How to gain weight for a skinny girl: unique instructions for those who want to gain weight. How to gain weight in a week? What to do to gain weight

Dear girls. Are you wondering how to quickly gain weight at home? Then, let me say this, you have come to the right place. It’s exactly how to do this quickly that will be discussed; I’ll also tell you what you need to do for this and what you shouldn’t do.

Tell me, if you had a very thin figure, would you like to gain a few kilograms of weight to look more attractive? But agree that excess weight(implies fat) You still wouldn’t want to have it, no matter how thin your figure is. Therefore, by the word “get fat,” I suggest you mean gaining muscle mass, not body fat. It will be both more beautiful and more useful.

Some information for girls

There is an expression: “A man is not a dog; he will not throw himself at bones.” And there is a certain meaning in it, which says that too thin representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are not always liked by men.

But I hasten to either disappoint you or make you happy, but along with gaining muscle mass, girls will still have to slightly increase their body fat. After all, if it doesn’t exist, then at the first feeling of hunger, the body will begin to actively “eat itself,” sending into the furnace precisely the muscles that are so difficult to build on the female body.

Yes, muscle growth is very difficult for girls - that’s their nature. Compared with male body, where muscle initially predominates over fat, female body differs in that there are relatively few muscles, and subcutaneous fat more. Therefore, I warn you right away - get ready for serious and painstaking work on yourself and your appearance. After all, in the end, not only the way you will look will improve, but also your moral qualities - endurance, patience.

The thinness of a growing body or an already adult indicates that we will try to regulate it with you. This, by the way, is better for a teenager than for an adult girl: the body has not yet fully formed, so you can “sculpt” anything.

What you need to know to achieve a balanced body

Well, first I want to say that nothing will work out if you don’t play sports. Although it will be enough to visit Gym, and it’s not easy to visit, but it’s quite hard to work in it. There you will have to plunge into muscle pumping - you will have to lift weights, work with weights or with the resistance of your own body. And one of key points will use basic exercises.

Compound exercises are exercises that involve more than one pair of joints and more than one muscle group. To quickly list them, you should do the following: dips, deadlifts, Romanian deadlifts, weighted lunges, pull-ups or exercises with dumbbells on the shoulders and arms.

These are exactly the exercises that will help you gain weight as much as possible. And focus on bottom part body, because she is more inclined to grow. You can exercise, for example, 3 times a week, paying attention to your legs, butt, and sides during the first and last workouts. And devote the second workout to your torso, specifically your chest, arms and back. So go ahead and get a gym membership.

The next tip is to move less. Wherever you are, do not make unnecessary movements, try to do everything smoothly and stretched out. And even more so, do not choose fitness, aerobics, swimming, athletics for yourself in terms of sports - they will not help you acquire rounded hips, buttocks and other “attractions”. Develop endurance, develop lungs - yes, but not gain a couple of kilograms of muscle.

Further. Eat more protein, slow carbohydrates, and don't forget about vegetables and herbs. In general, rearrange your diet. Include fatty protein food(cottage cheese, cheeses, milk), slow carbohydrates(various grains), and also eat in large quantities cabbage, zucchini, make salads and vegetable slices. Eat fast carbohydrates(sweet, sweet fruits, bakery products) is not prohibited - they also accelerate the growth of meat on the bones, but if you get carried away, you can “swim with fat.”

Drink water, and lots of it. After each meal, drink high-fat kefir, yogurt or fermented baked milk. Divide your meals not into the usual 3, but into 6. Portions should be larger than usual, and this may cause discomfort at first, but beauty... what does it require? Eat slowly, without rushing.

Get enough sleep or even oversleep. Are you used to sleeping 7 hours a night? Well, increase your sleep time by at least half an hour, or even better by an hour.

Apply sports nutrition. Gainers, proteins, amino acids and vitamins with minerals are for you. Ideally, it would be correct to further increase the level of growth hormone - testosterone. This can be achieved by taking Tribulus Terestris. But such a step is a responsible matter. Be careful not to overdo it.

Increase your working weights regularly during training. You can do this yourself, but it is better to use the services of a personal trainer: he will create a program for you, help you with your classes, and select the appropriate exercises.

Do you know any way to quickly gain weight at home? Be sure to write in the comments and subscribe to blog updates. Do you think this article will be interesting for your friends in in social networks? Then share it, don't be greedy. Although no, first make yourself a beauty, and then you can share the secret of success with your friends. Everyone is happy.

Best regards, Vladimir Manerov

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How to gain weight or gain weight to gain weight. Weight gain occurs when more calories are consumed than burned.

The amount of these calories depends on the quality of the food and the availability of nutrients such as proteins, whole grains, starchy vegetables, unsaturated fats and dairy products. They provide optimal nutrition, as well as weight gain.

Good nutrition improves skin tone and color, as well as energy and overall well-being. Unhealthy calories from sugar, refined grains and saturated fat create excess fat, which can increase risks such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

How to gain weight quickly

To gain 0.3 to 0.5 kg per week, you need to consume 250 to 500 calories per day in excess of the calories you need to maintain your weight.

Gain weight faster, especially without strength training. This means that you will add adipose tissue, not healthy body muscles.

Exercises to gain weight

For good health it takes several 20-30 minutes physical exercise per week at moderate intensity.

A relaxed workout will help you gain healthy, natural muscles. Of course, you can’t lift weights for a long time, but if you work out your muscles, it can improve appearance. By at least Two comprehensive workouts per week will help improve the appearance of your major muscle groups. Strength training helps improve physical functionality, posture and energy, promoting a healthy, vibrant appearance and weight gain.

Facial appearance

As you get older, you lose fat in your face, which contributes to visible signs aging. If you get better, it will support healthy weight and can help rejuvenate the appearance of the face. A study published in Plastic and reconstructive surgery showed that smoking overuse alcohol, too much sun exposure and certain medications can also exaggerate the appearance of aging.

Collagen, the protein that provides elasticity to the skin, begins to lose some elasticity as we age, leading to loss of volume—a natural consequence of aging. Recreating plump, youthful cheeks can be challenging in some cases. However, a healthy weight can add fullness to the face and improve skin tone and appearance.

Be realistic in your expectations

Avoid gaining unhealthy levels of fat, just to get better and look fuller. When you start gaining weight, especially if you don't need it, you can't be sure it's the right thing to do. For example, you might end up getting big belly, hips, but not a fuller and more solid appearance.

Be patient and understand that sometimes there is a genetic component that cannot be changed by diet or exercise alone.

Ways to gain weight

It is necessary to adhere to several important issues on nutrition when gaining weight. A simple way to replace calorie intake with too much sodium, sugar and nasty chemical substances will lead to health problems. Drink fresh juice and/or milk with your meals instead of water.

To be thin and have underweight may be the result of poor diet, lifestyle or other health problems.

Here are some healthy ways to gain weight:

  • Eat more often. If you are underweight, how to gain weight faster: eat five to six times a day, instead of two or three times.
  • Choose nutrient-rich foods. Within the framework of the general healthy eating choose grain bread, pasta and grains, fruits and vegetables, dairy products, protein sources, nuts and seeds. Stock up on proteins from eggs, chicken, cheese and milk. Butter Helps add calories and flavor to any meal. Excess food proteins increases their oxidation, reducing daily fat intake.
  • Taking a multivitamin and fresh fruits and vegetables in the morning will help you gain weight in the long run. The body can build more muscle before lunch.
  • Try fruit cocktails. Do not fill your meals with coffee and other low-calorie and low-calorie drinks. nutritional value. Instead, drink healthy smoothies made with milk and fresh or frozen juice and, in some cases, sprinkled with sweets.
  • Determine the time to drink. Some people have a desire to drink liquids before meals, which reduces their appetite. In this case, it is better to drink high-calorie drinks with food. For others, drinking 30 minutes after eating is best.
  • Don't skip snacks. Snack like nuts, peanut butter, cheese, dried fruit and avocado. Eat a bedtime snack such as a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or wrap your sandwich with cabbage, chopped vegetables and lean meat or cheese.
  • Add extra to dishes for more calories potted cheese and scrambled eggs and low fat powdered milk and stews.
  • If you are underweight, this means consuming excess sugar and fat. Random piece of ice cream pie how to gain weight normally. But there must be a majority healthy food and provide nutrients in addition to calories. Bran buns and yogurt are a good choice.
  • Exercise, especially moderate strength training, can help you gain weight by building muscle. Exercise can also stimulate your appetite.

There is a theory that if there is not enough protein, the body will remain hungry until it gets it, even if there were enough calories. Ultimately, a person must overeat calories to get the required amount of protein.

A number of factors are involved in the conversion of products into body mass. chemical reactions. They are controlled by enzymes, which themselves depend on certain vitamins and minerals in the body.

If there are enough minerals for the human body, it recovers to a certain normal weight.


One of the most important minerals. This mineral is essential for sugar metabolism. It helps insulin take glucose into cells. Without chromium, insulin is less effective at controlling blood sugar and rising glucose levels.


Known as a natural tranquilizer, magnesium calms the adrenal glands and helps balance blood sugar by promoting the production and action of insulin.


Zinc is an extremely important mineral necessary for the production of stress hormones, insulin and sex hormones. Studies have shown that supplemental zinc intake helps control cortisol (a biologically active hormone).

Vitamin C

It is known that vitamin C is involved in glucose metabolism and that underweight people have been shown to have significantly lower concentrations of vitamin C. Vitamin C is critical for adrenal function. Vitamin C is also used to produce cortisol. Studies have shown that people who have good levels of vitamin C gain better weight.


Vitamins known as "stress" vitamins work to nourish and calm the functions of the adrenal glands. Vitamins also have an effect on blood sugar balance because they are essential for glucose metabolism. These vitamin-like substances are important for energy production and normal carbohydrate metabolism to solve the problem of how to gain weight.

Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 helps the normal functioning of living organisms and the functioning of tissues with high level energy metabolism Releases energy by burning calories. Coenzyme Q10 also has a role in regulating blood sugar levels and helps reduce glucose and insulin, therefore having increased insulin resistance. Alpha lipoic acid is a powerful antioxidant used in vital energy production and reactions. Its role is to release energy by burning glucose. More glucose is burned, less insulin, which the body must release.

Alpha lipoic acid

Alpha lipoic acid helps tissues be more sensitive to the action of insulin, so that insulin can do its part in moving glucose within cells.

Amino acids

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, and some are vital to weight gain because they can help make cells more sensitive to the effects of insulin. The most important amino acids are: N-acetyl, cysteine, carnitine, tyrosine, arginine, glutamine, leucine, isoleucine and valine.

Everyone in the world is talking about weight loss, while many are asking the question. Grocery stores offer goods with low content fats, sugars and filled with processed chemical waste.

A healthy weight can be achieved, but only with a balanced diet, healthy way life and sufficiency of minerals for the human body.

How to get rid of unnecessary pounds?

If you utter words about how to gain 5 kg in a week, be prepared for surprised looks. After all, the problem of most dieters is to get rid of unnecessary pounds.

Moreover, it is difficult for them to understand your desire. But such a goal is sometimes set not because you really want it, but out of necessity, when you need to improve your health.

After all, often these five kilograms are not enough to get the opportunity to become a mother or get rid of any illness.

Gain 5 kg in a week? Really!

Let's give some tips to help you achieve your cherished goal:

  • It is necessary to stimulate your appetite by adjusting your daily diet. Increase your total caloric intake by approximately 500 to 1000 calories per day. For example, if a woman needs approximately 2500 Kcal per day, then we recommend 3000-3500. Usually this allows you to gain 0.5-1 kg per week at once.

Lack of weight sometimes causes health problems. If a girl has too much little weight, then problems may arise related to reproductive function. That's why, if you decide to gain weight, you should go for an examination before you start eating everything.

  • Diet is not just about restricting the amount of food you eat. This is a properly selected diet that does not harm the body and brings results. We eat often and correctly

  • It is worth eating more often - at least 5-6 times a day at approximately equal intervals. You need to make sure that you don’t feel hungry. Otherwise, all efforts will be in vain. When you get hungry, you need to snack on something rather than force yourself to starve. Snacks are welcome!
  • During the day you can have 2-3 snacks or more. Nuts (almonds, peanuts, dried fruits) are good. And before bed, allow yourself a sandwich with cheese, which will add an additional 300 calories.
  • After you have eaten, you should not immediately rush about your important and urgent matters; at this time it is better to rest a little: sit quietly or even lie down for 40 minutes so that the body can better digest the food you have taken.

Proteins, carbohydrates, fats!

  • Don't forget about fats. Salads can be seasoned with soy, olive or sunflower oil. In addition, the vitamin E they contain has a good effect on your appearance, among other things. It is not for nothing that it is called the “beauty vitamin”.
  • The diet also requires food rich in carbohydrates. You can safely eat sugar, pasta, honey, white bread, potatoes, sweets and what those who want to lose weight run away from. Find out from your friend who is constantly losing weight what she tries not to eat, and run to the nearest store for it.

Several recipes for weight gain

  • Feel free to sign up for a gym, because weight increases not only due to proper nutrition. Thanks to sports, you gain the necessary kilograms due to an increase in muscle mass. However, you shouldn’t leave everything to chance: it’s better to address your problem to an experienced trainer who will help you select the necessary set of exercises.

The most important thing to remember throughout this process is that the process of gaining weight should not be harmful to your health.

To do this, you should eat right, exercise, and then you can successfully achieve your goal.

  1. Organizational matters
  2. How to get fat quickly at home for a girl
  3. How to gain weight quickly and without harm to your health at home for a teenager
  4. How to gain weight quickly and build up muscle mass at home for a man

Graceful fashion models and actors with slim figure For many years now they have graced the covers of glossy publications. Trying to fit in ideal images from the world of cinema and television, young people observe strict diets. But what to do if your own angular figure has become the cause of complexes? In this article we will tell you how to quickly gain weight at home, because excessive thinness negatively affects relationships with other people and your own self-esteem.

1. Organizational issues

The first step before you begin to gain weight should be an analysis possible reasons thinness. These include:

  • Heredity. If your parents were not curvy, then it is natural that your figure will most likely be slim.
  • Stress. Daily stressful situations, conflicts at work and minor troubles negatively affect the process of food absorption.
  • Wrong diet. In an eternal rush for something interesting and the desire for career growth Skipping one or more meals is common.
  • Health problems. Abrupt loss weight is often a symptom of digestive disorders, cardiovascular systems, hormonal imbalances.
  • The recovery process after serious illnesses.

Do not forget to regularly conduct examinations and pass everything necessary tests. Consultations with specialists will be useful in order to gain weight quickly at home.

Combine proper nutrition, the nuances of which we will discuss in the following sections, and strength training. Such A complex approach especially relevant for weight gain in men. Before starting training, consult with your doctor and trainer.

Motivation also plays a role important role in any endeavor. For every successful step on the way to your goal, encourage yourself or loved one who you want to help gain those treasured kilograms.

Keeping a food diary will be useful organizational moment. This way you will be able to plan your menu, shopping list and calculate additional calories in advance - the usual menu + 500 calories daily = weight gain of 0.5 kg per week.

How to keep a food diary:


Shopping list Menu for the day Extra calories
Whole wheat bread Porridge with milk (oatmeal, buckwheat), 3-egg omelette, sandwich with butter Nut bar
Milk Fruits Milkshake
Nut bars Chicken soup with croutons, boiled potatoes with cutlet/chop, salad fresh vegetables, bread, dried fruit compote. Banana
Olive oil Yogurt Apple
Walnuts Vegetable foam, tea or compote Yogurt, kefir or cottage cheese, grated with sugar

2. How to get fat quickly for a girl at home

Your diet should include vegetables, fruits, and cereals. Milk and dairy products will provide additional calories. Baked or boiled meat and eggs are a source of protein. Vegetarians can consume soy, legumes, and, if they are on a light diet, fish to gain a few pounds.

Also try to show off your culinary skills. Pay attention to Italian cuisine by preparing mushroom soup with beans. This solution will appeal even to those women who adhere to vegetarian diet. The recipe takes into account the peculiarities of the gastronomic tradition of Tuscany.

Ingredients: water or broth - 2 l, fresh mushrooms - 400 g, beans - 400 g, olive oil 3-4 tbsp. spoons, chili pepper - 1 pc. (or less, to taste), garlic – 3-4 cloves, herbs – 15-30 g, salt, ground black pepper to taste. It is advisable to soak the beans overnight to speed up the cooking process. Boil it until tender in broth or water. Puree the beans (about half) and then add them back to the soup. In a frying pan, saute the chili peppers and garlic in olive oil, then add the mushrooms. Add salt and fry for 5-10 minutes over low heat.

Tip: it is better to remove the garlic and pepper from the pan after frying, as they have already imparted the necessary taste to the other ingredients of the dish.

Pour the mushrooms fried in olive oil into the soup and stir. You need to cook for another 10-15 minutes. It is better to add chopped parsley, chopped garlic, pepper and salt to taste 2-3 minutes before full readiness dishes. Let it brew a little. Serve with whole wheat toast.

Give yourself enough time strength training, and it’s better to avoid jogging. When visiting the gym or working out at home, remember safety:

  • During menstruation, exercise that involves lifting additional weights and strengthening the abdominal muscles is prohibited due to the risk of endometriosis (a gynecological disease).
  • During pregnancy, even moderate exercise can be dangerous for both mother and fetus.
  • Before starting active training, consult with specialists, in particular a gynecologist.
  • It is best to work out with a personal trainer who will select necessary complex exercises and will provide additional safety.

The lunge exercise is indispensable for shaping your legs.

The most important exercise for mass is the squat:

Work out every other day so that your muscles have time to recover and gain mass.

If you can't stick to the recommendations for organizing your diet and exercise regimen, try additional funds. An effective drug, thanks to which you can gain weight quickly at home, is. A separate line designed specifically for women does not affect hormonal balance and is effective for weight gain.

3. How to gain weight quickly and without harm to your health at home for a teenager

Many of us in adolescence faced self-doubt due to excessive thinness. During the period of active growth, all resources are aimed at changes in the body, so parents should take into account some nuances in organizing the nutrition of teenagers with a thin physique.

Prepare high-calorie and nutritious meals, because balanced menu- a guarantee of health for the whole family. Valuable sources carbohydrates are cereals (unprocessed), pasta, vegetables and fruits; proteins – meat, fish, legumes; healthy fats– olive oil, nuts, seeds. Don't forget to add milk to the porridge, which will increase the calorie content of your breakfast and, at the same time, will not cause a feeling of oversaturation.

Eliminate the possibility of addiction bad habits. If a teenager smokes, then all efforts to gain weight will not bring results. Give up fast food sweet soda and others harmful products, gaining calories through a balanced menu.

It will be easy to improve your appetite if you show imagination when choosing a dish and setting the table. Prepare your growing child a delicious breakfast that he will eat with great pleasure. There is nothing difficult in the cooking process, so you can interest your teenager in culinary experiments. This is how the children, together with their parents, will have a fun start to the new day.

For tasty and nutritious scrambled eggs you will need:

  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs;
  • boiled turkey – 150 g;
  • cherry tomatoes – several pieces;
  • green beans – 3-5 pcs;
  • salt and herbs - to taste;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tsp.

Cut the pre-boiled turkey fillet into strips and the tomatoes into cubes. Break the eggs into a plate, add salt and lightly whisk with a fork or whisk.

Heat vegetable oil in a saucepan or frying pan, then add meat and green beans. Fry over low heat for several minutes. Pour in the egg mixture, add the tomatoes, and then cover with a lid. Cook for about 5 minutes over low heat and then add the herbs. Serve with whole grain bread, croutons or sandwiches.

Note that low body weight can also be caused by accelerated metabolism, so you need to eat at the same time. By sticking to a clear time frame, you will not only help your child get the calories he needs, but also teach him self-organization skills.

Approximate daily meal schedule:



8.00 Breakfast Porridge with milk - great option to start the day.
10.00 Lunch A nut bar, cheese sandwich or whole grain cookie is convenient to take with you and snack at any time.
12.15 – 13.00 Dinner High-calorie additives (sour cream, yogurt, cottage cheese) will not only improve the taste of the dish, but also help you gain weight.
15.00 Afternoon snack A few favorite fruits for an afternoon snack will improve your mood during the day.
18.00 – 18.30 Dinner By adding a salad of fresh vegetables dressed olive oil for the main meal, the teenager will receive additional calories and vitamins.
20.00 – 20.30 Light snack at night Yogurt, kefir or other fermented milk drink will do.

See your doctor to rule it out possible diseases, symptoms of which are weight loss, low appetite and other “alarm bells”.

The influence of peers and idols in adolescence is of great importance. Try to maintain a trusting relationship with your growing child in order to find out in time the reason for refusing food. In case of critically low body weight, as well as in the process of recovery from anorexia, the Hercules 1000 supercalorie concentrate will help. Be sure to check with specialists for your dosage regimen and indications.

4. How to get fat quickly and build muscle mass at home for a man

In addition to consuming proteins, fats, and carbohydrates (their sources are listed above), eating Omega-3 fatty acids is also important. They are contained in the following products:

  • fish oil (grades oily fish, including mackerel, salmon)
  • walnuts;
  • flaxseed oil (optional – ground flax seeds).

We present to your attention the recipe for “Salmon Belly Fish Soup”. This dish not only contains fish, rich in acids Omega-3, sources of carbohydrates (vegetables, cereals and vitamins), but also has interesting flavor combinations.

Prepare all the ingredients in advance: fish broth (2.5 l), salmon bellies (0.5 kg), potatoes (3-4 pcs.), zucchini (1 pc.), onion(1 pc.), carrots (1 pc.), rice (50-80 g), tomatoes (4 pcs. or 3 tbsp. spoons tomato paste), salt and spices to taste, fresh herbs.

Boil the rice until half cooked. Wash, peel the vegetables and chop them into cubes. Clean the salmon bellies from bones, fins and cut into pieces. Add fish and potatoes to the broth, bring to a boil and cook for 10-15 minutes, and then add zucchini. Add rice 5-10 minutes before vegetables are fully cooked. Dressing: sauté onions and carrots in vegetable oil. After adding tomatoes or tomato paste, simmer over low heat. Combine the soup and dressing, add salt and seasonings (black pepper, Bay leaf) taste. Serve with greens.

Also, in order for a man to quickly gain weight at home, he needs physical exercise. At first, a general complex will do: squats with dumbbells, bench press in a lying and sitting position. After six months (a year), you can move on to working out individual muscle groups in a seven-day cycle. Consuming protein shakes before and after training will be beneficial.

You can make your own protein shakes. This way you will be sure of the freshness and effectiveness of the mixture. The main ingredients can be whey protein, milk (skim, 2.5% fat or whole), fruit, as well as various additives depending on your taste preferences: chocolate, honey, oatmeal. We offer several interesting recipes cocktails that will help you gain weight by increasing muscle mass.

You will need: one standard scoop of protein powder, 1 cup ice, 1 cup milk or milk substitute, one tablespoon each peanut butter and honey, a small banana and a piece of dark chocolate. Mix all components in a blender until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

Advice. Whey protein is the most effective for increasing body weight and at the same time affordable.

Ingredients: one scoop of protein powder, 1.5-2 cups of milk or milk substitute, 150 g of berries, 100 g of chopped nuts, a tablespoon of natural cocoa powder, 150 g oatmeal, cinnamon to taste. Add to blender bowl and blend.

Advice. Do not use citrus fruits to flavor the mixture as the milk will curdle.

Please note that if you have not previously devoted enough time to training, the results will not be noticeable immediately. You can achieve the desired effect by taking (line for men) under the supervision of a specialist.

It's not a mistake. While thousands of people are looking for verified information, many, especially young creatures, suffer from so-called underweight.

And the young lady, and young man I want to have pronounced forms in certain places, in order to evoke romantic feelings in representatives of the opposite sex by its very appearance.

You are lucky - after eating you are not forbidden lie down for an hour lie down or sit down to rest.

Your diet should become predominantly protein-carbohydrate. Eat chicken and fish meat, eggs, dairy products - cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt more often. Don’t be afraid to eat high-carbohydrate foods - pasta, bread, potatoes; now skin-covered ribs won’t threaten you.

To those who dream get fat, it is very useful to drink a lot of water - juices, tea, milkshakes.

However, special diet Gaining weight can make your belly fat, and you probably want to increase the size of your arms, legs and other parts of your body. Therefore, you can’t do without exercise equipment, but you need to clearly and correctly know what types of exercises will help build muscle mass.

Of course, at first good advice a sports instructor will give you, but you yourself should know that the main thing for you is develop the muscles of the arms and legs. Dumbbells, barbells, cycling and swimming - all these are “your” types physical activity, helping to make the body elastic and full of vitality.

Finally, we note that low weight with high growth is a reason to consult a doctor.

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