Boiled water: benefits and harms, use for weight loss. Boiled water - benefits and harm to the health of the body

Today it is not often possible to see a person drinking regular city tap water. Unfortunately, the quality of tap water leaves much to be desired, as does the environmental situation, so most people prefer bottled water, purchase special filters, or boil the vital liquid. This is simply necessary if you need to protect yourself from infectious diseases, formation of stones in the kidneys, teeth and other health problems. It is boiled water that we are talking about in this article today. Is it true that boiled water is healthy? Or does it harm the body? How to boil life-giving moisture correctly? Read on and get answers to these questions.

After reading the article you will learn:

What water is better to drink

Let's figure out which water is better to drink, boiled or raw. Since raw water contains many trace elements in the form of salts, it is advisable to drink it in this form. The molecules in it are arranged in a unique way, which is why it is called life-giving. Alive, crystal pure water stimulates cell regeneration, prevents the formation of free radicals in the body. But it is often necessary to boil it, since in its raw form it may contain bacteria.

But we note that boiled liquid does not introduce any useful substances into the human body; it is absolutely useless. They call her "dead".

This name was obtained based on the following factors:

  • after boiling, the oxygen content decreases significantly;
  • During heat treatment, salts that have a beneficial effect on the body fall into an insoluble precipitate;
  • when boiling tap water chlorine contained in the liquid is converted into toxic compounds that provoke the development of oncology;
  • after the boiling process, the structure changes, so after approximately 12 hours microbacteria begin to multiply in the drinking liquid.

Yes, there is no benefit in “dead” water, but no one says that there is a lot of it in unboiled water. There is no guarantee that raw food does not contain substances harmful and dangerous to the body. Therefore, if you are interested in the question of whether drinking boiled water is healthy, you will get a clear answer: no, but it is definitely safe!

If you decide to opt for boiled water, adhere to certain consumption conditions. You need to let the raw liquid settle for a couple of hours, after which you can boil it. As soon as the water starts to boil, immediately turn off the kettle. Then the liquid will be disinfected, but not all minerals beneficial to the body will be eliminated.

It is recommended to drink the boiled liquid exclusively fresh and not store it. for a long time. At the same time, realize that only in the life-giving liquid natural origin present useful material for the body, many microelements and macroelements.

What happens to water when it boils?

In physics, the concept of boiling is interpreted as the transition of a liquid from one state of aggregation in another, in this case, integration from a liquid substance into a vaporous one, accompanied by many bubbles at a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius. Conventionally, boiling is divided into three sequential actions:

  1. Small bubbles form at the bottom of the container, gradually rising to the surface of the water, grouping near the walls of the pan, cup, bowl, or other container.
  2. Many bubbles are formed, which cause cloudiness. Then the liquid turns white. Coffee and tea lovers prefer to turn off the kettle (remove from the stove) at this very moment. The water has not yet boiled at this stage, but you can already brew drinks.
  3. The final stage is active seething, copious discharge pair. The water boils, seethes, bubbles burst.

The benefits of boiled water

Do you think it is beneficial to drink boiled water? Everyone has their own opinion on this matter, but we can definitely say that it has a beneficial effect on the body if it is boiled correctly:

  • Helps improve metabolic processes in the body.
  • Normalizes the digestion process.
  • Outputs toxic substances through the pores with sweating.
  • Stabilizes blood cycling.
  • Increases mental activity and physical performance.

Regular replenishment water balance in the body promotes weight loss. And together with small physical exercise And healthy food, it is possible to get rid of it forever overweight, and forget about this problem. Boiled water removes toxins and helps cleanse the gastrointestinal tract.

Water, cooled after boiling to room temperature, is used to relieve cold symptoms. She's filming pain syndrome in the larynx, and relieves the nasopharynx from congestion, and also replenishes the body’s reserves of fluid lost as a result of heat.

Attention! It is unacceptable to use boiling water as medicine. The effect of varnish on the inflamed mucous membrane of the throat provokes burns.

By drinking cooled boiled water every day before eating, all vital processes in the human body are stabilized. Proven positive influence on the digestive, endocrine and nervous system, renders beneficial influence for turgor of skin and muscle tissue. To obtain the most maximum effect, it is recommended to use boiled water taken from natural sources(springs or wells).

Proper boiling

Simple tips for boiling water:

  • Pour only fresh water into the boiling container.
  • Avoid secondary boiling and do not add raw water to boiling water.
  • It is necessary to boil filtered or “settled” water, which does not contain harmful impurities (without sediment).

Harm and danger

If the boiling technology is not followed, water can have a negative impact on general condition human health. There are many different microbacteria that are resistant to extreme temperatures for long periods of time. That is, a small percentage dies after boiling for five minutes, while some remains active even if the water is boiled for 10 minutes. They are particularly resistant to boiling pathogenic microbes. Without bringing the liquid to 100 degrees, and without holding it for a period of 10-15 minutes, there is a risk of harm to your health.

The boiling process displaces oxygen, which has a very positive effect on the body of the consumer. Thanks to him in circulatory system nutrients are delivered. It is not a key transport medium for the organism, but positive impact This does not reduce oxygen.

There is an assumption that water has the ability to be charged with positive vibrations and can accumulate healing properties. After boiling, this option does not work; it is rightfully considered “dead”.

Using boiled liquid during pregnancy

In order for the entire pregnancy to proceed normally, a woman needs to carefully monitor not only her diet, but also choose the right drinking water. The flow of fluid into the body guarantees a full blood flow to the embryo, stabilizes the full volume of amniotic fluid, increases blood flow and normalizes muscle elasticity.

Drinking boiled water from the tap is not recommended for pregnant women. It contains heavy trace elements (salts and organic substances), which can negatively affect the baby. Bottled water is considered optimal for a pregnant woman's drinking ration. high category and liquid, oxygenated. These types of liquids are ideally accepted by the body and have a positive effect on the course of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby.

Boiled water for weight loss

What are the benefits of boiled water for weight loss? To get rid of excess weight, you need to add a spoon of lemon juice to it. Boiled water has peculiar taste qualities, and a small lemon slice neutralizes them perfectly.

Use boiled water to combat overweight necessary before eating with a 30-minute break and a couple of hours after eating. It is recommended to drink at least eight glasses of liquid throughout the day. In combination with a properly selected diet and exercise, two liters of fluid per day is considered sufficient, which really promotes weight loss and recharges the body with energy.

Probably every person already knows that water is the most important substance for the functioning of all organs and systems of our body. All doctors strongly recommend that both children and adults drink enough ordinary clean water. And no juices, compotes or other drinks can become a worthy replacement for it. But the opinion of doctors and ordinary people about what kind of water is best to drink does not always coincide. So many people are wondering why you can’t boil water twice: scientific fact Or is it a misconception about this?

Many doctors advise their patients to drink water that has been boiled only once. In other words, before adding new liquid to the kettle, you should pour the remaining liquid into the sink. But there are people who are sure that prolonged boiling is guaranteed against various harmful impurities. Who is right after all?

IN Everyday life we usually use tap water. And, as everyone knows, it contains a lot of different substances, including those that are not very beneficial to health. It contains not only chlorine, which is necessary for disinfection, but also various heavy compounds. Therefore, it is strongly not recommended to take such water without boiling.

When water boils, organochlorine compounds are formed in it. And the longer the boiling process lasts, the greater the number of such compounds formed. They are represented by dioxins and carcinogens and can have a depressing effect on the cells, tissues and organs of our body. But Negative influence will not be noticeable immediately, because aggressive substances accumulate in the body for a long time, and then lead to the development of serious, including chronic, health problems.

Probably everyone has noticed that boiled water has a completely different taste than “fresh” water. This feature is also explained by the presence of dioxins in its composition. Increasing their quantity softens the water.

It is worth noting that chlorine from unboiled water is much more harmful to the body. Therefore, you should not drink water just from the tap. Pediatricians even advise bathing newborns in boiled water. Excess chlorine can lead to peeling of the skin, cause itching and other unpleasant consequences, especially on the delicate skin of children.

What are the consequences of prolonged boiling?

The answer to this question is hidden in the information above. Since the boiling process is accompanied by the formation of dioxins, the amount of these compounds increases with prolonged boiling. However, it is worth noting that to obtain their critical level in water, it will have to be boiled more than once.

Do not forget that when boiling, the taste of water changes noticeably. Thus, a liquid boiled twice will already be far from ideal and can somewhat change the taste of the brewed tea or coffee. Quite often, water is boiled again in different offices when employees are simply too lazy to run for a new portion.

Is it really dangerous? reboiling?

No specialist will give a definite answer to this question. With each boiling, the amount of organochlorine compounds in the water increases, but their level still will not rise to such an extent as to cause serious poisoning or death. So, the most basic obvious disadvantage of re-boiling is the change taste qualities water, which spoils drinks prepared on its basis, preventing you from enjoying the fullness of their taste.

Scientists emphasize that the number of aggressive particles (microbes) in boiled water decreases after the first boiling. And turning the kettle on again does not affect their viability in any way. After all, what could not survive when the temperature reached one hundred degrees has already died, and particles that can remain alive will survive repeated boiling.

Boiling allows you to clean water from hardness salts, because they have a lower boiling point. Such particles settle on the walls of the kettle like scale, which is visible to the naked eye.

Which can go on for quite a long time, is still more beneficial for the body than tap water. And the decision to boil it again or not, a person must make independently, based on the information provided above. Once again, I would like to emphasize that organochlorine compounds are still released during repeated boiling, albeit in small quantities, and no one knows what this could mean for the body. Therefore, it is better not to risk your health and not be lazy to change the water in the kettle for fresh one.

In order for boiled water to bring only benefits to the body, you need to follow several recommendations:

For boiling, use only fresh water each time;
- do not boil the liquid again and add fresh liquid to its remains;
- before boiling water, leave it to stand for several hours - this will remove some of the aggressive substances and chlorine;
- having poured boiling water into a thermos, do not cork it immediately, it is better to wait a couple of minutes.

Folk recipes

So, it is clear to every person how important it is. But consuming insufficient quality water can lead to the development of various pathological conditions. So, if the drinking liquid contains too many calcium salts, kidney stones may begin to form. Tools will help you cope with this problem traditional medicine.

So when kidney stone disease can be used bird knotweed. Brew three tablespoons of fresh and chopped herbs with half a liter of boiling water. Infuse the medicine for four hours, wrap it well, and then strain. Take half a glass on an empty stomach in the morning. Feasibility of treatment folk remedies You should definitely discuss it with your doctor.


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Hot water can be obtained from a modern installation for supplying cold water for drinking and heated water for brewing coffee or tea. Such coolers are often used in offices, work institutions, but now also in home use they can be found very often.

Boil water without a boiler or electrical outlet at hand over a fire. To get boiling water, tourists make a fire in nature. They install a kind of barbecue made of bricks or stones around the fire. A kettle is placed on top of the device, the water in which heats up quickly. You can hang the kettle over the fire. To do this, two holder pins are installed on the side of the fire. They are connected to each other by a third pin, on which the kettle is hung by the handle. The kettle is located directly above the fire. Thus, the water in it boils.

IN Soviet time, not having a boiler, they resorted to a homemade device, which is still in demand today. To make such a boiler, take a pair of razor blades. They can be replaced with two pieces of metal sheet without rust. The sizes of the pieces should be similar to razor blades - 2 cm wide and 3 cm long.

You will also need a two-core insulated wire connected with a plug at the end. Connect blades or pieces of tin to the ends of the wires. Using electrical tape, attach a few matches or wooden sticks between them to insulate the blades from each other. The device is ready.

When such a device is connected to the electrical network, current will pass between the plates and generate heat, which will soon boil the water. This is a rather dangerous device, therefore, when using it, you must adhere to certain rules.

Use a homemade boiler to boil water only in a glass, jar or earthenware container to avoid cracking of the container. While the water is heating up, do not put your hands in it, as it may cause a blow. electric shock. As soon as the water boils, unplug the device from the power supply. The water you boil in this way should be potable, not salty. And you cannot salt water when boiling with such a boiler, since most of it will splash out.


When using any homemade water boiling device that will be connected to an electrical outlet, be extremely careful.

Usually water is boiled in a metal container - a kettle or extreme case in a saucepan, placing them on a gas or electric stove or simply turning on the electric kettle. But boiling water can also be obtained using various available materials and some laws of physics. If necessary, try using the most known methods.

You will need

  • -microwave;
  • -plastic bottle;
  • -paper cups;
  • -mug;
  • -wooden container;
  • - stones;
  • -wire;
  • -newspaper;
  • -polyethylene;
  • -paper;
  • -candle;
  • -quicklime;
  • -Vacuum pump;
  • -lenses;
  • -concave mirror.


Water can be boiled in microwave oven. Pour more than half a cup of water and connect the microwave for a couple of minutes. After turning off, leave the cup in for another minute and then take it out. You cannot immediately remove the cup from the oven, because... Overheating of the water occurs, during which bubbles do not have time to form, as usual. And if you take the cup out right away, the water may bubble up like soda from a bottle.

Pour in plastic bottle water up to the neck. The cap should not be screwed on, otherwise pressure will build up inside the bottle, which can rupture the plastic. And then place this container in the fire, but not on high heat, but in hot ashes. After a while the water will boil. The bottle may become deformed and melt a little at the top, where there is no water, but it will not burn. It is better not to heat water in plastic, as this material can release harmful substances.

By the way, in order to boil water on, you can use not only a plastic container, but also disposable paper cups, a glass jar and even baking bags. The main thing is that the fire burns well and there is plenty of water in the containers.

Take some wooden container and pour water into it. Build a fire, and when the temperature in it is high enough, warm it up large type pebble. Carefully place the hot stones in the water one at a time. This can be done using a thick rod folded into a loop. Several of these can boil water. Wooden utensils give off heat slowly environment.

Lay out a newspaper (or several) on the floor and place it on top. Roll the whole thing up to about 4cm in diameter. Light the newspaper at one end and hold it vertically. A draft is formed in the tube, hot air rises, and if you hold a mug of water over the newspaper, it will soon boil.

Melt butter in a large saucepan over medium heat. Peel the onion, rinse and cut into half rings. Fry the onion butter until soft and golden brown, about 10 minutes. Don't forget to stir. Boil the water. Scald the tomatoes with boiling water and remove the skin. Cut into quarters. Add the tomatoes to the onions and continue for another 7-10 minutes, stirring frequently. Peel the potatoes and also cut them into quarters. Pour into a saucepan with 2 cups of water. Add potatoes. Season with a bay leaf passed through a press. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer, covered, for about 20 minutes.

Pour in the remaining water and bring to a boil again. Remove Bay leaf. Separate the leaves from the basil, chop it and add it to the soup. Turn off the heat and puree the vegetables in a food processor or. Boil the rice until half cooked. Bring the soup to a boil and add the cereal. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer the soup over low heat for about 15 minutes, making sure the rice is soft. Serve the tomato soup hot, garnished with a sprig of basil.

Italian tomato soup with basil and

Boil some water. On the tomatoes, make an X-shaped cut in the stem area. Place the tomatoes one at a time in the water and remove the skins. Cut the peeled tomatoes into quarters. Carry out this procedure over a bowl to vegetable juice flowed into it. Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes. Cut off the top and stalk of the pepper, remove the seeds and cut it into strips. Peel the onion and cut into cubes. Cut the garlic in half and crush it with the flat side of a wide knife.

Olive oil heat in a deep saucepan. Sauté the onion, garlic and chili pepper for 30 seconds. Add tomatoes tomato juice from a bowl and tomato paste. Place the potatoes. Pour in about 1 liter of water. The amount of water depends on how juicy your tomatoes are and how thick tomato paste. Cook for 30-40 minutes over medium heat until the potatoes are soft. Add chopped mint and basil. Remove soup from heat and puree in a blender or food processor. If desired, strain the soup through a fine sieve. Serve garnished with a spoon, a handful of wheat croutons, mint and basil leaves.

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Meat-free soups are good for people on a diet. Many people think that a soup base is a must meat broth. But vegetarian and vegetable soups are not so tasty and nutritious. This is wrong. Can be cooked without meat mushroom soup, milk, with beans, pasta or cereal. These soups are quite filling and tasty.

You will need

    • Potatoes – 200-300 gr.
  • cauliflower – 200 gr.
  • carrots – 1 pc.
  • bell pepper – 1 pc.
  • onion – 1 pc.
  • dill
  • garlic
  • vegetable oil
  • pepper
  • salt.


Cut peppers, potatoes, carrots into strips.

Chop the dill and onion.

Fry the onion in a frying pan until golden brown. Add carrots there too. Next is pepper. Fry the vegetables over low heat for 2 minutes.

Boil water and add salt. Add potatoes and bring to a boil over low heat. Add cauliflower. Bring to a boil.

Add vegetables and dill from the pan. At the end of cooking, add garlic and pepper.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

Meatless soups can be prepared for several days. If the soup is thick or milk-based, heat it over low heat. In thickened bean soup or pasta you can add a little water or vegetable broth.

For a person whose body consists of 70% liquid, it is vital to drink enough water. It is needed for the normal functioning of all processes in our body. But what kind of water is better to drink? The liquid that flows from the tap in big cities is not suitable for drinking, so many people prefer to boil the water. But is it really that simple? Is it healthy to drink boiled water or is it total harm? These questions need to be addressed in more detail.

In physics, boiling refers to the process of transition from a liquid state to a vapor state, accompanied by the appearance of bubbles at a temperature of 100 degrees. Conventionally, the boiling process is divided into the following stages:

  • Small single bubbles appear at the bottom of the container, which then rise to the surface of the water and are grouped mainly at the walls of the container.
  • A lot of bubbles appear. They provoke cloudiness and then whitening of the liquid. This stage is also known as the “white key”, as the process is similar to the flow of spring water. Tea lovers often remove the kettle from the stove at this stage, without allowing the water to boil.
  • Next, intense bubbling occurs, large bubbles burst and strong discharge pair. Water splashes from the dishes.

The benefits and harms of boiled water still raise a lot of doubts. Boiling tap water solves the following problems:

  • Kills microorganisms;
  • Reduces water hardness;
  • Reduces chlorine content.

This is the main benefit of boiled water. Hard salts remain as sediment at the bottom of the container, and most of the bacteria die. Boiling is especially important in the hot season, when, despite chlorination, the number of microorganisms in the water increases.

However, boiling does not destroy the hepatitis A virus and botulism bacillus. In addition, if the water sits for a long time, bacteria can enter it again. Therefore, boiled water, the health benefits and harms of which are not so obvious, cannot be stored for several days. Boiling makes water softer. In this case, the concentration of certain salts becomes higher due to the evaporation of the liquid.

Danger and harm of boiled water

However, research shows that boiling does not kill all microbes. So, in order to kill the hepatitis virus, you need to boil water for half an hour. The botulism stick can disappear only after fifteen minutes of boiling, and its spores die in no less than five hours! Of course, no one will boil water that much. Also, the harm of boiled water lies in the fact that it does not destroy active pesticides, nitrates, heavy metals, phenols, and petroleum products. A row useful components in water, such as calcium and magnesium salts, settles on the walls of the vessel.

It is also worth considering that boiling, especially long-term boiling, causes a clear decrease in the volume of water. A precipitate appears in the liquid that remains. If you add raw water to the settled water and boil them together, the percentage and concentration of heavy water will increase. And this poses a serious threat to health. Therefore, experts insist that boiled water should never be diluted with unboiled water.

Many people believe that the benefit of boiled water for the body is that it is free of chlorine. But studies have shown that this trace element, when boiled, begins to interact with other compounds, which can cause the formation of dangerous trihalomethanes. Also, heating the water causes oxygen to escape from it.

Answering the question of whether boiled water is useful, many experts believe that it becomes “dead” and therefore cannot bring any value. It does not saturate the body valuable minerals and the moisture it needs. It is also known that after some time after boiling, water becomes again infected with various microorganisms that may be in the kettle or simply flying in the air. Although, of course, this is quite a long time for us to have time to drink tea. Be that as it may, boiling cannot be considered a 100% way to purify water from everything that may be harmful to our body.

Is there any benefit to boiled water?

When figuring out whether boiled water is good for drinking, it is worth noting that it is softer than tap water. It is believed that drinking water that has been boiled once improves mental and physical activity, removes toxins from the body, improves blood circulation.

Some traditional healers It is recommended to drink warm boiled water, especially on an empty stomach. Speaking about the benefits of boiled water in this form, they highlight its ability to improve metabolic processes and accelerate the breakdown of fats. In fact, any clean water has this effect if you heat it up, so the point is not boiling.

Is boiled water beneficial or harmful? This process really makes it better for the body than tap water or well water, which contains a lot of bacteria and aggressive particles. But boiling does not make water such that it is completely healthy and safe. It is recommended to use it only if you have no other way to purify the water. Then it will help reduce the risk of poisoning and other negative consequences. But it is recommended to boil water for at least 8-10 minutes, which our usual electric kettles are not designed for. When drinking boiled water, remember that it is not advisable to store it in the container where it was boiled. It is best to pour it into a glass container. The kettle must be descaled before turning it on.

Another important question is whether it is harmful to boil water a second time. It is worth considering the following points:

  • Boiling takes away the taste of water. Water that you boil several times will not taste good at all. It may have an unpleasant metallic taste.
  • Boiling does not kill impurities and salts. The more often water is boiled, the more oxygen evaporates from it, and the higher the concentration of these salts becomes. The drink becomes toxic and, although this toxicity is small, it tends to accumulate, so a negative effect will be present.
  • We usually boil chlorinated water. Chlorine, as we have already said, when heated, reacts with organic substances and produces dangerous toxins. The more often the water is boiled, the higher their concentration. Based on this, the answer to the question of whether repeated boiling of water is harmful or not may be positive.

Thus, water boiled several times retains very little of the benefits that our body needs from drinking water. And the more you boil it, the more “dead” it becomes. Having found out whether it is harmful to boil water several times, we can conclude that it is better to limit ourselves to boiling once.

So what kind of water is best to drink?

If you want to drink water for health benefits, then it is best to drink specially purified water, not boiled water. For this purpose, special filters can be used, which are not a problem to buy today. They help purify water heavy metals, chlorine, bacteria and other harmful components. There are filters in the form of jugs, as well as filters that are installed directly on the water pipe, and already purified water flows from the tap. Also a good option– drinking bottled water. It is guaranteed to be cleansed and does not cause any harm to the body.

If the water you have access to now does not inspire confidence in you, it is better to boil it and protect yourself from poisoning and other unpleasant consequences. After all, as to which water is healthier: boiled or raw, the choice is definitely on the side of boiled (of course, if the raw water has not been purified). Therefore, it is strongly not recommended to drink tap water, but you can resort to boiling - sometimes it makes life much easier and protects us. Monitor the quality of the water you drink.

Several times a day in every home and office, kettles are turned on to boil water and drink an invigorating hot drink. But the opinions of scientists differ: some say that you cannot boil the same water twice, while others deny this. Let's figure out together how many times to boil water, and whether it is better to drink raw or boiled water. What is a myth and what is the truth?

Myths about boiled water

1. Boiled water is harmful.

There is an opinion that water cannot be boiled twice. The reason lies in the fact that in boiled water everything beneficial features disappear. At the same time, it has long been proven that heat treatment of water is mandatory; this allows you to get rid of microbes and pathogens.

2. Boiled water becomes heavier.

There is an opinion that the harm from repeated boiling of water is that it becomes heavier due to the presence of a hydrogen isotope there, and that it is better not to drink the remaining water in an electric kettle, because harmful substances accumulate at the bottom. But water is not a layered substance where parts can settle to the bottom. In water, molecules move chaotically, so it is impossible for harmful components to settle.

3. Boiled water contains many impurities; when boiled again, dioxin is released.

Repeatedly boiled water tends to evaporate, due to which the concentration of impurities and salts becomes greater. But at the same moment, the process of preparing soups and broths becomes completely impossible due to the large amount of evaporated water.

4. Boiled water (no matter how many times) has a beneficial effect on the body.

Boiled water stabilizes digestion, improves blood circulation, and removes toxins from the body. It has been proven by doctors that a large number of Drinking water a day helps in weight loss. Please note that warm water after boiling is used to eliminate cold symptoms. But strongly hot water V medicinal purposes use is not recommended. It is useful to take boiled water every morning on an empty stomach, this allows you to start all metabolic processes in the body after sleep.

These facts answer the question of whether repeated boiling of water is harmful or not. And the above statements mean that twice-boiled water can be used both for drinking and tea, but it is best to use cleaning filters and periodically descale the kettle.

Raw or boiled

This is the answer to how many times you can boil water in a kettle, and now let's study another scientific fact. Which water is better: raw or boiled.

1. Raw water is harmful to the body.

This is a proven fact, and it can contribute to the spread various kinds diseases. It is ideal to use pitcher filters. Let the water infuse in them, so the excess gases will evaporate.

2. It is better to drink boiled water while it is still infused.

Indeed, it is better to let boiled water drawn from a water pipe stand for about half an hour. During this time, the chlorine disappears and it becomes harmless.

3. Raw spring water cannot be used for drinking.

Of course, raw water can negatively affect the human body, especially if it comes from a spring. Its danger lies in the ingress of chemical waste, human or animal excrement. Therefore, it is better not to drink such water either raw or boiled. All this perfectly answers the question of the usefulness of boiled water, because thanks to boiling water, bacteria and microbes are killed. Because of this, some people experience stomach upset after drinking raw water.

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