How to keep your teeth strong and healthy. Not everyone can keep their teeth healthy and strong into old age.

Dental health today is actual problem for many people. IN modern world More and more devices for dental care are appearing. Highly qualified dentists are always ready to help. But people's teeth continue to deteriorate.

In big cities it is quite difficult to meet a person who has a mouth full healthy teeth. And this is not surprising - evolutionary progress relieves us of the difficulties of eating food. We no longer chew hard pieces. raw meat. All our food is very soft and tender. Numerous steamers, slow cookers and blenders turn food into a puree that just needs to be swallowed.

But our teeth need hard food to train and cleanse. In ancient times, people gnawed edible twigs, which acted as a toothbrush - in this way they cleaned the spaces between their teeth from stuck food debris. Then there was not such an aggressive environment for teeth - the food was at medium temperature, no hot or cold dishes. The person did not eat a lot of sweets and fruit acid which is harmful to dental health. Modern living conditions do not spare our teeth and force them to die as unnecessary - they become loose and fall out completely. How to keep your teeth healthy so you can eat well into old age raw vegetables and meat steaks? There are several conditions that will help keep your teeth healthy and strong.

Proper hygiene

  1. Brush your teeth! Teeth should be brushed twice a day every day. Cleaning should take at least three minutes. Brushing your teeth does not mean frantically rubbing them with a brush. It is necessary to thoroughly clean the most hard to reach places. It is best to brush along, not across, the teeth.
  2. Rinse. After each meal, microscopic pieces of food remain in the mouth, which, when oxidized, harm the teeth. Therefore, after eating, you should thoroughly rinse your mouth with clean or salt water.
  3. Changing your toothbrush. Change your toothbrush at least once every three months. After all, no matter how you wash it after cleaning, a huge amount accumulates on it. pathogenic bacteria. If you use the same brush for a long time, caries can develop.
  4. Individual choice of brush. When choosing a toothbrush, pay attention to its hardness. It should be moderately hard in order to thoroughly clean the spaces between the teeth. At the same time, an overly hard brush can damage the enamel and gums. The choice of brush should be as individual as possible.
  5. Electric brush. If brushing your teeth brings you pleasure, if you like to brush your teeth often and for a long time, buy an electric toothbrush.
  6. Gum. If after lunch at public place You don’t have the opportunity to rinse your mouth at all; you need to use sugar-free chewing gum. It will help clear your mouth of food debris.
  7. Dental floss. If you have eaten hard foods (such as meat), small fibers may remain between your teeth. Be sure to use a toothpick or dental floss.
  8. Mouth rinses. People often suffer from bad breath, despite their best efforts to maintain oral hygiene. To avoid this, you need to regularly rinse your mouth with a special antibacterial composition. It not only eliminates unpleasant odor, but also blocks various processes rotting and inflammation in the mouth.
  9. Toothpaste. Many dentists advise changing toothpaste constantly, since bacteria can adapt to a particular paste and eventually stop reacting to it.
  10. Paste with fluoride. There are special toothpastes that contain fluoride, which protects teeth from nicotine. These pastes are recommended for smokers. However, if you really want to protect your teeth, maybe it makes sense to quit smoking?
  11. Going to the dentist. Everyone knows that to maintain healthy teeth you need to visit the dentist regularly, at least once every six months. Answer honestly, when was the last time you saw a doctor? Most people go to a specialist only when toothache will become unbearable.

Every day our teeth collide with varied food– hot, cold, sour and sweet. All this affects the condition of the teeth. Everyone knows from early age that you should not eat very cold or very hot foods - this destroys tooth enamel. To keep your teeth strong, you need to limit your consumption of hot coffee. Caffeine, found in coffee, chocolate and strong tea, destroys and loosens tooth enamel.

Since childhood, we have been told about the dangers of sweets. Sugar is the most favorable environment for the development of bacteria. Especially when sugar gets stuck in the spaces between your teeth. This is a direct path to caries. If your child loves to eat sweets, you should carefully monitor the condition of his teeth. Babies need to brush their teeth after 10-12 months of life, when they move on to adulthood. After the next candy or cake, ask your baby to drink water (since they still don’t know how to rinse their mouth at this age). And don't give your baby milk right before bed. Particles of dairy products strongly corrode tooth enamel. It is better to drink milk and then rinse your mouth with water.

You can clean your teeth from dirt, plaque and tartar using rough food. Eat more vegetables and fruits raw. It’s better to have a basket of fruit in a prominent place in your home rather than a bowl of sweets. Offer your child peeled crispy carrots instead of waffles, maybe he will agree? It's much healthier and tastier. And try not to peel the fruit - it also contains a lot of useful substances (this does not apply to paraffin-coated fruits brought from afar). Fruit peels clean the spaces between teeth well.

To keep your teeth strong, you need to eat more products saturated with calcium and phosphorus. These are cottage cheese, kefir, spinach, cheese, milk, beans. Eating citrus fruits reduces bleeding gums and also suppresses the development of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. Fish and seafood have a very good effect on the condition of teeth - they contain a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. Nuts are considered a good workout for your teeth. But don't bite walnuts or almonds with your teeth - you may lose them altogether.

This is interesting! Everyone knows that teething in infants is a painful process for both parents and baby. A child’s teeth begin to actively grow after six months, and that’s when the baby begins to feed complementary foods. One of the first complementary foods is homemade cottage cheese. Usually cottage cheese is made like this - kefir is added to milk and put on low heat. When the milk curdles, it should be placed on cheesecloth and squeezed out. One well-known pediatrician advises adding an ampoule of Calcium chlorine to the milk instead of kefir (precisely the one we use for “hot” intravenous injections). When the milk has curdled you will get the healthiest cottage cheese, saturated with an additional portion of calcium. It is not only healthy, but also delicious. If the baby eats such cottage cheese every day, the teeth will begin to grow by leaps and bounds.

Dental health comes from within

Recent research by scientists has proven that caries occurs in people who have general problems in the body. Low immunity, chronic diseases, diseases digestive tract– all this affects dental health. In ancient times, when a master took a farmhand to work with him, he looked at the condition of his teeth. If they were healthy, then it was possible to judge good health the person himself. If the teeth turned out to be rotten and black, it means that the employee’s health left much to be desired. Such farm laborers were not hired.

Teeth were used to assess a person’s health in the past, but even now it is a fairly significant indicator. If, despite observing all hygiene measures, you encounter continuous education caries, if inflammatory processes often occur in your mouth, then it’s time to see a doctor.

  1. To ensure that your teeth sit tightly in their “sockets” and your gums hold them firmly, you need dental gymnastics. It consists of chewing on a clean twig. At first, you need to do this carefully so as not to leave your teeth on this branch. While walking through the park, pick a branch from a tree and wipe off the dust with a handkerchief or napkin. Gently bite the entire length of the branch. When your teeth are strong enough, you can add one more exercise - try to pull a piece of wood from a branch with your teeth. Although such gymnastics seems funny, it is very useful for those who have noticed that their teeth have begun to become loose.
  2. There is one proven recipe for healthy teeth and strong gums. It is suitable in the fight against periodontal disease. Mix a tablespoon of honey with half a teaspoon of salt. Wait for the salt to dissolve completely - otherwise you will hurt yourself with grains of salt. Massage your gums with this mixture as often as possible, and within a few days your gums will begin to get stronger.
  3. If you suffer from tartar, you need to rinse your teeth with a decoction horsetail. It cleans and disinfects the surface of teeth. To combat tartar, eat lemon and drink black radish juice. The juice of this root vegetable contains special phytoncides that break down tartar formations and gradually remove it.
  4. Sometimes the edges of the teeth are “decorated” with black stripes, which are very unpleasant from an aesthetic point of view. The following recipe will help you get rid of them. Take burdock root and grind it. We will need bean husks in the same quantity. Mix the two ingredients and prepare a strong, rich decoction based on the collection. They need to rinse their mouth several times a day. After just a week of regular rinsing, you will notice a noticeable result.
  5. Mix a tablespoon of calamus tincture and the same amount of propolis tincture. Take the prepared mixture into your mouth and rinse your mouth with it for as long as possible. This product strengthens enamel and improves gum health.
  6. Oak bark contains a lot tannins. Brew crushed oak bark in a thermos and rinse your mouth with the prepared mixture before going to bed. This will get rid of any inflammatory processes, heal ulcers and eliminate even the most persistent odor from the mouth of smokers.

To keep your teeth healthy, you need to follow all hygiene measures. Choose healthy food with coarse fibers, do not drink soda, eat medium-temperature foods. Eliminate coffee, smoking and alcohol from your diet. Change your quality of life, and then you can maintain healthy teeth until old age.

Video: how to keep your teeth healthy

Let's tell you a secret: literally in just ten years you won't have to worry about your dental health. Anything wrong, and the dentist will grow new tooth. In the meantime, while the technology is being developed, it’s worth taking care of your own by using the recommendations of the chief dentist of Russia Oleg Yanushevich.

Oleg Olegovich, since our readers are women, I would like to immediately find out whether there are purely female problems in dentistry?
O.Y.: Naturally, women and men have some differences in the formation of the dental system. This is due to the size, color, and position of the teeth. But there are no fundamental gender differences, the problems are approximately the same, the same caries, pulpitis, periodontitis.

It seemed to me that caries had long been finished, at least in women. After all, unlike men, they regularly go to the dentist.
O.Y.: Caries has been and remains the number one problem. It cannot be said that the disease is less common in women than in men. And not at all because they go to the dentist more often - this is a controversial issue. The problem is related to many factors: genetics, hygiene, and nutrition. Even in our time, residents of villages and villages who eat natural products, with caries are much less common than you and I.

Are you now forbidding us to eat cakes and pastries?
O.Y.: It's not even about cakes, although those with a sweet tooth a priori put themselves at risk. After all, what is caries? This is a process of local demineralization of enamel. It is expressed in the appearance of plaques on the teeth, changes in the color of the enamel, deformation and the absence of a characteristic shine. And the reason for this is the consumption of large quantities of destroyed fiber and carbohydrates. In a word, caries is given to all of us as a punishment for cooking food.

So you want to say that ancient people did not have caries?
O.Y.: Exactly! Caries appeared as soon as a person began to prepare food. U stray dog There is no caries, but the homemade one has it. That's all.

It’s clear with nutrition, but what else affects women’s dental health?
O.Y.: Teeth deteriorate during pregnancy due to changes in water-salt metabolism. But not because calcium is washed out. It is not true! You will be surprised, but the problem is that at this time a woman pays less attention to dental hygiene.

And it's all?
O.Y.: Changes during pregnancy local immunity, including in the oral cavity, the species composition of the microflora changes. This immediately affects dental health. Plus, expectant mothers very often abuse sweets. Here you have a set of problems that negatively affect hard tissues teeth and creating ideal conditions for the development of caries.

Do hormonal changes not count?
O.Y.: It has an effect, but to a lesser extent. And if a woman visits the dentist during pregnancy and breastfeeding, follows all the doctor’s recommendations and maintains hygiene, her teeth will be in perfect order. The rules of prevention are quite simple. The first thing is to brush your teeth properly. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to do this after every meal. Enough to spend correct procedure after sleep and always before bed to protect against periodontitis, gingivitis and other problems. During the day after eating, it is enough to rinse your mouth with water.

Oleg Olegovich, I think that our readers probably know all these rules well.
O.Y.: Unfortunately, we all think we brush our teeth well enough. Some proudly claim to do this three times a day. But you can wash the floor several times without getting it perfectly clean. That is, when people do not understand what they are cleaning and where, such hygiene does not work. Let me give an example of a study from the early 2000s in Switzerland: the first group of students brushed their teeth, as they were used to, twice a day, and the second group - once a week, but correctly, as the dentists taught them. After six months, all indicators of dental health were better in the group that brushed once a week.

Then I will ask you to name the main points of dental care. And we will work on the mistakes.
O.Y.: Modern indicators - the so-called plaque tests or tablets with dyes - help you find out whether you are brushing your teeth correctly. It is enough to chew the tablet, and the entire plaque, where caries can form or stone can form, will turn a different color. Next, remove the colored plaque with a brush and remember what movements you need to make in order to correctly carry out the daily procedure.

Those who are afraid of the dentist’s office will be delighted...
O.Y.: But this procedure in no way replaces a visit to the dentist. Once every six months, the doctor must not only assess the level of hygiene, but also check the health of the teeth - whether new defects, caries, or stone have formed. You can’t do without a dentist, but you can correct your hygiene yourself by using a plak test at least once every six months.

Algorithm proper care- brush your teeth in the morning and evening, floss and apply the Plaque test every six months. Did I miss anything?
O.Y.: About dental floss I didn’t say, I’m not a supporter of its constant use, especially before the age of 25. When the teeth and gums are tight and adhere to the teeth, floss is not needed at all; everything cleans itself independently, without your help. Floss is needed where there is not sufficient cleaning between the teeth due to their specific location. But even in this case, you need to solve the problem with your dentist - it is wrong to brush your teeth with floss every time after eating. You see, any of our interventions in the life of the body, even something as seemingly harmless as using floss, does not pass without leaving a trace: you can injure the gums, expose the papillae (gum tissue in the interdental space), and cause inflammation.

Osteopaths would applaud you now! They are sure that there is no harmless intervention in the body. Changing the shape of teeth with the same braces and even banal fillings cause asymmetry in the body. This is not very good for health. What do you think about this theory?
O.Y.: Yes, such studies were carried out in the 2000s. They said that a change in the bite and a violation of the relationship of the upper, mandible and position temporomandibular joint can lead to changes in the spine, vertebral column, and vice versa. I am somewhat skeptical about this. Although we all certainly know that changes in the situation hip joint changes knee-joint, the knee joint can partially affect the shin joint. Everything in the body is interconnected. Any violation of this connection will not lead to anything good.

Let's return, perhaps, to more pressing problems- let's talk about bleaching. It's interesting to know your attitude towards him.
O.Y.: Personally, I am very wary of bleaching. Because everything similar procedures, from chemical to laser whitening, they change deep structure tooth tissue. Of course, if this is done once, it’s not scary. But fanatical whitening once every two weeks is not worth doing; there will be nothing left of the teeth.

Does this procedure have an age limit?
O.Y.: In fact, whitening can be done at any age, even in childhood. If, for example, a child has “tetracycline” teeth (very rarely, but it happens) and it is necessary to bring them into decent condition without wearing crowns, then a one-time measure of whitening is acceptable. As for young people under 25, there is no point in doing this. Whitening for older people is generally ineffective. Over the years, the enamel wears off, and it is impossible to whiten the dentin, which determines the color of the tooth; only the enamel can be whitened. It is useless to etch dentin.

What does “poison” mean?
O.Y.: During chemical bleaching, enamel and partially dentin are etched; laser whitening also includes an element of chemical etching, and any injury is bad...

And I really want to have white teeth...
O.Y.: Well, to keep your teeth white, there are many dental tricks. The most popular now are lumineers, when the tooth is not ground down, impressions are taken, very thin ceramic onlays are made and fixed on the tooth surface using special materials.

They look unnatural...
O.Y.: They do look unnatural and I am not a fan of Lumineers. Except where they are shown. For example, there are anthropometric possibilities for increasing the size of teeth. And in this case it does not spoil the smile. More conservative method, which has been used for a long time, are veneers. Only the vestibular surface of the tooth is ground, and ceramic veneers are placed in this place, which can last 20 or even more years. Many have done and are doing veneers to improve aesthetic appearance smiles. They are especially effective after 40 years, when the enamel becomes thinner and darker, abrasions, chips occur, and there are large old fillings.

By the way, because of these veneers, my friend lost her peace. She is ready to part with her healthy, but not white teeth and replace them with dazzling veneers. What do you say to this?
O.Y.: If the treatment is carried out efficiently and not to the detriment of dental health, this is not dangerous procedure. However, a natural tooth is more valuable than an artificial one. Only in situations where it is not possible to save your own, a crown is a normal means of restoration.

Have you whitened your teeth yourself?
O.Y.: I've never done this. I am for naturalness. In the 90s there was a fashion for Hollywood smiles when they replaced their teeth with ceramic ones. Many foreign stars have had crowns, bridges, and veneers for a long time. And you don’t have to tell anyone whether they have their own teeth or not. Everything is already visible.

With water we have somehow not very good... But we are inspired by the successes of dental science, which has made a real breakthrough in the use of cellular technologies.

O.Y.: We are now working on this technology, and our group of scientists, headed by Professor Malyshev, managed to reproduce the experiment conducted by Japanese and French colleagues - they learned to grow a tooth completely, but so far only in rats. The next stage is our know-how, bioprinting - a special technology that will allow you to print a tooth. Tissue engineering has made great strides; we can already create bone tissue where it has been lost, or replace entire fragments of jaws. So I think in the next five to ten years we will begin to grow teeth for humans.

Oleg Olegovich, in conclusion, please give professional advice on how to keep your teeth healthy?
O.Y.: First: consume more unbroken fiber. Carrots, fresh apples, and salad cleanse the teeth and oral cavity well. Second: allocate enough time in your life schedule (regardless of whether you have a man, children, or whether your work schedule has changed) for oral hygiene. And third: have one on long years dentist You need to choose a doctor even more carefully than your man. Include women's intuition. If you feel, and women always feel, that this doctor can be trusted, then, without any doubt, this is your doctor. And you will receive the compliance, the result that will allow you to preserve your teeth, and therefore your health.

We take good care of our bodies, exercise, and try to eat right. But do we pay the same amount of time and attention? How to keep your teeth healthy until old age? Many people do not think about this issue until problems arise. Therefore, about health oral cavity you need to worry from childhood.

Foods that help maintain teeth

Proper nutrition has great importance not only for the health of the body, but also for the health of the gums and teeth. Not all foods have a beneficial effect on tooth enamel and gums. Some products destroy enamel, while others, on the contrary, help strengthen it.

Products that are needed:

  • Solid vegetables and fruits. Vegetables and fruits are healthy. They contain vitamins and minerals that the body needs. Sufficient consumption of these products ensures the body nutrients. As a result, there are no problems with gums, inflammatory processes and other ailments caused by a lack of vitamins. It is very important to eat fresh, firm vegetables and fruits. In addition to vitamins, they have beneficial mechanical impact on the gums. When chewing hard foods, the gums are massaged. This is necessary for healthy blood supply. After all, if you eat soft food, you may experience various problems with gums (for example, periodontal disease).
  • Greenery. In order to keep your teeth healthy and strong, you need to eat greens such as parsley, dill, onions, basil, celery, etc. Greens contain vitamins and minerals. It has pronounced antioxidant and antibacterial properties. Greens improve gum health and help fight bacteria and infections. Regular use greenery will allow teeth and gums to remain healthy at any age.
  • Dairy products. Even a child knows about the benefits of these products. Dairy products help fight bacteria and keep teeth healthy. Mineral composition dairy products are indispensable for the oral cavity. Cottage cheese, cheese, milk and other dairy products contain a sufficient amount of calcium, and it is known to support the strength and health of bone tissue.
  • Nuts and seeds will help preserve your teeth into old age. The benefits of nuts are explained by their rich composition. Many nuts and seeds contain not only vitamins and minerals, but also polyunsaturated fatty acid and amino acids. It is important to eat them fresh, raw, and not after roasting.
  • Vegetables (carrots, beets, bell pepper, cucumber, pumpkin, avocado, etc.);
  • Fruits (apples, bananas, citrus fruits, kiwi). After fruits, be sure to rinse your mouth. Fruits contain large amounts of acid, which can destroy enamel.
  • Dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, milk, sour cream, etc.).
  • Nuts and seeds (almonds, Walnut, peanuts, cashews, hazelnuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds).
  • Greens (parsley, dill, cilantro, basil and other greens).

Vitamins and minerals for teeth

For the health and beauty of the oral cavity, minerals and vitamins such as:

  1. Calcium – construction material. It ensures the strength of the enamel. With calcium deficiency, the enamel is depleted, making the tooth more easily damaged. For normal bone growth, the body needs to receive calcium daily through food.
  2. Iron. This mineral is essential for oral health. It ensures gum health and nutrient supply.
  3. Vitamin C. It ensures healthy gums. Vitamin C deficiency can cause scurvy. The disease is manifested by gum bleeding, both during eating and in a state of calm. Vitamin C also helps fight bacteria and infections.
  4. Our body needs B vitamins to fight bacteria and viruses. When there is a deficiency of B vitamins, gum disease occurs.

Prevention of dental diseases

The best treatment is prevention. This also applies to the oral cavity. Oral health depends solely on oral hygiene and diet. In order to maintain dental health, you need to take preventive actions:

  • Cleaning. WITH early childhood You need to learn how to regularly, and most importantly, brush your teeth correctly. Cleanliness is the key to success. First of all, choose a brush; it should not be too hard. A hard brush can mechanically damage your gums. Damaged gums lead to a number of problems (for example, wedge-shaped defect).
  • Visiting the dentist. The dentist is your friend, you should not be afraid of him. We don’t even think about how important it is to visit a specialist at least once every six months to a year. Regular dental checkups help prevent serious illnesses. Therefore, if you want to keep your teeth healthy, make it a rule to visit the dentist regularly.
  • Professional cleaning. This procedure must be performed at least once a year. Professional cleaning helps get rid of tartar. Tartar is more dangerous than it seems. Due to the fact that nothing hurts or interferes, we do not attach any importance to it. But when stone accumulates, it moves the gum away from the tooth, thereby exposing the root, and this is fraught with serious problems (even tooth loss).
  • Use dental floss. After eating, it is important not only to rinse your mouth, but also to use floss. After all, leftover food can get stuck between the teeth, and rinsing will not cope with this. Leftover food causes bacteria and infections to accumulate, so use a floss.

Rinse your mouth after every meal, use dental floss, maintain good hygiene and visit a specialist regularly, this will help maintain healthy teeth until old age.

Now you know that keeping your teeth healthy is easy. It is important to remember the rules of hygiene, consume healthy foods, and also visit a specialist from time to time.

Thanks to serious progress in the field of medicine, it is possible not only to treat teeth, but also to radically change them appearance V better side or even insert strong snow-white implants. Despite this, people try to maintain dental health, because some dental procedures have side effects and are expensive.

Prevention of occurrence dental diseases does not require large time and financial costs. Compliance with simple rules is one of the best ways maintaining dental health.


Poor nutrition has a negative impact not only on internal organs, but also teeth and gums. These products have a particularly bad effect on enamel:

  • sweets and sugary drinks;
  • roasted peanuts and seeds;
  • dried fruits;
  • coffee.

You can also add sour ones to the list. citrus fruit, but it is worth noting that, on the one hand, their acidity harms the enamel, and on the other, they provide vitamins and prevent the development of pathogenic microorganisms.

Important! You should not completely give up all of the listed products. It is enough to consume them in smaller quantities.

Vitamins and minerals are substances necessary to maintain dental health. It is not necessary to purchase special complexes at the pharmacy; you can limit yourself to improving your diet. Take into account the table with useful substances and the products in which they are contained.

Table. Useful elements/vitamins and substances they contain.


Plum, carrots, green pea, cabbage

Beef, pork, seafood, buckwheat, bananas

Sauerkraut, apples, black currants

Butter, herring, mackerel, eggs

Shrimps, bakery products, soy, peanuts

Raisins, dried apricots, liver

Cherries, grapes, onions, pineapples

Attention! Consume as much as possible clean water. It prevents dehydration, therefore, a sufficient amount of saliva is released to fight harmful microorganisms.

  1. Observe temperature regime food. Consumption of hot and ice foods is bad for the enamel, increasing its sensitivity, and gums.
  2. Avoid foods that are too hard. Tooth enamel is easily damaged by consuming such products.
  3. Drink sugary drinks through a straw. Manipulation will reduce activity negative impact on enamel.
  4. Give up strict diets. An unbalanced diet provokes the occurrence of dental diseases.
  5. Chew your food thoroughly. Absorbing food in this way improves blood circulation in the gums and reduces the risk of gum disease.

Oral Care Tools

To take care of your oral cavity, just stock up on the following:

  • brush;
  • paste;
  • rinse aid;
  • dental floss.

Choosing the right toothbrush - important condition. She should have stubble good quality, which does not fall out and does not have an unpleasant chemical odor. Regular manual brushes come with soft, medium and hard bristles. If the enamel and gums are sensitive, you should give preference to a soft one. In other cases, medium-hard bristles are suitable.

Attention! You should only use a manual brush with stiff bristles after your dentist has approved it. The danger of using it is that it can gradually destroy tooth enamel.

In addition to manual brushes, you can purchase ionic, ultrasonic and electric brushes. The first ones are suitable for sensitivity. The latter will be especially useful for those whose teeth are susceptible to tartar buildup. - an almost universal option. They should not be used only by people with weak enamel and gum disease.

The paste must also be selected according to the type of teeth and gums. For bleeding and weak gums, you need to use pastes with an antiseptic effect that contain extracts medicinal herbs And essential oils. To whiten enamel and remove tartar, bleaching agents with microgranules are required. - a universal option.

All mouthwashes have the same set of properties. They freshen breath, strengthen enamel and create a barrier against pathogens. If the line contains products with different effects, you need to take into account your type of teeth and gums when selecting.

Flossing is not necessary, but is advisable, especially if there are noticeable gaps between the teeth. It helps to gently remove stuck food.

Attention! You should not replace dental floss with toothpicks, as they can injure your gums and cause infection.

Principles of hygiene

You need to brush your teeth at least twice a day (before going to bed and after waking up). Manipulations will help avoid the development of pathogens in the oral cavity thanks to the antiseptic components contained in toothpastes. To consolidate the effect, use a rinse aid.

There are a number of rules that must be followed every time you brush your teeth.

  1. Spend at least two minutes on this process.
  2. Make movements from the roots of the teeth, grabbing the gums. Movements in the opposite direction have a negative impact on the condition of the oral cavity, as food debris gets clogged under the gums and in the spaces between the teeth.
  3. Don't forget to brush your tongue. There is a special pad for this purpose. back side brushes.

Mouth guard for teeth protection

Important! Chlorinated water can also be considered a provocateur of dental diseases. It is necessary to rinse dishes thoroughly after use. detergents and use fluoride mouth rinses after swimming or drinking unfiltered water.

Dental procedures

You should visit your dentist's office at least once a year, even if there is no reason to worry. There is a risk group that includes people susceptible to disease teeth. They should be examined by a dentist as often as possible.

The group includes those who notice these body conditions and negative changes:

  • bad breath;
  • acquisition of crooked teeth;
  • susceptibility to respiratory diseases;
  • bleeding gums;
  • noticeable gaps between teeth;
  • gums receding from teeth;
  • pregnancy.

Attention! It is also necessary to visit the dentist frequently for periodic pain And high sensitivity enamels.

It's easier to prevent than to treat

Most dental diseases occur due to neglect of basic care rules. Therefore, taking into account all the recommendations of dentists - best prevention diseases. You need to follow the rules even after treatment or major dental restoration to prevent relapses.

Video - How to keep your teeth healthy

But they are important not only for their personal satisfaction. When communicating with other people, they also act as significant factors.

Proper dental care

After all, even when talking with stranger, against our will, we first of all pay attention to his teeth. To support good condition teeth, it will not be enough to simply take care of your oral cavity every day.

You need to pay close attention to your diet. After all, the food we consume comes into unlimited contact with the teeth in our mouth. Often its effect on teeth can be extremely negative.

For this reason, in order to visit the dentist for help as rarely as possible, you need to consume foods that can be beneficial for your teeth. This way you can create excellent conditions for your smile to remain irresistible for a long time.

Products harmful to dental health

However, first you should list those products that will cause maximum harm to your teeth.


First of all, these include sugar.

Its harm to teeth is enormous. After all, sugar, along with other carbohydrates that are prone to fermentation, when entering the body along with sweets under the influence of bacteria, turns into acids. These acids have a destructive effect on tooth enamel.

This is what provokes the processes of decay of the bone tissue of the teeth, that is. It may seem surprising, but tooth decay was once considered a disease of the rich. Indeed, in times distant from our days, only rich people could afford to consume sweets and other delicacies abundantly.

Sugar provides an ideal environment for the proliferation of bacteria, which eventually begin or. But the development of caries is largely determined not by the abundance of sweets eaten, but by the frequency of consumption of such food.

The more often we eat sweet culinary products, the more often our teeth are exposed to the destructive effects of acids. Saliva is designed to provide teeth with the minerals they need, as well as neutralize the effects of harmful acids.

If a person consumes sweets often, then she no longer has time to cope with the function assigned to her. Therefore, it is much wiser to treat yourself to a bar of chocolate or a cake once, but rather large quantities than eating a piece of candy every hour.

Different types of sweets may have different effects on teeth

Viscous and sticky sweets, such as toffee, may remain on the teeth longer. Therefore, their impact will be much more significant than from those sweets that a person simply swallows.

Today you can find more than one type of sugar substitute on sale. And in maintaining dental health, their use will be preferable. After all, they are not capable of creating a bactericidal environment. However, it is better not to use sweet and high-calorie foods as snacks.

How to protect your teeth from dental diseases after eating

As an analogue, you can use foods that need to be chewed thoroughly, for example, raw vegetables and fruits, black bread. Such products will stimulate active selection saliva.

As already mentioned, it will restore the hardness of tooth enamel, neutralize harmful acids and will contribute to the processes of self-cleaning of the oral cavity. For example, if you eat a non-sour apple after a meal, it will successfully replace brushing your teeth.

Can do the same chewing gum, which contains no sugar. Fruits and vegetables in raw form, in addition to cleansing teeth, also. Caries is classified as an acquired rather than a congenital disease.

How to protect your child from caries

For example, in children infancy There are no caries bacteria in the mouth at all. But they are able to penetrate into their oral cavity from parents and other people around them.

For this reason, newborn babies must have their own spoons. Parents also need to forget about licking their baby's nipples. In this case, bacteria will actively enter the child’s mouth.

If the pacifier accidentally ends up on the floor, it is better to rinse it with boiling water, but do not lick it. Experts recommend eliminating sweets altogether in the first year of a child’s life. The quality of not only the food, but also the drinks you drink is important.

For example, citric acid is extremely harmful to teeth.

But beverage manufacturers usually add it very liberally to their products. After all, it helps drinks last longer. It also enhances the taste of drinks and adds freshness to them.

However, such drinks are very harmful to tooth enamel. Getting in touch with bone tissue teeth, citric acid begins to make the enamel loose and soft. This can lead to irreversible erosion. Approximately the same process occurs when cleaning a kettle from scale formed in it.

Citric acid affects teeth in a similar way. Citrus juices, lemonades and other sweet drinks, where the concentration of citric acid is very high, often directly cause erosion in the tooth enamel and deeper layers of the tooth.

If you drink two glasses of such drinks a day, then the disease most likely cannot be avoided.

Citric acid is very common food additive V modern conditions. Sometimes it is even added to healthy products and baby food. To reduce harmful properties citric acid in drinks, it is recommended to drink them through a straw.

This way the contact with the teeth will be minimal. After consumption containing citric acid drinks should be at least an hour before brushing your teeth. Otherwise Toothbrush will act like sandpaper, polishing the softened surface of the teeth.

In this case, along with plaque, they will also remove tooth enamel.

Darkening of the enamel tends to be provoked by drinks such as black tea and coffee.

But the harm will only be of an aesthetic nature. This will most likely not cause any immediate harm to your teeth.

However, such drinks often become... Meanwhile, as we found out, saliva is very important for dental health. Green tea would be more preferable in this regard. It is not able to leave, and if you drink it without sugar, it will eliminate harmful bacteria.

The most beneficial drinks for your teeth are regular drinking water and milk.

They perfectly nourish the teeth with all the microelements they need, resulting in tooth enamel is only getting stronger. It is important to pay great attention the presence of foods healthy for teeth in the diet.

Many people know that calcium plays a major role in maintaining dental health. It can be found in dried figs, broccoli, and sesame. But most of all it is found in dairy products and cheese. For example, one hundred grams of Dutch cheese contains daily norm calcium required for an adult.

In addition, cheese can create a kind of protective shell on the surface of the teeth. It also neutralizes the level of acidity in the mouth. This is very important after consuming sweet foods and those that contain citric acid.

Good for teeth and phosphorus


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