Small dogs. Miniature dog breeds: description, photo

Miniature dogs in Lately attract great attention from beginning breeders. Charming, sweet, active and loyal. Ideal companions that are easy to take with you to work or on a trip abroad. Four-legged babies will bring positive emotions into every life, fill gray weekdays with happiness and joy, and brighten up loneliness.

But why are the smallest dog breeds in great demand all over the world today? Do people today have such low salaries that they cannot afford to own a large dog? Maybe the reason is the modest size of the living space by today's standards? Or the latest trends in world fashion? I don’t think so, but I don’t rule out such options.

7 important advantages of a small dog:

It is logical to assume that the reason for liking small breeds of dogs lies in the individual preferences of a person. You need to understand that in addition to the advantages, there are disadvantages:

    Capricious character and picky eating;

    Poor tolerance to mandatory vaccinations;

    Genetic and anatomical predisposition to a number of serious diseases;

    Fragile and weak bone and muscle system;

    A small child can cause serious injury;

    Loud barking at night, often for no apparent reason;

    They do not tolerate going to the toilet; you need to teach the puppy to go to the litter tray or diaper;

    Obedience, socialization and training leave much to be desired.

« But what kind of dog can be considered small?" - you ask. In the understanding of modern people, these are dogs not exceeding 30 cm in height at the withers, weighing no more than 7 kg. Breeds that meet these criteria are usually called dwarf, toy or decorative (according to FCI classification and RKF).

Remember that a dog is a big responsibility. She needs care, care and affection, attentive attitude to health on the part of the owner. Are you ready to spend your time and money on maintaining a miniature pet? Then I present to your attention the 10 smallest dog breeds in the world. Go.

Weight: 1.5-3 kg
Height: 12-21 cm
Lifespan: 12-16 years old
Puppy price: from 12,000 rubles

This cheeky little dog has an arrogant personality. The Chihuahua follows its desires and purposefully achieves its goals. Despite their minimal size, they are suitable as a home watchdog. It should be noted that Chihuahuas can be quite irritable if not taught to control their barking. This is especially noticeable at night.

The breed gained mass popularity after the release of a series of commercials from the network. fast food Taco Bell Corporation. Many Americans and Europeans saw for the first time a previously unknown breed of dog with an expressive face. A small representative named Gidget, who spoke in commercials just a few words, he charmed the hearts of the public and instantly gained his fans. Soon the Chihuahua became a fashion accessory for socialites and show business stars. Today, the Chihuahua is one of the top 10 most popular dog breeds in the world.

Chihuahuas are a wonderful companion for traveling and walking together. They are energetic, smart, do not like loneliness, prefer the company of their owner and brothers. They are reluctant to make contact with other animals and can behave in an aggressive manner, despite the impressive size of their opponent.

For married couples with small children, it is important to show special caution, the Chihuahua will not tolerate humiliation and bullying and will immediately respond with a bite. But if you instill a love for animals and people, then the Chihuahua will become a good pet. However, loyalty is often reserved for the only member of the family who has earned the status of leader in the eyes of a small dog. These are vulnerable and affectionate little creatures with a big heart, but a pronounced delusion of grandeur that cannot be curbed.

The breed amazes with its variety of coat colors. There are over 100 combinations and color combinations. Officially, there are 2 types of Chihuahuas:

  1. long-haired
  2. smooth-haired.

All! No “dir”, “cobby”, “mini” and “super-mini Chihuahua” - not recognized by authoritative canine federations!

Brussels Griffon

Weight: 3-6 kg
Height: 14-20 cm
Lifespan: 12-14 years old
Puppy price: from 10,000 rubles

A small dog with a bright appearance. He likes to consider himself the master of the house, but deep down he is a soft and good-natured animal that needs care and attention. He will not forgive a rude and mocking attitude towards himself.

The breed was developed in Brussels (Belgium) about 200 years ago, as the name suggests. The current appearance is the result of selection work on crossing with a pug, an English toy spaniel, German terrier. Griffons were originally bred as terriers that were kept in stables to control rodents. However, today griffons make attractive pets.

Dogs Brussels Griffon usually about 14-20 cm high, weigh 3-6 kg. There are two types of wool: hard and smooth. Small selection of colors. The coat needs to be brushed at least 2 times a week. Due to their dense coat, they have difficulty withstanding high temperatures.

By temperament they can be cocky, mischievous, active, reserved, shy. They love to play, dig up the ground and spend time with their owner. Lack of attention is shown by hooligan actions. Overturned trash can, torn toilet paper and linen scattered throughout the apartment will remind the owner of the little mischief maker.

Dogs are smart, but prone to stubbornness. Training will be a real test for the owner, but the “carrot” method works flawlessly. They will make worthy competition in sports and intellectual dog competitions. In relationships with other animals they prefer to occupy a dominant position.

Weight: 3-6 kg
Height: 14-24 cm
Lifespan: 10-12 years
Puppy price: from 5,000 rubles

A small but proud breed of dog with a commanding character. In the past, Pekingese belonged to the Chinese imperial family, hence the high self-esteem. “The world revolves around us!” - that's what they think. However, qualities such as vigilance and attentiveness make the Pekingese a good pet. watchdog. Let me remind you that the average weight of an adult is 5 kg, when the height does not exceed 24 cm at the withers.

Pekingese are affectionate with family members, but are independent dogs. They do not need constant attention, they can long time to be alone. These are dogs with a low level of activity who prefer to lie on the owner's sofa rather than run, jump and play. However, to avoid health problems, it is necessary to provide your dog with daily physical activity. They will help with this daily walks outside for 30-60 minutes.

The Pekingese will not tolerate rough treatment, so children should be given strict instructions on how to handle the animal to avoid injury. It is advisable to exclude physical contact between the dog and children under 3 years of age, or conduct it under personal supervision.

Attitude to strangers The Pekingese has two options: it can behave aggressively or benevolently. Behavior depends on training and socialization, which should be done with the puppy at a young age.

Weight: 1.5-3.2 kg
Height: 15-27 cm
Lifespan: 12-15 years
Puppy price: from 15,000 rubles

Representatives of this breed look like a toy teddy bear. These furry babies are smart, trainable, playful, loving, and popular in Russia. They prefer to be the center of attention, to be the subject of admiration. They will enjoy spending time with their family and in the company of their owner. Strangers are treated with distrust and vigilance.

The thick and silky coat requires regular grooming. Pomeranians tolerate cold weather well, but have difficulty high temperature. In the sunny summer heat, it is better to refrain from going outside with your pet, or to walk exclusively in the shade. They prefer to move independently, but their small dimensions allow them to be carried in their arms or in a woman’s purse.

Yorkshire Terrier

Weight: 1.8-3.2 kg
Height: 18-25 cm
Lifespan: 10-14 years
Puppy price: from 10,000 rubles

Another bright representative of the smallest dog breeds in the world with the personality of a real terrier and the appearance of a plush toy. Yorkies are smart and love active games, get along well with cats, strive to take a leadership position in the society of other dogs.

A distinctive feature of the breed is its very long coat, soft and silky to the touch. The eyes are beady, round, dark, with an expressive, intelligent look.

Yorkshire Terriers are more popular among wealthy elderly single ladies and glamorous fashionistas. Representative ladies happily take their charges to specialized dog grooming salons, where they get beautiful haircuts, manicures and pedicures all in one.

Yorkies are alert, trainable, extremely curious animals with an excellent sense of humor. Prefer active image life and long walks fresh air. Weight less than 3.2 kg and height not exceeding 25 cm, allows you to comfortably carry it on your hands or in a handbag. They love to be the center of attention. They will be worthy competition in dog sports events.

Not ideal for families with small children. A small and fragile creature, at first glance, can be irritable and aggressive. Yorkies will definitely not allow themselves to be offended; they will respond in a rude manner. Daring nature Yorkshire Terrier descended directly from its ancestors, which included the long-extinct Clydesdale and the Black and Tan Terrier.

Structured and consistent training of a puppy will help develop positive character traits and raise an obedient and friendly companion, ready to protect the owner if necessary.


Weight: 1.8-3.2 kg
Height: 20-25 cm
Lifespan: 12-16 years old
Puppy price: from 15,000 rubles

A small dog breed that is not very well known, but is gaining popularity in Russia. The Maltese is often compared to the Shih Tzu. The same silky and long hair, button-shaped eyes, an intelligent and mysterious look. These are very brave, but vulnerable and sensitive at heart, tiny creatures. Their weight, as a rule, does not exceed 3 kg, and their height at the withers is 25 cm.

Maltese dogs will never forgive bullying. A good attitude towards yourself will be rewarded with devotion and love. They will not leave you for a minute; they will follow you wherever you go. A good option for housewives who lack live communication. But it is important to understand that Maltese Needs regular grooming and professional haircuts.

Weight: 1.8-4 kg
Height: 20-25 cm
Lifespan: 12-14 years old
Puppy price: from 8,000 rubles

The Japanese Chin has certain likes and dislikes. Smart, determined, mischievous, playful, stubborn and affectionate. Characterize in one word impossible. The breed is distinguished by a sense of humor, relaxed temperament, observation and intelligence. Little dirty trick is his middle name.

Watching the Japanese Chin is really interesting. They are unpredictable in their behavior, often causing a smile or laughter with their actions. They enjoy watching a person’s reaction when they do something funny or forbidden. Japanese Chins will not let you get bored; they are truly a cheerful and happy breed, ready to warm everyone around with the rays of their warmth.

The only thing that can disappoint is the straight, silky coat. In reality, caring for the coat of the Japanese Chin is not difficult. The problem is that he sheds 2 times a year, so people with allergic reaction for wool, Japanese chin contraindicated. It also follows that chins prefer cool and dry climates. They do not like hot, too cold or rainy climates.

Surprisingly, such a small breed of dog as the Japanese Chin has incredible acrobatic abilities. They easily jump to heights that exceed their own height, climb furniture and trees like cats, and dig the ground like moles. Even when it seems impossible to reach the goal, Japanese Chins show ingenuity and achieve the goal they set for themselves.

By the way, the height of the Japanese Chin is from 20 to 25 cm, when the weight ranges from 1.8 to 4 kg. The compact size of the dog makes it easy to carry it in your arms over long distances. However, chins prefer to move independently.

Weight: 4-7 kg
Height: 20-28 cm
Lifespan: 10-16 years
Puppy price: from 20,000 rubles

Translated from Tibetan, "Shih Tzu" means "Little Lion". The breed received its name for its long and silky hair on its head, which looks like the mane of a lion. Fortunately, the Shih Tzu's temperament is not at all predatory. On the contrary, they are affectionate and friendly animals.

Surprisingly, the Shih Tzu is considered one of the most... oldest breeds in the world, with a long history dating back more than 9,000 years. There really is something primal in wise eyes.

Despite its Tibetan roots, the breed developed in China. Dogs were popular with the great Chinese emperors and lived in palaces. They are kind to small children and strangers, but remain loyal only to their owner.

Shih Tzus love to learn, so they will gladly take part in agility and obedience competitions and perform various tricks.

The breed is people oriented and too heat sensitive to live outdoors. A dog may not need an imperial palace, but it definitely needs a warm home.

Chinese Crested

Weight: 3-6 kg
Height: 20-30 cm
Lifespan: 10-14 years
Puppy price: from 5,000 rubles

Gracefulness, elegance, delightfulness and uniqueness. This small breed is hard to miss. She's like a fairytale model. Hairless body, with elements of thick, long, silky hair on the tail, paws and head. It feels like the breed was bred to show canine fashion. For fashionable girls, a dog will be a chic gift. The Chinese Crested does not need to attract outside attention; it is always at its epicenter.

Like all small dogs, the Chinese Crested loves affection and care, and spends time in the company of its owner. She will happily travel in her purse or in her arms. Their weight is only 3-6 kg, and their height is from 20 to 30 cm. However, due to practically complete absence wool, the Chinese Crested is sensitive to low temperatures and solar ultraviolet radiation. One of the few breeds that needs not only winter, but also summer clothing.

Chinese Cresteds are very capricious dogs. If they are allowed to take over, they will soon transform into a spoiled monster, showing aggression even towards their owner. Excessive severity is also inappropriate, otherwise you will build such undesirable qualities as shyness and timidity into the foundation of your character. It is necessary to look for a golden mean in education, which must be done in puppyhood.

Due to their modest size, Chinese Cresteds are not recommended for families with small children. You yourself must understand that a child without realizing it can injure an animal. And the dog’s natural instinct of self-defense will work. Look away large breeds.

Russian toy

Weight: 1.5-3 kg
Height: 17-35 cm
Lifespan: 10-15 years
Puppy price: from 10,000 rubles

A tiny breed of dog with a name that is warm to the core of Russian people. The Russian Toy is often mistaken for a Chihuahua. The appearance is really similar, they are also divided into 2 types according to the type of coat: smooth-haired and long-haired. Height from 17 to 35 cm, weight from 1.5 to 3 kg. Despite her modest size, she is truly a big personality, independent and self-confident.

The breed owes its current appearance and positive qualities to Russian breeders. Russian toy was derived from English dwarf terrier. The breed is very playful and energetic and can be used as a service dog and participate in sports. Prefers long walks outside and communication with relatives.

Could be a good choice for families with children over 6 years old who know how to handle their little brothers. Small children can injure an animal, so communication between a child and a dog should be carried out under the supervision of parents.

But relationships with other pets, including cats, should not worry you. Russian Toys are usually friendly and happy to make contact, but they prefer to take a dominant position in relationships. Mischievous, funny, cheerful, you won’t get bored with them. A universal option for all ages.

The smallest dog in the world

The official and documented title of the smallest dog in the world, with corresponding entries in the Guinness Book of Records, was awarded to two nominees. Both are representatives chihuahua breed. The title was awarded according to two values:

  1. height;
  2. length.

Thus, the smallest dog in the world in height- a girl Chihuahua named Millie. Full name according to pedigree: Miracle Millie. She lives with her owner Vanessa Semler in the city of Dorado (Puerto Rico). The record was recorded by the editorial staff of the Guinness Book of Records on February 21, 2013. Her height was only 9.65 cm. Until now, no one has managed to break the record. As members of the Semler family say, the greatest trouble comes from finding Millie in the local area, where she skillfully hides and spends a lot of time.

The title of the smallest dog in the world by lenght I got a chihuahua named Brandy. She was born on December 31, 2003. The measurements were recorded by the editorial staff of the Guinness Book of Records on January 31, 2005. Her length from nose to tip of tail was 15.2 cm. Brandy lives in a small town called Largo, Florida (USA), along with Paulette Keller, her owner.

Did you know that the Chihuahua is the smallest dog breed in the world? Please write about this in the comments. Share the article with your friends using social buttons.

Wanting a dog and getting one, taking on a 10-15 year burden of responsibility are, one might say, opposite concepts. Many fans of four-legged animals live for years without a dog or get a cat, only because they are not ready to train a pet. An important factor is living in an apartment, which means that there are problems associated with this - walking, washing paws, bathing, shedding and hair everywhere. Don't compromise your dreams if the only factor that scares you is where you live, then choose small dog breeds. They are ideal for an apartment.

So why do you need a dog? Love - many will answer. Just loving your ward is not enough, because he needs care and sometimes treatment. Many dog ​​breeds small size require special nutrition. Are you ready to invest time and effort or do you still need unpretentious breed? The question should be posed this way, because when looking at the miniature representatives of the canine world, many potential owners see exhibition photos and do not think about how many hours have been invested in grooming this tail.

Do you hate even the thought of fur in your home or on your clothes? Believe me, even smooth-haired breeds are not suitable for you, since they also shed, and most often intensely. To you the right dog to “educate” the younger generation? To occupy your child’s leisure time and teach him responsibility? In this case, it is fundamentally wrong to focus on size, but should be considered best breeds dogs for children. So, you need the best small dog breed for an apartment, and it comes down to your personal beliefs and preferences.

  • Dimensions- height and weight.
  • Walk– necessity, frequency, duration.
  • Activity– a melancholic dog or a little hurricane.
  • Owner oriented– a pet that loves only you or everyone around.
  • Learning ability– miniature dogs, just like medium or giant ones, need training. There are three types in this category: easy to learn for children and beginners, moderately difficult for people willing to put in the time, and challenging for experienced trainers.
  • Need for regular brushing– short-haired, smooth-haired and long-haired breeds.
  • Shedding– Some dog breeds do not shed, but require grooming.
  • Power type– whimsical and unpretentious.
  • Health– Many miniature dogs are prone to a number of genetic diseases.

mongrel dog

The optimal choice for those who do not have clear boundaries and preferences, but want to make a true friend. It is quite difficult to predict how big the “yard” will grow. If you have absolutely no knowledge of puppies, you should contact volunteers who rescue homeless animals. Naturally, no one can guarantee that an adult dog will be miniature or weigh no more than 6 kg. However, animal advocates have extensive experience in the adoption of outbred puppies and are well versed in their dimensions.

Toy Terrier and Chihuahua

Weight adult dog no more than 3 kg. Walking is desirable, but not required. The regularity and complexity of grooming depends on the type of coat. They are whimsical in their diet, especially if the dog does not have a full set of teeth. Moderately active, excellent trainees, focused exclusively on people. Provided there is high-quality breeding, they rarely get sick.

Miniature Pinscher (Miniature Pinscher)

The height of an adult dog is up to 30 cm, weight up to 6 kg. They need regular, active walking, exercise and games. Loyal to their owner, they can be jealous of other animals in the house. They learn basic commands without difficulty. Short-haired, have no undercoat, but shed. They need periodic coat cleaning and combing according to the season. Usually unpretentious in the type of food, but they need an increased diet during the growth period. With high-quality breeding, care and vaccination, they suffer only from age-related diseases.

Maltese, Pekingese, Japanese Chin, Shih Tzu

Miniature, long-haired breeds bred exclusively to be companions. The weight of an adult Maltese is up to 4 kg, Pekingese up to 5.5 kg, Japanese Chin up to 6.8 kg, Shih Tzu up to 8 kg. They need long but moderately active walking. Prone to overheating during the summer months. Playful and loving in puppyhood. The character of an adult pet directly depends on upbringing and socialization. If the dog is not accustomed to society, it may show aggression towards strangers and other animals. They adore their owner and, if trained in a timely manner, obey well. They need regular brushing and shed heavily. There are a number of nutritional requirements and a tendency to genetic diseases.

Continental Toy Spaniel – Papillon and Phalene

The weight of an adult dog is up to 5 kg. They differ in the type of ears: Papillon (butterfly) with erect ears, (moth) with drooping ears. They need active walking, but are accustomed to a diaper. Moderately active, more intellectual and dependent on people. They may be obstinate in learning, but when the right approach well amenable to training. They shed and require regular grooming. Usually, they are not picky about the type of food they eat. They have a tendency towards a series congenital diseases.

Pug, Petit Brabançon

Short-haired dogs with a reserved temperament. The weight of an adult Pug is up to 10 kg, Petit Brabançon is up to 5 kg. Walking is necessary, but it is worth considering the tendency to hypothermia and overheating. IN at a young age active and playful. They need an owner with a strong character and the ability to find an approach to training. Shedding seasonally, the rest of the time, coat care is not burdensome. They need a strict diet due to their tendency to gain excess weight. All typical diseases associated with genetics or poor quality care.

French Bulldog, Boston Terrier

Strong and active dogs. With proper care, they remain cheerful and energetic until old age. An adult French Bulldog weighs up to 15 kg, a Boston Terrier up to 11 kg. Both breeds are prone to overheating during the hot months of the year and require regular exercise and diet. Grooming is not burdensome, but dogs do shed. A French Bulldog may snore - something to consider if you have light sleep. They have a tendency to gain excess weight and a number of diseases associated with their physiological structure.

Cardigan Welsh Corgi and Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Very similar breeds, growing up to 17 kg. They are excellent for lovers of service breeds, because despite their size, they are full-fledged shepherd dogs. They need a long walk, are easy to train, active and playful, and find a common language with children. They require regular grooming and seasonal brushing. They are loyal to their family and owner, and display defensive qualities when necessary. They are not picky about the type of food they eat, but they are prone to gaining weight if they don’t exercise enough. They are prone to skin and ophthalmological diseases.

Miniature Poodle

A small, representative dog weighing up to 8 kg (mini up to 5 kg). Doesn't shed, but needs regular grooming. Poodles are very active and intelligent, strong and agile. They require active and long-term walking and intellectual stress. They are loyal to their owner and very easy to train. Not picky about food. Overall healthy and strong dogs.

In the photo: King Charles Spaniel, Chihuahua, Lapdog.

Miniature pets have been popular for several centuries. And only at first glance do they seem like toys. Each small dog has its own individual and unique character.

Such “babies” become true friends and life partners for millions of owners. In this material we will tell you about all the advantages of miniature pets. You will find out what the smallest dog in the world is.

The demand for pocket dogs is growing every year. Pets have a beneficial effect on the upbringing and development of children. Tiny creatures are devoted to those who care for them. Despite their size, they are lively and brave. We are always ready to defend ourselves if the owner is in danger.

Friendly, cheerful creatures lift your spirits. Looking at them, only positive emotions appear. Abroad they are considered four-legged doctors.

Positive creatures have an incredible healing effect on humans. Pets don't require a lot of space. They feel comfortable in a small living space, positive aspects a lot of.

The main advantages of mini dogs:

Compact size. Despite his small height and weight, the pet has a big heart. Such a tiny animal will give its owner his love and become a full-fledged member of the family. No fear of heights. Fearless animals bypass their larger counterparts: they are not afraid of heights, and, it seems, are even ready to make a parachute jump.

They eat little. The small pet, although picky about food, eats little. They go to diapers. When there is no time to walk with her, she easily learns to go to the tray or diaper. They love affection. Few people would think of coddling a Great Dane or a Rottweiler.

With small dogs you can afford such familiarity. They love to be in the arms of their owner and are always happy when they are petted. Minimum dirt. In the home from miniature dog little smell, little wool.

Portability. The world's tiniest dogs fit in a purse. You can take it with you on a visit or to the store, transport it in transport without unnecessary hassle. Long-lived. Such “babies” have a longer life expectancy than their larger relatives.

Rating of small breeds

We invite you to familiarize yourself with 20 of the cutest miniature creatures and find out which is the smallest dog breed:

20 – Pug

Cheerful animal the oldest breed. The pug loves to be the center of attention, is active, and will become a faithful companion. It is enough to look into his eyes and understand that he is not only smart, but can also adapt to his owner.

If you like to lie in bed in the morning and watch TV, a pug will not interfere with that. He will be happy to spend time with you or wait for you when you return from work. Weighs up to 10 kg. Height - up to 35 cm.

19 – Chinese Crested

An extremely active and loving pet that strives to accompany its owner everywhere. An ideal option for keeping in a small apartment. Easy to care for.

Chinese Crested dogs love active games and attention to themselves. They love to wear clothes. The average weight is from 4 to 6 kg. Height at withers is from 23 to 33 cm.

18 – Petit Brabançon

The smallest dog breeds, including Petit Brabançon, delight owners positive characteristics. The mini dog is kind, loves to play, and is affectionate. Brabançon is emotional, you can easily read her mood from her face.

Gets along with other pets. Submits to training and follows commands. Weight ranges from 4.5 to 6 kg. Height at withers up to 22 cm.

17 – Japanese dwarf spitz

Cheerful mini dog. Distrustful of strangers, sometimes aggressive. Attached to the owner, does not like loneliness. Excellent for training, can take part in speed competitions. The coat is easy to care for. Weighs from 4.9 to 10 kg. Height - up to 39 cm.

16 – King Charles Spaniel

The ancestors of the breed at the beginning of the 16th century went hunting with the lords. Cheerful, devoted English aristocrats are distinguished by their boundless love for their master. King Charles Spaniel with shiny coat and devoted eyes. Weight ranges from 3.5 to 6.5 kg. Height up to 27 cm.

15 – Bichon Frize

A small animal with a printed curly fur coat. Loves attention to a person. Can take part in the circus and various shows. The Bichon Frize is ideal for people who love an active lifestyle. Weight ranges from 2.5 to 5.5 kg. Height up to 29 cm.

14 – Rabbit dachshund

The dwarf variety of dachshund was originally bred for burrow hunting. The dachshund becomes attached to its owner and loves children. The dog will not miss a mouse or bird that is in its field of view.

Movable and energetic she demands special approach in education. A small animal with a loyal character. Weighs from 3.4 to 5 kg. Height up to 17 cm.

13 – Shih Tzu

A charming little dog, bred quite a long time ago in Tibet. Looking into the large eyes of a Shih Tzu, you fall in love with the breed forever. A friendly, cheerful baby is glad to all the guests who come to your home.

Domestic, does not like movement, prefers to stay at home rather than go on a hike. Shih Tzu weight ranges from 4.5 to 8 kg. Height at withers up to 27 cm.

12 – Pekingese

Originally from China. Self-confident and independent representatives of toy dog ​​breeds can create difficulties in training.

Difficulties arise with them in the process of education. Pekingese do not get underfoot, they are patient. They are wary of children. Weight – 3.2 to 6.5 kg, height up to 23 cm.

11 – Italian lap dog

Small dogs have a patient nature. They easily learn new things and are trainable. They get along with other pets. The Italian lapdog is discreet and intelligent. Can become a faithful companion for the owner.

Special, simple coat care is required. Height at the withers is up to 30 cm, and average weight– up to 4 kg.

10 – Biewer York

Sweet, calm and active miniature “baby”. Loves outdoor games, is balanced, so it’s easy to play with her hygiene procedures(haircut and manipulation of wool). The Biewer York, despite its cheerfulness, is unobtrusive. Height at the withers is up to 27 cm, standard weight is up to 3.5 kg.

9 – Japanese Chin

The friendly baby is able to get along with all family members. Favorable towards other pets. Energetic, but also considered a reliable companion.

Thanks to its face, thick padded coat and high-set tail, the Japanese Chin is attractive. The average height is approximately 25 cm, and weight is up to 4 kg.

8 – Papillon

Decorative miniature dog, got its name from French word papillon (translated from French as butterfly). Funny, artistic and active animals, few will leave anyone indifferent.

They love to run after the ball and scare away rodents. You won't be bored with these animals in your home. Height is up to 28 cm, and weight is up to 4.5 kg.

7 – Yorkshire Terrier

The miniature pet is distinguished by its positive behavior. The terrier is affectionate and loyal. It is ideal for keeping both in a city apartment and in a country house.

Smart, quickly follows commands, easy to train. Yorkie weight is up to 3.2 kg, and height is no more than 23 cm.

6 – Pomeranian Spitz

The loud, restless dog will not let its owner get bored. Vigorous pomeranian spitz with a funny face and a stuffed fur coat will become a pet.

The dog's fox ears and funny habits make it one of the most popular breeds among miniature dogs. Suitable for people who lead an active lifestyle and do not sit still. Height is up to 22 cm, and weight is up to 3.% kg.

5 – Russian Toy Terrier

Small dogs have been known since the 19th century, at that time they were in demand among fashionistas. Today many society ladies choose this breed for its pretty face and modest dimensions. This terrier does not have an explosive character; they are calm and loyal. Height at the withers is up to 25 cm, and weight is about 3 kg.

4 – Affenpinscher

A rare specimen among the smallest dogs, it captivates its owners with its cheerfulness and interesting appearance. The flattened face is similar to a griffin, but there is a difference. The Affenpinscher's eyes are deep-set.

Special care for the coat is required. The pet will become true friend, defender. Height is from 20 to 28 cm, and weight is 4.5 kg.

3 – Brussels Griffon

Mischievous little ones with bright personalities. Energetic and at the same time calm, balanced. Get along with other pets. They love walks in the fresh air. Loyal and kind.

Show patience with small children. The height at the withers of the Brussels Griffon is up to 28 cm, and its weight is 4.5 kg.

2 – Toy Fox Terrier

Positive and funny animals can lift your spirits. By nature, they are hunters who catch rodents. Restless and energetic people love constant attention. Unpretentious in care.

Smart, they participate in sports competitions. The fox terrier weighs 3.5 kg and grows up to 25 cm.

1 - Chihuahua

The smallest dog breed in the world originated in Mexico. Chihuahuas love to be carried. They are incredibly popular in all corners of the globe. Kind, not capricious and patient little ones, with the habits of a real watchdog.

The smallest dog does not like to be punished. Chihuahua is a reliable guard for a lady's handbag. A breed with long and short hair, different colors. Height varies from 15 to 23 cm, and weight ranges from 500 g to 5.5 kg.

What is the smallest dog breed in the world?

The world's smallest Chihuahua dog, whose results are included in the book of records. The little one named Millie is only 6.53 cm tall. The weight of the smallest dog in the world is 170 grams.

Caring for baby Millie is not easy, but the owners... married couple Puerto Ricans dote on her. The main difficulty for them is losing their baby in the garden or at home. Most of the chicks despite their tiny sizes aggressive towards strangers.

Not everyone can afford to have one big dog in the house, because she needs very large quantities time and high maintenance costs. Don't be sad, we have compiled for you the top 20 smallest dogs in the world! So what are the smallest dog breeds in the world?

  • Bichon Frize

  • Height at withers –23-30 cm

    Weight – 2.5-5.5 kg

    A small dog with curly silky hair. They really love it when people pay attention to them. They love to perform, take part in shows and circuses. Excellent companions if you have a family that loves an active lifestyle.

    1. Chinese Crested

    Height at withers –23-33 cm

    Weight – 2-5 kg

    This dog always attracts the attention of others. Differs from other dogs in that it has sweat glands, so she doesn't need to breathe as often to regulate her body temperature. famous for going to sea with Chinese traders and catching rats and other pests there. They are small and fragile dogs that are easy to recognize in any shape or color. Hair in dogs of this breed is found only on the paws, tail and head. There is a legend about this that once a Chinese crested cat found a baby in the forest and donated its fur to him and thereby saved his life.

    1. Shih Tzu

    Maximum height at withers –27 cm

    Weight – 4.5-8 kg

    They have fascinated everyone for a very long time, they were originally bred in Tibet as lap dogs. The eyes of this breed can melt any heart, you just need to look into them a little longer. They are always joyful and satisfied, they will welcome any guest who comes to your home. This breed loves to be at home, they don’t like to be taken anywhere, except perhaps to an exhibition, they feel good in their own company.

    1. toy poodle

    Height at withers –24-28 cm

    Weight – 2-3 kg

    If you want to adopt a dog that will look amazing, then take it. This dog will hear what you told him half an hour earlier. The breed has proven itself very well as truffle hunters. Toy poodles were bred exclusively as companion dogs and are nowadays carried in small purses.

      Small dogs live long. They are able to be with a person for 15-20 years. Animals of large breeds rarely live to this age. Their life expectancy is much more modest - from 6 to 10 (sometimes up to 12) years;

      You can take a small pet everywhere: on a car trip, in nature, on a visit, even to a cafe or restaurant. Of course, you can take a large dog, but it will be much more difficult to transport. Yes, and a large dog will not be allowed into a number of places (for example, into a catering establishment or a store);

      Dogs with modest parameters can be good watchdogs. They are capable of barking in earnest if they feel threatened. Of course, it is unlikely that attackers will be afraid of a dog that weighs less than a cat. But the forewarned owner will be on the alert when he hears the piercing bark of his pet;

      Little dogs are not animated figurines. And many of the small breeds can be more than just indoor companions. For example, dwarf dachshunds are natural hunting dogs. If desired, they can be trained on a small burrowing animal;

      Dogs whose weight does not exceed 3-5 kg ​​and height no more than 30 cm eat moderately. Their portion is no more than 200-250 g of food per day. What benefits the thrifty owner;

      Little pets do not require much space. A small corner where the bed will be located will be enough for them;

      Indoor dogs can safely place a litter box in the apartment. If an animal is accustomed to such a toilet from childhood, it will be possible not to go outside in bad weather. The owner will sometimes be able to skip morning exercise in order to get some sleep. Since the dog will be able to relieve itself in the tray;

      Miniature animals do not require special training. They, of course, need to be educated and trained. But it will be enough to teach the dog the basic commands (“Come to me!”, “Near!”, “Ugh!”, “Lie down!”, etc.). Moreover, you can train at home. But with a large dog (especially a fighting dog) it will be much more difficult. It is not without reason that it is not recommended for beginners and those who do not have an “iron” character to have “serious” dogs. Even an inexperienced owner can raise a Pekingese, for example;

      Small breed dogs are not as destructive to the owner's property. They can, of course, chew on shoes or a sofa leg. But they are not as ubiquitous as large pets. It's enough to stand on hind legs or jump a little - and objects may end up in their mouths household appliances, documents, clothes.

    Disadvantages of small breed dogs

      A small dog is not a bodyguard. In case of danger, the owner will have to rescue her. In terms of strength, dwarf dogs do not compete even with animals of average size;

      Small dogs can be injured if they fall from a height. If jumping even from a 2-meter height is safe for a large dog, then very modest heights are dangerous for a baby;

      Ultra-lightweight dogs (up to 1.5 kg) often have short lives due to multiple developmental pathologies. For each breed, its own standard has been developed, which necessarily indicates not only exterior features, but also weight and height. A pathologically small pet may end up with poor health;

      Very small dogs (if their weight at the age of 8 months is less than 1 kg) are not allowed for breeding. That is, they are sterilized or neutered;

      Often small dogs require obstetric care. That is, the owner of a baby girl will have to have contact with a qualified veterinarian, otherwise the dog may simply die;

      Small pets often have quite a scandalous character: they bark at passers-by, rush into battle with large dogs, are offended by the owner. This does not apply to those little ones who are trained correctly from an early age. But, unfortunately, often the same Papillons or Chihuahuas are not raised at all, believing that this is not at all necessary for animals of this size;

      A tiny dog ​​can be accidentally injured, for example, by not seeing it in the dark. Fragile bones are easily damaged during games and walks;

      The miniature pet will have to be provided with clothes and shoes during the autumn-winter period. And not only outdoors, but also indoors (if the room is cool).

    Small Dog Health

    Undoubtedly, a dog not purchased from a breeding kennel is a kind of an awl in the bag. But even a small animal with an excellent pedigree from an experienced breeder can have the following health problems:

      Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: frequent dislocations of joints (including congenital ones), displacement of the cervical vertebrae, dysplasia hip joints, osteochondropathy;

      Dental diseases: late change of baby teeth, problems with enamel, incomplete teeth, malocclusion;

      Problems with respiratory system: tracheitis, pneumonia, bronchitis;

      Cluster cerebrospinal fluid in the brain: hydrocephalus;

      Sudden jumps in blood sugar: hypoglycemia;

      Varied serious illnesses internal organs: pulmonary stenosis, renal and heart failure;

      Eye diseases: glaucoma, keratitis, conjunctivitis.

    Feeding small dogs

    Despite their small size, small breed dogs love to eat. The owner should not be led and not give the pet too large portions of food (usually no more than 35-50 g of dry food for every 1 kg of dog weight or 65-80 g of wet food). In addition, miniature pets can also be quite finicky. If for some reason they do not like the food in the bowl, dogs may simply ignore feeding. Therefore, it is important to accustom your puppy to a varied menu from childhood. By the way, it is undesirable to take away too much little puppy from mother (under 2 months). The best food for him is the milk of his mother dog.

    Small four-legged pets are fed both natural and commercial food (dry or canned food). Each type of food has its own pros and cons. Natural nutrition- the food that will be cooked caring owner especially for pets. These are by no means homemade cutlets and borscht. The basis of nutrition for small dogs is natural meat. High Quality(pulp, maybe with veins). Suitable meat is chicken and turkey (without skin, as it is very fatty), calves, rabbits, and lambs. Fatty lamb and pork are undesirable. Sometimes dogs are also pampered with offal - lungs, liver. Meat and offal can be given raw (before serving, the products will have to be frozen for several days to prevent infection with helminthiasis) or boiled. Before feeding the animal, it is imperative that the meat is ground into small pieces. There is no need to make meat puree for an adult dog - it must be able to chew well. Usually meat is given to dogs mixed with cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat) or vegetables (zucchini, cabbage, pumpkin). Once or twice a week, dogs are given cottage cheese, a little more often - fresh fermented milk products (low-fat natural yoghurts, kefir). By the way, sometimes dogs are given boiled fish, but always sea fish.

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