Cane Corso diseases. I would like to share my opinion from my personal experience of buying an expensive dog, a fashionable Cane Corso breed. What to pay attention to

When caring about the life expectancy of a Cane Corso, any owner understands that it depends on several factors. These are the genetic characteristics of the pet and its conditions Everyday life, and timely treatment of minor problems that may lead to serious illnesses. Every breed has its own strengths and weak spots, characteristic diseases.

Having the necessary knowledge, you can not only extend the life of your pet, but make it active and full until old age.

In general, the Cane Corso is very strong, resilient and healthy dog. Full maturity Representatives of this breed reach the age of three years. At six years old they are already experienced “older” dogs, and from eight years old the dog is considered a veteran. On average, the Cane Corso lives 10-11 years, but good care can make you happy even at 14 years old, while remaining cheerful. Of course, sometimes troubles happen with the “Italians”.

If you don't notice in time alarms, a dog can live much less than 10 years. In addition, owners often take risks from the very beginning by buying a cheap puppy from someone unknown. Unscrupulous breeders are not always interested in the health of their parent dogs and breed sick males and females. And then they sell babies with a bunch of diseases, or with a hereditary predisposition to them.

The main problems of Cane Corso dogs are:

  • — dysplasia hip joints;
    - allergies and bloating;
    - eversion or inversion of the eyelid (ectropion and entropion);
    - epilepsy;
    - diseases of the thyroid gland.

All these diseases do not necessarily manifest themselves in old age. For example, dysplasia is a disease large breeds- in the Cane Corso it makes itself felt quite early. Epilepsy is inherited.

Taking care of your dog's well-being begins with following all the rules for caring for your puppy. And, since we are talking about the life expectancy of a pet, we will talk about vaccinations. An infection from which the Cane Corso is not protected can cause serious complications and even lead to death.

First complex vaccination, for example, with Eurican or Duramun, is usually done by the breeder himself when the baby is 6 weeks old. The second is done at 8 weeks, the third at 12. Then the dog is vaccinated at the age of six months and a year, and then revaccinated annually, including against rabies. All procedures must be performed by a veterinarian, noting vaccinations in veterinary passport animal.

An unvaccinated Cane Corso cannot be taken outside for walks, since from 1.5 to 3 months its immunity is still actively developing, and the body is susceptible to infections. Remember that only healthy dogs can be vaccinated. Two weeks before going to the doctor, you need to give her water to treat worms.

Vaccination is a must even for pets who live in an apartment, because bacteria, viruses and helminth eggs travel well on your shoes, clothes and other things.

Even if you give your Cane Corso vaccinations on time, this does not cancel other basic rules. Do not allow your pet to come into contact with stray animals. You can catch such things from them that it doesn’t seem like much. Make sure that when walking, your dog does not climb in the trash, walk through garbage dumps, or pick up scraps from the ground. The area designated for your Cane Corso in your home should always be clean and dry.

Watch your diet carefully. If after eating your dog has lethargy, diarrhea, vomiting, or begins to itch a lot, most likely the food is not suitable for him, it is better to change it. Many dog ​​breeders advise feeding Cane Corso only natural food, and not purchased feed.

But this is a matter of choice, because a dog can be allergic to any product. Pay attention to which foods in the diet go well and which ones cause discomfort in your Cane Corso. If you ignore food problems pet, over time they will lead to a disastrous outcome.

Norm and symptoms of diseases

Sometimes it is difficult for owners to distinguish a dog’s real malaise from simple fatigue or a bad mood. This especially applies to old Corsos, who, due to their age, move less, sleep more and, in general, are calmer than young animals. However, if you pay a little attention, you can distinguish healthy dog from the patient it is easy.

Firstly, a healthy dog ​​always eats with appetite, its weight does not fluctuate, and its coat is smooth and shiny. The nose is cool and moist, sometimes becoming dry during sleep.

Eyes and mucous membranes Pink colour, moderately humid. Naturally, in in good condition The Cane Corso will be happy to play and go for walks.
Secondly, just like in humans, in a healthy animal normal pulse and temperature, breathing is not rapid.

Speaking of temperature. In an adult Cane Corso it is 37.5-39 degrees, in puppies it is 38-39.2 degrees. It is measured with a thermometer by inserting its tip into the dog’s anus and holding it there for 5-7 minutes.

You should be concerned if a usually playful dog suddenly becomes lethargic and does not want to eat or even drink. He's dry and hot nose, rapid breathing and heartbeat. Also, a sick dog begins to urinate frequently and profusely.

The color of the urine becomes darker, a runny nose and discharge from the eyes may appear. Vomiting or diarrhea is definitely a cause for concern. Feeling discomfort, the Cane Corso begins to behave nervously, and may howl, whine quietly or snap. Bad sign– weight loss, dull coat.

Excessive weight gain is also not a reason to celebrate, it can cause diabetes.

Dog problems in old age

Old age is not a joy for anyone, and animals are no exception. After 7-8 years, the life of the Cane Corso begins to decline, which is reflected in physical fitness, and on behavior. IN good conditions Dogs of this breed can remain active until death. But to demand from the “grandfather” the same agility as from one year old dog, not worth it.

Many Cane Corso owners say that in old age these dogs become especially noble, impressive and even wise. The elderly “Italian” is phlegmatic, he already knows everything about life and condescendingly watches the pampering of the little puppies.

However, “veteran” Cane Corsos may exhibit disturbances in gait, balance, attention, and slower reactions. As some dog breeders put it, the dog “stumbles out of the blue.”
Heart problems are also common in older dogs - poor myocardial contractility, arrhythmia. They are being treated special drugs under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Males of the Cane Corso breed can develop prostatitis with all the accompanying inconveniences - inflammation, problems with the toilet. In addition, by the time of “retirement” all old injuries make themselves felt - sprains, fractures, dislocations. Therefore, even a young Cane Corso should be spared and not overloaded during walks, and comply with safety requirements.

Quite often, Cane Corso owners ask whether gray hair is normal in dogs. As a rule, there is nothing wrong with it. Even two- to three-year-old animals had gray hairs on their faces, but this is not a sign of early aging.

If a dog has gray hair when he was young, then the reason is heredity, not illness. Sometimes this may indicate hormonal imbalance in organism.

Dog First Aid Kit

Finally, we will give some recommendations about “first aid” for your Cane Corso. Any good owner who loves and takes care of his dog should be prepared medical supplies. To quickly bandage the paw and eliminate colic in the stomach.

Iodine, brilliant green, bandages, cotton wool, hydrogen peroxide, etc. are always welcome in a dog's first aid kit. boric acid, Activated carbon. Vishnevsky ointment is also indispensable - it quickly relieves inflammation. For pain relief and high temperature The dog will need analgin.

Be sure to keep ear and eye drops for the treatment of infections. They must be special, veterinary. Among the tools, put in your first aid kit a pipette, nail clippers, a thermometer, an enema, tweezers and a couple of syringes.

Remember that even a small cut on a dog’s paw needs to be treated, and not think that it will go away on its own. And of course, give your Cane Corso maximum attention and care. It even treats animals, sometimes no worse than medicine.

Surrounded by love, your Cane Corso will undoubtedly live a long, fulfilling life!

Country of origin: Italy
Height: 64 - 69 cm (male); 58 - 61 cm (female)
Weight: 45 - 50 kg (male); 40 - 45 kg (female)
Contents in the apartment: Not recommended
Lifespan: up to 10 years
Fits good: for experienced owners


The Cane Corso is an excellent guard who will always protect his family, territory and easily distinguish friend from foe. The ideal adult Cane Corso is a calm and intelligent dog, alert with strangers and aggressive only when necessary.

A well-fenced yard is best for keeping your Italian Mastiff (Cane Corso) safely. If other dogs or unknown people enter this dog breed's territory, the Canne Corso will do what they are supposed to do, which is defend their territory.

The Cane Corso is a very powerful, dominant breed and can test the owner's leadership. A Cane Corso owner should always be the boss of his dog, and it is good for family members to know how to handle such a dog.

Early and regular obedience training is essential so that the dog knows its place in the family.

In general, the Cane Corso is a very loyal pet that loves its family almost desperately. He often follows his owner around the house and can even suffer from separation anxiety if left alone for long periods of time.

Cane Corsos tend to be dominant and aggressive towards other dogs. Far from their territory, they usually do not run into a fight, but if they are provoked, then a fight cannot be avoided. It is very important that Canne Corsos, already as puppies, communicate with different people and other animals so that they develop a stable temperament.


The main concern of Cane Corso owners is hip dysplasia.

Never take your Cane Corso for a run when he is under 18 months old, as this can cause serious damage to his joints.

This dog breed is also prone to diseases such as:

  • bloating
  • allergy
  • epilepsy
  • thyroid diseases

Eye diseases:

  • cherry eye
  • ectropion (inversion of the eyelid)
  • entropion (turn of the eyelid)


The Cane Corso is very easy to groom; all you need to do is occasionally remove dead hair; besides, these dogs do not shed much. Cane Corsos don't mind living on the street as long as they get enough attention and a roof over their head.

You can only wash your Cane Corso a couple of times a year, and then only if it smells bad. And of course, carry out monthly prevention against fleas and ticks.

Cane Corso sporting dog, requiring significant physical activity. It has increased endurance, making it an excellent companion for long runs or hikes.


It is very difficult to find a dog of this breed High Quality. Be very careful, study the animal's pedigree, if possible spend some time with the breeder, look at the dog's parents.

The Cane Corso cannot be left in the yard and forgotten. Although he can handle any weather and take care of himself, he relies heavily on the attention and love of his family.

It is worth keeping in mind that every dog ​​is individual. This description characteristic of the breed as a whole and does not always completely coincide with the characteristics of a particular dog of this breed!

But, as it turned out, neither high rating nursery, neither the famous blood of the offspring, nor the expensive cost of a sweet puppy (the cost of “show class” puppies in Moscow ranges from 1.5 - 3 thousand USD) do not give any guarantees that the puppy will grow up healthy, without congenital diseases, for example, hip dysplasia. And the main thing is that the puppy will have a balanced psyche, he will not be cowardly (puppies are imported from Italy, they fly on an airplane in the cargo compartment, the fear experienced in puppyhood can remain for life).

Agree by purchasing guard dog, you believe that she will live up to your hopes and will protect and protect you and your family until your last breath, and not shake like a leaf from every rustle. But many breeders (in my opinion) are least concerned about this. The main thing is exterior, beauty, the ability to appear in the ring - but the fact that the dog is cowardly and nervous is carefully hidden.

Later, when you see that the dog is afraid of a lot, it will be pointless to make a claim to the seller (maybe you yourself kicked the dog with a tarpaulin boot). Or, for example, in a litter a puppy was born with a crooked tail - no one will tell about this either, they will cut it off shorter tail, they will sell it cheaper, and this, by the way, is a congenital defect that is inherited.

Also, you need to be prepared for the fact that your dog turns out to have food allergies (which is what we encountered). Bald ears, red eyes, bad smell- this is what can appear in 6 - 8 one month old puppy. You will be surprised: “I feed the food that the breeder recommended to me.” And the box opens simply - at the time of purchasing the puppy, the allergen has not had time to accumulate in the animal’s body, so shiny fur and a clear look give confidence that the dog is absolutely healthy.

When buying a grown-up dog, at the age of 5-7 months, it seems that everything possible problems health is obvious, and this is correct, but only if the dog is socialized. If the pet lived in an enclosure, a country house, and never went anywhere beyond the fence, difficulties arise in getting used to the city (it is not easy to carry a 25 kg dog, trembling with fear, into an elevator 5 times a day). It will take at least a month for the dog to adapt. Analyzing the above, I would like to advise future owners to choose a puppy together with a dog handler, a training instructor, well those who know the breed. Show the puppy to the veterinarian before payment is made. And under no circumstances buy the dog that came up first, licked it, etc.

dracena 01/12/2011

Every nation has its own history. The dog “people” also have their own list of victories and defeats. And each breed has an individual list.

Undoubtedly, hereditary anomalies cannot be classified as victories.

In practice, " business card» some breeds are strange, unusual external features animals, and the lion's share of these changes arose initially as a genetic mutation, a deviation from the norm.

Other “cute oddities” (from the point of view of geneticists) have become “ side effect» long-term selection during the creation of breeds and even then received love from admirers of beauty.

But not all genetically determined features are safe from the point of view of animal health - such as shaved hair in boxers, a flat muzzle in Japanese Chins, short legs and an elongated body in dachshunds.

There are even less harmless mutations, which are otherwise hereditary pathologies you can't name it. Thoroughbred owners of such deviations are not allowed not only to exhibit, but also to breed in general.

Italian Cane Corso

This breed of an impeccable home guard has been loved in recent decades by dog ​​breeders not only abroad, but also in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. It has interesting, unique features.

The Italian Cane Corso is very beautiful and elegant. His subtle intellect, amazing sensitivity, and at the same time strength and endurance, made him truly a true, devoted friend.

But representatives of this amazing breed cannot avoid diseases. Including hereditary ones.

Hereditary diseases of Corso

In fact, the Cane Corso has many genetic abnormalities, and not all of them have been studied yet. Fortunately, a single animal has a limited number of abnormalities out of all those existing in the breed.

It is important to remember those that pose a threat to the health of dogs and at the same time lead to disqualification at exhibitions:

Dental system disorders – incomplete teeth, overshot, undershot.

At first glance, these anomalies are very unpleasant only from an aesthetic point of view. In fact, everything is much more serious. A large number of different genes are responsible for their manifestation.

Their “joint work” forms several vital important systems in organism. And a violation in one of them, like a litmus test, reflects failures in all the others.

That is why the problem of the condition of the dental system in dogs is very acute. For example, it is closely associated with the occurrence of cryptorchidism (undescended testicles).

This is one of the most pressing issues for Italian Cane Corsos;

Taillessness and tail kinks.

The first of the deviations is a clearly disqualifying defect; the external consequences of the second are easy to correct. But even in this case, everything is quite complicated.

The development of the spine also involves a large number of hereditary mechanisms.

They are also responsible for the activities of higher nervous system, which can hardly be called flawless in a situation where its main “repository” - the spine - has such serious deviations. They speak volumes;

Mental disorders - overexcitability or, conversely, lethargy.

For such a brave “guardian of order” and responsible “personal bodyguard” as the Cane Corso is, this is simply not acceptable.

The first of the shortcomings borders on aggressiveness, the second on cowardice. After all, centuries-old selection has polished the best “character traits” of the famous Italian.

Between how this subtle sphere is formed and why it is disrupted is a huge mystery of heredity... Genetic science has collected a lot of new information in this area, but there are no less unanswered questions;


Blood incoagulability is complex genetic disease, which brings a lot of suffering to both the animal and its owner.

Meanwhile, the hereditary mechanism of its formation is very simple from a scientific point of view: only one gene is responsible for it. And it is only their mother who “rewards” her children with this serious problem;

Umbilical hernia.

This anomaly, compared to systemic diseases the body, the most “gentle”, and its consequences are eliminated in the usual way in a veterinary clinic.

Hereditary diseases, which are most common in Italian Cane Corso dogs, affect many body functions at the same time.

Systemic treatment of mental and metabolic disorders is carried out by qualified veterinary specialists using generally accepted methods.

Most of the anomalies, such as tail kinks, cryptorchidism, hernia, dewclaws, are easily eliminated surgically.

And by thoughtful selection of parent pairs of dogs, you can avoid almost any hereditary disorders in puppies.

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