Bay leaf medicinal properties and contraindications, use for hair and weight loss. Bay leaf: medicinal properties and contraindications, use in folk medicine

Laurus nobilis is the sacred tree of Apollo, bringing happiness and health benefits. Bay leaves have been used to treat many diseases since ancient times. Beneficial features bay leaf recommended by Hippocrates and Galen. Medieval healers used tinctures and decoctions as an expectorant, anti-fever and healing agent.

How does a bay leaf grow?

The tree on which the bay leaf grows reaches a height of up to 15 meters. The plant has smooth dark brown bark, non-hairy shoots, and a pyramidal crown. The leaves are elliptical in shape on short stalks, alternate. The length of the leaf plate is up to 20 cm. The flowers are small, yellowish umbels.

The Mediterranean is considered its homeland. The south-west of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is widespread in Russia. Capable of going wild, and found wild throughout the Mediterranean. Trees live up to 100 years or more.

Only young, but fully developed leaves are harvested. They are usually made in winter, December and January, and dried by laying them out in a thick layer.

The use of bay leaves in folk medicine

  • the bitterness of bay leaf is good for digestion and improves appetite;
  • plant phytoncides destroy many microbes, including tubercle bacilli;
  • if you chew a bay leaf you can get rid of any inflammation of the mouth;
  • remedies from the plant are used for neuritis, convulsive syndromes;
  • bay leaf heals - headache, relieves toothache;
  • it is a powerful cleanser;
  • bay leaf with honey - lung ulcers, old cough, suffocation;
  • good remedy against intoxication - fastened behind the ear during a feast will prevent you from getting drunk;
  • wood is very calming; if you attach it to a child’s bed, the child will become calmer and sleep well;
  • infusion of bay fruits is a good remedy for flies - soak in water, then sprinkle throughout the house;
  • a good antidote against any poison;
  • bay infusion helps with dysentery.

Bay leaf in folk medicine recipes

Bay leaf infusion: dry bay leaf - 15 pieces, boil one and a half glasses of boiling water for 5 minutes, let stand for 4 hours. Drink a tablespoon before meals to strengthen the immune system.

Milk infusion: add one bay leaf to 0.5 liters of milk, gradually bring to a boil, close tightly and leave for half an hour. Use twice a day.

Bay leaf tincture: Grind dry raw materials to powder. A glass of powder, 0.5 liters of vodka, close tightly. Keep in a dark and warm place for two weeks, filter. Take a teaspoon with water, through a straw, as the product destroys teeth, three times before meals, half an hour. They are treated for three days, after a ten-day break they are treated for another three days. The course is repeated only after six months.

  • use urolithiasis disease, dysentery, cholera;
  • tumors of the throat and thyroid gland;
  • initial stage of diabetes mellitus;
  • Bay leaf tincture is also used for nerve disorders, depression, and swelling;
  • removes waste and toxins well;
  • increases immunity;
  • Bay leaf tincture is useful after a stroke;
  • treats stomatitis;
  • skin diseases;
  • helps with allergic rashes;
  • neuralgia, muscle pain, joint diseases - externally and internally;
  • colds, cough - inhalation 10 drops per liter of boiling water;
  • removes freckles and age spots.

Bay leaf oil: 30g powder from the plant, 0.5l vegetable oil leave for 14 days sunny place or an hour in a water bath, strain and close tightly.

  • rub sore joints;
  • helps with cramps, muscle pain;
  • paralysis
  • salt deposition
  • bay leaf oil treats ringworm, ulcers, and other skin diseases
  • runny nose - 2 drops three times a day in each nostril
  • increases blood circulation
  • heals long-lasting wounds
  • rub in during hypothermia

Bay leaf for joints: Mix 30g bay leaf powder, 40g goose fat, 30g hop cones thoroughly. Rub sore joints in the evening.

Bay leaf with juniper: 8 parts bay powder, 1 part unsalted butter, twelve parts. The ointment is a good remedy for rubbing: relieves pain, soothes muscle and rheumatic pain.

Cough: Boil 4 bay leaves, 200 ml of water over low heat, filter. Drink before bed for 5 days in a row.

Initial stage of hypertension: To treat hypertension with bay leaves, 5 bay leaves are thrown into a glass of boiling water. Leave it in a thermos overnight. In the morning, drink half of the prepared napar, the rest before dinner.

Cervical erosion: 5 bay leaves, a pinch of green tea, bring to a boil and cool. Add 3 tablets of streptocide to the composition. Use for douching for 10 days at .

Haemorrhoids: 25 bay leaves, 3 liters of water, boil for 2 minutes. Remove the container from the heat, wrap it warmly, and leave until cooled. Drink a glass in small sips all day. Use until the product runs out. When finished, prepare a new portion, which is taken after a short break.

Diabetes folk remedies bay leaf treatment: leave a tablespoon of raw materials, a glass of boiled water until cooled. Drink in small sips throughout the day initial stage diabetes

Heartburn: useful bay leaf and oregano collected during the flowering period are mixed. 1 hour a spoonful of the mixture is steamed 200ml boiling water, filter after a while.

Pediculosis, scabies: finely chopped raw materials are boiled in a small amount of water until a concentrated extract is formed. The decoction is mixed with pork fat, used for rubbing.

Salt deposits: 5g of raw bay leaves, 300ml of water, boil for exactly five minutes, stand for four hours, filter. They drink a tablespoon every hour from seven in the morning, finishing at six. The treatment is only a little for three days, but there is a long break of two weeks. Then the treatment is repeated.

Liver enlargement: Steam 300 bay leaves with 1 liter of water, add 10 tbsp. honey and boil until the water is reduced by half, filter. Drink half a glass, store in the refrigerator.

Barley: Boil 12 bay leaves, 250 ml of water from the beginning of the boil for a quarter of an hour, keep warm for half an hour, wrap it up, filter. Drink in small sips throughout the day. Treatment lasts 10 days.

Sweaty feet: Boil 15 bay leaves in 2 liters of water, do foot baths daily until a positive result. The effect will be better if mixed with oak bark, plantain leaves

Pain in bladder: Mix 100g bay leaves, honey - 0.5kg, 50g raspberry syrup. Simmer until the mixture has reduced by one third. Drink a third of a glass before bed. Store in a cool place.

Joint pain: Boil 50g of bay leaf, 250ml of water by a third, strain the mixture and divide it into 4 parts. Every day they drink one part, in small portions, spread out throughout the day. Do not swallow immediately, it is advisable to keep it in your mouth for a while. The treatment is very effective, so it is repeated only after a year and a half.

To save male strength: Take a saucepan with a thick bottom, 3 bay leaves, 12 cloves of garlic, 12 cloves, 0.7 liters of natural wine, 1 teaspoon each of Rhodiola rosea, fennel fruits and natural honey. One clove is inserted into each clove of garlic. Then place it in a saucepan, add bay leaf, honey, wine, herbs. Boil until the volume is reduced by half, strain and place in containers with dark glass. Take a teaspoon at night.

Gout, rheumatism, osteochondrosis: half a pack of bay leaves, 300 ml of chilled water, let it boil and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. Drink the whole remedy at once. Drink for three days, then break for 10 days and another 3 days. There may be pain when urinating, you need to increase the amount of water. Not applicable this remedy during pregnancy, glomerulonephritis.

Bay leaf treatment contraindications

  • Pregnant women do not use
  • nursing women
  • having gastritis or gastric and duodenal ulcers
  • tendency to constipation
  • for severe diabetes mellitus
  • tendency to bleed
  • damage to the kidneys, liver, spleen by the starch-like substance amyloid

Overdose of bay leaves - nausea, dizziness, vomiting.

In the article we discuss bay leaves, talk about its beneficial properties and contraindications for use. You will learn how to use spice in medicine, cosmetology and cooking. By following our tips, you will learn how to cook medicinal infusions, decoctions for the treatment of cough, diabetes, allergies, cystitis, hemorrhoids, joint diseases. We will tell you about the magical properties of the plant and how to use it to make your wishes come true.

Laurel is a subtropical tree of the Laurel family (lat. Lauraceae). The leaves of this plant are leathery and alternate. They are widely used in folk medicine, cosmetology and cooking - as a spice.

Beneficial features

The culture is rich in essential oils, vitamins and microelements. The spice has a tonic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action, improves appetite, eliminates joint pain, muscle pain. The plant is used medicinally for treatment colds, diabetes, cystitis and hemorrhoids.

Appearance (photo) of the Laurel plant.

A decoction of the shoots relieves alcoholism. At regular use the drug develops a persistent aversion to alcohol.

The spice is used to make cosmetic products or prepare nourishing and strengthening masks based on it. The product is used externally to eliminate acne and pigmentation.

Use in cooking

Fresh, dry, ground laurel leaves are used as a spice. This seasoning adds flavor to soups, meat, fish, vegetable dishes, sauces. Bay is added to marinades and used for preservation. Ground raw materials, present in mustard, stewed meat, pate, and industrially produced sausage, improve the quality of dishes.

The essential oils of the plant quickly evaporate, so the spice is added to the dish 5-10 minutes before it is ready. From ready-made dish The leaves should be removed to prevent them from imparting a bitter taste.

How to use in cosmetology

A decoction of raw materials is widely used in home cosmetology. It has tonic, cleansing, rejuvenating effects. The product made from sprouts is good for skin and hair.

Lightens the skin, eliminating pigmentation, normalizes skin function sebaceous glands, tightens pores. Masks and creams based on spices tighten the skin and smooth out wrinkles.

A decoction of laurel soothes the scalp, eliminates itching and treats dandruff. The product strengthens hair, accelerates its growth, and adds shine.

Face tonic

A tonic is prepared from the decoction and used daily. The product is suitable problem skin to get rid of acne.


  1. Bay leaves - 20 pieces.
  2. Water - 500 ml.

How to cook: Grind the raw materials in a coffee grinder, add water, place on low heat and cook for 5 minutes. Remove from the stove, cover with a lid, leave for at least 5 hours.

How to use: Wipe your face with toner morning and evening. The product can be frozen and used in the form of ice cubes.

Result: The tonic tightens pores, eliminates skin inflammation, and has a rejuvenating effect.

Strengthening hair mask

To strengthen and grow hair, decoctions, tinctures, oils, and masks based on laurel are used. All these remedies can be prepared independently at home using the leaves of the plant. Consider a recipe for a strengthening hair mask.


  1. Chamomile flowers - 10 gr.
  2. Burdock root - 10 g.
  3. Lavrushka - 4 pcs.
  4. Water - 500 ml.

How to cook: Mix the herbs, crush them with a rolling pin, pour boiling water over them and place on low heat. Cook for 7 minutes, remove from heat, cool and filter the broth into a separate container.

How to use: Rub the remaining paste into your scalp massage movements. Wrap your hair in a towel and leave the mask on for half an hour. After the procedure, rinse the strands with filtered broth.

Result: The mask strengthens hair, prevents hair loss and baldness. After the procedure, the hair becomes more manageable and shiny.

For another mask recipe, watch the following video:

Decoction for weight loss

The decoction removes excess fluid, waste, and toxins from the body. This ability is highly valued in nutrition. The drink is used as a means for weight loss.


  1. Laurel leaves - 3 pcs.
  2. Water - 300 ml.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over the raw material, put it on the fire, bring to a boil, simmer under the lid for 5 minutes. Remove from heat, let cool, strain the product.

How to use: Drink 1 tablespoon of decoction before each meal.

Result: The drink cleanses the body, removes stagnant fluid, which promotes weight loss.

How to use in folk medicine

The culture is used in folk medicine to treat respiratory diseases, genitourinary tract, digestive system, joint diseases. Based on the spice, infusions, decoctions, and oils are made, which are used internally and externally. Let's look at common recipes that use plants.

Cough inhalations

Inhalations with a decoction quickly eliminate cough and cleanse the bronchi. The product stimulates the removal of phlegm and strengthens the immune system.


  1. Laurel - 5 pcs.
  2. Water - 500 ml.
  3. Laurel essential oil - 3 drops.

How to cook: Grind the leaves, add water, cook for 5 minutes. Cover with a lid and let cool slightly.

How to use: Before inhalation, add laurel essential oil to the decoction, breathe in this solution for 10-15 minutes. Repeat the procedure 3-5 times a day.

Result: Regular inhalations eliminate painful cough in 3-4 days.

At the first sign of a cold, foot baths with a decoction of bay leaves will help. Do them for 10-15 minutes, then put on warm socks.

Ointment for sinusitis

To treat sinusitis, use an ointment based on laurel. The product warms up the sinuses, thins mucus and removes it from the nasal cavities.


  1. Bay leaves - 40 gr.
  2. Juniper needles - 1 teaspoon.
  3. Butter - 20 gr.

How to cook: Grind dry shoots and needles into powder, mix with butter and place the product in the refrigerator.

How to use: Apply ointment to the area maxillary sinuses and leave for 20-30 minutes. This recipe can be used to reheat chest with a strong cough.

Result: The ointment effectively copes with the symptoms of rhinitis and sinusitis, facilitating nasal breathing.

Allergy infusion

The infusion is used externally for allergies. The product eliminates itching, burning, redness, rashes and swelling of the skin. The drink is taken orally to normalize intestinal function.


  1. Leaves - 5 pcs.
  2. Water - 250 ml.

How to cook: Pour water over the leaves, place on the stove, and simmer over low heat for about 15 minutes. Cover with a lid and let sit for half an hour. Add boiled water to the cooled product to make 250 ml of infusion.

How to use: Take 50 ml of the drink 3 times a day. The product is suitable for external use.

Result: The infusion blocks toxins, eliminates external symptoms allergies, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Compress for joints

A compress with an oil infusion of bay leaves eliminates joint pain. After the procedure, their motor activity improves.


  1. Bay leaves - 3 pcs.
  2. Water - 300 ml.
  3. Castor oil - 1 tablespoon.

How to cook: Grind the plant material, pour boiling water, cover, leave for an hour. Add oil, stir until smooth.

How to use: Apply the product to sore spot, cover cling film, insulate with a towel. Keep the compress for at least 2 hours.

Result: The remedy quickly eliminates pain in joints and tendons.

For another recipe for joints, watch the following video:

Decoction for removing salts

Cleaning joints from salts plays a role important role in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The decoction copes with this task.


  1. Bay leaves - 4 pcs.
  2. Water - 1.5 cups.

How to cook: Grind dry leaves, add water, boil for 3-4 minutes. Leave the drink to steep overnight and strain in the morning.

How to use: Take 50 ml of the product every 12 hours before meals.

Result: The drink stimulates blood circulation small joints, which promotes the removal of salts. The decoction improves the mobility of the limbs and eliminates swelling.

Infusion for osteochondrosis

The infusion is used for osteochondrosis, rheumatism, and arthritis. The product normalizes blood supply to the intervertebral joints, relieves pain, and increases motor activity.


  1. Bay leaves - 5 pcs.
  2. Water - 300 ml.

How to cook: Pour water over the crushed raw materials, place on low heat, and cook for no more than 10 minutes. Pour the liquid into a thermos and leave for 2 hours.

How to use: Take 1 tablespoon throughout the day. The resulting volume of liquid is calculated to daily norm. The course of treatment is 3 days. If you need to take it again, you need to take a week break.

Result: Infusion restores cartilage tissue in joints, eliminates pain syndrome, muscle spasms.

Decoction for diabetes

Bay leaf normalizes metabolism and lowers blood sugar levels, so it is often used to treat diabetes. The drink can be taken for prevention.


  1. Bay leaves - 15 pcs.
  2. Water - 300 ml.

How to cook: Pour water over the plant material and cook over low heat for 5 minutes. Pour into a thermos and leave for at least 4 hours.

How to use: Drink the decoction in small sips throughout the day. The course of treatment is 3 days. If you need to take it again, you should take a two-week break.

Result: The drink improves general health and restores strength. With regular therapy with infusion, it is necessary to reduce the dosage of glucose-lowering drugs.

Bath decoction for cystitis

Bay leaf has a diuretic and analgesic effect. Sitz baths are effective in relieving the symptoms of cystitis.


  1. Bay leaves - 40 gr.
  2. Water - 5 liters.

How to cook: Prepare a decoction by boiling the raw materials for half an hour.

How to use: Fill the bath up to a third full and add the decoction to the water. The liquid temperature should be no higher than 38 degrees. Sit in the bath for 15 minutes.

Result: The bath warms up the organs genitourinary system, eliminates pain, pathogens that may be on the genitals.

Lotions for hemorrhoids

To treat hemorrhoids, infusions and decoctions are used, which are taken orally. External use of these remedies eliminates the symptoms of the disease.


  1. Bay leaves - 10 gr.
  2. Water - 250 ml.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over the raw material, cover with a lid, and leave for a couple of hours. Strain the cooled liquid.

How to use: Soak in infusion soft cloth, apply to the anal sphincter for 2-3 minutes.

Result: Lotions provide local anesthesia, eliminate itching, burning. The procedure reduces tissue swelling.

Decoction for menstruation

When menstruation is delayed, a decoction helps. It provokes uterine contractions and causes bleeding. This method suitable for slight delay caused by stress, excessive physical activity or a cold.


  1. Bay leaves - 10 gr.
  2. Water - 500 ml.

How to cook: Pour water over the shoots, boil, cover with a lid, and simmer for an hour.

How to use: Drink a glass of cooled broth twice, with a break of half an hour. The procedure cannot be repeated; it can be dangerous to health.

Result: Menstruation begins 2-3 hours after taking the product.

Tincture for alcoholism

Lavrushka develops a persistent aversion to alcoholic beverages, so it is used to treat alcoholism. Most often, a tincture is prepared for this purpose, which is given to the patient without his knowledge, mixed with alcohol.


  1. Bay leaves - 3 pcs.
  2. Vodka - 250 ml.
  3. Pumpkin seeds - 50 gr.

How to cook: Grind pumpkin seeds, fill with vodka, add laurel, leave the product for at least 2 weeks in a cool place.

How to use: Add the tincture to an alcoholic's food or drink.

Result: The drink causes stomach upset, nausea, and vomiting. Systematic use of the infusion develops a persistent aversion to alcohol.


The drink strengthens the immune system and restores strength after illness. Fresh or dried shoots are used to prepare the decoction. The product is used for oral and external use.

Dry bay leaf leaves.


  1. Fresh bay leaves - 30 gr.
  2. Water - 300 ml.

How to cook: Cut the raw materials with a knife, add water, place on the stove, cook over low heat for 5 minutes. Pour the broth into a thermos and leave for at least 6 hours.

How to use: Take 1 tablespoon of the product 3 times a day.

Result: The decoction has restorative effect, calms the nervous system, eliminates joint pain.


The infusion is used to treat vitamin deficiency, diabetes, and diseases of the female reproductive system. The product eliminates allergy symptoms and removes toxic substances from the body.


  1. Lavrushka - 4 pcs.
  2. Water - 500 ml.

How to cook: Mash the dry raw materials, steam with boiling water, cover with a lid, leave for 5 hours. You can use a thermos for infusion.

How to use: Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. The course of treatment to strengthen the immune system is 3 days.

Result: The infusion cleanses the body, promotes weight loss, and has a general strengthening effect.


At home, you can prepare oil based on bay leaves. The product is used internally and externally. It is used to treat diseases respiratory tract, skin diseases, burns and wounds.


  1. Laurel leaves - 30 gr.
  2. Vegetable oil - 250 ml.

How to cook: Grind the plant to flour, pour in warm oil, stir. Pour the mixture into a glass jar, close the lid and store in a dark place for 2 weeks. Strain the finished oil and store in the refrigerator.

How to use: Take 1-2 drops of oil orally, diluted with water, up to 3 times a day. Use externally to treat damaged skin.

Result: The oil has a general strengthening effect, reduces acidity gastric juice, accelerates the healing process of the epidermis.

How to use for children

The decoction is used as additional means for the treatment of staphylococcus in children. The product eliminates various rashes on the skin, eliminates allergy symptoms.

The aroma calms the nervous system. If you put a couple of bay leaves at the head of the bed, the child will sleep more soundly and more peacefully.

The decoction is useful for newborns as an effective remedy for diathesis. It is used to process inflamed areas skin or add it to baths.

Can it be used during pregnancy?

Doctors do not recommend using laurel and products based on it during pregnancy. This prohibition is associated with the ability of laurel to contract the uterus. The result of increased muscle tone- pathologies of the baby's development or miscarriage.

During lactation, decoctions and infusions can cause the baby to refuse the breast. This is due to the bitter taste of the spice, which is transferred to mother's milk.

All these prohibitions do not apply to the external use of laurel-based products. They can be used for treatment skin diseases, restoration of the epidermis after burns, for cosmetic purposes.

Magic properties

Since ancient times, culture has been considered a symbol of success, purity, and determination. Modern Magic uses this spice to attract happiness, fulfill desires, and cleanse from negativity.

With its help they make spells for money, luck and love. It is believed that if you keep a little bay leaf oiled in your wallet orange oil, then this will improve well-being. And if on the new moon you place saucers with spicy leaves in the corners of your apartment and burn them in the morning, you can cleanse the house of negative energy and attract good luck.


Before starting treatment, you should consult with a specialist and strictly follow the doctor’s instructions so as not to harm the body. The spice is used with caution in case of hypertension, as it increases blood pressure.

Contraindications for use:

Where can I buy

Raw materials can be purchased at any store or market. Most often, the spice is sold already packaged in bags, but can be found in the form of a bunch of twigs. High-quality leaves should be dark green with a uniform color, without dark spots and an unpleasant bitter odor.

The price of a 25 gram package of laurel is 40-50 rubles. Depending on the manufacturer, the cost may vary.

How to prepare

You can stock up on laurel by drying it yourself. The fresh product is often sold in markets; you can collect it from the tree yourself. Stock up on raw materials from November to February. Healthy leaves have dark green shade, no stains.

Lavrushka is dried in a dry room at a temperature of no more than 40 degrees for 5-6 days. Use an electric dryer for these purposes, setting the temperature to 40-50 degrees. Store dried shoots in glass containers for up to 1 year.

What to remember

  1. The culture is widely used in folk medicine, cooking and cosmetology.
  2. On its basis, infusions, decoctions, and oils are made for external use and internal use.
  3. Laurel treats respiratory and digestive systems, eliminates joint and muscle pain.

Laurel is a plant with a rich history, an eternal companion of emperors and artists. Today, most of us use it only as a common seasoning for cabbage soup, sauerkraut and plates of dumplings. And few people remember why the bay leaf became so famous - medicinal properties it was known long before the moment when someone unknown came up with the idea of ​​adding aromatic leaves to food.

A little history and legends

Ancient Greek mythology - a treasury of romantic delirium and intriguing myths - tells its story of the appearance of laurel on earth. Apollo's failed lover Daphne was turned into an evergreen tree, and since then the laurel that crowned the head of the inconsolable Apollo has been both a symbol of continuous sorrow and a sign of victory. At competitions in honor of the patron of the muses, Apollo, the heads of poets and musicians were crowned with wreaths of laurel leaves, and in ancient Greek frescoes, Nike laid such wreaths on the heads of heroes. IN Ancient Rome The laurel was finally established as a symbol of glory and greatness. Julius Caesar, George I and George II, Napoleon and Peter I - all these people were depicted with laurel wreaths on their heads.

And the bay leaf has long symbolized immortality; it is no coincidence that the tree itself can live up to 400 years - not every oak tree can boast of this. And although to give such long life people can't bay leaves, but good health and will provide a delicious lunch.

What's in it?

Bay leaf is a plant unique in its composition. It contains essential oils and fatty acid, and the calorie content of laurel is as much as 313 cal per 100 grams. Of course, no one eats it in such quantities, so all the fats in the laurel are only beneficial. There are not many vitamins in it, but there are the necessary ones - A, C, group B and PP. Microelements are also the most important for the body - potassium, calcium, manganese, iron...

And the resins and phytoncides in the bay leaf turn it into an excellent antiseptic.

Bay leaf on your table

Cooking is an area where bay leaves are simply irreplaceable. We are used to adding it to all broths, soups and pickles, but laurel can do much more.

The aromatic bitterness of laurel will refresh not only fish soup, but also other seafood dishes - including crabs. The bay leaf will add a pleasant shade to main courses of meat, legumes, and cabbage. If you try to throw a laurel leaf at regular potatoes when cooking, you will no longer be able to do without this seasoning! And perhaps you can...

The main thing is to remember the basic rule of bay leaf: put it in soups 4-5 minutes before the end of cooking and then take it out. You can add aromatic leaves to second courses almost immediately if the dish is stewed for a long time - 10-15 minutes before the end. But again, take it out after cooking!

The undoubted advantage of bay leaf is that it goes well with other spices. It is no coincidence that bachelors like to add a laurel leaf or two and a couple of umbrellas to a plate of dumplings for piquancy.

In addition to cloves, bay leaves are good mixed with, hot and allspice pepper, and regular ones.

Today in stores you can find ground bay leaves and granules, but the best and most proven product is dried leaves. They should be an even olive color, ideally not broken. Bay leaves are stored for only a year, so always look at the production date of the seasoning.

Bay leaf is your home doctor

Today, laurel essential oil is popular in the medical and cosmetic industries, and is used in perfumes, ointments, and even preparations for treating farm animals. However, in folk medicine, decoctions, infusions and even oils from dried bay leaves are widely used.

The beneficial properties of bay leaf are irreplaceable for use as a tonic and even for removing toxins. For these purposes, prepare a laurel infusion: pour about 15 medium laurel leaves with water (300 ml), bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 4-5 minutes. Then let it sit for 4 hours and drink a tablespoon all day so that the decoction is enough for 3 days. After 2 weeks, the strengthening course can be repeated.

Laurel leaves help you calm down and sleep well. So, if your Small child is capricious and has trouble falling asleep, place a couple of fragrant dry leaves next to the crib - restful sleep guaranteed. A runny nose, cough and ear pain are also treated with a decoction of bay leaves, and foot baths with bay infusion will relieve.

For joints and bones

Since ancient times, bay leaves have been used in folk medicine for joints - for gout, rheumatism and arthritis. Bay decoction for cleansing blood vessels is prepared in the same way as for strengthening the immune system, but the break between courses should be 3 days.

To relieve pain due to osteochondrosis, laurel oil is suitable. They do it like this: 1 table. Pour a spoonful of finely chopped aromatic leaves into a glass, leave it warm for a couple of weeks. We keep the finished fragrant oil in the refrigerator. Use bay oil as needed, at night, rubbing into sore areas.

Bay leaf for beauty

Bay leaves have also long been used to restore and preserve beauty - its medicinal properties are valued here in two ways.

First: bay leaf is an excellent antiseptic. Pimples, allergic rashes and skin inflammations are successfully treated by both laurel essential oil and infusions of dried leaves. If you regularly wipe your skin with a decoction of laurel, you can get rid of age spots, old pimple marks and even out skin tone. If you wipe regularly oily skin With laurel infusion or ice cubes from it, you can remove excess shine and reduce pores.

Bay leaf also tones the skin, gives it a healthy appearance and smoothes out early wrinkles. And if you regularly rinse your hair with an infusion of bay leaves and lemon juice, this will enhance their growth and give an amazing shine. By the way, bay leaf decoctions are the long-standing secret of luscious hair of Georgian beauties.

Bay leaf - what is its danger?

Bay leaves have long been valued all over the world - its benefits and harms have also been well studied. And if as aromatic seasoning For your lunch, a bay leaf is unlikely to be harmful, so you should be careful with medicine based on bay leaves.

Laurel tincture provokes constipation, so people with such problems are also recommended to choose a different treatment method. Bay leaf during pregnancy medicinal purposes consumption is strictly prohibited; the same restrictions apply to young children and people with metabolic disorders.

From time to time, allergies to bay leaves occur, and if you overdo it with the infusion, even poisoning occurs. Therefore, before starting a course of treatment with laurel decoctions, it is better to consult a doctor.

It would seem that a well-known spice, bay leaf, is fraught with many valuable secrets. It has been used in folk medicine for many centuries. During this time, many amazing properties for the treatment of all kinds of ailments were discovered and established. Add to list medicinal products leaves, seeds, bark and other components of the bay tree were included.

Due to the fact that the plant allows you to get rid of many diseases, bay leaf has gained particular popularity not only as a spice, but also as a medicinal plant struggling with complex illnesses.

Medicinal properties of bay leaf

Having such a storehouse of wealth as a bay leaf, you can easily cope with many ailments. At first glance, the evergreen plant does not represent anything interesting, but when you learn more about the medicinal properties of the bay leaf, it becomes clear that it is literally a unique assistant in the fight for health and longevity.

Among the useful components contained in laurel, it is worth highlighting:

  • Potassium – helps normalize heart rate.
  • Copper – participates in the formation of bone, tissue and the creation of blood cells.
  • Selenium has an antioxidant effect and also helps in the fight against cancer cells.
  • Zinc – participates in normal operation genital organs and affects their normal development.
  • Iron is an active participant in the formation of blood cells.

Among the vitamins that increase the healing properties of bay leaves, it is worth highlighting the following components:

  • A – promotes active growth of the retina.
  • Group B - are invaluable assistants in the formation of the mucous system, stabilization of metabolism, and the creation of red blood cells.
  • PP – is an active participant in enzyme metabolism, promotes normal functioning nervous system and the functioning of mucous membranes.
  • C – affects strengthening immune system body, maintains tissue elasticity, promotes proper formation of teeth and bone tissue.

No need to list everything beneficial features bay leaf. You just need to take into account everything that it can give to the human body and use these gifts to the fullest extent.

The use of bay leaves in folk medicine

Due to the fact that the beneficial properties of this spice have been known for a long time, the use of bay leaves in folk medicine is wide and varied. Among the ailments that bay leaf helps to cope with are the following:

  • Spasmodic pain.
  • Psoriasis and eczema.
  • Arthritis and joint diseases.
  • Metabolic disorders.
  • Diabetes.
  • Barley.
  • Stomatitis.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Convulsive states.
  • Joint pain.
  • Bedsores.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Diabetes.
  • Haemorrhoids.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Insect bites.
  • Liver diseases and others.

Each specific disease has its own popular recommendations on the use of bay leaves. Systemic use of the spice allows you to cope with ailments and give health and longevity.

Bay decoction

Due to the fact that the leaves can be used different ways, treatment of diseases can be carried out using almost any method. Bay decoction is especially valuable in folk medicine, as it helps to cope with quite serious ailments and problems without unnecessary time and financial costs, and most importantly, without harm to health.

The valuable properties of the decoction are used to prevent excess salts - their formation and elimination. With just a week's consumption, one liter daily, you can achieve positive results. But, it is necessary to remember that such a drink can serve to remove kidney stones, so you should be prepared for such a “surprise” in advance. If significant amount salts are concentrated in the joints, then the course of treatment should be extended to two weeks.

Bay decoction will also provide invaluable help for cholecystitis. But it must be used with extreme caution, since the treatment is complex and at the same time several organs can be cleansed immediately.

For patients with diabetes mellitus, the remedy can also provide invaluable benefits. Before taking the drink, you should consult with your doctor. Some do not welcome traditional medicine in their practice, but noticing beneficial properties and a significant decrease in blood sugar, they recognize the benefits of bay decoction.

Sometimes, in the absence of advanced conditions, laurel also helps with hemorrhoids.

Bay oil

In order to prepare bay oil, which is an invaluable aid in the fight against many ailments, you will need the following components:

  • 3 tablespoons finely chopped fresh leaves Lavra
  • 1 cup olive oil.

After mixing well, you need to put the oil in a warm place for 10-12 days, after wrapping it in paper. Once the oil is ready, you can safely rub it into the skin and use it as directed.

Bay oil in folk medicine is used to treat:

  • Sinusitis. In order to quickly cope with the disease, you need to instill 2-3 drops into each nasal passage twice daily. A noticeable effect will appear on the 3rd day. In addition, bay oil can be used as an inhalation to speed up treatment.
  • Eczema and psoriasis. Rub into affected areas for a week. The skin will come in normal condition and it will stop peeling and turning red.
  • Metabolism stimulant. Inhalations with laurel oil will speed up metabolic processes and about stimulating appetite.
  • Restoration of hair, nails and skin. Masks and applications made from bay leaf oil allow you to restore spectacular shine to your hair, firmness to your nails, and elasticity to your skin.

Bay oil has other uses in folk medicine. But it should be used with extreme caution, since special diligence can negate the positive results obtained.

Bay water

Bay water is used as an excellent preventive and stimulating folk remedy. To prepare it, you need a liter of boiled chilled water, to which 20 grams of whole dry laurel leaves are added. In order for the laurel to highlight its useful material it will take at least three hours. After the leaves have given up everything they have, you can safely take one glass of the drink before meals. They are excellent appetite stimulants and help activate metabolism. Regular consumption of this drink is also a good prevention of cancer and viral diseases.


This method of using spices has long gained popularity among beauty connoisseurs. Bay infusion is used in folk medicine to restore the relief of the dermis (as a component of bath procedures), cleanse the skin surface of dead cells, peel the face, restore skin elasticity and add shine to hair.

Bay infusion is considered no less useful for diabetes mellitus. If you pour 20 grams of bay leaf with boiling water and let it brew for 3 hours, and then add one tablespoon natural honey, then you can help reduce sugar in the body. But, you need to take into account whether a person is allergic to bee products.

As a fixative against diarrhea, bay infusion has also proven effective with the best side. From the moment diarrhea appears, you should take half a glass of infusion every hour and a half. The effect will occur after approximately the fourth dose.

We must not forget about the use of laurel as an active fighter against allergies and skin rashes. In this case, the infusion can be used both externally and internally.

Bay leaf tincture

It should be noted that tincture of bay leaf in vodka helps to cope with oncological diseases throat. In order to prepare the medicine, you need to grind a glass of fresh laurel leaves and pour 500 milligrams of high-quality vodka. Put in dark place for about two weeks. After this, you need to strain the infusion and use it one tablespoon an hour before meals. Recommended course of use: until complete cure.

Bay leaf treatment

Anyone who wants to gain or regain their health should remember that using bay tree leaves is good in moderation. Therefore, overdo it to achieve better effect under no circumstances is it possible. Exceed indicated dosages Not recommended. If interruption of use for several weeks is indicated, then this must be done as prescribed. Like all folk remedies, laurel can help, but its intake must be dosed.

Bay leaf treatment for joints

In order to cleanse joints, remove salts and reduce pain, treating joints with bay leaves has been known for a long time. For achievement therapeutic effect you need to pour 10 grams of laurel, pour 500 milligrams of boiling water and keep in a water bath for 10 minutes. Pour the resulting broth into a thermos and let it brew for about 4 hours. Consume in small portions throughout the day. The first week you need to drink the decoction for 3 days. After four days, repeat the dose. The next course should start in three months.

You need to understand that laurel promotes the active removal of salts, so joint pain is inevitable during the treatment process. But after cleansing you will feel significant relief.

Diabetes treatment

IN in this case Consultation with a doctor is necessary, since not every patient is able to achieve the desired effect. And taking into account the fact that treating diabetes with bay leaves also involves taking a small amount of honey, you need to know about the complications in advance. Although regular consumption of such a drink has a very positive impact on blood sugar levels and promotes its active reduction.


Traditional medicine has many secrets, and treating sinusitis with bay leaves is one of them. To deal with this unpleasant illness requires a comprehensive implementation of three various procedures using spices. First, self-prepared bay oil must be instilled into the nasal passages, two drops twice a day. In principle, it is recommended to carry out this procedure until a therapeutic effect is achieved. Secondly, inhalations with laurel. Adding a few drops bay oil into an inhaler or into a pan of boiling water, you need to breathe well through your nose for ten minutes. Thirdly, take laurel infusion orally, 100 milligrams three times a day, to stimulate the immune system. This approach will help you achieve good results and cure sinusitis in a matter of days.


In order for treatment of osteochondrosis with bay leaves to bring decent results, it is necessary to use oil and infusion. In principle, self-prepared oil must be rubbed into the surface of the dermis in the spine area. Take the infusion daily three times a day for one week. Positive results will be noticeable within a week.


Skin rashes can be treated if done correctly. Treating allergies with bay leaves involves taking baths with its infusion. To do this, you need to steam 30 grams of dry leaf in boiling water and let it brew for a couple of hours. Next, you need to mix the infusion with bath water. The procedure should last at least 10-15 minutes. Baths should be taken daily for one week. In addition, treatment of allergies with bay leaves also involves taking the infusion orally. Just a couple of tablespoons a day is enough and the result will be obvious.

Diathesis: treatment with bay tree leaves

For small children as well prophylactic This spice is perfect. The well-known diathesis treatment with bay leaves is simple: daily baths. But it’s worth thinking carefully about oral intake, since the baby’s body does not always tolerate new drinks well. Therefore, you should give no more than two teaspoons per day for three days.

Treatment of hemorrhoids

This delicate disease worries many. In order to cope with it, you will need a whole range of procedures, and only then will treatment of hemorrhoids with bay leaves bring the expected effect.

  • Baths. It is necessary to pour boiling water over 30 grams of bay leaf and let it brew for a couple of hours. After this, add about 4-6 liters to a shallow basin warm water and pour the infusion into it. After this, you need to sit in the basin and stay there for about 10-20 minutes.
  • Applications of laurel leaf infusion applied to the tailbone reduce pain and prevent new manifestations of hemorrhoids.
  • Taking the infusion orally also stimulates the healing process.
  • Microclysters made from a weak infusion of bay leaves help to quickly cope with pain and speed up the process of intestinal restoration.
  • Laurel oil lotions are recommended only in in rare cases. Before using them, you should consult your doctor.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with bay leaves almost always gives a positive effect and fights the disease in just a few days.

Alcoholism: treatment with bay leaves

It’s hard to imagine that ordinary spice will help cope with such addiction. Alcoholism is treated with bay leaves, not only very simply, but also effectively. It has long been found out that the main problem of alcoholics is insufficient potassium in the blood. For this purpose, in order to dull the feeling of dependence on alcohol, it is necessary to restore it by everyone accessible ways. Therefore, a decoction of laurel leaves became in a great way fight addiction. In addition, it helps to cope with the cleansing of the liver that has been subjected to long time destructive impact.

In order for bay leaf treatment to be positive for alcoholism, it is necessary to add honey to the infusion, which is a natural storehouse of potassium. And one more nuance that needs to be remembered is that a person who is undergoing treatment for alcoholism should under no circumstances know that he is being treated specifically for this illness.


In this case, the infusion helps a lot. At the same time, bay leaf treatment for psoriasis is effective and simple. It is enough to rinse 15 large bay leaves well and pour 700 milligrams of boiling water over them. The infusion should be prepared in a thermos so that everything useful components went into infusion. 100 milligrams of the drink should be consumed daily for a week, 30 minutes before meals.

Hi all!

A neighbor told me a story about how a decoction of bay leaves helped her cope with diathesis in her baby. It was a revelation for me.

There is laurel in every home, but I realized that all my deep knowledge about it ends with the fact that it is a seasoning and wreaths were once made from it.

Yes, and the laureate is the one crowned with laurels.

What other properties does this inconspicuous fragrant leaf have? Interesting? Let's figure out together why this seasoning is so wonderful, which we all use, but don’t know everything about it.

From this article you will learn:

Bay leaf decoction - beneficial properties and recipes for use

Laurel is an evergreen tree or shrub native to the Mediterranean.

Now it is grown throughout the subtropics; in Russia it is found in Krasnodar region and in the Caucasus.

It has dark green leaves, small yellowish flowers and dark blue fruits - drupes.

Leaves for seasoning begin to be collected from a tree that has reached four years of age.

Then they make the best quality seasoning. Fresh branches with leaves are found on sale, but more often the leaves are dried.

Composition of bay leaf

All parts of the tree are saturated essential oil, tannins and resins that give it that specific aroma and taste.

Bay oil contains camphor, pinene, cineole, limonene, organic acids and other components.

Beneficial properties of bay leaf

Let's look at the main beneficial properties of bay leaves:

  1. Bay leaf has a sedative, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, and antimicrobial effect.
  2. It is able to support and restore immunity, improve appetite and joint function.
  3. It is also used to treat liver diseases
  4. Bay leaf is effective means for the treatment of diabetes mellitus
  5. In medicine for preparation medicines They use fruits, oil, decoctions and infusions from leaves.
  6. Oil extracts help with colds or help.

What are the benefits of bay leaf decoction?

I will share several recipes on how to make tinctures and decoctions of bay leaves at home, what problems can be dealt with with their help, and how to use them correctly.

That's not all, of course. possible ways using the miracle seasoning. I chose the most relevant and common, and safe.

If you have a specific problem, it is quite possible that bay leaf can help with that too.

How to prepare a decoction of bay leaves?

A decoction of bay leaf is prepared depending on its purpose; for external use it is made more concentrated than for internal use. The technology is simple: the required dosage of bay leaf is poured into 1.5 glasses of water and boiled for 5 minutes. Then the broth is infused in a warm place for 4 hours and filtered.

Bay leaf decoction for face

Bay leaf, in addition to all its other advantages, has first-class cosmetic properties.

It moisturizes the skin, removes toxins and has a rejuvenating effect due to its antioxidant abilities.

Bay oil increases blood flow to the face and gives the skin a healthy color.

  • Cosmetic ice

Pour 5 leaves with 1 liter of boiling water and leave in a thermos for a day.

Then strain the resulting broth and freeze. Rubbing your face with this removes redness and peeling from the face.

Bay leaf decoction for acne

Boil a glass of water and add half a pack of bay leaves.

Boil the broth for 20 minutes, then cool and strain. To get rid of pimples and blackheads, you need to wash your face with this decoction 2 times a day.

It perfectly cleanses the skin, treats acne and prevents the appearance of new ones.

Help with allergies

To cope with allergies, boil half a liter of water, add a pack of bay leaves and boil for another 2-3 minutes. Cool the broth and strain.

How to drink this remedy? Its doses must be carefully observed.

For allergies, children under three years old are given 2-3 drops of heated decoction, children from 3 to 14 years old are given 15 drops, adults take 30 drops per day.

If allergic reaction appears on the skin, sore spots can be lubricated with the same infusion.

Bay leaf for hair

  • For dandruff

Brew in 1 liter boiled water 30 bay leaves, pour the prepared broth into a thermos and leave for 3 hours, then strain.

So you will get wonderful remedy for rinsing, after a month of use it will disappear, and the hair will become smooth, shiny and healthy.

  • For hair growth

Grind 20 bay leaves, soak them in a glass of vegetable oil and let it brew for a week in a cool, dark place.

Rub the resulting ointment into the scalp 2 hours before washing, wrap in cellophane and cover with a towel. The product stimulates blood flow to the scalp, which accelerates hair growth.

Bay leaf for immunity

During periods of epidemics or if the body is weakened after an illness, it is recommended to drink bay leaf to lift and improve overall well-being.

To do this, boil 1.5 cups of water, add 15 bay leaves to it and cook for 5 minutes. Pour the broth into a thermos, let it brew for 4 hours and strain. For one month, take the tincture one tablespoon 3 times a day.

What are the benefits of bay leaf - video

Contraindications to the use of bay leaves

Laurel has strong medicinal properties and has some contraindications for use.

Bay leaf products should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

There are contraindications for renal failure and exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases. Bay leaf can cause allergies if you are intolerant to it.

To avoid harm to your health, if you have the slightest doubt, consult a doctor for advice.
This is so amazing and universal remedy We have it on our kitchen shelf.

I hope you were just as interested in learning about amazing properties bay leaf, like me and you received useful information.

Alena Yasneva was with you, See you again!

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