What is the most common eye color? Eye color: emerald. Lilac eye color: myth or truth

The variety of eye colors in people is amazing, but the majority of the planet's inhabitants have gray, brown or blue irises. Much less common are blue, green, red, yellow eyes. Most rare color the eye is purple, however, it is not easy to encounter such an anomaly, and therefore most people are sure that it is just a myth. But this is reality, and such a phenomenon can be seen at least in the photo.

The rarest eye color in the world

Violet eyes. Purple shade iris is the result of a mixture of shades of red and blue colors, so genetically it is simply a variant of the iris with blue pigment. Blue pigment is not at all uncommon; all blue-eyed representatives have it Caucasian. Unlike blue eyes, blue and blue-lilac are much less common, but amethyst or violet are completely rare in the world. But, since genetics does not reject the possibility of the existence of lilac eyes, they can be seen.

Purple irises are found among representatives of one of the ethnic groups in the highlands of North Kashmir. The famous American actress, whose beauty captivated the whole world, had violet-colored eyes.

Doctors include lilac irises in the list of symptoms of Alexandria syndrome. The symptomatic picture of this genetic disease includes highly developed muscles, thick fingers, often absent in patients hairline on the body, but in women it is absent menstrual cycle, although fertility is normal.

Green eyes. Pure green iris is rare, as is violet, but variations of this shade combined with light brown or gray are common. These chameleon eyes change shade against the background of clothes of a certain color. Among the green iris options are bottle green, light green, emerald green, grassy, ​​jade, emerald brown, green foliage and sea green.

There is unconfirmed scientific research the opinion is that the gene for green eyes is adjacent to the gene for red hair, but in practice, green-eyed people are brunettes and brown-haired, and occasionally even blondes are found. Green tint irises without any admixture of another color are present in 2% of the world's inhabitants. Most of them are residents Central Europe and Russia. Of interest are studies according to which the color of the iris is influenced by gender identity people: among the adult population of Holland there are fewer green-eyed men than green-eyed representatives of the fairer sex.

Red eyes. The red color of the iris is an exception to the rule, since it is found only in albinos, who have a lack of melanin in their tissues.

With this genetic feature, the color of the iris is simply absent, and blood vessels are visible through the tissues and collagen fibers of the iris, which makes the eye color reddish. When blue pigment is present, the iris takes on a purple tint.

Golden or yellow eyes. Yellow The iris is a special case of brown color. Yellow eyes, depending on the amount and density of pigment, can be either rich yellow-brown, gold, amber, or light yellow, which looks exotic and resembles the color of the eyes of cats or wolves.

Often such eyes have a dark rim on the iris. So, despite the light color, yellow eyes can be bright, attracting attention with their unusualness.

Black eye color. Brown eyes from dark to light shades are the most common iris color on the planet, but high concentration Melanin, which makes eyes truly black, is rare.

This feature is typical for the peoples of Africa belonging to Negroid race, and the peoples of Eastern, Southern and South-East Asia, who are representatives of the Mongoloid race. Often, ebon-black eye color is combined with a grayish or yellowish tint to the eyeball.

With congenital or acquired heterochromia, the color of a person's eyes varies. Heterochromia can be complete or partial. In the first case, the irises of a person’s eyes will be of different colors, both similar in shade and contrasting. With partial heterochromia, abnormal pigmentation can be central or sectoral, when one or more parts of the iris in one or both eyes are different in color.

Birth defect due to mutation, concerns only appearance eye and does not cause additional problems. Acquired due to injury or chronic diseases heterochromia is accompanied by all sorts of complications, such as organic or functional transformations in nervous system. It is interesting that congenital abnormal coloring of the eye shell is more common in girls, while the stronger half of humanity is less likely to demonstrate this phenomenon.

People's eye color is one of the most important roles in the development of both their character and external data. Makeup, clothing, and jewelry are often chosen to match the eyes. The style of a person depends on this in the future. Also, taking into account the shade of the iris that we see on the interlocutor, we can form a definite opinion about him. Thus, people remember a rare eye color much better than a very common one. Well, now we will look at the ranking of the rarest and most common shades of the iris and find out what effect it has on a person’s character.

The most common shade

As it turns out, brown eye color is the most popular on the planet. Residents of all southern countries of the African and American continents, as well as many southern Europeans, eastern races and most Slavs can boast of this iris tone. Doctors claim that this shade of people’s eyes is given by melanin, which performs not only a coloring function, but also a protective one. Those who have brown eyes find it easier to look at sunlight or on the whiteness of snowy deserts. There is a version that previously all people on the planet had brown eyes. However, over time, in the organisms of those individuals who lived far from sunny conditions, the melanin content in the body decreased sharply, due to which the iris also changed its color.

The influence of brown eyes on character

As it turned out, brown eye color in people tells us that they are pleasant to talk to, sociable, kind and at the same time ardent. They are excellent storytellers, but, alas, they are lousy listeners. Brown-eyed people are slightly selfish, but they are always open and generous to their loved ones. Research shows that brown-eyed people have the most pleasant facial features. Most people, based on their taste, choose companions with exactly this iris tone, and this happens on a subconscious level.

Popular shade for residents of the North

Very often in the north of Russia and Europe you can see people's eyes. This particular mix is ​​very popular, but if we see eyes that are clearly gray or clearly green, then this is already a rarity. Well, from a medical point of view, this shade is characteristic of the iris due to the fact that the vessels that are in it have a bluish color. At the same time, a small proportion of melanin gets there, which cannot color the eye brown or black, but can make it darker and give it a steely tint. As a result, we get chameleon eyes, the shade of which changes depending on various processes, occurring in the body.

The character of such people

People who have sero- green color eyes, by nature quick-tempered and slightly impudent. However, this aggressiveness is only an external quality, and inside such individuals are always gentle, subject to the opinions of others and inclined to accept all the suffering that comes their way. A notable feature of such people is that they are able to live with a person whom they themselves do not love, but at the same time they feel something high in relation to themselves. In general, this iridescent shade of the iris looks very attractive, as the photo shows us. The eye color goes well with clothes of any tone and harmonizes mainly with dark shades in makeup.

Blue-eyed: on the verge

What does it mean? Today, eyes are not considered a rarity, but you won’t see them at every step either. The iris may have this shade due to the low melanin content in the body. In this case, the red color of the vessels that make up eyeball, due to its low frequency, is absorbed by blue, which is high frequency. Many capillaries that are located near the surface can be painted with it. These vessels overlap the fibers of the iris, which have their own individual density. If it is large, then we get blue eyes. The lower the density, the more saturated and dark the iris shade becomes.

Characteristics of blue-eyed people

If you see blue or blue eyes in people, be sure that these are real creators or geniuses who are prone to permanent shifts moods. Often such individuals are very different from the general mass both in their character and in their natural abilities. They are characterized by contradictions, they can begin to feel sad in the midst of fun. Such people prefer eternal change to a monotonous routine; they are fickle in their decisions and choices. However, behind all this confusion there may be sentimentality, sensitivity, the ability to truly love and give everything for the sake of a loved one.

Black eyes….

As noted above, the brown tone of the iris is a very common occurrence. But it’s a completely different matter - these are black tones. The color of the eye, which completely merges with the pupil, is a very rare phenomenon, especially among people. Most often, black-eyed people can be found among Negroids, Mongoloids, and very rarely among mestizos. From a medical point of view, the iris gets its resinous hue due to the maximum content of melanin, which completely absorbs light.

Characteristics of black-eyed people

What is so remarkable, from a psychological point of view, about people whose irises are black? An eye color that imitates resin or even shimmers blue means complete confidence in yourself and your abilities. Such individuals are always stable and make excellent leaders. In a company they are the soul, the person everyone strives for. In life, such people are monogamous. They do not waste themselves on unnecessary relationships, but prefer to choose one partner to whom they will be faithful all their years.

Amber eyes and the character of their owner

The iris is an interpretation of brown. However, unlike him, amber eyes that resemble those of a wolf can be found extremely rarely. Their shade balances on the border between light and dark, they often look transparent, and at the same time the color is very saturated. Surprisingly, individuals who own such eyes love solitude. They often dream, have their head in the clouds, but at the same time they always do their work conscientiously. People with amber eyes They will not mislead those around them - everything is always very clear to them.

Red look... does this happen?

Many people are sure that they can only see the red iris in a retouched photo. This eye color actually exists, and it is characteristic of well-known albinos. In the bodies of such people, melanin is completely absent. For this reason, the iris is not painted in any of the tones, and the vessels and intercellular matrix appear through it, which gives a rich tone. As a rule, such irises are always combined with colorless hair, eyebrows and eyelashes, as well as literally transparent skin. In some cases, if there is even a small amount of melanin in the body, it enters the ocular stroma. This, in turn, becomes bluish, and mixing these two colors (blue and red) gives the eyes a purple or lilac tint.

People are born with the eye color they get according to their genetic predisposition. But the color of the iris may also depend on some other factors - the location of pigments, the presence of melanin and work blood vessels. Brown eye color is considered the most common, and blue-eyed people, despite the generally accepted opinion, are somewhat less common on our planet. Ten thousand years ago, all people had exactly brown color eye.

It is difficult to imagine why the change occurred and other shades arose. But the interesting thing is that there are people with amazing eye color, which makes the look mysterious and unusually beautiful. So what is the rarest eye color?

Green is considered the rarest eye color. Only two percent of people on Earth have this unique eye color. This may be due to the fact that in the Middle Ages, green-eyed beauties were called witches, for which they were subject to burning at the stake. People with green they tried to avoid the eyes, believing in their witchcraft abilities.

If we consider the issue with scientific point vision, then everything is explained by the amount of melanin produced, which is responsible for the color of the eyes. Green-eyed people produce little coloring pigment. There is also an opinion that this eye color occurs in red-haired people.

Owners of such beautiful eyes do not even need to use mascara, because the eyes are already very expressive and deep. Most often this is the one beautiful colour eye is found in women - it is quite rare to meet a green-eyed man.

This is a truly unique eye shade that fascinates and makes you admire. Some even believe that it is simply impossible to have naturally purple eyes. However, this eye color exists in reality, although it is extremely rare to meet owners of this eye color.

Medical representatives believe that this shade is the result of a mutation that is completely harmless and does not negatively affect the organ of vision. But how lucky is the owner of this eye color - you just have to see these very beautiful eyes, how you can “drown” in their attractiveness and depth. Elizabeth Taylor just had violet eyes, which made her the most beautiful woman, attracting with its mystery and sexuality.

It is also very rare to find this eye color. Again, red eyes are due to the lack of melanin, and therefore the color of the iris is determined by the work of blood vessels and the presence of collagen fibers. These eyes are also called “albino eyes,” but this is an exception since albinos have mostly brown or blue eyes.

This is a type of brown eye. However, this shade is very rare. The warm golden color of the iris gives the eyes a rather exotic look and special attractiveness.

This eye color, despite its rarity, can still be found in nature more often than all of the above. This shade occurs due to great content coloring pigment in the iris. Light hitting the iris is completely absorbed, giving such “darkness” to the eyes. Most often, black eyes can be found among representatives of the Negroid race.

Eyes are the mirror of the soul. You can drown in their bottomless depths, you can pin them to a place with your gaze or captivate your heart forever... Masters of words often use such epithets. And indeed, sky blue eyes enchant, bright green eyes enchant, and black eyes pierce through. But how often in real life can you meet green-eyed people, and what eye color is the rarest? Read on for answers to these questions.

What eye colors are there?

In reality, there are only 4 pure eye colors - brown, gray, blue and green. But the mixing of colors, pigmentation, the amount of melanin, and the network of blood vessels together create many shades. Thanks to this effect, there are people with light brown, amber, black and even red eyes.

This is theoretically possible, but practically no one has seen it yet

Scientists who study what determines eye color, the heredity of this issue and possible mutations have experimentally determined that theoretically people with purple eyes.

Purple color from the point of view of genetics is a pigmented variant of blue color. Except scientific theories There is evidence that in the remote corners of North Kashmir on the Hindustan Peninsula there are residents with real lilac eyes. Unfortunately, this is only oral evidence, not confirmed by photography or video, so skeptics are cold to such a statement.

However, the eyes of Elizabeth Taylor, a popular actress and queen of Hollywood, had an unusual lilac color. This is clearly visible in the film “Cleopatra”, where she brilliantly played the main role. And these could not be colored lenses, because their production began in 1983, and the film was released in 1963. Although the play of light and shadow coupled with skillful makeup sometimes works wonders...

If we discard the hypothesis about the existence of people with violet eyes on earth, then we can safely say that green is the rarest eye color on the planet. Only 2% of the world's population possess it. In this case, the following patterns are observed:

  • The vast majority of green-eyed people live in central and northern Europe, mainly in Scotland, Holland, Germany, Belgium, Norway, Iceland, and Finland. If in Iceland 40% of the total population have green eyes, then this color of the “mirror of the soul” cannot be found in Asia or South America;
  • In women, this eye color is 3 times more common than in men;
  • there is a direct relationship between green eyes and skin and hair color. Green-eyed people are almost always white-skinned and most often red-haired. During the Inquisition, green-eyed, red-haired women were considered witches and burned at the stake;
  • If mom and dad are green-eyed, then the probability of having a child with the same eye color is 75%.

If only one parent is green-eyed, then the probability of having the same baby is reduced to 50%. Interestingly, if one parent has brown eyes and the other has blue eyes, they will never have a green-eyed child. But if both parents are blue-eyed, then the child’s eyes will probably be green, not blue. That's genetics!

The famous poetess Marina Tsvetaeva had eyes of a beautiful emerald shade. Demi Moore and the beautiful Angelina Jolie have irises of the rarest natural green color.

Amber or gold

These colors are varieties of brown eyes. They have a monochrome yellow tint or a mixture of golden and light brown tones. Such exotic wolf-like eyes are very rare. Their amazing color is due to the presence of lipofuscin pigment.

Blue lake – blue magnet

In third place in terms of prevalence are blue eyes. They are most common among Europeans, especially in the Baltic and Northern European countries. For example, almost all Estonians (99% of the population!) and Germans (75% of the population) are blue-eyed.

This shade is quite common among residents of Iran, Afghanistan and Lebanon.

Gray and blue are shades of blue, due to the greater saturation of melanin in the iris. Grey eyes capable of changing tonality from light gray, mousey to the rich color of wet asphalt, depending on the owner’s mood and lighting.

It is known that only about 6 thousand years ago a mutation occurred at the gene level, as a result of which the first child with blue eyes.

Blue-eyed people have a greater need for sex and pronounced reproductive functions.


The most common eye color is brown. Depending on the saturation of melanin in the iris, the eyes can be light or dark brown, almost black. Scientists are 100% sure that 10 thousand years ago, all people on the planet had brown eyes.

Variety brown shade is black. Black-eyed inhabitants of the Earth are most often found in Asia and Africa. Scientists know that dark color skin causes dark eye color. A black man with blue eyes is the rarest phenomenon on the planet.


Deviations from the norm are red and different colored eyes. In the first case, the cause is albinism - a congenital absence of the coloring pigment melanin in the body. In the second - heterochromia, a congenital or acquired pathology. Since ancient times, people with with different eyes attributed magical powers.

From a school biology course, we know how the color of a child’s eyes is genetically determined, we know that brown color dominates over blue and it happens that a person has eyes of different colors. We will tell you facts you didn't know. For example, at what age does eye color develop and why does our iris have one color or another?

Fact 1: all people are born with light eyes

Please note that all newborn babies have blue-gray eyes. Ophthalmologists explain this very simply - babies have no pigment in the iris. There are exceptions only in the countries of East, Southeast and South Asia. There, children's irises are already saturated with pigment.

Fact 2: We acquire our final eye color in adolescence

The color of the iris changes and forms by 3-6 months of a child’s life, when melanocytes accumulate in the iris. The final eye color in humans is established by the age of 10-12 years.

Fact 3: Brown eyes- these are blue eyes

Brown is the most common eye color on the planet. But ophthalmologists say that brown eyes are actually blue under the brown pigment. This is a consequence of a genetic mutation. The outer layer of the iris contains a large number of melanin, resulting in the absorption of both high-frequency and low-frequency light. Reflected light results in a brown (brown) color.

Exists laser procedure, which allows you to remove pigment and make your eyes blue. It is impossible to return the previous color after the procedure.

Fact 4: in ancient times everyone was brown-eyed

Researchers have found that 10 thousand years ago, all inhabitants of the planet had brown eyes. Later, a genetic mutation appeared in the HERC2 gene, whose carriers decreased the production of melanin in the iris. This led to the appearance of the color blue for the first time. This fact was established by a group of scientists at the University of Copenhagen led by Associate Professor Hans Eiberg in 2008.

Fact 5: a little about heterochromia

That's what it's called different color the iris of the right and left eyes or unequal coloring of different parts of the iris of one eye. This feature is explained by the fact of excess or deficiency of melanin due to diseases, injuries, and genetic mutations. With absolute heterochromia, a person has two different colors irises. One eye may be blue, the other - brown. There are 1% of people on the planet with such an unusual deviation.

Fact 6: green is the rarest eye color

1.6% of people on the planet have green eyes; it is the rarest, as it is eradicated in the family by the dominant brown gene. Green color is formed like this. The outer layer of the iris contains an unusual light brown or yellow pigment called lipofuscin. In combination with the blue or cyan color resulting from scattering in the stroma, green is obtained. Pure green eye color is extremely rare: the color of the iris is usually uneven, and this leads to the appearance of numerous shades. Most often, green eye color occurs in those whose genotype is dominated by the gene responsible for red hair color. Swiss and Israeli scientists came to these conclusions. These findings are indirectly confirmed by the high prevalence of green eyes among red-haired people. The results of the study were published in the “Genetic Nature” section of the Nature.Com portal.

Fact 7: a little about other colors of the iris

Black color the eye is similar in structure to brown. But the concentration of melanin in the iris is so high that the light falling on it is virtually completely absorbed. Black eye color is most common among members of the Mongoloid race in East, Southeast and South Asia. In these regions, the iris of newborn children is already saturated with melanin.

Blue color The eye is the result of light scattering in the stroma (the main part of the cornea). The lower the density of the stroma, the richer the blue color.

Blue eyes, unlike blue, is explained more high density stroma. How higher density fibers, the lighter color. As we all remember, this beautiful color scheme was partly the reason for the formation of fascist ideology. After all, according to scientists, 75% of the indigenous inhabitants of Germany have blue eyes. No other country in the world has such a concentration of blue-eyed people.

Walnut color is a combination of brown (hazel), blue or light blue. And it can take on different shades depending on the lighting.

Grey colour the eye is similar to blue, while the density of the fibers of the outer layer is higher. If the density is not so high, the eye color will be gray-blue. Gray eye color is most common among residents of Northern and Eastern Europe, in certain regions of North-West Africa, as well as among residents of Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan.

Yellow the eye is extremely rare. It is formed due to the content of lipofuscin pigment (lipochrome) in the vessels of the iris. But in most cases, the fact of this eye color is explained by the presence of kidney diseases.

Fact 8: Albinos can have both red and purple eyes

The most unusual and interesting eye color, red, is usually found in albinos. Due to the lack of melanin, the iris of albinos is transparent and appears red due to the blood vessels. In some cases, red, mixing with the blue color of the stroma, gives purple eye. However, such deviations occur in a very small percentage of people.

Prepared using materials: ailas.com.ua, medhome.info, glaza.by, medbooking.com, nature.сom, nfoniac.ru

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