Laser liposuction – what is it? Laser liposuction: indications, results, description of the procedure and reviews

All lasers operate on the principle of selective photothermolysis. Each type of laser device emits at a clearly defined frequency, so only the target tissue can be affected. And all other tissues and organs remain intact.

The lipolysis procedure uses lasers emitting in the infrared light range (at low frequencies), since their radiation penetrates deeply into the body tissues. The impact of low-frequency laser radiation has powerful stimulation metabolism in the skin, leads to the synthesis of new collagen and elastic fibers. The skin owes its elastic appearance to these structures. The pronounced lifting effect is especially relevant for mature patients, for whom it is more difficult to restore skin elasticity. This is why reviews of laser liposuction are mostly positive.

Procedure process


The lipolysis procedure requires a preliminary history taking and a series of tests. Since after liposuction the load on the liver increases, which has to remove the remains of the split fat, it would not be superfluous to improve the health of this organ with a preventive course of hepatoprotectors.

Laser liposuction procedure

The surgeon creates tiny, no more than 1.5 mm, punctures in the skin of the patient’s problem area. Then he inserts thin hollow tubes through them - cannulas. The diameter of the cannula does not exceed 1 mm. The cannula is made of optical fiber, it can glow under the skin - and the surgeon can easily control its progress.

Through the thin corridor of the cannula, laser pulses penetrate into the hypodermis (adipose tissue). The thermal energy of the laser affects only fat cells: adipocytes. But it does not destroy cells, but only violates the integrity of their membranes. The fat inside the cell melts and easily comes out. Some of it enters the bloodstream and lymph flow. After being filtered through the liver, it is excreted from the body naturally during the day.

Laser liposuction effective only for combating local fat deposits. It does not cope with the problem of general obesity. For the best therapeutic effect To consolidate the results obtained, you need to eat right.

Rehabilitation period

The laser liposuction procedure is minimally invasive and does not require any restorative measures. There is no need to wear compression garments like after regular liposuction. It is carried out in outpatient setting and mainly under local anesthesia.

The person returns home the same day. He can lead his usual lifestyle without any restrictions.

Indications and contraindications

Non-surgical laser liposuction is performed not for medical reasons, but solely for aesthetic reasons.


Absolute contraindications to lipolysis are pregnancy and lactation, as well as severe systemic diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diseases of the liver, kidneys, lungs;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • inflammatory processes in the body.


In the hands of a talented and experienced surgeon, a laser is a virtually non-traumatic instrument. And if traditional liposuction using thicker metal cannulas can injure tissue, cause hematomas, swelling and scars, then laser lipolysis helps to avoid this. Indeed, during the procedure, laser radiation coagulates (glues) nearby vessels, preventing bleeding. Stitches and bandages are also not required. The only possible addition to the procedure may be aspiration (vacuum suction) of melted fat, which is performed at the request of the patient.

Prices and clinics

Non-surgical laser liposuction is not ordinary salon procedure, A medical intervention in the tissue at a fairly deep level. Therefore, this procedure must be performed not in beauty salons, but only in specialized clinics and aesthetic medicine centers.

Laser liposuction in Moscow can be successfully performed in those medical institutions whose material and technical base includes modern equipment. All laser devices must be certified in the Russian Federation and have international standard quality and testing in the best clinics Europe and the world.

Only an experienced surgeon can perform the lipolysis procedure. The price of laser liposuction will depend on the level of qualifications of the specialist, as well as on the quality of the equipment of the clinic or medical center.

Liposuction (lipoaspiration) is a procedure aimed at correcting the contours of the body, as a result of which excess fat deposits are removed from certain areas of the body. Not everyone knows that the number of fat cells in a person is not constant. With an increase or decrease in body weight, the size of these cells changes, and with a pronounced increase in weight, the number of fat cells also increases. Therefore, the first type of obesity is called hypertrophic, when fat cells grow in size, and the second type is called hyperplastic, when the number of fat cells increases. Diet, fasting, and fitness can give good results, but often it is impossible to get rid of fat traps and excess fat cells on your own. Very often, patients complain that even with a strong weight loss, everything loses weight - the face, chest, arms, and in problem areas the fat just disappears. These are characteristics of the body that are genetically inherent in every person, and only surgery can get rid of this problem forever.

Types of liposuction

  • Classical liposuction is a complete surgical intervention which is performed under general anesthesia. Today, in Moscow clinics this method is used extremely rarely, although it is the most cheap way operations. There are two types of classic liposuction - dry and wet. Dry involves mechanical destruction of the fat layer, is carried out under general anesthesia, accompanied by large blood loss and traumatic. Wet liposuction is done in the same way as dry liposuction, only first a solution (some kind of vasoconstrictor and saline solution) is introduced, which helps destroy fat cells, and only then surgical instruments are introduced. Unlike dry liposuction, wet liposuction is characterized by less blood loss, but also requires a long recovery period.
  • Tumescent liposuction is very similar to wet liposuction, but compared to classic wet liposuction, an analgesic, usually lidocaine, was added to the solution injected into the human body. The resulting mixture of adrenaline, sodium chloride solution, lidocaine and sodium bicarbonate preparations made it possible to carry out the operation under local anesthesia and significantly reduce injuries. But it remains the same surgery, in which a doctor makes small incisions on a person’s body and inserts special medical instruments(cannulas) and with their help fatty tissue is removed.
  • Radio frequency(electronic) liposuction. Fat burning occurs using alternating current, which is transmitted to two electrodes that act on fat cells, turning them into a homogeneous mass: external (has several attachments for different parts of the body) and internal (introduced into adipose tissue and removes the “waste” mass from organism). The positive results of the procedure are: skin tightening, reduction of stretch marks and cellulite. But, unfortunately, this technique has little effectiveness.
  • Ultrasonic liposuction (cavitation). This type of liposuction is very similar to electronic liposuction, only ultrasonic waves are used instead of alternating current. Using this method, you can immediately get rid of a large amount of fat while simultaneously tightening the skin and getting rid of stretch marks and cellulite. For a long time, such liposuction was considered the best, until very serious “disadvantages” were “revealed”: tissue burns, the risk of developing fat embolism and, of course, a large number of gray In addition, circulatory and lymphatic systems a person has to independently remove destroyed fat mass from the body.
  • Laser liposuction is relatively new modern method, is performed through a small puncture with a diameter of 2-3 mm, into which a fiber-optic probe is inserted into the fatty tissue. The laser power and beam direction are controlled by a specialist. The liquefied excess fat is pumped out with a vacuum pump through thin cannula tubes. The effectiveness of the method is also very high: minimal risks complications; effective lift skin; local anesthesia (general anesthesia is often not required, which reduces the number of contraindications); affordable price(in one session you can remove 4-5 liters of fat emulsion or more, which helps correct 15 to 20 areas on the body); quick and simple rehabilitation (the patient can return to daily activities a few days after the operation, subject to the use of shapewear for 2-3 weeks).
  • Water jet liposuction, a technique in which fat is destroyed using a powerful jet aqueous solution, separating fat cells from connective tissue, then a cannula with two tubes is inserted, one at a time the solution is injected and breaks down the fat layer, and with the help of the other, the resulting water-fat emulsion is immediately removed from the human body. Nowadays, this method is gaining popularity due to its low invasiveness. But this type of liposuction does not have a skin lifting effect and does not improve its elasticity and contractility.
  • Separate view liposuction is syringe liposuction. This type is used to reduce fat deposits in small local areas of the body, for example, in the knees or face, and usually does not exceed 100-150 grams. This is a jewelry, but expensive method. Using a syringe and a thin cannula with a blunt tip, the doctor mechanically removes fat in very small portions, so the procedure is performed carefully and only by an experienced and qualified specialist. But there are practically no bruises left on the skin and rehabilitation is very fast, but, unfortunately, there is no lifting effect, which would not be superfluous, for example, when removing a “double” chin. There is another plus: the pumped out fat cells are not destroyed, so the fat extracted using this method can be used for further body modeling.

Comparison of types of liposuction poses a challenge to a person who decides to change the contours of his body difficult question: Which liposuction is better? Do not rush to make a decision on your own, consult a doctor and preferably more than one. This can be done in many clinics in Moscow, for example, you can sign up for free consultation to the Beauty Doctor plastic surgery center, here some of the best plastic surgeons in Moscow will help you make the best decision to achieve the desired result.

Indications and contraindications

The main indication for liposuction is a person’s desire, the desire to acquire perfect body contours, and at the same time get rid of psychological problems, which prevent you from living, changing not only the attitude of others towards you, but also, as a result, your inner world. In addition to psychological comfort, other reasons are often encountered:

  • excess fat deposits in certain areas of the body;
  • shortcomings after various types liposuction;
  • progressive cellulite;
  • subcutaneous lipomas;
  • pseudogynecomastia (lipomastia) increase mammary glands in men;
  • hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating).

Do not forget that any type of liposuction is surgery, which always has contraindications:

For any of the above contraindications, you should consult your doctor. The doctor will determine whether it is possible to remove it in order to subsequently perform an operation.

Preparing for surgery

Before surgery, it is recommended to refrain from smoking and alcohol, stop taking medications that affect blood clotting, introduce vitamins into the diet and limit salt intake. Preparation for surgery also requires reducing physical activity and suspension of gym classes.
These recommendations will allow you to painlessly recover from anesthesia and shorten the rehabilitation period.


The features of rehabilitation are determined by the type of liposuction you choose. But there are also recommendations that are common to all. The volumes of fat removed determine the flow postoperative period: the less fat is removed, the better the patient feels. Doctors also recommend wearing special compression underwear for a month after surgery (by the way, you will receive such underwear as a gift at the Beauty Doctor clinic). In addition, physiotherapy and massage are sometimes prescribed. Do not forget that an operation is a surgical intervention, therefore it is not necessary, but possible at first postoperative days Some inconveniences may occur, such as: bruises and swelling (will disappear within 7-14 days); temperature increase; moderate pain.


Depending on the chosen technique, the results vary. Laser liposuction offers more benefits.
The contours of the body change, the skin is tightened to new contours, gaining firmness and elasticity. The main result of liposuction is getting rid of excess fat, and at the same time increasing the patient's self-confidence.


The cost of the procedure depends on the type, location and amount of fat removed.

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Reviews from our patients


“Three and a half weeks have passed since the operation. And I am very grateful to the doctor. Because I sing, and as a singer, my diaphragm expands. Sucking in your stomach and standing to sing is impossible. You are in control of yourself all the time. Now I have complete freedom, I don’t think about it. I am free! I just fly when I sing. So thank you very much, doctor!”


“For me, laser liposuction has become the final stage my rather long and thorough weight loss process. Initially, I didn’t even think about going to a plastic surgeon. I adhered to a special healthy diet, worked out at the gym and visited a weight loss specialist (psychotherapist). When I achieved a certain result - I lost twenty kg, I discovered that there was an area in the abdomen and sides that could not be reduced by any other method - a fat trap. In general, the whole body was amenable to weight loss, except for this area. I also decided to slightly correct my hips with liposuction.

I am very grateful for the results that were obtained after laser liposuction. To the doctors - true professionals in their field, thank you very much! I will continue to eat healthy - it’s already a habit, but now I know that fat never returns to the places where laser liposuction was done. The fat trap will no longer appear. So it won't be difficult for me to stay in shape!


“I was very lucky. Because I chose the Beauty Doctor Clinic, and at the first meeting with the doctor, trusting communication was established. After listening to me, he dissuaded me from one of the plastic procedures. We have outlined a plan to correct problem areas. And he did everything so well that after rehabilitation I arranged a photo shoot for myself, which I posted on social networks. I really wanted to brag to my friends about how young I looked.

I would like to note that absolutely all the staff at the clinic are people of incredible charm and tact. I haven’t seen such care and sincere, honest attitude towards myself for a long time! I want to express my deep gratitude for your professionalism, humanity and kindness!”


"More-less big belly bothered me for quite some time. This “stubborn” place was not removed by anything: neither Pilates, nor callanetics, nor fitness, nor diets, nothing. Everything else is losing weight, but here - “ Lifebuoy" This is such a constitution, structure. And after giving birth everything got worse.

Everything went great, not scary at all. Everything was very comfortable, the pain was comparable to a large bruise.

After the operation, I gained a level of self-confidence that I had not had for a long time. I can't say that it never existed. Was! But a long time ago. In general, harmony appeared. The disproportion was eliminated, and some kind of harmony appeared. I can already afford something: in clothes, in behavior. I felt better. Of course, I changed my wardrobe. And my husband likes it. Very!

What is laser liposuction? How does this procedure happen? Does it really get rid of fat traps? Is there non-surgical liposuction? These and many other questions are answered by a practicing plastic surgeon, chief physician plastic surgery clinic "".

Plastic surgeons at the Beauty Doctor clinic were among the first in Russia to master the laser liposuction method. More than 350 operations that have relieved patients of excess adipose tissue have already been performed by Beauty Doctor surgeons. Therefore, everyone here knows about laser liposuction - and they willingly share their knowledge with readers.

- Alexander Pavlovich, tell me, what is laser liposuction?

Alexander Pavlovich Dudnik:

Laser liposuction is surgical method removing fat from the body. Today this is the most effective method of local removal of adipose tissue. Using other methods - even sports and diets - it is impossible to force the body to lose weight in a specific place.

Laser liposuction is also the only figure correction method that not only makes it possible to remove fat, but also shows a stable result of skin tightening.

Laser liposuction is also one of the methods complex therapy overweight.

- Who is suitable for laser liposuction?

Laser liposuction is indicated for two groups of patients:

  • people who have normal weight, but have “prominent” places that they don’t like in their contours and that they can’t get rid of;
  • people with overweight bodies - 1st and 2nd degrees of obesity.

I also note that approximately 70% of our patients have already undergone many other figure correction procedures, tried to cope with fat deposits on their own or with the help of cosmetologists, nutritionists, and psychotherapists, but were unable to do so.

- How does laser liposuction work?

Like any Plastic surgery, laser liposuction is performed in several stages.

The first stage is advisory.

Before the patient decides to undergo surgery, we study his health condition in detail. We collect a clear medical history and send for tests and an ECG. That is, we find out whether he has diseases for which surgical fat removal is not worth doing. We exclude endocrine pathologies(if diseases are detected endocrine system A consultation with an endocrinologist is required). If necessary, we refer you for consultation to specialists. And, only after making sure that there are no contraindications, we schedule the operation.

The second stage is the operating stage.

The procedure begins with a “photo session” - the patient is photographed before the body contouring surgery in order to be able to compare the results in the future.

Before the operation, the areas on the patient’s body that need to be affected are marked. Then premedication is administered and the patient is put into medical sleep.

At the next stage, Klein's solution is injected into the problem area. The surgeon waits for 30-40 minutes for the solution to take effect, and then it is time for laser liposuction itself.

It is carried out like this: first, under the influence of a laser in the area requiring correction, the fat is broken down and turned into a gel; At the same time, the laser also affects the skin. Then a small micro-incision or puncture is made, cannulas are inserted, and they are connected to a vacuum suction to remove fat.

The third stage is postoperative.

After the operation, the patient is put on compression garments, as well as special anti-thrombosis stockings, to avoid complications.

Then the patient is transferred to the ward, where he remains asleep for some time. Correctly calculated medicated sleep allows our patients to wake up within two hours after surgery - in a cheerful mood and with a good appetite.

If laser liposuction was performed in a small number of areas, then the patient can be discharged home in the evening. If indicated, leave it overnight, under the supervision of medical staff. The day after laser liposuction, the dressing is changed, and then the renewed and inspired person goes home.

- At the Beauty Doctor clinic, is laser liposuction performed under general anesthesia?

No, under local anesthesia or medicated sleep. When a small number of areas are being operated on, and the fat layer is small, and most importantly, when the patient himself is ready for this type of anesthesia, laser liposuction can be performed under local anesthesia. But under the supervision of an anesthesiologist.

In other cases, during surgical fat removal, patients are put into medicated sleep. For him narcotic analgesics not used, only sedatives. With a combination of local anesthesia and such drugs administered intravenously, laser liposuction is stable.

- How long does the body contouring procedure last?

The duration of laser liposuction cannot be less than 2-2.5 hours.

- How long does the recovery period last, how many days after laser liposuction can you go back to work?

After laser liposuction, you can go to work within 3-4 days. Everything, of course, depends on the number of operated areas and individual characteristics body, but many of our patients come for laser liposuction on Saturday so that they can go to work on Monday. Special underwear allows you to hide bruises from others - the main consequences of the fact of the operation.

- What restrictions and recommendations must be observed after laser liposuction?

After surgical removal of fat, physical activity is limited - you can’t play sports, lift weights, and so on for 2 weeks. Light exercise is then allowed. You will need to wear compression garments for a month after surgery. It is also advisable to come for inspection regularly. It is recommended to attend physiotherapeutic procedures prescribed and included in the price of laser liposuction in order to quickly get rid of hematomas and swelling.

The final result is assessed three months after body correction. Therefore, we recommend that laser liposuction be done no less than 3 months before the planned important event.

- Is it true that laser liposuction stimulates the body to further lose weight?

Laser liposuction really stimulates people to further self-improvement, and after the operation, many of our patients begin to be more respectful of their body. At least in order to preserve the attractive forms obtained with the help of surgeons.

- Today, the so-called non-surgical liposuction is popular. Tell me, is this a worthy alternative to surgery?

No, non-surgical liposuction does not exist at all! Non-surgical liposuction today they call various methods hardware cosmetology, which are logically combined into a group called “lipolysis”. These are figure correction procedures that affect adipose tissue using physical waves, ultrasound, RF, laser, and injectable drugs.

“Lipolysis” methods suggest that the destroyed adipose tissue must leave the body in the so-called “natural” way. Although in fact this is a completely unnatural path for the body - because such an amount of broken down fats cannot leave the body at once. Fat, broken down in some local area, enters the body, into the blood vessels, and harms it.

And the term “liposuction” itself implies surgical, operative, final removal of fat from the body. That is, all the above methods are not liposuction as such!

- Are hardware methods of fat breakdown safer than laser liposuction?

This is a big misconception!

After lipolysis and injectable lipolytics, the consequences for the body are much more severe. Because there is a very serious chemical effect on the body. With non-surgical types of lipolysis, patients experience the following symptoms:

  1. Serious intoxication - up to the provocation of diseases such as cholecystitis, pancreatitis.
  2. Fatty stool – broken down fat enters the intestines, irritates it, leading to frequent bowel movements and dehydration.

After lipolysis, patients often have pain all over their body, but after laser liposuction, pain occurs only at the site of the bruise, when pressed. And in a calm state there are no pain.

- Is it possible to get rid of fat traps using cosmetic methods?

No, only laser liposuction can remove fat traps and tighten the skin. Using cosmetic methods, you can saturate the skin with some substances beneficial to it, improve lymphatic drainage function, and create the impression of a reduction in volume. But getting rid of excess fat is not.

- Can laser liposuction be done in a beauty salon or spa center?

In no case! Surgical removal fat is a serious operation that should only be performed in medical center or a plastic surgery clinic that meets many criteria.

When deciding on liposuction, you need to be aware of how the operation might end, which you are offered to do in the treatment room, and they recommend recovering from it in the spa area.

- What criteria must a plastic surgery clinic meet to be eligible to perform laser liposuction?

There are several of these criteria.

To perform laser liposuction, you need a laser apparatus. Unfortunately, there are still clinics that mislead patients by telling them that they are doing laser liposuction without even having a special device.

The operation must be carried out in conditions operating room– in a perfectly clean room, in which the air is purified with special filters, where antiseptic treatment is carried out. The staff, as expected in an operating room, works in sterile clothing and with sterile instruments.

The clinic must have license on plastic surgery. In 2013, the legislation changed, and now in order to perform laser liposuction, the clinic must have a license for outpatient activities (in cases where the patient is released overnight after surgery) or for inpatient activities (if the patient stays in the facility around the clock ).

The clinic must have full-time anesthesiologist-resuscitator. An anesthesiologist-resuscitator must be present at every operation, and the clinic must have the equipment necessary to provide primary medical care.

Laser liposuction can only be performed board certified plastic surgeon. The surgeon is chosen by the patient himself – the one to whom he can entrust his aesthetic problems.

Another important point. The surgeon and the clinic should be open to the patient not only before the operation, but also after. There are situations when, after figure correction procedures, you need advice, help, moral support- only the doctor who operated can provide the best treatment. good doctor will always be able to devote enough time to each of his patients, listen to complaints - after all, difficulties often arise in the postoperative period, and give timely recommendations.

- Does the Beauty Doctor plastic surgery clinic meet all the above requirements?

Yes, it certainly does. The Beauty Doctor clinic has licenses for plastic surgery for outpatient and inpatient activities. Especially in order to be able inpatient treatment patients, the Beauty Doctor clinic acquired optional equipment, it has a separate intensive care unit...Modern devices for artificial ventilation lungs, for administering anesthesia. That is, the clinic is fully brought into compliance with very strict requirements for inpatient departments.

And most importantly, our clinic employs very experienced, responsible and highly qualified surgeons. Laser liposuction here is masterfully performed by surgeons Zaur Bytdaev, Sergei Kharitonov...

- And the chief doctor is Alexander Dudnik...

If we haven’t answered all your questions, make an appointment with a surgeon. We will help you decide whether laser liposuction is really necessary for you. And if you really need it, we will do everything to make your body perfect.

There is no doubt that in the Beauty Doctor clinic laser liposuction will be performed on the highest level, and patients will definitely return to their doctor to say sincere thanks to him!

Laser liposuction involves the destruction of fat cells using a laser. Thanks to the peculiarities of the technology, the procedure can be performed on various parts of the body. Accordingly, it will be possible to remove excess from the stomach, knees, hips, as well as the chin and cheeks.

Features of laser liposuction

This procedure involves using fiber optic probe. An incision is made in the desired area, through which the doctor inserts a thin tube with a probe inside. Thanks to this, it is possible to direct the laser action to specific cells. The fat then enters the bloodstream and travels to the liver, where enzymes ensure its neutralization. Important feature Laser exposure is considered to heat cells, which helps to activate collagen production.

Laser liposuction of the knees, abdomen and other parts of the body has many advantages. Thus, after other procedures aimed at destroying fat cells, sagging and sagging skin is often observed. This is especially true for older patients age group. To avoid such consequences, you should choose a laser type that has many advantages.

  • Liposuction is considered low-traumatic, due to which the likelihood of developing complications such as suppuration or inflammation is significantly reduced.
  • A special feature of the procedure is the creation of only one small incision on the skin. Accordingly, after healing there will be no scars or scars left.
  • An important advantage is the possibility of destroying certain fat cells, which will provide a symmetrical result.
  • Since collagen production is activated during laser liposuction, the skin will be tighter and firmer.

Other advantages include no long rehabilitation period, any pain or general anesthesia. The downside is the price, but it is quite justified.

Indications and contraindications

The main indication for laser liposuction is the accumulation of significant amount fat This especially applies to the area of ​​the neck, chin, thighs, abdomen and knees. It is important to remember that this non-invasive procedure helps adjust contours in the presence of minor deposits, and not to get rid of obesity. Using special equipment, you can eliminate unevenness and even smooth out cellulite.

Among the contraindications it is worth noting:

Laser and conventional liposuction

Many people do not see much difference between conventional and laser liposuction of the knee or other parts of the body. In fact the differences are quite significant. We are talking not only about the price, but also about the size and number of cuts. The classic procedure is a real surgical intervention. Accordingly, this can lead to the development of complications.

If you choose a laser type, the damaged vessels will be “sealed”, which means there is a possibility heavy bleeding, hematoma or suppuration is practically absent. Naturally, this directly affects the duration of the rehabilitation period. So, after the procedure is completed and a thorough examination, the patient can go home.

It is worth noting that after classical liposuction, unsightly irregularities often remain on the skin. If you sign up for laser procedure, then the specialist will be able to follow the movement of a special probe, which means silhouette correction it will turn out to be very accurate.

Although laser liposuction is generally considered a non-invasive procedure, it may have some side effects and complications.

It is worth noting that, subject to the same diet, the body will continue to accumulate fat. Accordingly, it is necessary to reconsider the diet, otherwise in a few years or even months the results of the procedure will become invisible.

In most cases, after laser liposuction of the patient's abdomen or other part of the body immediately sent home. However, sometimes a person remains in the clinic until the evening under the supervision of specialists. In any case, it should be understood that the duration of the recovery period is affected by the amount of fat removed.

To minimize the risk of complications, you should avoid alcoholic beverages, direct sun rays, saunas and swimming pools, as well as significant physical activity. It is also important to wear special compression garments for 1–2 weeks. After this, it is recommended to make changes to your diet and do not forget about sports.

What do you need to know about the procedure?

Almost every person is concerned about their appearance. Many people want to correct their facial contours and remove excess fat. To do this, you can resort to laser liposuction. To do right choice procedures worth knowing some important points.

Laser liposuction is a very popular method of getting rid of excess fat in the waist and abdomen area.

To date this method is the most common: special equipment has been developed that allows fat to be removed naturally without damage blood vessels and complications during the rehabilitation period.

The essence of the procedure

Laser abdominal lipolysis is performed under the influence of a low-intensity laser, which provokes selective destruction of fat cells.

A cannula whose diameter does not exceed one millimeter and a special fiber probe attached to it, the head of which emits laser pulses, is inserted under the patient’s skin.

Subsequently, the laser leads to lipolysis - the process of breaking down fat into acid components. Using the same cannula, fat can be pumped out (if there is enough of it) or left in the body to be eliminated naturally.

Thanks to local anesthesia, the patient does not feel any pain or discomfort. The operation itself lasts no longer than two hours, although on average it takes even less - only forty to forty-five minutes.

Video: Remove belly fat with laser


Laser liposuction of the abdomen has a number of advantages, including the following:

  1. There is no need to suction the removed fat (in case of a small amount). If the patient wants to remove no more than 500 ml. fat, then it is not necessary to pump it out through a cannula; it will be eliminated due to the work of the liver along with other decay products.
  2. No joint damage or large blood loss. Laser liposuction of the abdomen is a safe and non-traumatic procedure. Instead of the large incisions that are involved in some other types of liposuction, laser creates only microscopic punctures. Moreover, during the destruction of fat cells, the laser performs a kind of “sealing” of the vessel walls, which eliminates the risk of blood loss.
  3. Lack of a long rehabilitation period. If the procedure is successful and the surgeon confirms this, the patient can go home the same day.
  4. No pain, bruises, bruises, scars after the procedure.
  5. No need for anesthesia. Liposuction is performed under local anesthesia and does not cause great harm the patient's body.
  6. Stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, which guarantees the effect of lifting and rejuvenating the skin.


Laser liposuction of the abdomen is recommended only in cases where the patient has a small amount of subcutaneous fat. Only in this case can it be pumped out through a small cannula or removed using the liver.

If subcutaneous fat is present in large quantities, then other types of liposuction are recommended: tumescent, radiofrequency, vacuum or classical.


The following diseases are contraindications:

  1. Obesity.
  2. Diabetes.
  3. Malignant neoplasms.
  4. ARVI, viral diseases.
  5. Chronic diseases of internal organs or their exacerbation.
  6. Presence of pacemakers.
  7. Pregnancy and lactation period.
  8. Autoimmune diseases.
  9. Allergy to local anesthesia.
  10. Mental disorders.
  11. Blood clotting disorders.
  12. Lupus.
  13. HIV, hepatitis B, C.


One of the main points that a doctor must consider is the location of abdominal fat, which occurs at two different levels:

  • superficial;
  • deep.

Superficial fat is located under the human skin, slightly above the abdominal muscles, and deep fat in abdominal cavity on the intestines.

It can be easily removed using laser liposuction, but fat located in the intestinal area is not removed this way. Fortunately, most patients subcutaneous fat more so they can get good results.


To achieve the desired result, it most often takes from two to four weeks, but no less. It is during this period of time that the destroyed fat is absorbed into the bloodstream and neutralized through the liver.

However, many patients notice changes the very next day after the procedure. The maximum effect of the operation becomes noticeable after two months.

If the patient is not completely satisfied with the result obtained (after all, no more than 500 ml of fat can be pumped out in one procedure), the liposuction procedure can be repeated one or more times.

Read what liposuction is and why laser and liposuction are most often used.

Non-surgical ultrasonic liposuction for a long time was considered one of the most effective methods fight fat deposits. Body correction in just one hour! .

The rehabilitation period is quite short. The patient can go home the same day, and within twenty-four hours after the operation the patient has the opportunity to return to normal activities.

Plastic surgeons give the following recommendations:

  • wearing special compression garments for one month;
  • restriction in sports and physical exercise;
  • diet (it is recommended not to eat fatty, salty, fried foods, avoid excess salt and coffee);
  • quitting smoking and alcohol;
  • avoiding sun rays;
  • refusal to visit saunas, solariums, swimming pools;
  • refusal of massage in the operated area.

Physiotherapy sessions are desirable, which allow the body to recover faster and get the most pronounced results from lipolysis.

Side effects

After the procedure, almost all patients experience mild bruising, which disappears within one to three weeks. It is also possible to experience numbness or tingling in the operated area, but these sensations also disappear on their own within one to nine weeks.

Video: Non-surgical fat removal


The cost of laser liposuction in the abdominal area, on average, ranges from 30,000 to 200,000 rubles, depending on several factors:

  • the eminence of the clinic;
  • the amount of fat to be removed;
  • number of procedures.

Separately from the procedure itself, tests, consultations with other doctors (in addition to the plastic surgeon, his consultation is usually free), compression garments, etc. are paid. That is why it makes no sense to ask this question, because the final price depends on a whole set of factors.


How to understand what is the difference between classical and laser liposuction and which is better to choose?

The classic one involves the presence of sufficiently large incisions, the introduction of cannulas into the patient’s body, pumping out fat and damaging blood vessels. Accordingly, the entire procedure is accompanied by great trauma and blood loss. Laser allows you to avoid this, but it is only suitable for cases where no more than 500 ml can be removed at a time. If the patient requires the removal of several liters of subcutaneous fat, then a large one is suitable for the classic option.

How long do you need to stay in the clinic?

If the operation is successful, then after a few hours the patient can safely go home.

How does the rehabilitation period proceed?

In the first few days, slight swelling and pain during movements may appear, but all this quickly passes (1-2 days).

Is the result long lasting?

It directly depends on the lifestyle that the patient leads. Local deposits of fat in the so-called fat traps are difficult to respond to diet and exercise, so it is better to prevent their appearance altogether. To maintain the resulting shape, it is not at all necessary to exhaust yourself with hours of training in the gym; light exercises are enough. physical exercise. Also helps proper nutrition(not a diet). At balanced diet, the risk of excess fat “returning” is very small.

Is it possible to remove several liters of fat using this method?

No, this cannot be done, because most often destroyed fat cells are eliminated naturally, that is, thanks to the work of the liver. In extreme cases, it can be pumped out through a small cannula, but this is not enough for several liters of fat. If the patient needs to remove a large amount of fat, a step-by-step approach is possible, which involves performing several procedures with a break of ten to twenty days.

Photos before and after laser liposuction of the abdomen

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