How to choose quality vitamins for skin, hair and nails. What vitamins are necessary for hair, skin and nails

Girls at any age want to have healthy hair and nails. It is for this reason that girls try to find the best vitamins to solve any problems. What vitamins are needed for growth, strengthening hair and nails, as well as nourishing the scalp?

Delving deeper into human physiology, we will understand that nails and hair are made of elastic keratin. This is why nails and hair need the same vitamins.

In specialized clinics, doctors diagnose vitamin deficiency after carefully examining the appearance of nails and hair. And what changes are responsible for what?

  • The fragility of the nail plate, as well as curls, indicates a lack of calcium in the body;
  • The formation of white spots on the nail plate indicates a malfunction in the body;
  • Dull hair and the formation of dandruff on the scalp indicate a lack of B vitamins.

The lack of vitamins affects, first of all, the curls and nail plates. This is why it is extremely important to monitor the foods you eat, because... they must contain all the required amount of vitamins.

If the body lacks microelements, then they should be replenished by taking special vitamins designed for hair growth and strengthening nails, as well as for nourishing the scalp.

Essential microelements

What elements are necessary for normal hair growth, as well as strengthening nails?

Problems associated with poor hair growth and brittle nails are usually caused by a lack of vitamin A in the body. A person should consume 1 mg of vitamin A per day. Of course, this dose should be obtained daily from foods rich in this element. Pork is especially useful, as well as beef liver. It should be eaten at least 100 grams per day.

However, not only curls and nails need additional nutrition, but also the scalp. This is why the body needs element E. By nourishing the scalp, it helps restore blood circulation and prevent brittle nails. The results of taking vitamins will not be visible immediately, so you will have to be patient and make sure that the required daily dosage of elements is always present in the body. Daily dosage is 10 mg. This vitamin is found in butter and vegetable oils.

If the body lacks elements Group C, then this, first of all, is reflected in the nails, which begin to peel. The curls also suffer: they simply fall out. Vitamins of group C are involved in blood circulation and strengthen follicles. Daily dose vitamin should be 90 mg. They are found in peppers, mushrooms, oranges, rose hips, and cabbage.

A woman's external image depends on her health. Dryness, acne, brittle, brittle nails, split ends - these are alarming symptoms. Expensive cosmetical tools often do not justify themselves by eliminating visible shortcomings. So what vitamins are good for the skin of the face, hair and nails?

Negative factors

To solve the problem, it is necessary to evaluate lifestyle and identify the source of disturbances. Probable factors:

  • Negative impact of environmental conditions;
  • Weather influence;
  • Stress or fatigue;
  • Use of medications, especially antibiotics;
  • Diet or not proper nutrition, predominance in the diet fatty foods, spices, smoked meats;
  • Smoking;
  • Alcoholism;
  • Avitaminosis.

The last factor is a deficiency of vitamins in the food consumed. This organic matter, necessary as one of the components of the diet. They are the ones that are useful for beautiful woman. Deficiency can lead to unhealthy skin color, early aging, soreness. To eliminate the consequences, it is necessary to bring the level of useful elements to normal.

Vitamin Review

Ascorbic acid (C)

Participates in synthesis collagen fibers, thereby providing elasticity while maintaining the structure of the epidermis. If there is a deficiency, the skin becomes painful, loses its elasticity, the complexion becomes dull, and pigment spots appear. Use:

  • grapefruits,
  • kiwi,
  • citrus,
  • Bulgarian pepper,
  • strawberries

Strengthens blood vessels. Due to its wound-healing properties, it is used in the treatment of acne, inflammation, and pustules. The effect of the acid is enhanced by interaction with tocopherol.

Retinol (A)

Protects the epidermis and mucous membranes from aggressive action external environment. With a deficiency, the integument becomes flabby, peels, and inflammation and spots may appear. Products containing the element:

  • liver,
  • eggs,
  • carrot,
  • bell pepper,
  • pumpkin,
  • tomato,
  • dried apricots,
  • citrus,
  • greenery.

Cups inflammatory processes, regulates fat production sebaceous glands, helps eliminate greasy shine. Used in the treatment of acne, acne, psoriasis and skin irritation. It is able to actively moisturize thinned skin, give energy and tone, and make it beautiful. It stimulates collagen production and regeneration of damaged epidermis. It also effectively eliminates the problem of age spots.

Riboflavin (B2)

Accelerates metabolic processes, helping cells become saturated with oxygen. Insufficient levels of riboflavin can lead to dermatitis, cracked lips, and stickiness in the corners of the mouth. Products containing B2:

  • eggs,
  • meat,
  • offal,
  • yeast.

With a sufficient level of riboflavin in the body, the complexion is natural and healthy, there are no rashes.

Biotin (B7/H)

Biotin is an element that restores the epidermis and promotes hair and nail growth. It activates cell restoration and helps maintain a youthful face. With a deficiency, the skin turns pale, becomes dry, peeling occurs, wounds appear, and hair falls out. Foods containing B7:

  • eggs,
  • bread,
  • cereals,
  • bananas.

Niacin (PP)

Participant in the process of enzyme synthesis. If there is a deficiency, the skin becomes pale and dry, and the lips take on a blue tint. PP element is contained in the following products:

  • cereal,
  • bran bread,
  • dried mushrooms,
  • legumes,
  • garlic,
  • cabbage,
  • Bell pepper,
  • potato,
  • asparagus.

The PP element in sufficient quantities gives the face a healthy and natural color and protects from external influences.

Folic acid (B9)

Activates the restoration of the epidermis, protects blood vessels from destruction. If B9 is not enough, the hair falls out, becomes brittle and dull. Folic acid contained in products:

  • spinach,
  • citrus,
  • asparagus,
  • strawberry,
  • melon,
  • eggs,
  • liver.

The acid performs protective functions, preventing UV radiation from penetrating the epidermis. It helps get rid of acne.

Tocopherol (E)

– an antioxidant that slows down aging and stabilizes processes inside cells. With a deficiency of tocopherol, the hair becomes dull, and the integument becomes ugly and rough, acquiring an unhealthy shade. Products containing this element:

  • nuts,
  • beans,
  • rose hip,
  • vegetable oils,
  • Brussels sprouts.

Tocopherol is found in shampoos, creams and serums. Tocopherol can also be purchased in capsules and added to your daily night care routine for the face and neck. It is able to penetrate the epidermis through the pores and regenerate cells. Women with dryness problems skin The tocopherol will help hydrate them and maintain that moisture level. To those women who oily skin, this element will help normalize metabolism, thereby improving the texture and relief of the face.

Tocopherol is one of the most effective means in the fight against age spots, pimples, comedones and old scars. Tocopherol is effective in lightening the skin. And with regular facial or body massage using this vitamin, you will get rid of facial wrinkles and stretch marks. Tocopherol is also a barrier against the penetration of UV rays.

Thiamine (B1)

Thiamine is used by doctors to treat dermatological diseases caused by nervous disorders: dermatitis, itching, pyoderma, psoriasis and eczema. In cosmetology it is used in the fight against primary signs fading: wrinkles, double chin, oval distortion.

Pantothenic acid (B5)

This acid is necessary for women with a combination type, as it has drying properties. It smoothes out facial wrinkles and adds elasticity.

Pyridoxine (B6)

Pyridoxine is prescribed by dermatologists for the treatment of any dermatological diseases.

Cyanocobalamin (B12)

Cyanocobalamin helps intracellular regeneration processes. Renewal of the epidermis improves complexion, smoothes the texture, and eliminates swelling.

Cholecalciferol, ergocalciferol (D)

Cholecalciferol helps slow down the aging process at the cellular level and maintains overall tone.

Phylloquinone (K)

Phylloquinone is effective against age spots and freckles. It has a whitening effect. In addition, phylloquinone eliminates swelling and relieves inflammatory processes.

A woman’s body is not able to produce and accumulate all these substances, but they must be supplied daily. All necessary elements For perfection, you can get it with a multivitamin. The complex in tablets can be purchased and taken according to the attached instructions.

Multivitamin complexes

For multivitamins to be useful, you need to drink the complex regularly. They are indispensable if you need to resist vitamin deficiency and regularly maintain a healthy state of the body.

Before use, consultation with a specialist in the field of cosmetology or dermatology is necessary, depending on the problem. You should not drink a complex with individual vitamins, as this is fraught with hypervitaminosis. The complex should be taken in a course 2-3 times a year, especially between seasons. The best drugs are described in the table.

Name Compound Action
“Aevit” A, E The complex protects against exposure to UV rays, sudden changes in temperature and the occurrence of allergic reactions. Recommended for people who spend long periods of time outdoors. Helps the body during periods of weakened immunity, provides assistance in conditions of negative influence external factors. Prevents wrinkles, hair loss and thinning nails.
“Aekol” E, A, K Disinfects and restores local application. Used to treat wounds, scratches and cuts. It has a cosmetic effect, nourishes the epidermis, eliminates dry mucous membranes, improves the condition of nails and hair.
“VitaCharm” A, B5, B1, B2, B6, PP, calcium, magnesium, titanium and beeswax Prescribed for the treatment of dermatological diseases, rashes, dryness, irritation. Indications also include fragility and hair loss, thinning, splitting of nails.
“Revivona” A, E, D3, C, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, PP, N The elements are beneficial for the condition of the hair, nourishing it from the inside. Used in treatment acute form hypovitaminosis, which is accompanied by dermatitis, hair loss, thinning nails and interruptions in work internal systems body.
"Lady's Formula" Complex of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, burdock extract A complex designed to solve various problems: « Healthy hair and nails”, “Agingless skin”, “Enhanced formula for hair, skin and nails”.
“Alphabet Cosmetics” A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, D3, E, H, K1, PP, minerals, coenzyme Q10 A complex designed to maintain female beauty.
“Complivit Shine” C, E, PP, B5, B1, B2, B6, A, B9, H, B12, flavone glycosides Supportive drug in the treatment of dermatitis, hair problems, and splitting nails. Recommended for use in winter. Stimulates collagen production, cell renewal, creates a barrier against the negative effects of UV rays, and increases the body's resistance.
“Vitrum Beauty” A, E, D, C, B1, B5, B6, B9, B12, PP, H, plant extracts (tea, aloe, grapes, lemon, kelp, mint, ginger, nettle, anise, turmeric, horsetail, lavender, rosemary ), iodine, potassium, calcium, magnesium, bioflavonoids and antioxidants Complex for the treatment and elimination of the consequences of hypovitaminosis and vitamin deficiency, somatic diseases. Prescribed when dermatological diseases, during the recovery period after illness or injury. Suitable for young women, and for mature women there is the “Antioxidant”, “Beauty Lux” and “Beauty Elite” complex.
“Supradin” C, A, B6, B12, B9, E, coenzyme Q10 Prescribed to improve the quality of hair and the appearance of nails.
"Laura" E, C, hyaluronic acid The drug moisturizes the epidermis, stimulates collagen production, gives the face an even and healthy tone, a natural glow, and reduces the number of wrinkles.
“Perfectil” A, E, C, B5, B6, B12 Prevention of aging. Prescribed for dermatological problems, as well as to increase the level of protection against viruses and bacteria.
“Revidox” Plant extracts of grapes and pomegranate seeds Antioxidants are beneficial. They stop fading, make the complexion healthy, and increase elasticity.

Even if you take good ones complex preparations, it is important to remember that to maintain beauty for a long time, you need to adhere to healthy image life, eat healthy foods, fight bad habits.

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  • Every time you approach the mirror, it seems to you that old times will never return...

Taking special minerals and substances promotes a healthy appearance and beautiful hair. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to do this, because there are inexpensive vitamins for hair. Thanks to them, the hair becomes beautiful, healthy and strong. What vitamins are recommended for the beauty, volume, thickness and shine of curls, and which ones will stop hair loss?


Vitamins and microelements are important for hair. With their deficiency, the following processes occur: loss of natural shine, thinning, dryness and fragility, increased greasiness and dandruff. Strengthening vitamins for hair and nails can be water and fat soluble. If the components are soluble in water, then they must be absorbed into the body daily.

Fat-soluble microelements can accumulate, and therefore it is important to ensure that there is no excess, which negatively affects the condition of the skin and hair.

The condition of hair after childbirth, as well as during pregnancy, deteriorates greatly as a result of the fact that the fetus receives nutrition from the mother’s body. During lactation occurs partial baldness. In this case, it is important to take special multivitamins to restore health. After childbirth and taking antibiotics, hair becomes dull, brittle and dry. The lack of one or another component is quite reflected in the appearance. Therefore, during this period it is best to nourish the body useful components additionally.

Basic properties:

  • Vitamin PP – stimulates blood circulation and improves hair growth;
  • A – eliminates dry skin and curls, a natural shine appears;
  • D – strengthens the bulb, makes it dense and improves cell nutrition;
  • C – improves oxygen access to the bulbs and blood circulation;
  • E – nourishes cells, prevents baldness;
  • F – prevents the formation of dandruff;
  • H – enhances nutrition of the follicle, eliminates fragility.

Hair vitamins are also very necessary for children. Due to the speed of their growth, there is a shortage necessary components, which negatively affects appearance hair. That's why correct selection drugs is important.

How to use

Vitamins for hair and nails are taken orally with food. But there is another use case. External products help eliminate hair imperfections such as:

  • dull color;
  • split ends;
  • dry or oily scalp.

Cosmetologists recommend rubbing vitamins into the hair roots and allowing them to be absorbed as much as possible, as well as applying masks with vitamins. Eat special means, which are used only for the ends of the hair in case of split ends. In this case, washing your hair ends with applying such a substance.

It is important to remember that natural beneficial substancescan only be contained in food products, but not in medicines.

Therefore, it is necessary to eat properly. The diet should include vegetables, fruits, cereals and meat.

Bad habits (smoking and drinking alcohol) very quickly destroy the body’s beneficial substances, so it’s worth getting rid of them.

Effective drugs

Today, vitamin-containing products are so varied that choosing them becomes quite difficult. Some companies offer products for volume, to improve growth and shine, while others offer everything in combination. What cheap, yet effective vitamins should you pay attention to? First of all, you need to pay attention to the company and the quality of its products, and secondly, to the combination of useful components.

Inexpensive vitamins:

“Zincteral” – vitamins with zinc for hair.

Inexpensive hair vitamins (review)

Natural vitamins for hair should be given to children only after consultation with a pediatrician and special tests. Typically, many mothers prefer to use homemade recipes to saturate the body with useful substances. To do this, they increase the amount of vegetables and fruits in the child’s diet.

Only natural substances can have a positive effect on the condition of the hair and the entire body as a whole.

There are photos that clearly demonstrate how vitamins work for fine hair. They become stronger and healthier. With regular use, the curls become quite thick and elastic. Washing your hair with herbal decoctions also has beneficial effects. At the same time, the scalp remains moisturized and does not dry out. After a shower, it is recommended to dry your hair without using a hair dryer.

Professional skills: Chief physician medical center, practicing cosmetologist.

Brief biography and personal achievements: Teaching activities: teaching the subject “Social Medicine and Health Organization”, including for foreign (English-speaking) students, conducting consultations and pre-exam preparation.

Every woman dreams of healthy and beautiful curls. But in the conditions of modern ecology and stress, hair needs additional care and food. Get everything essential vitamins and microelements from products is quite difficult, here pharmacy vitamin complexes come to our aid.

Today the website about hair care will make its rating the best vitamins for hair based on popularity, effectiveness and reviews of the use of these complexes. So, are you ready?

What vitamins are good for hair?

In order to consciously approach the choice of the best vitamins for your hair, we suggest that you first figure out which nutrients they need it. So, the main vitamins that ensure the beauty and health of hair:

  • Vitamin A(retinol) will relieve your skin and hair from dryness and brittleness. To maintain this vitamin in the body, it should be included in daily diet fish, cottage cheese, egg yolk, carrots and liver.
  • B vitamins stimulate hair growth, fight hair loss and eliminate oiliness. The group is quite large, so there are a lot of sources. So, for example, B1 is found in buckwheat and oatmeal, wholemeal bread, green peas. B2 in large quantities contained in meat products, chicken eggs and almonds. Such important vitamins, like B5 and B6, you can get from peas, hazelnuts, cauliflower, meat and dairy products. Vitamin B12, which is responsible for hair growth, is found exclusively in animal products.
  • Vitamin C nourishes hair and also prevents hair loss. It can be obtained from fruits (especially citrus fruits).
  • Vitamin E is responsible for the condition of the scalp and gives the desired shine to your hair. Mainly found in products of plant origin.
  • Vitamin D especially relevant in winter. In summer, we get enough of this vitamin from direct sunlight.

Even if your diet is perfectly balanced, we often do not receive these vitamins in the required quantities. But this is the 21st century, medicine has stepped forward, and everyone has heard about vitamin complexes and dietary supplements. There are many on the market today various drugs, but are they all as good as the manufacturer claims?

Rating of vitamin complexes for hair

It is impossible to choose the “best” or “worst” vitamin complex, since everything depends on individual characteristics body. Some hair lacks shine and strength, others lack growth rate, and others simply need to let it fall out. Therefore, we present to your attention a rating of the best vitamins for hair with reviews of them.

Inneov "hair thickness"

Today it is one of the most effective means for hair restoration and growth.

It includes:

  • green tea and grape seed extract, which are powerful antioxidants;
  • zinc, necessary for the synthesis of hair keratin;
  • taurine, which fights damage to hair follicles.

The peculiarity of this drug is that it is designed for men and women separately. Vitamins and minerals are balanced in the best way for each organism.
Perhaps the main disadvantage is the duration of the course (3-6 months). If you haven’t seen results after the first month of taking it, don’t despair. After taking a course of the drug, the result will not be long in coming. Your hair will become stronger and thicker, “fuzz” will appear and you will see how much faster your hair begins to grow.

Marina, 40 years old:

It became clearly visible that new small hairs had grown out. After 2 months of taking it, there were even more such hairs. By the end of taking INNEOV, the condition of my hair had improved significantly. They stopped falling out, a healthy appearance appeared, the hair finally stopped splitting and began to grow quickly!

Yulia, 21 years old:

I'll share my review! After a month of taking the drug, I noticed that the amount of hair loss was halved. Thanks to the fact that it contains taurine and green tea extract, I feel much better and more energetic. And this is worth a lot!

Vitrum Beauty

One of the most popular and rated brands among domestic consumers. Vitamins are designed specifically for women, taking into account the needs female body. Vitrum Beauty not only eliminates brittleness and dullness of hair, but also helps to resist negative impacts environment, also strengthens the body’s immunity as a whole. Judging by the reviews, within a month the hair becomes less brittle and the skin becomes radiant.

Reviews of Vitrum Beauty for hair:

Oksana, 25 years old:

I started drinking Vitrum Beauty specifically for my hair. The effect shocked me! In about a month, my hair grew by 2.5 centimeters, something that had never been observed before. My hair usually grows quite slowly. The vitamins had an effect not only on my hair, but also on my nails, and I myself became more cheerful and lively...

Olga, 36 years old:

To be honest, I didn’t expect this. I never thought that they would help so quickly. Because of these vitamins, my hair became noticeably stronger and my nails stopped peeling!


The key to Pantovigar's success is the combination of various components:

  • Keratin is the basis of our hair.
  • Vitamin B1 restores hair structure.
  • Vitamin B 5 is needed for hair growth and strengthening.
  • Vitamin B 10 is responsible for hair color (gray hair) and its health.
  • L-cysteine ​​(L) promotes fast hair growth.

Together, these elements have a more precise effect than any other vitamin.

It should be said that this drug slightly different from those described earlier. Pantovigar is highly specialized and is aimed at restoring, preventing hair loss, as well as its growth.

The drug affects the condition of the hair from the inside, saturating and nourishing the cells, it stimulates growth and improves the structure of the hair. The course of treatment is quite long, 3-6 months, but the result exceeds expectations. Apparently that’s why it’s one of the first in the ranking of vitamins for hair loss.

The price of Pantovigar is a little scary. Many women are simply forced to look for cheaper analogues.

Olesya, 32 years old:

My nails have become stronger and do not flake, I noticed the effect after a couple of weeks of use. The hair showed an effect a little later, after about a month of use. My hair was slightly dry from constant dyeing, but now it is more pleasant to the touch and not so brittle.

Anastasia, 19 years old:

The first results appeared after a month of use, hair loss was very noticeably reduced. Another month later, an undercoat of new hairs appeared. My course lasted 6 months and the results are obvious. I would recommend this drug.


Alerana is Russian drug. It is in no way inferior to foreign ones, more expensive analogues, and the course of taking the drug is much shorter (1-3 months). Women who have tried Aleran vitamins notice that the result is visible after 10 days.

Dividing vitamins and minerals into daytime and nighttime ones allows you to more effectively combat problems. The daily portion contains to a greater extent minerals aimed at restoring and protecting the follicle.

Night contains B vitamins, as well as useful acids to stimulate hair growth.

Maria, 22 years old:

While taking these vitamins, I did not feel any discomfort. They actually promote hair growth. My hair is unrecognizable! Hair has become more voluminous and manageable...

Natalya, 46 years old:

The condition of my hair has changed beyond recognition, which makes me very happy. They are smooth, shiny, the ends have stopped splitting, and they are quite soft to the touch. Of course, we should thank not only vitamins for this, but they played a major role.


However, due to the fact that the drug has very complex composition, many women complain about side effects. Therefore, before taking these vitamins, you need to consult a specialist and carefully study the composition. Those who are satisfied with the drug will never exchange it for another.

Nastya, 21 years old:

There is something to praise the vitamins for - with them I grew my hair to a very decent length, it became thicker and, finally, I got rid of brittle nails. After two weeks of taking Perfectil, my hair stopped growing so much. Now I continue to grow my hair. I was very pleased with the vitamins. I will definitely recommend them, and with great pleasure!

Ksenia, 29 years old:

The main task that I set for the drug was completed one hundred percent!! I've been trying to grow my hair out for quite some time. So with Perfectil they really began to grow! I am very pleased with the condition of my hair, it is vibrant, shiny and flowing...

Merz Beauty

Special dragees Merz are a dietary supplement. Thanks to balanced composition, the drug not only improves the condition of hair and skin, but also replenishes useful substances in the body as a whole. Unlike medicines, Merz Beauty is allowed and even recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

For nursing mothers, this is a real panacea for hair loss. However, Special Merz dragees should be used with caution and not exceed the dose prescribed according to the instructions, so as not to cause an overdose. Also should not be used with other multivitamins.

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