How to care for your teeth at home: effective methods and recommendations. Dental care

Beautiful smile is an adornment for any person who strives for success, wants to be loved and self-confident. Healthy teeth help you save on visits to the dentist, allow you to forget about numerous diseases associated with gastrointestinal tract and bad breath.

In order to achieve such results, you just need to ensure proper dental care at home and visit the dentist annually.

To maintain oral health, it is necessary to follow basic hygiene rules that are familiar to many from childhood.

Numerous studies have shown that people who regularly visit the dentist and have timely treatment have less problems with diseases such as:

Hygiene during pregnancy deserves special attention, so every to the expectant mother You need to visit the dentist in a timely manner and carry out proper treatment. The whole point is that hormonal fluctuations lead to bleeding and sore gums, and if these problems go unaddressed, there is a risk of developing a serious infection.

Reliable home helpers

Oral care should be comprehensive, using modern and effective drugs. Standard care products are toothpaste and a brush, which are used by almost every modern person.

However, according to experts, to thoroughly get rid of plaque, one brush is not enough; you also need to use devices such as floss, brushes, and rinses.

Nets have varying degrees rigidity, which is selected individually. Hard ones should be chosen by heavy smokers and those who suffer from tartar. Also, “hard” brushes are indicated for people with increased plaque formation and individual orthodontic designs.

Dental care rules suggest using a brush daily in the morning and before bed for at least three minutes.

Soft brushes “soft” are chosen by those suffering from sensitive gums, non-carious enamel damage, and periodontitis. This type is recommended during pregnancy, when there is increased sensitivity gums, as well as for children under 8 years of age.

Medium hardness is the most common option used by most of the population. You can use “medium” for minor dental issues and non-sensitive gums.

Floss- This aid for hygiene. Using floss, you can easily clean the interdental spaces from food debris where the bristles of the brush cannot reach.

When choosing floss, you should pay attention that the thread has a different cross-section. The tape section is suitable for those who have large interdental spaces. Flat threads are designed for people who have crowded rows.

Floss dental floss

Ershik is a convenient and effective device for cleaning interdental spaces. The brushes, which differ in the diameter of the working surface, are recommended for use by those wearing braces and dentures, owners of uneven rows, and smokers.

For people who don't have dental problems It is recommended to use brushes to prevent diseases.

Mouth rinses are a mandatory hygiene product that eliminates unpleasant odors, relieves inflammation, disinfects and cleanses plaque from hard to reach places. Elixirs should be selected based on individual preferences and existing diseases.

Choosing the right toothpaste

The modern selection of toothpastes allows you to choose a product that will provide the most effective care and help you cope with existing oral problems.

Conventionally, all funds are divided into two categories:

  1. Hygienic – intended for regular use.
  2. Therapeutic and prophylactic, which should be used only as prescribed by the dentist.

To understand how to take care of your teeth correctly, you need to choose the right toothpaste that will have a hygienic and preventive effect:

  1. Anti-inflammatory– reduce gum bleeding, relieve inflammation and irritation of the mucous membrane. Active components Antiseptics, enzymes, and plant extracts are used.
  2. Anti-caries have in their composition high content calcium or fluoride. Correct selection will help avoid demineralization of enamel and reduce the risk of developing caries.
  3. Sensitivity reducing agents due to the presence of analgesic agents and minerals.
  • Complex suitable for daily use and contain remineralizing substances, anti-inflammatory components and abrasives.
  • Children's must not contain fluorine, preservatives, chemical additives or aggressive dyes. Pastes for children younger age must not contain abrasives that could damage the soft layer baby tooth. When choosing, it is important to observe age restrictions:
  1. Up to 4 years of age use pastes for gentle cleansing, RDA no more than 20 units.
  2. From 4 to 8 years old, use a product with deodorizing components, RDA does not exceed 50 units.
  3. From 8 to 14 years old, use a complex paste or one prescribed by a dentist.

It is worth noting that children need to be taught to take care of the oral cavity from an early age. Parents are required to tell by example show how to care for your teeth at home. This is the only way to work out good habit, which will help avoid numerous health problems and provide the child with a beautiful smile.

Prevention at home

Tongue cleaning

In order to get into the dentist's chair as little as possible and maintain dental health for as long as possible, it is important to take preventative measures.

When cleaning, do not forget about your tongue, on the surface of which many bacteria accumulate. It is best to clean your tongue before going to bed with a separate toothbrush or a special spoon.

The basic rule for preventing oral diseases is healthy image life. Quitting smoking, moderate consumption of coffee and strong tea will relieve problems such as darkening of enamel, inflammation and caries.

An important point is balanced diet which fills the body useful microelements and vitamins. To prevent oral diseases, it is recommended to include foods such as fresh carrots, seasonal salad, sorrel, lingonberries, currants, firm apples.

To reduce the risk of developing periodontal disease and caries, you need to eat more greens: parsley, dill, cilantro, green onions and dandelion leaves. These plants are sources of vitamins and active substances.

Fresh lemons are extremely beneficial as they remove tartar and are a source of vitamin C.

Regular oral hygiene best prevention dental diseases

Every person's diet should contain solid fruits and vegetables, which contribute to the natural cleansing of enamel.

As for chewing gum, it is useful only after eating and only in the first 20 minutes. Prolonged and monotonous chewing can lead to poor circulation and congestion.

Many people ask the question: “How to properly care for your teeth and maintain the beauty of your smile.” long years?. In fact, there is nothing complicated, it is enough to follow the rules of oral hygiene, use effective devices to remove plaque and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Regular visits to the dentist are a must, even in the absence of any complaints.

Dental care - part daily hygiene. Today there are many methods for cleaning teeth from plaque. There are also universal rules for brushing your teeth. Oral care is all about removing all plaque and food debris. After such cleaning, touching your teeth is a pleasure.

Basic rules for brushing your teeth

    Caring for your teeth at home requires caution. First, we brush the teeth from the outer surface. Next, we use a manual brush to make sweeping movements. This is the only way to achieve complete cleansing. Main principle- move from the gum to the tip of the tooth: from top to bottom upper teeth and from bottom to top - on the lower ones. Open your mouth so as not to push bacteria away from upper teeth to the bottom! Using electric brush just move it slowly from tooth to tooth, letting you do all the work.

    After cleaning the outer surface of the teeth, we move on to the inner surface. To clean the inside of your front teeth, hold the brush vertically and move the tip of the brush in an up and down motion.

    Getting to the back teeth is important. Open your mouth slightly, then the cheek muscles will relax and allow the brush to clean hard-to-reach places.

    We finish cleaning by brushing along the chewing surfaces of the teeth.

It will be easier to thoroughly clean the oral cavity of plaque if the brush fits comfortably in your hand, the length of the bristles and the size of the brush head are suitable for you. offers a large selection of manual and electric brushes with different sized bristles, shapes and head angles for complete cleansing all surfaces of teeth and complete care.
In addition, there are mobile applications, where you can see how to take care of your teeth.


Brushing your teeth is not complete if you don’t clean the space between your teeth. Even a perfect brush can't do this, so if you want to expand your knowledge of oral hygiene, use dental floss. Choose it according to your teeth and your needs. Ask your dentist to show you how to care for your teeth using dental floss.

General principles:

  • Wind a thread 35-40 cm long around the upper phalanges index fingers and press it with your thumbs.
  • Carefully and slowly, so as not to injure the gums, insert the floss into the space between the teeth.
  • Make several sweeping movements along the wall of each tooth.
  • Carefully remove the dental floss. Do not tug or pull too hard.

Dental care

A few more life hacks on how to properly care for your teeth. Do not squeeze out a lot of paste - a pea-sized amount is enough. After you have brushed your teeth, be sure to wash your brush with soap and put it in a cup to dry, head up - no cases! The brush must dry so as not to become a breeding ground for fungus and bacteria. Spend 2-3 minutes on each cleaning. In total, it takes up to 6 minutes a day. Not much for a radiant smile, a feeling of freshness and healthy teeth!

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To prevent the occurrence of pain or the development of diseases in the oral cavity, you need to know how to properly care for your teeth. In our article we will look at the basic rules of care and provide recommendations from experts.

After reading our article, you will be able to better take care of your mouth and teeth, which will allow you to avoid expensive treatment.

To brush your teeth efficiently, you should remember the following points.

Comprehensive care

A toothbrush, no matter how long and carefully you brush your teeth with it, will not be able to reach all corners. It is especially difficult to get to the space between the teeth, where food usually accumulates, which ultimately leads to the appearance of bacteria, plaque, which can lead to the development of caries.

Therefore, in addition to a toothbrush, you need to use floss and various rinses.

Updating "tools"

If the shelf life of mouthwash and dental floss can be up to three years, then the toothbrush must be changed every three months.

High price is not a guarantee of quality

Don't rely too much on expensive means- rely on your experience and recommendations of your doctor.

Thoroughness and regularity

Brush your teeth twice a day for at least three minutes.

Visit doctor

Don’t forget - to avoid consequences and serious treatment, be sure to visit your dentist twice a year.

By following all these rules, you can minimize the risk of caries or other diseases.

What oral hygiene products to use

To effectively care for your teeth and mouth, you need to use a variety of products. Let's look at them all in detail, this will allow you to choose the ones that are most suitable for you.

These include:

  1. Brush.
  2. Paste.
  3. Dental floss.
  4. Rinse aids.

IN in rare cases can be used chewing gum.


This is the main element of care oral cavity, since it accounts for more than 90% of all dental cleaning procedures. Therefore, a lot depends on the choice. The selection criteria are as follows:

  1. Rigidity. Brushes come in medium hardness, soft and hard. Medium ones are best used for those with normal tooth sensitivity, soft ones are suitable for children or those with gum problems, but hard ones are best used for cleaning dentures.
  2. Type: electric or regular. The cost of an electric brush is higher, but the effect is much better. In addition, it is worth remembering that the brushes of such products should be changed every three months.


Dental floss - the only remedy, which can most effectively clean the space between teeth. Today there is a huge variety of such products, so you should choose based on the following criteria:

  1. It is advisable to buy flat products with lubricant, which will minimize injury to the gums, since lubricant will both reduce friction and have an antibacterial effect, which is important for the prevention of oral diseases.
  2. It is better to choose waxed ones, because they are easier and more comfortable to use, but there are also unwaxed ones, they are cheaper.
  3. Fluoridated floss is sold on sale, which will provide additional protection to tooth enamel. But such means must be used with the utmost caution, because a large number of fluoride may be harmful.
  4. Material. There are silk and synthetic threads. The latter are cheaper and therefore more popular; the main thing is to ensure that they do not contain allergens.

Pasta selection

It is important to monitor the composition of the pastes. For example, many believe that it is better to purchase toothpastes with fluoride, but they are only useful for the prevention of caries. If you already have problems with this or suffer from fluorosis, it is not advisable to use such products. There is no need to pay attention to cost, since the choice of paste depends on many factors, including the body’s predisposition to the components of the product.

Today, whitening pastes are very popular, but their use is not always effective and requires prior consultation.

Rinse aids

They are the most comprehensive of those listed, since they care not only for the teeth, but also for the entire oral cavity. There are several recommendations for choosing:

  1. Medicinal or prophylactic. The former affect a specific problem, for example, bleeding gums, while the latter provide comprehensive care.
  2. Compound. It is important to ensure that the composition does not contain allergens.

To increase the effectiveness of rinses, it is better to purchase them according to the toothpaste.

Step-by-step algorithm for dental care

To take care of your teeth as effectively as possible, you need to carry out all activities consistently and regularly. General scheme as follows:

  1. Try to brush your teeth thoroughly from all sides, and you need to move the brush from bottom to top, after which you can proceed to the chewing surface of the teeth.
  2. Press the “tool”, but do not press too hard so as not to harm your gums.
  3. Don't forget to clean your tongue, since this is where the largest number of bacteria accumulate. To clean the tongue, the reverse (ridged) surface of the brush is usually used. Just gently run it from the root of your tongue to the tip. But it is best to purchase a special scraper that is also suitable for cleaning cheeks.

After this, rinse your mouth thoroughly with water, after which you can proceed to the next step - cleaning the space between the teeth, for which you should use dental floss. The instructions are as follows:

  1. Take a piece of thread about 20 cm long and wrap it around your fingers.
  2. Pull between the teeth, gradually lowering the floss.
  3. Repeat the procedure for each gap: work on the front teeth first, then move to the back teeth.

To avoid transferring bacteria, use a fresh piece of floss for each new area.

The last step is rinsing your teeth. Just put a tablespoon of the product in your mouth and rinse your mouth thoroughly with it, this takes about 1-2 minutes. On average, brushing your teeth, once you get used to this pattern, will not take you more than 8 minutes.

After tooth extraction, it is very important not to damage the wound that appears in the mouth, so cleaning should be done carefully, but it is better to avoid flossing during the healing period. It is also recommended to rinse with chamomile infusion.

It’s worth immediately dispelling one well-known myth - many, for some reason, believe that you don’t have to take care of your baby teeth, they say, they will fall out anyway. However, the lack proper care will lead to serious problems with molars.

Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the oral cavity from the moment the first teeth appear, and all activities must be carried out as carefully as possible. Follow these tips:

  1. The first brush you need to buy is as soft as possible, with little bristles.
  2. Watch the composition: the packaging should contain information about the possibility of using the brush at a certain age.
  3. Children's toothpastes must be organic - they must not contain chemicals or allergens.
  4. It is not advisable to use products with high content fluoride as it may interfere with tooth development.

In addition, you should definitely get advice from a specialist on choosing a toothpaste and brush. Also encourage your child to visit the doctor regularly.

When changing teeth, you need to monitor the quality of food and water - it is best not to give foods rich in fluoride. And when all the teeth are replaced with permanent ones, you can use the same means as for adults.

To prevent unpleasant diseases, you need to know how to properly care for your teeth and oral cavity. In the article we will provide you with a large amount of information on this matter, we will share useful recommendations and hygiene rules.

After reading the tips in this publication, you will take better care of your teeth, which will help you avoid problems with them in the future.

Five basic rules

For correct and effective cleaning teeth must strictly adhere to the following:

  1. Comprehensive care – Toothbrush, no matter how carefully you apply it, it will not be able to reach all corners of the mouth, especially the space between the teeth, where plaque will constantly accumulate and harmful bacteria, which over time will lead to the appearance of caries and other diseases. Therefore, also mouth rinses.
  2. We update the arsenal - if dental floss and rinses do not require updating (the latter only deteriorate when their expiration date expires), then the brush must be changed every 3 months.
  3. Expensive, not always of high quality - you should not rely on the most expensive products, the recommendations of the dentist and yours will be more important personal experience. Of course, sometimes you have to pay a high price for a good result, but not always (this is not the most important factor).
  4. Regularity and thoroughness - the procedures should be repeated twice a day (the cleaning process should last from 3 minutes): after the morning meal and before going to bed.
  5. Visit the dentist – we visit a specialist preferably 2 times a year.

Only comprehensive implementation of three basic rules will effective means prevention. Otherwise it won't work desired results, and the resources spent will not protect against tooth loss.

Oral hygiene products

To effectively care for your teeth and mouth, use whole line means:

  • brush;
  • paste;
  • a thread;
  • rinse aid;
  • Sometimes you can resort to chewing gum.


A toothbrush, although not perfect, is the main element of care; it accounts for about 90% of all teeth cleaning work. Therefore, its choice is one of the most important stages.


  • toothbrush hardness - there are three types: medium, soft and hard. The latter are suitable for cleaning dentures, the middle ones are suitable for people with normal sensitivity teeth, and soft ones - for children and those with sensitive teeth or problem gums;
  • electric or conventional - the cost of an electric brush is higher, but the cleaning effect is more noticeable. Do not forget that the attachments for them need to be changed once every 3 months. The power source for them can be either batteries or an accumulator.

Dental floss

Floss is an integral part of comprehensive oral care, since it is the only remedy that can effectively clean the interdental space (there are others, but they are noticeably more expensive).

Now there are a lot of dental floss on the market and you should choose them according to certain criteria:

  • We recommend choosing flat threads with lubricant to avoid injury to the gums - lubricant not only reduces friction, but also has antibacterial effect, which is very effective for the prevention of dental diseases;
  • waxed or unwaxed – the former are better for beginners, they are more durable and easier to use;
  • the threads can be fluoridated - this should provide the teeth with additional protection from diseases. But they must be used carefully and after consulting a dentist, since excessive amounts of fluoride can seriously harm your teeth;
  • synthetic or silk - in most cases, flosses are made from synthetic materials, more expensive ones are made from silk. If you choose the first option, be sure to make sure that the composition does not contain allergens (information is available on the packaging).


  • watch for the presence of fluoride - it is served as very useful element toothpaste and this is true, but only in certain cases, for example, for the prevention of caries. If you already suffer from this disease or have (an excess of fluoride in the body, as a result of which the teeth become covered with characteristic stains), then you this remedy contraindicated;
  • the most expensive pastes do not guarantee the most positive effect - it depends on a combination of factors, including the body’s predisposition to a particular product or its components;
  • Whitening pastes do not always bring the desired effect, and when choosing one, it is better to consult a dentist.

It is best to opt for a complex paste or a therapeutic and prophylactic one.

Rinse aids

Rinse aids are the most complex means of all of the above, since their effect extends not only to the teeth, but also to the entire oral cavity. Nuances of choice:

  • preventive or therapeutic - the former provide comprehensive care for your mouth, while the latter act on a specific problem (for example, bleeding gums) and can only be used after a dental consultation;
  • the composition of the rinse aid - make sure that it does not contain allergens. All necessary information can be found on the package or ask a specialist about it;
  • select a rinse in accordance with the toothpastes you already use - in this case, the effect of their use will be much higher.

How to properly care for your teeth? Step-by-step instruction

To effectively care for your oral cavity, you should do it consistently and constantly. It is recommended to have a clear algorithm of actions:

  1. We brush our teeth equally thoroughly both from the outside and from the inside, the brush should move from bottom to top (from the gums to the end of the tooth). After this, you can clean the chewing surface of your teeth.
  2. You need to press on the brush, but do not apply too much force - this can cause harm (especially in the case of sensitive teeth or gums).
  3. The next step is to clean your tongue, since this is where a large number of harmful bacteria accumulate. You can care for your tongue with a regular toothbrush, usually with reverse side There is a special ribbed surface. Use not too firm movements to move from the root to the tip of the tongue. Important! If possible, it is recommended to use by special means(eg tongue scraper). In the same way you can clean inner side cheeks
  1. After these procedures, you need to rinse your mouth thoroughly. clean water and proceed to the next stage - cleaning the interdental space from plaque using dental floss:
    – take floss (a 20-25 cm piece), wrap it around index fingers both hands;
    – begin to pull the floss between the teeth, gradually lowering it;
    – repeat the procedure for each tooth gap: first the front teeth, then slowly move towards the back teeth. Use a new section of floss for each new tooth joint, otherwise you may spread infection from the diseased area of ​​your mouth to the healthy area.
  2. The last step is to use a mouthwash, a small amount of which (1 tablespoon) should be put into your mouth. Then thoroughly rinse each area of ​​your mouth with it (about 2 minutes).

These steps should be performed twice a day: in the morning (after breakfast) and in the evening (before bed).

At first glance, such a thorough cleaning of the oral cavity will require too much time, but after some time you will adapt and the procedure will take no more than 7-8 minutes.

Video: choosing pasta in the “Live Healthy” program with Elena Malysheva

Features of care for children

The first step is to debunk the myth that there is no need to care for a child’s baby teeth. Absence preventive measures will lead to serious problems with permanent teeth, and visits to the dentist are like this early age They do not promise anything pleasant either for the child or for the parents.

Therefore, it is worth starting care from the moment the first teeth appear; this must be done carefully and gradually, but regularly.

  • the first brush should be soft and have a small cleaning surface;
  • it is very important to monitor its composition: look for a note on the packaging regarding the possibility of its use by children indicating the age;
  • baby toothpaste must be as organic as possible, but it is necessary to monitor the presence of allergens in its composition;
  • pastes with increased content fluoride - can lead to disruption of the development of both milk and permanent teeth;
  • You should definitely consult a pediatrician and dentist - this will not only give you the opportunity to get recommendations on the choice of children's hygiene products, but will also accustom your child to regular medical examinations.

At the time of changing milk teeth, in addition to the oral care described above, it is necessary to monitor the quality of its drinking water and food, if it contains too much fluoride, its dosage should be reduced, and vice versa.

After the final change of teeth, you can use the same products and in the same order to clean your mouth as for adults.

Want to make sure you're taking proper care of your teeth? Maintaining oral health is indeed very important, as dental problems can cause such Negative consequences that you can't even imagine!

If you really don't take care of your teeth, then very soon you will have holes, sore gums, and be in really, really pain. You will find it difficult to eat. You will stop smiling. This article will help you!


Brush your teeth

    Brush your teeth thoroughly for two minutes, twice a day. You must clean them from all sides and do not forget about the tongue. Ask your dentist to show you how it's done. It is best to brush your teeth before going to bed, since during sleep the oral cavity does not have such good protection from saliva as during the day. If possible, brush your teeth after lunch as well. This will reduce the damage caused by byproducts and toxins.

    • Each tooth has 5 sides, but you can only reach three with a brush. On the other two sides, between the teeth, occurs greatest number destruction and disease, not to mention unpleasant smell. To clean these sides, you will need dental floss or a mini brush for the spaces between your teeth. Gum inflammation is associated with life-threatening diseases such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, premature birth and having low birth weight babies.
  1. For the first two minutes of brushing, use a dry brush. It is not toothpaste that cleans teeth, but the mechanical movement of the bristles during physical contact with the tooth surface, which removes plaque (a living film of microorganisms causing diseases). You can brush your teeth very well with a dry brush and rinse with water (although this will not give your teeth any fluoride).

    Brush below the gum line; it is very important. After two minutes you can apply toothpaste and take advantage of its fluoride, whitening, stain removal benefits as it will be applied to an already thoroughly cleaned surface.

Use dental floss

Use mouthwash

Choose your diet wisely

    Try not to snack constantly. This can lead to plaque buildup, which causes tooth decay.

    Avoid sweet and/or sticky foods. Sugar feeds bacteria in the mouth, which then release substances that erode tooth enamel.

    • Eat plenty of vegetables and drink water instead of lemonade or juice.
  1. Remember that fruit juices are high in acid and natural sugar. Minimize their consumption and try to drink them during meals when you are salivating heavily.

    Try eating fewer seeds. This causes cracks in the enamel.

Visit the dentist

  • After a particularly sweet drink, rinse your mouth with water or milk; this will help get rid of harmful acids.
  • Get into the habit of drinking through a straw, as this will keep your teeth free of the (possibly sweet) drink.
  • Change your toothbrush every three months.
  • Use mouthwash according to label directions. Read the instructions carefully before using the product.
  • Don't forget to clean back tongue and palate.
  • Use mouthwash after brushing.
  • Drink milk as it contains a lot of calcium. Calcium strengthens bones and teeth.
  • You don't need a lot of toothpaste to clean your teeth. Squeeze about a pea-sized amount onto the brush.
  • Point the brush toward the gum line and brush your teeth inside and out using small, circular motions.
  • Brush the tops of your teeth (the chewing surface) with straight strokes.


  • Try not to use toothpicks. They lead to gum disease.
  • Do not swallow mouthwash or toothpaste. After brushing your teeth, spit out the toothpaste and rinse your mouth thoroughly with water.
  • Don't bite objects (nails). This can cause tiny cracks in your teeth.
  • Avoid tearing the threads with your teeth, as this will eventually increase tooth sensitivity.
  • Don't constantly chew gum. This can lead to joint problems and tooth decay.
  • Do not brush your teeth immediately after a large meal. Wait half an hour. Otherwise, you may damage the enamel.
  • Some toothpastes are not recommended for daily use; check your toothpaste label for more details.
  • Do not overdo it. Don't brush and floss too aggressively. This can cause gums to recede.
  • Do not use a brush with stiff bristles as it will scratch the enamel.
  • Do not take medications not prescribed by your dentist. Some medications can cause gum irritation and inflammation.

What you will need

  • Toothpaste
  • A good toothbrush, electric or manual, with soft bristles
  • Dental floss
  • Tongue scraper (you can use a toothbrush)
  • Sugar-free gum (for use during and after meals), you can even use whitening gum
  • Mouthwash (this can help restore enamel). If you have weak enamel, use toothpaste to strengthen it
  • Toothpicks

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