Basal temperature method. Normal basal temperature chart during pregnancy. What is basal body temperature

All women who have planned pregnancy at least once in their lives have heard it. This procedure is also familiar to those who like to protect themselves with calendar method(although it is not effective). How measure basal temperature and how to correctly decipher the schedule should be explained by an obstetrician-gynecologist. What's happened basal temperature and on what it depends, it becomes clear when considering questions about hormonal regulation menstrual cycle.

Basal temperature - what is it?

Basal temperature is temperature, which is determined by a woman in morning hours in a state of complete rest. The method allows you to identify hormonal abnormalities at home that affect ovulation and the ability to conceive. The effectiveness of the method is high with regular measurements over several cycles, following all the rules.

The method is based on the fact that during ovulation there is an increase in progesterone in the blood, which has a hyperthermic (increases body temperature) effect on the body. The hormone is produced in the corpus luteum, formed at the site of the burst follicle.
As a result basal temperature during ovulation increases, which makes it possible to indirectly judge the release of the egg.

The method has some errors. It has been proven that the absence of an increase in temperature does not always indicate the absence of ovulation (although most often this is the case). Conversely, the presence of a biphasic curve does not indicate ovulation and normal quantity progesterone in the blood. This situation occurs during luteinization of a non-ovulating follicle, that is corpus luteum is formed in a follicle that has not burst (there was no maturation and release of the egg).

Controversial situations may be due to hyperprolactinemia - a disease accompanied by an increase in the level of prolactin in the blood. This hormone helps maintain a high basal temperature throughout the entire cycle, which resembles basal temperature chart during pregnancy. Despite possible mistakes, this method allows many girls to plan pregnancy and even the gender of the child, so it is used very often.

How to measure basal temperature?

Several rules must be followed in order to basal temperature measurement was reliable. Many factors can affect the indicators, so it is important to do as the doctor recommended:

  • Measurements can be taken in the mouth, vagina and rectum. The last method is the most informative, especially if it is determined basal temperature during pregnancy. Throughout the cycle, measurements must be taken in the same place.
  • It is advisable to use the same thermometer. This will avoid instrumental error. Mercury is better, but electronic is also possible.
  • For accurate results, the measurement duration should be at least 5-7 minutes.
  • It is best to check your basal temperature in the early morning hours, at the same time. Sleep should be continuous for 6 hours. You cannot get out of bed before measurement.
  • Basal temperature during the day measured after sleeping for at least 6 hours, but this data cannot be called correct (used by women who work in night shift).
  • It is advisable to start determining your basal temperature from the first day of your cycle, but you can start from any day. The main thing is not to stop measuring during menstruation.
  • The results must be recorded in a notepad. The best way to use them is to create a graph.
  • Basal temperature during ovulation is considered informative if measurements were taken over a period of three months or more.

Basal temperature is considered indicative if:

  • Basal temperature was measured in different time and in different places(once vaginally, another time in the rectum).
  • The woman suffered from diseases that increase body temperature (ARVI, influenza, bronchitis, etc.).
  • Reception medicines may affect measurement results.
  • Was drunk the day before a large number of alcohol.
  • During menstrual cycle there were long trips and flights.
  • Against the background of the reception hormonal contraception basal temperature chart it makes no sense to build, since the body is controlled by synthetic hormones that block ovulation.

Basal temperature chart for a normal menstrual cycle

Menstrual cycle healthy woman consists of two phases: follicular (before ovulation) and luteal (after ovulation). If measurements were taken from the beginning of menstruation, then basal temperature in the first phase of the cycle determined to be approximately 36.4 - 36.7 degrees. Closer to the middle of the cycle, it gradually drops to 36.3, and then suddenly rises by 0.4-0.6 degrees. It's good if it gets above 37 degrees. This moment coincides with ovulation, or more precisely, with the formation of the corpus luteum at the site of the burst follicle.

Fine increased basal temperature Usually lasts 12-16 days. Before menstruation it drops to 36.4-36.5 and remains within these limits throughout all menstruation. This occurs because the corpus luteum in the ovary stops functioning and the amount of progesterone decreases. This cycle is typical for healthy women without hormonal problems.

Photo (normal basal temperature chart)

The graph shows a preovulatory and premenstrual decrease in basal temperature. A sharp increase in temperature in the middle of the cycle (ovulation) is also clearly visible. These are characteristics of a normal two-phase cycle.

Basal temperature chart for an anovulatory menstrual cycle

In such cases, the basal temperature chart is monophasic, that is basal temperature in the second phase of the cycle does not increase. Measurement data ranges from 36.4 -36.9 degrees. This means that pregnancy cannot occur in this cycle, since the egg has not matured. But you shouldn’t despair right away. It is necessary to continue measurements in next cycle. Then it will be clear whether the problem actually exists.

Photo (graph of basal temperature during an anovulatory cycle)

An anovulatory menstrual cycle can occur once or twice a year in a healthy woman.

Basal temperature chart for insufficiency of the second phase of the cycle (luteal phase)

Insufficiency of the second phase of the cycle is understood as a condition in which there is a decrease in the amount of progesterone. Ovulation occurs during such cycles, that is, basal temperature at the time of conception rises slightly, but rarely exceeds 37 degrees. This situation arises due to the fact that the corpus luteum does not function fully.

Photo (graph of basal temperature for corpus luteum insufficiency)

Such cycles are characterized by a gradual increase in temperature in the middle of the cycle (but it should be sharp). Its peak occurs shortly before menstruation, so there is no proper drop in temperature before menstruation. The graph also reveals a shortening of the duration of the second phase of the cycle.

Progesterone is needed to prepare the endometrium for embryo implantation. Often, with this diagnosis, a woman does not become pregnant at all, or experiences early miscarriages. To identify the cause of the disease, it is necessary to examine the pituitary gland, adrenal glands and ovaries. Basal temperature measurement helps identify deviations and take action necessary actions in terms of examination and treatment.

During pregnancy, the corpus luteum remains in the ovary a long period. It produces progesterone, without which normal course pregnancy is impossible. The hormone causes relaxation of the uterus, which is necessary to prevent miscarriage. Progesterone also promotes changes in the mammary glands and prevents the next ovulation in the ovaries. High basal temperature during pregnancy persists for all nine months. From the moment the placenta forms at week 16, progesterone begins to be synthesized in it, so the corpus luteum in the ovary is reduced.

Photo (graph of basal temperature during pregnancy)

If a woman measured her temperature during her cycle, she may suspect pregnancy if it does not decrease before menstruation. during pregnancy helps to see that it remains consistently above 37 degrees. 7 days after ovulation, there may be a slight decrease in temperature due to implantation of the egg into the endometrium. If it starts to fluctuate positive test If you are pregnant, you should immediately go to the doctor. This may be a sign of an incipient miscarriage. Fine basal temperature of a pregnant woman should not decrease by more than 0.2 degrees.

When should you visit a gynecologist after measuring your basal temperature?

When analyzing the graph, you should focus on the duration of the phases, their number, and temperature fluctuations throughout the cycle. You should contact a gynecologist with the results obtained if you identify the following signs:

  1. A schedule with a lower basal temperature throughout the entire menstrual cycle (anovulatory cycles).
  2. A schedule with elevated basal temperature throughout the entire menstrual cycle (hyperprolactinemia).
  3. A graph in which the temperature in the second phase increased by less than 0.4 degrees compared to the temperature data in the first phase (corpus luteum insufficiency).
  4. Basal temperature at conception should grow quickly. If the temperature rise in the middle of the cycle is slow, then this sure sign hormonal problems.
  5. Long first phase (more than 17 days).
  6. Short second phase (less than 12 days).
  7. Delayed menstruation without pregnancy.
  8. Menstrual cycles lasting more than 35 days and less than 21 days.

Drawing up a basal temperature chart is necessary in cases where a woman is planning a pregnancy. This increases the likelihood of conception several times. Charts also help in diagnosing diseases in cases where the doctor suspects a hormonal pathology, and it is not possible to take monthly hormone tests. The method is indispensable when examining and treating a married couple for infertility. Sometimes girls use graphs to find out the processes that occur in her body. Therefore, do not forget about this simple, but reliable way, especially when it comes to planning a pregnancy.

How does basal temperature change during the cycle? Why do BBT fluctuate throughout the day? In what cases does basal temperature increase? In this article you will find answers to these and other important questions.

Measuring basal temperature is the easiest way to calculate optimal days to conceive a child. Measurements throughout the cycle will help determine the level of hormone production and track the process of egg maturation. By using this method you can find out about pregnancy at early stages.

Basal temperature varies by day of the cycle, so it is necessary to take measurements every day at the same time and record the data on a chart. It is important to know what the basal temperature should be at the beginning and in the middle of the cycle and what readings are considered optimal in the last phase.

The BT norm is a relative value. Indicators vary depending on individual characteristics body.

Even if the norm was observed throughout the entire cycle, then it is worth considering that basal temperature plays an indirect role: it is not the indicators that are important, but the temperature difference between the two phases of the cycle. Normally, it should be at least 0.4°C.

How does basal temperature change throughout the day?

During the day, basal temperature changes, and the difference in values ​​can be significant. Basal temperature during the day is usually higher than in the morning. Daily measurements may reach a possible maximum. During the day, basic processes take place in the body; active phase, during which all organs are involved.

In the morning and evening, the body’s activity is low, so many believe that BT readings should be the same during these periods. Actually this is not true. Morning and evening readings differ within one degree. For the BT schedule, such a difference is significant. Why is the basal temperature in the evening, when the body is at rest, higher than in the morning? In evening time biological processes in the body begin to slow down, whereas in the morning they have not yet started. Because of this, a temperature difference appears, although it seems that the readings in the morning and evening at rest should be identical.

BT is the resting temperature, so you need to measure it for the chart in the morning, after six hours of continuous sleep. It is the morning readings that doctors focus on.

Basal temperature in the first phase of the cycle

In the first phase of the cycle, the average basal temperature is 36.6, the norm during this period fluctuates between 36.7 - 36.8. You can start measuring BT on any day of your cycle. However, to create an accurate schedule, it is necessary that the basal temperature be measured at the very beginning of the cycle, that is, on the first day of menstruation. In the first phase, jumps in basal temperature may be observed. There are three types of races:

  • Stepped. A sharp change in temperature towards an increase. High temperatures have been observed throughout three days, and then the jump occurs again.
  • Gradual. Every day the temperature increases by 0.1 degrees.
  • Ascent with return. First, there is an increase in temperature, the next day it drops below the dividing line, after which it rises again.

High basal temperature in the first phase of the cycle

In the first phase of the cycle, an increased basal temperature may be observed. If all measurements were carried out correctly, then this is a signal to consult a doctor. Inflammatory processes may occur in the body.

Why does a high basal temperature appear in the first phase if everything is normal with health? The reasons for high temperature during this period may be different. Most often, an increase is observed after stressful situations, drinking alcohol, sleepless night. Also, with morning measurements, you can observe a high temperature if there was sexual intercourse late at night. If your sleep lasted less than six hours, then most likely you will see an “unusual” temperature on the thermometer. To exclude readings obtained in non-standard situations, only correct temperature data must be connected with a dotted line in the graph. It's also important to note possible reason increase in BT.

Low basal temperature in the first phase of the cycle

In the first phase, low BT is the norm. Before the ovulation rise, a decrease in temperature by 0.1 - 0.2 degrees is often observed. If the cycle lasts 28 days, then in the first phase BT begins to gradually increase. On the 12th day you can observe sudden jump temperatures down. This - natural process, which is called preovular retraction. If a low basal temperature persists throughout the entire cycle, you should consult a doctor. In the second phase, it is extremely important that the BT rises.

Basal temperature in the second phase of the cycle

The second phase of the cycle is the period after the egg leaves the follicle. In the second phase, the basal temperature should be on average 37 degrees, but the norm may be higher, because the readings also depend on the method of measurement. What basal temperature is considered normal in the second half of the cycle? A BT of 37.2 to 37.3 is considered within normal limits, but in some cases there may be minor adjustments taking into account the individual characteristics of the body. If in the second phase the basal temperature does not rise in relation to the temperature of the first phase, then it is worth making an appointment with a gynecologist. This may indicate disturbances in the functioning of the genital organs.

If in the second phase there is a sharp jump in basal temperature, then this should alert you. When the basal temperature in the second phase fluctuates uncharacteristically, this may indicate a lack of estrogen or inflammation of the appendages. When racing, it will be difficult to determine the date of ovulation.

In the second phase of the cycle, basal temperature is an indicator of problems. If at the end of the cycle your basal temperature does not coincide with the norm, this may indicate pathologies of the reproductive system.

High basal temperature in the second phase of the cycle

If in the second phase there is an increased basal temperature, then this is a signal to go to the gynecologist. The second cycle BT identifies both health problems (cyst, inflammation) and pregnancy. Pregnancy is indicated by a high BT, which lasts more than two weeks. During pregnancy, high temperature is accompanied by a delay in menstruation. In any case, you should consult a doctor, as the measurements may be erroneous, especially if you are making a chart for the first time.

Low basal temperature in the second phase of the cycle

Why is there a low basal temperature in the second phase? If during this period the average temperature does not reach 36.8 degrees, then this indicates various problems. Low BT of the second phase is observed when:

  • insufficiency of the corpus luteum;
  • estrogen-progesterone deficiency.

If in the second phase of the cycle there is a drop in basal temperature, that is, its a sharp decline, this is a sign of pregnancy. Implantation retraction is observed only for one day: BT decreases to the level of the midline.

When basal temperature rises

Increased basal temperature: what does it mean? Why does basal temperature rise in different periods? Let's figure it out. An increase in BT is most often a sign of pregnancy. Determine what is emerging in your body new life possible if:

  • high BT lasts three days longer than the corpus luteum phase;
  • if the increase is observed for more than 18 days in a row;
  • if a third temperature jump occurs in a two-phase graph.
A normal pregnancy is accompanied by a high BT (37.1 - 37.3) in the period from conception to 20 weeks. After four months the temperature gradually decreases, the need for measurements disappears.

A high BT does not always indicate that conception has taken place. In what other cases does basal temperature usually increase? The reasons for the increase in basal temperature in a two-phase cycle may lie in physiological characteristics body. An uncharacteristic increase in temperature is observed in pathologies of the genital organs.

High basal temperature, but the test is negative

There are often situations when the basal temperature is elevated, but the test is negative. Only a doctor can tell whether pregnancy has occurred in this case. Sometimes tests fail and do not detect pregnancy in the early stages. However, the problem of discrepancy between BT and test results may not lie in the test: elevated temperature may signal illness. A timely visit to a doctor will help solve the health problem (if it really exists), which will speed up the long-awaited pregnancy.

Basal schedule allows you to monitor the normal course of processes in female body. Today we will look at the question of what is the basal temperature before menstruation and what values ​​are typical for the functioning of the reproductive system on different stages cycle, and especially before the start critical days.

Features of measurements

What can you find out using a basal temperature chart?

Any woman, upon reaching puberty, dreams of having an ideal cyclic process, knowing the time of ovulation, in order to become pregnant as planned or, conversely, to prevent unwanted conception. For this purpose, along with ovulation tests and other methods, rectal temperature measurement is widely used. That is why the question of what is the normal basal temperature before menstruation, what should it be during the release of the cell and the standards for both phases is very relevant in the lives of girls. Using a graph you can identify the following points:

  • whether the follicle is maturing;
  • day of ovulation;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • day of future menstruation;
  • onset of pregnancy.

What is the basal temperature before menstruation (normal)

Before determining what the basal temperature before menstruation is normal in your cycle, let us remind you that measurements should be taken for at least 3-4 months to ensure the reliability of the obtained values ​​and follow certain rules:

  • Measurement time 5-7 minutes mercury thermometer or 1 minute - electronic;
  • Use the same thermometer, shaking it off in the evening;
  • Do the procedure in the morning, immediately after 6 o’clock good sleep without getting out of bed and doing sudden movements, preferably in same time;
  • Enter the data into a chart, under which note the slightest deviations in your usual lifestyle (colds, stress, physical overexertion, alcohol consumption, etc.).

Temperature standards at different stages

The study must begin on the first day of menstruation. Values ​​during this period are elevated and therefore are not taken into account. The average temperature on the last day of menstruation will be about 36.3° and, fluctuating up to 36.5°, lasts throughout the first phase. This is the most favorable conditions for follicle growth under the influence of estrogen.

On the eve of the release of a mature egg from the ovary, it decreases by a few tenths of a degree, and then increases to 37° and higher, which confirms the fact of ovulation and the beginning of the second phase. Such values ​​are typical almost until the end of the cycle.

What basal temperature will be before menstruation depends on the behavior of the egg: fertilization will occur or not. After the follicle breaks through, a corpus luteum forms on the wall of the ovary at the site of the wound, producing the hormone progesterone. It is responsible for fertilization and preparing the uterus to receive the fertilized egg, and increases temperature readings to 37.0-37.5°. These values ​​are the most optimal for the development of pregnancy.

What is the basal temperature before menstruation per week?

A standard graph of temperature values ​​over this period will stably record these numbers. If conception has taken place, a similar picture continues before and after the delay, which is the first sign of pregnancy, which will be confirmed by other symptoms and positive result test.

Answering the question of what basal temperature will be recorded before menstruation a week before their onset, the answer is clear: 37° and above, but not more than 37.5°. Although, with a 28-day cycle, it is at this time that implantation retraction can be seen on the graph. It lasts for a day, and a decrease in thermometer readings is observed by several tenths of a degree. Sometimes it is accompanied by barely noticeable pain in the lower abdomen and minor bloody discharge from the vagina. They notify the expectant mother about the implantation of the embryo into the endometrial wall. However, then the indicators level out and become the same. Moreover, this phenomenon is not observed in all women.

If conception does not occur, progesterone levels gradually decrease, which leads to a decrease in temperature on the eve of menstruation.

What is the basal temperature before menstruation 3 days

What the basal temperature will be before menstruation (3 days in advance) depends on the individuality of each representative of the fair sex. Statistics indicate a decrease of 0.3-0.5°. Values ​​in the range of 36.8-37.1° at this moment are considered standard.

When asked what the basal temperature will be before menstruation (3 days in advance), gynecologists answer that the average temperature will be 36.8-37.1°.

Atypical temperatures

Exist possible deviations from the norm due to disease or hormone imbalance, which is expressed in other indicators on the graph. Most typical examples deviations:

Progesterone deficiency

  • Progesterone deficiency, causing a tendency towards the downward curve of the graph. It is characterized by a slow rise in temperature, which lasts no more than a week. Difference digital values between phases becomes less than 0.4°, the second period of the cycle is shortened to 10 days instead of 14, which causes menstruation to appear prematurely;


  • Endometritis, inflammation of the uterine mucosa, on the contrary, increases the temperature in the first menstrual days up to 37°. This is what the basal temperature is before menstruation and on the first day of bleeding business card of this disease. When, after a slight decrease before the start, instead of continuing to drop, an increase in indicators is observed, it is clear that you cannot do without consulting a doctor;

The basal temperature before menstruation and on the first day, if there is an inflammatory process such as endometritis, is kept at 37°.


  • When pregnancy is confirmed, when the temperature remains elevated - up to 37.5°, menstruation does not begin on time, and blood discharge from the vagina is noted, indicating a threat of miscarriage. At negative test And high temperature, possible development of ectopic pregnancy;

Lack of ovulation

  • Lack of ovulation, when the resulting graph is a set of chaotic points, sometimes high, sometimes low, without a clear boundary between the phases;

Inflammation of the appendages

  • Inflammation of the appendages increases the thermometer readings, both in the first period of the cyclic process and in the second. In the first half of the graph, an increase to 37° is recorded, followed by a decrease. In the second, what basal temperature before menstruation will be 2 days later, the same remains the same further, reaching a value of 38 °.

In the second cycle, with inflammation of the appendages, the basal temperature before menstruation will remain at 38 °.


You should know that when taking oral contraceptives You shouldn’t wonder what your basal temperature is before your period. Drink hormonal pills distorts the thermometer readings, and the resulting graph will be uninformative.

Basal temperature (BT) is the most low temperature human body, measured at rest. Determining the level of basal temperature allows you to predict the onset of ovulation and determine pregnancy at its earliest stages. The technique is also included in the scheme of natural regulation of conception and is used to identify various gynecological diseases.

Measurement Rules

When determining basal temperature, you must adhere to certain rules, otherwise the data obtained may be misinterpreted:

  1. BT is determined only in the rectum. Measuring temperature in the armpit or mouth does not give reliable results.
  2. Measurements are taken in the morning, without getting out of bed, before any physical activity. For convenience, keep a thermometer handy.
  3. Before starting the study, you must have at least 4 hours of restful, uninterrupted sleep.
  4. BT measurement is carried out with an electronic thermometer - the same one. Can be used mercury thermometer, but with great caution.
  5. The study should take place at approximately the same time of day. Deviations of 30-60 minutes in any direction are allowed.
  6. The research time is at least 5 minutes.
  7. There is no break during menstruation.

The obtained data is entered into a table daily. In the future, based on the identified results, it will be possible to draw certain conclusions. To evaluate the menstrual cycle and identify gynecological pathology It is recommended to measure your basal temperature for at least 3 months in a row. It is advisable to start the study on the first day of the menstrual cycle (i.e., the first day of menstruation).

Is it possible to measure basal temperature during the day? Yes, after 4 hours of sleep. Unfortunately, such results are often unreliable, so relying on them is not recommended. If a woman works a night shift, she can conduct research during the day, provided that this is her usual, practically unchanged work and rest schedule for many months.

Indications for measuring basal temperature

The study is carried out in the following situations:

  • Menstrual irregularities (if hormone imbalance is suspected).
  • Diagnosis of pregnancy in the early stages.
  • Determining the time of ovulation.
  • Within the framework of the MRP (method for recognizing fertility as natural way contraception).
  • Assessment of hormonal levels for some gynecological diseases(including in case of infertility).

In most cases, measuring basal temperature is prescribed when planning pregnancy and identifying the causes of infertility. This examination will also be useful when searching for factors leading to menstrual irregularities (delayed menstruation, lengthening or shortening of the cycle, etc.).

Basal temperature measurement is not carried out in the following situations:

  • If a woman does not have the opportunity to measure her temperature at approximately the same time (special work schedule, etc.).
  • In the presence of acute inflammatory processes or exacerbation chronic pathology leading to an increase in overall body temperature.

IN the latter case the research will be uninformative. It is recommended to wait for recovery and only then return to measuring basal temperature.

Important aspects

There are factors that influence the level of basal temperature:

  • bad dream ( frequent awakenings, need to get up in bed at night);
  • stress;
  • diseases digestive tract(including diarrhea);
  • ARVI (even without fever in the armpit);
  • drinking alcohol;
  • intimacy;
  • long flights;
  • change of time zones, climate;
  • taking medications (including hormonal, sedatives, sleeping pills).

All of these factors should be noted in the table and taken into account when interpreting the results.

Basal temperature and menstrual cycle

Determining basal temperature plays a big role in assessing a woman’s menstrual cycle. Let's consider the change in parameters using the example of a normal 28-day female cycle.

The first (follicular) phase of the menstrual cycle lasts from days 1 to 14 and is influenced by estrogen. At this time, the follicles mature and the dominant one is released among them. The BT level during this period remains between 36.1 and 36.7 °C.

Ovulation in a 28-day cycle occurs on days 13-14. The maturation and release of the egg coincides with the peak level of LH (luteinizing hormone). The day before ovulation, basal temperature drops by 0.5 °C. Immediately at the moment of ovulation, BT rises again, reaches 37.0 - 37.4 ° C and remains at this level throughout the second phase of the cycle.

The second (luteal) phase occurs under the influence of progesterone. The endometrium grows in preparation for possible implantation fertilized egg. If fertilization does not occur, a corpus luteum forms at the site of the burst follicle. From days 14 to 28 of the cycle, the basal temperature remains above 37.0 °C. A decrease in indicators occurs only before menstruation, 24-48 hours. During monthly bleeding, BT remains low (from 36.1 to 36.7 °C).

Basal temperature and pregnancy

If a child is conceived, the basal temperature remains high throughout the first trimester. It stays at 37.0 - 37.4 °C, and only after 14 weeks begins to gradually decrease. In the II and III trimesters, the basal temperature is fixed within 36.4-36.7 °C.

An increase in basal temperature during pregnancy indicates the following conditions:

  • inflammatory process in the appendages and uterus, pelvic organs, intestines;
  • general infectious process.

Low basal temperature occurs in the following situations:

  • threat of miscarriage;
  • incipient miscarriage;
  • regressing pregnancy.

In all these situations, there is a decrease in progesterone levels, which determines the change in basal temperature. Any deviations from the norm should be reported to your doctor.

Decoding the results

By correctly measuring basal temperature, a woman can find answers to the most important questions:

  • Is the menstrual cycle normal and are there any abnormalities?
  • Are follicles maturing and should ovulation be expected?
  • Was there ovulation in this cycle, and on what day did it occur?
  • Has the child been conceived or should the onset of menstruation be expected (you can determine its arrival 24-48 hours before the start of bleeding).

Deviations from the normal schedule suggest endocrine pathology, suggest the causes of infertility and timely identify some complications that arise in the early stages of pregnancy.

Normal indicators

To assess the menstrual cycle, it is necessary to chart your basal temperature for at least three consecutive months. The graph is lined up on a sheet of paper in a box. A coordinate axis is drawn, where the basal temperature indicators will be vertically, and the days of the cycle will be horizontally. Each day of the cycle will have its own mark on the chart - the level of basal temperature. Below, under each day of the menstrual cycle, factors that could affect the temperature (stress, sexual intercourse, illness, etc.) must be indicated.

Normal indicators of the menstrual cycle:

  • The total length of the cycle is 21-35 days (from the first day of one menstruation to the first day of the next).
  • The duration of the second phase of the cycle is always 12-14 days.
  • The duration of the first phase of the cycle may vary. Its minimum duration is 7 days.

Normal basal temperature values ​​are presented in the table:

Temperature curve options

There are several types of graphs when measuring BT:

Type I


  • There is a stable increase in BT in the second phase of the cycle by at least 0.4 °C.
  • There is a preovulatory and premenstrual decrease in BT.

This schedule corresponds to a normal two-phase menstrual cycle (it was discussed in detail above).

Type II


  • There is a slight increase in BT in the second phase of the cycle: no more than 0.2-0.3 °C.
  • The duration of the second phase is 12-14 days.
  • There is a slight preovulatory and premenstrual decrease in BT.

Such a schedule indicates estrogen-progesterone deficiency and requires mandatory examination by a doctor. It is necessary to evaluate the level of major hormones in each phase of the cycle and find out the reason for such changes. This condition often threatens infertility.

III type


  • There is an increase in BT in the second phase of the cycle shortly before the onset of menstruation by 0.4 °C.
  • The second phase lasts less than 10 days.
  • There is no premenstrual decrease in BT.

This graph indicates insufficiency of the second phase of the cycle (luteal insufficiency) and indicates low level progesterone (absolute or relative at high concentration estrogen).

Possible causes of second phase failure:

  • Ovarian pathology: resistant or exhausted ovarian syndrome, ovarian hyperinhibition syndrome, polycystic ovary syndrome, etc.
  • Thyroid diseases.
  • Pathology of the pituitary gland: hyperprolactinemia, pituitary hypogonadism.
  • Organic diseases of the genital organs: endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia, uterine fibroids, polyps, tumors.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages: endometritis, salpingoophoritis.
  • Pathology of other organs: hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, etc.
  • Condition after abortion, curettage of the uterine cavity for other reasons.
  • A sharp decrease in body weight (prolonged fasting, diets, diseases of the digestive tract).
  • Severe stress.
  • Abrupt changes in climate and time zones.
  • Excessive physical activity.
  • Taking narcotic drugs.

Insufficiency of the luteal phase threatens infertility or miscarriage. To correct this condition, it is necessary to find out the cause of the failure. Performed according to indications hormone therapy. During pregnancy, progesterone supplementation is necessary.

IV type

A monotonic curve is noted on the graph: BT remains within the range of 36.1 - 36.7 °C throughout the entire cycle. There is no ovulation. This cycle is considered anovulatory.

The anovulatory cycle is a variant of the norm. It is believed that every healthy woman can have 1-2 cycles a year without ovulation. With age, the number of anovulatory cycles increases. During puberty and the onset of menopause, most cycles pass without ovulation. Conceiving a child this month is impossible.

Frequent anovulatory cycles in women reproductive age– this is a pathology. The reason may be various endocrine diseases, ovarian pathology, etc. For an accurate diagnosis and development of a treatment regimen, it is necessary full examination from a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

V type

A chaotic temperature curve is observed. The range of indicators does not fit into any of the known options and does not lend itself to any logic. A similar schedule occurs with estrogen deficiency. The onset of pregnancy with estrogen deficiency is a big question.

A single chaotic schedule should not frighten a woman. Such a malfunction can occur under stress, climate change, or exacerbation of various extragenital diseases. If the schedule subsequently returns to normal, treatment is not required. A chaotic temperature curve for two or more months requires mandatory examination by a specialist.

Measuring basal temperature is easy and available method assessment of the state of the female reproductive sphere. Regular scheduling allows you to predict the onset of ovulation and menstruation, detect pregnancy in the early stages and identify menstrual irregularities. Determining the level of basal temperature is practiced in the diagnosis of endocrine infertility and other gynecological diseases.

Basal body temperature, abbreviated as BBT, is a very important indicator, by observing which a woman can find out about the onset of ovulation, pregnancy, and the presence of health problems. Some representatives of the fair sex determine BTT in order to calculate days of abstinence if they do not want to use contraceptives, while others - in order to find out favorable days to conceive a baby. Now we will talk in detail about how to correctly measure basal temperature.

How and with what help to correctly measure BTT

Basal temperature is determined in the morning immediately after waking up. There is no need to get out of bed. It is advisable to prepare a thermometer for measurement in the evening and place it next to your bed. The slightest movements, moving around the room can affect the indicator. Measurements should be taken daily at the same time for several months.

For those who do not know how to measure basal temperature at home, it is worth noting that it is very easy to do. It is enough to insert the thermometer into the rectum, vagina or mouth.

The first option is the most preferable. If you do not want to measure BTT in the rectum, then you can use other methods, but here you need to remember that they are less accurate. In addition, it is impossible to determine the indicator different ways V different days. BBT is not measured under the arm.

Another question is which thermometer to use to measure basal temperature. To determine the indicator, a regular mercury thermometer is used. You can also use an electronic one, but it shows the temperature with small errors. When measuring an indicator, accuracy is very important.

In order for the readings to be correct, it is recommended to stop taking alcoholic drinks, you should avoid stressful situations. Basal temperature may not be accurate due to various diseases, insomnia, frequent flights and moving, sexual intercourse that occurred a few hours before waking up.

When taking oral contraceptives, there is no point in thinking at all about where it is better to measure basal temperature. Its level is set by drugs. In women who use pills, hormonal background doesn't change much.

That is why the basal temperature is almost the same on any day. There may be slight ups and downs, but there are no peaks characteristic of ovulation.

Features of drawing up a BTT schedule

It is necessary to start measuring basal body temperature from the first day of the menstrual cycle. The results obtained should be recorded daily. You also need to indicate factors that could influence the numerical indicator (whether alcohol was consumed or not, whether you had to get into stressful situations, whether the high was transferred exercise stress and etc.).

It is recommended to note the nature of the discharge (viscous, bloody, yellowish, watery, etc.). Using the results obtained, you can create a graph from which you can clearly see whether the day of ovulation is approaching or not.

Drawing a graph is not difficult. To do this you need to follow simple steps:

  • prepare a piece of paper (preferably squared);
  • draw 2 perpendicular lines (horizontal and vertical axes);
  • indicate the days of the menstrual cycle on a horizontal beam;
  • on vertical axis mark the degrees.

You need to measure your basal temperature for no longer than 5 minutes. This time is enough to accurately determine the indicator and understand what processes are occurring in the body.

Every day a corresponding mark is placed on the chart - the result obtained is marked as a dot opposite the day of the cycle and degrees. Then all marks are connected by a line. To notice a pattern in temperature changes, it must be measured over 3 menstrual cycles.

BTT during and after menstruation

You need to measure your basal temperature every day, even during menstruation. What should it be like on critical days? This indicator is individual for each woman. However, there are average values ​​that are typical for all representatives of the fair sex.

The normal basal temperature during menstruation is 37 degrees. At the end of critical days it drops to 36.4 degrees. This drop is explained by the fact that hormonal levels change in a woman’s body - the level of progesterone decreases and the number of estrogens increases.

After menstruation, the basal temperature is 36.4-36.6 degrees. In the middle of the cycle, before ovulation, the value of the indicator decreases sharply. During the release of a mature egg from the ovary, the basal temperature increases by 0.5-0.6 degrees. It is the rise after the fall that indicates that ovulation has occurred.

In the second half of the menstrual cycle, BBT is usually slightly above 37 degrees. Before menstruation, the value of the indicator decreases (by 0.3 degrees). Recession is a sign of approaching critical days.

If you are measuring your basal temperature to determine pregnancy, you need to learn how to analyze the graph. This is done very simply. The indicator is measured every day, recorded and marked on the graph.

If there is no decrease in temperature before menstruation, then the woman may be pregnant. In some cases, representatives of the fair sex do not experience ups and downs at all. This may be a sign that ovulation is not occurring and the woman is infertile.

If there is a delay in menstruation, and the numerical indicator does not correspond to the norm and is too low, then there may be a danger of spontaneous miscarriage. If, during menstruation, the BTT continues to grow after a fall, then this is a sign of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity.

As you can see, every woman who cares about her health needs to know how to measure the basal temperature in the rectum. Measuring BBT and plotting a schedule is a simple procedure. It is recommended to be carried out in the following situations: attempts to conceive a child end in failure, there is a suspicion of health problems ( hormonal disorders, infertility), there is a desire to increase your chances of pregnancy. The main thing is to do this regularly, and you will have accurate data on the state of the reproductive system.

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