Lavender oil for hair: benefits and applications. Lavender oil for hair - all the secrets of proper use Lavender essential oil for hair application recipes

Natural herbs are gaining more and more popularity in skin and hair care. Distrust in purchased drugs is associated with frequent lack of results, chemical composition and value for money. One of the most effective means, which can be used at home for hair growth and restoration is lavender oil.

Let's find out what beneficial properties lavender oil has for hair, as well as popular recipes for homemade masks and other ways to use it.

Composition of lavender oil and its beneficial properties

The oil is produced from angustifolia lavender, which is considered to be native to the Mediterranean region, but today it grows in many parts of the world - in Central Asia, in the south of Russia, in the USA and Europe.

One of the qualities for which lavender oil for hair is valued is its incredibly pleasant and fresh aroma - it will remain on your strands for a long time and will be loved much more than the chemical smells of shampoos. The oil looks like a colorless or light yellow-green liquid, which contains many healing components. It is obtained by steam distillation of inflorescences. Although all parts of the plant contain essential oil, it is the inflorescences that are used, since they contain the most of it - up to 1.2%.

Lavender oil contains:

  • L-linalool alcohol esters (up to 35%);
  • myrcene;
  • α- and β-ocimenes;
  • γ-terpinene;
  • α-pinene;
  • caryophyllene;
  • bergamotene;
  • γ- and δ-cadinenes;
  • α-curcumene;
  • farnesene;
  • α-terpineol;
  • geraniol;
  • nerol;
  • cineole;
  • nonanal;
  • camphor;
  • tannins.

As well as other biologically significant elements - there are more than two hundred and fifty active natural components in the oil. Therefore it has strong medicinal properties, has a positive effect on the entire body - helps protect against viruses and bacteria, strengthen the immune system, restore mental health and give strength. In this regard, lavender oil has found its use in medicine and cosmetology.

Beneficial properties of lavender essential oil

An aromatherapist talks about the ten main properties of lavender essential oil

Benefits for hair

What properties does lavender oil have for hair?

Regular use of lavender oil for hair will lead to amazing results! You will forget about the problem of hair loss and enjoy healthy, soft and shiny strands.


Despite the rich composition of beneficial microelements, lavender oil still has some contraindications for use on hair.

  1. It should be used with caution by pregnant women and women during lactation.
  2. It also recommends avoiding use by people with diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, low blood pressure and anemia.
  3. Lavender oil is contraindicated in combination with medications containing iodine.
  4. In people with very sensitive skin, ether may cause allergies and irritation.
  5. It is not used internally.

However, for most people, if a test on a small area of ​​skin does not reveal any allergic reaction, then applying lavender oil to your hair will only benefit.

Application of lavender oil for hair

First of all, it is necessary to take into account that lavender oil is not used for hair in pure form due to the high concentration of active essential substance in its composition! To get the necessary benefits you need to add just a few drops to homemade masks, store-bought shampoos and conditioners.

As already mentioned, lavender oil has found its use for hair in the most various variations. It is added to shampoos to enhance the benefits of shampooing, and to other cosmetics - balms, conditioners, tonics and rinses, and used for massage and aromatherapy. And also, of course, homemade hair masks are made with lavender oil.

How to properly use lavender oil for hair at home?

  1. Add it to ready-made hair products just before using them, not beforehand. Essential oil tends to evaporate, so you will not get the full benefit from a weathered product.
  2. To properly massage or aromatherapy, mix the essential oil with the base, and then lightly rub the mixture into the scalp with light hand movements. This method is also suitable for treating the following problems - scratches, fungus and other similar ones.
  3. When mixing with other oils, remember that their strong aroma can completely overpower the smell. The ideal combination for lavender is jojoba or rosewood oil.
  4. Concentration of lavender oil in homemade masks for middle length hair should not exceed eight drops, as more can cause irritation of the scalp.
  5. The procedures must be repeated every two to three days for two months.

Otherwise, lavender oil is used for hair like any other and has no special instructions.

Homemade hair masks containing lavender oil

Usage essential oil Lavender in homemade masks in itself has a good effect on the hair, but the use of additional ingredients in their composition enriches the overall positive effect. This is truly one of the best means in the fight against damaged and lifeless strands.

Let's look at the most popular recipes. Their ingredients are readily available and inexpensive, and their preparation methods are simple. To get the maximum effect, after applying the mixture, put on a plastic bag and wrap your head with something warm.

Masks for hair loss and hair growth

  1. Mix the oils - three tablespoons of burdock and 3 drops each of mint and lavender, and heat in a water bath. Start applying from the scalp and work your way along the entire length of the strands. Keep the mask on your hair for thirty minutes and wash it off with shampoo. This mixture of oils will stop hair loss by strengthening the follicles.
  2. Add the following oils to the container - 5 tablespoons of jojoba, and then drop by drop - 6 lavender and rosemary, as well as 2 thyme. We treat the curls with the resulting mixture and leave on the head for thirty minutes. This mask is used against hair loss and to strengthen hair.
  3. Add the yolk to three tablespoons of castor oil and drop by drop - 4 lavender and 2 rosewood. After mixing, distribute the solution over your hair starting from the root zone and leave for forty minutes under a polyethylene cap and towel. Such mask ingredients using lavender supply the hair follicles with necessary microelements, encouraging them to actively grow.
  4. Mix five drops of lavender oil with a tablespoon of castor oil. Next, pour in tbsp. spoon of fresh lemon juice and half a glass of liquid May honey. Apply the mixture to your head and leave for at least an hour to accelerate hair growth and make your hair incredibly thick and silky.

Hair restoration masks

  1. Take 2 tablespoons of vinegar (wine or apple), add 4 drops of lavender and 5 tbsp. l. olive oil. Warm the mixture slightly and apply to your hair for 30 minutes to ensure maximum nutrition and hydration.
  2. Another healing hair mask is prepared from a mixture of the following oils: 4 tablespoons of jojoba, drop by drop - 5 lavender and 2 ylang-ylang, as well as one chicken yolk. After mixing the mixture and applying it to the strands, leave for forty-five minutes.
  3. The following mask will help revive damaged curls. Mix 3 tbsp. l. castor and 3 drops of lavender oils, one teaspoon each of apple cider vinegar and glycerin, as well as a chicken egg. Apply the mixture evenly to your hair and walk with it for at least half an hour.

Masks for dry hair

  1. Mix 5 drops of lavender and 4 tbsp. l. olive oil and get the perfect mask for moisturizing very dry curls and saving their ends. Leave it on your hair for one hour and wash off with shampoo with essential lavender oil.
  2. To five tablespoons of almond oil, add 5 drops of lavender, as well as three eggs. Apply the entire mixture to your hair, then collect it in a bun, put on plastic wrap and leave for an hour. This mask saturates the hair with moisture and useful microelements, which prevents them from thinning and breaking off.

Mask for oily hair

To solve the problem of oily hair, you need to mix five drops of the following essential oils: lavender, geranium, lemon and tea tree. Distribute over the scalp and leave for fifteen minutes. Lavender essential oil for hair in combination with other components of this mask will save it from oiliness, giving your curls a well-groomed look.

Other uses

Lavender oil in hair care is used not only in masks. For example, to prevent hair loss, you can massage your head. For weakened and damaged strands, rinse is used, to give them a healthy shine and softness, aromatherapy is used and the hair is regularly washed with lavender conditioner. It is also prescribed for medicinal purposes in case of lice infestation.

Let's take a closer look at all these methods.

Adding to Shampoo

The simplest example of using lavender essential oil for hair is adding it to shampoo, conditioner or conditioner. It will help strengthen the curls and make them more elastic, add softness and restore natural shine.

How many drops of lavender oil should I add to my hair shampoo? For one tablespoon detergent you will need three drops.

Pour the required single portion for washing into a cup so as not to dissipate the oil. Using the same principle, we add it to other cosmetic products.

Head massage

Scalp massage is used when there is a problem of excessive hair loss.

  1. To do this, you need to take three to four tablespoons of your favorite vegetable oil and slightly heat it in a water bath.
  2. Then, add a few drops of lavender oil to it.
  3. Using your fingertips, begin to distribute the mixture throughout your head, massaging the skin and hair roots.
  4. Continue the massage for about five minutes.
  5. Make sure all skin covering covered with the composition and leave it for half an hour if desired.

Regular use of massage 1-2 times a week will nourish useful elements curls from the inside, which activates their growth.

Gargling with decoction

You can use not only lavender oil for hair, but also dried flowers of this plant. For example, for preparing a decoction for rinsing. This procedure will save your budget from buying expensive imported conditioners and enrich your hair with useful elements - it will receive proper hydration and acquire a pleasant subtle aroma that will help you relax and escape from everyday life.

To prepare a lavender hair decoction, pour one liter of water into a saucepan, add half a glass of dried flowers and bring to a boil. Add three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, cover and leave to steep for several hours. Strain the liquid and pour into a convenient container. After each wash, rinse your curls with this infusion, and they will respond to you with a healthy appearance and active growth.

Air conditioner

A homemade conditioner will help strengthen and refresh your strands while keeping your budget. To prepare it, you need to add 100 ml of apple cider vinegar and five drops of essential oil to heated 600 ml of water.

After washing your hair with shampoo, conditioner is applied to it to provide additional moisture and create a long-lasting protective layer. The product should be left on the hair for up to ten minutes and then rinsed off with warm water.

Aroma combing

The procedure of aroma combing using lavender oil is not as effective against hair loss as massage or masks. However, with its help you can achieve a beautiful appearance, make your curls flowing and shiny.

Take a wooden comb and apply a few drops of lavender (no more than eight) to it. For ten minutes, comb your curls with leisurely movements. This method can be part of a head massage procedure, only in this case it is necessary to make circular movements and apply light pressure with a brush.

Aromatherapy brushing with lavender oil

Lice remedy

  1. Mix 50 ml of distilled water and the same amount ethyl alcohol, add 30 drops of lavender oil and mix well.
  2. Apply the product to clean and dry hair using cotton wool, starting from the roots.
  3. Next, wrap them in plastic and a towel, leaving the solution for twenty minutes and then rinsing it off with shampoo.

To summarize, let us recall that lavender oil is universal remedy for hair care, which is a real treasure trove useful substances. Possessing unique chemical properties, it nourishes curls and moisturizes the scalp, improves blood circulation and promotes hair growth. Hair masks, conditioners and rinses with lavender oil are easy to make at home and have long been proven effective.

Lavender oil is a real treasure organic matter, without which cosmetology today is unthinkable. The method for obtaining this product is simple, and the versatility of the oil allows it to be used both to eliminate skin imperfections and to treat hair. Extracted after harvesting lavender by steam distillation of the plant's flowers, the oil in finished form is an aromatic essential substance, the color of which varies from transparent to yellow or yellow-green.

Lavender oil has been known since ancient times for its healing properties. It has a positive effect on nervous system, relieving stress and neurotic conditions, reduces arterial pressure, helps fight insomnia, depression, hysteria and aggression, lulls anger. This is why aromatherapy with lavender oil is so common. In addition, the substance works well as an aphrodisiac.

Doctors recommend using lavender extract in the treatment of heart and kidney diseases. It will help get rid of stomach ulcers, and dry and wet inhalations with essential oil will be a huge plus in treatment infectious diseases respiratory tract.

Cosmetologists claim the exceptional benefits of lavender oil in restoring the elasticity of the epidermis. Tannins are considered excellent helpers in the fight against problem skin and eliminating excessive sweating and swelling. Moisturizing and nutritional properties Essential extract along with the subtle pleasant aroma of the plant help eliminate peeling and irritation.

The oil prevents baldness, restores hair shine and elasticity, and eliminates fragility and split ends. But still, cosmetologists especially note big influence essential oil in normalizing the acid-lipid balance of the scalp, so owners of oily hair should pay Special attention for this remedy.

Video: 10 beneficial properties of lavender oil

Broadcast composition

The structure of lavender oil includes more than a hundred components, thanks to which it works well as a medicinal product:

  • caproic and butyric acids, as well as cineole, have antiseptic properties, help heal skin damage. During World War I, French doctors actively used lavender oil to treat wounds;
  • valeric acid is known for its pronounced antibacterial and antifungal effect, making lavender oil useful in the fight against dandruff and itching of the scalp;
  • acetic acid. Its vapors help bring a person to his senses, this is one of the important properties lavender oil in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system;
  • Ursolic acid affects the functioning of the sebaceous glands. For this reason, lavender essential oil is used both to combat greasy hair and to prevent excessive dryness;
  • tannins and resins slow down the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, help protect hair from damage and exposure negative factors environment.

The presence of a large number of the above organic acids in lavender oil has an effect on accelerating blood circulation. This important condition any mask for hair growth and strengthening.

Thus, beneficial features lavender extract makes it necessary to have it in your home medicine cabinet.

Contraindications for use

Despite the uniqueness of lavender oil, there are several important contraindications to its use:

  • allergy to lavender (individual intolerance);
  • epilepsy. The bright, albeit pleasant aroma of lavender can cause an attack of epilepsy in those suffering from it;
  • undergoing chemotherapy;
  • anemia;
  • taking medications containing iodine and iron;
  • hypotension. The aroma of lavender lowers blood pressure;
  • pregnancy, especially the first trimester;
  • It is not advisable to use the drug while breastfeeding.

The ether contains alcohols linalool, terpineol and caryophyllene, which are responsible for its perfume properties. They can cause dermatitis and eczema, so a test should be carried out before use. allergic reaction. To 0.5 tsp. olive oil, add 2 drops of lavender. Apply the resulting mixture to your wrist. If your skin becomes red, swollen, or itchy within a few hours, lavender oil should not be used.

Options for using lavender oil to care for different hair types

In order for hair to please the owner with thickness and shine, you need to provide decent care for it. Lavender oil will help beauties with this. Many years of experience in using ether show that the product is equally suitable for treatment various types hair.

Aroma combing

The simplest and effective way use of essential oil - aroma combing. The process is as follows:

  1. Apply 6-7 drops of lavender extract evenly onto a comb (a wooden one is best).
  2. The hair is combed in different directions for 5 minutes, then wait another 10 minutes - the phytocomponents must have time to penetrate the hair structure.
  3. After this time, the head is washed with shampoo.

This procedure is carried out 3 times a week.

It is useful to carry out aroma combing with a rich oil composition:

  1. To 2 tbsp. l. base (any cosmetic oil heated in a water bath), add 5 drops of lavender oil and mix.
  2. Apply the resulting composition to the comb and comb your hair for at least 8 minutes. At the end of the procedure, give the oils time to absorb.
  3. Wash your hair with shampoo, then rinse your hair with water at room temperature.

Aroma combing with several cosmetic oils will go perfectly with a light massage of the scalp using circular movements with your fingertips - but not with your nails! This will be a wonderful method of preventing seborrhea and baldness.

After just a few procedures, the condition of hair damaged by blow-drying, constant dyeing and perm will noticeably improve.

Cosmetic oil is natural product, obtained from plants and their fruits and used in cosmetology. It can be solid (so-called batter) and liquid. Among the most popular oils are castor, camphor, olive, sea buckthorn, peach, apricot, flaxseed, etc. They are used as the main element for face and body care. Unlike concentrated essential oils, which can cause skin burns, cosmetic oils are absolutely safe in contact with the skin. For this reason, they are also called basic: when carrying out procedures, such oils can be used in any volume, adding only a few drops of essential extracts to them to achieve a better result.

Hair rinse with essential oil

Thanks to the speed and simplicity of the hair rinsing procedure, it can be called perhaps the most uncomplicated way to care for your hair. Rinsing with the addition of lavender oil is perfect for hair that lacks shine, is unruly and lifeless. We strongly recommend that owners of hair prone to greasy hair, as well as those suffering from seborrhea (oily or dry), take note of this method.

To prepare a medicinal rinse you need:

  1. To 1 liter of warm water add 100 g of honey (fine salt or soda can replace it) and 6-8 drops of lavender extract. Rinse either after washing your hair or as an independent procedure.
  2. Regulate excessive work The following type of rinse will help the sebaceous glands: add the juice of 1 lemon and 2 drops of lavender essential oil to 1 liter of non-hot water. After the procedure, it is not advisable to dry your hair with a hairdryer.

Just three rinses will return your hair to a healthier appearance, your hair will be manageable and shiny, and there will be noticeably less dandruff.

Balm-conditioner based on lavender extract

Therapeutic conditioner based on lavender extract will be excellent natural remedy to restore the structure of damaged hair. When applied to the scalp, the balm will help eliminate itching and dandruff for a long time. It is prepared like this:

  1. 1 tsp. pour lavender inflorescences apple cider vinegar(about 1/3 cup). Leave for 1 week.
  2. Strain the resulting liquid, place in a separate glass container and mix with 600 ml of heated water.
  3. Add 2 drops of lavender oil to the composition.
  4. Distribute the finished balm over the entire length of the hair immediately after washing.
  5. After 8–10 minutes, rinse off the conditioner with non-hot water.

If desired, replace the lavender flowers with the same number of linden flowers, chamomile or dry nettle - the effect will remain the same: after a few procedures, dandruff will disappear and the condition of the hair will significantly improve.

Recipes for hair masks based on lavender oil

Masks have always been considered the most effective means for caring for hair. In most cases, the procedure for applying them is standard: the prepared mixture is evenly distributed along the roots and length of the hair, after which, to achieve better effect the head is wrapped in a plastic bag or cling film. A towel is thrown over the top - the “greenhouse” created in this way helps improve blood circulation in the area hairline and allows active substances It is better to penetrate the body through the skin.

Mask for dry and damaged hair

A mask for dry hair will have a deeply moisturizing, nourishing effect, leaving behind a pleasant aroma.

  1. 3 yolks and 3 tbsp. l. any basic cosmetic oil mix with 4-5 drops of essential lavender extract in a glass container.
  2. Apply the resulting liquid to your hair and leave for 35–40 minutes.
  3. Wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo.

For very dry, lifeless hair, a mask based on banana puree is suitable:

  1. Mix 3 tablespoons of banana puree with 3 tsp. honey, preferably liquid, 15 ml glycerin, 10 ml castor oil, 1.5 tsp. oils grape seeds and 6 drops of lavender extract.
  2. Distribute the mask over the hair and, depending on the degree of damage, leave on for 30 minutes. up to 8 o'clock, leaving overnight.
  3. After the procedure, you need to wash your hair with shampoo.

After just 2-3 uses of each of these masks, your hair will look healthier, its fragility and split ends will decrease, and others will begin to notice the attractive shine of your curls.

Mask for oily hair

Greasy hair always looks untidy, and even the most charming girl will not make the right impression if her hair does not look fresh. That is why one of the most popular types of masks is an anti-oily hair mask.

  1. To 50 ml of the main product (this can be a base oil heated in a water bath, or your favorite balm), add 4 drops of lavender oil. If desired, the mixture is diluted with citrus oils (orange, bergamot), cypress and juniper.
  2. The composition is applied to the scalp and hair for 35–40 minutes, then washed off with shampoo.

There is another one effective recipe mask that controls the lipid balance of the scalp. To prepare it you will need:

  • 2 yolks;
  • 4 pinches of fine salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 8 drops lavender essential oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind the yolk with honey and add the remaining ingredients to the resulting mixture.
  2. Apply the mask to the roots and distribute along the entire length of the hair, leaving for 30 minutes under cling film, and wrap the head with a towel on top.
  3. After 20 minutes, rinse your hair with shampoo under warm water.

An excellent result will be obtained by applying a mask with mustard powder to your hair. It has a drying effect, so it can be done no more than once every 10 days.

Required ingredients:

  • 2 tbsp. l. dry mustard;
  • 2 tbsp. l. very hot water;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 0.5–2 tsp. Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. l. any cosmetic oil (burdock, castor);
  • 4 drops of lavender oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Add 2 tbsp to dry mustard. l. very hot water. Add the remaining ingredients and mix thoroughly.
  2. The paste is applied exclusively to the roots of the hair, putting a plastic bag over it and wrapping the head in a bath towel. The mask will be warming - this effect is achieved by mixing sugar with mustard powder, so if you feel a burning sensation, you should immediately wash it off and add a smaller amount of sugar (0.25 tsp) the next time you use it. If you have sensitive skin, it is recommended to add less sugar when you first apply this mask.
  3. After 20–25 minutes, wash your hair thoroughly in warm water. You don’t have to use shampoo: mustard will do just as good a job of cleansing as it does.

A mask with mustard, in addition to normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands, will contribute to the rapid appearance of new hair.

In order not to dry out the skin, we recommend performing no more than 5 procedures per month, and then taking a break for a similar period. Regular use of a mask based on mustard powder with the addition of lavender oil will keep your hair looking fresh and healthy, increasing its thickness and strength.

Mask for thin, weakened hair prone to loss

Fine hair, even though soft, is often a problem. It is difficult to give volume to such curls, they seem sparse and certainly do not decorate the image. To give your hair the desired thickness, the following type of mask is suitable:

  1. 3 tbsp. l. base - jojoba oil is ideal - mix with 5 drops of rosemary oil, add 5 drops of lavender oil and 2 drops of thyme oil.
  2. Apply the resulting composition to the hair and scalp, wrap with film and a dry towel.
  3. In 10 minutes. wash your hair with shampoo.

Several of these procedures will help restore lost strength to your hair and prevent excessive hair loss and fragility.

Mask for normal and unruly hair

The beauty and health of normal hair require ongoing care, and for this you do not always need to pay dearly for salon treatments- It is enough to regularly make masks based on natural oils. The phytocomponents included in their composition will restore the hair structure, protecting it from harmful effects environment.


  • 2 tbsp. l. burdock oil connect;
  • 4 drops of lavender essential oil;
  • 2 drops of mint essential oil;
  • 2 drops rosemary essential oil;
  • 1 egg yolk.

Mode of application:

  1. Combine all ingredients and mix thoroughly.
  2. Gently rub the resulting liquid into the scalp with your fingertips and distribute throughout your hair.
  3. Wrap your head in cling film and wait 30 minutes, then wash off the mask with shampoo.

You will notice the result immediately: your hair will acquire luxurious shine and softness.

4-5 drops of lavender extract can also be added to a proven favorite hair mask - this will definitely not make it worse, and the beneficial properties of lavender will make themselves felt after 5 uses.

How to use pure lavender oil

Lavender oil cannot be used undiluted in contact with skin and mucous membranes due to high concentration ethereal content. That is why it is recommended to add only 4 drops of oil per 1 tsp. products, but no more than 8 drops in the main solution (balm, conditioner or hair mask).

Undiluted liquid can lead to severe burns to the skin of the face and head, which will take much more time to eliminate than getting rid of the original problem.

Essential oil and shampoo: should you mix it?

Should I mix shampoo with lavender oil? The answer is simple: of course it is worth it. Regular addition of an essential extract to shampoo guarantees improved condition of the scalp, relief from dandruff and manageable, healthy hair.

Add 4-5 drops of lavender oil to half a palm of shampoo, but it should be noted that this mixture is best used immediately or within 2 hours, otherwise essential substances the lavender will disappear and the oil will have no benefit. For the same reason, we do not recommend adding lavender oil to the shampoo bottle.

Course duration

The duration of the course of treatment with products containing lavender oil depends on the degree of hair damage, as well as on the individual hair washing regimen:

  • aroma combing with essential oil is carried out 2-3 times a week;
  • lavender balm should be used with the same frequency;
  • Hair masks should be done no more than 1-2 times a week;
  • Therapeutic rinsing can be done every day, especially with seborrhea.

The total duration of lavender oil therapy should not exceed 2 months.

How to get rid of lice using lavender oil

  1. 4 tbsp. l. apricot or peach oil should be mixed with 3 drops of each of the esters: lavender, eucalyptus, rosemary and tea tree oil.
  2. Apply the resulting liquid to your hair and scalp. Leave for 30 minutes under cling film.
  3. Wash your hair in warm water.
  4. Comb your hair thoroughly with a fine-toothed comb.

How to properly store ether

Lavender oil is stored at temperatures from -5 to +25°C in a dark glass bottle. This is necessary to protect against direct exposure sun rays, destroying the chemical structure of the substance. It consists of a huge number of molecules, which, due to their small size, easily penetrate the body through the skin. Long term exposure sunlight Large molecules are formed in the liquid, so the entry of phytocomponents into the blood becomes difficult, and this significantly reduces the therapeutic effect.

When stored in a plastic bottle herbal ingredients lavender oil comes into play chemical reaction with the material, as a result of which the resulting harmful toxic substances enter the liquid. That is why there should be no rubber dispenser seals on the bottle. The container must be kept tightly closed - entry of air and water is unacceptable. Keep away from fire. The shelf life of essential oil is 2–3 years; when the bottle is opened, it is reduced to two months.

Lavender is a plant that is used in almost all areas of cosmetology. Oil and extract of the plant are added to shampoos, gels, and rinses. In addition to useful substances, this plant has a pleasant aroma and excellent properties. These beautiful little flowers are hygienic, but also incredibly useful.

A few decades ago, lavender decoction was used to combat itchy skin and dandruff. And today, it has already been scientifically established that lavender decoction has antifungal and antibacterial properties, and therefore is very widely used to solve scalp problems.

Lavender essential oil has a beneficial effect on the scalp, as well as on the hair itself. If there is increased hair loss, and it has become brittle and lifeless, you need to turn to lavender oil. In the case of systemic and regular use of lavender oil, you can restore hair thickness, shine, and silkiness.

Properties of lavender oil for hair

The oil of this Mediterranean plant is able to control the process of the sebaceous glands of the head.

At first glance, it seems that using oils for oily hair is simply contrary common sense. BUT! Here you need to understand the essence of the process and the reason why your hair quickly becomes oily. Increased sebum production is associated with dry scalp. The film formed on the surface of the head from sebum protects against excessive evaporation of moisture. And natural oils are wonderful humidifiers precisely in this aspect.

Therefore, the use of, for example, natural oils (and especially) is the most the right way reduce hair oiliness. Natural oils(coconut, jojoba, olive, mustard, grape seed oil...) are basic oils in hair treatment. And adding essential oils is simply a 10-fold increase in the positive effects on the hair and scalp. And in terms of combating fat content, there is simply no equal to lavender oil.

Lavender oil has a strong antiseptic action. It is even used in the fight against lice (they cannot stand the smell of lavender). Added to cosmetics or through direct application, lavender will cleanse and relieve itching, inflammation and irritation on the scalp.

Lavender oil is wonderful antifungal means. Many suffer oily skin head or severe loss and do not even suspect that their entire head is covered like a film with a thin web of fungal compounds. Yes, this is a reality that can only be seen under a microscope. And lavender oil fights this perfectly.

Healing The effect of lavender oil is actively used in the treatment of psoriasis and eczema. When you massage your head with oils containing lavender, you will noticeably improve your facial skin at the same time. The main thing is to do this regularly and for a sufficiently long time.

Extremely positive side effect

Using lavender oil for oily hair, you will improve and enhance hair growth, because lavender oil has regenerative action, that is, it restores hair growth. According to Scottish researchers, after 7 months of daily scalp massage with a composition of essential oils, with little lavender as the main ingredient, hair growth was restored in 44% of subjects with baldness.

What else do you need lavender oil for hair for? One of the common factors behind hair loss and excess oiliness is stress. Constant tension and nervousness greatly affect general state health, the level changes hormonal levels and the result is visible just on the face (or rather on the hair). The psychological state plays a huge role in hair loss. So being wonderful antidepressant Lavender oil, by putting your nervous system in order, will indirectly relieve the problem of oily and unkempt hair.

Important nuance

Application for oily hair

Scalp massage.

Add 8-10 drops of lavender oil to 2 tablespoons of coconut or olive oil heated in a water bath. Dip your fingers in the oil and massage into the scalp from the forehead to the back of the head. The duration of the massage is 10-15 minutes. Then cover your head with a special cap, wrap it in a towel and leave it like that for another 2 hours (ideally overnight). And in the morning, wash off in your usual way. If you do this procedure before bed, you will also provide yourself with strong and restful sleep, because one of them is a sedative, sedative and antidepressant.

Super recipe from Scotland

In the experiment described above by Scottish researchers, a composition of the following essential oils was used for massage:

  • lavender (3 drops),
  • rosemary (2 drops),
  • cedar (2 drops),
  • thyme oil (2 drops).

As base oil Grape seed oil (4 teaspoons) was used. You too can use this recipe and make your hair healthy, and therefore beautiful.

Additive to hair care products

To begin therapeutic therapy with lavender oil, just purchase a bottle at the pharmacy and add small doses to your hair care products. To begin with, one drop per serving of any product (shampoo, conditioner, hair moisturizer...) is enough.


Lavender oil is applied to the comb and every centimeter of hair is thoroughly combed. In addition to the pleasant aroma, the scalp will relax under a pleasant massage and will be rewarded with fast-growing hair. There is no need to be afraid that your hair will become oily if you bought real essential oil. One of the criteria for a high-quality EM is that after 1520 minutes after applying the EM to paper, it completely evaporates and leaves no traces (good). However, it is important to remember that such a massage cannot be done with concentrated lavender oil. To weaken the concentration, the oil is mixed with some cosmetic liquid (flower water for hair, hair moisturizer...) and only then a drop is added to the comb.

Decoctions and infusions

Despite the fact that this method involves the use of dried lavender flowers rather than oil, it is impossible not to mention it. An excellent option for quick and effective treatment is the use of infusions and decoctions of mountain lavender flowers. Lavender decoction is mainly used as a rinse after cosmetic products. The properties of the lavender rinse are similar to an expensive complex for the care of weakened and split ends: it restores shine, elasticity and beauty. Dried flowers are brewed traditional way- 1 tablespoon is poured with 1.5-2 glasses of water and brought to a boil (do not boil), then infused for 20-30 minutes under a closed lid and used as a rinse aid.

Masks with lavender addition

In fact, you can pick up any mask recipe for oily hair and simply add lavender oil to it. The result will be clear! Simply amazing effect from masks with.

There is a whole series as well (honey is an amazing healer). Here's one with a lavender addition.

You need to take:

  1. honey 1 tablespoon,
  2. 1 egg yolk,
  3. olive oil 1 tablespoon.

Mix everything until smooth and add 3-4 drops of lavender oil. This mixture must be applied first to the roots of the hair, and then massage movements the mask is applied over the entire head. Lasts for 1 hour and is washed off with your usual means. You need to repeat the mask for a month, 1-2 times a week.

Lavender essential oil for hair has been used for as long as people have known how to obtain it. In regions where lavender grows wild or has been cultivated since ancient times, it is actively used for cosmetic purposes. It is used to make soap, shower gels, body and face creams, and added to hair products. Its composition and properties, as well as its attractive, clean and fresh scent, have made lavender a very popular cosmetic product.

Composition and healing properties of lavender oil

To understand the benefits of lavender oil for hair, you need to understand its composition and properties. Long before the existence of fungal and bacterial diseases Lavender water and oil were used to combat these diseases. This wonderful Mediterranean plant is not only a beautiful fragrant flower, but also a powerful antifungal and antibacterial agent. This explains its use against seborrhea, dandruff and severe itching scalp.

In areas where this plant has historically been grown for a long time, for example, in French Provence, they are well aware of how lavender oil helps hair. Here it has been used for centuries to create cosmetics for hair. Essential oil helps stimulate blood circulation in the scalp, which improves and enhances nutrients to the hair follicles, which prevents their weakening and loss. Due to these properties, lavender oil is widely used in masks to stimulate hair growth, stop hair loss and improve appearance. After a course of treatment, the strands become smooth, more elastic, stop splitting and breaking, and fall out much less.

Lavender is also invaluable as an excellent remedy for oily hair. It can affect the functioning of the sebaceous glands, so after using it, hair looks fresh and clean longer.

Application for hair

Lavender essential oil or extract can be added to hair shampoo, conditioner or a ready-made mask. You should not overuse oil; here “more” does not mean “better”. Just a few drops are enough to enrich the composition of your product and make it fragrant and pleasant to use.

In addition to essential oil, you can find lavender water and dried flowers on sale, which are brewed as usual medicinal herbs, infused, filtered and used to rinse hair after washing. Such additional care gives your curls shine, strength, makes them more manageable when styling and, of course, flavors them.

You can find ready-made hair products with lavender on sale. They are produced in whole series, so it is especially pleasant to use them - the hair retains the smell much longer, and the beneficial properties of the plant only increase with each new use of shampoo, conditioner or mask.

Another way to use lavender oil for hair is to create homemade hair masks with its addition to the composition. Aroma combing with lavender oil is very beneficial for the health of strands and the well-being of the nervous system. Just drop a little oil on a comb or brush, and there you have it! hygiene procedure turns into a relaxing massage session.

Important! Do not use concentrated lavender essential oil - it can cause severe scalp burns when applied undiluted. Before using this product, it is dissolved in any oil suitable for cosmetic purposes and only then added to masks and other home cosmetics.

Masks for growth and against hair loss

A hair mask with lavender oil can be made using any ready-made product suitable for your hair type, or you can make it entirely yourself.

  1. Lavender oil can be added to the composition classic mask for hair based on honey, egg yolk and high-quality vegetable oil. To do this, five drops of lavender oil are dissolved in two tablespoons of warm, cold-pressed vegetable oil, and then mixed with honey and yolk. Rub thoroughly and apply to the roots of the hair, rubbing and distributing along the entire length of the strands. They put on a plastic cap and insulate it with a towel, or warm it up with a thermal hat - the heat increases blood circulation and improves the penetration of nutrients. The mask becomes very effective.
  2. Another lavender oil hair mask is actually an oil wrap. For it you need to take oils that are healthy for hair - burdock, castor, olive, jojoba, almond, mix or use one type of oil, take two tablespoons and heat slightly in a water bath. Add four to five drops of lavender oil into the vessel. The composition is ready, but it can be further enriched with a few drops of rosewood oil and ylang-ylang. The mixture is applied to clean and dry hair, rubbed in, warmed and left for at least half an hour. After this, the head is washed with lavender shampoo and treated with rinse. The hair becomes silky, light and has an intoxicatingly gentle scent.

Important! All products containing lavender and any other essential oil must be prepared in a glass or porcelain container. ceramic dishes. When in contact with metal, essential oils oxidize and lose their properties.

Recipes for caring for oily hair

Lavender oil has proven itself to be excellent for oily hair. You can simply use it by adding it to ready-made products, or you can make very effective home treatments with it, for example, a mask with honey and a hair rinse with lavender water.

  • For the mask, use a ready-made product for oily hair (balm or mask), to which add a tablespoon of good natural honey and five drops of lavender essential oil. The mask is applied to the hair, kept for about 20 - 30 minutes and washed off with plenty of water.
  • You can also make a mask from pure honey with lavender oil and a teaspoon of any high-quality vegetable oil. This product can be used before or after washing your hair. As a final step, it is good to apply a balm with lavender oil. This will prevent it from drying out. greasy hair, and keep them fresh and clean longer.

Some recipes for dry hair

  • Lavender is also very good for dry hair. Typically used as part of oil masks or as an effective conditioner, lavender essential oil promotes the appearance of beautiful shine even on colored hair.
  • Dyed or blond curls will be happy with this remedy: jojoba oil in the amount of three tablespoons is mixed with lavender oil (5 drops), rosemary (5 drops), thyme (2 drops). The mixture is slightly heated, applied to the hair, covered with plastic wrap and heated - with a hairdryer, thermal hat or hot towel. Leave for at least 10 minutes and wash off. Hair becomes elastic, smooth and very shiny.

Recipes with lavender oil against dandruff, itching and seborrhea

The properties of lavender oil for hair against seborrhea have been well studied. Lavender has the ability to reduce itching, fight fungal infections and suppress the growth of pathogenic microflora. Due to this, lavender for hair is widely used to combat seborrhea, greasiness and itching of the scalp. Lavender oil is also effective against dandruff.

  • The best scrub with lavender for the scalp has proven itself. It is made from ordinary sea or table salt, adding five drops of lavender to it, diluted in a teaspoon of any basic vegetable oil, better than olive oil - it is hydrophilic and emulsifies well when washed off.
  • If your scalp is very greasy, you can add a little soda to your homemade scrub - it binds fats and effectively dries out too much. fatty roots. Ready mixture Stir thoroughly and gently rub in small portions into the scalp. Leave to act for five minutes, then rinse thoroughly with plenty of running water and rinse.

Important! When using a salt or salt-soda scrub, you should not rub the scalp too hard to avoid severe damage. It is enough to give a light and pleasant massage, the scrub will do the rest itself.

Other hair recipes with lavender oil

The excellent properties and uses of lavender oil for hair are associated with its positive and healing effect on the nervous system. It causes complete relaxation of all muscles, so it is especially useful before bed. For this purpose, aroma combing with lavender is used. Apply 5 drops of lavender essential oil to a quality wooden comb or comb without serrations and gently comb your hair slowly in different directions. After finishing combing, you need to do a gentle massage of the scalp and go to bed. Deep restful sleep wellness and shiny silk hair is guaranteed.

Lavender water is equally beneficial for hair. It is used as a rinse - the final procedure after washing your hair. This not only gives a wonderful aroma, but also makes hair more manageable and glossy.

Important! Contraindications for use

The use of lavender oil also has contraindications:

  • Allergy to lavender.
  • Pregnancy in the first trimester.
  • Treatment with iodine and/or iron preparations.
  • Anemia.
  • Bronchial asthma.

Aroma oils are an integral component of natural cosmetic preparations. The range of their use is extensive, and in hair care products as active phytocomponents, this is far from uncommon. Let's look at how lavender oil is used for hair and what problems can be solved with its help.

What are the benefits of lavender oil for hair?

The ester in question has a pleasant, fresh, persistent aroma that can have a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole. The composition of this product includes more than a hundred components, a significant part of which is considered very useful for hair (for example, antiseptics, organic acids, tannins, resins).

One of the advantages of the drug is its versatility - the fragrant substance can help heal any type of hair, even very weakened and damaged ones. The benefits of lavender oil for hair are noticeable with regular procedures and are manifested in the following main effects:

  • curls become smooth and shiny;
  • Abnormal hair loss stops;
  • hair thickness increases;
  • dryness is eliminated;
  • eliminates excessive greasy scalp;
  • the itching disappears.

Lavender oil - properties and uses for hair

Lavender hair oil can be used for both health and wellness purposes. for preventive purposes. There is an effect on the hairs themselves, improving their structure, on the hair follicles, feeding them and stimulating their activity, as well as on the surface of the head. Before using lavender oil for hair, it is important to make sure that you are not allergic or intolerant to this fragrant substance.

To make sure that lavender oil is individually safe for hair, you should apply a small amount to the inside of your forearm and monitor the reaction. Dissolve a drop in half a teaspoon of olive oil and lightly rub it into the skin. If after a couple of hours negative phenomena(rash, swelling, redness) is not observed, the drug can be used. It should also not be observed negative reactions when inhaling this ether (headache, nausea).

Lavender essential oil for hair – properties

The healing qualities of the ether in question are valued not only in cosmetology, but even in official medicine, therefore its effect on the human body has been carefully studied. Thus, it is known that lavender essential oil for hair and scalp tissue has the following beneficial properties:

  • antiseptic;
  • antifungal;
  • moisturizing;
  • cleansing;
  • deodorizing;
  • emollient.

Lavender oil for hair, applied to the surface of the head, helps to increase blood circulation in the tissues, improve metabolic processes, active supply of nutritional compounds to the follicles. It is important positive impact given aromatic agent on the nervous system, because, as you know, many problems with strands are associated with neuroses. Active components, entering through the roots, scalp and respiratory tract, contribute to calmness, easy falling asleep and proper rest.

Lavender oil for hair - application

The ether of this plant is a highly concentrated product, so it must be diluted before use. For example, the drug can be added to ready-made care products. Lavender hair oil is more successfully used for problems such as:

Lavender oil for oily hair

If the hairs quickly get dirty at the roots and already a couple of days after water treatments look like “glossy icicles,” it is more likely that the problem lies in the increased work of the sebaceous glands. The aroma oil in question can help stabilize the situation. Lavender essential oil for oily hair can be used to various procedures– rinsing, massage, aromatherapy, etc. After 1-2 months, a lasting result will become noticeable, and the strands will remain fresh for a long time after washing your hair.

How to use lavender oil for hair?

If you plan to use lavender essential oil for hair for prevention or for minor defects, then the easiest way is to simply mix it with ordinary cosmetics. In cases where it is necessary to seriously engage in strengthening and restoring curls, it is advisable to carry out a course of healing through the regular application of mixtures containing lavender oil for hair.

Hair masks with lavender oil

Lavender essential oil for hair, the use of which is intended as a component of home masks, is best purchased at a pharmacy or specialized store with a quality guarantee. To check the quality of the purchased product, you can drop a small amount onto white thin paper and see if a greasy stain remains after it dries completely.

To prepare health-improving and restorative compositions, different components can be used, which are selected in accordance with the basic needs of the strands, their type and texture. Masks should be made at least once a week for prevention and twice for therapeutic purpose. Let's look at a few simple recipes with available components.

Hair mask with lavender oil for shine and moisture


  • olive oil – 15 ml.
  • lavender aroma oil – 3-5 drops;
  • lemon juice – 20 drops;
  • aloe extract – 1 tsp. spoon.

Preparation and use

Heating the first component on steam bath, attach the remaining components to it. Apply the mixture to damp strands and leave for about a quarter of an hour. Wash off warm water, if necessary with shampoo.

Hair mask with lavender essential oil for oiliness


  • yolk – 1 pc.;
  • fine salt - 2 pinches;
  • melted honey - 1 table. spoon;
  • lavender ether – 5 drops.

Preparation and use

Grind the yolk with honey, add other ingredients, mix everything. Apply to the roots and along the entire length for half an hour, then rinse in the shower.

Mask for dry, damaged hair that accelerates growth

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