Is it possible to become infected with genital warts through household means? How are condylomas transmitted? Are they contagious? Genital warts: photo

As a rule, genital warts (ICD 10 - A63.0) are formations localized in the genital and perianal area, having a pointed and elongated shape, the cause of which is human papillomavirus infection.

Historically, condylomas were considered skin manifestations syphilis or gonorrhea. Only in 1907, the Italian doctor Giuseppe Ciuffo proved the viral nature of the disease in an experiment.

The disease occurs due to infection with the human papillomavirus (abbreviated as HPV). Currently, more than 200 types of papillomavirus are known, most of which can lead to the appearance of skin tumors.

Approximately 90% of anogenital warts occur due to infection with HPV types 6 and 11. These types of HPV are not highly oncogenic and rarely lead to malignant tumors. A vaccine has been developed against HPV types 6 and 11 (Gardasil 9).

In addition to typical genital warts, flat intraepithelial, atypical and papular condylomas can form in the perineum, genitals and anus. They differ in shape and type of growth, more like nodules and spots.

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    1. Routes of transmission of papillomavirus

    1. 1 Sexual tract. Condylomas in intimate places most often appear after HPV infection during unprotected sexual intercourse (vaginal, anal, oral sex), when close contact occurs healthy skin and mucous membranes with infected ones.
    2. 2 Vertical. It is possible to transmit the virus from the mother to the fetus (newborn) through amniotic fluid during the passage of the genital tract during the second stage of labor.
    3. 3 Contact and household path. It is extremely rare that the human papillomavirus is transmitted through household items.

    The human papillomavirus infects the cells of the basal layer of the epithelium of the skin and mucous membranes, penetrating through microdamages. Immediately after infection, the infection is in a latent phase: the virus does not replicate, and the infected person has no symptoms.

    The latent phase can last from several months to 1-2 years. Sometimes there may be no symptoms at all; under the influence of the immune system, the virus is gradually eliminated from the body.

    After a latent period, a number of infected people experience activation of human papillomavirus infection. Newly formed viruses infect neighboring cells, disrupt the process of division and migration of the epithelium, which leads to the formation of growths on the skin and mucous membranes. These growths are called condylomas, or anogenital warts.

    The skin and mucous membranes of the penis, vagina, labia majora and minora, and perineum are most often affected, that is, the areas most susceptible to friction during sex. Less commonly, formations are found in the oral cavity, larynx and trachea (most often as a result of infection during oral sex, less often due to infection from the mother during childbirth).

    Most often, symptoms occur against the background of decreased immunity: pregnancy, frequent colds, HIV, congenital and acquired immunodeficiency.

    2. Prevalence of HPV infection

    1. 1 The peak incidence of HPV infection occurs between 20 and 24 years of age; during this period, maximum sexual activity is observed.
    2. 2 In women, condylomas are recorded somewhat more often. The incidence ratio of women to men is 1.4:1.
    3. 3 HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection.
    4. 4 The likelihood of infection increases with the number of sexual partners.
    5. 5 The earlier the onset of sexual activity, the higher the likelihood of infection.

    Risk factors:

    1. 1 Smoking.
    2. 2 Use oral contraceptives and refusal of barrier contraception.
    3. 3 Frequent change and a large number of sexual partners.
    4. 4 Early onset of sexual activity.

    3. Main symptoms

    Approximately two-thirds of people who have had sexual contact with an infected person develop condylomas on the skin and mucous membranes within three months.

    1. 1 The main complaint is the appearance of painless skin growths, less often, patients may complain of burning, itching in this area, the appearance of discharge from the genital tract (in women) or the urethra (in men).
    2. 2 Condylomas acuminata in women they can be triggered by pregnancy, when the virus is activated against the background of changes in the functioning of the immune system.
    3. 3 Once they appear, genital warts may increase in size, and new growths may appear over time. Sometimes formations can go away on their own (spontaneous regression). Approximately 30% of warts undergo involution within 4 months of infection.
    4. 4 The appearance of neoplasms on the mucous membranes of the mouth, pharynx, and trachea. Most often they are associated with episodes oral sex with an infected sexual partner. Damage to the trachea and larynx may be accompanied by hoarseness, hoarseness, and difficulty breathing.
    5. 5 When the urethral canal is damaged, the main complaint is acute or chronic urinary retention, bleeding from the urethra.
    6. 6 Women may complain of bleeding from the genital tract. Bleeding may increase after sex, when the surface of the formations is injured.

    Fig 1 - Genital warts of the penis in men. Source -

    Fig 2 - Anal condylomas. Source -

    4. Diagnostic algorithm

    Depending on the gender of the patient and the location of the papillomas, examination and treatment may be prescribed various specialists. Women with condylomas in the genital area more often turn to a gynecologist, men - to a urologist.

    If tumors are localized in the perineum and anus, a primary examination can be performed by a proctologist. Less often, patients seek advice from a dermatovenerologist or oncologist.

    4.1. Patient Interview

    During the interview, the doctor clarifies the patient’s main risk factors, asks about the presence of characteristic complaints and symptoms in the patient and his partners, and clarifies information about previous STIs.

    4.2. Inspection and palpation

    In addition to the genitals, the doctor examines the perineal area, anus, and the skin of the entire body. Upon examination, genital warts look like single or multiple, soft, elastic formations, which may have a thread-like, plaque-like shape.

    Some growths are shaped like cauliflower. The formations can have a smooth, rough, lobulated surface, dark, flesh-colored, and when an inflammatory reaction occurs, they acquire a bright red color.

    Genital warts in men are most often localized on the head and shaft of the penis, in women - in the labia, on the walls of the vagina and cervix. The genital tract is inspected for pathological discharge, inflammatory changes.

    The formations must be distinguished from condylomas lata (with syphilis) and precancerous conditions of the skin and mucous membranes.

    4.3. Laboratory and instrumental examination

    For men:

    1. 1 The doctor may order testing for major STIs for the patient and his sexual partner.
      • Smear from the urethral canal and its microscopy.
      • Determination of DNA in a smear of the main pathogens of sexually transmitted infections (trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, HPV, etc.).
      • Fence venous blood for determination of antibodies to hepatitis B and C viruses, HIV (ELISA, immunoblot).
      • Collection of venous blood for microprecipitation reactions, ELISA and RPGA (tests for syphilis).
    2. 2 If the structure is atypical, the doctor has any doubts before removal, a biopsy should be performed followed by histological examination.
    3. 3 If condylomas of the anus and rectum are suspected, anoscopy is performed - examination using a special mirror.
    4. 4 Urethroscopy - examination urethra using a small diameter endoscope.
    5. 5 If there is any doubt about the benign nature of the neoplasm, consultation with an oncologist may be required.

    Among women:

    1. 1 Inspection of the vagina and cervix in speculums.
    2. 2 If available pathological changes In addition, colposcopy is performed, which allows you to study the structure of the cervix under multiple magnification and take targeted biopsies from pathological areas.
    3. 3 Examination for major STIs (the range of tests does not differ from those for men, the material is taken from cervical canal). When examining women, it is also necessary to test for HPV of high oncogenic risk (cervical cancer screening).

    5. Treatment methods and their effectiveness

    Asymptomatic, latent HPV infection does not require active therapy. The patient is recommended to be regularly monitored by the attending physician.

    1. 1 Treatment is prescribed when the virus becomes active and symptoms (formations) appear.
    2. 2 At the moment, no drugs have been developed that help completely get rid of papillomavirus in the human body. All medications used and surgical techniques are aimed at reducing the total number of affected epithelial cells, which allows the body's immune system to take control of the infection.
    3. 3 Control over viral replication can be achieved by prescribing immunomodulators (drugs Panavir, Isoprinosine, etc.). This group medicines does not have a good evidence base, but is used in the Russian Federation.
    4. 4 You cannot treat the disease yourself, as this can lead to serious health consequences.
    5. 5 Removal of condylomas may be accompanied by the appearance of scars, changes in pigmentation, and less commonly, malignancy.

    Table 1 - Drugs and surgical methods for the treatment of genital warts of the perineum and genital organs (foreign recommendations)

    6. Observation of the patient

    After removal of condylomas, the patient is scheduled for a re-examination by the attending physician in 1 week-3 months-6 months. In the absence of relapse, a repeated scheduled examination is carried out after 1 year.

    If there are relapses - additional examination: exclusion of immunodeficiency conditions, side relationships and changes in sexual partners, taking a biopsy.

    7. Prevention of infection

    1. 1 Vaccination (Gardasil 9). The use of the vaccine does not guarantee protection against HPV, but it reduces the risk of infection and malignancy.
    2. 2 Use of condoms. Barrier contraception only reduces the likelihood of transmission of the virus; unprotected skin remains at risk of infection during sex.
    3. 3 Mutual monogamous relationships, few sexual partners.

    8. Possible complications

    TO possible complications relate:

    1. 1 Damage with the development of bleeding and scarring. Bleeding is usually moderate and can be easily stopped by applying pressure with a sterile gauze pad.
    2. 2 Malignant degeneration. A rare complication in which there is a rapid increase in the size of the tumor, a change in shape (usually asymmetrical shape), and pigmentation.
    3. 3 Infection of a newborn, sexual partner.
    4. 4 Relapse.

    9. Forecast

    The recurrence rate of condylomas within 1 year from the end of treatment reaches 50% and is associated with the following reasons:

    1. 1 Re-infection during sexual intercourse.
    2. 2 Long incubation period HPV.
    3. 3 Preservation of the virus in the surrounding unchanged skin.
    4. 4 General weakening of the immune system.

Genital warts are a manifestation of one of the types of human papillomavirus (HPV). Outwardly, they resemble papillae on a stalk, and when merging, they take on the appearance of cauliflower. The disease is sexually transmitted and affects the anogenital area, causing psychological discomfort, sexual problems, and then physical suffering. After all, the growths become injured, become infected, and cause itching and pain. Unlike vulgar warts, such forms of HPV do not go away on their own. If condylomas appear, it is necessary not only to remove them, but also to undergo systemic antiviral therapy.

What are genital warts

Genital warts, or genital warts, are neoplasms of the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs caused by the human papillomavirus. Most people learn about condylomas with the onset of active sexual life. Infection most often occurs between the ages of 20 and 24, and the more sexual partners you have, the higher the risk. Moreover, condylomas do not appear immediately, but 90 or more days after sexual contact with infected person.

- not easy cosmetic defect, but also a risk factor for malignant tumors. Therefore, it is important to know what types of condylomas are, what they look like, where they are located and how to get rid of them.

Genital warts are easy to recognize by description. First characteristic feature- this is the appearance of neoplasms several weeks or months after contact with an infected partner.

Initially, single nodules 1-2 mm in size appear. Their color varies from pink to gray-red. After some time, where there were individual defects, multiple growths appear in the form of papillae, which can merge with each other and grow like a cockscomb, raspberry or cauliflower. They are often injured, bleed, macerate (get wet), and become covered with ulcers.

The structure of genital warts is lobulated, which is easy to check with a spatula or probe. The lobules are soft, not fused to the underlying tissues, the skin around them is usually unchanged, although with constant mechanical irritation and poor hygiene, redness, itching and burning around such papillae are possible.

Genital warts are the result of the activity of the human papillomavirus.

If a non-specialist still has doubts about the nature of such skin neoplasms, a dermatologist-venereologist can often make a preliminary diagnosis already at the first examination.


The varieties and types of condylomas vary depending on the strain of the virus. Some lesions are diagnosed visually (such as typical genital warts), while others require an acetic acid test and other studies.

There are the following types of condylomas:

  • Typical condylomas, including genital warts. These are formations that are shaped like cauliflower.
  • Hyperkeratotic - localized on the epithelium capable of keratinization: labia majora, outer layer foreskin, body of the penis, scrotum. Such formations are layered on top of each other with scales.
  • Papular - have a smooth surface without horny layers.
  • Flat - formations inside the epithelium that may not have external signs, as they do not rise above the surface of the skin. Even colposcopy does not always reveal this form of condylomatosis. But if you treat the surface of the epithelium with a 3% solution of acetic acid, the areas affected by the virus will appear in the form of grayish-white spots. Such condylomas are dangerous because they are prone to germinating inwards and becoming malignant.

Symptoms of genital warts may vary depending on their type and location. On early stages signs of disease may be absent. But as the pathological process progresses, nodules appear in the affected area and associated discomfort, sensation foreign body, humidity. There may also be pain during sexual intercourse, an unpleasant odor in the area of ​​the rash, painful urination(if condylomas affect the urethra), blood in the stool if the anus is affected. Signs of intoxication, chills, elevated temperature, weakness, headache.


Genital warts do not appear immediately after infection. Human papillomavirus for a long time may exist in a latent form and not cause pronounced pathological changes in skin cells. Only under favorable conditions is the virus activated and causes uncontrolled growth and reproduction of epithelial cells.

The result of this is the appearance of nodules in characteristic areas, and then multiple condylomas appear.
In people of both sexes, neoplasms are often observed in the area anus. They are called anogenital warts.

In patients of both sexes, growths are found on the inguinal folds and around the anus.

In men, genital warts are noted on the glans penis in the area of ​​the coronary sulcus, as well as on the frenulum and the inner layer of the foreskin. Less commonly, the body of the penis, scrotum, and urethral opening are affected. If condylomas appear in the urethra, they cause discomfort, the man has difficulty urinating, and the stream of urine splashes.

In women, damage to the skin and mucous membrane of the labia minora, clitoris, and less often to the vagina is more common. Also, genital warts can be observed on the perineum, in the opening of the urethra.

In especially rare cases, condylomas in men and women are observed in the oral cavity. With mechanical damage they grow to 3-5 cm in diameter.

Reasons for appearance

The causes of condyloma in the genital area are: unprotected sex with an infected person. The speed of manifestation of the disease depends on the condition of the body.

The human papillomavirus (HPV), which causes genital warts, is highly contagious and spreads rapidly in the human population. According to various sources, from 50% to 90% of people who lead sex life, infected with one or more strains. Rashes on the genitals occur due to HPV types 6, 11, 13, 16 and 18.

Most people infected with the virus are asymptomatic. But when immune defense decreases, the pathogen becomes more active, and the likelihood of neoplasms increases. The causes of condylomas include the following factors:

  • past illnesses sexually transmitted diseases;
  • avitaminosis;
  • high psychophysical stress;
  • immunodeficiency states.

Thus, the main reasons for the appearance of condylomas are infection and decreased immunity.

In women, the causes of condylomas may be associated with pregnancy and vaginal dysbiosis. In men, the development of genital warts is promoted by physical inactivity, accumulation of large quantity secretion in the foreskin ( poor hygiene).

Viral condyloma may be present on the skin, although it is not visible to the naked eye. The carrier of the infection remains a source of infection, which is why condylomas appear in his sexual partners. When a patient comes into contact with healthy person HPV penetrates through microcracks in the skin and infects it.

The spread of infection is facilitated by early onset of sexual activity, frequent change sexual partners. Therefore, it is important to find out as early as possible why condylomas appear, where they come from and what consequences they lead to.

How are condylomas transmitted?

When asked whether condylomas are contagious, dermatovenerologists answer positively. This is extremely contagious disease sexually transmitted. The infection is found in the skin, mucous membranes, and biological fluids.

If an adult who is sexually active is diagnosed with HPV infection, in 9 out of 10 cases the infection occurred through sexual contact. Symptoms may not appear immediately, but after a few weeks, 2-3 months or later. At good immunity the virus can lie dormant for several years or even decades. Condoms only reduce the risk of infection, but since they cannot completely prevent contact with the skin of the genitals and genitals, they do not provide 100% protection.

Condylomas are transmitted through household means - through a dirty toilet rim, shared cutlery, towels, while taking a bath, etc. But this happens extremely rarely, because the condyloma virus does not remain viable for long in a humid, warm environment. Data domestic infection explain only rare cases when genital warts are found in children and virgins. Also not excluded:

  • hematogenous routes of infection (for example, during blood transfusion);
  • transplacental transmission of the virus (during pregnancy from mother to fetus);
  • infection of the child during passage through the birth canal.

For adults, the cause of infection should be sought in the intimate past.


Diagnosis of condylomas begins with a clinical examination. The easiest way to diagnose typical forms. They are localized in the anogenital area and have a characteristic appearance and others characteristic symptoms condylomas. If necessary, differential diagnosis is carried out with a papular necklace of the penis, which is a normal variant for men, and micropapillomatosis of the labia, which occurs in healthy women.

The diagnosis can be confirmed using instrumental or laboratory methods:

  • extended colposcopy and urethroscopy;
  • cytological examination smear of the cervical canal to identify atypical cells characteristic of cervical dysplasia;
  • histological examination;
  • PCR diagnostics;
  • immunological analysis for antibodies to HPV.

If suspicious signs are detected, testing for HIV, syphilis and other sexually transmitted infections is also carried out.

Which doctor should I contact?

How to treat condyloma and by which doctor? Depending on the complexity of the problem, you will need the help of one or more specialists:

  • Dermatologist (dermatovenereologist). Conducts an examination of the skin, refers for cytological and histological examination, recommends treatment, removes the growth, and refers to other specialized specialists.
  • Gynecologist. Consultation is recommended if rashes appear in intimate places in women. The doctor examines the internal and external genital organs, takes a smear for examination, conducts a PCR analysis, prescribes removal of tumors and antiviral treatment.
  • Andrologist. Examines the skin and mucous membranes in the intimate areas of men. Since not every clinic has an andrologist, his functions are often performed by a urologist.
  • Dentist. This specialist should be visited if genital warts are detected in the mouth and lips.
  • Surgeon - a specialist who performs the removal benign formations optimal method.
  • The oncologist decides whether the growth should be removed if malignancy is suspected.
  • Immunologist. Consultation is required for patients with immunodeficiency and weakened immune system. The specialist selects a therapy that will increase the body’s defenses and stop the spread of the virus.

How dangerous is condyloma?

Whether the growths are dangerous depends on the strain of the virus and the location. Various complications and consequences are possible. Some cause discomfort, others pose a threat to life and health.

Often such neoplasms become injured, infected, inflamed and fester. Inflammation is accompanied by itching, burning, pain, possible bleeding, the appearance unpleasant odor.

From mechanical injuries (for example, when rubbing underwear), condylomas can fall off, and painful bleeding wounds remain in their place. This does not contribute to recovery, but to the spread of infection. New ones may appear in place of the old ones. In particularly advanced cases, cauliflower-type growths cover the entire skin of the genital organs so that no healthy areas remain.

For a long period of time HPV diseases leads to chronic decreased immunity. In this case, any infectious disease is severe and with complications.

But what is most dangerous about genital warts is the risk of malignant degeneration. Some strains of HPV are highly oncogenic; as the infection progresses, the skin epithelium undergoes precancerous and cancerous changes. Human papillomavirus infection can cause uterine cancer in women and penile cancer in men.

HPV requires complex treatment and, first of all, removal of condylomas. The exception is neoplasms with a high risk of malignant transformation. Before deciding whether the condyloma needs to be removed, the doctor conducts an examination. If tumor markers are detected, the patient is referred to an oncologist.

During pregnancy, genital warts are not associated with a risk of miscarriage or premature birth. But genital warts can become damaged and bleed; if they spread excessively, they reduce the elasticity of the vagina, contribute to rupture of the birth canal, and sometimes create the need for an emergency cesarean section.
Another danger is that when an infected mother passes through the birth canal, the baby may become infected. In the future, this can cause laryngeal papillomatosis in an infant - a pathology that requires surgical intervention.

In a clinical setting, diagnosing condylomas is not difficult. Differences from other formations are their characteristic location, flesh-colored color and specific structure with a lobed structure and sharp tips.

On initial stage genital papillomas are easily confused with pyoderma, filamentous papillomas, molluscum contagiosum, and pearlescent papules. In this case, a test is carried out with 5% acetic acid. With condylomatosis, after treatment with the reagent, the color of the formations will become whitish.

Subsequently, the tumors grow. In men, they take on a warty or thread-like shape, resembling a cockscomb or cauliflower. In women, genital warts can take different shapes. On the labia minora and on the vestibule of the vagina, they look like finger-like growths and occupy a significant area of ​​the skin; they can also be moist and velvety. When condylomas are damaged, mucous discharge becomes putrid smell, leucorrhoea intensifies.

If genital warts are detected, differential diagnosis with , which are a sign secondary syphilis, molluscum contagiosum, bowenoid papulosis, lichen planus, lichen planus, pilar cyst, folliculitis, soft fibroma, as well as angiokeratomas and angiofibromas.

How to get rid of condylomas

It is not yet possible to completely eliminate the human papillomavirus from the body. But this does not mean that you modern medicine there is no answer to the question of how to deal with condylomas. Condylomatosis requires complex treatment, which includes immunocorrection and elimination of external manifestations of the disease - removal of condylomas.

Modern methods relieve patients from growths quickly, painlessly, with minimal risk complications. Each of them is good in its own way and has its own indications.

Immunostimulating and antiviral drugs for oral administration

The main method of treatment is removal of condylomas. Immunostimulants and antiviral drugs are complementary to surgical methods. They don't get rid of it anymore existing growths, but prevent the emergence of new ones. Without drug therapy neoplasms reappear in 30% of patients.

How to get rid of genital warts using the pharmacy arsenal? From antiviral drugs Isoprinosine, Panavir, Epigen are used for oral administration. Immunal, Reaferon, Polyoxidonium, Likopid or other drugs are recommended as immunostimulating therapy. You can try to remove the growths at home, but it is better to get rid of the growths under the supervision of a specialist. The most effective treatment against condylomas can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Local medications

Most budget method removal of condylomas - chemical destruction. The neoplasm is treated with a preparation that contains a concentrated alkali or acid, for example, Lapis pencil, Supercelandine. Products of this kind require extremely careful handling, as they can damage healthy tissue.

In some cases, removal of condylomas is performed with local medications. First of all, these are drugs that cause necrosis of neoplasm tissue - Podophyllotoxin, Condyline, Condiline. They do not apply to acid compounds, but they act on the principle of cauterization, as a result of which burning, hyperemia (redness of the skin), and discomfort are possible during the procedure and after. Such drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy. Before removing condylomas with these means, you should consult a specialist.

Remember that treatment of condylomas should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. The specialist will recommend how to treat condylomas at home, what means are best to do this, and select an alternative method if the drug does not help.

Another category of agents are local antiviral agents, in the form of injections or creams. In the first case, it is recommended to inject the growth site with the drug human interferon. The product has a number side effects, including feverish conditions, as with a cold. Removing condyloma at home is possible using external agents such as Imiquimod. The cream is applied to the lesions at night and washed off in the morning. warm water with soap. The drug is effective only for small growths.

Hardware and surgical methods

Removal of condylomas can be carried out using hardware or surgical methods. Some of them are painless, others require anesthesia. Today, patients do not have to worry about whether it is painful to remove condylomas. If you experience discomfort, your doctor will administer anesthesia before removing the condylomas.

  1. The simplest and rarely practiced way to remove growths on the genitals is surgical excision. Removal of condyloma is carried out with a scalpel under local anesthesia, followed by a long recovery period, during which it is necessary to regularly treat the wound.
  2. Inexpensive alternative methods You may be offered cryodestruction. During the procedure, the changed skin is frozen liquid nitrogen, which causes protein destruction and death pathological formation. The papilloma disappears, and the wound heals within a few weeks. The method is relatively painless and does not require anesthesia.
  3. Electrocoagulation is the cauterization of tissue under the influence of current. high frequency. This way you can cut off the growth and cauterize the wound. After the procedure, enhanced tissue regeneration is observed. Among the disadvantages, it should be noted that the method requires anesthesia and can leave scars.
  4. Radio wave therapy is expensive, but extremely effective method removal of tumors. The device for this procedure is called radioknife or Surgitron. It generates radio wave radiation that burns out the tumor. The instrument does not come into contact with the skin, which eliminates infection, reduces the risk of suppuration, and simplifies wound care. The operation is performed under local anesthesia and is practically painless.
  5. Laser therapy is the most effective method elimination of pointed neoplasms. Under the influence of a laser beam, the condyloma tissue evaporates. However, the method is rarely used for anogenital pointed growths due to the risk of burning the mucous membranes.

Treatment of condylomas with folk remedies

Traditional medicine, like official medicine, offers two approaches to the treatment of genital warts - general strengthening immunity and removal of genital warts using local treatment.

Treatment of condylomas at home can be started with restoratives:

  • burdock infusion (1 tsp per glass of boiling water) - take 4 times a day, 0.5 cups;
  • lemon balm tea (2 tablespoons per 300 ml of hot water) - drink a portion during the day;
  • infusion of marigolds (1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water) - take a tablespoon once a day;
  • decoction of elecampane root (1 tbsp per 1 glass of hot water) - take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

Treatment of condyloma folk remedies this kind is aimed at fighting the virus and helps boost immunity.

There are also folk remedies for removing condylomas at home. Here are the most popular ones:

  • treat new growths with fresh celandine juice 3 times a day;
  • rub the condylomas with apple slices 5-6 times a day;
  • apply garlic pulp or a cut clove to the affected skin (you can use onion instead of garlic);
  • make applications from the peel of a ripe banana with garlic juice for 10 days;
  • mix 1 part juniper, 5 parts thuja, pour vodka and leave for 3 weeks, apply the resulting infusion to the growths twice a day for a month;
  • finely grate the horseradish and mix with salt, apply the paste to the affected area;
  • Apply grated potato pulp and a cut Kalanchoe leaf to the affected area for several hours.

Many traditional methods Treatments for condyloma have a common antiseptic and drying effect, and some are based on cauterization with alcohol and exposure to acids. They do not always allow you to remove genital warts at home, but are often quite effective.

If treatment with folk remedies causes excessive discomfort and irritates the skin, it should be abandoned. Remember that condylomas are a source of infection and must be removed. If cured traditional medicine failed, seek help from a specialist.

How to prevent relapse

When asked whether condylomas can be treated, medicine answers in the affirmative. But treatment does not guarantee that you are free from the infection forever. After a human papillomavirus infection, the risk of relapse is 30%. This is due to the fact that the HPV virus can remain inactive for a long time on apparently healthy areas of the skin and mucous membranes. When decreasing immune defense it is reactivated and new growths appear.

How to cure condylomas in this case? Just strengthening the immune system. After removal of condylomas, patients are always recommended to take a course of immunomodulatory and antiviral therapy. The drugs Immunomax, Panavir, Likopid, Meglumina acridone acetate, Alloferon in injections are prescribed.

Treatment is not an obstacle to re-infection. Therefore, after removing the growth, you should adhere to measures to prevent papillomavirus infection.

Prevention of genital warts

Nonspecific measures for the prevention of genital warts are available to adults. This is a healthy lifestyle, food, rich in vitamins and microelements. Factors that suppress the immune system should be avoided - smoking, excessive amounts of alcohol, heavy psychophysical stress. It is also worth being selective in sexual intercourse and using barrier methods of contraception.

A vaccine has now been developed against some strains of HPV. Scientists have high hopes for it, since human papillomavirus infection is a risk factor for the formation of cervical cancer and other oncological diseases.

To prevent cervical cancer, vaccination is carried out for girls aged 9 to 26 years using the drug Cervarix. The Gardasil vaccine is also effective. Mostly girls are vaccinated, since the potential risks of HPV infection are greater for them than for boys.

11/14/2010, Natalya Total messages: 25

Good day, dear forum users)) About 3 weeks ago, HPV type 6/11 was discovered on my cervix. Never been sick sexual diseases, and and this news shocked me. The question immediately arose: “Where from? How could this appear?” This question still bothers me to this day. Doctors, on forums, on various sites say that this virus is transmitted only through sexual contact. But where did this virus come from for me and my boyfriend, if neither he nor I ever had anyone??? If anyone has encountered this or you have any information on this issue, please share!

  • Answer

15.11.2010 00:24 , Taras

I have the same question. Where could I get it from? Neither my wife nor I have ever had anyone except each other.

  • Answer

16.11.2010 13:07 , Elena

Yes, it is possible to become infected through household means. That's exactly how they came to me. maybe you went to the pool or used someone else's personal funds hygiene, etc.

  • Answer

16.11.2010 22:03 , Natalya

Yes, Elena, a month and a half ago I went to the sauna, and accordingly, there was a pool in the sauna where we swam...

  • Answer

19.11.2010 02:37 , Tour

As far as I know, they add a chlorine solution to the pool, I think the virus would not survive there) and in the steam room itself the temperature is 90-100, I think there are also not the right conditions for the virus) perhaps you had the virus, you just got condylomas due to decreased immunity

  • Answer

20.11.2010 21:52 , Natalya

That is, I could have had the virus from birth (passed on from my parents), but it was in a dormant form all these 20 years? But against the background of stress, decreased immunity and other factors, the condyloma came out? I think I would still long years I would not have known about this virus if I had not gone to the gynecologist, since I had no external signs of condylomas...

  • Answer

12.01.2011 14:05 , LL

It is enough to kiss the virus carrier on the lips to snatch this rubbish. And she will come out where she wants (anogenital area, oral cavity and larynx, intestinal mucosa) and when she wants (mainly when immunity decreases). In addition, an innocent kiss can transmit many other things: herpes, dysentery, hepatitis, syphilis, pneumonia, amebiasis, etc.

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08.12.2010 03:09 , Cheburashka

About six months ago, condylomas appeared around my anus. And they continue to grow. The last time I had sex with a girl was a long time ago, and it was with a condom. We met with her for a long time and she did not have any condylomas. I have had a small wart on my wrist for 3 years. In the first year it was half the size of a pea and then it shrank and now it’s just like a small, slightly convex pink speck. As far as I know, both warts and condylomas are caused by the same HPV virus. Maybe it was somehow transmitted from the hand to the back? ((Maybe through a towel. (Now I’ve created a separate one for the causative site).. In the first six months, I tore off this wart on my hand. I walked around with a bloody wound. It healed and then the wart again grew to the previous size. Could the virus in the blood from the hand be transmitted through a bath towel? Condylomas continue to increase in size and quantity. I didn’t go to the doctor - I’m embarrassed. I was treated with standard courses of immunomodulators, interferon, etc. I cauterized with iodine and oxolinka. Iodine and oxolinka reduced a couple of small ones. But they grew again and increased in number. Immunity seems to be normal! I go in for sports, douse myself with cold water. I haven’t had any colds for 5 years now!! And I haven’t been sick with anything at all. Life is really nervous, but what is there.... I don’t know what to do with these condylomas ((((((

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14.12.2010 23:16 , Mermaid

I am 26 years old. A year ago, during tests for hidden infections, HPV was discovered. There are many types of them (some of them have different levels of oncogenicity) and therefore it is reasonable to test for hidden infections, at least to determine which HPV type Do you have or do you have other sexually transmitted infections that create a “favorable” environment for the development of HPV. I think using folk remedies to remove condylomas is ineffective; now there are many methods - and this is only a cosmetic issue (freezing, laser, etc.), the virus itself does not disappear. As I understand from information from the doctor and in articles, it is impossible to completely get rid of HPV, you can only regularly monitor places that are dangerous from an oncological point of view.

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16.12.2010 07:51 , Cheburashka

I don’t have any other sexually transmitted diseases... this is 100%... I completed a course of immunotherapy - it didn’t help me ((And about removal, many people write that then condylomas appear again, and often in large quantities. I’m I burned the local recipe with iodine about 3 months ago. There were 3 small ones at that time. All fell off. But then even larger condylomas began to grow in place of 2, right in size with the spots from the iodine burn. Before that, the condylomas were small and “sharp” in shape. And on In their place, large ones began to grow, as they call it on the website in the form of cauliflower (((And a third one appeared, but of a previous size.

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12.01.2011 14:10, LL

On the skin and anogenital area different types warts It is better to remove both here and there, because they have an unpleasant tendency to degenerate into malignant formations. There is a method of excision using radio waves using the Surgitron apparatus. Prices are different everywhere, from 200 per piece to 1200 rubles.

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16.01.2011 00:01 , WaW

“As far as I know, both warts and condylomas are caused by the same HPV virus. Maybe it was somehow transmitted from the hand to the back? ((Maybe through a towel.” Cheburashka made me laugh))) - this virus circulates in your blood , which, as you know, is the same everywhere, both in the hand and in the butt.

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16.01.2011 14:18 , Cheburashka

Yes, I just went to the doctor the other day... she told me again - it is sexually transmitted. And I’m not one of those people at all! Why on the butt?? And the last time I had sex with a female was 2 years ago, and even then with a condom...

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01.03.2011 21:27 , Proofreader

COMPLETE BULLSHIT! HPV DOES NOT GET into the blood - its environment is exclusively the SKIN and epidermis!

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01.05.2011 22:49 , Seryoga 888

NOT Chush! will give a little! there is a blood test taken through a vein! and shows HPV activity! nah PCR method Stroke!)

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07.09.2013 16:33 , maniano

By the way, there is an opinion that true illnesses are precisely due to nerves!

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07.09.2013 17:32 , Cheburashka

Yes, life is stressful, of course! And my condylomas are gone! Forgot to unsubscribe here. A little less than a year later, they went away on their own! They appeared on me at the end of spring and disappeared at the beginning of next spring. I didn't make any deletions. He even abandoned treatment by that time. And the doctor was frightening... it’s a nightmare, urgently remove it with electrocoagulation, take a bunch of pills, give injections, 30 thousand rubles. for the course... hmm. Two years have passed since they disappeared and no new ones have appeared. I wish you all good health!

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15.05.2016 12:22 , Nude Nyusha

Cheburashka, hello! You DO NOT remove them yourself, I also had the same problem, only I had two of them in total and they only increased every month, it got to the point that I had terrible pain in the anus that I couldn’t even sleep. There’s nothing wrong with going to the doctor. I reassured myself like this: It’s not my ass first and not my last. The doctor reviewed so many of them during his practice)))))))))) I went, the doctor looked at me, prescribed tests, then, when the tests were ready, I set the date for the operation, they simply cut it off, cauterize it with a laser, and that’s it, it’s done with freezing and after no discomfort. Although the doctor said that I might get a little sick. But my torment came to an end!!! And I most likely caught it from my MCH. Well, I won’t write about this, it’s too long. Good luck to you!!! And there’s nothing to be shy about. When the proctologist also started asking me: Why didn’t you come earlier? I told him: I was shy. Doctor: Why be shy? consider that your mouth also works every day)))))))))) And it also needs to be treated on time, just like your teeth. And there is nothing to be ashamed of!

  • Answer

28.06.2011 17:31 , Lemurka

Infection through household means is, of course, possible. Wikipedia to help: Routes of infection The main route of infection with anogenital warts (genital warts) is the sexual route of infection, including oral-genital contact (extremely rare) and anal sex. Human papillomavirus infection of newborns during childbirth is possible, which is the cause of laryngeal papillomatosis in children and anogenital warts in infants. Infection is possible through household means, for example, through touch. This is why the human papillomavirus has become so widespread - about 30 percent of women are infected and have external manifestations of the virus - genital warts. The human papillomavirus can survive for some time in in public places(baths, swimming pools, gyms) and penetrate the human body through abrasions and scratches on the skin. Self-infection (autoinoculation) is possible during shaving and hair removal. Once in the body, papilloma viruses infect the basal layer of the epithelium, with the most affected area being the transition zone of the multilayered epithelium. squamous epithelium into columnar epithelium.

  • Answer

01.03.2012 17:32 , Natalya

You can still get infected through everyday life. It's a shame they don't explain this at school. I am generally a virgin by religious beliefs. I worked in the park in the summer. They rented bicycles there, but I didn’t ride because it was expensive, but I really wanted to. There was another girl who worked there with extremely easy virtue, she didn’t even hide it. She treated me in a friendly manner. She was given free rides on bicycles. One day she drove past me and I really wanted to take a ride. I asked her to ride the bike a little. She was wearing thin summer pants. After I rode just a little bit, after a while I discovered these things. Now I discourage everyone from riding other people’s bikes in the summer. It’s a shame that such things are not explained to us.

Condyloma is a consequence of the human papillomavirus. Genital warts (genital papillomas, condylomatosis) are relatively small flesh-colored growths that can appear on the human body, on the genitals, around the anus, and sometimes in the mouth. Genital warts are viral disease, the causative agent of which is the human papillomavirus. Genital warts must be treated. Condyloma, if not removed in time, in some cases can grow to a relatively large sizes. Condylomas in the anal area create discomfort and a sensation of a foreign body.
Who is the causative agent of condylomas, genital warts?
The human papillomavirus is the cause of genital warts and condylomas in general. It should be noted that various types of human papillomavirus are widespread throughout almost the entire planet. The causative agent of genital warts is human papillomavirus types 6 and 11. Medicine knows more than 100 types of human papillomavirus that can infect the human body.
Types of condylomas and their pathogens:
1. plantar warts- type 1 human papillomavirus
2. simple warts - types 2 and 4 of human papillomavirus
3. flat warts - types 3 and 10 of human papillomavirus
4. cervical dysplasia and increased risk cervical cancer - types: 16, 18, 31, 33, 35 human papillomavirus
5. genital warts - types 6 and 11 of human papillomavirus.
Infection occurs through normal (household) or sexual contact with infected skin or mucous membranes. Genital warts most often occur where there are microtraumas during sexual intercourse, and also, possibly, on any part of the body. The papilloma virus lives in the deep layers of the skin; does not enter the blood or organs. The appearance of genital warts from the moment of infection ranges from several weeks to several years.
An ordinary condom is not a barrier for the papilloma virus, since the size of the papilloma virus is much smaller size condom pores. Self-propagation of the papilloma virus and condylomas occurs with the emergence of new foci outside the zone of primary formation. In 50-70% of children born to mothers infected with the papilloma virus and condylomas, vertical transmission of the papilloma virus occurs.
All types of human papillomavirus that affect the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs are divided into two risk groups:
* “high” (primarily: 16,18,31,33,35), which cause cervical dysplasia and increase the risk of cervical cancer. These types of papillomavirus do not cause genital warts.
* “low” (mainly: 6 and 11) cause genital warts, but do not cause cervical dysplasia and do not increase the risk of cervical cancer.
The likelihood of transmitting the papilloma virus and genital warts during sex: 46-67%. It is also possible to transfer the papilloma virus and genital warts from parents to children, as well as from children to children through household contact.
Wart-like formations (condylomas) of a pinkish-flesh color appear on the genitals. The size of condylomas ranges from 1 mm to several centimeters. Condylomas can grow, gradually taking on the appearance of cauliflower. Genital warts in men usually occur on the glans penis, crown of the glans, frenulum of the foreskin and inner layer of the foreskin. Genital warts in women appear on the frenulum of the labia, labia majora and minora, clitoris, external opening of the urethra, vestibule of the vagina, hymen, vagina and cervix. Genital warts also appear around the anus, in the rectum - due to infection during anal sex.
Diagnosis of genital warts, human papillomavirus
* Detection of genital warts, cervical dysplasia, etc. - examination by a doctor.
* Results of cytological examination (for example, for cervical dysplasia).
* Detection of human papillomavirus by PCR.
You need to know that if you suspect genital warts, you need to exclude a number of diseases, such as molluscum contagiosum and condylomas lata (manifestations of syphilis). All patients with genital warts must be examined for syphilis and AIDS. It also makes sense to test for other sexually transmitted infections.
Due to the fact that human papillomavirus infections are widespread, including “high-risk” types of viruses, it is advisable for all women to have an annual cytological examination of cervical smears for the timely detection of cervical dysplasia.
The most common forms of manifestation of condylomas:
1. external (exophytic) form - genital warts - are the most specific manifestation of the human papillomavirus. In addition to the traditional target organs, such as the skin and mucous membranes of the anal and urogenital area, human papillomavirus is also found in the upper respiratory tract, conjunctiva of the eyes, mucous membrane of the oral cavity, esophagus, rectum. Genital condylomas mainly affect areas of greatest maceration. Typical localization of genital warts in women: labia, vagina, cervix, urethra, clitoris, anus, etc.
2. Internal (endophytic) form - condylomas are divided into flat, inverting and atypical condylomas, which are usually called general term flat condylomas. Flat condylomas are located deep in the epithelium of the mucous membrane, difficult to distinguish with the naked eye; these condylomas most often affect the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix. In 50% of cases, flat condylomas are combined with dysplasia varying degrees, and in 5% of cases - with preinvasive carcinoma. Malignancy of flat condyloma with signs of atypia to the degree of intraepithelial cancer occurs in 4-10% of cases within two years.

How genital warts are transmitted has become a long-standing topic for modern medicine known fact. More than 75% of the world's population and seven out of ten Russians are infected with the condyloma virus.

Condyloma is a small papilloma or group of papillomas collected in inflorescences (very similar to cauliflower) and is mostly transmitted sexually. You can also become infected with this virus from simply touching an infected person through the skin or an object with remaining virus (the least likely way).

The main signs of condyloma disease

The appearance on the human body of unwanted neoplasms in the form of small warts and growths that begin to catch the eye. The result after infection can appear in 7–8 days and live up to 10 years in the human body without showing symptoms. More often, condylomas appear on the human genitals, in the neck and anus. The centers of the main focus and distribution are located in places where heat and moisture accumulate - these are the armpits and folds of skin with profuse sweating.
Itching with condylomas precedes the appearance of the condylomas themselves, but also accompanies the infected person with its irritation as these growths grow in the form of warts. Up to 150 known strains of HPV can cause infection, of which there are benign and malignant papillae:

  • oncogenic, slightly dangerous: 6, 11, 42–44;
  • oncogenic of average danger: 31-n, 32-va, 35-t, 51–52, 58-t;
  • oncogenic high danger: 16, 18, 36 and 45;
  • other strains of the virus are not oncogenic.

It is possible to understand that a person is infected only in moments of extreme stress or acute respiratory viral infection; also with HIV, it is in these cases that the virus begins to manifest itself strongly. Everyone needs to understand that the virus will continue to rage until the intervention of drugs and medical cosmetology. Often condylomas go away without pharmaceutical intervention - this happens in people with good natural immunity. But only a few condylomas themselves go away, so best recommendation There will be a visit to the doctor and taking certified medications.
Doctors produce visual inspection patient if necessary to check separate species neoplasms for oncology then histology is prescribed. To undergo a histological examination under a microscope in the laboratory or colposcopy means to be completely convinced of the absence malignant formation in the body of an infected person.

How are genital warts transmitted in various diseases?

When you have AIDS, viruses will penetrate and spread in the body very quickly and will be difficult to treat. In this case it will be necessary special treatment with close supervision of specialists. Condylomas with syphilis can also develop uncontrollably without the use of medications. The difference is that HPV successfully develops in Syphilis and becomes widespread. Symptoms such as plaques or fusion of papillomas, their complex nature, as well as the whitening of a certain area of ​​condylomas indicate the presence of two viruses in the body, namely HPV and Syphilis. Also, with Syphilis, large areas of skin redness and wetting appear in places where condylomas accumulate.
Localization of both Syphilis itself and HPV in pairs can be from the genitals, to the inside of the lips of the mouth, nose, throat and inside the human body, for example, the formation of tumors that can become malignant. Frequently prescribed by doctors for women contraceptive drugs Jess and Jess plus, don't contradict acceptance antiviral tablets against condylomas. If a woman becomes infected with the condyloma virus while using even the enhanced drug Jess Plus, it can lead to unwanted tumors, including on the cervix. Many people wonder if the anti-condyloma drug can stop taking Jess to restore the cycle and hormonal levels, the answer is simple, of course it can’t. Therefore, women who are undergoing treatment for a hormonal disorder have nothing to worry about and can safely be treated for both ailments.

People often observe the fact that condylomas go away on their own, but for the most part, this is the transition of the disease to a protracted phase, and the presence of immunity in the body of an infected person against the virus shows excellent results.

Condyloma virus in pregnant women

All pregnant women must be tested for the presence of HPV viruses and malignant condyloma viruses. But there are cases of infection while carrying a child, and the Papanicolaou test comes to the rescue. For the most part, this circumstance overtakes a woman due to a sharp restructuring of all hormones in the body.
In more than ninety percent of cases, a gynecologist will not prescribe drugs. After pregnancy, according to statistics, such formations will resolve on their own. If this does not happen, the following methods are used for treatment:

  • burning with liquid nitrogen;
  • burning with an acid solution;
  • electro or laser removal;
  • injection of interferon directly into condylomas.

During pregnancy itself, condylomas can cause some difficulties, namely local bleeding or difficulty urinating. Warts also reduce the elasticity of the uterus, which in turn can lead to a caesarean section during childbirth. Are children contagious with HPV after childbirth? Only a laboratory and tests can answer this question, but there is Great chance infection during childbirth. IN in the rarest cases At birth, a child may develop a papilloma on the larynx; this disease can cause difficulty breathing. The manifestation of such a growth can occur both in infancy and up to five years. Such growths are easily removed using laser surgery. And most importantly, the condyloma virus has no effect on premature birth, miscarriages and complications during pregnancy are in no way related to HPV. The doctor always decides to save the fetus in favor of cesarean section if the circumstances of a particular case of childbirth require it.


To avoid becoming infected with the condyloma virus, you need to be picky about sex and not have sexual intercourse with strangers. Even the use of contraceptives will not 100% protect a person from the virus entering the human body. Oral and anal sex are also successful conductors of viruses into the body. It is important to be honest with your sexual partner. You may not have cheated on your loved one, but accidentally became infected with the virus in a public bath or sauna. Here you need to confess and have the conscience to warn your loved one against infecting them. Wash your hands so as not to become infected with worms - many people have probably known about this since childhood, but as life shows, dirty hands are fraught with many different diseases.
A novelty in the field of treatment of condylomas is the availability of a drug in the form of a vaccine. Not all clinical researches have been carried out and the positive effects of the drug have not been fully proven, but it successfully fights CAP viruses. Therefore, the best recommendation against infection would be: discernment in life, hygiene and systematic visits to doctors. Don’t expect a miracle that the disease will heal itself and recede; it is better to prevent infection than to deal with its consequences.

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