Moscow, when it was necessary to quickly restore the appearance of the city, and then poplars spread throughout the country, including being planted in large quantities in Tyumen.

Author of the book “Walks in Tyumen” Alexander Ivanenko writes: “In addition to the frail woody vegetation of the Deputies Square, the microdistrict was filled with poplars. They were boarded immediately when the houses were handed over for occupancy, and they are all the same age as the microdistrict. A wonderful tree - balsam poplar - for the city. It grows quickly, with good conditions grows up to a meter or more in height per year, the leaves perfectly capture city dust, release healthy substances into the air - phytoncides, reduce noise, and are pleasant to the eye when they are densely green in the summer and brightly yellow in the fall, they simply reproduce: stick a poplar stick into the soil and Water it, it will turn green in a couple of weeks.”

Nowadays balsam poplars are no longer planted; in Tyumen they are being replaced by their pyramidal counterparts. What to do with old plantings? Naturally, you cannot cut them down.

“The city carries out planned anti-aging pruning of branches at a certain time - from October 15 to March 31, branches are pruned either by ½ or ¾ of their length. Now, in June, there can be no pruning, even if the fluff is very annoying to the residents, except for sanitary purposes - if the branches have broken off or the tree is dry,” said Lyubov Melikhova.

Tyumen residents also complain about poplars because allergies worsen in June. Doctors say that the fluff itself does not cause allergic reactions, but it carries grass pollen, which is the culprit of hay fever. .

Firefighters have a hectic life during the poplar flowering period - the fluff can cause serious fires. Here we can recall the fire at the Tekutyevsky cemetery and in one of the city’s garage cooperatives, which destroyed 12 garages.

He shared his expert opinion with Sergey Yurlov, who worked for 25 years on the environmental committee. According to him, poplars cannot be cut down en masse because of their fluff, since they are a kind of “vacuum cleaners” - they perfectly clean the air not only of dust, but also of toxins.

“They began to actively plant poplars in the 60s and 70s,” explained Sergei Fedorovich. – Then I didn’t really think about which ones were “male” and which were “female”, because the fluff comes only from “female” poplars. Now they are gradually being replaced by “male” and pyramidal ones. This process has been going on for more than 10 years."

According to Sergei Yurlov, solving the problem of poplar fluff needs to be approached comprehensively and, along with the gradual replacement of poplars, pruning of young trees should be more actively used. After pruning, the tree does not produce fluff for two years. And where there are a lot of poplars, you need to plant seedlings of other trees between them and remove the poplars as they grow.

Allergy sufferers mostly suffer from fluff. This year there are especially many of them compared to last year. There are more of those who are forced to toil and suffer. So the other day, in the courtyard at the intersection of Volodarsky and Ordzhonikidze streets, according to eyewitnesses, a downy whirlwind hit a girl passing by, which caused a severe allergic reaction; passers-by called an ambulance.

This summer cannot be called hot, and July has not yet arrived, but the poplar fluff has already flown. Intrusive white fluffs annoy you on the street, but you can’t hide from them at home either - they fly in through the windows. Read in the material “RIAMO in Balashikha” why this occurs allergic reaction on poplar fluff and how to protect yourself from it.

When to fly poplar fluff

The timing of the appearance of poplar fluff depends on the region. In the south of Russia, poplar blooms at the end of May, in Moscow and the Moscow region - in mid-June, and in the Urals, down appears in early July.

Who suffers from fluff

Residents big cities more susceptible to poplar fluff. This is due to the fact that it is in cities that these trees predominate in number over other species. Poplar was actively used for planting due to its fast growth and unpretentiousness, and its foliage serves as a good filter for purifying city air from harmful substances.

Allergy to poplar fluff

According to experts, there is no allergy to poplar fluff. The fluff ripens in the female inflorescences of trees and does not contain specific allergens. However, fluff causes an allergic reaction, since pollen from other plants that bloom at the same time as poplar collects on its fibers. It also collects dust and microscopic dust mites. This “mixture of allergens” not only spreads along the streets, but also penetrates into apartments, offices and shops.

Allergy symptoms

Poplar fluff with pollen settled on it can cause various reactions. Most often appears allergic rhinitis or rhinoconjunctivitis, which are characterized by lacrimation, itching of the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose, sneezing and sore throat.

There may be a feeling of nasal congestion, chest tightness, difficulty breathing, in which it is impossible to fully inhale or exhale.

When poplar fluff gets on the skin, it often leads to skin manifestations allergies - itching, redness, hives or eczema.

In those suffering bronchial asthma and others chronic diseases respiratory organs due to poplar fluff, an exacerbation of the disease and deterioration of the condition may occur.

Prevention at home

First of all, it is necessary to prevent poplar fluff from getting into those rooms where a person spends most of his time.

In a house or apartment, the easiest way is to keep the windows open and use the air conditioner. If it is not there, then the windows need to be protected with mosquito nets or gauze.

After being outside, you should thoroughly wash your face and hands to remove pollen from your skin that causes allergies. Upon returning home, it is recommended to thoroughly clean your outer clothing from fluff.

Clothes should be kept in a closet, changed and washed more often. You should also do daily wet cleaning of the room.

Prevention on the street

During poplar fluff season, it is best to move to some other place. If this is not possible, then you should do simple rules, which will help protect against annoying fluff.

You shouldn't go out on the street daytime when the fluff flies most actively. When outdoors, you can use nasal filters or gauze bandages. People with long hair It is recommended to wear hats to prevent fluff from getting caught in your hair.

Allergic Reaction Relief

Ordinary foods can help relieve allergy symptoms antihistamines, however, it is best to consult your doctor before taking them.

During periods of exacerbation of allergies, it is important to follow a diet. It is necessary to exclude seafood, coffee, chocolate, nuts, honey and citrus fruits from the diet. You should also avoid carbonated drinks and alcohol. Allowed foods include vegetable and cereal soups, beef, boiled potatoes, white bread, cottage cheese and cucumbers.

In 2010, winter showed its harsh character with frosts and February snowfalls, the beginning of spring with a sharp lack of water, and summer began earlier than usual by at least 2 weeks. An abnormally warm April gave rise to the rapid development of greenery - already now, in the first ten days of June, ovaries are hanging on apple and pear trees, the size of which corresponds to the fruits of mid-late June, at the same time this year lilac, bird cherry, rowan have bloomed, and the leaves on birch trees have unfurled Moscow already in the last ten days of April. And, of course, the poplar made itself known, and how it did!

Based on long-term observations of the development of poplars, it has been established that the emergence of fluff begins in early June and lasts approximately 2 weeks - but this occurs under normal, and not abnormal, climatic conditions. Take a look - outside the window, a downy snowstorm is sweeping away the sun's glare, city greenery, pockmarked streets... and this disgrace began in mid-May!! The lawns are covered with a white blanket, with every step the fluff flies up from under your feet, floats in the air, preventing you from breathing...

True, according to experts, such a picture was already observed in the 70s. But this doesn’t make it any easier for us. Let's figure out why many of us are hostile to poplar fluff and, in general, to poplar itself.

Why did they start planting poplars in cities?

Poplars have been used in urban landscaping since 1946. After the Great Patriotic War it was necessary to restore the appearance of Moscow as quickly as possible and replace the lost trees. It should be noted that previously in landscaping to create parks, gardens, shady areas, hedges and protective strips, coniferous and deciduous tree species were used - spruce, pine, larch, birch, bird cherry, apple tree, maple, ash, elm, oak, as well as shrubs - lilac, hawthorn, mock orange, acacia, bladderwort and some other species, but poplar was not used for these purposes.

The lost mature trees urgently needed to be replaced with something. Dendrologists suggested - it is different rapid growth, dense crown, ease of reproduction, resistance to urban conditions, decorative appearance, occupies less area than other trees, due to the compactness of the crown, and is relatively cheap. The proposal was considered, the landscaping program was approved by Stalin, and poplars came to Moscow and began their victorious march across the country. And, by the way, they fulfilled their task perfectly. But…

Mistake or oversight?

As a result, residents of the entire country are doomed to eternal “downy” torment. Why did this happen? And - the eternal question - Who is to blame?

Did the scientists make a mistake in their choice? The answer is no, we were not mistaken. So what's the big deal then?

Poplar is a dioecious plant, meaning it has male and female trees. The male ones bloom, giving pollen, pollinating the female ones, and the female ones already produce seeds equipped with downy fluff - the hated down.

A reasonable question: Was it really impossible to plant only male specimens?

So that’s exactly what was done! Only landed male plants– and this became a fatal coincidence. You can’t fool nature, and this was perfectly demonstrated by the example of poplars. It is known that plants, some animals and insects in certain situations, adapting to living conditions, are capable of changing sex. After all, the trees had to reproduce, so they found a way out. To everyone's horror and displeasure, botanists, dendrologists, and other industry specialists have observed the appearance of female catkins on male poplars, on branches next to the male flowers.

By the way, it should be clarified. Poplar fluff is not flowers, but poplar seeds. Poplar blooms even before the leaves appear; its male catkins appear immediately after the buds burst.

So does fluff cause allergies or not?

Allergists unanimously refute all attacks on poplar, claiming that poplar fluff does not cause allergies, but can provoke them. The period of summer fluff coincides with the flowering period of cereal grasses, birch, linden and other plants, the pollen of which causes very unpleasant and even life-threatening allergic reactions in sensitive people. And fluff is a carrier of pollen, various pathogens, and man-made pollutants.

The fluff itself is also unpleasant, being a purely mechanical irritant - in the heat it sticks to the body, tickles, gets into the nose, ears, and under glasses. Agree, it’s not very pleasant.

Besides, even without fluff, life in the city is full of troubles.

People suffering from hay fever, a reaction to pollen, can be advised not to leave the house without gauze bandage, do not keep windows and balcony doors open for a long time, use allergy medications prescribed by a doctor and in no case self-medicate herbal infusions and decoctions - instead of relief, you can sharply worsen your condition.

But this is not the only harmfulness of fluff. It penetrates the premises, accumulating in the corners in lush snowdrifts and piles, adding to the hassle of cleaning. The fluffs themselves are dry, volatile, weightless, and very flammable. Fluff is a fire hazard; one unextinguished cigarette butt thrown into the trash can can lead to a fire. And children often have fun throwing lit matches into the fluff.

How to fix the situation?

The only way, in my opinion, to radically change the situation is to replace Balsam Poplar and other non-fruit-bearing types of poplars, for example, Berlin Poplar, for several years. True, utility services do not want to hear about this, citing the excessive cost of the event and lack of funds. Choosing a suitable replacement crop is, of course, not an easy task. How to avoid getting burned again. But this must be done, otherwise the torment will continue to last.

It is possible and necessary to carry out competent pruning of poplars, forming them “from a young age” into a tree with several skeletal branches, and not into one bare trunk with thin branches, as is now done with mature, 50-60-year-old trees.

The real scourge of the season is poplar fluff. Not only do they suffer from it, but they also completely healthy people. Glasses and medical masks will help minimize negative reactions the body during the season of poplar fluff, which in itself does not cause allergic reactions, but carries pollen from allergenic plants, according to doctors interviewed by Medpulse.

Poplars are fluffy and not very

The poplar fluff season has just begun in Moscow this year, at the very end of May. Experts are carrying out sanitary pruning of poplar branches in the capital to reduce the amount of fluff on the city streets. According to a representative of the Department of Environmental Management and Protection environment In Moscow, bushy poplar species are gradually being replaced with non-fluffy ones.

According to allergist, head of the scientific advisory department of the Institute of Immunology of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia Lyudmila Luss, allergies to poplar are quite rare.

Consequences of an allergen storm

“Most often, when allergic reactions are observed due to the spread of fluff, they are associated not with poplar, but with pollen of cereal grasses. in this case fluff is a sorbent, that is, it collects pollen on its surface. And when fluff gets on the nasal mucosa, naturally an allergic reaction occurs, but, I emphasize, most often not to the poplar itself, but to the pollen carried by the fluff,” said L. Luss.

According to the director of the Pulmonology Research Institute of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia, Professor Alexander Chuchalin, the capital is still experiencing the consequences of the allergenic storm that occurred at the end of April. "allergens in the city's air increased 40 thousand times. This is unprecedented for Moscow, and this tail continues to this day, which is why we see a sharp surge allergic diseases. Our allergy situation is extremely tense at the moment,” said Academician Chuchalin.

He emphasized that poplar fluff is not an active allergen, however, it carries other aeroallergens. "In addition, poplar fluff is a serious irritant, in particular respiratory tract", noted Chuchalin.

Wet cleaning, mask and glasses

According to Luss, the rules of conduct during poplar fluff season are the same as for any other type of allergy.

Chuchalin recommends minimizing the impact of poplar fluff by observing basic hygiene rules: Ventilate rooms more often if there are screens on the windows. “Carry out wet cleaning as often as possible, and when going outside, wear goggles and medical masks,” he noted.

Upon returning home, you must wash and change clothes. You cannot wear the same clothes in your room as you wear on the street, Luss reminded.

Head of the Immunological Center of the Federal scientific and clinical center FMBA of Russia, Professor Sergei Sokurenko also recommends taking a shower at least twice a day and washing your face more often, so that pollen carried by fluff does not accumulate on your face.

Those people who are already seeing an allergist and know their symptoms need to take the medications that the doctor prescribed for them. These can be drugs with both therapeutic and preventive effects, Luss noted.

Of course, it's flying straight towards our noses! Or in the eyes. And everything starts to itch and tear. And I really want to sneeze. How can you fight this? Glasses and medical masks will help minimize the negative reactions of our poplar fluff during the unpleasant season, which carries pollen from allergenic plants, according to all the doctors interviewed by MedPulse.

Poplars are fluffy and not very

The poplar fluff season has just begun in Moscow this year, at the very end of May. Experts are carrying out sanitary pruning of poplar branches in the capital to reduce the amount of fluff on the city streets. According to a representative of the Department of Natural Resources Management and Environmental Protection of Moscow, fluffy types of poplars are gradually being replaced with non-fushy ones.

According to allergist, head of the scientific advisory department of the Institute of Immunology of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia Lyudmila Luss, allergies to poplar are quite rare.

Consequences of an allergen storm

“Most often, when allergic reactions are observed when fluff spreads, they are associated not with poplar, but with pollen from cereal grasses. In this case, fluff is a sorbent, that is, it collects pollen on its surface. And when fluff gets on the nasal mucosa, naturally, an allergic reaction occurs, but, I emphasize, most often not to the poplar itself, but to the pollen carried by the down,” said L. Luss.

According to the director of the Pulmonology Research Institute of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia, Professor Alexander Chuchalin, the capital is still experiencing the consequences of the allergenic storm that occurred at the end of April. “The number of allergens in the city’s air has increased 40 thousand times. This is unprecedented for Moscow, and this tail continues to this day, so we see a sharp surge in allergic diseases. The allergy situation in our country is extremely tense at the moment,” said Academician Chuchalin.

He emphasized that poplar fluff is not an active allergen, however, it carries other aeroallergens. “In addition, poplar fluff is a serious irritant, in particular to the respiratory tract,” noted Chuchalin.

Wet cleaning, mask and glasses

According to Luss, the rules of conduct during poplar fluff season are the same as for any other type of allergy.

Chuchalin recommends minimizing the impact of poplar fluff by observing basic hygiene rules: ventilate rooms more often if there are screens on the windows. “Carry out wet cleaning as often as possible, and when going outside, wear goggles and medical masks,” he noted.

Upon returning home, you must wash and change clothes. You cannot wear the same clothes in your room as you wear on the street, Luss reminded.

The head of the immunological center of the Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia, Professor Sergei Sokurenko also recommends taking a shower at least twice a day and washing your face more often so that the pollen carried by fluff does not accumulate on the face.

Those people who are already seeing an allergist and know their symptoms need to take the medications that the doctor prescribed for them. These can be drugs with both therapeutic and preventive effects, Luss noted.

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