Canned pineapples for a nursing mother. Canned pineapples during breastfeeding. What is the best way to eat fruit?

Breast milk is the ideal food for rapidly growing and developing baby. A woman’s milk contains substances necessary not only to maintain strength, but also to form vital important systems child's body. Not only are the components of milk easily digestible, but thanks to breastfeeding the baby is reliably protected from infectious and inflammatory diseases, the development of his psyche is more effective.

Since the baby is entirely dependent on receiving breast milk, the mother at this time needs to diversify her menu as much as possible, including all groups of healthy foods, especially those rich in vitamins and microelements. These include a variety of fruits.

In this regard, women often have a question: “Can a nursing mother eat pineapple?” How healthy is this fruit and will its consumption lead to undesirable consequences?

The composition of mother's milk depends on the diet

How beneficial mother's milk will be really depends largely on the woman's diet. And the calorie content of dishes during lactation should be slightly increased. To increase lactation, you can consume foods that help meet the needs of the female body and affect the amount of milk produced and its quality. As a rule, these foods should contain iron and iodine, zinc and magnesium, basic groups of vitamins and amino acids, biotin and other compounds.

With all the desire to include a wide variety of foods and dishes in the diet, sometimes young mothers forget about the main thing - health. But the table of a nursing mother should be absolutely safe for the woman herself, and especially for the baby. Everything that the mother eats is reflected in the baby’s well-being.

And even extremely healthy foods, can become a source of serious danger if consumed without measure and caution.

Doctors constantly emphasize that both pregnant and lactating women urgently need vegetables and fruits. But regarding the inclusion of exotic fruits in the diet, which includes pineapple, beloved by many nursing mothers, the most heated debates flare up, and the most frequently asked questions.

Benefits of pineapple during breastfeeding

Pineapple is valued for its juiciness, original sweet and sour taste, bright aroma and abundance of nutrients contained in the light yellow pulp.

According to biochemical research, per 100 grams of peeled pulp fresh fruit accounted for:

  • 0.4 grams of protein;
  • 86 grams of water;
  • 11.5 grams of carbohydrates;
  • 0.4 grams of fiber.

Pineapples are extremely rich, they contain beta-carotene, vitamins B1, B2, B12 and PP, valuable macro- and microelements, as well as many acids, aromatic and essential oils.

It would seem that such a product should certainly be included in the menu of nursing mothers, but pediatricians and nutritionists are not so optimistic. So what are the benefits of pineapple for? breastfeeding? And like this one exotic fruit Can it harm the health of mother and baby?

In addition to the fact that fresh pineapple is an excellent source of vitamin C, which helps maintain tone, performance and protect the body from external factors, eating the pulp allows you to:

  • reduce blood viscosity, thereby reducing the risk of developing thrombosis and varicose veins;
  • improve the quality of blood vessels and the functioning of the whole;
  • prevent or significantly reduce the accumulation of cholesterol;
  • effectively relieve swelling and prevent their occurrence in the future;
  • reduce joint and muscle pain.

At the same time, a woman who consumes pineapple while breastfeeding does not have to worry about her own weight, because the pulp of a ripe pineapple contains only 48 kcal per 100 grams.

As a source essential acids and vitamins, pineapple has a beneficial effect on the body’s protective functions, gently boosting the immune system. Therefore, eating the fruit is especially useful during the cold season and off-season.

After childbirth, many mothers experience nervous tension, frequent shifts mood and signs of approaching depression. Help me get rid of this unpleasant symptoms A nursing mother may have pineapple, which contains potassium, which improves the supply of oxygen to the brain. In addition, the pulp of the exotic fruit strengthens the heart and relieves chronic fatigue and stimulates the production of serotonin.

Thanks to a small amount of pineapple in the menu, you can improve your digestion and quickly get rid of toxins and excess moisture.

Are canned pineapples in syrup good for nursing mothers?

But to the question: “Can a nursing mother have canned pineapples?”, there should be a clearly negative answer. Although the juiciness and appearance of the product in a colorful jar are preserved, most of the beneficial properties of the pulp fresh fruits is irretrievably lost.

As a result of heat treatment, ascorbic acid, the predominant vitamin in pineapple, breaks down.

Since several unripe fruits are sometimes used to make industrial canned food, to give them taste and long storage product, the recipe necessarily contains a lot of sugar. This means that the calorie content of canned fruit increases sharply. In addition, the syrup may contain artificial preservatives, flavor enhancers and even dyes, which make canned pineapple not only useless but also harmful for a nursing mother.

How is pineapple harmful for a nursing mother and her baby?

First of all, pineapple in a nursing mother can cause a severe allergic reaction or signs of food intolerance that appear a few days after consumption.

While a woman’s body reacts quickly and vividly to an allergen, in children doctors observe a slowed down and sometimes completely hidden course of a progressive process that involves many organs and tissues.

An allergic reaction to pineapple affects the respiratory, digestive, and nervous systems, expressed in irritation and itching of the skin, redness and swelling of the mucous membranes, difficulty breathing and swallowing, digestive disorders and respiratory symptoms. Children with allergies are overly excitable, eat and sleep poorly. This negative impact Eating pineapple on the health of a nursing mother does not end there.

Fresh fruits are rich in acids that can negatively affect the condition of tooth enamel, as well as cause discomfort due to increased acidity in the gastrointestinal tract.

So can a nursing mother have pineapple? No specialist can give a clear and unambiguous answer to this question, since all women and their children have their own predispositions and body characteristics.

If before birth future mom regularly used this product without noticing any negative consequences It is obvious that you can eat pineapple even during breastfeeding, adhering to strict measures and caution. In cases where the pulp of an exotic fruit is a new product for a woman, it is better to postpone tasting until the baby begins to feed on his own.

What can a nursing mother eat - video

Everyone likes juicy pineapple with its delicate aroma and rich taste. But what if a nursing mother wants to eat this fruit? It is clear that pineapple is an exotic fruit and should be consumed with extreme caution during breastfeeding. At what age can a mother introduce juicy milk into her diet? fragrant fruit? Is it possible to eat pineapple while breastfeeding?

Benefits of pineapple

Pineapple combines very well incredible benefits and pleasant taste. Thanks to its rich content of vitamins and important elements, this fruit helps restore a woman’s immune and nervous systems after pregnancy and childbirth, and improve functioning. digestive system and the condition of the skin and hair. Despite the sweetish taste of pineapple, this fruit will not harm the female figure at all - 100 grams of aromatic pulp contains only 48 kcal.

What elements is this exotic fruit rich in?

  • Pineapple contains a tremendous amount of vitamin C, which helps strengthen the body's defenses and increase the elasticity of blood vessels and skin.
  • This fruit is deservedly recognized as a champion in the content of B vitamins. Elements of this group are very important for metabolic processes and circulatory system.
  • Vitamin A and potassium, which the exotic juicy fruit is rich in, are necessary for work of cardio-vascular system, and vitamin PP is actively involved in the normalization of the digestive, circulatory and excretory systems.
  • Magnesium and zinc are very beneficial for the nervous system and help reduce fatigue, improve mood and increase attention. This effect of pineapple on female body very useful in difficult times postpartum period, when a new mother’s workload increases.
  • Very important element, contained in the pulp of an exotic fruit, is the enzyme bromelain, which has a positive effect on the digestion process. It also helps in the fight against inflammation and blood clots and is useful for those at risk of varicose veins and hemorrhoids.
  • Pineapple pulp contains a lot of plant fiber, which is important for intestinal motility and the digestion process in general.
  • The fruit contains special substances that tone the muscles. This property of the fetus will be very useful for cleansing the uterus in the postpartum period from blood clots, as well as for intestinal function.

The tasty and juicy fruit will certainly benefit the young mother during the difficult postpartum period. He will strengthen her immune system, will calm and provide normal work all systems. But is it possible to eat pineapple while breastfeeding? Which possible risks Does its use during lactation affect the baby?

What are the contraindications for pineapple?

You should still eat pineapple during breastfeeding with great caution. And it’s not just the exoticism and possible allergenicity of this fruit:

  • Pineapple contains a huge amount of vitamin C and other fruit acids, therefore, the use of this fruit is contraindicated for those who have digestive problems (gastritis, gastroduodenitis, ulcers and high acidity), as well as for persons with thin, sensitive tooth enamel.
  • Since the enzyme bromelain, which is part of the fruit, has a pronounced thinning effect, the fruit and its juices are not recommended for people with problems with blood viscosity.
  • For the same reason, those who suffer from hypotension or changes in blood pressure should be careful with pineapples.
  • When breastfeeding, a woman, even if she is not prone to autoimmune food responses, may react negatively to an exotic fruit in her diet due to increased hormone levels.

So, despite all the benefits of pineapple for a new mother’s body, its consumption can still cause significant harm to her digestive and circulatory systems. What about the baby? Is it possible to eat pineapple during breastfeeding?

Traces of active substances from the juice and pulp of this fruit in breast milk can negatively affect the condition of the baby. So, a baby may develop diarrhea or constipation due to exposure to fruit acids; allergic rash. If a nursing mother tries canned pineapple, increased content Sugar in this product will inevitably lead to painful colic in the baby.

Pineapple and GW

Because pineapple is considered strong allergen, it should be used with caution when breastfeeding. If the baby has never had a negative reaction to the nutrition of a nursing mother, a woman can try an exotic fruit for the first time at 5-6 months. By this time, the baby’s digestive system will have more or less matured and will be able to cope with new substances in mother’s milk without consequences.

If the baby is sensitive to the slightest changes in the diet of the nursing mother, it is better for the woman to completely avoid experimenting with exotic fruits while breastfeeding or postpone their inclusion in her diet for as long as possible.

If you decide to try pineapple while breastfeeding, you should adhere to certain rules:

  • During the period of including pineapple in your diet, there should be no more new items on the menu. This will make it easier for you to understand that your baby has had a negative allergic reaction to the juicy, aromatic fruit.
  • Take precautions when consuming a new product. Having tried small piece, stop and wait 2-3 days, observing the reaction of the baby’s skin and digestive system. It will be convenient if you start food diary, in which you will enter everything that you ate during the day, and characterize the daily condition of the baby’s skin, his behavior and stool.
  • With absence allergic reactions You can gradually increase the “dose” of pineapple in your diet. You should eat it in the morning before feeding your baby - this way during the day you can assess the baby’s condition and take the necessary measures in case of negative manifestations.
  • Don't forget about the cumulative effect of allergens. The baby can for a long time do not react to traces of pineapple in breast milk, but after a month the baby’s skin may become covered with a rash, the culprit of which will be an exotic fruit that has long been included in the mother’s diet. At the slightest manifestations You should eliminate allergies from your menu. possible reason rashes and diarrhea are primarily products that are unusual for our region.
  • It is better to eat fresh fruits. Canned pineapple are not suitable for feeding a nursing mother, since they are stored in syrup and lose their properties during processing beneficial features. A sweet treat will only harm you and especially your baby, causing him painful colic.
  • If you don't want to buy a whole fresh fruit For the sake of a few slices of juicy pulp, the volume of which is allowed during breastfeeding, you can buy candied fruits. Dried pieces no longer have this increased acidity as fresh, but at the same time everything is concentrated in them useful material. Their use should still be limited; a nursing mother can eat no more than 7 cubes of candied fruits per day. Candied fruits can be added to porridge, cottage cheese, casseroles, or included in healthy compotes, and also eat in pure form as a dessert.
  • A nursing mother should be careful with pineapple juice. Store-bought products in tetra packs are not recommended for use during lactation, as they contain a lot of sugar. It's better if you make freshly squeezed juice at home. It should be drunk in limited volumes (no more than 100 ml per day) and diluted with water in a ratio of 1:4.

A strong desire to eat a piece of pineapple during breastfeeding (BF) may be associated with a deficiency of vitamins B1 and B3, chlorides or manganese in the body. But how safe is this exotic fruit for a new mother and her baby? Will the baby develop allergies?

Pineapple pulp contains a natural proteolytic enzyme bromelain(first extracted from the fruit in the late 1800s), which speeds up metabolism. This is important for breastfeeding women, since losing weight (by personal wishes or medical recommendations) with the help of food-restrictive diets is not available to them.

In addition to its dietary effect, bromelain has wound healing, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effects. This, in turn, has a positive effect on the health of the nursing mother and her baby.

Improves food absorption by accelerating the breakdown of proteins. As a result, it helps the mother get rid of bloating, and the baby on breastfeeding also gets rid of colic.

Benefits of fresh pineapple

For nursing mothers

  • Thiamine (vitamin B1) has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system and brain. With its help it is produced acetylcholine, supporting the tone of the heart muscle and digestive tract.
  • Riboflavin (B2) is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin and improves vision. Normalizes the functioning of the adrenal glands, which is important for maintaining hormonal balance in pregnant and lactating women.
  • Pyridoxine (B6) stimulates the formation and functioning of the immune and cardiovascular systems. Thanks to it, synthesis occurs neurotransmitters, and the person experiences a lift in mood.
  • Niacin (B3) - a participant in redox processes, promotes secretion gastric juice. In case of its deficiency nervous system loses stability and becomes vulnerable.
  • Vitamins A and C improve vision and increase the body's protective functions.
  • Fiber, with the overall low calorie content of pineapple, promotes rapid satiety, restores digestive activity, and is useful for mothers when postpartum constipation or diarrhea.
  • Potassium and magnesium normalize high level blood pressure.
  • Promotes elimination excess liquid from the body.
  • Prevents the development of atherosclerosis, reduces the number of already formed cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.
  • Relieves attacks of headaches, dizziness and insomnia.
  • Reduces the risk of developing postpartum depression.

For an infant

  • Vitamin C, entering the mother's body, triggers the production of collagen, which, along with milk, reaches the child. This substance is necessary for normal development bone tissue, skin, tendons and cartilage. The vitamin itself forms a strong, resistant to infectious diseases immunity.
  • Manganese in pineapple has a positive effect on the growth of baby’s bone tissue.
  • Vitamin B complex, entering the child’s body along with breast milk, activates the production of red blood cells and prevents anemia.
  • Copper from fruit pulp normalizes blood composition and improves the functioning of the heart muscle.
  • Zinc prevents the development of dermatitis, psoriasis, and erosion of mucous membranes. If there is a deficiency of this microelement, any skin lesions heal much more slowly.
  • Beta-carotene, being an antioxidant, protects the newborn's cells from the destructive effects of free radicals.
  • Phosphorus is necessary for normal skeletal development. Without it, the risk of osteoporosis increases for the baby.
  • Folic acid and iron affect the child’s body’s ability to produce blood. Sufficient supply of these nutrients Together with mother's milk, it guarantees the healthy development of the baby's organs.

Pineapple and lactation

Exotic fruit enhances the production of the “happiness hormone” serotonin, which helps support feminine hormonal background fine. Inhibits the production of estrogen, as a result of which a slight increase in lactation is possible.

Attention! Don't get carried away. After eating this fruit, mother's milk becomes sour. There is a risk that the child will refuse the breast.

Interesting . Pineapple is one of the foods that most often causes baby rejection during breastfeeding.

Other representatives of this group:

  • chocolate;
  • spices: curry, chili pepper;
  • citrus fruits (orange, grapefruit);
  • strawberry;
  • kiwi;
  • vegetables that cause gas: onions, garlic, cauliflower and White cabbage, broccoli, Bell pepper, cucumbers.

Candied fruit

Pros . Candied pineapple pieces have a similar taste to fresh fruit. chemical composition, with the exception of reduced content fructose and vitamin C.

Minuses . But candied fruits are high in calories and contain excess carbohydrates. As a result, the risk of tummy problems in the baby and weight gain for the mother increases.

Pineapple juice

Benefit . Natural juice thins the blood, strengthens the immune system, reduces the likelihood of blood clots, and normalizes the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

Harm. Due to the high concentration of fruit acids in the drink, when breastfeeding, there is a risk of deterioration of the teeth (it is recommended to drink the juice through a straw), increased acidity of the child’s gastric juice, and the appearance of a rash.

Canned food

Need to know . Under the influence of temperature during the canning process and subsequent long-term storage, up to 80% of the vitamins and microelements in pineapples are destroyed.

There are few benefits from using such a product.

A nursing mother can try mugs and pineapple slices canned in syrup as an alternative to baking or a source of additional calories when she is low on energy. But do not introduce the product into your diet on a regular basis!

Good to know . If possible, choose canned food in a glass jar. Internal surfaces tin containers are treated with bisphenol (BPA). In addition, over time, leached aluminum particles pass into the syrup. This is very harmful!

Contraindications and side effects

When breastfeeding, it is very important to observe contraindications:

  • stomach ulcer, gastritis with high acidity;
  • low blood clotting;
  • 1st trimester of pregnancy ( bromelain increases the tone of the uterus);
  • reduced arterial pressure, tendency to sudden changes;
  • thinning of tooth enamel;
  • individual intolerance and tendency to allergic reactions.

Why do allergies occur?

Fruit acids activate histamine, which causes tissue swelling and rash. Allergies to pineapple and its derivatives are often caused by preservatives, which are used in the industrial production of fruit in syrup and candied fruits.

Side effects

  • swelling of the larynx and lips, difficulty breathing, skin rashes due to allergies;
  • diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, menstrual bleeding at excessive consumption fruit and simultaneous administration with some medications(sleeping pills, antibiotics, antidepressants, anticonvulsants or blood thinners).

When to introduce it into the diet?

5–6 months after birth The baby’s immunity and intestines are stabilized. At this time, mother can try to introduce fresh pineapple pulp into the diet, starting from 20 g per day(just not on an empty stomach).

Observe the baby's skin and his skin throughout the day. general condition. If the baby develops a rash or dyspepsia, you will have to give up exotic items on the menu.

Advice . To accurately find the culprit of the allergy, you should not eat several potentially allergenic foods at once in one day.

Candied fruits (6–7 pieces per day) will help a nursing woman replenish her energy. But you can’t eat them every day.

Pineapples in syrup - no The best decision for a woman during breastfeeding. They can only be tried as an exception.

Pineapple nectar ( natural juice, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:4) should also not be carried away. You are allowed to drink only 1-2 sips throughout the day.

How to choose?

  • Fresh pineapple. Elasticity, uniform color, elastic, slightly soft skin without dark spots, a green rosette of easily detachable leaves indicates ripeness. Lightly slap the fruit with your palm; the sound should be dull, dull, and barely audible. This is a sign of maturity.
  • Fruits canned in syrup. Examine the can for deformation, swelling, or rust. After opening, carefully examine the contents: the syrup should cover the pineapple slices completely. Otherwise, there was a violation of the canning technology. Ideal fruit slices have an appetizing soft yellow color and are elastic.
  • Industrially produced candied fruits should not be too hard, candied, or have too much bright color. If the water changes color when placed in boiling water, the product contains dyes. A nursing mother does not need such food.
  • Pineapple juice from the store. According to the results of a group of independent studies, the following brands were recognized as the best: "Biota", « Mr. Juice», « 100% Gold premium", "Favorite Garden", "Orchard".

How to peel a pineapple?

  1. Wash the fruit thoroughly under running water and soap.
  2. Using a long-bladed knife, cut off the bottom of the fruit. Upper part Leave it - it’s convenient to hold on to when peeling.
  3. Place the pineapple on a board or plate at a slight angle. Working from top to bottom, cut off all the peel in strips.
  4. To remove the core, dip the knife 3 times around the “tail” of the leaves, all the way to the bottom, so that when looking at the fruit from above, the cuts form a triangle.
  5. Gently shake the rosette of leaves and remove it along with the core.
  6. Cut the remaining pulp into rings or half rings.

Store fresh pineapple slices in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

During lactation, fresh pineapple can be useful for mother and her baby, if taken in moderation.

There are many restrictions in the diet of a nursing mother. After childbirth, you have to give up allergenic fruits and berries, red vegetables, fatty foods, which can cause problems with the baby’s tummy. However, sometimes you really want to treat yourself to something tasty and healthy for your figure!

Often many people remember pineapple. This exotic fruit has a specific taste, and not everyone likes it. However, its ability to burn excess weight, low calorie content and vitamin-rich composition attracts the female half. Can a nursing mother eat pineapple? If yes, then in what form - natural, dried, canned, or should I give preference to juice? This needs to be sorted out.

A tasty, juicy fruit just begs to be put on the table, especially in winter, when there is such a shortage of fresh fruit! But is it possible to eat pineapple during breastfeeding (see also:)?

Exotic pineapple: what are the benefits for a nursing mother and baby?

Pineapple is valued for its juiciness and original taste, which it owes to the presence of fruit acids. Its extract is usually present in dietary supplements for metabolism, teas for slim figure, cosmetic preparations, vitamin drinks. 100 grams of tropical fruit pulp contains only 52 kcal, it also contains:

  • water – 85 g;
  • 0.4 g each protein and fiber;
  • carbohydrates – 12 g;
  • vitamins C, PP, B, beta-carotene;
  • trace elements: iron, zinc, copper, iodine, magnesium;
  • essential oils.

The unique composition of the tropical fruit helps maintain tone, protects against adverse external factors, thins the blood, reducing the risk of thrombosis. The fruit also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, reduces pain in muscles and joints, lowers cholesterol levels, prevents and relieves swelling. High content fructose helps replenish the supply of sweets for those who care about their figure. The coarse fibers of the sweet and sour pulp stimulate the intestines and help remove toxins.

Benefits of Bromelain in Pineapple

Bromelain is not classified as a substance that is vital necessary for the body. Its consumption can be 80-300 mg. twice a day. The increased need for the enzyme increases in the following situations:

  • reduced immunity;
  • excess weight (the enzyme improves metabolic processes);
  • viral diseases;
  • injuries (dislocations, fractures, sprains);
  • oncology (bromelain inhibits tumor growth).

Pineapple often graces the table during the winter months, and for good reason. It helps strengthen the immune system and replenish the balance of vitamins and microelements during the winter. Potassium in the fruit activates brain function, magnesium soothes and reduces the symptoms of fatigue characteristic of the first postpartum months.

Before enjoying a delicious tropical fruit, a young mother should study the contraindications.

When is pineapple contraindicated?

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Fragrant pineapple during breastfeeding can cause allergies in mother and baby, because the active substances of the fruit easily penetrate through breast milk. The baby may experience sleep disturbances, excitability, indigestion, itchy skin, difficulty breathing and swallowing. IN similar situations Pediatrician consultation and administration will be required antihistamines.

If a nursing mother experiences any health problems while eating pineapple, you should consult a pediatrician.

The tropical fruit contains a lot of fruit acids, so taking it can cause negative reaction in the mother's body. This fruit is one of those that literally “sets one’s teeth on edge” and can harm one’s health. High concentration acids, when consumed in excess, “shifts” the acid-base balance, leading to thinning of tooth enamel. Among the contraindications to the use of pineapple by a nursing mother are:

  • diseases gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, colitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • urolithiasis, pyelonephritis;
  • hypotension;
  • liver diseases;
  • individual intolerance to the product.

Pineapple in the diet of a nursing mother

You can often hear that if before the birth of the baby the mother safely ate pineapple, then there will be no harm during breastfeeding. This usually happens, but exotic fruit should be introduced into the diet gradually. A nursing mother should try it at the 5th month of the baby’s life, when his digestive system has become a little stronger.

After 3 months of continuous breastfeeding, you can allow yourself a small piece of fruit (up to 30 grams). After this, you should refrain from taking it for a day, observing the baby’s reaction. If it does not occur skin rashes, food allergies, problems with stool and tummy, you can slowly introduce it into the diet in small portions.

How is pineapple best digested?

Nutritionists advise nursing mothers to consume pineapple fresh and only on an empty stomach (in the absence of gastrointestinal problems). This is how bromelain is best absorbed, as it easily penetrates the bloodstream through the intestinal walls. According to research, soy, potatoes and heat treatment of the fruit reduce the absorption of bromelain. At high temperatures the enzyme is destroyed, and at low temperatures its activity is less pronounced.

To eat pineapple, it is better to choose a fresh fruit, since canned fruits do not contain the necessary nutrients and can harm the health of the baby.

How to choose a pineapple?

Usually the fruit is valued according to appearance. A ripe fruit does not always have a golden brown color and may even be slightly pressed down, unlike an unripe one. Lack of odor may also indicate its immaturity.

You should not buy fruits with stains or damage, as they may be spoiled. The presence of a tail is required, which retains moisture and preserves nutrients. The thicker and greener the tops, the juicier the fruit.

Are there any benefits from canned pineapples?

Canned pineapples are not beneficial for a nursing mother or baby. Firstly, when heat treatment bromelain is destroyed. Secondly, vitamins are destroyed during long-term storage, and sugar syrup (filling) is a source of empty calories. If the syrup contains preservatives, dyes, E additives, flavor enhancers (which most manufacturers are guilty of), fruit from a jar will only do harm. Thirdly, canned pineapples are a serious allergen for nursing mothers and babies.

Delicious candied fruits

Candied pineapple peels look very attractive, but they are less healthy than freshly cut fruits. 100 grams of multi-colored candied fruits contain about 92 kcal, 18% carbohydrates, 37 g protein, 2.2 g fat. During their production, the amount of moisture is reduced, the preservative E220 and sulfur dioxide are used, which destroys vitamin B1.

Because of this composition, tasty colored pineapple sticks can cause heartburn, allergies, and asthma attacks (if the young mother has a predisposition). Allergens penetrate into breast milk, and cause a reaction in infants. Snacking on candied fruits during breastfeeding is not recommended. The maximum you can afford is up to 5 cubes per day, added to porridge or cottage cheese.

It is recommended for a nursing mother to consume candied pineapple in small quantities; it is good if they are added to porridge

Pineapple juice

Unlike the pineapple itself, its juice does not contain coarse fibers that are beneficial for digestion. It stores healthy vitamins, bromelain, trace elements. Store-bought reconstituted juice does little good. In him less vitamins, and bromelain is completely absent after heat treatment. In addition, sugar syrup and preservatives are added to packaged juice, the use of which is undesirable.

Like the fruit itself, the mother is allowed to try its juice only 4-5 months after birth. To prepare, the ripe fruit is peeled, cut into pieces, and sent to a juicer (it is almost impossible to squeeze fresh juice out of it without the help of household appliances). You need to drink the juice on an empty stomach within 10 minutes after preparation (vitamins are destroyed over time). If it seems too sour, it should be diluted with water.

How to cook pineapple?

Pineapple will make it easy for a nursing mother to diversify her diet during breastfeeding. It goes well with cheese, chicken, puff pastry and other products, which allows you to prepare delicious and quick dishes:

  1. Boiled salad chicken breast. To prepare, boil chicken fillet, take 100 grams of fresh pineapple pulp, 100 gr. hard cheese, 1 clove of garlic (to taste). The breast and exotic fruit are cut into cubes, the cheese is grated, and the garlic is chopped. The dish is prepared as follows: the chicken is placed on a plate, lightly compacted, and poured with low-fat unflavored yogurt. Place pineapples mixed with garlic on top, top with yogurt again and sprinkle with cheese. Keep in the refrigerator for an hour before serving.
  2. Sandwiches with pineapple and cheese. For cooking take Rye bread, butter, a few slices of fresh fruit and hard cheese. The bread is cut into slices, greased with butter, and this side is placed on a hot baking sheet. Place a slice of pineapple and cheese on the bread and put it in the oven for baking. When the cheese is melted, remove from the oven and serve, garnished with herbs.

Note to mom

When an allergy to a tropical fruit and indigestion in a baby could not be avoided, you should remember: if you exclude the fruit from the diet, the hives and discomfort in the tummy will go away in 3-4 days. However, to be on the safe side, the baby should still be shown to the doctor.

I really want to offer juicy pineapple slices to a grown-up child with dessert or pie. However, it is worth waiting until three years. IN early age the product increases the risk of food allergies and irritates the mucous membranes of the digestive system. It should be introduced into the diet of older children carefully, having previously discussed this issue with the pediatrician.

Globalization has affected the whole world, and the once exotic pineapples have become regular product on supermarket shelves and at any time of the year. But is it wise to eat pineapple while breastfeeding, while for many this fruit is food allergen? Let's figure out the benefits and harms of pineapple, and how to include it in the diet of a nursing mother.


Fresh pineapple with its 52 kilocalories per 100 g can be safely classified as low-calorie dietary products. The leading vitamin in it is vitamin C (one of the forms of ascorbic acid). Pineapple also contains vitamins B6, B5, B1 and PP in sufficient quantities. The micro- and macronutrient composition of pineapple, it must be admitted, is quite poor: only potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron are contained in it in any significant quantities.

Among the unique components of this fruit is the beneficial enzyme bromelain. In addition, due to the presence of all essential amino acids in bromelain, it is able to provide:

  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • wound healing effect;
  • immunocorrective effect (strengthening the immune system);
  • antiplatelet effect (preventing the formation of blood clots in blood vessels).


Pineapple is a true concentrate of ascorbic and malic acids. Generally beneficial, if consumed in excess they can lead to displacement acid-base balance in organism. This is especially dangerous for pregnant women and during lactation.

Even more concentrated acid- pineapple juice, which even healthy people It is not recommended to drink pure, undiluted. Long-term exposure to fruit acids on teeth can seriously thin their enamel.

Candied fruit

Candied pineapple peels are distinguished by the abundance of acid: their production significantly reduces the amount of moisture, while almost without affecting ascorbic acid. Such a dehydrated mass can very quickly cause heartburn.

Another factor in the harm of candied fruits is the use of preservative E220, also known as sulfur dioxide, in their production. It can destroy vitamin B1 and cause serious allergic symptoms in asthmatics.

Canned pineapple

Canned pineapples will not bring health benefits either, since long-term storage ensures the destruction of most of the vitamins. At the same time, filling (sugar syrup) of any canned fruit is a source of “empty calories”. Direct harm is added to the uselessness if the filling includes dyes and flavor enhancers, and many manufacturers of canned foods are guilty of this.

And finally, the most significant factor during lactation: pineapple is a strong food allergen. Typically, the body of allergy sufferers reacts to this fruit with hives and irritation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.

Thus, contraindications to the use of this product are:

  1. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Gastritis, ulcers, colitis, duodenitis, heartburn, constipation - all this can worsen due to the abundance of acid.
  2. Pregnancy. Active substances pineapple can cause muscle contraction and increase uterine tone in pregnant women.
  3. Low blood viscosity. This fruit significantly thins it out.
  4. Changes in blood pressure.
  5. Tendency to food allergies.

How to introduce pineapple into your diet while breastfeeding

So can a nursing mother eat pineapple? It would seem so impressive list contraindications is equivalent to an unequivocal “No!”

However, among all the contraindications directly to breastfeeding Only the allergenicity of the fruit applies, so a nursing mother who does not suffer from food allergies and gastrointestinal diseases can eat pineapple, taking some precautions.

Breastfeeding experts recommend experimenting with pineapple no earlier than the child turns 5 months old.
You should start with a very small piece of fresh, not canned pineapple. If observation of a child during the day does not reveal that he has typical symptoms food allergies (hives, itching and flaking of the skin, runny nose, flatulence, regurgitation), which means you can continue to eat pineapple in small quantities.

If we talk about candied fruits, then, given their acidity, it is undesirable to eat more than 6-7 cubes per day. As an independent dish, of course, this will be very little, so candied fruits can be added to porridge or cottage cheese.

You should also be careful with pineapple juice and consume no more than half a glass per day. Nutritionists consider it more useful to make nectar from juice - i.e. dilute 1 part juice with 3-4 parts water.

Canned pineapples should be completely abandoned during breastfeeding.


To the question “Can a nursing mother eat pineapple?” It is impossible to answer unequivocally, since everything depends on the woman’s health status. Pineapples are useful as an excellent source of vitamin C, and the enzyme bromelain included in their composition can have anti-inflammatory and immunocorrective effects. However, the abundance of ascorbic and malic acids can harm people with gastrointestinal diseases, and as an allergen, this fruit requires special care when including it in the diet of a nursing mother.

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