Methods of aesthetic restoration of anterior teeth. What is artistic restoration of crooked front teeth - photos before and after restoration of the coronal part

Dental restoration is the process of restoring the shape and function of damaged teeth. This can be done using composite filling materials or, for example, veneers. Very often, when it comes not only to restoring the shape of a tooth, but also to achieving high aesthetics of the tooth being restored, you can hear terms such as: aesthetic restoration of teeth, cosmetic restoration of teeth, artistic restoration of teeth (these are synonyms).

Dental restoration methods –

There are two methods of dental restoration:

  • Direct dental restoration
    it is also composite dental restoration or dental restoration with light-curing composite filling materials (photopolymers). This type of restoration is done by a dental therapist. It is this type of restoration that we will examine in detail in our article.
  • Indirect dental restorationusing veneers
    This type of restoration is done by orthopedic dentists (prosthetists). In this case, the tooth is first prepared and then an impression is taken of it. Based on this impression, a veneer is made from ceramic mass in a dental laboratory, after which it is “glued” to the tooth. Veneers (compared to restorations made from filling materials) have many advantages.

Stages of dental restoration –

In this chapter we will talk about how artistic restoration of the anterior teeth is carried out. specific example. This example would be restoration front tooth(fang), which has two unaesthetic fillings on the front surface. The patient presented with unsatisfactory aesthetics of her anterior teeth.

Restoration of anterior teeth: photo

The main stages of dental restoration:

  1. Preparation for restoration
    At this stage, it is necessary to hygienically clean the teeth from plaque and tartar, determine the color of the tooth being restored using a special scale and, in accordance with this, select the colors of the composite filling materials that will be used in the restoration process.
  2. (if it is needed)
  3. Drilling out caries-affected tissue th –
    If an old unsatisfactory-looking restoration is being replaced, then the old filling is drilled out.
  4. Isolation of tooth from saliva
    the use of cotton balls is almost universally a thing of history. Their use does not allow reliably isolating the tooth from saliva, as well as from the patient’s wet breath, which significantly worsens the quality and reliability of fillings and restorations made from light-curing filling materials.

    Now a rubber dam is used for this purpose. It is a latex scarf with holes for the teeth, which is pulled over the teeth. Composite dental restoration performed without reliable isolation from saliva and wet breath may not last long. Possible problems in this case:
    → violation of the marginal fit of the filling to the tooth tissue, which can lead to the appearance of a dark strip or caries at the filling/tooth border.
    → the restoration may simply fall out, because moisture impairs the adhesion of the filling material to the tooth tissue.

  5. Fixation of the pin in the canal
    This stage is carried out if the crown of the tooth is destroyed by more than 1/2 and the tooth is depulped. In this case, it is necessary to strengthen the filling by installing a pin, otherwise the restoration may fall out under load.
  6. Restoring tooth shape with filling material
    In order for the tooth to look natural, a layered restoration technique is used. In this case, layers of filling material of different shades and different transparency are applied to each other, which together then give the tooth a natural appearance.
  7. Finishing the tooth
    Finishing should be understood as the final modeling of the tooth shape using burs, as well as grinding and polishing of the filling.

Dental restoration: prices

1. Complete restoration of the tooth crown –

Dental restoration – the cost of a complete tooth restoration will consist of the following items...

  • anesthesia - about 350 rubles.
  • applying a rubber dam to isolate the tooth from saliva– about 600 rub.
  • sterile kit– 150 rub.
    this includes: a mask and gloves for the doctor, shoe covers and a bib for the patient, the cost of sterilizing the instrument.
  • restoration of a light composite crown– about 3500-5000 rub.
  • fixation in the channel of a fiberglass pin from WDW– 1500 rub.
    this is very important stage! The pin is necessary to prevent premature breakage of the restored tooth crown due to the fact that it will experience significant mechanical stress when chewing and biting off food. For the restoration of front teeth, it is very important that the pin is fiberglass and not metal - otherwise the metal will show through the filling material and the crown of the tooth will be bluish in color.

    Of course, you can install cheaper pins, for example:
    A) metal pin (cost 50 rubles), but in this case the tooth being restored will not have the same transparency and natural shade “like natural teeth.” Although for teeth that are not included in the smile line, this is not so scary.
    b) fiberglass pin Russian production(cost price 50 rubles), but such pins also do not have proper light conductivity, are poorly fixed in the root canal, and in addition, have insufficient adhesion (stickiness) to filling materials.
    Total: the cost of tooth restoration is from 5,000 to 7,000 rubles.

2. Restoration of half a tooth –

If a full crown restoration (using a fiberglass pin) costs 5-6 thousand rubles, then restoring half a tooth crown without a fiberglass pin, but taking into account all other costs, will cost approximately 1500-2000 rubles less.
Total: from 3500 to 4000 rub.

3. Restoring a chipped cutting edge of a front tooth –

Dental restoration: reviews

Very often, patients are dissatisfied with the way the tooth restoration was performed in terms of its shape and color. Those. Most often, patients complain about the insufficient aesthetics of the restored tooth. There are certain rules for tooth restoration, and, for example, if a tooth is restored without taking into account transparency, then it will look like a real plastic crown.

Examples of unsuccessful dental restorations: photos

Restoring aesthetics during restoration has 3 key points:

  • Tooth shape –
    in fact, the work of restoring the anatomical shape of a tooth is very similar to the work of a sculptor who sculpts his model, but not from clay, but from filling material. Try to mold a tooth from simple plasticine with all its surfaces, cusps and fissures. I think that you will immediately understand that this requires a certain talent and artistic flair.
  • Tooth color –
    It is necessary to achieve full matching of the shade of the restored tooth with the shades of neighboring teeth. Filling materials have numerous shades (colors). For example, one factory package of Filtek filling material may contain 20 syringes of the material, each of which will have its own shade. The possibility of layer-by-layer application of a material with one shade onto a material with another shade (i.e., their combination) allows you to ultimately obtain all kinds of color combinations.

    Unfortunately, most dentists simply do not know how to use all the possibilities of modern filling materials and “play” with colors. The problem is further aggravated by the fact that the color of the tooth in the direction from the cutting edge to the neck of the tooth is always different, it changes, and this also needs to be taken into account. Otherwise, the restored tooth will be completely different from the patient’s neighboring “native” teeth.

  • Tooth transparency
    In addition to the fact that the tooth changes its color in the direction from the cutting edge to the neck of the tooth, the transparency of the tooth also changes in exactly the same direction. Therefore, when restoring the cutting edge and cusps, those filling materials are used that, when illuminated and cured, will have a higher transparency.

Disadvantages of restorations –

  1. Restorations darken and lose shine over time
    Fillings and restorations made from light-polymer filling materials tend to gradually darken. In addition, they lose the shine characteristic of healthy tooth enamel. If the loss of aesthetics on chewing teeth is not so terrible, then on the front teeth it is very unpleasant. Such restorations will have to be replaced every few years.
  2. Risk of restoration failure
    if your tooth is destroyed by more than 1/2, and especially if it is also depulped (the nerve has been removed), and you want to eat not only cereals and bread, then there is a risk of damage to the restoration. Depulped teeth are much more fragile than living ones.

    Particularly often, restored teeth break when the tooth is restored completely from the root. If the chewing load suddenly exceeds the strength limit of the restored structure, the tooth breaks off. Sometimes this results in a fracture of the tooth root, followed by its removal. How best to restore a tooth if it is destroyed by more than 1/2 - read in the section below.

Alternatives to restorations –

  • Veneers
    if your front tooth is destroyed mainly only on the front side, and the lingual part of the tooth is not very much destroyed, then in this case the best alternative The restoration will include a ceramic veneer. Precisely from ceramics, because ceramics do not darken at all and do not lose their shine over time. The only drawback of this type of prosthetics is.
  • Crowns (metal-ceramics or ceramics)
    if your tooth is destroyed by more than 1/2 and especially if it is also depulped, we recommend abandoning restoration in favor of an artificial crown. By the way, restoring a tooth “from the root” costs the same as restoring a tooth.
  • Tabs
    If you need to restore a lateral chewing tooth, then an alternative to restoring a tooth from a light-composite filling material can be. In terms of reliability and service life, inlays are superior to restorations, and if the inlay is made not of metal, but of ceramics, then it will surpass restoration in aesthetics.

However, we will immediately warn you that many dental therapists advise restoring severely damaged teeth with restorations, although this is categorically wrong. Otherwise, they simply lose their earnings, giving it to prosthetists. As they say: “nothing personal – just business.” We hope that our article was useful to you!

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Today, almost everyone cares about their appearance, which depends on various factors. Or maybe the way a person looks depends on the attractiveness and health of his teeth? Beautiful and healthy smile gives us confidence, creating psychological comfort and excellent mood. How can this be achieved?

What is dental restoration

Recently, a procedure called dental restoration has become popular. Before and after surgery, teeth look completely different. Modern aesthetic dentistry makes it possible to restore tissue so that in the future a person can not be embarrassed about his smile and enjoy communicating with other people.

Of course, many people do not know what aesthetic dental restoration is. What is this procedure, and in what cases can it be used?

Restoration of anterior teeth is a restoration or change in tissue volume. In this case, the architectural construction of each tooth takes place in the required form. A similar procedure also has another name - artistic restoration, since it requires a creative approach.

This technique must first of all correspond to the wishes of the patient, who seeks to change the shape of the teeth in a certain way, making them smoother and snow-white. It is worth noting that artistic restoration of teeth allows you to eliminate all minor defects that could arise as a result of chips or other tissue damage. In addition, the color of the enamel also changes. It becomes whiter.

Veneers and Lumineers: what are they?

For the restoration of anterior teeth, recently only best materials, of high quality, capable of imitating natural fabrics and imparting the desired shine. Veneers are used to solve these problems. They can significantly improve enamel that has darkened over time, as well as create a radiant smile. If minor correction is needed, then partial veneers can be used in aesthetic dentistry. IN in this case Dental restoration, which has only positive reviews, proceeds a little differently. On visible side The dentist installs a porcelain plate that can improve its shape.

In some cases, full veneers are required. Products of this type are a cap that is placed on the tooth. Such veneers are intended not only for correcting shapes, but also play quite well important role in the preservation of tissues from destruction. It is worth noting that aesthetic restoration of the front teeth also includes enamel whitening. This procedure also occurs with the use of veneers. This is especially true if age-related pigmentation of the enamel has appeared, and numerous fillings have changed their color.

In addition to veneers, lumineers are used in aesthetic dentistry. These products are also intended for correction of enamel color. Lumineers are thin plates of ceramic that are bonded to the surface of the tooth.

Goals of the procedure

Aesthetic dentistry increasingly uses such a method as artistic restoration of teeth. This procedure allows you not only to make the enamel whiter, but also to change its shape without the use of various implants.

Aesthetic dental restoration is used in the following situations:

  1. Age or pathological abrasion enamels.
  2. Unnatural pigmentation.
  3. For eliminating gaps and correcting rows.
  4. In case of fracture or loss of a tooth, as well as in case of jaw injuries.

In these cases, it is better to seek help from an experienced specialist. Only he will be able to assess what type of aesthetic restoration is needed: indirect or direct.

Direct method

In this case, the following materials are used for dental restoration: photopolymers or glass ionomer cement, which allow you to work on shape and volume immediately in oral cavity client.

Among the advantages of this method, we should highlight the execution time, which is only one day. In this case, the maximum number of teeth to be restored is no more than six, of course, if the situation is standard. As for the timing, one day is a fairly short period of time during which you can get a snow-white smile. However, it is worth remembering that everything is relative. On average, the restoration of one tooth takes from 15 to 60 minutes. Therefore, the patient must rely on his endurance and strength. Especially if his plans include putting several teeth in order at once. As for the disadvantages of this method: after some time, the enamel may lose its color and shine. That is why, after the procedure, it is necessary to use only those personal hygiene products that can preserve the results for a long time. At the same time, it is worth remembering that artistic dental restoration cannot always restore the beauty of a smile. Before and after the procedure, you must consult a dentist. This will avoid some inconvenience.

Indirect method

It involves the use of veneers made in a laboratory. Such aesthetic restoration of anterior teeth is usually carried out in several stages:

  1. Preparation. The dentist must conduct a complete
  2. Making veneers according to impressions.
  3. Installation of the product.

This correction method is perfect for those whose teeth are not straight enough and whitening procedures do not help. As a result of the procedure, the patient receives a flawless smile and perfectly straight rows of teeth.

The main disadvantage of this method is the fragility of the structures. If a person leads an active lifestyle or is involved in a sport where injuries are possible, then he should refuse this type of restoration. In addition, experts do not recommend installing veneers for those who do not have chewing teeth or is there


Like any procedure, dental restoration has contraindications. Similar method correction is prohibited if:

What to consider when carrying out restoration

Before proceeding with dental restoration, it is necessary to take into account some factors on which the quality of the procedure depends.

First of all, the dentist must pay attention to the suitability of the tissue, and most importantly, the root, for restoration. In other words, check the vitality of the tooth. It is worth noting that modern adhesive systems make it possible to restore almost any roots. However, the canal must be well sealed.

The condition of periodontal tissues also plays an important role. In the presence of certain diseases, restoration is possible only after surgical or conservative treatment, which is often combined with splinting.

An important factor is the patient’s hygiene skills. If not done regularly, the corrected surfaces can lose their shine very quickly. With insufficient care, marginal pigmentation may appear.

Another factor that simply cannot be ignored is right choice materials that will provide sufficient adhesion to dental tissues, which can withstand any chewing loads, and also have excellent aesthetic characteristics.

When non-standard or conditional treatment is performed

In some cases, dental restoration is simply impossible. Before and after the procedure, the doctor must explain to the patient all the reasons. However, in practice there is such a thing as “conditional treatment”. In other words, the dentist can carry out restoration, but without a guarantee and only with the written permission of the patient. Similar therapy is carried out:

How much does art restoration cost?

Today, many people use dental services such as dental restoration. The photos of the result are truly impressive. After all, the smile becomes beautiful and snow-white. Of course, many are interested in how much artistic restoration costs.

The price of the procedure depends on several factors:


The most inexpensive artistic restoration is carried out using photopolymer materials. Of course, raw materials latest generation costs much more. The doctor can fully name the cost of the procedure only after a thorough examination of the client’s oral cavity. When choosing a method and materials, you should remember that high-quality raw materials today are not cheap. So to speak: full treatment One tooth in a complex case will cost the patient approximately 5,000 - 6,500 rubles.

Artistic correction helps restore the functionality and aesthetics of teeth. Through this dental procedure Almost everyone can improve their appearance, because a beautiful smile is one of the tools to attract new people into your circle of interests.

What is aesthetic dental restoration

IN modern dentistry An important place is given to preserving the beauty and functionality of the dentition. For example, aesthetic restoration is focused on low-traumatic restoration while preserving natural tissue. Specialists use reflective polymer filling materials that easily eliminate unwanted defects and form, albeit temporarily, beautiful smile.

Restoration of anterior teeth

Aesthetic restoration of the frontal area of ​​the oral cavity helps patients get rid of many complexes. Teeth are constantly “in sight”, so they must be healthy and beautiful so that a person does not experience any discomfort when communicating with others. The frontal area requires the use of specially selected light-conducting compounds. Cosmetic restoration is aimed at correcting:

  • anatomically irregular shape incisors;
  • chips, cracks, chips;
  • dark enamel color.

Direct dental restoration

During this method, the dentist-therapist uses a filling photopolymer material. Direct aesthetic restoration is used for minor damage. Before the procedure, the specialist carries out a long and thorough preparation of the oral cavity for future manipulations, which consist of next steps:

  1. cleaning incisors from stone and plaque;
  2. removal of old fillings;
  3. elimination of areas of enamel destroyed by caries;
  4. isolation of the treated area with a rubber dam;
  5. installation of a special pin in the absence of half of the incisor;
  6. the use of layer-by-layer techniques for applying filling material in different shades of white;
  7. modeling the shape using grinding and polishing.

Restoring a damaged tooth

Restoring a tooth that is almost completely affected by caries is a very complex procedure. For this area of ​​the mouth the best solution It is considered a ceramic non-removable design. However, such restoration of anterior teeth is possible only with single injuries. If the fangs are affected, it is better to use zirconium crowns. Other materials are subject to oxidative processes, under the influence of which the natural tooth wall is destroyed.

Extension on a pin

Restoration using this method is more reliable and durable. The creation of pin implants takes place on a special model. Such a non-removable structure is a one-piece prosthesis that is embedded in soft fabrics periodontal and completely replicates the natural features of the natural bone formations of the oral cavity. However a common complication Such aesthetic restoration of the anterior teeth is associated with the development of secondary caries. In this case, the pin will fall out.

Indirect artistic restoration

Such aesthetic restoration is used if there is serious damage that cannot be corrected by other means. Treatment of anterior teeth with the indirect method involves microprosthetics with veneers - unique plates made of special materials. They are fixed on outside crowns with special glue. Using this method, aesthetic restoration of the anterior teeth is carried out in several stages:

  1. cleaning incisors from plaque and stone;
  2. grinding down the enamel of the anterior area;
  3. taking impressions of future veneers;
  4. installation and turning of finished ceramic plates.

Materials for aesthetic restoration

For artistic restoration appearance A variety of filling agents are used for the front teeth. The best composition for aesthetic correction ceramics remains. However, modern composites are considered more accessible for different social strata population. Use of artificial filling compounds for the indirect method it allows to significantly speed up the process of final processing of cutters.

Ceramic restoration

Natural materials have always been considered the best among other filling agents, but their use is not available to all patients. Ceramics completely replicate the natural shade of the front teeth, are relatively durable and have a high degree of aesthetics. Dental clinics offer zirconium as a more durable base for filling materials. It is perfect for prosthetics and restoration of incisors. Zirconium crowns can even be installed on molars.


This type of restoration composition is not very popular among specialists. Compomers get their name from a combination of the words composite and glass ionomer. Qualitative characteristics of this inexpensive filling material leave much to be desired. Experts note that compomers do not have sufficient wear resistance, strength, or biological compatibility. For this reason, in artistic correction they are used to achieve a satisfactory degree of aesthetics.

Composite restoration

The use of polymer filling compounds to restore incisors is a good solution when, for economic or other reasons, it is impossible to use ceramic veneers. Indirect composite restoration is characterized by the ease of modeling a future crown or post implant. This method helps to achieve a good aesthetic result at moderate expense.

Dental restoration price

The cost of incisor restoration depends on many factors. In this case, the degree of their damage and the choice of filling material for aesthetic correction play a major role. It is better to trust highly qualified specialists who have developed treatment and restoration techniques over the years to carry out dental procedures. In general, the cost of such incisor restoration is as follows:

Video: Aesthetic dental restoration

Dental restoration - aesthetic restoration, artistic restoration, composite dental restoration according to best price in Moscow.

When the moment of need for dental treatment comes and there is nowhere to retreat, a number of other questions arise: what fillings to put, where to dental restoration and is it possible to restore your teeth? veneers.

Our dentists have extensive experience in the field of dental restoration, are well versed in the types of fillings and filling methods, and also provide individual approach to each patient, which greatly facilitates the entire treatment process.

We are ready to listen to your complaints and wishes regarding the restoration of teeth affected by caries, and recreate for you Hollywood smile at the optimal time.

Many people want to become the owner Hollywood smile They imagine this as a complete replacement of their teeth with crowns or implants. Thank God, but this is not so. We will help you restore the shape and appearance of your teeth in accordance with aesthetic standards and based on your individual characteristics thanks to the latest technologies on the use of light composites and restoration veneers, which make it possible to recreate high aesthetics in a number of clinical cases, veneers without grinding teeth.

I would like to note that appearance and color teeth should, of course, be beautiful and many of us want these indicators to be similar to those of our favorite actors and musicians, but we must not forget about the functional side of the issue. After all, we need to use our teeth not only for a smile, even a Hollywood one, we also need to chew food while eating. This is very important for the longevity of dental treatment results.

With such rational design, it is possible to optimally select the type of filling restoration material for each group of teeth and “build” an individual restoration sequence not only from tooth to tooth, but also along the layers of each tooth from the edge of the gum to the cutting edge of the teeth.

Our doctors take the time to carefully polish each area of ​​the restorative veneers with maximum attention to the chewing surface and the marginal seal of the composite filling in the cervical area.

Cost of tooth restoration from filling restoration material in DentaLand partner clinics - from 6,000 ₽.

Artistic restoration of teeth in Moscow

In addition to filling effective method restoration of the functionality and shape of teeth is restoration. Using this procedure, you can eliminate small chips and defects, improve the color of tooth enamel, remove interdental gaps, correct uneven teeth, increase the size of teeth and restore the aesthetic appeal of your smile.

In this case it is widely used composite restoration of teeth with filling restoration material and restoration using ceramic veneers.

Dental restoration before and after photos

  • Before Filling on the front tooth After
  • Before Complete dental restoration with veneers After
  • Before after
  • Before Composite restoration of anterior tooth After
  • Before Hollywood smile using ceramic veneers After
  • Before Light-hardening composite fillings After
  • Before Hollywood smile using veneers After
  • Before Artistic restoration of teeth using vinyl filling material directly in the dentist’s chair After
  • Before Light-hardening composite fillings After

Dental restoration: types

Aesthetic restoration of anterior teeth At the current time, the most popular area of ​​restoration of damaged teeth. Modern dental restoration is divided into methods such as direct dental restoration And indirect dental restoration.

Dental restoration The direct method means that tooth restoration will be carried out directly in the oral cavity in the dentist’s chair. In this case aesthetic dental restoration is carried out using restoration filling material with color selection and recreating the desired appearance of a specific tooth. It is important to understand that if carried out directly in the chair, it will be restoration of teeth with composite material. Composite dental restoration allows you to think creatively about the aesthetic component of the healing process. However, direct artistic restoration of teeth although it helps restore the crown part of the tooth, taking into account all wishes regarding color and shape, it is inferior in strength to veneer, which can be made using the indirect method.

In the case when it is necessary, namely artistic restoration of anterior teeth, the question arises what would be optimal: photopolymer restoration of teeth or to put it more in simple language, tooth restoration with composite or ceramic dental restoration with veneer.

If the patient requires restoration of a chipped front tooth, and this tooth is located in the front part of the jaw, then a dental restoration technology called: composite restoration of anterior teeth.

Thus, restoration of anterior teeth can be done in one way or another. The doctors of our clinics will offer you to restore the tooth, change its color and shape using both direct and indirect methods.

Direct dental restoration

In the process of direct dental restoration, i.e. For restorations directly in the dentist’s chair and without the use of a dental laboratory, the same composite fillings (photopolymers) are used as during filling. Thanks to the plasticity of this filling material, it is possible to give the teeth the desired shape and color.

As a rule, it is carried out by a dental therapist after replacing old fillings. Since the procedure for installing composite veneers is carried out directly in the oral cavity, one visit to a specialist is enough for the patient to obtain the desired effect.

Among the advantages of this type dental restoration relate:

  • High strength composite shell;
  • There is no need for complete grinding;
  • The resulting shade completely matches the color of the tooth enamel;
  • At proper care term of use composite veneers can reach 5 years.

However, it should be remembered that this material has a porous structure and is subject to destruction and color change. To avoid similar phenomena, it is necessary to regularly apply a protective varnish to the surface of the veneers and polish them. Information on comparison of functional and aesthetic properties of this type veneers we discussed above.

Indirect dental restoration using veneers

This is a more complex restoration method, which is carried out with the participation of orthopedic dentists. In this case, the tooth is initially prepared, and then an orthopedic product (veneer) is made from ceramic mass using a cast (impression) made from the resulting tooth surface. Received veneer cover the outer part of the tooth.

This technology allows you to change the color of the tooth, eliminate the effects of chips, correct the curvature of the teeth, straighten their shape and reduce the interdental distance. A special adhesive material is used to secure the veneer to the surface of the tooth.

Dental restoration using ceramic veneers has a number of advantages. These include:

  • Ceramic material is well accepted by the human body;
  • High resistance to mechanical damage: chips, scratches and exposure to abrasive toothpastes;

The minimum period of operation is 10 years;

Dental restoration- This is enough difficult process, consisting of several successive stages:

1. Preparatory stage . At this stage, the procedure of cleaning teeth from tartar and plaque is carried out. This determines the shade composite filling, which will be fixed layer by layer on the surface of the tooth in the future.

2. Carrying out local anesthesia (if necessary).

3. Cleansing tissues affected by caries. If necessary, the old filling material is removed.

4. Cleansing the cavity from saliva. Required condition Dental treatment and restoration involves isolating the surface of the teeth from saliva, which has a direct impact on the quality of the filling.

5. Using pins. In some cases, when there is more than 50% tooth decay, fillings with a pin are installed. This allows you to extend the life of the filling material and prevent its rapid loss. This procedure It is performed in the cavity of a pulpless tooth intracanal and in the case of an intact (living) tooth - parapulparly.

6. Installation of a light seal. As a rule, the composite material is applied in layers, each of which undergoes a hardening procedure under the influence of radiation from a special lamp. By using layers of different shades, the desired aesthetic shade of the entire filling is achieved.

7. Grinding and polishing the installed filling. This is the final stage dental restoration which allows you to get the ideal tooth shape and optimal ratio chewing surface of the filling with an antagonist tooth.

Dental restoration: prices

Restoration of anterior teeth, which has two types of manufacturing technology, each of which has its own price. Dental restoration, price which will be the least - this is direct restoration. Restoration of anterior teeth with a filling will almost always cost less than using a ceramic veneer for this purpose. Dental restoration with composite material, price which is higher than the average price for this type of dental restoration, in most cases it is made from a special restoration material with layer-by-layer layering of material to create the maximum aesthetic picture.

Artistic restoration of teeth, price which is striking in its low price, means that standard filling material was used without creative re-creation color range in the area of ​​the crown of the tooth.

In the same time, ceramic dental restoration, price for which can differ significantly from the cost of direct restoration, once again indicates that not only a doctor is involved in its implementation, but also a technician using expensive technology and materials. The advantage of this type of treatment will be not only the durability of the structure, but also maximum aesthetic performance.

Hence, artistic restoration of teeth and its price in Moscow may depend on the type of technology, the material used and, of course, on the level of specialization of a particular dentist working in the relevant clinic. Dental restoration in Moscow offered in almost all dental clinics. In the same time, tooth restoration and cost for the same recovery technology can be different.

Dental restoration and price in Moscow will delight you both in terms of quality and level of payment for treatment at DentaLand partner clinics. Our clinics employ individual dentists whose specialization is therapeutic dentistry, namely dental restoration. These specialists will offer you photo collections of their work for your consideration, and you will be able to make sure that they are truly masters of their craft. All these restorations will be performed using the direct method, i.e. from filling restoration material.

For each group of teeth, depending on their location in the dentition, you will be offered the appropriate restoration material, which is specially developed by the manufacturer for artistic restoration. This material will allow you to embody not only the desired tooth color, but will also give the restored form the necessary strength to implement a rational functional load for the corresponding group of teeth.

Another team of specialists from DentaLand Partnership clinics will be able to fulfill your hopes for dental restoration using the indirect method with the production of ceramic veneers with high quality and relatively inexpensively.

The question arises, how much does tooth restoration cost at DentaLand partner clinics?

Dental restoration costs from 6,000 to 8,000 rubles (direct method). The price of restoration of teeth with ceramic veneers is from 15,000 to 17,000 rubles (indirect method).

It is very important that when dental restoration with veneers by layering restorative filling material onto the tooth surface, there is no need for standard preparation visible surface tooth under the tab. In other words, the tooth surface does not need to be drilled.

Thus, as a result of the application of technology dental restoration with veneers Using filling restoration material, it is possible to restore or change the shape and color of the crown of a tooth without significant tissue preparation. The tooth remains “alive”, but with a new shape and color. Material from which it is made veneer on tooth, is layered on the surface of the crown of the tooth.

It is necessary to understand that when placing a filling restores the damaged part of the tooth, and during restoration it is recreated new form and tooth color.

When choosing a filling material for dental restoration, the following points should be taken into account:

  • Strength. The installed restoration veneer must withstand mechanical loads: biting, crushing and chewing food;
  • Curing speed. Modern light-based filling composites are characterized by rapid hardening, which makes the restoration process as comfortable as possible for the patient;
  • Color fastness. The color of the dental filling must not only match the shade of the tooth enamel, but also withstand food coloring tests;
  • Safety and high environmental friendliness. Substances included in the restoration material must not be washed out and cause harm. internal organs and body systems;
  • Duration of operation. When choosing a material for dental restoration, check what period of use you can expect. The installed material should not lose its original properties for several years;
  • Manufacturer of materials. In most cases, only European manufacturers can guarantee the highest quality filling materials.

Doctors at our partner clinics are constantly trained and improve their skills, which allows them to provide high-quality restore teeth defects, actively use modern dental methods and provide an individual approach to each client.

We will strive to give you a Hollywood smile and provide comprehensive advice regarding composite restorations.

In modern dentistry, dental restoration is a fairly broad concept. It unites healing techniques, aimed at restoring anatomical integrity and chewing function, as well as aesthetic dental restoration techniques that take care of the beauty of your smile.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that caring for appearance has become the rule of modern life. Aesthetic dentistry is in demand and is on the rise. Scientists are continuously working to create innovative materials, technologies, and non-standard solutions.

Dental restoration is a special approach to oral problems with an emphasis on preserving, least traumatic treatment methods. At certain conditions it serves as a worthy alternative to prosthetics or the use of orthodontic structures.

For patients who require dental restoration, Moscow provides ample opportunities to solve the problem. DentaLux-M specialists are pleased to offer you highest quality dental services, comfortable conditions, reasonable prices.

Dental restoration: indications

In what cases is it necessary to restore and improve the functional and aesthetic parameters of the dentition?

  1. Caries.
  2. Depulpation carried out, prospect of destruction.
  3. Chips, worn enamel, cracks.
  4. General darkening, uneven color.
  5. Minor violations of the harmony of the dentition.
  6. Too wide interdental intervals.

Depending on the type of problem, as well as its complexity, dentists resort to various techniques dental restoration.


Globally, all methods of therapeutic and aesthetic dental restoration are divided into two groups.

  1. Direct.
  2. Indirect.

Direct methods include those when all actions by the dentist are carried out directly in the patient’s oral cavity. The result is usually achieved on the day of visiting the clinic.

Indirect methods involve performing individual tasks in the laboratory without the participation of the patient. For example, making crowns based on casts of the jaw. The process sometimes lasts several days, during which the patient wears temporary plastic crowns and does not feel any discomfort.

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Aesthetic restoration of teeth with veneers

Find perfect smile quickly, painlessly, without grinding and long-term wearing Today everyone can use orthodontic systems, completely preserving their own dental tissues. This opportunity is provided by a special type of veneers called “Hollywood” veneers.

Restoring front teeth with veneers has a number of important advantages.

  1. Thin plates (0.2 mm) are placed directly on the tooth enamel, surface of the crown or prosthesis.
  2. The cement contains fluoride, which strengthens your own enamel while wearing veneers.
  3. The material of the plates – especially durable porcelain – looks very natural, almost indistinguishable from living enamel.
  4. Veneers are ready to last up to 20 years, but if the patient wishes, they can be easily removed by the dentist without any harm.

Restoring the front teeth with veneers allows you to permanently solve the problem of rapid wear of the cutting surface, which, along with lightening the tone, noticeably rejuvenates the patient’s appearance.

Composite dental restoration

This restoration method is a direct one, essentially a version of filling with wider aesthetic possibilities.

Composite materials have the strength of polymers and resemble ceramics in appearance. The initial consistency is pasty, convenient for jewelry-precise application to give the desired shape. Hardening of the material occurs under the influence of a special light source.

The dentist sculpts the natural shape layer by layer, filling cracks, cavities, and chipped areas with composite. A composite coating of the right tone is no different from natural enamel. Work on one unit lasts no more than an hour.

Is it possible to restore teeth with significant damage?

Even in difficult cases, when the enamel and dentin are significantly damaged, DentaLux-M specialists do everything possible to perform a preservation procedure using crowns. Innovative materials and high-precision equipment make it possible to produce crowns that provide adequate performance of chewing and speech functions, are durable, and are indistinguishable from natural ones in external parameters.

Dental restoration: price

When carrying out dental restoration, the price of a set of measures depends on many factors: the scale of the task, methods, materials, related procedures. At your initial appointment with a DentaLux-M dentist, you will receive a complete treatment plan and cost estimate for services.

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