What types of huskies are there? Black Husky: A variety of the breed with a dark color. European breeds of huskies

Formation and division of the breed

Strelka and Belka, perhaps descendants of exactly that husky that an unknown artist depicted on a fresco preserved in Kyiv back in 1037, with their flight into space provided convincing evidence of the outstanding properties of this group of northern dogs.

Laika can be considered one of the oldest breed dogs serving humans. To this day they have preserved characteristic features, indicating their close relationship with the wolf and jackal. How to use, as well as environment, over many generations, have fixed certain psychological and physiological signs, on the basis of which huskies can be divided into three subgroups:

  1. Shepherd's huskies.
  2. Sled (polar) huskies.
  3. Hunting huskies.

Shepherd huskies

The original breed is the Nenets Laika, related to the Lapland Laika, common in all northern regions of the Scandinavian Peninsula.

general characteristics. The Nenets Laika is a small, lightweight type, but still a compact dog. The height at the withers for males is no less than 45 cm, and for females no less than 40 cm. Their important protection in harsh climates is long hair. The wide skull extends into a moderately convex forehead. The transition from forehead to muzzle is well defined.

Muzzle shorter in relation to the skull, with dry cheekbones, tightly fitting the jaw and dry lips. The eyes are round, occasionally slanted, dark walnut color. Red-brown huskies have yellowish-green eyes.

The practical use of this subgroup is obvious from the name. However, in addition to being excellent assistants for shepherds, they also perform well in hunting waterfowl, squirrels and even bears.

It is interesting that when shepherding huskies are crossed with hunting huskies, the offspring experience an undesirable increase in hunting instincts, even bordering on savagery (unrestrained pursuit, bullying and devouring game, etc.). Crossbreeding also negatively affects the length of the coat, which is much shorter in crossbreeds, and thus does not fulfill its protective function (in swampy areas on thawed soil in the summer, huskies with insufficiently long hair are bothered by clouds of mosquitoes). A warning sign of unwanted crossbreeding in some generation is clearly enlarged occipital protuberances.

Sled (polar) huskies

They form the largest subgroup. They transport people and cargo wherever all roads suitable for vehicle traffic end in the north. In addition to working in a team (consisting of 8 - 13 dogs), huskies are also successfully used for driving elk or mountain bighorn sheep and deer. At a time when the polar bear was not yet protected by law, they justified themselves when hunting it.

Due to the fact that these huskies are distributed over the vast territory of Siberia from the Ob to Chukotka, from the Arctic Ocean to the Amur and are therefore found in many variants, the following characteristics describe a typical husky of the eastern northern regions.

General characteristics. The sled-polar husky is a dog with a strong, powerful bone structure and gives the impression of a strong, hardy dog. This is also reflected by its rather high height at the withers: in males it is no less than 60 cm, in females it is 58 cm. A highly developed chest is typical.

Hunting huskies

Hunting huskies are the main assistants of hunters in the vast forest areas of northern Europe and Asia. As hunters convincingly claim, a good hunting husky is the best weapon for them.

In essence it is an all-round hunting dog. Back in the nineteenth century, outstanding Russian cynologists sought to include many species of these huskies into separate breed groups in order to consolidate their outstanding hunting abilities through further selection.

In 1898, the first book about huskies by M. G. Dmirieva-Sulima was published in Russia, in which, based on the generalized experience of commercial hunters and the theory of specialists, huskies were highly appreciated.

Breed standards and photos

Evidence of many years of intensive efforts is the presence of a wide breeding base of purebred Laikas. All modern views Laikas can be classified, according to the standard approved by a majority vote at the All-Union Cynological Meeting in 1947, as one of the four dog breeds below:


General form. The dog is of medium height, strong and dry type of constitution, with well-developed muscles, lively and agile. The height at the withers in males is 52-58 cm, in females it is 2 cm less.

Head. Wedge-shaped, dry, rather wide in the skull, approaching an equilateral triangle. The length of the muzzle is slightly shorter than the length of the skull. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is gradual, unnoticeable, the cheekbones are well defined.

Muzzle pointed, dry, parallel to the forehead line. Lips are dry and tight-fitting.

Eyes. With a cheerful, lively expression, clear. Medium size, oval, set somewhat obliquely, not sunken or protruding, brown and dark brown in any coat color.

Ears. Erect, mobile, small, set moderately high in the shape of a triangle, with a wide base and sharp apexes.

Limbs. Straight and parallel. Pasterns slightly sloping, paws well-arched. Dewclaws on the hind legs are undesirable.

Tail. Set on high, curved in a ring or sickle over the back or pressed to the thigh. At high speed the ring unfolds. When the dog is calm, it is allowed to keep the tail down. In length (straightened) the last vertebra reaches the hock joint or is 1-2 cm shorter.

Wool. The coat is thick, coarse, straight, with a soft undercoat. The outer hair on the neck, withers and shoulders forms a lush collar and scruff. The hair on the head, ears and limbs is short. On hind legs on the back side of the hair it is longer and forms fluffy pants. The tail is pubescent evenly along its entire length, with slightly longer hair on its underside, which, however, does not form a dewlap.

Color. Black, white, red, piebald, zoned.

Vices. An elongated, massive muzzle in relation to the length of the skull, eyes that are too small or large, floppy, low-set ears with rounded tops, a tail that is too long or saber-shaped, depigmentation of the nose.

Wool defects. Poor undercoat development, wavy coat, too long hair on the inside of the tail and on the back of the front legs, short hair.


General form. The dog is of medium height, strong and dry type of constitution. Compared to the Russian-European Laika, it has a more extended format. The height at the withers in males is 54-60 cm, in females it is 2 cm less.

Head. When viewed from above, it appears as a sharp wedge with a wide crown. The length of the muzzle is approximately equal to the length of the skull. The occipital protuberance is well defined. The transition from forehead to muzzle is not sharp.

Muzzle wedge-shaped, the upper line of the muzzle is parallel to the line of the forehead, the lips are dry, tightly fitting, without drooping or jowls. Ears. Shaped like a slightly elongated triangle, erect, mobile, high-set.

Eyes. Medium size, with a sharply slanting eyelid, brown in any coat color.

Neck and torso. The neck is muscular, dry, and equal in length to the head. The chest is wide, deep and long, reaching down to the elbows and below. The withers are well developed and sharply defined.

Back straight, wide, muscular. The loin is slightly convex, short, wide, and muscular. The croup is moderately long and moderately sloping. The belly is moderately tucked.

Limbs. Straight and parallel. Elbows point straight back. Pasterns slightly sloping. The hind limbs are slightly wider apart than the forelimbs.

Tail. Curved into a ring or sickle onto the back or pressed against the thigh.

At a fast pace, the tail unfolds, and can be lowered when the dog is calm. Tail length to the hock joint or 1-2 cm shorter.

Wool. The coat is thick, coarse, straight, with a soft undercoat. On the neck, withers and shoulders, elongated hair forms sideburns, a collar and a scruff. The hair on the head, ears and the front sides of the legs is short. There are small featherings on the back of the hind legs. The tail is evenly pubescent; between the toes the hair forms a small brush that covers the soles of the paws.

Color. White, black, zoned, red and brown of all shades, piebald, spotted. Speckling on the limbs to match the spots is acceptable.

Vices. Too long in relation to the skull, massive muzzle, lack of a pronounced or sharp transition from the forehead to the muzzle, round, small or large eyes, hanging, inactive, low-set ears with rounded tops.

The tail is too long or saber-shaped. Depigmentation of the nose. Wool defects. Poor undercoat development, wavy coat.

3. Karelo-Finnish Laika

General form. Small in stature, strong, agile. The height at the withers in males is 42-48 cm, in females it is 2 cm less.

Head. When viewed from above, wedge-shaped. The parietal crest and occipital protuberance are weakly expressed, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is faintly noticeable. The top line of the forehead and the line of the muzzle are parallel. The muzzle is pointed. The lips are thin, dry, tight-fitting, and not saggy.

Ears. Small, erect, mobile, in the shape of a somewhat elongated triangle with sharp apexes.

Eyes. Small, oval, with a moderately oblique eyelid. Dark brown. Torso. The chest is deep, flattened, the withers are well developed, the back is straight, muscular, the loin is short, convex, the croup is wide, short, almost horizontal, the belly is well tucked.

Limbs. Straight, parallel, rear legs set slightly wider than front ones. The paws are round with tightly closed toes.

Tail. Set on high, curled over the back or pressed to the thigh, a sickle tail is acceptable. Evenly lowered, reaching to the hock joint or 1-2 cm shorter.

Wool. Hard, straight, thick, with a soft, lush undercoat. The hair on the head, ears and front legs is short. The hind legs have noticeable feathering. On the underside of the tail the hair is noticeably longer. On the neck and shoulders, longer hair forms sideburns and a fluffy collar.

Color. Red of all shades. White markings on the face, chest, belly, legs and tip of the tail are allowed, as is a dark mask. The nose is black; with a light red color, brown is allowed.

Vices. The muzzle is too long, massive in relation to the skull, the absence of a pronounced or sharp transition from the forehead to the muzzle, round, very large or very small eyes, floppy, low-set ears with a rounded top. Too much a long tail. Dewclaws are not acceptable.

Wool defects. Wavy coat and poor undercoat development.

4. East Siberian Laika

General form. Compared to the West Siberian one, this Laika is of a more extended format. The height at the withers in males is 55-65 cm, in females it is 2 cm less. In addition to greater length and height at the withers, East Siberian huskies also have more powerful bones.

Head. Wedge-shaped with a relatively wide skull and rounded occipital bone. The length of the muzzle approaches the length of the skull. The occipital protuberance is pronounced. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is smooth, weakly expressed. The top line of the muzzle is parallel to the line of the forehead.

Ears. Standing, mobile, triangular shape, with sharp or

slightly rounded tops, not set very high.

Eyes. Medium-sized, with oval and moderately oblique eyelids, preferably dark brown or brown in any coat color.

Teeth. Large, white, scissor bite.

Neck. Muscular, approaching the length of the head.

Withers. Well developed, protruding sharply above the line of the back.

Back. Straight, wide, muscular.

Forelegs. Straight, parallel, with well-defined angles, elbows directed strictly back. Forearms straight, pasterns slightly sloping.

Hind limbs. Muscular, long shin, parallel, with right angles joints. The metatarsus is set almost vertically. The paws are gathered into a ball. Dewclaws are allowed but not desirable.

Tail. The length reaches the hock joint, or 1-2 cm shorter. As a rule, it is curled over the back or pressed against the thigh.

Movements. Fast, easy. The characteristic gait is an accelerated trot and a light gallop.

The Finns call it Karjarlankarhukoira. After the founding of the Finnish cynological society “Suomen Kennel Liitto” in 1934, they began to collect breeding material, and thus the main base for breeding the Karelian bear dog was created. Thanks to this, it was possible to save the ancient Finnish breed in its original form.

Many specimens of this dog breed were exported abroad to Finland, so this northern hunting spitz acquired lovers abroad, such as in Switzerland, England, Sweden and Norway. This large northern spitz was originally intended to work as a detection hunting dog thanks to its remarkable sense of smell, and it is precisely because of this property that it is still used in hunting today.

The bear has now become a rarity in Finland. Hunting in the forests of the north requires a hardy, unpretentious and courageous dog with a strong hunting and orientation instinct, which can chase an animal in the forest in any weather and find its target. These are the properties that give this breed a special purpose in domestic conditions.

Breed standard

General form. Strong and muscular build, reserved, distrustful character.

Height at withers. For males 54-60 cm, for females 48-53 cm. Head. The shape of the head forms a blunt wedge, with a very wide skull and wide cheekbones. The teeth are large.

Ears. Erect, medium-sized, triangular in shape, slightly set apart, apexes slightly rounded. Lips. Thin and taut.

Torso. The length of the body is slightly greater than the height at the withers. The muscles of the back and croup are very well developed. The advantage is the sloping metatarsus.

Tail. Thick, fluffy, rolled into a tight ring. Wool. The guard hair is hard and straight, the undercoat is thick and fluffy.

Color. Black, preferably with a brownish tint, most often with sharply demarcated white spots, with white markings on the head, neck, chest, paws and tip of the tail.

The standard does not indicate defects.

Choice four-legged friend is a responsible undertaking and must be taken seriously. After all, you will have to spend at least ten years together with this creature. He will be dependent and devoted to you, and you take responsibility for someone else's life.

The pet's character is not immediately visible; you can only guess from the puppy's behavior what its temperament will be in adulthood.

On appearance easier to navigate. In this article we will try to help Laika lovers with black coat color make their choice.

In contact with


Description of the breed. Norwegian Black Elkhound

Laikas are a group that includes many varieties and independent breeds. It’s easy to get lost among all this variety, but if you know exactly what you want, you’ll definitely be able to find it.

The blackest husky Of all, this is the Norwegian Black Elkhound. Laiki existed in Norway as early as 5000 BC. They developed and formed independently without human intervention. Strong, hardy, intelligent and, moreover, excellent hunters have always been valued by man and were close to him. The Elkhound had different colors, but black was not on the list. Dogs with dark color fur coats have always been in price.

Its main advantage is that it is difficult to notice in the dark. And for a guard dog, the effect of surprise is more important than for anyone else. Plus, it's really beautiful.

For this reason, the black variety of Elkhound was bred artificially in the early twentieth century. For a long time it was difficult to popularize and gain official recognition. Only in 1965 the variety was officially included in the registers of the International Canine Federation.

The current standards can be described as follows:

  • The maximum height at the withers is forty-nine centimeters.
  • The average weight ranges from eighteen to twenty-seven kilograms.
  • Life expectancy is on average fifteen years.
  • Country of origin: Norway.
  • The physique is square, light, athletic, muscular.
  • The head is tightly covered with skin, wedge-shaped. The widest part is between the ears.
  • The bridge of the nose is elongated and straight.
  • The ears are pointed and erect.
  • The tail is abundantly covered with hair, curled into a ring on the back. A distinctive feature of all Laikas.
  • Limbs are dry, straight, muscular.
  • The fur fits tightly to the body. The thick and warm undercoat is soft to the touch. The guard hair is quite hard. The hair is longest on the neck, upper paws, chest and neck.
  • The color is black with a glossy sheen. Accepted with a white marking on the chest, but this is rare and not a priority.

In its temperament, character and habits, this is a typical Laika, with all the features unique to this group. An excellent guard, a loyal friend, an affectionate family pet with children, a talented hunter and, of course, a handsome, glossy man - all this can be said about our hero. If you are looking for that coat color, like the southern night, without a single glimmer of white, then look no further than the Norwegian Elkhound.

With a white tie

White markings on the chest of dogs add charm to them and at the same time give their appearance seriousness and one might even say formality.

Among the varieties of the Norwegian Elkhound, there is also a white stripe on the chest, but this is quite rare. The mark may be different sizes and we can safely say that you will not find two identical marks even among puppies from the same parents. But this is not the only breed that I would like to mention. The Nenets Laika is one of the few that has come down to us and has retained its primitive features. Its origin is integrally connected with the Northern regions of Russia. Today she is wonderful companion, hunting dog, security guard. He serves in the detachment of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and participates in search activities, and mestizos crossed with a jackal patrol the border zones.

There are many stories about how our hero saved a person’s life. He is an excellent guide and if he senses a predator nearby, he will find a way to lead his companion along other paths, avoiding danger.

Unfortunately, the breed is still not recognized and is distributed only in Russia. Outwardly, they are typical representatives of the group. Slightly below average height, with a thick and warm fur coat, and a luxurious tail curled over the back. As for colors, they can be varied and not strictly regulated. Black coat color with markings on the chest or in its pure form is also often found.

A very beautiful combination of black and white on the body of Russian-European huskies. This breed is a factory breed and was born during the USSR period. This was the heyday of that country, of which only memories now remain. The cynological experience of those years is the richest heritage inherited by Russia after the collapse of the Union. At that time, a lot of manpower was required, energetic and capable dogs helped people build a bright future, and the fur trade brought in a lot of money needed for construction. Experienced and intelligent hunters, they did an excellent job of hunting squirrels, martens and sables. With such a partner, not a single hunter was afraid to go into the taiga. Long years experiments in which about ten took part various types aboriginal dogs, led to excellent results. The IFF included them in its lists in 1980 under number 304.

With blue eyes

If you thought that Blue eyes are distinctive feature Husky, then you were wrong. There is also a variety of Laikas, whose eyes can also be a rich heavenly shade. We are talking about the Yakut representatives of the group.

They were very valuable animals in Yakutia, not only because they were endowed with all the abilities and characteristics of the breed group, but also because they were prescribed mystical properties. It was believed that such a dog brings happiness and prosperity to the house, acts as a kind of guardian angel This was not far from the truth, since pets could really sense the approach of any danger and warn their owners about it.

The FCI recognized the breed only conditionally, but approved the current standards. Monochromatic color is allowed only white; it is mainly a spotted animal, often combining black and white colors on its skin in a beautifully painted pattern.


On average, the price of a husky puppy costs from twenty thousand rubles. It is important to decide for what purpose you are purchasing a pet.

If as a friend and security guard, then official recognition and permission to participate in exhibitions will not be important for you. If you only want a world-famous and officially recognized breed, then the list of candidates for the role of your pet is narrowing.

You can purchase any of the listed varieties of the group in Russia.

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Laika is the common name for the breeds of the northern forest zone of Europe and Asia. Several species of these animals are raised in Russia.

The husky has a wedge-shaped head, erect pointed ears, a curved tail, height at the withers from 38 to 63 cm. The coat is straight, the undercoat is thick, the color is extremely varied. Laikas are used for hunting bears, fur-bearing animals - such as squirrels, sables, martens and the like, ungulates such as moose, forest and waterfowl. Having found an animal or bird, the husky attracts their attention by barking and holds it until the hunter approaches. A leaving large animal is pursued in silence. Some varieties of huskies, such as the Yakut husky, were bred as both hunting and riding dogs, although with a deterioration in their characteristics. And such a popular breed as the Siberian was bred as a purely sled dog; it is fundamentally not suitable for hunting, therefore many do not recognize it as a variety of husky, although it undoubtedly belongs to the Laikoids.

Character of huskies

Laika has an amazing character and a unique hunting mind. The dog is able to calculate situations several steps ahead, and therefore it is completely invulnerable during the hunt. However, the animal’s intelligence and ingenuity are not limited only to hunting, because it is not for nothing that the husky dog ​​was the first to be in space, even ahead of humans.

By nature, these dogs are free and love wide open spaces, long walks with hunting. On the one hand, animals of this breed become very attached to their owner, but on the other hand, the hunting habits can overpower, and therefore, having found the company of another dog, the husky can run to hunt, forgetting about the person.

When hunting, the animal not only helps the owner, but takes on the main, leading role. In fact, she herself searches for and barks at prey. She knows exactly how and what needs to be done. It diverts attention to itself and thereby allows a person to take aim.

The Laika does not hunt for itself; it works only for its owner. And in case of serious danger, he can even sacrifice his life to save a person. Most of the dogs on the hunt simply grab the bear by its fur in order to detain it until its owner arrives. But if a person is in great danger, then the husky is already tearing at the animal for real in order to divert attention to itself and take the blow.

Laika puppies need to be accustomed to pets from childhood, otherwise they will certainly hunt them as adults. Dogs are very friendly towards people and make excellent watchdogs. Laikas love to play with children, but babies still need to be kept away from them.

A good owner must appreciate all the extraordinary abilities of the animal, as well as the unusual nature of its character, and treat the dog with love and respect. Laika is a special breed. Even training and coaching happen differently for her than for other species. To train this dog, you need to organize a husky competition, letting it work with an experienced partner. You cannot train a dog too actively and persistently. It will simply work much worse. This is the opposite effect. The basis of her training is proper upbringing from early childhood. You need to talk to the puppy, explain to him how to behave. The dog needs to be convinced that you trust it completely.


Properly organizing the feeding of the husky is the owner’s main task as soon as the puppy settles with them. It is necessary to decide in a timely manner what to feed the dog: dry food or prepare a variety of dishes.

Although it takes much more time and money to prepare food for your dog yourself, it is much better and more natural than dry food. But the choice is up to the owners.

To have a strong, resilient and healthy dog need to be carefully composed balanced menu. This is especially important for small puppies, since it is at this age that they develop the basic skills for the proper development and formation of a strong skeleton and developed muscles.

At first, up to about 6 months, experienced dog handlers recommend feeding a small puppy about 5 or 6 times a day. After the dog is six months old, food intake is reduced to 3 or 4 times a day. An adult, fully formed individual is fed in the morning and evening; for full development, twice a day is enough.

Clean drinking water should always be near the dog. You need to change the water container at least three times a day.

It is very important to give raw and cooked meat to young huskies. Beef and lean pork, rabbit and various poultry meat, including game, are suitable. Meat is the main product that should always be present in the daily menu of a husky.

Fish, both river and sea (just not very bony), is an excellent treat for a dog. It contains a lot useful substances, so necessary for the proper growth and development of the husky. The dog should eat it several times a week.

Dairy products diversify the daily menu pet. He needs to eat fresh milk, yogurt, and cottage cheese. This animal should be treated to these foods two to three times a week.

From time to time the husky should eat raw chicken eggs, fresh seasonal vegetables and fruits, both raw and steamed or cooked and seasoned vegetable oil(it significantly improves absorption essential vitamins and microelements).

So that the husky lives long life, there are a number of foods that it is advisable to permanently exclude from the diet. Prohibited foods include peas and others legumes, potatoes, white bread, cream sweets, cakes, various pastas and smoked meats. It is highly undesirable for your dog to try fried, salty, spicy or spoiled food. The consequences can be negative.


How much does a like cost? The price of dogs is determined based on many factors. For example, from the nursery in which it was raised, from the food that adults and puppies eat. An important parameter in determining the price is eye color and color, as well as breeding lines, parental titles, etc. There are a lot of components.

If you decide to buy a dog, then don’t go for the cheap price. First, take a closer look at how much a like actually costs. Price is not the main indicator by which you should choose an animal. There are fur farms where they simply breed puppies for sale, without showing good treatment of the animals. In such places you can buy a dog cheaper, but you shouldn’t do it.

And if a breeder carefully looks after and cares for the animals and feeds them properly, then he will not sell his ward cheaply.

You cannot buy a puppy without seeing its parents, as well as its habitat. If an animal is sold without a pedigree, then you should definitely make sure what breed its parents are.

There is another important point. You need to understand that a purebred breed will cost more, but a husky mix will cost less. Mixed breeds are obtained through random matings and crossing with other breeds. However, their characteristics may differ from those of purebreds. Prices for such puppies can be very different: from 500 rubles to 5 thousand.

As for purebred huskies, an adult dog will cost no less than twenty-five thousand rubles, and the price for puppies starts from ten thousand rubles.

Varieties of huskies

Russian-European Laika- medium height, lean, strong build. Agile, balanced, with well-developed tentative reaction, has a pronounced hunting passion. Malice toward humans is not typical for this pet. It is possible in a city apartment, but subject to long walks in the forest or in the park. Walking in the city is only possible on a leash, as these dogs are freedom-loving and tend to search large areas. They feel better in rural areas. The animal is very clean; its fur does not require constant care.

The Russian-European Laika was formed on the basis of representatives of hunting hunting dogs of local breeds of Laikas, which were used for hunting in the northern regions. Rock formation began in the middle of the 20th century in the USSR. The blood of huskies was also used. This is a universal hunting dog with exceptional genetic working abilities. At the same time, there are individual characteristics of each specimen that the hunter must take into account when choosing and raising a puppy.

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The dog is above average height, strong or strong dry type of constitution. Agile, balanced, with a well-developed orienting reaction, she has a pronounced hunting passion when working on animals. Malice towards a person is not typical. Very well adapted to hard work in the harsh conditions of the mountainous Siberian taiga.

The East Siberian Laika is the largest of this breed group; they hunt large animals with it and the dog is able to hold it until the hunter approaches. Currently, the number of dogs of this breed is varied. This applies to both color and head shape, height, ear set and other items. Puppies and young dogs develop much more slowly than other breeds of huskies. In their youth, many of them passionately hunt squirrels and other small fur-bearing animals. But with age they begin to become more interested in sable. Among the East Siberian Laikas there are many excellent ungulate hunters and bear keepers.

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A strong, medium-sized dog with a well-developed coat, sufficient to live in harsh arctic conditions. The Yakut variety of this breed is an active, playful, inquisitive dog, has a friendly and docile character, is very sociable and not at all aggressive. This pet is mainly used for riding work and helping in hunting seals, arctic foxes, bears and even geese. The coat of this husky is thick with a well-developed undercoat, shiny, straight, and rough to the touch. Good, dense feathering on the front and hind legs. The mane on the neck is well developed. The tail is thick and fluffy. The color is spotted, varied, white and black, black and white, gray and white, white and gray, black and white with red markings, black with red spots, red and white, white and red.

Finnish Laika bright red color has long been known to local hunters. In previous centuries, she was an ordinary yard dog of rural residents of Finland, especially its northern regions. Finnish huskies They are usually attached to their owner and family members and are often distrustful of strangers. They love freedom, are very touchy and do not tolerate rude treatment. If severely punished at least once, this dog becomes timid and afraid of its owner. They work best on upland game. Significant disadvantages of the breed are that many of them are reluctant to go into the water and are overly excitable.

Karelian bear husky was officially recognized by the Scandinavian FCI clubs in 1946. Externally, this dog is very similar to the Russian-European variety. Descendants of Arkhangelsk Laikas, which hunters brought to Karelia, undoubtedly participated in the formation of this breed, as well as the Russian-European one. The Karelian bear breed is characterized by courage, as well as some excitability and stubbornness. They have no malice towards man, although strangers she is wary. These dogs are usually friendly towards their owners and are devoted to them. It should be noted that they are aggressive towards other dogs and often get into fights with them. Therefore, they are used alone when hunting. In Finland they hunt mainly moose with it. Such an assistant maintains close contact with the hunter and does not run far when pursuing the animal.

Samoyed husky comes from dogs that accompanied the ancient Samoyed tribes, hence the name of the breed, in their nomadic life. This is one of the most ancient northern dog breeds. The Samoyed tribe used these huskies as sled dogs, to guard herds of deer, and to hunt bears and walruses. The first dogs of this breed appeared in Great Britain around 1890. Robert Scott, a polar explorer, brought them to the attention of the whole world by demonstrating their ability to transport heavy loads over long distances. From that time on, the breed began to spread throughout all countries.

The Samoyed Laika is strong and active dog. The height at the withers of males reaches 53-60 cm, in females it is slightly less - 48-53 cm. Usually the weight of an adult animal is 23-30 kg. The head is conical. The jaws of the Samoyed husky are very strong. The nose is black or brown. The eyes are dark, slanted, deep. The Samoyed's ears are small, slightly rounded at the ends, and raised. The tail is long, fluffy, curled into a ring and raised towards the back. Legs are strong and muscular. The paws of this husky are flat and covered with hair. The animal's coat is thick and fluffy, but not wavy, with a thick soft undercoat that protects the dog from the cold. The preferred color is white, but biscuit, yellowish or white and yellow are possible.

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The Samoyed Laika is a calm, self-controlled, obedient, loyal dog with self-esteem. Since Samoyeds almost always work together in a team, each animal rarely gets a chance to shine. But if the owner has only one dog, he always turns out to be a wonderful friend, a good-natured, cheerful and sociable pet. The Samoyed never looks for trouble, but if necessary, it can fight the enemy.

The Samoyed has an abundant, thick, supple, dense “polar” coat. The Samoyed is a dog with a double coat: a short, soft and dense undercoat and a long, coarser and straighter outer coat. The coat should form a “collar” around the neck and shoulders, framing the head, especially in males. On the head and front surfaces of the limbs the hair is short and even, on the outer surface of the ears it is also short, standing vertically to the surface of the ear. The inner surface of the ears should be well furred. On back surface The fur on the thighs forms “pants”. Protective fur should grow between the toes. The tail is always profusely furred.

The coat of female dogs is often shorter and softer than that of males. Wool with the correct structure should always have a special sparkling shine. In the cold, this dog “fluffs up”, and the stronger the frost, the more pronounced this effect is. Wool has self-cleaning ability. If the dog is not washed often, this property remains for life. That is, it is enough to wash it no more than 2 times a year. They wash it mainly in order to rid the animal of the odors of other dogs that have nourished it. To make your pet cleaner, you just need to brush it regularly. The Samoyed has practically no smell of its own.

Karelo-Finnish Laika- this is the Russian name of the breed Finnish Spitz, recognized by the FCI. Bred by crossing Karelian and Olonets breeds of commercial hunting dogs with Finnish dogs. The breed was formed from aboriginal huskies in Karelia and Finland. The origin of the breed is unknown. However, it is known that for hundreds of years, dogs of this type have already been used for hunting throughout the country. Initially, the main goal was to get a dog that was good at barking game in the trees and at the same time beautiful. When the process of registering the breed began in the 1890s, individuals similar in type and use were found mainly in the eastern and northern parts of Finland.

The breed is below average height, almost square. The type of build is dry and strong, with good posture. The oblique length of the body is equal to the height at the withers. The depth of the chest is slightly less than half the height at the withers. The length of the muzzle is related to the length of the skull approximately 3:4. The skull is slightly wider than it is long; its width is equal to its depth. The dog has a lively, energetic, courageous and unyielding character. Perhaps a little reserved attitude towards strangers, but by no means malicious.

West Siberian Laika- the most popular and numerous breed of hunting huskies in Russia. This breed appeared as a result of crossing the Mansi type of huskies, which lived in the taiga and forests of the Northern Urals and Western Siberia, and Khanty individuals, common in the taiga territories of the Ob. This dog helped local hunters and shepherds survive in difficult natural conditions. It must be said that in order to obtain the ideal assistant to a professional hunter, breeders over the centuries have carried out the most stringent and thorough selection, as a result of which obviously weak individuals were discarded and excluded from breeding.

Externally, the West Siberian Laika is a short-haired dog with a lean but strong build, medium size, from 51 to 61 cm at the withers, weighing up to 23 kg. A characteristic feature of the breed is a lush woolen collar and sideburns. The color can be gray, gray-red, gray with white, white, fawn, piebald, often with zonal or wolf hair color. This traditional coloring ideally camouflages the West Siberian Laika in forest conditions. The standards prohibit black and black and white colors.

West Siberian Laika
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It is believed that West Siberian huskies have retained their true “wolf” features to the greatest extent. This is proven by numerous studies. In particular, in relation to their “wild” counterparts, these huskies have undergone minimal changes in the skeleton, head shape, teeth and have almost completely retained their hunting skills. So, having acquired a husky, you will be dealing with a real forest dweller. But don’t be afraid, the husky only shows aggression at work, towards the animal, but towards humans it demonstrates amazing affection and love. In addition, the West Siberian Laika is an excellent bodyguard and watchman.

Regarding the content West Siberian Laika, then freedom and the ability to constantly move are very important to her. Therefore, this “child of nature” feels extremely uncomfortable in a city apartment. It is ideal to keep this pet in a rural area, in an outdoor kennel, and if kept on a leash, be sure to regularly let it run free.

A brief description of the dog breed will help you determine that this is a Samoyed Laika. Absolutely white fluffy animals of medium size and harmoniously built. The muzzle is “drawn” in black: kind sparkles of the eyes, nose, contour of the lips, the corners of which are raised in a characteristic “smile”. The contrast of the exterior of this breed is brought to the maximum - only two colors, the white eyelashes and mustache are especially touching. Add an affectionate, conflict-free character - and you will understand that you have dreamed of such a dog.

Why is this dog breed called “Samoyed”? The main version: it was domesticated by small nationalities living in the north of what is now Russia - the Samoyeds. Hardy huskies were used as sled dogs. Their white fur coat made them completely invisible in the snow; it seemed as if the sledges were “driving on their own.” This is another, less scientific version of why the dog is called that. The British, appreciating the strength and beauty of the Samoyed husky breed, took it to Europe, leaving the name unchanged.

Ancient origins

The Samoyed has never been subjected to artificial selection. Modern research deny the presence of extraneous genes - fox, wolf. Non-intervention by humans has preserved the Laika's natural health, which is a big advantage of the breed, one of the 14 oldest.

What does a Samoyed look like according to the standard?

Existing descriptions of the Samoyed husky breed at the end of the 20th century were formalized by the “Samoyed” standard, which classifies dogs in the group “Spitz and primitive type breeds”, section “Northern sled dogs”.

Males of pure blood must be up to 60 cm tall at the withers and weigh up to 30 kg. The characteristics of the breed for females are more modest: 50-56 cm and 17-25 kg, respectively.

Other exterior parameters:

Wedge-shaped head with a powerful skull, small erect ears.
A strong, medium-sized neck extends into a broad chest.
The body is compact, not stretched, fitting into a square shape when viewed from the side.
The paws are straight, parallel.
The tail is curled into a “steering wheel” lying on its side and is richly pubescent.
The coat is two-layered, long, and predominantly snow-white in color. Light cream shades are acceptable, but they are rare.

Laika is a very common hunting dog. It is popular not only because of its excellent external characteristics, but also because of its versatility, endurance, and unpretentiousness to living conditions. She has an amazing ability to adapt to any natural conditions. Actually, Laika is not a completely separate breed, but a generalized name for several breeds of hunting and sled dogs.

Throughout the vast expanse of the North there live many varieties of huskies, the so-called “offspring”. The number of main types is close to ten (Zyryan, Finnish-Karelian, Vogul, Cheremis, Ostyak, Tungus, Lapland, Samoyed, Yakut). Here you can also add sled dogs of the northeast and Norwegian huskies (Eldhunds).

All of them differ significantly from each other in terms of exterior characteristics and internal qualities, which is quite natural. Laikas living in different geographical areas have different origins and purpose, but the main one, of course, remains assistance in hunting. There has never been a single “Siberian” husky, as Dmitrieva-Sulima rightly noted. Actually, they received their name relatively recently; previously huskies were called: “yard”, “pointy-eared” or “ northern dogs" The hunting qualities of huskies have always been highly valued, but the dogs were also very strictly selected. If in Western Europe hunting was the prerogative of aristocrats, then in the regions of the Russian north and Siberia it was the main trade that helped to survive.

At the end of the 19th century, hunter-cynologists: G. Poplavsky, M.G. Dmitrieva-Sulima and Prince A.A. Shirinsky-Shikhmatov decided to establish the selection and breeding of northern oysters. They promoted the breed, studied and classified huskies, maintained large nurseries, and while traveling in the north of Russia, they looked for and bought best representatives"domestic" dogs.

In 1925, the first huskies were approved and shown three years later at the First All-Union Exhibition, after which they became very popular among hunters. During the Great Patriotic War, they were often used as sled dogs, mine detection dogs, and demolition dogs. During the last war years of World War II, about 65 nurseries were created in which hunting dogs, including huskies, were bred. And in 1947-49, five standards were adopted, albeit temporary, for Karelian, Finno-Karelian, Khantei (Ostyak), Mansi (Vogul) and Komi (Zyryan).

The most popular subspecies is the West Siberian Laika. These dogs are the result of crossing Khanty individuals with the Mansi type. At one time, it was the best friend of shepherds, helping people survive in difficult natural conditions.

Laika breeds

Russian aboriginal Laika breeds:

  • Nenetskaya daisies (olegonnyy Spitz);
  • Yakut Laika;
  • Evenka Laika;

None of the native breeds is recognized by the FCI; only the Yakut Laika received recognition from the RKF in 2006.

Russian factory breeds:

  • Russian-European Laika;
  • East Siberian Laika;
  • Zapadnosibirskaya chamomile;
  • Karelian-Finnish Laika (In 2005, by an agreement between the Finnish Kennel Club and the RKF, it was recognized as identical to the Finnish Spitz breed).

All factory Russian breeds have received recognition from the International Film Festival.

European breeds huskies:

  • Finnish Spitz (Finnish bird dog);
  • Karelian bear dog;
  • Norwegian Elkhound;
  • Norwegian Buhund;
  • Norrbotten Spitz;
  • Yamtkhund;
  • Swedish Elghound;
  • Xelleforsxund;

All breeds except the Swedish Elghund and Helleforshund are recognized by the FCI.

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Purpose and use in hunting

All huskies (with the exception of huskies, which are used as sled dogs) are excellent hunters, and this was emphasized during selection. They are used for almost any game, starting with small birds and ending with ungulates. They have also proven themselves to be good guards.

The Laika dog is a versatile hunting dog. Its main task is to track and bark at prey. Thus, the husky indicates the location of the animal and distracts the target from the hunter.

Laikas are distinguished by a wide search, well-developed upper and lower sense of smell, a clear and ringing voice, and an innate hunting instinct. Most dogs can track an animal after 10-12 hours, and can also keep an eye on the animal for hours. Laikas work great not only alone, but also in round-ups or driven hunts. Well-trained, experienced dogs can easily detain a bear or block a boar until the hunter arrives.

Most often with huskies they go after ferrets, minks, foxes, weasels, badgers, raccoons, raccoon dogs and marten. Less often on wild boar, elk or bear. In Europe, huskies are also actively used in hunting lynx, roe deer and forest cats. They are often used for waterfowl hunting. The dogs calmly scour the reed beds, scare away coots and ducks, and are not afraid to go into the water. bring trophies and collect wounded animals.

Common features in the appearance of huskies

The head is elongated, wedge-shaped, the muzzle is pointed. The eye shape is slightly oblique, the color is often dark. The ears are always erect, small or medium. The neck is strong, muscular and elongated, smoothly blending into the deep chest. The coat is double, with a straight, rough coat and a thick undercoat. The tail is always fluffy, but the way it is worn varies, although most often it is curled. All other characteristics: size, build, angles of articulation of limbs, shape of paws or structure of teeth - differ greatly among the varieties of huskies.


Laikas have amazing personalities and unique hunting instincts. Very smart, disciplined, quick-witted and clean dogs. They are able to make decisions independently and calculate the situation in advance. And if most dogs play the role of assistant during the hunt, then the husky is the constant leader here. Completely independent and at the same time very attached to the owner. Freedom-loving and sociable huskies are never arrogant and do not tolerate unfair treatment.

In most cases, huskies are very stubborn and capricious. Most often they are friendly, but there are also aggressive specimens. Undesirable traits can sometimes be corrected. They get along well with other dogs, although there can be fights between males. As a rule, they chase other people's cats, but they treat their own cats tolerantly. Birds and small animals are of interest only as potential prey.

Hunting qualities of huskies

The unique quality of huskies that sets them apart from others hunting breeds, the possibility of integrated use of their inherent characteristics.

  • Travel speed means the time during which the dog is able to cover the hunting ground. The speed and type of running depends on the character and psychology of the dog.
  • Flair is a natural trait that is inherited. The owner's task is not to drown it out.
  • Viscosity means the dog's persistence in searching for a trace, the ability to lead it further until it notices the owner.
  • The barking of an animal is an innate quality of huskies, which they use very enthusiastically, until the arrival of the hunter. The dog's voice is clear, sonorous and strong.
  • In tracking an animal, a husky can use both upper and lower senses, which can be improved by proper training of the animal.
  • Obedience is also a basic characteristic of the breed, because the ease of use of the dog for hunting depends on it.

Testing and comparing dogs can only be done as a whole, as experts do.

Raising and training huskies

In the process of raising a husky, you will have to show considerable persistence. These dogs have a strong character and do not like to obey. It is worth noting that the husky needs to be educated, and not trained until complete obedience. Hunters noted that dogs that were trained and kept under strict conditions performed worse in the field than those that were raised as partners to humans. It is enough for likes to know and follow basic commands; basically, they must be independent.

Laikas are not only independent, but also extremely touchy creatures. Therefore, their training, especially in urban conditions, is a labor-intensive process. Teaching your dog the basics will require patience and endurance. Among other things, learning is hampered by the animal's excitability and increased reaction.

It is advisable to start training from the moment the puppy appears in the house. But at the same time, you should not limit his natural curiosity and activity; the puppy should run a lot, play, and learn to overcome obstacles. If for other dogs constant repetition and reinforcement of commands is the norm, then it is not advisable to overload the husky. Excellent results can only be achieved with the right approach to this completely self-sufficient dog, you need to trust it, and therefore only guide and correct it.

The husky is absolutely not demanding in terms of keeping conditions, unpretentious in food, hardy and easily adapts to the environment. In the city, their main disadvantage is independence and independence. Walking without a leash, a dog can easily run away a great distance from its owner, chasing a cat or picking up the scent of a squirrel. Laikas are quite clean and do not have to be bathed often. Brush regularly.

If you want to buy a husky, you need to prepare for the meeting of the new tenant in advance. It’s good if you have your own country house with an equipped place to keep your husky in the fresh air. If there is a house, but you have not prepared the place yet, build it inside. This best option housing for a dog. It is not advisable to keep your Laika on a leash or indoors.

Freedom, space, daily long exercise, active games and hunting are the minimum that huskies need for a happy life.

In winter, your husky puppy will be cold, so bring him indoors. Provide your pet with a place to rest and eat. Choose a warm corner away from damp drafts. What you should not do is accustom your animal to the sofa or bed. Subsequently, you will regret more than once this moment of weakness; it is almost impossible to drive the dog away from its favorite corner. Among other things, the furniture upholstery will suffer from claws.

It is better to bring a husky into the yard of a private house; it is an active dog that requires a lot of physical activity, and in an apartment it is quite difficult to provide her with quality walking.

Diet and health

The husky is absolutely unpretentious when it comes to food, rarely overeats, and is not prone to overeating or food allergies. You can feed natural food or ready-made food for the appropriate breed, observing the portion size indicated on the package. If a husky lives a busy life, then it needs more food compared to low-active dogs the same size. But in any case, the main rule is one - you don’t need to overfeed the dog, but you also don’t need to limit it in food.

Laikas are very strong, healthy and hardy dogs. It is only worth noting that each breed still has its own hereditary diseases. Life expectancy is 10-13 years.

How to choose a husky puppy

If you decide to get a husky puppy, first you need to decide on the breed. All huskies are distinguished by outstanding working qualities, however, it is necessary to take into account temperament, external characteristics, living conditions and the type of hunt for which the dog is selected.

Next is the question of gender. Bitches are usually more docile and affectionate to their owner. In their work they are more balanced and persistent than males. They have one drawback - they estrus 2 times a year, but the period does not always fall during the open season. Male dogs do not have this problem, but when they smell the scent of a bitch in heat, they can give up hunting and go on a love quest.

When the husky population was formed in isolation, when choosing a puppy, hunters often relied on signs that many today question. It is believed that the husky should have as few scars as possible on the palate, and its color should be black. Working prospects were also determined by the claws: if they are pure black or white, the dog will prove itself in catching small animals, if they are motley, it will work for large game, but the best option is the claws different color. The presence of a beard on a puppy indicates the presence of foreign blood, but at the same time, such dogs often show themselves in working with large game. Among black dogs, preference was given to “two-eyed” ones, that is, those with red markings above the eyes. Ears should be of medium size; small ones are typical for lazy people. The presence of dewclaws indicated that the dog would come after a bird or a mink.

The main factor in choosing a hunting husky puppy is the opportunity to purchase a baby from proven hunting producers. At the same time, the stability of working qualities must be confirmed by several generations. With good hereditary characteristics, a dog has a greater chance of becoming an excellent hunter's assistant. Buying a dog without a pedigree is comparable to buying a pig in a poke. And of course, it is important to find a conscientious breeder who knows his dogs well and will help in choosing.

At one month of age, you can already check which puppies have more acute hearing, just snap your fingers while the babies are sleeping and see who reacts first. The sense of smell is tested in the same way, but instead of a click, a plate of food is placed next to the sleeping puppies. The reaction to a loud bang while awake will also be different: one puppy will be frightened, another will not react, and the third will go to investigate, and it is he who should be given preference.


Photos of Russian factory and native Laika breeds.

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