Wedge-shaped dental defects - treatment and prevention. Wedge-shaped dental defect - all possible treatment options

Among dental diseases, there is a common pathology that is similar in appearance to caries. This is a wedge-shaped defect of the teeth, significantly spoiling the appearance of the dentition. Disease long time is asymptomatic. Patients often go to the dentist thinking they have tooth decay and need a traditional filling. Wedge-shaped defect– non-carious dental damage that requires other treatment.

Description of wedge-shaped dental defect

The wedge-shaped defect resembles cervical caries and is a defect on the surface of the tooth in the form of a triangle directed at an acute angle to the base of the tooth (pictured). The color of the formation is practically no different from the color of the enamel.

A change in the color of the wedge indicates the presence of deep erosion that has penetrated into the inner layers of the tissue. It appears most often on those elements of the dentition that experience the greatest load - premolars and molars. Less common on fangs. The lower jaw is more susceptible to wedge-shaped defects of the teeth, since it bears more load than the top one.

The shape of the lesion is more regular than that of caries. Most people suffering from this disease are women over 30 years of age. The defect appears, as a rule, not in a single manner, but on symmetrical teeth, affecting several units at the same time. The disease is confused with erosion and acid necrosis, which are caused by tissue destruction under the influence of aggressive acids. The nature of the wedge-shaped defect is different, and the fight against it is carried out using a different method.

Tooth enamel is a hard, durable compound, but its strength decreases with age. Gradually it becomes thinner and wears out, especially in places of increased load. The resulting tissue deficiency in the cervical area causes a structural defect, which is called wedge-shaped. Dental hypersensitivity is moderate, and the disease is asymptomatic in the early stages. The pulp chamber remains intact. If the lesion is deep, there is a risk of crown fracture.

Pathogenesis is represented by 4 stages:


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There are many reasons for the occurrence of cervical wedge-shaped defects in teeth. The main ones:

Types of pathology

In accordance with the reasons that caused the defect, the following classification of types of wedge-shaped defect is applied:

  1. Abfractional. Caused by occlusal interaction between teeth. Characteristic of malocclusion, abnormal development of the jaws, bruxism ( increased tone masticatory muscles), errors in installing braces. This type of defect is characterized by the fact that the installed filling necessarily falls out, which is taken into account by the dentist when choosing a treatment regimen.
  2. Abrasive. Occurs due to improper dental hygiene.
  3. Erosive. Change chemical composition enamel under the influence of a number of factors leads to erosion and tissue destruction.

In most cases, the defect appears under the influence of several factors at once - age, bite, hygiene. This complicates the work of a specialist. The patient should carefully consider all the doctor’s recommendations and, if possible, exclude those factors that aggravate the course of the disease. Absence acute symptoms should not be reassuring - refusal to treat this defect can lead to the following consequences:

  • tooth fracture due to thinning of its neck;
  • pulpitis - deficiency of enamel tissue leads to its destruction, penetration of infection into deeper layers and inflammation of the nerve;
  • caries - damaged enamel becomes defenseless against pathogenic bacteria.

Symptoms of the defect

In the early stages, symptoms of the disease are often not detected. The appearance of teeth changes in the second stage. A thickening appears in the cervical part. At the middle and more clearly at the deep stage the following symptoms are noted:

Treatment methods for enamel defects

The choice of treatment regimen depends on the degree of neglect of the disease and the combination of reasons that caused it. As a rule, the doctor chooses a combination various methods treatment in order to eliminate not only the wedge-shaped defect itself, but also the cause of its appearance. All existing techniques are divided into the following types:

Traditional medicine and nutrition

There are many means traditional medicine that help strengthen enamel and improve the health of the oral cavity:

All the above traditional methods Designed to improve the health of the oral cavity, partial remineralization and relief of inflammatory processes. They do not eliminate the wedge-shaped defect in the cervical area of ​​the teeth and can be considered in to a greater extent as preventative.

Only professional dental treatment can radically correct the surface of teeth and compensate for lost tissue fragments.

Patients with a defect in the cervical enamel should pay attention to Special attention for diet:

  • exclude hot and cold foods;
  • grind solid products;
  • enrich the diet with calcium-containing foods (cottage cheese, cheese, eggs, fish);
  • to eat more fish containing fluoride (mackerel, pollock, cod).

Prevention of wedge-shaped enamel defect

To prevent a wedge-shaped defect, it is necessary to follow the rules of prevention:

  • visit the dentist regularly for examination;
  • brush your teeth correctly;
  • observe balanced diet, provided with calcium and fluorine;
  • rinse your mouth after every meal (especially after eating sour foods);
  • correct bite defects in a timely manner; if necessary, install braces for children.

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Wedge-shaped dental defect is a disease in which wedge-shaped defects in dental tissue are formed. The disease belongs to the class. The teeth in the frontal zone are most often affected. During this disease, a small hard “step”, resembling a wedge, forms near the tooth. This defect is localized in the cervical area of ​​the tooth.

The reasons for the appearance of a wedge-shaped tooth defect are as follows:

  • It is believed that the main cause of the disease is prolonged mechanical impact on the teeth. A wedge-shaped tooth defect is formed by prolonged use of an overly hard brush. Horizontal brushing of teeth is of particular importance, as hard dental tissues can be erased. This hypothesis has one strong evidence - in a right-handed person, a wedge-shaped tooth defect forms on the left side of the jaw, and in left-handed people - on the right. However, recently many studies have appeared that show that mechanical impact on teeth using a toothbrush is far from the most main reason the appearance of a wedge-shaped tooth defect.
  • The second most popular reason for the appearance of a wedge-shaped tooth defect is poor oral hygiene. If you do not take care of your oral cavity, persistent plaque and tartar may appear in your mouth, which can cause wedge-shaped defects in the teeth. The fact is that with tartar, complete or partial demineralization very often occurs - a lack of calcium in the tooth. If demineralization has gone too far, various complications may occur, including a wedge-shaped defect in one or more teeth.
  • Also, wedge-shaped dental defects can occur in people with diseases such as periodontitis and gingivitis. The fact is that in the presence of such diseases, a slight lifting of the gums occurs, which leads to exposure of the necks of the teeth. It was found that prolonged exposure of the necks can provoke the appearance of various diseases teeth, including wedge-shaped tooth defect.


The disease has the following symptoms:

  • Appears in response to cold, warmth and sweet foods. Some people have increased sensitivity to the toothbrush, and pain may appear both during and after brushing. It must also be remembered that early stage diseases, hypersensitivity may not manifest itself.
  • A wedge-shaped defect forms in the tooth area. The defect is usually localized in the cervical area of ​​the tooth. At the early stage of the disease, the defect looks like a small gap in the tooth, but over time a small wedge-shaped growth forms, which rests on the gum. Most often, this disease affects canines and molars.

Stages of development

Most dentists distinguish 4 stages of this disease. In fact, these stages differ from each other only in the size of the wedge-shaped defect - from 0.1 mm at the early stage to 5 mm or more at the later stage. It has been found that this disease often affects not one, but several teeth located close to each other. It is important to remember that at an early stage of the disease, the wedge-shaped defect is small in size and has rather poor symptoms. However, upon transition to the second stage, the wedge-shaped defect begins to quickly increase in size (often occurs a sharp increase up to 3.5 mm). It is at this stage that increased sensitivity to cold and heat appears. At further progression disease wedge-shaped defect of teeth continues to grow; Sensitivity to sweet foods also appears. It is believed that when the wedge size is more than 5 mm, damage occurs to the deepest dentinal layers of the jaw.

Damage to the dentin layers of the jaw is very dangerous. In this case, the wedge may affect the so-called pulp chamber. If the pulp chamber collapses, this can lead to the fact that, with minimal load on the tooth, the coronal part can easily break off. You also need to understand that this happens quite rarely, since special deposits are usually located near the dentinal chamber (they are called replacement dentin), which prevent the wedge-shaped processes from quickly destroying the pulp chamber.


To diagnose a wedge-shaped tooth defect, a dental examination is sufficient. The diagnosis can be made in two cases:

  • When a defect in the tooth enamel in the cervical area is pronounced; the defect itself has the appearance of a step or wedge. You need to understand that the disease in this case must be at a medium or late stage.
  • When the neck of the tooth is exposed due to periodontitis or gingivitis. You need to understand that the disease in this case should be at an early stage, when the wedge is small in size.

You also need to understand that many people, due to inexperience, confuse this disease and banal caries (this is partly due to the fact that “popularly” most of the various dental diseases are called caries). It must be remembered that with a wedge-shaped lesion, a small wedge forms around the tooth - whereas with caries this does not happen. Also, with caries, increased tooth sensitivity does not always appear - whereas for wedge-shaped lesions this symptom is required.

How to treat wedge-shaped dental defects

This disease needs to be treated at an early stage, since at a late stage it is quite difficult to cure this disease (doctors can only offer prosthetics). If the disease is diagnosed at an early stage, medical treatment is to eliminate the causes of the wedge-shaped defect. First, the doctor needs to educate the patient proper cleaning teeth. The doctor also needs to select a new one for the patient. toothbrush, which would not injure the jaw during cleaning. The patient must strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations, since the outcome of the treatment depends on their implementation. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe remineralization therapy, which will restore the calcium balance in the dental tissue. If the patient's disease is on middle stage, your doctor may prescribe the use of (small plates that cover the teeth), crowns, or composite materials to correct unpleasant symptoms.

Treatment should be aimed at both direct elimination of unpleasant symptoms and elimination of the causes that caused the patient to develop a wedge-shaped defect. For elimination high sensitivity teeth, special varnishes, gels or pastes can be applied to the teeth, which isolate the tooth from extraneous influences. However, you need to understand that these substances do not eliminate the cause of the disease - they only eliminate its symptoms. To eliminate the causes of the disease, the doctor may resort to filling. However, this treatment has one drawback - the fact is that the fillings take root quite poorly in the cervical areas. This will lead to the fact that the patient will either have to re-prosthetic teeth from time to time, or completely abandon it in favor of another method. There are quite a lot of other methods of treating this disease - the use of crowns, the use of composite materials as fillings, and prosthetics. Recently, the installation of veneers—special ceramic plates that isolate the tooth from environmental influences—has become increasingly popular.

Change your habits

  • You will have to relearn how to brush your teeth under the supervision of your doctor. You need to pay special attention to the direction of movement of the toothbrush. The fact is that vertical movements should be light and careful, and horizontal movements should be completely excluded from use, since they injure the gums.
  • Toothpastes should contain fluoride and calcium. If your homemade toothpaste does not contain these microelements, your doctor will prescribe you another toothpaste.
  • You will have to visit the dentist regularly. The fact is that a wedge-shaped tooth defect very often appears after diseases such as periodontitis and gingivitis. If your dentist diagnoses you with one of these conditions during your examination, the doctor may perform further testing to check whether you have an early stage wedge defect or not.
  • A visit to the dentist has another goal - monitoring the mineralization of teeth. If there is little calcium in the dental cavity, the doctor can remineralize the teeth so that the patient does not have a wedge-shaped tooth defect again.


At a late stage, it is quite difficult to treat this disease, and at an early stage it is quite difficult to diagnose. Therefore, it is very important to follow the following dental advice to avoid getting sick:

  • You should avoid using overly hard toothbrushes.
  • You should avoid brushing your teeth in a horizontal direction. The fact is that such cleaning very often leads to microtrauma of the gums, which can lead to the appearance of a wedge-shaped tooth defect. Give your preference to vertical teeth brushing.
  • Ask your dentist for a recommendation for a good fluoride toothpaste.
  • Apply fluoride-containing dental applications more often (the application must be kept on the teeth for at least 15 minutes). During this procedure, you need to rinse your mouth from time to time. After removing the application, you must not eat for the next 60 minutes.
  • You should avoid consuming foods and drinks that contain a large number of strong acids that can damage tooth enamel.
  • The diet should be designed so that the body does not suffer from calcium and vitamin D deficiency.
  • If you have been diagnosed with any endocrine disease, you need to visit your dentist and tell him about your illness. The fact is that for some endocrine diseases the balance of microelements in the body is disrupted, which can lead to calcium deficiency in the teeth.
  • If you have an incorrect bite, dental adjustments should be made.

Terminological aspect

It is also worth paying attention to the terminological problem. In the western medical literature The term “wedge-shaped dental defect” is quite rare. Instead, you can find a lot of other names that actually correspond to this disease. Most Popular:

  • Cervical defect of unspecified etiology.
  • Cervical erosion.
  • Cervical abrasion of dental tissue.
  • Abfraction of the cervical region.
  • Abrasion of the cervical region.
  • Abrasive wear of tooth enamel in the precervical area.


One of the most serious illnesses non-carious teeth - the appearance of a wedge-shaped tooth defect. During this disease, small, hard, wedge-shaped growths form near the tooth. The main causes of dental disease are mechanical trauma to the dental gums when brushing teeth with a too hard brush, as well as poor oral hygiene. Also, a wedge-shaped tooth defect is a complication of diseases such as periodontitis and gingivitis. The disease has two main symptoms - the appearance of a hard growth around the tooth, 0.1 to 5 or more millimeters long, and increased sensitivity of the tooth to heat, cold and sweet foods.

At an early stage of the disease, the wedge-shaped growth has a very small size, and sensitivity may not increase. If the disease is not treated, the wedge-shaped growth increases in size, which leads to hypersensitivity to cold, heat and sweet foods. It is quite simple to cure a wedge-shaped tooth defect at an early stage, but treating this disease at a later stage is quite labor-intensive. That is why the disease must be treated as early as possible. Treatment should be aimed at both eliminating unpleasant symptoms and eliminating the cause of the disease. To avoid getting sick, you need to stop using an overly hard brush, use fluoride-containing pastes, regularly make fluoride-containing applications, and treat malocclusion and endocrine diseases in a timely manner.

A wedge-shaped defect is specific damage tooth in the gingival region. Externally, the lesion has the shape of a wedge (V), directed with the tip into the oral cavity. The destructive change in shape is located on outer surface teeth, most often on premolars (small molars), canines.

However, there are cases of wedge-shaped destruction on incisors and molars. Sometimes wedge-shaped defects are confused with. However, there are differences between these lesions, which determine different treatment tactics for these two diseases.

Localization location destructive process identical for cervical caries and wedge-shaped defect.

These two diseases differ in the following parameters:

  1. In appearance, the lesions are caries cavities of arbitrary configuration, have a rough surface, darkening of the enamel. The wedge-shaped defect is characterized by a regular V-shape with preservation of the color of the affected area (in the initial stages of the disease).
  2. Due to the speed of development of the disease, a caries lesion can destroy an entire tooth in a matter of months. The wedge-shaped defect develops over the years; in the initial stages, it makes itself felt by an unnoticeable dullness of color and a slight change in the shape of the crown.

At first, the defect is so visually invisible that patients rarely pay attention to the slight deformation or increased dullness, and therefore do not visit a doctor. Contact your dentist at initial stage The patient's illness is usually caused by hyperesthesia (increased sensitivity) - pain while eating. Most often there is a reaction to hot, sour, sweet, and cold.

Why does it occur

The strongest fabric human body - tooth enamel. But under the influence of certain factors, it weakens and then undergoes deformation and destruction. The reason for the fragility of enamel is demineralization, the process of leaching out calcium and other constituent elements from the dental tissue. Demineralization occurs due to external and internal factors.

Dentists identify three main reasons that contribute to the occurrence of wedge-shaped dental defects:

  1. Chemical (erosive) - as a result of violation acid-base balance(pH) in oral cavity exo- and endogenous nature. Thus, acid-containing products - fruit juices, Pepsi-Cola, can help soften tooth enamel from its further deformation from mechanical influences- brushing. An aggressive acidic environment is created in some diseases gastrointestinal tract when it is thrown into the oral cavity gastric juice, having an acidic status. Insufficient oral hygiene leads to an abundance of deposits food leftovers in the cervical zone, which contain many microorganisms. The result of the activity of these microorganisms can be an aggressive acidic environment that softens the enamel.
  2. Mechanical (abrasive) - the reason is the regular, strong load on the enamel of the tooth neck during brushing. Incorrect cleaning technique (horizontal movements) and a poorly selected brush can lead to the formation of a wedge-shaped defect. An attempt to get rid of tartar using a hard brush and strong whitening pastes leads to abrasion of the cervical area. Dentists have noticed that wedge-shaped dental damage in right-handed people is more intense on the left side, while in left-handed people the right row suffers more.
  3. Physico-mechanical (compression and pressure) - orthodontic pathologies lead to the fact that when chewing, the load is distributed unevenly: those teeth that are more involved in the chewing process usually have signs of a wedge-shaped defect. Computer modeling for diagnosing occlusion confirms this.

In every special case It is difficult to talk about a specific factor; more often there is a complex of interdependent causes of wedge-shaped destruction of the cervical zone.

Course and development of the disease

Four degrees of wedge-shaped defect are classified:

  1. Initial stage - a slight dullness of the affected area is visually noticeable. At this stage, patients notice increased tooth sensitivity.
  2. Middle stage - enamel deformation is noticeable to the naked eye, has the appearance of a crack, and hyperesthesia to temperature, chemical and physical stimuli is noted.
  3. The progressive stage is a distinct wedge-shaped defect with a significant loss of tooth tissue (up to 4 mm).
  4. Deep lesion - loss is more than 4 mm, affected inner fabrics tooth, dentin, in severe cases and pulp. In this regard, the wedge-shaped deformation has a yellow or brown color.

Oksana Shiyka


Treatment tactics depend on the stage. Obviously, the earlier treatment is started, the less time and effort it will take to eliminate the defect.

Darkening is observed in later stages of the disease Advanced case

How to treat

Regardless of the degree of damage, the complex of measures for removing a wedge-shaped defect includes treatment of provoking diseases: measures to eliminate malocclusion, treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, thyroid gland from a specialized specialist.

Treatment of wedge-shaped dental defect depends on the degree of damage. At the initial stage, applications of substances are used that help saturate the tooth tissue with calcium (calcination) and fluoride (fluoridation). Remineralization is recommended to be carried out 2 times a year to stop the erosive process and restore the strength of the enamel.

For home use They use specialized varnishes and gels, which are applied in a course. Pastes with increased content fluorine, although they therapeutic effect It will only affect with regular and long-term use.

Subsequent stages, characterized by loss of tooth tissue, require measures to eliminate the aesthetic defect.

Filling - restoration using materials with increased elasticity. The cervical area experiences heavy stress, so fillings on this part of the tooth often fall out. The loss of the filling is facilitated by the shape of the loss, which has relatively smooth edges. To ensure high-quality adhesion of the filling to the surface, an undercut of the enamel or a notch is made in the area where the composite material is applied. A video of the process can be seen below:

The difficulty of filling wedge-shaped depressions lies in the fact that the area to be filled is in contact with the moist gum and near the periodontal sulcus, from which gingival fluid is constantly released. And the filling technology requires absolute dryness. working area- even the patient’s excessively moist breath can lead to a decrease in the quality of the filling. Therefore, when restoring a wedge-shaped disorder, the tooth should be carefully isolated from saliva. Dentists use highly elastic flowable materials to prevent. The mixture is applied with a syringe at a decrease and illuminated with a light polymerization lamp.

Veneers can protect the cervical area and improve the aesthetics of damaged teeth.. They are also called microprostheses. Veneers cover the front and incisal parts of the tooth, giving it aesthetics. The disadvantage of veneers is the need for their frequent replacement, although some expensive samples, according to manufacturers, can last up to 20 years.

If a wedge-shaped dental defect occurs, the treatment and method of achieving the aesthetic appeal of the affected teeth are chosen based on individual characteristics diseases and lifestyle, age of the patient.

Prevention of wedge-shaped defect

  • Brush your teeth 2 times a day with vertical and circular movements;
  • Use a brush with soft bristles;
  • Rinse your mouth after every meal;
  • Drink fruit juices and carbonated drinks through a straw, minimizing contact of aggressive liquid with teeth;
  • Avoid excessive stress on your teeth: do not crack nuts, seeds, exclude crackers from your diet.

Regular visits to the dentist will allow you to identify a wedge-shaped tooth defect at the initial stage and get rid of it without the use of “heavy artillery”: restorations, veneers, crowns. After all natural beauty is always preferable to artificial.

A wedge-shaped defect is a local lesion of the hard tissues of the tooth, not associated with the carious process. The defect got its name from its V-shape. Located on the outer part of the tooth. The apex (angle) of the “wedge” is directed into its cavity. The affected areas are usually the neck of the tooth or the cervical part (buccal or labial surface). As a rule, symmetrically located teeth (canines, premolars, anterior teeth) are subject to destruction. lower teeth). Often a consequence of gum recession. In children, the pathology is extremely rare.

Photo: what a wedge-shaped defect looks like


The ICD-10 code for a wedge-shaped defect is K03.1. There are several types of the disease:

  • Slit;
  • Median (of two planes);
  • Deep;
  • Single (may occur on one or two teeth);
  • Multiple (most often affects symmetrically located teeth).

There are also two stages in the development of the disease:

  1. Fast phase. The tissue quickly deteriorates (the process lasts about 2 months). Dentin hypertension as a consequence; Leaks
  2. Stable phase. The dynamics of development are slowing down. There is no hypertension.


Each stage of disease development is accompanied by various signs. The initial and superficial stages proceed almost asymptomatic. The second stage may be characterized change appearance teeth. At the middle and deep stages, patients may complain of the following manifestations:

  • Short piercing pain;
  • Unpleasant sensations while eating;
  • Dental hyperesthesia (increased sensitivity: painful reaction to hot, cold, sour, sweet foods, mechanical stress);
  • Discomfort while brushing your teeth;
  • Change in the appearance of teeth (defect in the area of ​​the neck of the tooth, where food particles are retained);
  • Enamel pigmentation;
  • Exposure of the dental neck (in advanced cases).

Diagnosis of the wedge-shaped effect is made:

  • By external signs(in case of visual manifestation of the disease). The shape of the lesion, structure and pigmentation, location are taken into account;
  • According to pronounced discomfort from mechanical, thermal, chemical effects.

The dentist carefully examines the occlusal interaction of the dentition. The patient may need to be examined by a gastroenterologist or endocrinologist to exclude the presence of concomitant ailments. Also held differential diagnosis to exclude diseases similar to a wedge-shaped defect.

Causes of the defect

The reasons why the disease occurs are poorly understood. Several theories have been developed, citing several factors that could influence this:

  • Incorrect method of brushing teeth:
    • Horizontal brush movements;
    • Carrying out the procedure immediately after drinking wine, acid-containing fruits (citrus fruits);
  • Poor oral hygiene (especially in combination with improper brushing of teeth);
  • Endocrine diseases;
  • Diseases of the central nervous system (CNS);
  • Oral diseases;
  • Frequent consumption of carbonated water (including sweet water);
  • Incorrect bite (occlusion);
  • Middle, old age;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract);
  • Reduced bone mineral density;
  • Decrease in the percentage of ionized magnesium and calcium in the blood (in females);
  • Gum recession;
  • Frequent heartburn;
  • Illiterate removal of braces (rare).


  1. Initial. The pathology is difficult to recognize because it is almost invisible. There are no symptoms of the disease;
  2. Superficial. The defect deepens near the dental neck to 0.2 mm and may appear as a crack or abrasion. Hyperesthesia occurs;
  3. Average. More noticeable enlargement of the affected area. The recess reaches 0.3 mm;
  4. Deep. The V-shaped defect reaches a depth of 0.5 mm. Dentin and the pulp chamber are subject to destruction. The tooth may break off.

Most often, the two middle and deep stages occur in mature patients. The first two are seen mainly in people between 30 and 35 years old.

What diseases can a wedge-shaped defect be confused with?

  • Erosion is a non-carious lesion of the enamel;
  • Caries (superficial, cervical);
  • Acid necrosis is tissue destruction caused by exposure to acid products on enamel and dentin.


Treatment methods for wedge-shaped defects are divided into several categories. Elimination of the disease can be done using both traditional methods and more modern ones. Methods such as patch surgery and preparation are not used in the fight against a wedge-shaped defect. The ICON technique is also not used in its treatment. Most often it is used to eliminate superficial caries.

Photo: before and after treatment

Methods to eliminate symptoms and stop the spread of the defect

  • Fluoridation of enamel. It involves the application of fluoride-containing preparations to the teeth. The procedure helps strengthen dental tissue. Reduces sensitivity to acid and mechanical influences;
  • Remineralization:
    • Treats teeth with medications containing calcium. It can be different materials: ointments, varnishes, gels. One of the most effective drugs is GC TOOTH MOUSSE.
    • This procedure can be performed either at the dentist or at home.
    • It is produced to saturate the affected enamel with calcium and further recovery. Most often it is performed to stop the course of the disease and its spread.
  • Laser. Also used in the fight against wedge-shaped defect. The procedure is painless and damage to healthy tissue is avoided. As a result of exposure to the laser beam, the enamel thickens and hyperesthesia decreases. Indications for laser treatment: allergy to medicines, pregnancy, breastfeeding period.

Remineralization can be combined with enamel fluoridation. The course of treatment is carried out with the drug “Enamel-sealing liquid Tiefenfluorid”. The medicine was produced in Germany. The product contains two components: highly active calcium hydroxide and highly active fluorine. Each component is processed in turn. The severity of sensitivity determines the number of procedures. Usually one or two are enough. Such treatment must be accompanied by careful oral hygiene and the use of fluoride-containing toothpastes.

The remineralization procedure at home can be done using R.O.C.S. gels. The following types of paste are suitable for this:

  • R.O.C.S. Medical Minerals(remineralizing gel);
  • R.O.C.S. Medical Minerals Fruit(fruit flavored);
  • R.O.C.S. Medical Minerals(red packaging - for children and teenagers).

Nanofluor varnish is also used to combat the disease. It is most often used to reduce hyperesthesia. After the procedure, a persistent decrease in sensitivity is observed. Complete disappearance of hyperesthesia is possible. The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • The tooth surface is cleaned of soft plaque in advance. Use a brush and polishing paste;
  • Air drying;
  • Apply varnish in 3 layers, each of them is carefully dried;
  • After a couple of days, the application is repeated;
  • A week later, the defect is filled with light-curing material.

Modern methods

Treatment in other directions is also possible. To do this, a thorough analysis of the occlusion is carried out. When a traumatic factor is detected, the most suitable one is selected suitable method optimization of malocclusion. There are several directions:

  • Orthodontic— installation of braces;
  • Orthopedic— installation of specially made artificial crowns;
  • Selective grinding.

Installation of artificial crowns is the most frequently made decision. It is important that the edge of the structure covers the affected area with a margin. It often happens that he is not there. This occurs when the wedge-shaped defect is already at the level of the gum, so installation of the structure is impossible. Also, the crown will not protect other teeth.

The best solution is orthodontic treatment. It lasts for a long time, but after correcting the bite, all other treatment methods can be used. Installing braces is considered the most rational direction.

Traditional methods

  • Applications various medications (varnishes, ointments, remineralizing solutions):
    • Will relieve hyperesthesia.
    • After a dozen visits, a single use of the drug will not last long. It is impossible to eliminate the defect using this method.
    • They have an analgesic effect.
  • Installation of veneers. Veneer is a ceramic veneer structure. It covers the front and chewing surfaces of the tooth. The teeth will regain their previous aesthetic appearance (veneers serve more as a method of restoration). Sometimes using veneers can eliminate the cause of the defect. However, the structure may not withstand the load, as it is quite fragile. It needs to be changed periodically as it changes color over time.
  • Toothpastes(desensitive), reducing hyperesthesia:
    • This method is one of the cheapest.
    • The effect will be close to the effect of applications at the dentist.
    • It is also impossible to eliminate the disease using pastes. You can achieve reduction or liquidation pain in the area of ​​the dental necks.
  • Sealing:
    • Most often used in the treatment of wedge-shaped defect.
    • Pain and discomfort are eliminated immediately after the first procedure.
    • The defect itself is eliminated.
    • Some aesthetic effect is achieved.

The filling process occurs as follows:

  • The affected area is treated with boron;
  • The defect expands;
  • The tissue cavity is treated with adhesive;
  • A liquid filling is placed into the bottom of the cavity, which is then illuminated;
  • A second layer of (more dense) material is applied;
  • Using a spatula, the filling is given the desired shape;
  • The filling is illuminated again;
  • Bor grinding.

However, to eliminate the cause of the disease, filling can not. The filling will not last long. Most often, it remains in place, but forms a gap with the tooth, peeling off from its surface. A space is created into which food particles fall. The so-called "funeral border" - dark stripe under the seal. Less often, the filling falls out completely. Usually, after removing such a filling, a new one is installed, which again triggers the unwanted mechanism.

Filling can be carried out using the following types of material:

  • Glass ionomer;
  • Compomer;
  • Fluid;
  • Universal;
  • Light-curing.

Folk remedies

  • Tincture of calendula(1 tablespoon per 200 ml of boiling water). It should brew for 30 minutes. You need to rinse regularly;
  • Stone or sea ​​salt . One teaspoon of salt per 100 ml of water. After eating, clean your teeth and gums with a brush soaked in this water. Salt contains many useful microelements. It can be rubbed into the gums;
  • Celandine juice. They can be used to lubricate the cervical areas. You can make a tincture:
    • The crushed plant is placed in a jar;
    • Filled with vodka or alcohol;
    • Infuse for 14 days in a dark room;
    • For rinsing, dilute with water (1:4). Rinse after eating.
  • Cranberry slurry. You need to make a paste from the crushed berries and rub it into your gums several times daily.
  • Rinsing with infusions of chamomile, plantain, oak. This will protect the gums from inflammation and prevent tooth decay.

With a wedge-shaped effect, you need to contact your dentist. Often, orthodontists, therapists and orthopedists are involved in the treatment of the disease.

What pastes are best for brushing teeth with a wedge-shaped defect?

It is better to brush your teeth with desensitizing toothpastes:

  • R.O.C.S. Medical Minerals(for remineralization). Available for adults, children and teenagers. Helps reduce sensitivity. There is also R.O.C.S.
  • Medical Sensitive for especially sensitive teeth. Helps reduce discomfort and pain;
  • Dr. Best Sensitive and Elmex Sensitive contain fluoride and fight against hyperesthesia. They have reduced abrasive properties;
  • Oral-B Sensitive Fluoride;
  • Sensigel;
  • Biodent Sensitive;
  • BioRepair.

The peculiarity of cleaning with any such paste is the need for regular use. The effect will occur only after prolonged use of the gel.


  • Correct technique for brushing teeth. Do not allow horizontal movements with the brush.
  • Using pastes containing fluoride and calcium;
  • Timely treatment of diseases of the oral cavity and thyroid gland;
  • Regular remineralization;
  • Treatment of occlusion



Is it painful to treat?

It all depends on the treatment method, but usually the patient does not experience obvious pain.

Pain after treatment

To eliminate discomfort, you can use herbal rinsing, special liquids. You should consult your doctor.

A filling fell out after treatment

It is necessary to contact the dentist again to install a new filling or choose a different treatment method.

What will happen if left untreated?

You can lose a lot of teeth, as well as get concomitant and more serious dental pathologies. It will be much more expensive and difficult to treat them.

Among non-carious dental diseases, the so-called wedge-shaped defect is widespread. It looks like cervical caries, but has a different origin. It is a wedge-shaped defect on outside tooth in the cervical region. The sharp part of the wedge is directed towards the base of the tooth.

This damage most often affects those teeth that bear the greatest load - these are premolars and molars. The defect is less common on the front teeth, but can affect the canines.

Wedge-shaped exposure is usually not accompanied by a change in enamel color. If pigmentation is observed during the lesion, this indicates the spread of erosion to the deep layers of the tooth. With severe damage, increased sensitivity is observed.

The photo shows a wedge-shaped defect in the teeth of the upper jaw

The wedge-shaped defect affects the teeth of both the upper and lower jaw, however, the lower teeth suffer from this disease more often due to the increased load.

A wedge-shaped lesion is characterized by a slow growth rate and can develop unnoticed by the patient over several years.

Erosion of enamel has correct form, which distinguishes it from manifestations of a carious nature. It is noted that over the last decade the number of patients with this disease has increased significantly, with the vast majority of patients being women over 30 years of age.

Reasons for deviation

Dentists put forward several versions regarding the reasons that provoke wedge-shaped erosion. The main factor is improper hygiene oral cavity, namely horizontal brushing of teeth with a hard brush.

Horizontal movements when brushing teeth are generally contraindicated; only vertical and circular strokes of the brush are allowed.

Surfactants in hygiene products also contribute to the leaching of enamel. They have the same effect various acids, including citrus juices and other berries and fruits.

Some dentists believe that mechanical cleaning and organic acids are not capable of causing such a destructive effect, although they can contribute to the development of the disease. This theory confirm Scientific research in the animal environment: in Lately the number of wedge-shaped erosions has increased in livestock, which cannot be associated with brushing your teeth or consuming acid-containing compounds.

The following are also not so common, but possible reasons:

More information about the formation of a wedge-shaped defect:

Lesion classification

There are four stages of enamel damage:

How to treat pathology?

Depending on the degree of damage, appropriate treatment is prescribed, which includes eliminating irritating factors, proper hygiene oral cavity, .

For small deformations, filling is not required. Wedge-shaped formations are filled with special dental compounds that eliminate hypersensitivity and prevent further destruction.

The enamel fluoridation method is usually used, which involves the use of compounds with high content fluoride or special applications. Remineralizing therapy is also prescribed to restore calcium deficiency in the enamel.

High results can be achieved using pastes containing fluoride. However, in order for the effect to have a prolonged effect, pastes must be used for a long time.

Fluoridation at the dentist involves the application of special highly concentrated compounds.

For home use, special varnishes and gels are usually prescribed, the use of which is of a course nature.

If the wedge-shaped defect is a consequence of malocclusion, then the orthodontist can advise taking into account age and physiological characteristics patient. To straighten teeth, other methods may be recommended: partial grinding, straightening the antagonist tooth through the use of crowns.

Remineralizing therapy should be carried out annually, or preferably twice a year. This will significantly reduce the risk further dissemination diseases and reduce tooth sensitivity.

In case of deep damage to the enamel, it is necessary, which is carried out using filling material. To fill the loss, composite compounds or glass ionomer cement are used. Since the lesion is not a consequence of carious spread, significant drilling of the hole is not required. However for better fixation The fillings are made with special notches on the enamel.

Filling solves the problem of hypersensitivity and aesthetic appeal. It may also be recommended to install veneers, which are microprostheses and are selected taking into account the tooth defect. are installed when there is significant tissue loss, when filling is ineffective or impossible.

The patient is prescribed remineralization of the cervical area and fluoridation of the affected area. It is important to carry out complex therapy, otherwise there is a high probability that the disease will progress, and voids will form under the prosthesis into which food particles will fall. This will lead to tooth formation and destruction.

Difficulties in effective treatment

When treating using tooth reconstruction methods, difficulties may arise due to incorrect diagnosis and the nature of the damage. Filling often does not provide a long-term effect, since the fillings are destroyed or fall out completely within a period of time. short period time.

This is due to the fact that the cervical area experiences the heaviest load, and in the process of chewing food, the filling is, as it were, squeezed out of the cavity. Notches on the enamel contribute to better penetration of the composition, but they do not completely solve the problem of fillings falling out.

For filling wedge-shaped defects, liquid compositions with a high elasticity coefficient are recommended. They are applied to the treated surface with a special syringe and illuminated with a lamp. This material, when experiencing loads, responds to them with micro-compression, which saves the filling from being squeezed out.

Another problem in treating the cervical area is its preparation for the main procedures. The close location to the gum significantly increases the risk of saliva getting into the resulting cavity, which is undesirable for fillings and prosthetics.

During the restoration process, gum bleeding may begin, especially if we are talking about a wedge-shaped defect in the background. High-quality drying of the affected area will significantly increase the chance of successful treatment and effective restoration.

To make fillings last longer, you should follow simple rules:

It should be remembered that a filling or veneer does not completely solve the problem of enamel erosion. If the cause of the disease is not eliminated, the loss of enamel will not go away. First of all, it is necessary to find out whether there is a malocclusion.

By eliminating this problem, further tooth damage can be avoided. In any case, if there is at least one lesion, fluoride-containing pastes, protective varnishes and preparations containing calcium should be used for preventive purposes.

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