Is it possible to take Derinat during pregnancy? Derinat for an expectant mother - a savior, a placebo or a threat to pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman's immunity is greatly weakened. And the point is not only in the stress that he experiences, but also in the fact that smart nature has arranged us in such a way that during this period the immune system is as if in a sleeping state and is unable to accept the fetus as foreign body and reject it. However, because of this, a woman is susceptible various diseases, for example, flu, colds, sore throat, etc. Sometimes folk remedies The disease cannot be cured and then medications come to the rescue. Many people advise pregnant women to use Derinat, claiming that it is made from natural substances. However, is it so harmless? You will learn about this further.

What is Derinat and contraindications to it

Derinat is an immunomodulatory drug. It is truly made from natural substances. Its active ingredients are sodium chloride and deoxyribonucleate. This substance is extracted from the milt of sturgeon fish, which makes it truly unique.

Derinat has an effect on immune cells and the humoral components of immunity. This property of the drug forces the body to properly fight microorganisms, viruses and fungi.

Thus, the drug can be used for colds and hemorrhoids. Nasal congestion, thrush, etc. It can also be used in gynecology and for the treatment of hemorrhoids. Derinat activates the work lymphatic system. It stimulates its drainage and detoxification function, especially in areas of inflammation. This drug is a huge success. He has good feedback, because it does its job perfectly. Derinat is produced in different forms Oh. Each variation of the drug is suitable for a particular case. The best variety In your case, your doctor will advise you.

Derinat release forms:

  • Drops;
  • Spray;
  • Bottle without dispenser;
  • Injections.

This drug is in the middle price category. Therefore, everyone can afford it. The thing is that this remedy was developed by our doctors.

Despite the large number of advantages of this drug, it also has contraindications: pregnancy and allergies.

Can Derinat be used during pregnancy in the 1st trimester?

Despite its naturalness and harmlessness, many do not recommend drinking Derinat during pregnancy. It's all about its action. During pregnancy, a woman’s immune system is in “economy” mode because, working as usual, it could reject the child as a foreign object. However, the pregnant body weakens it, protecting the unborn child.

Thus, taking Derinat can restore functions immune system and provoke fetal rejection. Thus, when taking similar drug, there is a risk for the baby.

Doctors say that Derinat can be taken only after consultation with a specialist. However, you need to remember that you are responsible for your baby, so it is better to survive the first trimester of pregnancy.

In the first trimester, the embryo is still poorly formed and not firmly attached to the uterus. Therefore, the slightest unfavorable factor can lead to miscarriage.

Why it is not advisable to take Derinat during pregnancy:

  1. In the first trimester, the fetus is still poorly attached to the uterus, so it needs special care. Derinat can awaken the immune system and cause miscarriage.
  2. This drug contains a component that is extracted from small fish. This component can cause allergies.
  3. The effect of Derinat on the fetus has not been fully studied, so it is impossible to say exactly what effect it will have on the child.

Thus, Derinat is not recommended for use in the first trimester of pregnancy. Therefore, it is better to find a natural and harmless substitute for this drug. Do not think that drops are less harmful than, for example, injections. This form release of the drug is also absorbed into the blood and can lead to unpleasant consequences.

The benefits of Derinat during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester

So, as you already understand, it is extremely undesirable to use Derinat in the first trimester of pregnancy. This can lead to the awakened immune system perceiving the embryo as a foreign body, and the pregnancy will spontaneously terminate.

However, in the second trimester, the baby’s body is already quite tightly attached to the uterus and has already formed organs. This is why, in some cases, doctors allow the use of Derinat during the second trimester of pregnancy.

Viruses, fungi and microorganisms are dangerous not only for expectant mother, but also for her baby. They can lead to various mutations and developmental delays. Therefore if possible consequences If the disease is worse than the expected harm from the medicine, then it should be taken during pregnancy.

Derinat is a natural drug that contains a lot of positive properties. If it happens that you are unable to recover without taking immunostimulants, after consulting with your doctor, you can use this remedy, but often this should not be done.

Positive qualities of the drug Derinat:

  • Derinat is a natural preparation that does not contain harmful artificial compounds;
  • This product has different release forms, making it very convenient to use;
  • This immunostimulant does not have a vasoconstrictor effect;
  • At correct use has no side effects;
  • Can be used for inhalation;
  • Safe when treating children;
  • It works within a few minutes after the first dose and is very effective.

Thus, if necessary, you can drip Derinat into your ears and nose. However, before you start treatment with this drug, be sure to consult your doctor.

Methods of using Derinat in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy

The third trimester of pregnancy is characterized by the approaching birth. As in the first three months of pregnancy, you also need to be especially careful in the last three months. You should avoid taking foods and plants that can trigger labor. However, this does not apply to Derinat; the immune system is no longer capable of leading to premature birth.

There are many remedies that are used during pregnancy, but the actions of which are not fully understood. However, many years of experience in using these drugs have not revealed negative influence for the fruit. In addition to Derinat, such drugs include, for example, Tizol ointment and Viferon suppositories. Also

Derinat is usually prescribed to pregnant women for colds and viral diseases. Also this drug can be used during an epidemic. Let's look at the main points of treatment with Derinat.

Instructions for use of Derinat:

  1. During the epidemic and initial stage For the disease, it is enough for you to drop 2 drops into each nostril, no more than 4 times a day. If this does not help, after consulting a doctor, you can increase the number of drops to 4. However, such treatment should not last more than one month.
  2. To treat sinusitis, soak cotton balls in the preparation and stick them into your nose. After this, you need to drop three drops into each nostril.
  3. You can gargle with Derinat solution. This action should be done three times a day, no longer than a week.

Derinat should be used in accordance with the instructions given to you by your doctor. We have announced only three possible options taking the drug.

The question of the use of immunomodulators during pregnancy has divided doctors into two camps. Opponents of these drugs believe that they can harm the fetus. Other doctors have a different opinion: the defenselessness of the female body against infections poses a greater danger than drug stimulation of the immune system. In any case, Derinat during pregnancy is a fairly common item in therapeutic regimens.

Composition and effect of the drug

The main active ingredient of Derinat is sodium deoxyribonucleate. This component is obtained from the gonads of some fish breeds.

The medicine is available in several forms:

  • solution for external use;
  • nasal drops;
  • drug for intramuscular administration.

Sodium deoxyribonucleate has following types effects on the body:

  • Immunomodulation . The drug helps strengthen specific and nonspecific protection from infections. For example, Derinat activates T-helper cells (helper cells) of the immune system and stimulates the work of B-lymphocytes. Sodium deoxyribonucleate is involved in the regulation of inflammation and helps increase the body's resistance to antigens ( foreign substances) bacterial, fungal and viral nature. Derinat is prescribed to pregnant women mainly because of the immunomodulatory properties of the drug.
  • Activation of regeneration . The medicine promotes the repair of damaged areas. This is achieved by reducing inflammation and accelerating the fight against intoxication by improving lymphatic drainage.
  • Stimulation of hematopoiesis . Derinat acts as a regulator of hematopoiesis. His active substance penetrates into Bone marrow and helps restore the number of leukocytes (among them lymphocytes, granulocytes) and platelets.
  • Cardioprotection . The heart muscle is protected by improving its blood supply.

The last two properties relate to the parenteral form of the drug. Derinat drops have a local effect.

Is the drug dangerous during pregnancy?

To find out whether Derinat is suitable for pregnant women, you should contact official instructions. The description of the drug states: the medicine does not provoke developmental abnormalities in the fetus. Derinat does not have an embryotoxic effect, and its use does not increase the risk of cancer.

Opponents of prescribing this drug to pregnant women believe that Derinat can cause excessive activation of the expectant mother’s immune system and trigger a rejection reaction of the developing fetus. The hypothesis concerns intramuscular dosage form. Cases of pregnancy termination due to parenteral administration of the drug have not been recorded.

The use of an immunomodulator intramuscularly is allowed after the ratio of the expected benefit and potential harm. Derinat drops during pregnancy and solution for external use are more preferable: they do not enter the general bloodstream and stimulate local immunity. Application of the drug to the skin and mucous membranes does not affect the development of the child.

Regardless of the period, you should use Derinat with caution: the 3rd trimester, despite the almost complete formation of the fetus, is not a reason to refuse medical recommendations.

Indications and contraindications

The external form of the drug and nasal drops can be prescribed for the following pathologies:

  • ARVI - Derinat during pregnancy is suitable for the prevention of the disease and is part of complex treatment;
  • inflammatory eye diseases;
  • trophic ulcers and other types of difficult-to-heal wounds, for example, with diabetes mellitus, or varicose veins severe;
  • damage to the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, vagina;
  • thermal injuries - burns and frostbite;
  • inflammation of soft tissues with the addition of a purulent process;
  • hemorrhoids - whether the drug can be used is decided by the proctologist.

A solution for intramuscular administration is prescribed for suppression of hematopoiesis, erosive and peptic ulcers Gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular pathology, chronic inflammatory processes genitourinary system, bronchopulmonary diseases.

The drug is contraindicated in cases of individual hypersensitivity to the components. Use Derinat intramuscularly for breastfeeding is not prohibited, but it is prescribed by a doctor if absolutely necessary. The external form of the medicine and drops do not affect lactation.

Instructions and dosage

Let's consider the features of using different forms of the drug.


Derinat drops are often prescribed during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester, when the expectant mother needs the prevention of respiratory diseases more than ever. Instill up to 3 drops into each nasal passage 2 to 4 times a day. If the patient has signs of acute respiratory viral infection, the drug will have to be instilled hourly. The dosage and duration of the course are determined by the treating doctor.

Solution for external use

If the inflammatory process is localized in oral cavity, Derinat is prescribed as a rinse. The drug is used 3 times a day. Maximum term application is 10 days.

If Derinat is indicated by a gynecologist during pregnancy, the drug is administered into the vagina using moderately moistened tampons. For hemorrhoids, microenemas are used. Their volume should not exceed 40 ml. The course of treatment in both cases ranges from 4 to 10 days. Treatment of affected skin and wounds is carried out using application bandages up to 3-4 times a day.


The drug is administered intramuscularly. The rate of administration is 1-2 minutes. The basic regimen is 5 ml of solution every 1-3 days. The frequency of use depends on the indications. The doctor does not always prescribe Derinat parenterally during pregnancy: the 1st trimester, for example, requires searching for a less risky form of drug administration.

Side effects

Among unwanted effects cases of allergies have been recorded. It is worth considering the hypoglycemic effect of the drug: if Derinat is taken by a patient suffering diabetes mellitus, he may experience a decrease in blood glucose levels.

Features of use during pregnancy

The annotation for the drug contains few instructions for women carrying a fetus. The only condition stated in the instructions: if Derinat needs to be used during pregnancy, its use is permissible only with the permission of a doctor. In addition, if signs of an allergy appear, you should immediately stop taking the medicine.

Despite the benefits of immunomodulators, the advisability of their use during pregnancy still remains an open question. The only compromise that doctors have come to is relative safety. local forms of these drugs. Regardless of the form in which Derinat was prescribed during pregnancy (nasal drops or solution for intramuscular administration), the woman must be under strict medical supervision.

Useful video about taking medications during pregnancy

Latin name: derinat
ATX code: L03A
Active substance: sodium
Manufacturer: Tekhnomedservis, Russia
Conditions for dispensing from a pharmacy:
Injections - by prescription
Liquid - no prescription

Derinat – medicine with a pronounced immunostimulating effect. Prescribed for the treatment of prolonged acute respiratory infections or the prevention of colds during the cold season.

Indications for use

Derinat in uniform liquid solution prescribed for therapy:

  • Acute respiratory viral diseases
  • Prevention of flu and colds
  • Elimination of purulent and inflammatory processes in ophthalmic diseases
  • Inflammation of the mucous membrane.

Injections of the drug Derinat into extreme cases pregnant women are prescribed from:

  • Ulcers of the stomach and duodenum
  • Arthritis, endometritis
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis
  • Poorly healing wounds on the body, bedsores, burns
  • Sepsis
  • Stomatitis
  • OZNK.

Derinat is also prescribed as part of complex treatment against:

  • Infectious lesions in the field of gynecology
  • Chronic inflammatory process
  • For a comprehensive increase in the body's defenses
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Gangrene
  • Sinusitis, sinusitis, rhinitis
  • Skin necrosis, frostbite.

Medicinal properties

This drug has pronounced immunomodulatory properties, promotes better tissue regeneration, eliminates the inflammatory process, promotes the removal of toxins from the body, and prevents the development of allergies. Due to the proven ability of the drug to activate T and B lymphocytes, its immunostimulating effect is manifested. It does not affect the intrauterine development of the fetus during pregnancy, there are no teratogenic or carcinogenic effects. The drug is excreted primarily through urine and feces.

General instructions for using Derinat are available at the link:

Solution for intramuscular injections Derinat

Average price per package: 2000 rub.

The liquid form for intramuscular injection contains sodium deoxyribonucleate and additional components.

Solution 1.5% for intramuscular injections. The liquid is transparent, odorless, has no color or impurities. The drug in the form of an injection is available in ampoules of 2 and 5 ml, packaged in a cardboard box of 10 and 5 pieces, respectively.

Directions for use and doses

It is best to inject the injection slowly for at least a minute, deep into the muscle to avoid unnecessary pain. The interval after administration between injections should be at least 1-3 days; the attending physician should provide more details. For example, for a stomach ulcer, 5 injections are given every two days. For oncology, you can give from three to ten injections every 1 to 3 days. In case of acute inflammation, five injections are indicated every other day, and then 5 injections after three days.

Typically, pregnant women are not prescribed medication in injection form, only if they are sure that its use will not lead to a miscarriage.

Derinat topical solution

Average price: 250 rub.

In liquid form for local use The main active ingredient is sodium deoxyribonucleate. An additional component is sodium chloride.

Product for topical use in a concentration of 0.25%, transparent, colorless, odorless and foreign impurities. The solution for topical use is packaged in 10 ml glass bottles, available with or without a removable cap.

Mode of application

Methods of applying the external solution - intranasally and topically on the skin. To prevent the development of acute respiratory infections or to boost immunity, drop two drops into each nostril 2-4 times a day for 7-14 days. If you experience signs of a cold, you can put a few drops into your nose every hour and a half. As soon as severe symptoms colds subside, it is better to continue dripping the solution daily into each nostril for a month, 2-3 times a day.

If there are burns and wounds that do not heal well, then you can apply the solution to sore spot several times a day until the wound heals. In gynecology, intravaginal administration of a solution is indicated to eliminate inflammation. Tampons are soaked in the preparation and inserted into the vagina several times a day.


Individual intolerance to the components of the medication

Precautionary measures

Prescribed with caution to pregnant and lactating women in injection form. After the injection, they may appear painful bumps or redness at the injection site. Usually the bumps and redness go away within a few days, but if they do not disappear and the pain only intensifies, then you should immediately consult a doctor. Before administration, be sure to warm the liquid in your hands to avoid unnecessary pain. After the injection, treatment with antiseptics is required to prevent infection of the wound.

Cross-drug interactions

When used externally, do not mix the medicine with peroxide and fatty gels. The medication enhances the effect on the body antibacterial drugs group of anthracyclines and cytostatic drugs.

Side effects

If the product is injected into the muscles too quickly, the injection will be painful. After it, small bumps may appear, which usually resolve within a day or two. Sometimes redness or a short-term increase in body temperature up to 38 degrees Celsius may appear.


No data. However, you should adhere to strict rules dosage so as not to provoke a miscarriage or premature birth on later.

Conditions and shelf life

The product should be stored in a cool (4 - 20 degrees Celsius) and dry place away from children. Opened bottles should be used within two weeks. The shelf life is 5 years from the date of manufacture, which is written on the package.


Novartis Consumer Health, Switzerland
average price– 250 rubles for nasal drops.

Vibrocil is available in the form of a nasal spray, gel and drops. The active ingredients are dimethindene and phenylefin. Vibrocil is not an immunomodulatory agent, but it is excellent for local therapy rhinitis, sinusitis and other inflammations of the ENT organs. What is better - Derinat or Vibrocil - there is no clear answer, since both drugs are quite good, only the first is used as an immunity booster, and the second specifically fights ENT infections.


  • Vibrocil is effective for the treatment of infections of the ENT organs
  • Virtually no side effects
  • Approved for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


  • Vibrocil is expensive
  • Does not have an immunomodulatory effect.

Derinat is a natural medicine that is obtained from the milt of fish of the most valuable breeds.

Derinat should not be used by a pregnant woman

This is exactly the phrase that can be found in the instructions for use of this drug. It states that during pregnancy and during the period Derinat can be taken only after consulting a doctor if the benefit of the medicine is higher than the possible risk to the fetus. But it is not known exactly how the body of a pregnant woman reacts to Derinat. During pregnancy, a woman's immunity is very low and vulnerable. Female body designed in such a way that after fertilization immune reactions the woman's body decreases. This is necessary so that the body does not reject the foreign body - the fetus, so that it can take root normally.

Now we know why Derinat should not be taken during pregnancy. It is a very strong stimulant of the immune system and after its use the body will not only help and cope with the disease, but will also be able to reject the fetus. This is especially possible in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the fetus is not yet particularly attached to the walls of the uterus. How the medicine will affect a fetus that has already formed is also not known. So it’s better not to take risks and not use this drug during pregnancy.

Derinat can be taken during pregnancy

There is an opinion that if Derinat is taken topically or externally, it does not pose any particular danger to the fetus. If you drop these drops into your nose three times a day, the pain will go away faster. If there are wounds or ulcers, they should be lubricated with this drug, this helps them fast healing. In any case, before using Derinat, you should definitely consult with your doctor, especially if you have never taken this drug before pregnancy. If there are other diseases, the doctor can individually select a course of treatment.

To accept or not to accept?

You can completely rely on the advice and recommendations of your doctor. You can read the instructions for this medicinal product and stop using it. After all, the instructions indicate that it is not advisable to take Derinat during pregnancy. There is a category of women who take risks and, despite the warnings in the instructions and doctor’s recommendations, still turn to Derinat. After which, very often they can encounter complications. If before pregnancy a woman has already used this medicine as a treatment, then most likely, while bearing a baby and using Derinat topically and externally, she will not have any problems. You need to start with one or two drops and observe the body's reaction.

The use of Derinat is very bilateral. Many people take any immunostimulants very seriously and refuse to use them in any form during pregnancy. Others do not believe that any medications can in any way affect the immune system. The question of whether Derinat can be taken during pregnancy has not yet been resolved and remains open.

Try not to get sick and take care of yourself, because during pregnancy you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for the life and health of your unborn child.

Derinat is a domestically produced medicine, which many consider a panacea for almost all diseases, from basic diseases to pneumonia and sepsis. It would seem that the drug is simply necessary for a woman in “ interesting position“, but on the question of how useful Derinat is during pregnancy, medical opinions differ. Some prescribe the medicine exclusively for external use, while others advise holding off on using the drug until after pregnancy and lactation.

Composition and indications for use

Derinat is considered natural preparation– the medicine is made from the milt of valuable fish species. Derinat is produced in the form of a solution for injection, topical and topical use.

In its action, the drug is a strong immunomodulator, which activates the body's protective functions and has an anti-inflammatory effect. There are many indications for using the medicine, including:

  • infectious diseases;
  • cold;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchitis;
  • allergic reactions;
  • inflammatory processes in the oral cavity;
  • trophic ulcers and much more.

Derinat injections during pregnancy

If you study the instructions for the drug, it becomes clear that Derinat cannot be taken during pregnancy. More precisely, the use of the drug is possible only when the expected benefit significantly exceeds possible risk. In fact, no one knows the exact effect of the drug on the body of a pregnant woman (due to the lack of such studies), but as a precaution, the drug is prescribed in extreme cases.

Concerns about the use of Derinat during pregnancy are caused by its immunomodulatory effect. The fact is that during fertilization, a woman’s immunity decreases so that the body does not reject the foreign body, that is, the fetus. In turn, the drug activates protective processes, which can cause miscarriage early stages. That is why Derinat is strictly prohibited during pregnancy in the 1st trimester. As for use at a later date and during the period, doctors allow external and local use, but only with extreme caution.

Derinat drops during pregnancy

So, if injections of the drug are prohibited for pregnant women, then drops and solution for external use can be a real salvation for a woman. Studies confirm that when Derinat is applied externally, various wounds and ulcers heal much faster. The medicine is also indicated for bleeding gums and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. For example, rinsing with a solution for several days helps get rid of stomatitis and other similar diseases.

Highly effective in combating colds Derinat drops are different. In order to get rid of a runny nose and overcome a developing cold, it is enough to drop 3 drops into the nose 3 times a day. It is worth noting that while external use of the drug is not dangerous to the health and life of the fetus, local use can cause some allergic reactions in a woman’s body. It is better to start using Derinat one drop at a time, observing the body’s reaction and how you feel.

Derinat drops have no contraindications as such. The only thing that can be noted is the possible individual intolerance to the components of the drug. In any case, the medicine should be used only as prescribed by the attending physician, who will be able to fully assess all the risks and benefits.

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