What kind of cookies can a nursing mother eat: oatmeal, biscuit and lingering treats during breastfeeding. Can I eat oatmeal, biscuit or anniversary cookies while breastfeeding?

Many women approach nutrition issues after childbirth with caution, trying to avoid harmful and dangerous foods. infant products.

Of course, this is correct, but not all products that may seem harmful at first glance are, for example, oatmeal cookies. breastfeeding It may well be added to the diet of a nursing mother. Whether this applies to any variety of this delicacy and whether you can be sure that such cookies will definitely not harm the baby’s health – we’ll find out in our article.

Can a nursing mother of a newborn eat oatmeal cookies and what are their benefits?

So, as mentioned above, oatmeal cookies may well be included in the menu of a young mother while breastfeeding. However, such a delicacy carries a significant share of dangers to the baby’s health. The whole point here is that the most useful component These cookies contain oats, but other ingredients, such as eggs, may pose a risk.

That is why pediatricians recommend first trying each product included in the cookies separately and only then tasting the aromatic delicacy. We’ll talk a little more about the procedure for introducing oatmeal cookies below, but now let’s look at the main positive properties this treat, which make it not only very tasty, but also incredibly healthy.

  • Thanks to oats, such cookies contain significant amount microelements and minerals, the need for which, both mother and baby, is incredibly high.
  • Most of all this treat contains manganese. This element is involved in many processes occurring in our body, but it is especially important for the growth of various tissues. Manganese allows bones to grow faster, connective tissues, has a beneficial effect on brain activity And general development crumbs.
  • This delicacy also contains antioxidants, which help cells in the body of mother and baby recover faster and also protect them from damage. In addition, these plant acids remove harmful and dangerous toxic substances from the body.
  • Thanks to oatmeal the level decreases blood pressure , which reduces the load on the cardiovascular system.
  • Oat cookies rich in fiber– This plant fiber helps normalize digestive function and also has a positive effect on intestinal health. His normal operation entails better absorption useful and nutritious substances.
  • This type of cookie, despite its rather specific composition, Helps reduce bad cholesterol levels and increases the level of good. This feature helps reduce the likelihood of developing thrombosis and also improves general state vascular system.
  • Don't be surprised, but oatmeal cookies, with all their calorie content, can help young mothers lose weight. In addition to improving digestive function, as mentioned above, this delicacy provides a long-lasting feeling of fullness. In combination with sugar, saturation occurs very quickly and for a long time.
  • Content gland in oatmeal cookies, although not very large, is enough to have a positive effect on the body of a nursing mother. This element participates in the oxidative processes occurring in our body and promotes better hematopoiesis. Since the mother's body produces milk from the blood, we can say that oatmeal cookies improve lactation.

Possible harm from maternal consumption of oatmeal cookies during breastfeeding

Undoubtedly, for a nursing mother, oatmeal cookies are quite a healthy delicacy, but they also have a number of negative qualities that must be remembered when consuming them during lactation.

Such cookies are made from several varieties of products at once, and therefore the risk of allergies in the baby is especially high.

  • Most often, the cause of its appearance is chicken eggs, as a result of which redness and rash can be observed on the baby’s skin, and a negative reaction can also be expressed in the form of problems with breathing, coughing and lacrimation.
  • The abundance of fiber in a mother's diet can sometimes negatively affect the baby's digestive system. The baby develops colic, the consistency of the stool changes, and he suffers from flatulence or diarrhea.
  • Oatmeal cookies should not be eaten by nursing mothers who have intestinal problems - inflammatory diseases in this part digestive system may worsen if you eat foods rich in coarse plant fibers.
  • This delicacy is quite high in calories, and therefore nursing mothers who have gained excess weight During pregnancy, you should not overuse such cookies.
  • Oatmeal cookies contain a large amount of gluten, and therefore if you are on a gluten-free diet, then you will have to refuse such a treat.

How to properly introduce oatmeal cookies into your diet during lactation

As you can see, oatmeal cookies have many properties, both beneficial and potentially dangerous for the baby, and therefore incorrect or untimely introduction of such a delicacy can lead to negative consequences.

The first thing you need to do is make sure that you have already tried all the products included in this delicacy before, and the baby is not allergic to them. If this is not done, then if a negative reaction occurs, you will not be able to understand which specific product is not suitable for your baby.

When this is done, you can try eating one cookie. After this, it is advisable to wait 12 to 24 hours, monitoring the baby’s reaction. If everything is in order and he feels fine, then oatmeal cookies can be included in your menu from time to time.

Even if a child has no allergies, you should not overeat - you can eat no more than 2-4 cookies per day, and there should be no more than 4 such snacks per week.

By adhering to such standards, you will be able to get all the benefits from the treat, but at the same time protect your baby and yourself from negative consequences.

Sometimes, due to the peculiarities of the infant’s digestion, food that consists of several ingredients gives negative reaction, although the baby is not allergic to any individual product. The same can be observed with oatmeal cookies, and therefore if the baby has red spots or his tummy is bothering him, then postpone the introduction of these cookies for a month or two.

Recipe for safe homemade oatmeal cookies for pregnant women

It’s much better to cook it yourself; fortunately, the recipe for such a delicacy is very simple and anyone can handle the cooking. By the way, these homemade cookies are made without eggs, which means that the risk of allergies in the baby is minimal.

You will need

  • Oatmeal – 1 cup;
  • Wheat flour – 2 tbsp;
  • Sour cream – 2-3 tbsp;
  • Butter – 50 g;
  • White granulated sugar – 3 tbsp;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Baking powder – sachet.

How to make oatmeal cookies for a nursing mother

  • Pour the oatmeal into a frying pan and lightly fry it for a minute over medium heat.
  • Place them in a blender or coffee grinder and turn them into flour. Pour into a separate deep bowl.
  • Add wheat flour, sour cream, softened butter, granulated sugar and salt. Also add baking powder and knead into a stiff dough.
  • Line a baking sheet with parchment and lightly sprinkle with flour. Scoop up the dough with a tablespoon and place it on paper. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
  • Place the cookies in the oven for 20-25 minutes until browned. Then take it out and let it cool.

During breastfeeding, such oatmeal cookies can be eaten even a little earlier than 3 months - without eggs, its allergenicity is significantly reduced, which means it becomes almost completely safe for your baby.

We often hear that pregnant women have very unusual whims regarding food. But the child is born, and sometimes whims remain. A woman who has recently given birth may have an irresistible desire to eat something sweet. WITH scientific point This is very easy to explain. The thing is that a woman spends a very large amount of energy when breastfeeding, because she also constantly takes care of the baby, as a rule, sleeps little, and all this invariably affects the mother’s immunity. In such a situation, a woman who has recently become a mother constantly feels sleepy and tired, but after eating something sweet, she feels a surge of strength and energy, and her mood becomes much better. After all, everyone knows that sweet foods contain large amounts of serotonin, which provides a person with wonderful well-being. Serotonin quickly eliminates drowsiness and relieves headaches. In addition, in chocolate sweets and treats with high content fat, also contains endorphin - the well-known hormone of happiness. Many people know that it is released during sports, but if you are not ready for this yet, get endorphin from sweet treats. This is why pampering yourself with sweets during lactation is not only possible, but also necessary. However, here it appears quite logical question- How will this affect the well-being and development of the child?

Most of the cookies we find in stores are made from wheat flour with added sugar. As a rule, various aromatic additives are often added to baked goods, which are completely harmless: cinnamon, vanilla. It seems nothing dangerous. But flour products in large quantities can cause constipation in a child, and also do not forget that in addition to standard additives, baked goods may contain substances that are unsafe for child's body substances. Their danger lies in the fact that a defenseless child’s body may develop an allergy in the form of a rash.

Hercules cookies are very filling and low in calories. 100 grams of this type of cookie contains 440 kcal and only 6 grams of fat. A small portion of these cookies and a glass of low-fat milk is an excellent breakfast for a nursing mother. If you are not a fan of dairy products, instead of milk you can drink a mug of tea or, for example, a glass of juice. Oatmeal cookies by quantity useful substances very similar to oatmeal, but you must admit, it’s much tastier. This pastry can also serve as an excellent snack. If it’s still far from lunch and you want to eat, you shouldn’t limit yourself, because you’re a nursing mother. A small portion of cookies will quickly satisfy your hunger.

Hercules cookies have a beneficial effect on the formation of the child’s bones and strengthen the baby’s body.

Oatmeal cookies are considered one of the safest, tastiest and healthiest baked treats for a new mother. Such baking is least likely to cause any unwanted reactions in children and at the same time contains many useful ingredients. First of all, it is worth noting that oatmeal cookies are an excellent source of energy for a nursing woman. It is quite sweet, but at the same time it will not affect the mother’s figure. Oatmeal cookies give a woman a feeling of fullness for a long time a long period feeling a strong surge of energy. Ideally, make these cookies yourself during feeding. Be that as it may, it is difficult to guarantee the quality of store-bought baked goods. But you can also add dried fruits or, for example, apples or pears to your own homemade cookies. This will make the cookies even tastier and, of course, healthier. The important thing is that by baking sweets yourself, you will be confident in the quality of what you eat.

If you don’t have the opportunity or time to make cookies yourself, you need to choose baked goods in the store that contain a minimum of sugar. You should not buy cookies strewn with sugar or even powdered sugar, especially if you see that dyes and flavors have been added to them. Such food will not bring any benefit; in addition, because of it, your milk will lose some useful substances.

Video - principles of nutrition for mothers while breastfeeding

Composition of oatmeal cookies

In order to understand the benefits of oatmeal cookies, let's look at its composition. All the ingredients of such cookies are perfect for dietary nutrition, if all the products are fresh and the nursing mother does not consume too much of them. So, tasty and real oatmeal cookies are made from the following ingredients:

  • butter or margarine;
  • sugar;
  • salt;
  • oat flakes (less commonly used oat flour, but this way the cookies will be less embossed);
  • soda;
  • eggs.

This is the ideal composition of cookies, but often, in order to save money, manufacturers replace animal fats with vegetable fats, and instead of eggs, special powder substitutes are added to the composition. In order to attract buyers, strong flavors are often used, which are quite easy to determine by smelling the cookies. Such substitutes, dyes and flavors can cause both mother and child allergic reaction, as well as health problems.

If you want your cookies to have something sprinkled on them for flavor, it's best to choose ones sprinkled with sesame seeds or seeds, and avoid chocolate-covered oatmeal cookies.

Fresh, high-quality cookies should not have cracks, although many, on the contrary, consider this a sign of good taste. Such baking is characterized by light Brown color And nice smell(not sharp, otherwise it's a flavoring). Be sure to choose baked goods in a sealed package; there is an opinion that they are of better quality. The cookies should not be too hard; when eating oatmeal cookies, there is no need to soak them in tea; the cookies can be bitten. If, after examining the cookies, you doubt their freshness or quality, it is better to leave them on the store shelf. Don’t forget that your baby’s nutrition directly depends on you, so choose only good products nutrition. How to solve the issue with the quality of modern store products? Easily! We've already talked about this - bake the cookies yourself. This way you will gain confidence that your baby is eating properly, and if you prepare it yourself, you will be able to add ingredients to the cookies according to your taste and discretion. This process does not require much time or expense, everything is done simply and quickly.

So, let's make our own cookies. For this we need:

  • 100g butter;
  • 100 grams of sugar or granulated sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. liquid honey;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 cup flour;
  • 1 cup oatmeal;
  • a pinch of salt and the same amount of soda.

First, take the butter and place it in a warm place to melt. Once it has become soft enough, grind the butter with sugar, add honey and egg. Mix everything thoroughly until the mass reaches a homogeneous consistency. The dough should be elastic, because it must be put in a bag and put in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. To ensure that this time does not pass in vain, preheat the oven to 160 degrees and cover a baking sheet with parchment or foil. Now, after the required time has passed, take out the dough, form the cookies and place them on a baking sheet at a short distance from each other; during the baking process, the dough will spread slightly and rise. Place the pan in the oven for half an hour, take it out and eat to your heart's content.

About oatmeal cookies

Almost all pediatricians and nutritionists agree that nursing mothers need to eat at least something sweet every day. Carbohydrates contained in sweets are very useful for heavy loads, they quickly regain strength. Therefore, if a breastfeeding woman and her baby are absolutely healthy, then it is very necessary to eat oatmeal cookies. As we already wrote, it is better to bake it yourself. In addition to traditional dried fruits, you can add nuts or even grated carrots to the cookies. Amateurs unusual tastes add pumpkin cut into small cubes. If possible, completely replace sugar with honey, this will make the cookies much healthier.

It happens that neither the mother nor the child has an allergy specifically to the compound cookies, but the baby is often bothered by bloating. In such a situation, it is necessary not to add soda to cookies during cooking. If you don’t like such baked goods without soda, it’s better to prefer oatmeal cookies biscuits.

It is always worth remembering that each person’s body is structured differently, especially when comparing the body of a mother and a child. Therefore, foods that are perfectly digestible by a woman during lactation can cause significant negative reaction. For this reason, you do not need to listen to the advice of “experienced mothers”, neighbors, and so on, but establish the characteristics of your child’s body by trial.

Eating oatmeal cookies is great, but don't forget... good nutrition. Alternate pastries with sweet fruits and berries, which are recommended to be eaten while breastfeeding.

In World Wide Web meet different opinions regarding oatmeal cookies during breastfeeding in general. Some say that it is better not to take risks, while others argue that there are benefits of this product very big. It's worth a try anyway, because it's best option treats when you really want something sweet.

Cookies made from natural ingredients without harmful additives. Biscuits and lean biscuits with water are included first in the diet, then oatmeal cookies. It is advisable that it be home-baked, since store-bought products often contain dyes, preservatives and various chemical substances. Such products increase colic in infants, cause stomach upsets and an allergic reaction.

For home baking, eggs and flour are used, and milk in small quantities. Gradually, you can include dried fruits and nuts in the menu. In the absence of allergies infant A small amount of honey or natural chocolate chips won't hurt. In this article we will learn recipes on how to make cookies for nursing mothers.

What kind of cookies are possible during lactation?

The most suitable option is biscuits, in the production of which milk, eggs, and butter are not used. Such products are prepared using water and virtually no sugar. Therefore, the product is hypoallergenic and dietary, which is especially important for the diet during breastfeeding in the first months. Biscuits include such brands as “Lenten”, “Maria” and “Zatazhnoe”, as well as biscuits with bran. It is with these types that you need to start introducing cookies into the diet of a nursing mother. By the way, biscuits are very easy to make yourself.

Oatmeal cookies are tasty and satisfying, nutritious and useful product. It takes a long time, but is thoroughly digested and absorbed, so it gives maximum saturation to the body. Oatmeal cleanses and removes toxins, normalizes digestion.

Besides, in oatmeal contains a large amount of vitamins, fiber and useful minerals. This provides complete feeding breasts and also proper development baby. Choose oatmeal cookies that contain only natural ingredients no substitutes and food additives or prepare baked goods at home.

In addition, special baby cookies, products containing sesame, sunflower or flax seeds, as well as baked goods with bran are suitable for feeding a nursing mother, as well as a baby who is complementary feeding at seven months.

How to properly introduce and prepare cookies for breastfeeding

  • Try Lenten unleavened cookies for the first time in large quantities in the morning. Observe the baby's reaction for 1.5-2 days;
  • If there are no allergies or digestive disorders, cookies during lactation can be eaten in compliance with the principles of nutrition and without excesses;
  • If you notice, eliminate the product from your diet. You can repeat the injection attempt after 3-6 weeks;
  • The daily dosage of cookies for nursing women is 2-3 pieces;
  • At first, eat baked goods with water. It is not recommended to use milk for cooking due to high content allergen. Cow's milk included in the diet of a nursing mother for 4-6 months;
  • When cooking, use only high-quality fresh ingredients. Once simple cookies are included in the diet, you can gradually add other components. Dried fruits and fresh fruits, seeds or nuts. If the baby does not have allergies, you can add honey and jam. The main thing is that the products are natural!;
  • Each ingredient must be introduced into the diet separately before being added to a recipe. Do not enable two or more new components at the same time;
  • When cooking, use a minimum of salt and sugar, replace margarine with butter;
  • After six months, you can include more fatty flour products, biscuits, waffles, cakes, etc. in your diet. Read more about what sweets you can eat and when during lactation.

Nursing Cookie Recipes

Lenten homemade cookies

  • Wheat flour – 1 cup;
  • Water – 1⁄2 cup;
  • Chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • Butter – 125 g;
  • Sugar – 50 gr;
  • Sea salt – 1⁄3 teaspoon.

Beat egg, sugar and butter, add to water sea ​​salt, mix and pour into the mass. Mix the mixture thoroughly and knead. Roll the resulting dough into a sausage and close cling film and put it in the refrigerator for two hours. Cut the frozen sausage into circles and give the desired shape. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 18-20 minutes.

Galette cookies

  • Wheat flour - 2.5 cups;
  • Water – 1⁄2 cup;
  • Sugar – 70 gr;
  • Vegetable oil – 40 ml.

Mix sugar, butter and water, slowly add flour and mix thoroughly for about ten minutes. The dough should not be sticky and stiff. It is rolled out and cut into shapes or circles. Lightly grease a baking tray with oil and place the pieces there. Bake cookies in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for five to six minutes.

Oatmeal classic cookies

  • Oatmeal – 1 cup;
  • Wheat flour – 1 cup;
  • Water – 1⁄4 tbsp.;
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • Butter – 40 g;
  • Baking powder – 1 teaspoon;
  • Sugar – 40 gr;
  • Salt – 1⁄3 teaspoon.

Beat the egg and butter until smooth, add sugar and beat again. Lightly salt the water and add to the mixture. The flakes are ground in a coffee grinder or meat grinder and added to the mixture. Mix thoroughly, add baking powder, flour and knead the dough, which is then rolled out. Products of the desired shape are cut out from the resulting mass. The preparations are placed on a baking sheet, which is previously covered with baking paper. Bake for 12-15 minutes at 180 degrees.

Oatmeal diet cookies with cottage cheese

  • Oatmeal – 1⁄2 cup;
  • Protein chicken egg- 2 pcs.;
  • Cottage cheese – 100 gr;
  • Dried apricots or raisins – 40 gr..

All the food that a new mother eats after childbirth penetrates into breast milk, which means it is passed on to the baby. For this reason, it is very important that mothers watch what they include in their diet, which often means denying themselves many of their favorite foods. This is especially true for sweets. We know that they are not very healthy, high in calories and can cause allergies. early age. However, should we be afraid of a delicacy that is generally considered healthy? We are talking about oatmeal cookies. Let's try to figure out whether the product actually brings benefits, and whether it can be used while breastfeeding. In addition, we will tell you how you can make oatmeal cookies yourself without using milk and eggs (this delicacy can be eaten already in the first days after the baby is born).

What are the benefits of oatmeal cookies?

Although this sweetness is very popular, it cannot be said that it contains many useful substances, however, this applies to any product that is sold in stores. In addition, the product has a high calorie content - there are approximately 450 kilocalories per 100 grams, but they are all essentially empty. If we talk about vitamins and useful elements, then oatmeal cookies contain a small amount of the following substances:

  1. Vitamin A - improves the condition of bones and hair, helps slow down the aging process, and is an antioxidant substance.
  2. Vitamin B – essential for normal course metabolic processes in the body, the proper functioning of the brain, is an antioxidant.
  3. Sodium is responsible for water-electrolyte balance, normalizes the amount of acid in the body, helps muscles recover.
  4. Selenium – provides support immune system, is an antioxidant substance, as well as a component of many hormones and enzymes.
  5. Magnesium – takes an active part in cell division and metabolism.
However, the true benefits of this sweetness are hidden in large quantities. dietary fiber which it contains. Such substances are not digested in gastrointestinal tract and eliminated from the body heavy metals, remove excess cholesterol, help normalize stool. Thanks to them, a person feels full.

Honorable third place beneficial properties Oatmeal cookies rank among the rest confectionery, due to the fact that it contains wholemeal oatmeal. For this reason, they are advised to replace other sweets for expectant mothers, women who are breastfeeding, and also for babies with diathesis.

An additional advantage for women who care about their health, as well as the health of their child, will be that due to the fact that oatmeal cookies are quite popular among manufacturers of products for diabetics, they are the ones that can most often be found in stores in the departments diabetic nutrition. And such cookies will be more beneficial than simple ones, since they contain fructose rather than sugar.

What are the harms of oatmeal cookies?

From the name it may seem that the basis of this delicacy is oatmeal. In fact, it contains much more wheat flour, which is the main source of harm.

Wheat contains gluten - a specific protein, which leads to the fact that even in a woman who does not have health problems, food entering the gastrointestinal tract becomes like a lump of paste. And during the lactation period of a mother who suffers from celiac disease (gluten intolerance), products containing wheat should under no circumstances be consumed. Oatmeal cookies contain a smaller amount of this protein, but they contain avenin, a protein that has similar properties and also causes intestinal damage if the mother suffers from gluten intolerance.

In addition, first grade flour is starch, which is cleared of the shell and germ of grains - substances that bring greatest benefit. For this reason, white flour helps increase glucose levels in the body no less than regular sugar.

In addition, you need to understand the difference between cookies you make yourself and those you buy in a store. The composition of the purchased product almost always includes animal fat, preservatives and other artificial ingredients. From this we can conclude that a woman who is breastfeeding her baby should cook oatmeal cookies with his own hand. To do this, you need to take coarse flour and quite a bit of granulated sugar (it is advisable to take fructose rather than sugar).

Wheat and oat flour themselves are considered non-allergenic products, but the eggs used to prepare the dough very often cause an allergic reaction, so a nursing woman should be extremely careful if she is going to consume this product. To begin with, you should try a very small amount of treats (just one, maximum two cookies) and observe the baby’s reaction. In addition, it is necessary, there is no need to introduce other new products on this day. If within 24 hours after the mother ate the cookies, the child showed no signs of allergy, a gradual increase in the amount of sweetness is allowed. Of course, you still shouldn’t abuse it.

Store-bought products should be introduced into the diet no earlier than three months after the birth of the child. You can try those prepared yourself (with a small amount of granulated sugar, or without it at all, without eggs) from the very first days.

How to make oatmeal cookies

During lactation the best solution There will be making sweets with your own hands. Only in this case can you be sure that it will not contain components that can cause an allergic reaction. Such products can be included in the diet immediately after childbirth.

They are prepared as follows:

  1. In a frying pan over low heat, fry three cups of rolled oats.
  2. When they turn golden, remove from heat and puree using a blender.
  3. Combine half a glass of sour cream with a small percentage of fat, 150 grams of softened butter, a glass of granulated sugar, and a pinch of salt. Beat with a mixer.
  4. Quench the soda with vinegar and add to the dough.
  5. Add crushed rolled oats and seven tablespoons of flour and mix.
  6. Make small cakes from the dough and place them on a baking sheet, which should first be sprinkled with flour.
  7. Bake for 15 minutes in the oven at temperature conditions 180°C.

In conclusion, it should be said that a nursing mother should refuse purchased products, since they contain many harmful additives, as well as eggs, which can cause an allergic reaction in the newborn.

Video: is it possible to bake while breastfeeding?

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