How to properly care for your gums - the main recommendations and tips. Treatment of gums at home

Going to the dentist is an expensive and unpleasant pleasure. To avoid becoming a regular dentist, you need to regularly care for your entire mouth, including your teeth, tongue and cheeks. Hygienic procedures take only 15–20 minutes a day, but they protect against caries, diseases of the gums and mucous membranes. What if, in addition to toothpaste, you get additional funds, your smile will become healthy and snow-white.

Selection of hygiene products

Where does dental care begin? From the choice of pasta. The composition of this product directly determines how strong the enamel will be and whether tartar or periodontitis will appear. The cleaning product must be supplemented with a brush that is sufficiently soft and at the same time hard, and a rinse that disinfects the oral cavity. It is advisable to always have a package of dental floss in the bathroom cabinet, and once a year you should visit the dentist and have professional cleaning ultrasound and special polishing agents.

Subtleties of choosing toothpaste
What guides the average consumer when purchasing cleaning products? oral cavity? Pleasant aroma, presence or absence of whitening effect, affordable price. Dentists recommend paying attention to two main factors:

  • what group does toothpaste belong to?
  • composition of the product.

There are hygienic and therapeutic and prophylactic varieties. The former freshen breath well and remove food debris from the enamel, but do not protect against caries, inflammation and other dental diseases. Hygienic pastes are recommended for people with healthy teeth, the rest should buy therapeutic and prophylactic ones.

Cleaning products belonging to the second group prevent plaque and have an antibacterial effect. There are antiseptic varieties that destroy foci of inflammation in the oral cavity. They usually contain extracts from medicinal plants, so they kill the infection and increase local immunity, but you can’t use such pastes for a long time.

Options with fluoride are contraindicated for children, because kids can swallow a little of the product while brushing their teeth, and some like to taste the contents of the tube secretly from their parents. For adults, whitening pastes are recommended to be used no more than 2 times a week, otherwise the aggressive composition can harm the enamel. You cannot buy hygiene products in this category if you drinking water contains a lot of fluoride, otherwise plaque and tartar will appear.

There are also pastes for treating bleeding and strengthening gums. Patients with sensitive teeth Dentists recommend products that contain bioactive components such as:

  • potassium or strontium chloride;
  • calcium nitrate;
  • fluoride ions;
  • hydroxyapatite.

Medicinal pastes are used for no more than 2 weeks, otherwise digestion may be disrupted and the condition of the enamel may deteriorate, because they do not clean the teeth well. Then you should switch to the usual hygienic varieties, unless the dentist recommends extending the course.

Electric and ultrasonic, for cleaning teeth and tongue, hard and soft. There are different brushes, but you only need to choose one. First you need to look at the origin of the bristles, which can be natural or synthetic. Residents of civilized countries use exclusively the second option, obtained from artificial materials. They know that bacteria multiply in natural brushes and fungus can develop, and small fibers fall out and enter the intestines, causing irritation.

The second point is rigidity:

  1. Ultra-soft varieties are recommended for patients with bleeding and hypersensitivity.
  2. Options with medium hardness are suitable for people who do not have damaged enamel, caries or gum inflammation.
  3. Soft brushes are designed for young users and old people.
  4. Ultra-hard ones are usually purchased as prescribed by a dentist, if you need to get rid of yellow plaque or tartar.

There are orthodontic brushes designed to care for braces. They have a finer pile and a special shape that allows them to penetrate hard to reach places. Natural brush need to be changed every 2-4 weeks, and synthetic once every 3 months.

Dental elixir and floss
Who and why should buy a mouthwash along with the toothpaste? Absolutely healthy people Those who have never had inflamed or bleeding gums, who have never had to get rid of an unpleasant odor or treat caries, may not need this hygiene product. The rest cannot do without mouthwash, especially if:

  • there are chronic diseases in the oral cavity;
  • prostheses or implants were installed;
  • the enamel layer is too thin, so tooth sensitivity occurs;
  • a person drinks more than two cups of coffee, tea or a glass of wine daily;
  • I recently had to have a tooth removed or moved surgical intervention in the oral cavity.

Mouthwashes, like toothpastes, can be therapeutic or prophylactic. The latter clean and disinfect hard-to-reach places between teeth, protecting against caries. They contain amino fluoride or sodium fluoride, but the concentration of the substance should not exceed 250 ppm.

Therapeutic options are anti-inflammatory and strengthening, whitening and complex. They are suitable for adults and children who have dental problems, but such rinses can be used no more than 3 times a week.

If the tooth elixir contains alcohol, it is contraindicated for young consumers from 6 to 18, as well as people who drive a car.

Required attribute proper care behind the oral cavity - dental floss. We recommend options without a wax coating, because small particles of this substance can get stuck in the spaces between the teeth. It is desirable that this accessory be silk and very thin.

Even perfectly selected dental supplies will not protect against caries and inflammation if used incorrectly. Teeth are brushed daily: in the morning, 30–40 minutes after breakfast, and in the evening, shortly before bed.

Start with the molars, gradually moving to the canines and front teeth. The brush glides from the gums to the tips, as if sweeping away all the debris. Alternate horizontal movements with circular and vertical directions, grabbing 2–3 teeth at a time. Give each person 10–20 seconds. Hygiene procedure takes at least 4 minutes.

The tops of the molars should be brushed using the same “sweeping” movements as the rest of the teeth, moving from the throat to the middle of the mouth. Finish the procedure with a gentle massage of the gums to improve blood circulation. Be sure to clean your tongue using a brush with a ribbed attachment or a special rough spatula, which is sold at the pharmacy.

After eating, it is recommended to rinse the mouth with boiled or distilled water. Some people carry a cocktail of soda and salt with them, but such products, when used regularly, destroy enamel and injure teeth.

  1. You cannot add crushed Activated carbon. It does have a whitening effect, but at the same time this component destroys the protective membrane of the smile and irritates the gums. This rule applies to soda and other additives that “popular” experts like to recommend.
  2. If it is not possible to rinse your mouth after eating, you should end your meal with an apple. The acids contained in this fruit remove plaque and lighten your smile a little. But apples are emergency measures, they cannot replace a full-fledged teeth cleaning.
  3. Chewing gum is healthy, but only the sugar-free variety. They remove food debris from the mouth strip and freshen your breath. Options with sugar provoke tooth decay, as do sweet drinks: tea, juices, compotes and soda.
  4. When brushing, you should not press too hard on your teeth, so it is recommended to hold the brush like a ballpoint pen.
  5. Infusions of plantain or beet leaves are good prevention periodontitis and other gum diseases. In the morning, immediately after waking up, it is recommended to rinse the oral cavity sunflower oil. The product disinfects and makes your smile a tone or two lighter. You need to wash off any remaining oil with salted water.
  6. You should use dental floss once a week, after brushing your teeth in the evening.

Healthy and unhealthy food

Oral health also depends on diet. In cottage cheese, fermented milk products and red fish have a lot of phosphorus and calcium. Minerals strengthen tooth enamel from the inside, therefore it is recommended to eat dishes containing them daily.

Tough vegetables and fruits like carrots, cucumbers, beets and peppers are good for healthy teeth and gums. They clean bacteria from the surface of the enamel and massage soft fabrics. You should add celery, parsley, green onions and dill. In summer, eat 200–300 g of strawberries, grapes, wild strawberries and cranberries daily. And in winter, buy cashews, almonds, oranges and grapefruits. These products are rich in vitamins and phytoncides, which have antibacterial properties and strengthen the immune system.

Those with a sweet tooth are advised to replace sweets and sugar with raisins. Dried grapes contain components that destroy bacteria that cause tooth decay. Has similar properties hard cheese, which should complete dinner or breakfast. Green tea is also useful, because it contains antioxidants and substances that neutralize acids. You can enhance the effect of the drink with a spoon of natural honey.

Tip: Do not combine hot tea with cold ice cream. Sudden changes temperatures are dangerous for enamel: they contribute to the appearance of microcracks and increased sensitivity.

What you need to know about teeth

  1. Worries bad smell, but the dentist claims that the oral cavity is healthy? It is necessary to check the stomach and lungs, perhaps it is in them that the infection is hidden or there is a hidden inflammatory process.
  2. Only a specialist should whiten teeth. Varied traditional methods Not only are they ineffective, but they can also destroy enamel, leading to weakening and decay of teeth.
  3. It is cheaper to prevent caries and others dental diseases than getting fillings or implants, so you should go to the dentist once every 6 months for a routine check-up.
  4. Teeth are one of the strongest and strongest parts of the body, but they should not be used to open bottles, crack nuts or bite threads.

People who train themselves to regularly clean their mouths, use the right products and go to the dentist for no reason, they will be able to long years forget about the existence of caries, periodontitis and unpleasant odor. So it's time to arm yourself with a brush and toothpaste, stock up on dental floss and mouthwash, and get a little healthier.

Video: how to properly brush your teeth and take care of your oral cavity

One of the most common causes of gum inflammation is hard dental plaque, which is formed due to poor quality plaque removal. Few people brush their teeth according to all the rules, and even for exactly two minutes, as dentists recommend. As a result, a lot of plaque remains on the teeth and in the gingival grooves, which over time turns into tartar.

An electric toothbrush cleans teeth of plaque more effectively than a regular one, and the built-in timer allows you to control the duration of the procedure. The foam circulating around the tooth cleans it from all sides and removes plaque from the spaces between the teeth and the gingival sulcus. Besides, electric brush Convenient for gum massage.

Paste with anti-inflammatory ingredients

An essential component of caring for problem gums is an anti-inflammatory paste. Its regular use alleviates the symptoms of gingivitis and periodontal disease: bleeding, swelling, pain when brushing your teeth.

Anti-inflammatory and hemostatic components are added to gum pastes. Many of them contain plant extracts (witch hazel, calendula, sage, chamomile, aloe vera), propolis, sea salt and others natural substances With beneficial properties. If the gums are healthy, such pastes can be used as a preventive measure.

In case of exacerbation of gum disease, use a paste with antibacterial and antiseptic effect. If the paste contains chlorhexidine, it can be used for no longer than 14 days, otherwise the balance of the oral microflora will be disrupted, not only will they die pathogenic bacteria, but also “useful”, creating local immunity, and then it is possible that the mucous membrane can be damaged by fungi.

Rinses and balms for irrigators

The oral irrigation procedure will become more effective when using an irrigator balm. In addition to complex action balms, solutions with anti-inflammatory effects are also produced.

Care during an exacerbation

Gels and balms for gums are different high concentration active ingredients and are used for quick removal unpleasant symptoms. They don't replace toothpaste, and are applied to the gums after brushing teeth during an exacerbation of the disease or for its prevention. Gels containing antiseptics (chlorhexidine, formaldehyde) are used after oral surgery for fast healing gums

Everyone knows that they need to brush their teeth and take care of their oral cavity. There are many ways to do this and various drugs. The pharmaceutical industry regularly pleases us with new products in this area, as white-toothed beauties cheerfully broadcast on TV.

But, despite all efforts, approximately 40(!)% of the adult population of the world suffers from gum disease, leading to damage and loss of teeth. Moreover, in prosperous developed countries, people get sick more often, although the best achievements of modern dentistry are available to them.

What causes your gums to suffer?

The condition of the gums directly depends on general health person.

Due to weakened immunity, work is disrupted endocrine system. Vitamin and mineral deficiency, stress and poor nutrition- all this cannot but affect the gums.

The food culture also leaves much to be desired. Consumed modern man the food is soft and can be swallowed without chewing.

A lot of smart and adult people simply do not know how to properly care for their oral cavity. Accordingly, they cannot teach this to their children, who eventually develop the same problems.

Over time, periodontal disease develops - this is a group of diseases, the main of which are periodontitis, gingivitis and periodontal disease itself. These diseases are very difficult to treat.

Periodontal disease occurs from insufficient blood supply to the gums. This leads to tooth mobility and tooth loss.

Gingivitis is caused by bacteria. They create dental plaque - a transparent film in which they quietly live and multiply, penetrating inside the gums and damaging the integrity of the tissue.

Periodontitis occurs when oral hygiene is poor; they can also be caused by biological features person. With this common disease, “pockets” form in the gums, into which the infection penetrates deeply.

Gums can become inflamed due to a number of diseases: diabetes, poor clotting blood and so on. If your gums become loose and bleeding, you should definitely undergo a physical examination and visit a dentist.

1. Regularly eat fruits with a hard structure and raw vegetables. This promotes blood flow to the gums and best cleansing teeth.

2. Eat right. Lack of vitamins and minerals (especially vitamin C and calcium) has a detrimental effect on gums.

3. Reduce consumption of sweets, especially refined sugar. It is advisable to brush your teeth after every sweet or meal. If this is not possible, then at least rinse your mouth with water.

4. It is advisable to buy a brush of medium hardness to cope with plaque, but should not cause injury delicate skin gums Gingivitis can develop either from poor oral care or from brushing too vigorously.

5. Brushing your teeth at least twice a day, using circular movements. The villi must penetrate between the teeth.

6. Top and lower jaw cleaned separately. The front teeth are cleaned first, then the back teeth. At first - outside surface, then - internal. The procedure is completed by cleaning the chewing surfaces. The direction is from the gums to the upper edge of the crown.

7. The tongue also needs to be cleaned. A dirty, bacteria-infested tongue is a source of odor and a breeding ground for bacteria.

8. After cleaning your teeth and tongue, you need to massage your gums. In this case, you can use a large number of sea ​​salt. The simplest massage: grab the gum between two fingers (thumb on the inside, index on the outside) and rub.

9. Cleaning time - 2-3 minutes. After this, the brush should be washed with soap. The service life of one brush is no more than 3 months.

10. It is advisable to use fluoride-free toothpaste or regular soda.

11. Plain salted water is perfect for rinsing. Use special liquids no need, they destroy both harmful and beneficial bacteria.

12. The space between the teeth should be cleaned regularly with a toothpick or dental floss.

Folk remedies

If periodontal disease has begun, you can combine the treatment prescribed by the dentist with the use of lotions, rinses and applications with infusions and decoctions of various herbs.

Rinses have a good effect when used regularly for one to two months. For them you can take lingonberry leaf, oak bark, agrimony or calendula flowers.

Rinsing with infusion of golden mustache, propolis or walnut leaves has a strong anti-inflammatory effect.

You can significantly ease the course of the disease by massaging your gums twice a day and gently rubbing fir or sea buckthorn oil into them.

Video: about gum health in the “Cheap and Cheap” program

Video: Gums hurt: what to do in the “Live Healthy” program

Every person interested in how to maintain healthy gums must follow some rules. To ensure that your smile always remains beautiful, you must not only visit the dentist periodically, but also eat right. A specialist will always help you choose the products necessary for oral hygiene.

An unhealthy lifestyle can trigger diseases that can lead to tooth loss. You need to be careful about your health to prevent gingivitis and periodontitis.

Healthy gums are the key to a beautiful smile

The condition of the teeth depends on how a person cares for his gums. Gingivitis is a disease characterized by inflammatory process mucous membrane of the gums. Most often it occurs due to the active proliferation of bacteria on dental plaque. Harmful microorganisms penetrate the gums and begin to secrete enzymes and toxins, causing inflammation.

Gingivitis is believed to be caused by internal and external factors. TO internal factors include: pathological bite, vitamin deficiency, improper functioning digestive system, decrease in the body's defenses. External factors are: burns, injuries, exposure to aggressive substances and infections.

Very often, gingivitis occurs due to the formation of tartar or plaque, smoking, infection and chemical irritation. In most cases, the disease is infectious in nature and develops as a result of insufficient hygiene oral cavity. The use of certain drugs, for example, birth control pills, can also cause gingivitis.

Recognizing this dangerous disease is quite simple. Its signs are:

  • redness of the gums;
  • its bleeding when eating solid foods, such as apples.

If you notice signs of gingivitis, you need to urgently consult a dentist, because if you do not eradicate the disease, initial stage, then the consequences can be disastrous. Without adequate treatment, gingivitis can develop into periodontitis - destruction of the bone tissue of the tooth socket and the formation of space between the gum and the root of the tooth. If this happens, the mobility of the tooth will increase and, when the bone is destroyed significantly, it will simply fall out.

How to properly care for your gums at home

The condition of your teeth directly depends on the health of your gums. In order to always have a beautiful smile, follow these rules:

1. Don't put off visiting the dentist. Visit a doctor at for preventive purposes at least once every six months. Recommendations from a specialist regarding oral hygiene are priceless. The dentist will be able to remove dental plaque through medical procedures, thereby preventing the occurrence of gingivitis.

3. Adequate oral hygiene will help prevent gingivitis. If you encounter early stage inflammation of the gums, then start using special toothpastes and rinses. These products should contain herbal extracts, as well as essential vegetable oils.

4. Consult a specialist about how to alternate medicines to prevent addiction to them.

5. Rinses and toothpastes that contain antiseptics can be used in the presence of inflammation. The duration of use of such products is determined by the dentist. Abuse of them can cause the development of oral dysbiosis.

6. Massage your gums every time you finish brushing your teeth. To do this, make several circular movements with your toothbrush. The teeth should be closed.

7. Use dental floss and the toothpick very carefully. Too active removal of food debris can cause damage to the gingival papillae and the appearance of gaps between the teeth.

8. Watch your diet. Reduce the quantity flour products, rich fast carbohydrates. Such products provoke the growth of dental plaque, which serves as an optimal environment for harmful microorganisms.

9. Every time after eating soft and sweet foods, eat hard vegetables and fruits, such as carrots, cucumbers, apples. Such food promotes the active production of saliva, resulting in cleansing of the oral cavity.

10. Eat more products, rich in proteins. These substances are necessary to renew the mucous membrane of the mouth and gums.

11. Avoid developing hypovitaminosis. The health of the gums is determined by the presence of vitamins A, B, C and D in the body. Special preparations will help compensate for the lack of vital compounds.

12. Retinol has a huge effect on metabolic processes. If there is not enough of it in the body, then the teeth can become mobile, and the surface of the tooth enamel can become uneven. In addition, retinol deficiency is fraught with insufficient salivation and gum disease. This substance found in animal liver, milk, and orange-yellow vegetables and fruits.

The question of how to strengthen teeth is worthy of a separate material on our website. Daily stress, poor diet, sedentary lifestyle have a life impact Negative influence on health, including the condition of enamel and gums. If you take care of strengthening your teeth, follow the rules of oral care, and do not neglect daily hygiene, you can maintain a beautiful smile for a long time.

Today on pharmaceutical market A large number of drugs are produced that strengthen teeth and gums. Depending on the problem, these may be gels or ointments, rinses, vitamin complexes.

Gels and ointments are used for gum inflammation, but can also help strengthen the roots. They are often prescribed in the presence of dentures. Apply the following drugs: Solcoseryl, Asepta (gel or balm), Cholisal, Ortofen, Levomekol.

If your goal is to strengthen your gums and teeth, then start taking vitamin complexes. Here are the most popular brands:

  • Asepta. Relatively inexpensive drug. Retail price is about 350–380 rubles. The package is enough for a course (6 weeks). The main component is coral calcium. It is easily absorbed by our body. It also contains vitamins C, D, A, B3, B9, B6.
  • DentoVitus. An expensive drug: its price is about 3,000 rubles. In addition to vitamins, it contains a large number of microelements: fluorine, copper, magnesium, zinc, manganese, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, etc.
  • Kaltsinova. A popular complex that contains necessary elements to maintain dental health.
  • Centrum. From A to zinc. This complex contains substances that strengthen bone tissue and capillary walls. The average retail price is 500 rubles.
  • Calcium D3 Nycomed. Basic active ingredients- calcium carbonate and vitamin D3. Their combination allows calcium to be absorbed effectively. Retail price is about 250 rubles.
  • Aevit. Multicomponent drug. If you don’t know how to strengthen your gums and teeth, then try this complex.

Asepta DentoVitus Calcinova Centrum Calcium d3 Aevit

If you are unsure which drug is right for you, consult your dentist. He will select a complex designed to solve problems with your teeth.

Larisa Kopylova


How to care for your gums: first of all, buy a special solution at the pharmacy. Among rinsing solutions, drugs such as Furacilin, Miramistin, and Chlorhexidine have proven themselves well. They have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial actions. Before use, read the instructions.

Furacilin Miramistin Chlorhexidine

Oral Health Products

An important point of care is nutrition. Eating certain products, you can not only strengthen your teeth and gums, but also prevent diseases internal organs. Vitamins and minerals essential for dental health: vitamins of groups B (especially B12, B6, B1, B2), C, D, E, PP and K, calcium, phosphorus, fluorine, zinc, magnesium. Let's look at which products contain these substances:

  • Greens: any kind of lettuce, dill, parsley, cilantro, etc. Eat it every day, it will help strengthen your gums. Some types of greens (for example, onions, parsley) have an antibacterial effect.
  • Seafood: fish, mussels, shrimp. They can safely be called product No. 1 if your goal is to strengthen your teeth and gums. Vitamins and microelements contained in seafood products: calcium, fluorine, thiamine, phosphorus, riboflavin, iodine, vitamins D and B1. Shrimp are considered the most useful seafood for strengthening gums and teeth. It is recommended to eat fish 2-3 times a week.
  • Kiwi. This fruit contains a lot of vitamin C, which is extremely important for strengthening gums. He provides positive influence on fabric: they remain elastic and are not subject to inflammation. In 1 medium fruit - approximately daily dose vitamin A. Other record-breaking foods for vitamin C content: rose hips, bell pepper, raspberries, citrus fruits, spinach, cabbage.
  • Dairy products. Give preference to those products that do not contain dyes and preservatives. Replace fruit-flavored yogurt regular kefir. Avoid low-fat cottage cheese, as it contains a lot of sugar, which leads to the destruction of enamel. The ideal option is cottage cheese 5% fat. Milk and other dairy products contain enzymes that have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Nuts. The most beneficial for teeth are cashews, almonds and pine nuts. Cashews are able to destroy bacteria in the mouth that destroy enamel. Pine nut strengthens bone tissue. Almonds have an antiseptic effect.
  • Hard fruits and vegetables. They contain a huge amount useful substances. In addition, by eating them, you cleanse the enamel of plaque and harmful bacteria. Chewing hard fruits will help both strengthen your gums and clean your teeth. These vegetables and fruits are the most useful: carrots, apples, radishes, cabbage, pears, cucumbers. Eat at least 2 fruits per day.
  • Honey. Contains enzymes that destroy pathogenic microflora.
  • Sesame cleans teeth from plaque and strengthens them. Add a few teaspoons of seeds to vegetable salads.

Greens Kiwi Sesame Honey Dairy products Seafood Fruits and vegetables Nuts

There are a number of foods that are unhealthy to eat if taking care of your teeth and gums is important to you. For example, crackers and seeds injure the enamel. Soft foods do not provide the necessary chewing load. Carbonated drinks are extremely harmful to enamel. Teeth color may change if consumed frequently soy sauce, wine, packaged juices, some berries (blackberries, blueberries, currants). To prevent staining, rinse your mouth with water after eating the above foods. A number of foods interfere with the absorption of calcium: coffee, tea, salt and sugar.

Folk recipes

There are other ways to strengthen your teeth. Except professional means, there are various folk recipes, helping to solve the question of how to strengthen teeth. Here are some of them:

Chewy candies from beeswax

  • Beeswax chewing candy. Mix 100 g of wax with 50 g of honey, add a few drops of mint oil and lemon juice. The wax must first be melted. This chewing candy strengthens teeth and kills harmful microorganisms in the oral cavity. Chew about 3 times a day. You can do it simpler: roll propolis balls and chew them.
  • There is a recipe for tincture of calamus and propolis. It's more complex. Pour 0.5 cups of calamus roots with vodka (0.5 l) and leave for a week. At the roots of this herbaceous plant contained essential oils And tannins, which are indispensable assistants in caring for dental health. Separately, infuse 20 g of propolis for a week, after pouring it with 0.5 liters of vodka. Then strain and mix these 2 tinctures. Rinse your mouth with the resulting solution once a day before going to bed. Recommended course - 1 month. The tincture strengthens the roots of teeth and helps with sore gums.
  • Teeth cleaning mixture. It is believed that such a mixture strengthens teeth, reduces their sensitivity and whitens them. To prepare, stir in a glass warm water salt, soda and white clay. Use the resulting solution to brush your teeth.

Larisa Kopylova


How to properly care for your gums: make a solution for rinsing at home - an infusion of green walnut shells. It is used to rinse the mouth. The recipe is simple - chop the shells, 1 tsp. Pour boiling water over this mixture. Let it brew for half an hour, cool. Rinse your mouth after meals;

Oral hygiene

The simplest thing you can do to keep your teeth healthy is to practice good hygiene. Here are the main ones:

  1. When brushing your teeth, hold the brush at a sharp angle and make movements as if you were sweeping away plaque. Try not to touch the gum.
  2. Gum hygiene also requires attention. Don't forget to rinse after every brushing. Herbal solutions have a beneficial effect on the condition of the gums. Doctors recommend rinsing your mouth after every meal.
  3. Do not neglect the use of a special thread (floss). Wrap it between your fingers and gently move it between your teeth until any remaining food is removed.
  4. Eliminate consumption as much as possible. acidic foods, as they destroy the enamel. Don't eat at pure form lemons, oranges. Avoid candies that stick to your teeth (such as taffy).

Don't neglect flossing

The correct paste is also important. Pastes are divided into preventive and therapeutic. The latter should be used in a course (about a month). Therapeutic ones are divided into several types depending on the problem they are designed to solve: anti-inflammatory, anti-caries, restoring the integrity of the gums. Oral hygiene must be carried out 2 times a day.

The video describes a set of measures that will help maintain dental health:

From the right choice Brushes also depend on the condition of the teeth. Brushes come in 3 types of hardness: hard, medium hard and soft bristles. If you wear removable dentures, then choose the first option. The middle brush is a universal one, it is for people who do not have pronounced problems. A brush with soft bristles is purchased by those who have bleeding gums. Remember that the brush must be changed once every 2 months.

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