Milk and watermelon are compatible. Product compatibility: benefits and harms of separate nutrition

Everyone knows the dangers of self-medication without consulting a doctor. But rarely does anyone think about the dangers of switching to a special diet without consulting a nutritionist. There is an opinion that separate nutrition is beneficial for the body in any case. But in fact, in order to do this, you need to know the rules for combining products - without this, the entire system will not function correctly, and sometimes even on the contrary - it will cause harm, not benefit.

Combination of foods for separate meals

Separate nutrition is not a game; it has its dangers. And knowing the combination of products with this system will provide the main thing: it will protect you from the unexpected consequences of trying to improve your health and switch to the right regime.

  • Sweet fruits (banana, persimmon, figs, dates, dried fruits). Remains in the stomach longer than sour ones. They need to be eaten before eating; they are quickly digested and do not linger in the stomach. If you eat it afterwards, the fermentation process will begin simply in the stomach. Sweet fruits are combined with the same or half sour fruits, as well as cream, sour cream, milk and other fermented milk products.
  • Semi-acidic fruits (blueberries, mangoes, strawberries, apples, raspberries, pears, grapes, apricots, peach). Combine with sweet and sour fruits, fermented milk products and protein foods - cheese, nuts. Semi-acidic fruits are not compatible with eggs or fish. Mushrooms, legumes, and starchy foods in general also fall under the taboo.
  • Sour fruits(tangerine, orange, grapefruit, pineapple, pomegranate, lemon, etc.). Compatible with fermented milk, but in principle cannot be combined with animal proteins, legumes, and vegetables.
  • Vegetables. Cucumbers, cabbage (not cauliflower), Bell pepper, radishes, beans, garlic, carrots, salad go well with any cereal, but you cannot combine them with milk. Doesn't match well cauliflower, late zucchini, green pea, eggplants, squash. Good combinations with starchy foods, bread, fats. Not compatible with animal proteins, milk, fruits.
  • Starchy foods are combined with vegetables and fats. Do not combine with fruits, sugars, or jams.
  • Protein food. Meat, fish, cheese, kefir, beans, peas, nuts and other representatives of the protein category are combined with vegetables - the latter help to process protein.
  • It is better to consume milk warmed up and separately from everything else. Protein can be combined with fats, animal with animal, vegetable with vegetable. Do not combine with starches and fruits, exceptions are cottage cheese, cheese, nuts, and fermented milk. products
  • Greens are an all-rounder, compatible with almost all categories, the only exception being milk.
  • Fats. Combine with vegetables, herbs, starches. Slows down the secretion of gastric juice if consumed at the beginning of a meal. Not compatible with sugars.
  • Sugars (jam, fructose, honey, brown sugar). Consuming sweets in a separate meal, in combination with others causes fermentation and decomposition. The only exception is honey - it can be consumed with any food, it cannot be combined only with food of animal origin and cannot be heated.
  • Compatible products with separate power supply

    When eating separately, you need to know and understand how to combine foods.

    • Fish and meat are compatible with buckwheat, non-starchy foods, and vegetables;
    • Pulses - with sour cream, green and starchy vegetables, non-starchy foods, vegetable oil, butter, potatoes in any form and bread;
    • Cream and butter compatible, of course, with bread (from different types of flour), buckwheat, cereals, potatoes, green vegetables, sour fruits, tomatoes, non-starchy foods;
    • Sour cream is compatible with legumes, bread, cereals, as well as fermented milk products, potatoes, buckwheat, and sour fruits;
    • Vegetable oil – compatible with legumes, cereals, potatoes, bread, tomatoes, non-starchy and starchy vegetables, sweet fruits;
    • It is better to combine sugar with non-starchy and green vegetables;
    • Starchy foods compatible with butter and sour cream, vegetable oil, cheese and nuts, green and starchy vegetables;
    • Sour fruits can be safely consumed with sour cream, vegetable oil, cream, buckwheat, green vegetables, cheese and nuts;
    • Poultry, meat and fish, butter and vegetable oil, potatoes, cereals, sweet fruits, eggs are suitable for buckwheat;
    • Sweet fruits are compatible with buckwheat, green vegetables, cottage cheese and other fermented milk products;
    • Green vegetables are compatible with all food categories except milk - this is easy to remember;
    • Starchy vegetables are compatible with many things: butter, legumes, sour cream and cottage cheese, bread, vegetable oil, nuts;
    • Compatible with milk: butter, buckwheat, sweet fruits, dried fruits, starchy vegetables;
    • Fermented milk is combined with sweet fruits, sour cream, non-starchy and green vegetables, cheeses, nuts;
    • Cheeses - with tomatoes, sour fruits, green, non-starchy and starchy vegetables, fermented milk;
    • Eggs can be combined with buckwheat, non-starchy, green vegetables;
    • Nuts are combined with vegetable oil, fruits - with sour fruits and tomatoes, green vegetables, fermented milk products- with everything, including cottage cheese.
    • Compatibility with separate meals must be observed. You can write down all the compatibility points, and after a while you will know the list compatible products as a keepsake. In fact, it is not so difficult - habits take root in us within three weeks.

      Follow the regime and all the rules, then feeling great will become your usual state, and you will even forget about what poor health is.

Foods consumed have different effects on the absorption of each other when consumed simultaneously. Food compatibility is the basis for reasonable human food consumption. Fruits are no exception.

Many physiologists note that fruits consumed with other foods lead to disorders. The cause of indigestion in this case lies precisely in fruits. V.G. Porter, speaking about nutrition, argues that eating only fruit is a common dietary misconception. However, he does not deny that a separate meal consisting of fruits has no negative consequences for bowel function.

Fruits provide pleasure on a visual, tactile and olfactory level: they are beautiful, pleasant to the touch and on the tongue, and smell delicious. In addition, they are a treasure trove nutrients. Some of them, such as olives and avocados, are rich in protein. In them a large number of sugars The set of acids in fruits has a pleasant taste sensation. And each one is filled various vitamins and minerals.

Considering compatibility food products and by eating fruits with nuts, which are also botanically fruits, and green vegetables, you can get the ideal set of nutrients.

Rules for eating fruits in separate meals

In order for fruits to bring pleasure and not cause discomfort to digestion, they should be eaten separately from foods with which they are not combined. Namely with starches and proteins. This implies the incompatibility of food products with protein and starch content and fruits. Knowing this, it becomes clear why you should not eat fruit at the same time as meat or bread.

Fruits are products that are practically not digested in the mouth and stomach, so they quickly leave the latter and go to the intestines. Where, by the way, they are also practically not processed. As a result, if you eat fruits with food that requires time to be digested in the stomach and then in the intestines, they will rot in the digestive tract while everything else is digested.

There is a taboo on eating fruits as snacks. This means that the fruit will enter the stomach while it is still busy digesting the food that is still left in it. Therefore, the fruit will not be able to quickly enter the intestines, but will linger in the stomach and indigestion will occur again. It is correct to eat fruits separately, as an independent meal. Or they can be eaten 5-30 minutes before the main meal.

A misconception about proper nutrition also includes drinking various fruit juices throughout the day. This will also cause indigestion, since juices are not considered a drink.

The compatibility of food products for weight loss makes it ideal to eat green vegetables with nuts or sour fruits, also with protein nuts. This does not apply to starchy nuts such as coconut, chestnut or acorn. Sweet fruits, despite their appetizing taste, are an extremely undesirable combination with nuts.

It is also not wise to combine sweet and sour fruits. It is better to divide them into different meals. That is, do not eat dates and bananas along with orange and pineapple.

It is better to avoid combining sour fruits with various sweets, such as honey and sugar. Such dishes can cause relapses of existing diseases: arthrosis, arthritis or allergies.

Vegetarianism mistakes

An example is the life experience of Dr. Walter, who tried to restore his health. He chose the path of developing a bestial appetite in himself through irritation of the stomach. He felt thirsty, but did not like water, so he replaced it with fruit juices.

As a result of drinking juices, he developed a neurosis, which he mistook for a feeling of hunger. All attempts to extinguish neurosis by eating were unsuccessful. Because it is impossible to remove neurosis with food, as if you try to put out a fire with a flammable mixture.

The result of Dr. Walter's experiments was the abandonment of vegetarianism. But this happened not because vegetarianism is harmful in itself, but because I changed my diet and stopped drinking fruit juices during the day. It's not the diet or juices that are bad, but their improper use.

Compatibility of weight loss products will be correct when reasonable approach to the diet. And as advice when dealing with overweight: Try to endure the feeling of hunger for 30 minutes to 2 hours. So as not to confuse nerves with appetite. If the hunger has passed, it means you didn’t want to eat or the nervousness wasn’t serious enough. Because a truly strong experience extinguishes the feeling of hunger.

The right combination of fruits for breakfast

In order to compose correct menu for breakfast, you need to focus on this combination of fruits, without adding sugar to them:

  • Orange with grapefruit.
  • Orange and pineapple.
  • Grapefruit with apple.
  • Banana and persimmon with dates.
  • Mango with cherries and apricots.
  • The fruits of the melon tree with persimmon.
  • Apples with grapes and figs.
  • Mango and cherries with apricots.
  • Fresh figs, peaches and apricots.
  • Cherries with apricots and plums.
  • Banana and pear with grapes.
  • Cherries with sour cream.
  • Dates and apple with grapes, complemented with curdled milk.
  • Banana and pear with figs and curdled milk.

As an alternative you can prepare fruit salad with proteins. To do this, grapefruit with orange, apple and pineapple, lettuce and celery are mixed with a small amount of cottage cheese or nuts or a large avocado.

Many people have heard about the idea of ​​product compatibility, but few have put it into practice. It seems difficult, requiring willpower, which is sorely lacking. In fact, such a system does not require large moral costs, because it does not involve a hunger strike or any restrictions, but compliance with certain rules. Popular theory in the early 19th century separate power supply for the purpose of losing weight still finds its supporters. There are also many opponents who expose the idea itself and its founder.

Separate nutrition is based on the idea of ​​food compatibility, the same for all people. Shelton believed that enzymes produced by the stomach to digest food different types, differ. Thus, the enzymes needed to break down carbohydrates will not be able to process proteins and vice versa. If you eat one type of food at one time, this will greatly facilitate the process of digestion and assimilation.

If preference is given to traditional food, in which different ingredients are mixed, then the stomach begins to secrete several enzymes at once. As a result, some foods are broken down faster, others slower, which leads to their long stay in the stomach. This, in turn, entails processes of fermentation, rotting, causes intoxication of the body, and metabolic processes are disrupted. Consequently - overweight, slagging, poor health.

According to Shelton and his followers, individual food groups should not be combined with each other; they should be consumed only after the previous food has been digested and absorbed. Following the separate nutrition system, it is necessary to give up tea and coffee, store-bought juices, and products containing preservatives, since the ingredients have already been mixed here.

Groups of foods that require the production of different enzymes

Separate meals for weight loss have the main rule: never consume proteins and carbohydrates at the same time. In order for proteins to be absorbed, an acidic environment is required; to break down carbohydrates, an alkaline environment is required. If you eat proteins together with carbohydrates, alkaline and acidic enzymes will be simultaneously released for absorption, neutralizing each other. As a result, the digestion process will be noticeably slowed down; not all food will be processed in the stomach.

Products requiring an acidic environment ( protein food):

  • all types of meat;
  • eggs of any bird;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • milk and products made from it (including cheeses);
  • mushrooms and nuts.

Starch is considered one of the most common carbohydrates. Starchy vegetables include potatoes, green peas, pumpkin, zucchini, cabbage, carrots, and beets. Little starch is found in green vegetables: cucumbers, celery and others. Carbohydrates in the form of sugar are found in honey, sweet fruits and dried fruits. This group of products will require an alkaline environment. In addition, it is necessary for processing cereals and flour products, bananas, chocolate and candies, and other sweets. Beer is also a carbohydrate, so combining it with fish and meat is unacceptable.

Fats are vegetable oils, meat and fish fatty varieties, nuts and seeds. Semi-acid fruits - sweet apples, pears, apricots and peaches, plums, many berries.

Unacceptable combinations for separate meals

Based on data on the composition of foods that require different enzymes to digest, Shelton came up with combinations that should not be used together:

  1. Protein + protein (especially saturated protein). You cannot combine, for example, meat and fish, or add eggs or nuts to them. All of these contain proteins that are qualitatively different from each other. To digest such dishes, a considerable amount of gastric juice is necessary, which is processed and passed through digestive tract they will be there for a very long time. This causes discomfort: gas formation, bloating, intestinal disturbances.
  2. Proteins + fats (including vegetable ones). Fat envelops the stomach, preventing gastric juice be formed in quantities sufficient for the processing and digestion of protein. As a result, food takes longer to digest, and some of it remains unprocessed.
  3. Proteins + acids. Sour fruits should not be eaten with protein foods: meat, eggs, cottage cheese. The acid released by the stomach is enough to break them down. Fruits only slow down the process and cause increased acidity, heartburn. You cannot eat sour fruits immediately after protein: protein is digested mainly in the stomach, so it stays there for 4-6 hours, while the absorption of fruits and berries occurs in the intestines, they are in the stomach for only half an hour. Being here longer, they begin to wander, everything beneficial features break apart.
  4. Carbohydrates + acids. Digestion of carbohydrates requires an alkaline environment, while excess acidity destroys the enzyme ptyalin, which is necessary for the breakdown of carbohydrates.
  5. Carbohydrates + carbohydrates. Rich in carbohydrates food inhibits the digestion process and slows down metabolism. Excess carbohydrates accumulate in the body as fat. That's why it's not worth it mashed potatoes eat bread.
  6. Carbohydrates + sugar. Sweet foods don't go well with anything at all. If you really want to treat yourself to a piece of cake or your favorite candy, it’s better to do it separately from the rest, as an independent meal, and not as an addition to it in the form of dessert. It’s better to eat sweets before lunch so that it doesn’t affect your weight loss.
  7. Milk should not be consumed with anything, only as a stand-alone drink that replaces meals. In general, Sheldon believed that a person could live without milk. This is a baby product. Each animal has a special composition of milk (cow, goat, and human breast milk are completely different in properties). It is practically not processed by the body, so there is little benefit from it.
  8. Melon is very healthy, contains many vitamins and minerals, and cleanses the body. But you need to eat it strictly separately. If you eat it with any other food, it will not be beneficial.

Product compatibility table for separate meals

How to use the table

The table below the numbers shows the main product groups (vertically and horizontally). To understand whether it is possible to combine certain ingredients when cooking, just find them, find out the numbers and look at the color that appears when they intersect. For example, fish and meat (1) go well with non-starchy vegetables (11); their combination with starchy vegetables (12) is acceptable. But the remaining cells are colored red - these are those products that cannot be consumed together with meat.

Sample menu for 1 day (taking into account the table data)

Guided by the principles of combination, it is not difficult to create a menu for separate meals.

Scrambled eggs with herbs (white version)
Porridge cooked in water (carbohydrate version)

Boiled chicken breast or steamed fish (protein option)
Baked (boiled) potatoes or pasta (carbohydrate option)

Cottage cheese or kefir (yogurt without additives)
Salad from fresh vegetables or fruit (carbohydrate option)

It is important to know: Carbohydrate foods should alternate with protein foods containing fats or acidic foods. So, if you ate protein food for breakfast, then carbohydrate food for lunch, and dinner should consist of fruits.

Video: Separate nutrition: the essence of the diet and menu

Advantages of separate power supply

Many diets are based on the refusal of certain foods and restrictions, which often causes disruptions in the functioning of the body, which does not receive the necessary substances in full. For the same reason, it is difficult for dieters to cope with excess weight, since after stress the body stores substances for future use in case of another shortage. Separate use is not a diet in the generally accepted sense, it is rather a system proper nutrition that you can stick to all the time. In addition to losing weight, adherents of the system consider the following advantages of separate nutrition:

  1. Normalization of metabolism. Improper functioning of the digestive organs often causes overweight bodies. Setting up metabolic processes leads to the fact that food does not stay in the body longer than usual, all unnecessary substances leave it in a timely manner without being deposited as fat.
  2. Setting up work of cardio-vascular system. Since, with separate nutrition, the processes of putrefaction and fermentation in the body completely stop, the decay products, the main cause of atherosclerotic vascular lesions, do not enter the blood. With this approach, almost all cholesterol is removed, and new cholesterol no longer accumulates.
  3. Varied menu. Almost everything can be used. The main thing is to stick to compatibility. When following the principles of separate nutrition, there is no feeling of hunger, since the goal is not to limit, but to improve digestion and absorption of food. It is noted, however, that the portion should not exceed 300-400 g at a time.

Separate nutrition does not involve eating food at regular intervals. It is important to wait until you feel a slight feeling of hunger, then start eating. For some people, twice is enough. If the next day you want to eat three times, you don’t need to suppress your hunger. Sooner or later, the body will choose its own regime.

Video: Nutritionist Kovalkov: myths about separate meals. What actually goes together

Arguments of supporters and opponents of separate nutrition

Proponents of separate nutrition base their assumptions not on any research, but on the belief that initially humans, like other mammals, consumed foods unchanged (that is, only meat or only vegetables). Over time, people learned to mix different ingredients to improve the taste.

Opponents argue that a separate nutrition system is impossible in principle, because there are practically no products containing only protein or only carbohydrates (except perhaps sugar and egg whites). They also debunk the basic idea of ​​“food rotting in the stomach,” which, according to Shelton, causes health problems and excess weight.

Doctors (S. Baxter, E. Chedia, L. Vasilevskaya and others) proved that, in addition to gastric enzymes, pancreatic enzymes are involved in processing. In addition, R. Minvaleev, physiologist and candidate biological sciences, notes that only preliminary processing of food occurs in the stomach; it is broken down and completely absorbed in duodenum. All possible enzymes are produced here, regardless of what type follows the digestive tract (only protein, only carbohydrate, acidic or mixed).

Much that a person consumes together actually requires the production of various enzymes, but they do not interfere with each other, but complement and help break down indigestible substances. This leads to the fact that food is quickly processed, and its remains leave the body without causing harm to it. Opponents of the separate power supply system give the following arguments:

  1. Meat protein will be absorbed worse if it is not consumed together with carbohydrates (bread or vegetables), which activate the production of pancreatic enzymes necessary for processing protein in the intestines.
  2. Acidic fruits help absorb iron, which is why they are often eaten with grains.
  3. Fiber, which is abundant in any vegetables, is important for proper operation and timely cleansing of the intestines. Vegetables have always been considered an excellent complement to meat, because the fiber they contain is necessary for proper functioning and cleansing of the intestines.

However, separate meals for weight loss are suitable by reducing the calorie content of food and streamlining its intake. Much of what Shelton proposed forms the basis healthy eating. For example, everyone knows that it is better not to fry meat (proteins + fats), but to boil, stew or steam it. But it’s really better to eat fruits separately; they are absorbed together with fats.

It seems there is nothing easier than choosing what to serve with buckwheat or rice. After all, cereals are a popular, versatile and healthy side dish. However, there are several secrets in combining grains with other foods.

The first secret of the correct combination of cereals with other products is that porridge should not be served with meat.

It’s a paradox, but this is precisely the opinion expressed by adherents of proper, healthy nutrition. And this is how they explain it:

Some foods on their own have great benefits for the body, but in certain combinations they impair absorption useful substances. For example, buckwheat is considered one of the most healthy cereals due to the presence of a number of vitamins and minerals, and meat saturates the body with proteins and fats of animal origin. And the above-mentioned “paradox” is that phytic compounds found in buckwheat impair the absorption of iron found in meat.

But don’t be afraid that you will now have to reconsider your diet and replace your usual dishes with some new ones. In general, the generally accepted and beloved combinations of cereals + meat will not do any harm if you eat a varied, nutritious and regular diet. And yet, if you want to make your own diet the most functional in order to get the maximum benefit from each product, you should remember these few simple secrets.

The second secret: the best combination of cereals is with seafood, vegetables, herbs, mushrooms, dairy products and oils.

Leading nutritionists and nutrition experts think so.

Let's take a closer look at the most popular cereals:

Barley is best eaten with vegetables, herbs, mushrooms and butter (for example, perlotto with mushrooms)

And the last secret is: it is better to combine cereals with berries and fruits, and not with sugar.

Especially for people who have problems with excess weight and the cardiovascular system.

The fact is that cereals, fruits and berries contain quite a large amount slow carbohydrates. They long time are absorbed and bring a gradual surge of strength. That is, these carbohydrates are broken down slowly, and blood sugar levels also increase gradually.

But sugar, on the contrary, consists of fast carbohydrates, which break down almost instantly and lead to a jump in blood glucose. And if you do not immediately consume the energy received, it is stored in reserve in the form of fat deposits.

Thus, cereals themselves, unlike sugar, will not lead to excess weight. However, if these 2 categories of products are combined in one dish, then it is better to do this for quick recovery strength at moments of maximum physical or mental stress.

Now, knowing the basic rules for combining cereals with other foods, you can formulate your diet absolutely correctly in order to get the maximum benefit and effectiveness from each meal.

Eat right, be healthy and irresistible!

Hello, dear readers of my blog! While studying information about proper nutrition, I repeatedly came across the concept of “Food compatibility chart for proper nutrition.” I decided to familiarize myself with the basics of separate nutrition, understand food groups and learn how to combine them.

The main ideologist of the compatibility (incompatibility) of products is Herbert Shelton. He conducted research for several years and identified the enzymes involved in the digestion of food. This allowed him to think through and implement the concept of separate nutrition according to Shelton. Its basics are perfectly demonstrated by the product compatibility table.

Combination of foods for proper nutrition table

So, what is a table and how to use it? Seventeen cells horizontally, seventeen vertically. The most popular products are listed here. For convenience, they are numbered. Each number has a corresponding column.

A certain color at the intersection of a row and a column indicates the level of compatibility:

  • Yellow– are combined at an acceptable level;
  • Green– fit well;
  • Red- do not fit well.

So that you finally understand the principle of working with a table, I will give an example. Bread and meat - can they be served on one dish and consumed in one meal? Bread - number 7. Meat - number 1. Let's see what color is at the intersection of row No. 7 and column No. 1 - red. Consequently, they do not combine well, which means a lot of time will be spent on digesting them.

For convenience, I recommend that you print out the product compatibility table and place it in a visible place. So you can't go wrong with correct selection components for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Look at the “color” of compatibility and adjust the menu.

Products from the table

I won't tell you about products such as eggs or vegetable oil. Everything is clear here. But let’s call them generalized groups, which consist of several products at once; I propose to talk separately.

Meat, fish, poultry- These are proteins of animal origin and a group of the most difficult to digest foods. It is better to cook them without fat. They go well with green and non-starchy vegetables. Worse with starchy foods, incompatible with bread, cereals, potatoes. Let me remind you that you cannot drink alcohol with animal proteins.

Sample menu:

  • Baked chicken with stewed carrot and cauliflower puree
  • Fish cutlets with salad of iceberg leaves, arugula, radish
  • Veal soup with celery, leeks, carrots

Pulses– this includes lentils, beans, beans, peas, soybeans. But this does not include green peas and green beans. Pulses are capricious and are well compatible with herbs and vegetables (starchy and non-starchy).

Sample menu:

  • Chickpea salad with steamed pumpkin, carrots, pumpkin seed oil dressing
  • Lentil cutlets with salad white cabbage, dill, olive oil dressing
  • Beans stewed with cauliflower, carrots, celery

Bread, cereals, potatoes– oats, wheat, rye, buckwheat, rice, millet. Of course, potatoes, bread. Pairs well with herbs and vegetables.

Sample menu:

  • Potatoes stewed with eggplants, bell pepper, carrots, onions
  • Toasts with aromatic green butter (for this you need to mix butter with a fat content of at least 80% with basil, chili pepper, parsley)
  • Green buckwheat with baked beet salad, garlic, sesame oil dressing

Sour fruits, tomatoes– these are grapefruits, tangerines, oranges, lemons, pineapple, cranberries, pomegranates, grapes, sour apples. Plus tomatoes, so beloved by many gourmets. They combine most successfully with vegetables, cheese, and nuts.

Sample menu:

  • Smoothie made from green apples, spinach, lemon juice
  • Baked apples with nuts and cinnamon
  • Caprese salad

Semi-acidic fruits– raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, wild strawberries, sweet apples, apricots, plums, peaches, cherries.

Sample menu:

  • Freshly squeezed grapefruit and orange juice
  • Fruit salad of apples, strawberries, blueberries
  • Ice cream made from frozen berries, flavored with cinnamon and a dash of honey.

Sweet fruits, dried fruits– bananas, persimmons, figs, dates, raisins.

Sample menu:

  • Banana, date, almond milk smoothie
  • Prunes stuffed with hazelnuts and honey
  • Dried fruits compote

Vegetables are green and non-starchy– parsley, celery, dill, beet tops, radishes, lettuce. This also includes white cabbage, onions, green onions, eggplants, cucumbers, garlic, bell peppers, and green peas.

Sample menu:

  • Salad of radishes, cucumbers, dill, white cabbage with sunflower oil dressing
  • Eggplant baked with tomatoes, cheese, garnished with basil
  • Soup from cabbage, celery, carrots, garlic, bell pepper

Starchy vegetables– carrots, beets, zucchini, horseradish, squash, pumpkin, cauliflower, celery root, parsley. This group of products also includes turnips, radishes, radishes, and rutabaga.

Sample menu:

  • Oven-baked carrots with pumpkin, seasoned with pumpkin seeds, olive oil
  • Zucchini spaghetti with pesto sauce
  • Cauliflower puree soup

I would also like to say something about melon. It doesn't go with anything. It must be eaten separately, as an independent dish.

Separate meals for weight loss

Compatibility of products for proper nutrition is also very important for losing weight. This is not a diet, it is a special approach that takes into account how one product combines with another. See how the real inhabitants of nature - animals - behave. They don't combine different foods. They don’t fry it or process it. Only a person carries out a lot of manipulations with food before it enters his stomach. This can cause bloating, heartburn or nausea. The problem is that the products are not digested. But they are not assimilated because they do not fit together. The simpler the food, the less processed it is, the less it contains various components, those easier for the body. When there are no such problems, then excess weight goes away by itself.

Therefore, all you have to do is be more vigilant about cooking and eat only compatible foods at one meal.

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