How to get sick with something serious. How to get sick quickly is a pressing question for many

catch a cold? how to catch a cold.


Nikita Stepanov

1) eat a lot of ice cream OUTSIDE or drink a lot of cold drink. Don’t go home right away, but in an hour or two.

2) go fuck yourself with cold beer. The next morning a sore throat is guaranteed

3)drink a carton of cold milk. verified (by chance)

4) Don't eat compatible products. Which ones, I don’t think it’s for me to tell, everyone has their own experience.

You can have something stale, like milk, sour cream or cottage cheese. If it's been well, the temperature will rise. You puke once and lie in bed, watch TV and eat rice porridge

5) An effective way is to get a flu shot. You'll get sick! Since the vaccine is a semi-live virus, but it acts in the body all the same, so fever, runny nose and the like are guaranteed! Many of my friends have been vaccinated, and now everyone is lying in bed. By the way, my friend also got vaccinated yesterday, the result was a stuffy nose today, 37.6C. will go on sick leave.

6) you can eat opiates. The temperature will rise and you will enjoy yourself at the same time

7) A drop of iodine on a piece of sugar and everything should be ok. If it's not enough, swallow more

8) 10 packs of large ice cream. 100% sore throat. checked, temperature 39.

9)Rub red pepper under your armpits (before visiting the doctor) and fly to his office. The temperature will really jump. .

10) Pickles + milk + tomatoes + milk... real slope...

11) Take ice, a glass (from where they drink vodka (small (like 50 ml))) Crushed the ice, but don’t melt it, like pieces of ice, but so that it’s swallowed at a time, pour 1/6 cold water into the glass, and pour in the ice. WE SWALLOW IT AT A TIME! Your teeth will hurt a little. The fact is that the ice does not have time to warm up and melts inside you. It releases cold there, or rather, it gives you a cold from the inside!

12) You take oil in a frying pan, heat it up, then drink it. Well, it doesn’t hurt much, but you can’t distinguish a chemical burn from a sore throat, and you have a fever and a red throat.

13) Buy Rondo or Hols, and breathe through your mouth through the window in winter. 10 minutes of continuous breathing can raise the temperature to 38.2, tested. The downside is that my throat hurts. On the plus side for 2 weeks, acute respiratory infections though =)

14) Fill a tub of hot water, a cupful at a time. Get into it in your socks, wait for 3-4 minutes, let your legs steam. Then get out, wring out your socks, put them on again, and blow on the common beam, the one that is not closed. Stay on the concrete checker for about 5 minutes and you’ll go to bed tomorrow. Verified!

15) Wind. It's cold\cool. The main thing is to work with your mouth. Very happy and serious. The air is cold to swallow. Half an hour or an hour and in the morning your throat is red.

16) cheap wine and then went to the doctor. total = increased pressure and temperature

17) Eat marshmallows and drink mineral water. Temperatures below 40 are guaranteed.

18)Drink tea with raspberries and immediately run outside. Stay there for half an hour, breathe in full breasts through the mouth of cold air. Go for a run to ensure you sweat even more. And most importantly, your feet should be cold. Naturally, you need to dress minimally.

When you get home, for a 100% chance, drink COLD MILK. And if you are not a terminator, then after this you will have big problems in the morning.

5 out of 5 people got sick this way.

19) There is another way: strip naked and run through tall thickets of nettles. I guarantee skin rashes and fever!

20) You can also drop 1 small drop of sugar on the cubes. a drop of iodine and eat it. Temperature for 1 day guaranteed! And if you're lucky, you'll get sick for 2

21) inhale salt into your throat and breathe through your open mouth through the window, you will have all the symptoms of bronchitis, but in fact there will be no illness

Grigory Ivanov

get drunk on snow, fall into an ice hole.

Queen Lu

Wash your hair and sit under the window.


go to bed without a blanket, at least for 2-3 hours


you don’t know how to recover...

Shall I sneeze you?

Evgenia Malyukova

wet your head and run barefoot in the snow in front of the house. At the very least, you are guaranteed a runny nose and a high temperature. At most, pneumonia. meningitis and other joys.

Denis Sychev

Go outside naked and you're guaranteed to catch a cold, but if you're serious, take something from the freezer and apply it to your chest and hold it for 5-10 minutes. Just be careful not to overdo it. And forget to close the window at night.

Dmitry Shemyakhin

This is not so fun. I recently caught laryngitis due to a cold and walked around in silence for 4 days.


Drink cold milk in one gulp. or better yet, think again why. who are you running from? from your fear. you will simply transfer the war in favor of your enemy... relax. You can't relax, the war is called life

mysterious nymph

take a cold shower, it might help you.

Well, you damn it. Why recommend this? It’s better to pretend to have a cold, for example, than to stick your wet head in the window as they advise you, otherwise you might actually regret it...

Better yet, don’t suffer from nonsense.

Volodka Rzheussky

I think you are already sick.


Some of the symptoms are alarming. If you don't have a fever, it would be a good idea to be examined by a specialist in head diseases. My daughter’s temperature rose from excitement on the day of the test. For about 4 hours she was really sick. Then within an hour she returned to normal. I don't know the training methods.


Every time I am surprised by people)))))

Yulia Ocheretenko

If you want to get sick yourself, then you are already sick.

Semyon Polikarpov

go outside naked for half an hour

Gleb Nikolaev

Why do you need to get sick?

So that parents would worry, they would run to the pharmacy and spend the money they need.

Sevastyanova Svetlana

Dip your feet into a basin of ice water and hold, CHECKED.

Didn't go to school for 5 days

Sofia Kushnir

Katyusha Ulyanova


Method 1: Sugar, refined sugar (or bread) for 1 piece one drop

Yoda. Temperature 37.7 and you feel just great. Just holding on

not long 1 day maximum.

Be careful: you can get poisoned, everyone’s body is different and

you can faint if your heart is weak

Method 2: Sit naked by an open window in winter and shout what’s in

Be careful: neighbors may complain)

Method 3: Buy Rondo or Hols and breathe through your mouth

window in winter. 10 minutes of continuous breathing can raise the temperature to 38.2, tested. The downside is that my throat hurts. On the plus side, for 2 weeks, acute respiratory infections, however.

Method 4: Pencil lead (not colored) lifts

temperature up to 37.5-38, but only for 3-4 hours.

Caution: possible choking or poisoning

Method 5: Just drink some cold milk and go for a walk

Method 6: we will need: Hair dryer 1 pc. Thermometer 2 pcs. Bulb

Warm your head with a hairdryer)

Method 7: We will need: Bath 1 pc. , Bucket 1 pc.

Approach your parent and complain about abdominal pain

(poisoned) and you're about to get sick. Having previously filled the bucket with water, you

run into the bathtub and gradually (as if in jerks), with the sounds of vomiting, pour water from the ladle into the bathtub and come out with a face as if you were forced to eat what we were given

Mission Complete. and you can sit like this for 2-3 days

Method 8: It may seem banal, but... rub your armpits

salt (or garlic and take the temperature - up to 39

Method 9: Take oil in a frying pan, heat it up, then drink it. Well, it doesn’t hurt much, but it’s chemical. There is no difference between a burn and a sore throat, and there is a fever and a red throat.

Be careful: you can seriously burn your insides. (some kind of sadistic method)

Method 10: Take ice and a glass. We crush the ice, but don’t melt it, like pieces of ice, pour 1/6 cold water into a glass, and pour

ice. WE SWALLOW IT AT A TIME! The fact is that ice is not

manages to warm up and melts inside you. Emitting cold there, or rather chilling you from the inside

*And so from me: Drink a lot cold water with ice*

How to get sick quickly. I want to get sick quickly



Refined sugar (or bread)

for 1 piece one drop of iodine.

You can feel the temperature 37.7

You feel just great (you don’t notice the temperature at all).

It just doesn't last long, 1 day max.

Be careful: you can get poisoned, everyone's body is different

and you can faint if your heart is weak

Sit naked by an open window in winter

and shout whatever comes into your head)

Be careful: neighbors may complain =)

Buy Rondo or Hols,

and breathe through your mouth through the window in winter.

10 minutes of continuous breathing can

increase the temperature to 38.2, verified.

The downside is that my throat hurts. On the plus side for 2 weeks, acute respiratory infections though =)

Pencil lead (not colored)

raises the temperature to 37.5-38, but only for 3-4 hours.

(tested on me personally) *__________*

Caution: possible choking or poisoning

Just drink some cold milk and go for a walk

We will need: Hair dryer 1 pc. Thermometer 2 pcs.

Take a thermometer and heat it on a light bulb until desired temperature) .

Warm your head with a hairdryer)

Approach the parent with a complaint about his throat and give him a thermometer.

A parent may say that your thermometer is faulty

and what needs to be tried on by others. Take another one))) well, you understand)

We will need: Bath 1 pc. , Bucket 1 pc.

Approach your parent and complain about stomach pain (poisoned),

and you're about to get sick. Having first filled the bucket with water,

you run into the bath and gradually (as if in jerks),

with the sounds of tashnilovka, pour the water from the ladle into the bath)

come out with a face like you were forced to eat something

what they give us at school.

Mission Complete. and you can sit like this for 2-7 days)

Let it seem boring

but rub your armpits with salt (or garlic). .

the simple one you eat. and take the temperature. .

it will jump up to 39 =)

Take oil in a frying pan and heat it up

then you drink. Well, it doesn’t hurt much, but it’s a chemical burn

Sore throat is indistinguishable and there is a fever and a red throat.

Be careful: you can seriously burn your insides

We take ice, a glass (where vodka comes from

drink (small (like 50 ml))) crush ice,

but we don’t melt it, like pieces of ice but so

swallowed at a time, pour 1/6 cold water into a glass,

and pour in ice. WE SWALLOW IT AT A TIME! Your teeth will hurt a little.

The fact is that the ice does not have time to warm up and melts inside you.

Emitting cold there, or rather chilling you from the inside

thermometer for half a minute into the battery

eat a pencil lead or add a drop of iodine to refined sugar

Spirit Of Vengeance

stick your head in the freezer. run around the house naked. go outside and run there. naked too: *****


getting sick is not a question, find someone infected with HIV))))) in 3 seconds)))) or ice water for 2 days in a row, but I don’t recommend it at all)))))) go and study

Andrey Kovalchuk

and then you don’t recover quickly, you suffer for more than a week.


lick the piece of iron in the cold. There's nothing more you want than to get better faster

Masha Lisyutina

People don't get sick from the cold; colds are caused not by cold, but by bacteria. Although, if you strong immunity, then even in a busy transport you will not get infected. I take the subway at rush hour every day, and I can’t even remember my last cold.

lisenish vampirenish

If you have already tried to get sick using methods of cooling the body, then you have hardened your body and will not get sick in the near future. All that remains is to simulate a cold by heating the thermometer under a lamp.

bringing boo

A friend advised me to sleep in a draft at night in winter. The required temperature is more than 25 degrees. Even the most seasoned organism cannot withstand this

Mila Kiseleva

All you have to do to catch a cold is take a shower. You can stand under cold water about 5 minutes continuously and you are guaranteed a cold the next morning. but to achieve a red throat, you should use another proven method.

You will need to purchase a pack of menthol candies strong action and eat them in one go, then immediately start breathing cold air. You can simply open the freezer if you got sick in the summer, and if it’s winter outside, then just open the window and quickly inhale the frosty air, to enhance the effect, wet your hair with cold water.

Diana Sergeenko

You can put a thermometer under your cat's tummy. Their body temperature is always higher than ours. Somewhere around 37.38. In the end, it won't harm you)

Georgy Kirichenko

10 tablets nicotinic acid you swallow it, then minutes later you go to the first aid station in different ways and complain about severe itching and rash. the nurse lets you go home and after 40 minutes you’re like a cucumber

Denis Last name

need to sit down in cold bath with zd sholim

Karina Dmitrievna

Wet your hat, pick an icicle and some thread from the freezer. Eat it on the street, and then walk around with a wet head and yell whatever you want

How can you get sick in one day at home?

Sometimes you really need not to go somewhere, to miss this or that event, but there is no reason for this. You can try to fake illness or even get really sick.

Feign illness or catch a cold, the choice is yours. The feigning option is naturally safer, but it has a shorter lasting effect, and if you need to be believed that you are actually sick, there is a danger that such a plan simply will not work.


Find something in your home that will make you sneeze. For example, it could be tobacco, geranium leaves, pepper. This should work. True, for a fairly short period of time. You can touch your eyes with something (mascara or just something caustic will do), because excessive tearing is the first sign of illness. You can rub the armpit area with salt; by the way, any warming ointment is also perfect for this. When you take your temperature, it will be high. Magnesium sulfate in the evening before bed will not allow you to be kicked out into the street in the morning, because if after such a drug in the morning you drink a glass of water, you are guaranteed to spend the entire day in the toilet.

In addition, you can increase your blood pressure. The first option is to drink more than two cups of coffee (but this doesn't work for everyone) or to flex your calves several times before checking your blood pressure.

There is a very popular way to get sick. Try putting a drop of iodine on sugar and eating it. This causes the temperature to rise. But if you have iodine deficiency in your body, this method will not work. This method is also not suitable for core patients, as it is too dangerous.

How to get really sick in one day

There is one hard way - heat the plastic and breathe over it. A dry cough and poisoning are guaranteed. Can be burned oral cavity very hot oil. A red throat in any case guarantees sick leave. Normal hypothermia can be managed by soaking your feet and socks in ice water. Put wet socks and shoes on your feet and feel free to go for a walk outside. There is no need to wear a scarf during such a walk.

In addition, you can go out hot into the cold and cool down thoroughly there. After training or running, for example. However, you run the risk of catching not only banal bronchitis, but also serious pneumonia. Beer with ice or ice cream with ice mineral water- more gentle, but no less effective means.

If you have a persistent desire to intentionally harm yourself different ways yourself, going to a psychiatrist is also an option to obtain a certificate of your illness. The last method, of course, is comic, but in every joke, as they say, there is some truth.

Ask any passerby: “What is more important to you: health or money?” Without a doubt, every adequate respondent will answer: “Of course, health!” After all, if a person is unhealthy, everything hurts, and not a single medicine helps, then the white world is not nice to him, and no money will help. Health is that state when you want to run, jump, sing at the top of your lungs, laugh heartily and dance.

Nevertheless, oddly enough, situations arise when it is completely healthy man wants to get sick: quickly and for a long time. Most often, this does not happen to adults, who realize the horror of the possibility of contracting some kind of illness. After all, the older a person becomes, the purer his consciousness.

Such a wild desire arises mainly among schoolchildren who various reasons don’t want to go to school: another test, tense relationships with classmates or teachers, or a primitive desire to sleep late. So, how can you get sick in 5 minutes? Here are some “bad” tips to help you avoid going to school.

Cold. Lasts a week or more

  • 1-2 glasses full fat milk Drink at icy temperature in small sips. Milk fat coats your throat, and soon you will feel a sore throat, and then a cough. For a guaranteed effect, drink milk immediately after taking it hot bath. Sore throat will be provided for you.
  • An alternative option is to go outside during the cold, windy season with wet head. The result is pneumonia or, even better, inflammation of the cerebral cortex under the cute name “meningitis”. The latter, by the way, can lead to death.
  • Eat ice cream in the cold air, then chew super mint gum, breathe deeply and intensely. Then repeat one more time. As a result, your throat will turn red and sore, and your temperature will rise.
  • Sleep all night in a draft with the window open. In the morning you will feel that the cold has overcome you.
  • Swim in an ice hole in winter.

Gastrointestinal “bullying”. Duration of the “sickness” day

How to get sick in 5 minutes? A few days of “easy life” on the toilet will provide you with:

  • Cheap and effective magnesium sulfate (magnesia), a tablespoon of which should be diluted in a glass of water. Prepare a drink, otherwise the taste of the “cocktail” is very disgusting.
  • Eat pickled cucumber or persimmon with a drink fresh milk, and more. Although the result depends on the condition of the body.
  • You can eat more expired, moldy and sour foods and get unpleasant stomach pains.

Thus, you can get problems not only for 1-2 days, but also for many years of life. It’s easy to get sick in 5 minutes, but it’s quite difficult to recover afterwards.

"Cruel Intentions" with pressure. Duration - several hours - 1 day

  • You can increase your blood pressure with 2-3 cups of very strong coffee.
  • You can downgrade special drugs, but without knowing the dose and effectiveness of the medicine, the pressure can drop to dangerous, critical levels.

Specific methods that cause the level of the thermometer scale to rise. Duration - several hours

How to get sick in 5 minutes pretending? There are ways to create the appearance of illness, use:

  • Eat a pencil lead. You shouldn't chew colored pencils.
  • Drop a few drops of iodine onto a piece of refined sugar or drink an iodine solution.
  • Set the plastic on fire, then breathe in the fumes that come from the melted material. In addition to the fact that the temperature will rise to 39 degrees, you will also be poisoned by gas.

There are, of course, many options for how to get sick in 5 minutes. You can break your arm or leg, or you can go into infectious diseases department the nearest hospital, walk around the wards and ask everyone who wants to cough and sneeze at you. And if you manage to become infected, rest assured that you have received this “gift”, most likely, for life!

Before you start injuring your not yet fully strengthened body, try the simulation option.

  • You need to lubricate your armpits with salt, garlic or “Star” balm. The temperature will rise to 38 degrees.
  • Tap the thermometer ( reverse side) on a hard surface (carefully so as not to break), thus “tapping” yourself to the desired temperature.
  • Place the thermometer on the battery, or heat your fingers on it very much, then pinch the thin part of the thermometer with hot fingers.
  • When you are about to measure your blood pressure with a tonometer, you need to tense your legs very hard for 20 seconds. Such actions will lead to an increase in the upper value to.
  • Use sneezing inducers: pepper, geranium leaves, Kalanchoe. To do this, just generously lubricate your nostrils with them.


Now you know how to get sick in 5 minutes, but do you need it? In any case, all of the above methods are dishonest treatment of others. Typically, people who use “harmful” advice are weak people who are afraid of difficulties. And how many more difficulties lie ahead throughout life! Therefore, it is better to start tempering now. Finish reading the article and sit down to do your homework! And may health be with you!

How to get sick quickly at home

I write about how to fake an illness or how to get really sick. I hope these tips will help you solve your problems and you will not try to cause a real illness. I hope you avoid these tips and never get sick.

How to get sick and not go to school

Symptoms of an illness are mainly signs of how the immune system is fighting infection. Typically, immunity is activated only 3-4 days after the infection enters the body. Therefore, if you want to get sick quickly at home, you are better off faking the illness.

How to get sick when your parents are at home so your mother will believe you

  1. Start simulating as early as possible. The longer you pretend, the sooner your parents will believe you.
    • It’s better to start complaining about feeling unwell (headache, stomach pain, bad feeling) the day before. The ideal time is after lunch. At the latest – 18:30
    • Only fake symptoms that you know. Have you been sick before? Have any of your relatives been sick recently? Just fake these symptoms
    • The first sign of a fever or cold is pink cheeks. Slap your palms on your cheeks or rub them
    • You should look tired, sad
  2. Stop doing what you love. This required condition! For example, if you refuse to play on the computer, your parents will immediately think that you are sick
    • Be sure to leave at least some food on your plate. Show that you have no appetite and will not eat even your favorite dish
    • Avoid meeting friends or going out
    • Avoid TV or computer games
    • Lie down, show that you are very tired
  3. Start doing homework, but don't finish. This will show that you really, really want to study, but you can’t because of your illness.
  4. Go to bed earlier than usual. This will greatly alarm parents and they will begin to worry.
    • Don't brush your teeth or get ready for bed, just go and go to bed
    • It will be best if you fall asleep dressed on the bed or right at the table
  5. Wake up in the middle of the night. Wake up your parents and tell them you don't feel well. Your stomach and head hurt.
    • Fake vomiting, at least a little. Go to the toilet and put two fingers in your mouth, close to your throat, to trigger the gag reflex.
    • Pull your lower eyelid firmly down and hold it in this position until tears appear in your eyes.
    • Don't forget to rub your face, especially your cheeks, to keep them red
    • You can fake a cough, but it's dangerous. If you are faking a cough, you need to do it very, very regularly, but not too much
  6. Don't stay up until the morning anymore. Then in the morning you will look sick - bags under the eyes, headache, sleepy, watery eyes
  7. Don't ask your parents to leave you at home until the last minute! Try to lead them to this idea. You need your parents to invite you to stay at home.

How to get sick in 5 minutes if your parents are at home and don't go to school

No known disease manifests itself so quickly, in five minutes. Therefore, it is better to feign injury rather than illness. Then your mother will be more likely to believe you and leave you at home and not let you go to school.

There are two types of injuries that are easier and simpler to simulate:

To fake a sprained ankle:

  1. Make sure your parents can't see you.
  2. Simulate a fall. Remember - your leg twisted, your foot went up and your lateral ligaments were stretched. Be sure to scream and fall to the floor.
  3. Remember - your ankle now hurts a lot. You can't stand on it and you can't walk at all.
  4. Every step you take should feel painful.
  5. Show your tears. Just pull the lower eyelid down strongly and hold it in this position - tears will appear.
  6. A mild sprain has no visual signs at all and the leg appears healthy. Stretching medium degree accompanied by redness. And only in severe cases does the leg swell. There is no need to feign a severe degree - it is treated by an orthopedic doctor. And the doctor will immediately determine that you are faking it.
  7. You may want to constantly rub your ankle until it becomes red. But just do it so that mom doesn’t see. After all, with a real sprain, the leg hurts very much, it is impossible to touch it.
  8. Be sure to limp very hard and do not step on the “injured leg.”
  9. Each movement should be accompanied by a slight groan, sob or other manifestation of pain.
  10. Show that you are really hurting by giving up some of your favorite things. For example, lie on the bed rather than sit at the computer. This will be the strongest argument for parents.

To simulate a headbutt you need to:

  1. Make sure your parents can't see you
  2. Pretend you fell or hit your head on the door
  3. Fall or squat on the floor
  4. cry
  5. You now constantly feel dizzy and have a headache
  6. Don't forget exactly where you "hit"
  7. Pretend vomiting or nausea
  8. Refuse food
  9. Lie down and do nothing. No computer or friends, otherwise my parents will understand everything
  10. Don't be afraid if you are taken to a doctor. Keep saying the same thing over and over again - you feel sore and dizzy, you feel nauseous and really want to lie down. Most likely, the doctor will tell you that you have slight concussion brain and you need to lie in bed for a couple of days

How to get sick overnight if your parents are at home

The easiest way is to stay awake all night until the morning. Then you will look clearly sick and sleepy man and you don't have to simulate anything. Even if your parents send you to school, immediately complain to the teacher that you are feeling unwell and ask to see a doctor/nurse. When the doctor looks at you, he will see strange symptoms and send you home. The doctor or nurse simply will not want to take responsibility.

How to get sick to get or go to the hospital

The easiest and safest way to go to the hospital is to give yourself severe diarrhea (diarrhea). Diarrhea is a symptom of many serious infectious diseases. But remember - diarrhea must be really strong, causeless and frequent. You have to tell everyone that you didn’t eat anything unusual, that the portion size was also normal, but now, out of the blue, you started to have a strong and frequent diarrhea. At the same time, do not forget to drink a lot of liquid. Otherwise, you will cause dehydration and harm yourself. serious injuries.

If despite severe diarrhea your parents send you to school, don't be afraid. It's even easier to fake diarrhea there. Ask the teacher to go to the toilet several times in a row. Complain about severe discomfort - you feel nauseous, your stomach hurts, you constantly want to go to the toilet. The teacher or school doctor will not want to take responsibility and will send you home or call an ambulance and send you to the hospital.

How to get sick in 1 hour - how to cause diarrhea or diarrhea:

  • Eat plenty of fiber-rich foods - fruits, vegetables, greens
  • Eat a lot of citrus fruits - tangerines, oranges, grapefruits
  • Eat a lot of prunes
  • Drink oil - olive, sunflower or flaxseed
  • Drink or eat as much as possible fermented milk products– yoghurts, kefir, fermented baked milk
  • Take a laxative, but don't overdo it

How to get sick with a fever, how to raise your body temperature

High temperature is considered the most reliable symptom of the disease, so it is best to imitate it.

How to get sick with a temperature of 38 - fake a high temperature

Take a towel and soak it in hot water. Place the towel on your forehead for 1 minute. Then show yourself to your parents and complain about your high temperature. Your forehead will turn slightly red and feel hot. Just remember to make sure your forehead is dry, otherwise they'll know you're cheating.

Simulate high body temperature

Under your shirt, wear things that do not allow heat to pass through. It could be:

  • Wool clothes
  • Nylon underwear
  • Thick silk linen

Go to bed with this under the blanket and lie there for about 30 minutes. Then you can go to your parents and complain about the high temperature.

How to get sick with a fever - eat foods that raise your temperature

The easiest way to raise your body temperature is by drinking or eating hot foods. It could be soup, tea, porridge. All types also increase the temperature hot pepper– chili, tabasco, jalapeno. Consume more spicy and hot foods and your body temperature will rise.

Body temperature depends on where you take it

  • Temperature in the mouth is one degree higher than in the armpit
  • The temperature in the rectum is two degrees higher than in the armpit

How to get really sick

How to lose your voice

  • Scream and sing for a long time. If you don't want to be heard, you can scream into your pillow. You can become hoarse faster if you play low notes and sing in a bass voice
  • Talk for a long time in a whisper. Whisper several times for 20 minutes, take breaks of about 5 minutes. After a few hours of such exercises, you will completely the voice will disappear. To whisper, you need to tighten the vocal cords, and this also leads to their tension. Just don't drink anything until you lose your voice.
  • Irritate vocal cords and you can also become hoarse if you gargle with something sour - orange juice, acetic acid solution or lemon juice. To avoid serious injury, pour no more than ¼ part vinegar or lemon juice into a glass.

How to catch a cold quickly without leaving home

The common cold is rhinitis, an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Colds are caused by microbes that already live on our mucous membranes, so you don’t need to be in contact with someone who is sick to catch a cold.

How to catch a cold for a week:

  1. Dress warmly and sit in a warm room
  2. Do not ventilate the room, try to keep the air as dry and warm as possible
  3. Don't drink any drinks, including water
  4. Stay at home, don't go out
  5. Move as little as possible
  6. Try to get as warm and sweaty as possible
  7. Get out into the cold air or take a cold shower
  8. Freeze well
  9. Lie down and do nothing

How to quickly get a sore throat

Sore throat is acute infection With local inflammation on the throat. It often begins after a cold, as a complication. The treatment is long, difficult and unpleasant. Therefore, you should not get a sore throat in order not to go to school.

To get a sore throat you need:

  • Don't brush your teeth
  • Do not treat dental caries or mouth wounds
  • Do not treat a runny nose in all its manifestations
  • Communicate closely with those who already have a sore throat

How to get ARVI

ARVI is an acute respiratory viral infection. This is the name of all diseases caused by a virus that affects the respiratory tract. Accordingly, the only way to get sick from ARVI is to catch the virus from someone who is already sick. Sometimes the virus is transmitted to humans from animals, so those who work with animals and do not wash their hands and do not follow hygiene rules often get sick.

To get ARVI you need:

  • Be in crowded places more often, especially on public transport
  • Do not wash your hands or observe other hygiene rules
  • Avoid close contact with sick people
  • Do not wear a gauze bandage
  • Sleep less and eat worse
  • Be in unventilated areas more often
  • Take as few vitamins as possible

How to get pneumonia

Pneumonia or pneumonia is a dangerous, fatal disease. In some cases, the patient may die in just a few days, even without severe symptoms. In pneumonia, the alveoli (the small organ in the lungs through which we breathe) fill with fluid and the person suffocates.

To get pneumonia you need:

  • Having a cold or ARVI
  • Don't cure a cold
  • Smoke as much as possible
  • Do not treat chronic diseases lungs

How to get chickenpox

Chickenpox or chicken pox is a viral disease. That's why the only way Getting chickenpox means catching the virus from someone who is already sick. Most people have been vaccinated (vaccinated) against chickenpox. Therefore, they cannot get sick, even if they come into very close contact with carriers of the virus. A person who has already had chickenpox once receives immunity from the virus. Therefore, it is almost impossible to get sick again.

To get chickenpox you need to:

  • Don't get vaccinated
  • Haven't had chickenpox before
  • Contact with sick people
  • Do not comply general rules hygiene

How to get anorexia

Anorexia is complete absence appetite. Most often it is mental disorder. Therefore, the easiest way to get anorexia is to go crazy. In other cases, loss of appetite is due to illness or external factors.

To get anorexia you need to:

  • Exposure to strong radioactive radiation
  • Get poisoned
  • Take drugs
  • Get sick with AIDS, tuberculosis, Crohn's disease, hepatitis or cancer
  • Do not eat foods containing zinc
  • Do not drink any liquid for a long time
  • Taking too much vitamin D

How to get otitis media

Otitis is severe inflammation ear, usually caused bacterial infection. May be accompanied by very severe pain. Treatment can be lengthy and unpleasant.

To get otitis you need:

  • Cough, sneeze, blow your nose and do not treat a cold
  • When coughing and sneezing, try to get mucus into the ear canal. For example, tightly covering your nose and mouth
  • Don't wash your hands
  • Don't wash your ears
  • Frequently scratch your ears with dirty hands

How to get sick? What not to do

Whatever the reason that arouses your interest in the disease, remember, it is always better to fake the disease rather than to be really sick. Under no circumstances do the following:

  1. Don't take medicine to make yourself sick. You could get the dose wrong and cause serious injury or death
  2. Don't hurt yourself. You can always fake an injury without experiencing real pain.
  3. Do not eat or drink spoiled foods. It’s easier to cause diarrhea by drinking a glass sunflower oil
  4. Do not eat or drink anything that is not intended for it. You may seriously injure yourself or cause severe poisoning. Then you will regret these actions for the rest of your life.

It's better to fake illness and never get sick for real.

Now you know what not to do to always be healthy

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Ask any passerby: “What is more important to you: health or money?” Without a doubt, every adequate respondent will answer: “Of course, health!” After all, if a person is unhealthy, everything hurts, and not a single medicine helps, then the white world is not nice to him, and no money will help. Health is that state when you want to run, jump, sing at the top of your lungs, laugh heartily and dance.

Nevertheless, oddly enough, situations arise when a completely healthy person wants to get sick: quickly and for a long time. Most often, this does not happen to adults, who realize the horror of the possibility of contracting some kind of illness. After all, the older a person becomes, the purer his consciousness.

This wild desire arises mainly among schoolchildren who, for various reasons, do not want to go to school: another test, tense relationships with classmates or teachers, or a primitive desire to sleep late.

So, how can you get sick in 5 minutes? Here are some “bad” tips to help you avoid going to school.

Cold. Lasts a week or more

  • Drink 1-2 glasses of full-fat milk at icy temperature in small sips. Milk fat coats your throat, and soon you will feel a sore throat, and then a cough. For guaranteed results, drink milk immediately after taking a hot bath. Sore throat will be provided for you.
  • An alternative option is to go outside in a cold, windy season with a wet head. The result is pneumonia or, even better, inflammation of the cerebral cortex under the cute name “meningitis”. The latter, by the way, can lead to death.
  • Eat ice cream in the cold air, then chew super mint gum, breathe deeply and intensely. Then repeat one more time. As a result, your throat will turn red and sore, and your temperature will rise.
  • Sleep all night in a draft with the window open. In the morning you will feel that the cold has overcome you.
  • Swim in an ice hole in winter.

Gastrointestinal “bullying”. The duration of the “illness” is 1-2 days

How to get sick in 5 minutes? A few days of “easy life” on the toilet will provide you with:

  • Cheap and effective magnesium sulfate (magnesia), a tablespoon of which should be diluted in a glass of water. Prepare a drink, otherwise the taste of the “cocktail” is very disgusting.
  • Eat pickled cucumber or persimmon with fresh milk and plenty of it. Although the result depends on the condition of the body.
  • You can eat more expired, moldy and sour foods and get unpleasant stomach pains.

Thus, you can get problems not only for 1-2 days, but also for many years of life. It’s easy to get sick in 5 minutes, but it’s quite difficult to recover afterwards.

"Cruel Intentions" with pressure. Duration - several hours - 1 day

  • You can increase your blood pressure with 2-3 cups of very strong coffee.
  • You can lower it with special medications, but without knowing the dose and effectiveness of the medicine, the pressure can drop to dangerous, critical levels.

Specific methods that cause the level of the thermometer scale to rise. Duration - several hours

How to get sick in 5 minutes pretending? There are ways to create the appearance of illness, use:

  • Eat a pencil lead. You shouldn't chew colored pencils.
  • Drop a few drops of iodine onto a piece of refined sugar or drink an iodine solution.
  • Set the plastic on fire, then breathe in the fumes that come from the melted material. In addition to the fact that the temperature will rise to 39 degrees, you will also be poisoned by gas.

There are, of course, many options for how to get sick in 5 minutes. You can break your arm or leg, or you can go to the infectious diseases department of the nearest hospital, walk around the wards, and ask everyone who wants to cough and sneeze at you. And if you manage to become infected, rest assured that you have received this “gift”, most likely, for life!

Before you start injuring your not yet fully strengthened body, try the simulation option.

  • You need to lubricate your armpits with salt, garlic or “Star” balm. The temperature will rise to 38 degrees.
  • Tap the thermometer (back side) on a hard surface (carefully so as not to break it), thus “tapping” the desired temperature.
  • Place the thermometer on the battery, or heat your fingers on it very much, then pinch the thin part of the thermometer with hot fingers.
  • When you are about to measure your blood pressure with a tonometer, you need to tense your legs very hard for 20 seconds. Such actions will lead to an increase in the upper value to 150-160.
  • Use sneezing inducers: pepper, geranium leaves, Kalanchoe. To do this, just generously lubricate your nostrils with them.


Now you know how to get sick in 5 minutes, but do you need it? In any case, all of the above methods are dishonest treatment of others. Typically, people who use “harmful” advice are weak people who are afraid of difficulties. And how many more difficulties lie ahead throughout life! Therefore, it is better to start tempering now. Finish reading the article and sit down to do your homework! And may health be with you!

There is a huge number of different tips on how you can quickly get sick, and they are effective:

  1. A draft will help you catch a cold quickly. Open windows or air conditioning will help you. It is much more effective if you also eat ice cream or a cold drink during a draft. Or sleep in a draft.
  2. You can get a cold if you walk barefoot on a cold floor in an apartment, in winter outside - in autumn boots, in puddles in summer. Wet feet- this is a guaranteed cold.
  3. Physical activity will also help you get sick. You need to sweat and then go out into the cold.
  4. In the cold make about 100 deep breaths. At a minimum, a red throat is guaranteed, and at a maximum, pneumonia.
  5. To quickly get sick with a fever, you need to drop a drop of iodine on sugar, and then eat this sugar. The result is a huge temperature, and you are in intensive care, which is quite possible.
  6. You can quickly get sick with a fever in a harmless way - warm up your armpit. Hold a small jar under your arm hot water.
  7. You can take a shower and then go outside while steaming, after which you will quickly get sick with a fever.
  8. If possible, do not harm the body - attach a thermometer to the battery. Your loved ones will believe that you are sick with a fever. Imagine how worried they will be for you.
  9. You can get a sore throat if you eat ice cream, chew mint gum, then eat ice cream again - you are guaranteed a red throat.
  10. Try to catch the virus. There will always be some acquaintances who have the flu. Ask someone to sneeze on you, then, with a weakened immune system, you can quickly get sick with the flu, the complications of which are unpredictable.
  11. You can get poisoned in different ways, for example, by drinking stale juice. After this, poisoning, and possibly gastritis or worse, is guaranteed.
  12. Take a pencil, remove the lead, eat some. You will get sick very quickly, the temperature will rise to 40°C, and you will end up in intensive care.
  13. You can deceive the doctor. Drink 2-3 cups of coffee, call a doctor at home, complain about high pressure. A couple of weeks of rest are guaranteed, but coffee is in large quantities may have a negative effect on the heart.

I hope that you will not take this article seriously, because a couple of days of rest is not worth it for you to get seriously ill. Don't joke with your health!

How can you get sick quickly?

The most common ways to be sure to get sick leave are a red throat, poisoning, runny nose and high temperature. All these signs can be created within the walls of your home with the help of good acting and some tricks.

For example:

  • Using a thermometer, you can easily display the temperature. But the main thing is not to overdo it. After all, too high will betray deception. If the doctor asks you to measure it in front of him, then in a few minutes you can anoint your armpit with mustard or garlic.
  • For a runny nose, just chop the onion for a couple of minutes before the doctor’s visit.
  • For allergy sufferers, for cold symptoms it is enough to create contact with the irritant.
  • At home, you can inhale the remedy to make your throat red household chemicals or black pepper.
  • If the doctor decides to measure your blood pressure, you can tense your leg muscles for 30 seconds. In this case, the indicators will be higher than normal, and you will be sent home or discharged sick leave.

If you are still interested in how to quickly get a real cold or even pneumonia, then you need to treat all methods with caution. Treatment should begin after the first symptoms, call a doctor or complain to parents. Otherwise, you can greatly harm your body.

You can get sick if:

  1. Get very cold;
  2. Cold feet;
  3. Go outside after a shower or bath;
  4. Long-term contact with patients with influenza, ARVI;
  5. Stand under a cold shower;
  6. Swim in a pond during the cold season;
  7. Stays in the reservoir for a long time in the summer;
  8. Drink a liter of cold water in one gulp;
  9. After any hot dish, eat ice cream from the freezer;
  10. Take a walk in the rain;
  11. Walk barefoot.

At home, you can do more than just catch a cold. Very easy to get eating disorder, intestinal inflammation and poisoning with fever.

Here are a few ways to get sick quickly and for a long time:

  • You can set fire to a plastic object and breathe in the fumes for a minute. In this case there will be a red throat, severe poisoning accompanied by high temperature.
  • You can be poisoned by any stale product. The simplest option is expired dairy products. If you have a strong stomach, then you can wash down fruits, vegetables or pickled cucumbers and tomatoes with old kefir.
  • Eat astringent persimmon with milk at the same time. There will be quite severe poisoning and nausea with fever.
  • One of the old traditional methods artificial poisoning - drink a glass of potassium permanganate. Of course, it must be diluted with water. You definitely won’t be able to leave the house anywhere for a couple of days.

How to get sick quickly in summer

Some people believe that it is impossible to get sick in the summer. But this is a misconception. Doctors have long recognized that if the disease strikes in warm time year, then it proceeds worse than in winter. Treatment may take several weeks.

The easiest way to get sick in the summer is to get poisoned. In warm weather, products tend to disappear quickly, especially if they are not put in the refrigerator or stored in the sun. This is the method you can use to miss a few days at work, school or college.

One of the common answers to the question of how to quickly get sick with a fever at home is to spend a long time under the air conditioner. Due to weak vigilance in the summer, you may not notice when the body freezes under a cooling device. If you want to catch a cold on purpose, just sit for half an hour under a device with a low temperature setting.

Swimming in a pond is great and at the same time a fun way get sick quickly and for a long time. You need to stay in the water for a long time, and then do not dry yourself with a towel. In this case, you can catch a common cold or something much more serious.

How to quickly get sick at home

If there are difficult days ahead and you decide to find a good reason not to come to the office or educational institution, then the best way is to get sick. Doing this at home is very easy and quick. There are some tips.

But if you still really feel very unwell, then you should start treatment immediately:

  • At home, you can actively engage in sports or any physical activity. The body should be tired and the whole body should sweat. To do this, you can do active exercises, push-ups, strength training, vacuum the entire apartment, dance rhythmically, and so on. Then you should go out onto the balcony or outside for a few minutes.
  • Run a bath of hot water and steam. After this procedure, just as in the previous version, you can go out onto the balcony or outside for a few minutes. The body is steamed, the pores are open. Most likely, in a few minutes you can get a cold for a long time.
  • One of the cooling procedures at home is to quickly eat ice cream and snack on mint gum. After this, your throat may become sore within the first hour.
  • When going to bed, just open the window or crack the window. Thus, the draft will provide quick cold within home walls.
  • How to get sick quickly is of real interest to many schoolchildren. It’s easy to catch a virus without leaving your room. Surely there are friends or acquaintances who are in quarantine. You can invite the carrier of the virus to your home and spend time together for a couple of hours. The result is an immediate negative reaction of the body to the stimulus.
  • You can get sick at home by washing your hair. When your hair is not yet dry, you should immediately go out onto the balcony or look out the street window for a few minutes. A cold is guaranteed. But the main thing is not to overdo it. After all, with a severe cold, serious brain diseases are possible.
  • If the house has tiles on the floor, but there are no warm floors underneath, then walking barefoot can bring the expected effect. If your feet are cold, then at least a cold awaits you.

How to get pneumonia quickly

Pneumonia is a serious disease. It may become a complication after common cold. Treatment of inflammation may take several months.

In this case, it is necessary to constantly monitor the disease by a competent specialist:

  • You can go out into the yard or onto the balcony in the cold and take quick breaths of air. Then a few deep ones. After 10-15 minutes of such actions Great chance get pneumonia.
  • During the cold season, you can swim in any body of water.
  • You can get pneumonia after severe frostbite. The most sensitive area of ​​the body is the legs. If they freeze for a long time, then pneumonia is guaranteed.
  • At home, you can eat a lot of ice cream or drink a gulp of ice water.

If you decide to skip an important test at school or an exam at college, then illness becomes the solution. But you don’t have to actually harm your health. In simple ways at home you can create a temporary runny nose, red throat and fever. In this case, the doctor will definitely issue a sick leave, and you will get the expected result.

But it’s still worth remembering that illness cannot hide from all problems and difficulties. Moreover, such a “trick” can cause serious complications and even put your life at risk, because health is not something to joke about.

A difficult situation at work, school or university will certainly be resolved, but in the event of a serious illness, the body may not recover.

How to quickly get sick at home with a cold, sore throat, ARVI, flu with a real fever: 30 popular quick ways

How to quickly get sick at home with a cold, sore throat, ARVI, flu for real with a fever: 30 popular quick ways

Surely the question “how to quickly and truly get sick” did not arise in your mind when the alarm clock was ringing. You have been thinking about this since yesterday or even earlier. The mistake of every person who urgently needs an illness in the form of a cold is that he only suffers, and does not take action and does not think through a plan. Each way to get sick is good in its own way. You just need to choose what suits you and start preparing for it at least a few hours in advance.

How to quickly get sick at home with a cold, sore throat, ARVI, flu with a real fever?

So, how to quickly get sick at home with a cold, sore throat, acute respiratory viral infection, flu with a real fever? There are 30 popular quick methods:

  1. Turn on the air conditioner. If you have this device in the house, then catching a cold is a matter of a few minutes. You need to lower the air temperature in the room and spend 5-15 minutes in it. Having frozen well, the result for the body will be immediate. Within a couple of hours you will feel unwell, have a runny nose and a sore throat. But do not overdo it, so that such an activity does not result in pneumonia, and this is a big problem for health.
  2. Draft. If your home doesn't have air conditioning, open the windows wide in opposite rooms. 15 minutes of draft and a person with weak immunity will feel the onset of a cold within a few hours.
  3. Water from the refrigerator. If you have a sensitive throat, you only need to drink a few sips of water from the refrigerator. Make lemon water to make it easier to drink, or cold compote will do.
  4. Cold milk Drinking it within a few minutes is a 100% guarantee that you will get sick. This method works faster than drinking other cold liquids.
  5. After physical activity, unbutton your jacket outside. It is important to sweat well and warm up. Unbutton your jacket and stand in one place. The wind or cold air will blow on you, doing its dirty work.
  6. Dress for the weather. If it's cold outside, leave the house in a T-shirt or light sweater. The body will become hypothermic and a cold will appear.
  7. Get your feet wet. This method is suitable if it is not summer outside and it has recently rained heavily. Wear shoes that get wet and walk through cold puddles for a few minutes (15-20) - a runny nose and fever are guaranteed.
  8. After a hot shower, go out onto the balcony in one T-shirt or tank top.
  9. In winter you can jump into an ice hole, as in the Epiphany frosts, plunging headlong. But be careful! This method without preparation can provoke severe vasospasm, and this can cause serious health problems or even death.
  10. Wet your head and go outside in the cold. It only takes a few minutes (up to 5 minutes) to catch a cold.
  11. Refreshing candies and cold air. Buy refreshing or mint candies like Rondo in advance. Eat one candy and immediately go out onto the balcony. Start actively breathing cold air through your mouth. You will feel a sore throat within an hour.
  12. Cold shower and cold air. Stand in a cold shower for 5 minutes. Then dry yourself with a towel, put on underwear and a T-shirt and go out onto the balcony for another 5 minutes.
  13. Ice cream and mint chewing gum. Buy 2 ice creams and 3 mint gummies. Take large bites of ice cream and swallow until it's gone. Then chew the mint gum one by one. You can alternate between ice cream and gum.
  14. Glass with ice. Prepare a 50 or 100 ml glass. Fill it a quarter full with ice water, and fill it to the top with ground, but not melted, ice. Swallow this mixture in one gulp. There will be an instant cooling of the body from the inside, which will lead to a cold.
  15. In winter, in cold and windy weather, you will go out into the forest and practice active sports in light clothing. For example, you can go skiing, buns or ice skating.
  16. In winter, you can open the window and sit on the windowsill for up to half an hour.. Hypothermia is guaranteed.
  17. Hot bath and glass of cold water. Take a good steam in a warm bath. Then go out and drink a glass of cold water.
  18. Breathe cold air from the freezer. If it’s warm outside and you really need to get sick, then you can open the freezer and take a few dozen deep breaths of cold air.
  19. Walk without a hat in the cold. But this method will not work if you have a strong immune system. In addition, there is a risk of developing meningitis.
  20. Walk barefoot on the cold floor of the house. If you live in a private house, then this method will certainly help in winter. You can wet your feet first.
  21. Get a virus. There are always acquaintances or friends who are already sick. It is enough to spend a few hours with a sick person in the same room or drink tea from his mug, and a viral infection is guaranteed.
  22. Wet your feet and socks. Before walking outside, wet your feet and socks with ice water. Then put on your shoes and head out into the cold. A couple of hours of such a walk, and you are guaranteed a sore throat, runny nose and cough.
  23. Cold beer with ice or mineral water with ice cream. You need to drink these drinks in large sips, feeling how the cold passes through your throat and descends lower into the body.
  24. In the summer, after the beach, go to a room with air conditioning. Often in the summer people get sick when, after returning from the beach, they go indoors and turn on the air conditioning. Sudden hypothermia occurs.
  25. Go to bed with open windows or a running fan. It is strictly forbidden to do this in winter, as irreversible consequences can occur to the body’s health! In summer, this action will lead to a cold.
  26. Prolonged exposure to the sun in summer, and then abruptly enter the pond. First the body overheats, then suddenly becomes hypothermic. The cold will appear in the evening. But remember that overheating the body leads to sunstroke and skin burns!
  27. Take a ride (even in summer) on public transport with the window open.
  28. Simulation 1st method: Rub black pepper in front of your nose while inhaling. Black pepper will cause prolonged sneezing. Another way to induce sneezing and watery eyes is to drop two drops of Kalanchoe juice into your nose.
  29. Simulation 2nd method: Add a drop of iodine to a teaspoon of sugar. Eat this mixture and within a few minutes your body temperature will rise to 38 degrees. But be careful! This method is not suitable for cores.
  30. But, if you don’t want to mock yourself and spoil your health, acting will come to the rescue. Apply salt or garlic to your armpits before taking your temperature. Make the face of a sick person, put on a thermometer. The temperature will rise to 39 degrees. But this game can fail if the effect of salt or garlic is weak.

All these methods really work and have been tested by people. Be careful when choosing one of the methods - assess the health risks.

It often happens that you need to quickly get sick in one night or in 5 minutes with a fever. The above described ways to get a sore throat or a cold. But you can poison yourself. For example, if you drink a glass of stale juice or week-old tea, then diarrhea and fever are guaranteed.

Remember: This method, in addition to poisoning, may cause gastritis or other problems with the digestive system. Be careful!

The cold will help you get sick in 5 minutes. Eat 200 grams of ice cream quickly while standing in the cold. If you have more time, you can eat 1 kilogram of this cold delicacy, then a sore throat is guaranteed.

The simulation will also help you get sick in 5 minutes. You can heat the thermometer over a light bulb or use other methods that have already been described above.

Often a cough and runny nose are a sign of an incipient illness. Therefore, children do not even need to take their temperature when a doctor comes to the house if they have a cough and snot. How can a child get sick quickly and easily at school, at home, in the spring with a cough or runny nose?

It is enough for a person to become slightly hypothermic for a runny nose or sore throat to appear, which causes a cough. To do this, just go out onto the balcony in the cold, naked to the waist, and drink a glass of beer from the refrigerator or mineral water. Stay like this for another half hour and the next day you will have a sore throat or ARVI.

Children get sick at school if they run out into the street naked during recess. Even if the child is active and runs around in the cold, he will catch a cold. After all, the sudden entry of cold air into the bronchi provokes hypothermia.

In the spring, when it’s still cool, it’s enough to walk barefoot through puddles or just get your feet wet. Cough, runny nose, sore throat and fever are guaranteed.

Sore throat- this is a 100% sick leave, since this disease always accompanied by high fever, cough and other complications. How to make a sore throat quickly?

Go for a run in the morning. Run as far as you can until you feel tired and short of breath. Then gradually slow down your running and begin feverishly inhaling the cold morning air through your mouth. Do this for 15-30 minutes. You will feel a sore throat within an hour.

Important: Do not overdo it with running, so as not to harm your health. Some people need to run for at least 40-60 minutes to get tired, while for others a 15-minute run is enough.

A certificate or sick leave is issued for a week or more if a person has a fever. If you have a question about what to do to get sick for a week, then you will have to sacrifice your health:

  • hypothermia;
  • eating cold foods or ice;
  • exposure to cold air in light clothing or with a wet head;
  • cooling the body under a cold shower;
  • a sharp change in body temperature: after a hot shower into a cold one, and so on.

Choose one of the methods described above and take action, but do not overdo it.

Chickenpox is a viral disease. If you get chickenpox, sick leave is guaranteed. Often parents want their child to overcome this disease in childhood, since the disease in adulthood is much more difficult to tolerate, causing serious complications.

How quickly do you get chickenpox? To get chickenpox, you need contact with someone who is sick. So, if in kindergarten or school quarantine due to this disease, it means that one of the children is already sick. Enough healthy child come to his house and just be in the same room or play with the same toys. It is believed that you can become ill with this virus after 1-1.5 hours of contact with a patient.

Getting sick is not a problem. But you need to think about the consequences and whether it is worth taking such a risk, sacrificing your health in the name of your goal. Don't take this article seriously, as a couple of days of rest is not worth it if you get seriously ill. Don't joke with your health!

How to get sick and not go to school

Symptoms of an illness are mainly signs of how the immune system is fighting infection. Typically, immunity is activated only 3-4 days after the infection enters the body. Therefore, if you want to get sick quickly at home, you are better off faking the illness.

How to get sick when your parents are at home so your mother will believe you

  1. Start simulating as early as possible. The longer you pretend, the sooner your parents will believe you.
    • It’s better to start complaining about feeling unwell (headache, stomach pain, feeling unwell) the day before. The ideal time is after lunch. At the latest – 18:30
    • Only fake symptoms that you know. Have you been sick before? Have any of your relatives been sick recently? Just fake these symptoms
    • The first sign of a fever or cold is pink cheeks. Slap your palms on your cheeks or rub them
    • You should look tired, sad
  2. Stop doing what you love. This is a must! For example, if you refuse to play on the computer, your parents will immediately think that you are sick
    • Be sure to leave at least some food on your plate. Show that you have no appetite and will not eat even your favorite dish
    • Avoid meeting friends or going out
    • Avoid TV or computer games
    • Lie down, show that you are very tired
  3. Start doing your homework, but don't finish it. This will show that you really, really want to study, but you can’t because of your illness.
  4. Go to bed earlier than usual. This will greatly alarm parents and they will begin to worry.
    • Don't brush your teeth or get ready for bed, just go and go to bed
    • It will be best if you fall asleep dressed on the bed or right at the table
  5. Wake up in the middle of the night. Wake up your parents and tell them you don't feel well. Your stomach and head hurt.
    • Fake vomiting, at least a little. Go to the toilet and put two fingers in your mouth, close to your throat, to trigger the gag reflex.
    • Pull your lower eyelid firmly down and hold it in this position until tears appear in your eyes.
    • Don't forget to rub your face, especially your cheeks, to keep them red
    • You can fake a cough, but it's dangerous. If you are faking a cough, you need to do it very, very regularly, but not too much
  6. Don't stay up until the morning anymore. Then in the morning you will look sick - bags under the eyes, headache, sleepy, watery eyes
  7. Don't ask your parents to leave you at home until the last minute! Try to lead them to this idea. You need your parents to invite you to stay at home.

How to get sick in 5 minutes if your parents are at home and don't go to school

No known disease manifests itself so quickly, in five minutes. Therefore, it is better to feign injury rather than illness. Then your mother will be more likely to believe you and leave you at home and not let you go to school.

There are two types of injuries that are easier and simpler to simulate:

  • Ankle sprain
  • Head injury

To fake a sprained ankle:

  1. Make sure your parents can't see you.
  2. Simulate a fall. Remember - your leg twisted, your foot went up and your lateral ligaments were stretched. Be sure to scream and fall to the floor.
  3. Remember - your ankle now hurts a lot. You can't stand on it and you can't walk at all.
  4. Every step you take should feel painful.
  5. Show your tears. Just pull the lower eyelid down strongly and hold it in this position - tears will appear.
  6. A mild sprain has no visual signs at all and the leg appears healthy. Moderate stretching is accompanied by redness. And only in severe cases does the leg swell. There is no need to feign a severe degree - it is treated by an orthopedic doctor. And the doctor will immediately determine that you are faking it.
  7. You may want to constantly rub your ankle until it becomes red. But just do it so that mom doesn’t see. After all, with a real sprain, the leg hurts very much, it is impossible to touch it.
  8. Be sure to limp very hard and do not step on the “injured leg.”
  9. Each movement should be accompanied by a slight groan, sob or other manifestation of pain.
  10. Show that you are really hurting by giving up some of your favorite things. For example, lie on the bed rather than sit at the computer. This will be the strongest argument for parents.

To simulate a headbutt you need to:

  1. Make sure your parents can't see you
  2. Pretend you fell or hit your head on the door
  3. Fall or squat on the floor
  4. cry
  5. You now constantly feel dizzy and have a headache
  6. Don't forget exactly where you "hit"
  7. Pretend vomiting or nausea
  8. Refuse food
  9. Lie down and do nothing. No computer or friends, otherwise my parents will understand everything
  10. Don't be afraid if you are taken to a doctor. Keep saying the same thing over and over again - you feel sore and dizzy, you feel nauseous and really want to lie down. Most likely, the doctor will tell you that you have a mild concussion and that you need to lie in bed for a couple of days.

How to get sick overnight if your parents are at home

The easiest way is to stay awake all night until the morning. Then you will look like a clearly sick and sleepy person and you won’t have to pretend anything. Even if your parents send you to school, immediately complain to the teacher that you are feeling unwell and ask to see a doctor/nurse. When the doctor looks at you, he will see strange symptoms and send you home. The doctor or nurse simply will not want to take responsibility.

The easiest and safest way to go to the hospital is to give yourself severe diarrhea (diarrhea). Diarrhea is a symptom of many serious infectious diseases. But remember - diarrhea must be really strong, causeless and frequent. You have to tell everyone that you didn’t eat anything unusual, that the portion size was also normal, but now, out of the blue, you started having severe and frequent diarrhea. At the same time, do not forget to drink a lot of liquid. Otherwise, you will cause dehydration and cause serious injury to yourself.

If your parents send you to school despite severe diarrhea, do not be afraid. It's even easier to fake diarrhea there. Ask the teacher to go to the toilet several times in a row. Complain about severe discomfort - you feel nauseous, your stomach hurts, you constantly want to go to the toilet. The teacher or school doctor will not want to take responsibility and will send you home or call an ambulance and send you to the hospital.

How to get sick in 1 hour - how to cause diarrhea or diarrhea:

  • Eat plenty of fiber-rich foods - fruits, vegetables, greens
  • Eat a lot of citrus fruits - tangerines, oranges, grapefruits
  • Eat a lot of prunes
  • Drink oil - olive, sunflower or flaxseed
  • Drink or eat as many fermented milk products as possible - yoghurts, kefir, fermented baked milk
  • Take a laxative, but don't overdo it

How to get sick with a fever, how to raise your body temperature

High temperature is considered the most reliable symptom of the disease, so it is best to imitate it.

How to get sick with a temperature of 38 - fake a high temperature

Take a towel and soak it in hot water. Place the towel on your forehead for 1 minute. Then show yourself to your parents and complain about your high temperature. Your forehead will turn slightly red and feel hot. Just remember to make sure your forehead is dry, otherwise they'll know you're cheating.

Simulate high body temperature

Under your shirt, wear things that do not allow heat to pass through. It could be:

  • Wool clothes
  • Nylon underwear
  • Thick silk linen

Go to bed with this under the blanket and lie there for about 30 minutes. Then you can go to your parents and complain about the high temperature.

How to get sick with a fever - eat foods that raise your temperature

The easiest way to raise your body temperature is by drinking or eating hot foods. It could be soup, tea, porridge. All types of hot peppers also increase the temperature - chili, tabasco, jalapeno. Consume more spicy and hot foods and your body temperature will rise.

Body temperature depends on where you take it

  • Temperature in the mouth is one degree higher than in the armpit
  • The temperature in the rectum is two degrees higher than in the armpit

How to lose your voice

  • Scream and sing for a long time. If you don't want to be heard, you can scream into your pillow. You can become hoarse faster if you play low notes and sing in a bass voice
  • Talk for a long time in a whisper. Whisper several times for 20 minutes, take breaks of about 5 minutes. After a few hours of such exercises, your voice will completely disappear. To whisper, you need to tighten the vocal cords, and this also leads to their tension. Just don't drink anything until you lose your voice.
  • You can also cause irritation of the vocal cords and hoarseness if you gargle with something sour - orange juice, acetic acid solution or lemon juice. To avoid serious injury, pour no more than ¼ part vinegar or lemon juice into a glass.

How to catch a cold quickly without leaving home

The common cold is rhinitis, an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Colds are caused by microbes that already live on our mucous membranes, so you don’t need to be in contact with someone who is sick to catch a cold.

How to catch a cold for a week:

  1. Dress warmly and sit in a warm room
  2. Do not ventilate the room, try to keep the air as dry and warm as possible
  3. Don't drink any drinks, including water
  4. Stay at home, don't go out
  5. Move as little as possible
  6. Try to get as warm and sweaty as possible
  7. Get out into the cold air or take a cold shower
  8. Freeze well
  9. Lie down and do nothing

Sore throat is an acute infectious disease with local inflammation of the throat. It often begins after a cold, as a complication. The treatment is long, difficult and unpleasant. Therefore, you should not get a sore throat in order not to go to school.

To get a sore throat you need:

  • Don't brush your teeth
  • Do not treat dental caries or mouth wounds
  • Do not treat a runny nose in all its manifestations
  • Communicate closely with those who already have a sore throat

How to get ARVI

ARVI is an acute respiratory viral infection. This is the name of all diseases caused by a virus that affects the respiratory tract. Accordingly, the only way to get sick from ARVI is to catch the virus from someone who is already sick. Sometimes the virus is transmitted to humans from animals, so those who work with animals and do not wash their hands and do not follow hygiene rules often get sick.

To get ARVI you need:

  • Be in crowded places more often, especially on public transport
  • Do not wash your hands or observe other hygiene rules
  • Avoid close contact with sick people
  • Do not wear a gauze bandage
  • Sleep less and eat worse
  • Be in unventilated areas more often
  • Take as few vitamins as possible

How to get pneumonia

Pneumonia or pneumonia is a dangerous, fatal disease. In some cases, the patient may die in just a few days, even without severe symptoms. In pneumonia, the alveoli (the small organ in the lungs through which we breathe) fill with fluid and the person suffocates.

To get pneumonia you need:

  • Having a cold or ARVI
  • Don't cure a cold
  • Smoke as much as possible
  • Do not treat chronic lung diseases

How to get chickenpox

Chickenpox or varicella is a viral disease. Therefore, the only way to get chickenpox is to catch the virus from someone who is already sick. Most people have been vaccinated (vaccinated) against chickenpox. Therefore, they cannot get sick, even if they come into very close contact with carriers of the virus. A person who has already had chickenpox once receives immunity from the virus. Therefore, it is almost impossible to get sick again.

To get chickenpox you need to:

  • Don't get vaccinated
  • Haven't had chickenpox before
  • Contact with sick people
  • Failure to comply with general hygiene rules

How to get anorexia

Anorexia is a complete lack of appetite. Most often it is a mental disorder. Therefore, the easiest way to get anorexia is to go crazy. In other cases, loss of appetite is due to illness or external factors.

To get anorexia you need to:

  • Exposure to strong radioactive radiation
  • Get poisoned
  • Take drugs
  • Get sick with AIDS, tuberculosis, Crohn's disease, hepatitis or cancer
  • Do not eat foods containing zinc
  • Do not drink any liquid for a long time
  • Taking too much vitamin D

Otitis is a severe inflammation of the ear, usually caused by a bacterial infection. May be accompanied by very severe pain. Treatment can be lengthy and unpleasant.

To get otitis you need:

  • Cough, sneeze, blow your nose and do not treat a cold
  • When coughing and sneezing, try to get mucus into the ear canal. For example, tightly covering your nose and mouth
  • Don't wash your hands
  • Don't wash your ears
  • Frequently scratch your ears with dirty hands

How to get sick? What not to do

Whatever the reason that arouses your interest in the disease, remember, it is always better to fake the disease rather than to be really sick. Under no circumstances do the following:

  1. Don't take medicine to make yourself sick. You could get the dose wrong and cause serious injury or death
  2. Don't hurt yourself. You can always fake an injury without experiencing real pain.
  3. Do not eat or drink spoiled foods. It’s easier to cause diarrhea by drinking a glass of sunflower oil
  4. Do not eat or drink anything that is not intended for it. You may seriously injure yourself or cause severe poisoning. Then you will regret these actions for the rest of your life.

It's better to fake illness and never get sick for real.

Now you know what not to do to always be healthy

Schoolchildren are required to attend school, but sometimes a break is needed. Therefore, we will tell you how to get sick in 5 minutes. This can be done at home, but be prepared for complications. Sometimes catching a disease for real is not best way out from the situation. However, we suggest effective methods implementation of plans.

The best ways to get sick for real in 5 minutes

If you have thought it over and decided to get sick, use one of the options below.

No. 1. Create a draft

For those with naturally weak immune system It won’t be difficult to catch a cold after sitting in a draft. Open the doors and windows wide, make yourself comfortable in a light T-shirt in front of the TV. After a couple of hours you will notice the first deterioration.

No. 2. Turn on the split system

If there is no possibility of a draft, turn on the air conditioner. You put low temperature to feel the cold. Sit under the air flow to freeze. After a few hours, you will feel a sore throat, nasal congestion and other symptoms. Do not sit under the air conditioner for more than 15 minutes.

No. 3. Take a shower and go out onto the balcony

Since you can get sick in 5 minutes at home, let's look at how to do it for real. All you need is to warm up in the bath or shower, dress lightly (T-shirt, shorts) and stand on the balcony in the cold.

No. 4. Consume chilled milk

IN best case scenario you'll only get a cold in your throat, or at worst, you'll end up with a sore throat. Pour milk from the refrigerator into a glass, drink it in medium sips, without warming your mouth. This technique works much faster than if you drank any other liquid (juice, water, etc.).

No. 5. Get your feet wet

It is necessary to keep your feet warm, as you can easily get sick for a week with a fever. If this is your goal, then get your feet wet in cold puddles. Walk for another 20 minutes and return home.

No. 6. Swallow crushed ice

Take a small glass (50-100 ml), pour cold water into it halfway. Fill the rest with crushed ice. Consume the contents in one gulp. The body will instantly become hypothermic, and a cold will not be long in coming.

No. 7. Get sweaty and stand in the wind

This option is suitable for people who play sports. You need to sweat 5 minutes before you get sick. Do intense exercise at home or at the gym. Next, go out into the wind, stand hot until it cools down. It's very easy to make things really worse with this method, but don't overdo it.

No. 8. Cool off in the shower

If you don’t specifically harden yourself, then you’ll get sick the first time you take a cold shower. The duration of the procedure is 5 minutes, no more. Dry yourself, go out onto the loggia or balcony for another 3 minutes.

No. 9. Drink ice water

This variation is suitable for schoolchildren with a weakened immune system and a sensitive throat. Take half a glass of water, add ice cubes and drink the “miracle cocktail”. As an alternative to water, you can take compote or fruit drink.

No. 10. Go outside with wet hair

It’s risky, because getting sick and lying down with a temperature of 38 for a whole week using this method is extremely dangerous. The likelihood of catching meningitis increases significantly. If you are ready to take a risk, then after a shower, do not dry your hair, go for a 5-minute walk.

No. 11. Don't dress for the weather

IN cold period It is enough to throw on a jacket instead of a down jacket, and also leave the throat open. For better effect Instead of warm shoes, you can dress up in sneakers and freeze. Due to hypothermia, the effect will appear soon.

No. 12. Take a swim in the ice hole

The method is designed for people who are at least a little prepared. In all other cases, diving into an ice hole can lead to severe spasm of the blood channels and even death.

No. 13. Eat some ice cream

Before you get sick, you need to eat a large ice cream within a maximum of 5 minutes. It can be eaten at home or outside in snowy weather. This way it really won't be difficult to catch a cold.

No. 14. Eat a cooling candy

Buy any sucking candy. For example, “Rondo”, “Mentos”, “Holls”, etc. Dissolve while standing in the frosty air. Then breathe frequently through your mouth to cool your throat. The discomfort will appear after an hour.

No. 15. Take a bath and drink a cold drink

Dial hot water and steam thoroughly. After you leave the bathroom, drink a glass of ice water in one gulp.

No. 16. Breathe the icy air

If the heat outside is unbearably hot, open the freezer and start breathing deeply and intensely. The cold air will then do everything for you.

No. 17. Take a walk in winter without a hat

This is not the most good way catch a cold. At strong immunity nothing will happen to you. Otherwise you can earn enough serious illness in the form of meningitis.

No. 18. Exercise outside in the cold

Since it’s easy to get sick in 5 minutes, let’s explore another option at home. Change into light clothes, and then actively exercise outside. You'll get a real cold after it cools down.

No. 19. Walk barefoot on a cold floor

If you live in a private house and the floor is tiled, this method should help. In winter, get your feet wet and wander around the house.

No. 20. Get a virus

If one of your friends is already sick, go visit and spend a few hours with the sick person. Drink water from a shared bottle or mug. Virus infection is guaranteed.

No. 21. Sit on a windowsill with an open window in winter

If you really want to know how to get sick for 2 weeks, open a window in winter and sit on the windowsill. Allow about half an hour or even more for gatherings.

No. 22. Wet your feet and socks

When going for a walk in winter, wet your socks with cold water. Walk in the cold for a few hours. When you arrive home, you will experience a sore throat, cough, and nasal congestion.

No. 23. Drink a milkshake

Drink any ice-cold drink quickly in large sips. Eg, milkshake. Cold has a negative effect on the throat. The disease will not take long to develop.

No. 24. Take a ride on the bus

To understand how to get sick in 5 minutes, just drive with the window open in a vehicle. At home, the malaise will really manifest itself, even if you were driving home from work in the hot summer.

No. 25. Stand under the air conditioner with wet hair

Take a bath or take a hot shower, stand under the air conditioner. As a result, you will experience severe hypothermia and become ill for a long time.

No. 26. Open the windows before bed

Open the windows or leave the fan/air conditioner on overnight. The next morning you will wake up with a cold. Never do this in winter, you may get sick. serious illness, which will lead to irreversible consequences.

No. 27. Stay in the sun for a long time in summer

Lay under the scorching sun for half an hour, then jump into the spring water. From such hypothermia you will feel unwell by the evening.

No. 28. Inhale black pepper

If you just want to fake a cold, gently inhale freshly ground black pepper. Such dust will cause prolonged lacrimation and sneezing.

No. 29. Eat sugar with iodine

To significantly raise your body temperature, add 1 drop of iodine to a teaspoon of sugar. It is forbidden to resort to such an experiment if you have heart problems.

No. 30. Rub salt on your armpits

Before taking the temperature, spread the indentations with salt. Draw a picture of a sick person and set up a thermometer. Temperatures should rise to 38-39 degrees.

It's not hard to figure out how to get sick. Almost any of the methods can be implemented in 5 minutes at home. If you do it right, you will get really sick. Assess your own condition and do not take unnecessary risks.

Someone’s voluntary desire to get sick comes as a shock, because this is, at a minimum, masochism, if not a manifestation of an attempt to say goodbye to life. But often it is the disease that is the best way get rid of the need to solve problems or at least makes it possible to forget about them for a while. This applies not only to schoolchildren or students. Generally speaking, everyone gets tired, but not everyone finds time for a proper rest from work or household chores.

Why not get sick and finally get some sleep, watch the movie you promised yourself three months ago, or just lie in silence? The main thing is to have knowledge about the nuances of this art.

What does it take to get really sick?

  1. Choose a disease - most people prefer a cold, ARVI, flu or just a high temperature.
  2. Have at least a few hours left.
  3. Think carefully about your actions and consider the possible consequences.

The most popular ways to get sick in one day (or even faster)

“Helpful tips” that are dangerous to your health.

  • Open windows or doors on both sides of the building. Staying in a draft for about a quarter of an hour plus weak immunity- guaranteed manifestation of a cold in the form of weakness, runny nose and pain in the throat after two hours. Can be replaced with air conditioning. Lower the room temperature. You need to freeze well, but just like with a draft, don't get carried away! You definitely won’t like being sick and being treated for pneumonia.
  • Do you have a sensitive throat? Great! You probably have water, compote or juice in your refrigerator.
  • Mineral water with ice cream or beer (cold, and even with ice) will do. These drinks should be taken in large sips.
  • If you are not sure that your throat will give up so easily, look in the refrigerator for milk. It will not only increase your chances of achieving your plans, but also will work faster than if you drink another cold liquid.
  • If it's frosty outside, you can wet your hair before leaving the house. Or take a hot shower and go to the balcony in just your underwear and a T-shirt (undershirt).
  • More about clothes. Ignore the weather and leave the house in a light sweater. Hypothermia will lead to a cold.
  • After a hot bath, you can drink a glass of cold water.
  • Do you play sports? Stop outside and loosen your outerwear after physical activity. It is important to sweat well and warm up. Then the wind will do everything.
  • If it's not summer and it rained today - you can get your feet wet. You need not the most reliable shoes and a walk through puddles for fifteen or twenty minutes. This will give you a runny nose and fever. You can also wet your socks and feet with cold water the day before your walk. Put on your shoes and head out into the cold. In addition to a runny nose, you will get a cough and throat problems.
  • Mint candies plus cold air guarantee a sore throat within an hour. Eat some candy, go out onto the balcony and actively breathe (through your mouth) cold air.
  • You can mix ice cream and mint gum. Buy two ice creams and three mints chewing gum. Bite the ice cream and swallow. When you're done, start using mint gum. Or alternate between ice cream and chewing gum.
  • Instant cooling of the body from the inside is achieved with a glass of ice. Take a 50 or 100 ml glass, fill it a quarter with ice water and pour ground ice(not melted). Swallow this mixture in one gulp.
  • You can always catch a virus. Chat with a sick acquaintance or friend (it is best to stay in the same room for a while). Use the sick person's cup and wait viral infection.
  • Often people soon get sick when they return from the beach and turn on the air conditioning in the room. It's a matter of sudden hypothermia.
  • They will help you catch a cold and windows open before bed or a fan on. But only in summer, in winter it is categorically not recommended - everything can end with irreversible consequences in your body.
  • If you stay under the sun for a long time and then enter a body of water, a cold will appear in the evening. But don't forget about possible burns on the skin and sunstroke caused by overheating of the body.
  • You can (even in summer) ride in a trolleybus or minibus with the window open.

Winter is definitely the perfect time to get sick; there are plenty of opportunities. You can open the window and sit near it or on the windowsill, but this is the most obvious. In addition, you can:

  • Disobey your mother and go out into the cold without a hat. True, a strong immune system may hinder you, and you risk developing meningitis.
  • Walk barefoot on the floor. This method will certainly help in winter if you live in a private house. Wet your feet first (to increase your chances).
  • Go out dressed lightly in windy weather to the forest to go skiing, for example.
  • There is another option called an ice hole. But be careful if you do choose it and plan to dive in headfirst. Without preparation, this method sometimes provokes severe vasospasm. And these are not at all the health problems you expect (even death is possible).
  • You can always open the freezer, which will provide you with cold air if it’s warm outside.

These methods have been tested, choose according to your taste. Just remember to assess the health risks.

More options for speed disease

True, the consequences after such experiments can be not only unpleasant, but also life-threatening.

  • Poisoning. The method, of course, is peculiar (stomach pain, diarrhea). But you will definitely get a fever and look sick if you dine on expired yogurt or drink stale juice. It is better to replace it with a glass of sunflower oil or mix incompatible things like milk and cucumbers. Remember that gastritis is completely unpleasant. By poisoning, you risk your digestive system.
  • You can inhale combustion products (set the plastic on fire). You are sure to get a long and severe cough. But it is possible that it will be added to general poisoning body.
  • Caffeine increases blood pressure. The effect of drinking coffee cup after cup is obvious, but this option will have a negative impact on the heart.

Secrets of the simulation

The most, perhaps, nice ways(especially for cunning people) - getting sick without actually getting sick. In such cases, you pay with an agreement with your conscience and the title of a deceiver, if suddenly something goes wrong.

  • Find something at home that will make you sneeze: black pepper, geranium leaves, tobacco. It will work, but it won't last long.
  • Cause watery eyes by touching your eyes with mascara, for example.
  • You can drop iodine into sugar (per teaspoon). This will raise the temperature to 38 degrees. Not recommended for heart patients.
  • You can also create the appearance high temperature, having a snack with the lead of a pencil (not colored).
  • Rub the ointment or salt into your armpits.
  • You can tap the thermometer on a table or other hard surface. Be careful not to break thermometers. The temperature also rises if the thermometer is set incorrectly.
  • It's not just coffee that raises blood pressure. You can fool the blood pressure monitor if you tense your legs when your blood pressure is being measured.

Have you studied the information provided on how to quickly get sick at home, but are not satisfied? Yes, there is something else. For lovers of all things extraordinary and acting. If you want not only to get sick status, but also to take care of yourself and have fun, try it.

Convince your loved ones that you have no time for study or work today

Let's explain using the example of a schoolchild. Everyone knows: tomorrow there’s a test in nasty physics, your classmates are pestering you, or you’re in the midst of learning something new. computer game. But it’s not so easy to trick a mother. Which, however, is not a synonym for the word impossible.

  • They won't believe you if you complain of feeling unwell five minutes before going out or even after waking up. You need to prepare in advance.
  • Figure out what is bothering you and tell your parents a day in advance, not late at night. Only fake symptoms you understand. own experience or observations.
  • Important appearance and mood, you should give the impression of being tired and sad man.
  • Sacrifice what you love. Refusing to play on your tablet or go out with friends will make your parents think that something is wrong with you. The condition is mandatory!
  • You have no appetite and if you don’t completely refuse food, you certainly won’t leave an empty plate behind.
  • Show that you want to learn by doing your homework. But don’t finish it, because your illness won’t allow you to do it.
  • Go to bed earlier than usual. It is best if you do not brush your teeth and fall asleep dressed or in an unusual place (at the table).
  • Wake up your parents at night and complain about them headache or something else. Take care of the redness of your cheeks (rub them). Induce tears or vomiting.
  • Don't fall asleep again until the morning. A sleepless night- it's always an unhealthy look in the morning.

The main thing: do not ask to stay at home, unless the situation is getting out of control(“it’s time to put on your shoes”). Your parents themselves should suggest that you not go to class.

Beautiful, is not it? You can try something similar with your wife or boyfriend.

Whatever happens in your life, it’s better to simulate it. What if everything gets better tomorrow, but you’ve already undermined your health. If there is no doubt that everything is bad, make an appointment with a psychiatrist (a joke with some truth).

And finally, we will tell you what actions to avoid:

  • Taking any medications in an attempt to get sick. A dose error equals severe injury or even death.
  • About injuries: don’t even think about inflicting them on yourself; you can always avoid pain by faking it.
  • Do not consume spoiled foods and drinks.
  • Do not eat or drink anything that is intended for anything but that purpose.

Take care of yourself and don't get sick!


In this video you will find " useful tips"how to get sick.

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Situations are different. For example, you are not ready for a test in physics, you don’t want to attend a boring meeting, you urgently need to go somewhere. Or you just want to lie on the couch doing nothing. How to quickly catch a cold at home? The methods will also be different. Decide: do you really want to get sick? Or do you just need to appear sick? In each case, their own means are used to “get a cold.”

To be sick or to appear sick?

So, let's decide: to be sick or to convince others that you are sick? In most cases, the answer will be the latter: you need to convince your parents or boss that you are sick. Indeed, rarely does anyone want to put their body in danger if they can only pretend to be sick!

Now decide how long you need illness for: a couple of days or a week. Please note: when you begin to “plan” your illness, decide its timing, study symptoms, etc., your subconscious is already beginning to prepare for real illness. It is ready to support your aspiration. This is a definite autogenic training consciousness, facilitating control of the body. So don't be surprised if you actually get sick.

If this does not happen, there are other options. What is easier and “safer” to get sick? Colds, Certainly. Acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, flu, sore throat and other diseases are “earned” very easily. To do this, you just need to get cold enough, hang out in line at the clinic, or just take a ride on the subway during the flu season. You can chat with sick friends or acquaintances, and you are guaranteed to catch a cold.

This is on extreme case. Remember, it is not difficult to get a real disease. It is more difficult to cure it. By the way, treating a cold during pregnancy is not an easy task. Therefore in interesting position We do not recommend pretending! In the meantime, find out how to appear sick while remaining healthy?

Imaginary cold

Do you have a test or a test tomorrow? Try "sloping". We offer some tips on how to appear sick. Choose the most suitable ones, based on the level of trust your parents or bosses have in you.

    How to increase body temperature? This method is known to many: drop a couple of drops of iodine into a spoonful of sugar. Eat that sugar. Within a few hours you will have elevated temperature- a sure sign of a cold.

    You can simply warm up the thermometer. To do this, use not very hot water, a battery, a burning light bulb, or simply rub the thermometer on a fleecy cloth. Just don’t overdo it: heat to 38-38.5 degrees.

    Another way to achieve high heat: Rub garlic or salt into your armpits.

    How to depict a runny nose? It's also easy. Try to breathe through your mouth rather than your nose. And when talking, pronounce words “through your nose.” This is how real sick people communicate.

    How to make your eyes hurt? Rub your eyes, moisten your eyelashes a little (if there is no water, you can use saliva). To make your eyes red, use some irritant. For example, a drop of perfume, mascara, etc. And make a sad, pained expression in your eyes. They will definitely sympathize with you.

    How to induce sneezing? For this purpose, there are some substances that cause irritation of the nasal mucosa. This could be, for example, black pepper, tobacco, dust, even just a feather, etc. After these irritants, you will not get rid of sneezing for several minutes, your eyes will be red, and tears will flow.

    How to induce a cough? Cough occurs from irritation respiratory tract. Burn some polymer material and inhale the smoke. By the way, this method can also lead to an increase in body temperature. In case of poisoning by combustion products.

    How to create the appearance of a sick person? Try to appear sick in the evening. To do this, you need to portray lethargy, apathy, Bad mood, refuse to eat, constantly lie down, moan, complain of a headache, etc.

If the imaginary cold “doesn’t work,” you’ll have to get really sick. In fact, a cold is not such a harmless disease. If treatment is not started in time, there may be unpleasant consequences. For example, pneumonia, bronchitis, etc. Therefore, when the first symptoms of the disease appear, treatment must be started immediately.

We offer several ways to “get” a cold. The list below includes winter and summer options.

  • Dress lightly, not for the season. For example, walk in the cold in sneakers and thin pants.
  • Walk barefoot in the snow. Just so that passersby don't notice. Otherwise they will send you to a mental hospital.
  • Walk through the cold with a wet head. Although, this is quite dangerous: it’s better not to joke with your head.
  • Take an ice cold shower. Of course, if you are not used to it.
  • Visit in public places. This is especially true during peak incidence in your region.
  • Visit sick friends. You can drink from a glass after them.
  • Create a draft at home. It is better if you sweat well or take a hot bath before doing this.
  • Breathe through your mouth in the cold. Your throat will definitely hurt.
  • Eat a lot of ice cream. Your voice will be hoarse and your throat will hurt.
  • Sit under the air conditioner. This is the most common reason incidence of colds in stuffy offices.

Still, it’s better not to joke with your health. After all, any disease can cause serious problems in the future. There are many ways to get a cold. It's easy to do. And it will be much more difficult to recover.

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