You can remove the gap between your front teeth. The most effective methods for getting rid of diastema (gaps between the front teeth)

Teeth and their health are very important for normal functioning our body. They are the first stage in the process of eating and digesting food, and therefore the entire nutrition system as a whole.

For dental health, it is important not only the absence of caries and other dental diseases, but also their normal location in oral cavity and on the jaw. A normal, healthy bite means that the teeth should be positioned so that their sides are slightly touching.

Trema is the distance that is observed in some patients between the sides of the teeth.

What it is?

Photo: installed veneers on trems (before and after treatment)

Trema – from the Greek “trema” means crack or hole. This is the name for the presence of gaps between teeth despite the fact that the dentition is complete. Trema should not be confused with diastema. It got this name - two upper central incisors.

We will talk specifically about three, since this is a deviation can cause quite big troubles later. In contrast, diastema in most cases causes only psychological problems, as it has a bad effect on the aesthetics of the smile. Cracks can appear not only in large quantities between all teeth, as well as in a single version.

The distance between the lateral surfaces of the teeth can be considered normal if it does not exceed 0.7 mm. In this case, no pathological changes occur.

It is interesting that it is the upper jaw that is most susceptible to this phenomenon, while pathological trema in the lower jaw is observed quite rarely.

If we talk about pathology, then exceeding the limit of 0.7 mm is not always classified as it. However there is bottom line when changes are considered dangerous - a distance exceeding 1 mm. The severity of this problem is determined not so much by distance as by possible changes appearance of the patient that occurred or may occur subsequently.

Description of the problem

First of all, it is worth saying that the contact surfaces formed when the side walls of the teeth come into contact have a protective function. They protect the gingival papillae from possible injury during eating (chewing).

Accordingly, all gum tissues may be subject to injury, as well as the formation of periodontal pockets. They affect the quality of oral hygiene. Food debris, germs, etc. collect there.

That is patients with trema are exposed increased risk development of periodontal diseases– pathological inflammatory process in the gums. Also in adults who have a problem such as having three, the likelihood of developing rapid caries, and as a result of this, pulpitis, greatly increases.

Varieties and symptoms

The main symptom of this disease is the presence of empty space on the jaw, both upper and lower. According to the nature of their occurrence, three are classified into two main classes.

  • Physiological. This variety does not appear in adults. It is observed only in childhood at a certain period. This is the time when permanent baby teeth are replaced.
  • Pathological. May have many reasons. Appear already when permanent bite The process of compiling the dentition is completely formed and completely completed. Dentists strongly recommend not leaving this problem unattended and starting to correct it as early as possible.

One of the features of the three, which can also be classified as symptoms, is the slow but steady process of an even greater increase in the gaps, which becomes noticeable with age.

From all of the above, we can draw the following conclusion: all symptoms boil down to the fact that there is more than one abnormal big gap between any teeth. This requires mandatory consultation with a professional dentist, who will decide whether there is a need for treatment.

Why do they appear?

As already mentioned, the reasons causing There are quite a lot of this problem. In some cases, to solve it, the original factor that triggered the development must be eliminated.

If we talk about physiological problems, then the reason for their appearance is too fast growth all the child's bones, including the jaws. The size of the teeth remains the original; they do not have time to reach normal size so quickly. At the same time, the appearance of trema is completely normal.

On the contrary, if by about five years of age (the age is not exact, it depends on individual developmental characteristics) the baby has not developed small gaps between the teeth, this may in itself be a problem.

The fact is that this state of affairs may be due to a delay in the development and growth of jaw tissue. Then the doctor can even decide on appropriate corrective measures.

The appearance of pathological three is characterized by a much greater variety of causes.

How to remove?

The physiological factors behind the appearance of this problem do not require special intervention, only observation, since in most cases this process is normal and the phenomenon goes away on its own.

If it is observed pathological appearance intervals, then treatment depends on what caused it, since it is necessary to eliminate it whenever possible.

Treatment methods can be very different - from therapeutic, orthodontic and surgical to their complex use. In addition to the cause, when choosing treatment, the dentist will also take into account the severity of the problem and its aesthetic component.

Before starting treatment and drawing up a treatment plan, you should definitely conduct a thorough study, including panoramic and volumetric photographs of both jaws. They may show abnormal placement relative to the midline of the roots in the gum and jaw tissue.

Various elimination methods

Here are the techniques used in modern dentistry to eliminate this phenomenon.

  1. The first way is use of various orthodontic structures. However, this is a very long process. Its effectiveness largely depends on the degree of expression. The fact is that in adults, large gaps are unlikely to be completely eliminated using braces and other orthodontic methods.
  2. Implantation. This method is effective if the problem is due to partial edentia. Then implants are placed in place of the missing teeth. However, this should be taken care of at the very beginning, and not delay the divergence process.
  3. Restoration using composites. This good way, in which tooth surfaces are built up using a composite. There is no need to grind down the enamel, and the composites themselves are elastic and easy to re-restorate.
  4. Installation of veneers. These are thin plates that replace the front surface of the teeth. Moreover, they can have different widths, which makes it possible to effectively close the gaps formed.

Refusal of treatment can be very dangerous unpleasant consequences for health and external aesthetics. That is why, after tremors become noticeable, even small ones, you should consult a specialist for advice.

Let's watch a short video with the dentist's comments about this problem:

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The gap between the front teeth is called a diastema. The problem is widespread - every fifth person on Earth has encountered it. Light form the disease does not bring its owner any troubles, except aesthetic ones.

Gaps between the remaining teeth (on the lower and upper jaw) were called trema. Many popular stars do not consider diastema and trema to be a disadvantage; they demonstrate their individuality and smile widely with pride.

Trema and diastema are types of cosmetic defects. Modern methods treatments allow you to correct gaps of any complexity.

Diastema is a pathology that extends only to the front teeth of the upper or lower jaw. The size of the diastema ranges from 1 mm to 1 cm. Small gaps do not require special attention, do not need therapy.

Tremas look like enlarged spaces that are located on any teeth except the front incisors. Their appearance is typical during the period of appearance of baby teeth, when the jaw is actively growing and developing.

Why does diastema appear?

There are several reasons for this. If we exclude heredity, the following factors provoke the appearance of cracks and gaps between teeth:

  • Bad habits in childhood - the child has weaned himself from the pacifier for too long or constantly sucked his fingers. Due to the presence of an object in the mouth, the upper bite is formed incorrectly;

The baby should be weaned off the pacifier starting from the age of six months.

  • Incorrect placement of teeth in the mouth - individual characteristics the jaws are such that the teeth grow crowded and there is not enough space for them. In another case, a diastema appears - there is too much space, they fill the free space;
  • Swallowing dysfunction - most people have a natural conditioned reflex: When swallowing, the tongue rests on the soft part of the palate. In 5-7% of people, this reflex works differently - due to the special structure of the jaw, the tongue rests on the front teeth when swallowing. Under constant mechanical impact a gap is formed;
  • Complications after periodontal disease are a common problem among women. Bone tissue weakens, teeth “diverge” in different directions;
  • Large frenulum - it looks like a bridge in the area inside lips, attached to the gum. The non-standard size of the frenulum (its increase) in the area of ​​the front teeth does not allow them to close together;
  • Prolonged change of teeth - causes related problem: impaired diction, lisp. The process cannot be influenced in any way; treatment is carried out after the appearance permanent teeth;
  • Tooth loss (edentia) - neighboring teeth “pull together” into an empty space;
  • Incorrect positioning of teeth initial stage;
  • Small size of central incisors;
  • The appearance of a neoplasm.

A large gap between the teeth significantly affects the quality of life - it reduces social activity and interaction with the opposite sex. If the patient does not experience psychological discomfort, no correction is performed.

Over time, the diastema expands, which leads to diction disorders - a lisp appears, and it is not possible to fully pronounce a number of sounds.


Diagnosis of children's diastema is no different from identifying the reasons for the increase in interdental space in an adult. At an appointment with a specialist, visual inspection oral cavity. To determine the bite and midline, the patient simply needs to close his jaws.

Treatment of complex pathology begins with radiography and study of jaw models. During diagnosis, the position of the teeth in the oral cavity, their shape, the inclination of the incisors and general position bridles.

The choice of treatment method is decided jointly by several specialists - dentist-therapist, orthodontist, surgeon, orthopedist.


Dentists highlight 2 types of gaps between teeth:

  1. False- manifests itself in a child during the period of replacement of milk teeth with permanent ones. The diastema disappears on its own as new teeth grow.
  2. True- the anomaly appears after the formation of molars. It is not possible to correct the deficiency on your own; the problem can be solved with the help of a dentist or orthodontist.

Diastema requires periodic monitoring. It tends to expand over time.

Treatment of children's diastema when changing baby teeth does not involve special measures. To avoid such a defect in the future, parents should consult a specialist for advice.

If the problem appeared at the age of 12-16 years permanent teeth, the diastema is corrected using an Angle arc. An effective remedy is the installation of a mouthguard. The device consists of hooks and a rubber rod that tightens the gap. It is installed from the inside at the place where the gap forms between the front teeth. To consolidate the effect, you will need to install a retention device.

Diastema in adulthood is more difficult to eliminate due to the formed jaw system. There are a number of dental techniques that can help solve cosmetic defect. The treatment regimen depends on the causes of the disease, the size of the gap, the degree of development and the wishes of the patient.

1. Aesthetic artistic restoration

The therapeutic method allows for short term restore the missing aesthetics to the smile area. Restoration is performed only on molars. The treatment method is similar to traditional filling and involves applying a special photopolymer plastic material.

At the initial stage, a visual examination of the condition of the teeth is carried out. If they are affected by caries, they first get rid of it. By using aesthetic restoration Diastema can be cured in one session. The dentist builds tissue on the front incisors layer by layer and forms a partition between them. After each layer, the surface is polished and dried under a special lamp.

Before starting the extension, the specialist selects the color of the filling material that matches the natural shade of the teeth.

The restoration procedure is painless and has no contraindications.

2. Installation of veneers or crowns

Veneer is a durable thin plate (0.7 mm) made of ceramic. To disguise the diastema, it is glued to special composition only on the front part of the tooth.

Installation of veneers - effective technique corrections dental defects in a short time. Before the procedure begins, the teeth undergo preliminary preparation: the surface is fluoridated, polished with professional brushes, and treated with a protective gel. Compliance with the conditions at the initial stage allows you to avoid problems in the future. The color and shape of the veneers are selected in advance.

Before starting treatment, you should take a responsible approach to choosing a specialist. He must have experience in conducting similar procedure and relevant qualifications.

Advantages of installing ceramic plates:

  • They don't call allergic reactions oral cavity;
  • They have high strength and durability;
  • Does not affect the condition of the gums;
  • Do not stain from food and drinks.

Disadvantages of installing ceramic plates:

  • Long-term wearing provokes the appearance of caries;
  • High price.

Veneers are not installed on children's baby teeth!

Crowns are an inexpensive option for masking the gap between the front teeth, which is made from 2 materials: metal-ceramics and all-ceramics. The crown covers the tooth from the outside and inside. It looks like a cap and is made in the laboratory according to the patient's measurements. To install, the dentist grinds down the tooth on all sides so that the crown fits snugly bone tissue.

3. Installation of braces

An effective and safe, but time-consuming method. The braces system is recommended for children who have recently replaced their baby teeth with permanent ones.

Braces are a structure attached to the outer or inner part of the dentition. Made of metal and transparent material. The treatment period ranges from 6 months to 2 years, depending on the degree of the defect and concomitant dental diseases.

It is much more difficult for an adult to get rid of interdental spaces using braces. The jaw is already formed and does not lend itself well to tightening the teeth with a special design. The wearing period extends to 2 - 2.5 years. After removing braces, there is a serious risk of teeth moving back into place. To secure the result, the orthodontist installs a fixation plate on the inside.

The disadvantages of the braces system include the high price and the inability to remove the structure before the end of treatment.

4. Installation of a mouthguard

The mouthguard is a transparent cover for each tooth. Used for therapy light form diastema. It is made individually for each patient according to an impression. Compared to braces, it can be removed while eating, and with the gel placed inside, it whitens teeth. An undeniable advantage - along with the elimination of excess space between teeth, it corrects bite and other dental pathologies.

5. Surgical method

It is used if the cause of the gap between the front teeth is a low-lying frenulum. The procedure is performed using a laser under local anesthesia. The method is applicable for children adolescence. Recovery period short-lived. The result does not appear immediately, but over time the gap disappears completely.

Modern medicine makes it possible to effectively get rid of dental defects at any stage.

Gaps between teeth occur in many people, and it is almost impossible to predict their occurrence. Often this pathology is hereditary in nature. There are two types of gaps: trema (between the lateral teeth) and diastema (between the upper front incisors). The presence of a gap affects the aesthetics of the dentition. Although, with regard to diastema, this issue is quite controversial. If, for example, the gap between two front teeth is for some serious drawback, spoiling all the beauty of a smile, then others see a certain zest in it, and psychics associate with it the determination and success of a person.

In dentistry, diastema is distinguished between false and true. In the first case, it is considered a functional deviation that occurs in children with baby teeth and disappears on its own, that is, when the temporary dentition is replaced by a permanent one. In the second case, a gap appears between the permanent incisors.

Why do gaps form between teeth?

Rare teeth can be either a hereditary defect or a consequence of various factors. It happens that they are formed due to a mismatch between the size of the teeth and the jaw: when the teeth are too small for the jaw, the spaces between them become wider, and when they are too large, the jaw seems to be overcrowded with teeth. Anomalies in size and shape are often observed in the upper lateral incisors, and this leads to the formation of a gap between the central incisors of the upper dentition. Among the anomalies there may be either a small height of some teeth or their absence. In general, with partial edentia, healthy teeth It is common to move towards the vacant place. This is how the front teeth can diverge if a person has lost their chewing teeth. Gaps are also formed due to the incorrect location of the rudiments of dental units, sometimes due to neoplasms.

A frenulum that is too large contributes to diastema. In normal condition, it represents a bridge that goes to the gum from upper lip on its inner side and is located above the 2 central teeth. However, with pathological growth, the bridge can pass between these teeth, blocking the natural closure of the space between them.

The appearance of a chip is possible due to bad habits in childhood (thumb sucking/pacifier). Gaps can cause periodontal problems. The gap is formed when the bone tissue on which the dentition is based is lost. In people who have lost a large amount of it, their teeth lose stability and become loose.

Sometimes diastema is caused by a violation of the swallowing process. Usually, when a person swallows, his tongue presses into upper sky. With swallowing dysfunction, the tongue rests on the front incisors, as if pushing them. Over time, the teeth move forward, and a gap appears between them.

How to close interdental gaps

It is not difficult to diagnose an anomaly associated with the expansion of spaces between teeth in a person. When you smile, you can notice a dark space in the upper dentition between the central teeth. This is a diastema. It usually has no symptoms if it is formed due to a discrepancy between the size of the jaw and the size of the teeth. But if the interdental space increases over time due to periodontal diseases, abnormal growth of the frenulum, etc., then this process does not go unnoticed. It is very important to understand what could have caused such a deviation. The patient usually notices the slow discrepancy of the front teeth himself. The increase in the gap is noticeable during hygiene procedures- brushing teeth and flossing. Some people experience problems when eating food. painful sensations and discomfort. The dentist will indicate the process of formation of the tooth gap during the examination. Thanks to a carefully developed diagnosis, as well as forward planning, it is possible to select the optimal treatment for any specific case in order to meet the needs of the patient.

Orthodontic method

The size of the diastema may vary. Some people's teeth can be as much as 10mm apart. Modern orthodontics has its own methods for correcting this anomaly. Braces are installed to move teeth and correct defects. Solving a problem this way takes quite a lot of time. The duration of gap correction depends on the specific clinical case. The recovery time is influenced by both the patient’s age and the size of the discrepancy. So, for example, it may take several months to eliminate an anomaly in a child, while for an adult patient it may take several months to solve this problem. dental problem It will take from six months to 2 years, since his jaw has already formed. It is worth noting that the orthodontic method is the safest and also permanently solves the problem. After all, when installing braces, tooth tissue is not damaged. In terms of aesthetics, modern braces do not cause any difficulties. To correct the gap, dentists also offer mouth guards - designs with the same operating principle as braces. The orthodontic method allows teeth to gradually move naturally.

Installation of lumineers and veneers

The use of plates is considered the fastest and most affordable method of closing interdental gaps. Lumineers, made from a composite that matches the shade of the client's tooth enamel, are installed from the gap side directly onto the upper incisors. The plates naturally continue the tooth and it is almost impossible to discern from the outside that it is an artificial material. But Lumineers change color over time. Moreover, caries can occur at the junction of the tooth and the plate. Therefore, if a patient decides to eliminate a diastema using lumineers, he must remember that in order to “refresh” the result, he will have to periodically visit his doctor to grind the surface of the tooth and apply a new layer of material on top.

Veneers are installed on the front surface of central teeth as simply as lumineers. Before fixing the veneer, the specialist polishes the enamel a little, protects the tooth with a special gel and glues the plates. In addition to grinding off the enamel, this method There are several other significant shortcomings. Over time, the patient will have to change veneers. Compared to lumineers, their cost is an order of magnitude higher. To make the records look natural, they try to make them thinner. Therefore, due to their fragility, veneers can break. However, this method allows the patient to close the gap in one go and is one of the most popular.

Other methods

When a gap occurs, the lack of tooth walls is compensated by building up with a composite material. If the tooth root is healthy, we begin to build up the crown part. This procedure is absolutely painless, has no contraindications and is available even to pregnant women. You can also close gaps between teeth using crowns. But in this case, turning is required. If teeth diverge due to partial edentia, prosthetics will help avoid trouble.

If the frenulum is incorrectly positioned, the dentist suggests surgically correcting the bridge. This operation is called frenectomy. The interdental space closes on its own if it is done in early childhood. In older children or adults, after frenectomy, the gaps are closed with braces, or a specialist suggests one of the methods described above.

If the gaps between teeth are caused by periodontal diseases, then, first of all, you will need the help of a periodontist. And only after the health of the gums has been restored can you move the teeth back into place. This is often done using curly braces. Sometimes a specialist suggests installing a bridge to close the gaps.

Is it worth covering a gap between teeth?

Before you fight diastema, think about whether it’s worth doing. After all, the situation also has its advantages. Thanks to a sufficiently large gap, teeth are less susceptible to caries. Food particles usually accumulate in the interdental spaces, plaque is deposited, and tartar forms. With larger interdental spaces, better hygiene is available. Of course, it is extremely necessary to correct the gap if it interferes with diction, or if the process of teeth moving apart is actively progressing due to periodontal problems. But often people go to correct a gap, believing that it makes their appearance unattractive. Or maybe, if the increased interdental distance does not negatively affect a person’s life, then it is not worth touching it, so as not to further injure the oral cavity. After all, even some celebrities not only do not hide their diastemas, but try to flaunt them, believing that they add sexiness to them. For example, Lily Aldridge does not allow photographers to fix her gap using Photoshop.

Diastema or gap between teeth is a fairly common phenomenon, a defect that spoils aesthetic appearance smiles.

It is not as safe as it seems, periodontal diseases may occur, because it affects the teeth huge pressure, they become less stable.

Why do teeth come apart?

Let's look at the main causes of gaps between the front teeth:

  • Heredity. One of the parents has such a pathology.
  • The frenulum is attached low to the lips, lower and upper.
  • The cord of the frenulum of the upper lip is excessively compacted.
  • Milk teeth were later replaced by permanent teeth.
  • Lack of prostheses for a long time on site extracted tooth, neighboring teeth try to close the void, thereby forming gaps.
  • Inconsistency between jaw bones and teeth size.
  • The tooth buds are positioned incorrectly or there are neoplasms.
  • An incorrect swallowing reflex in childhood can lead to such a pathology.
  • In a child with baby teeth, this is a functional defect; when replaced with permanent teeth, the gaps disappear.
  • One of the complications of periodontal disease is a gap between the front teeth;
  • Congenital growth defects of incisors.


Conditional classification of diastemas

By type:

  • False. Observed in early age, the bite is usually not structured.
  • True. It can only be corrected with special treatment.
  • Symmetrical.
  • Asymmetrical. Gap upper teeth, does not match the ones below.

According to the position of the teeth:

  • Hull displacement. The roots are in a natural position, and the roots are deviated.
  • The crowns are deviated laterally. Displaced in space, the roots are twisted and immobile.
  • Complex displacement of crowns and roots.

What to do with a gap between teeth?

Only a dentist or orthodontist can correct this problem. Treatment is carried out using the following methods:

  • Artistic camouflage of the gap.
  • Orthodontic treatment methods.
  • Installation of veneers, crowns.
  • Surgery.


Absolutely safe look defect corrections. There is no need to remove teeth and surrounding tissue. Before applying braces, the teeth are cured and professional cleaning. Braces can be metal, ceramic, plastic or combined options, for more effective treatment. Braces are invisible (outwardly not visible to people around you).

Treatment with braces is very effective, it provides not only a temporary, but a permanent result; you can remove not only wide front gaps, but also close the gaps of other teeth.

But there are also disadvantages of this treatment:

  1. You will have to wear them for a long time (about 2-3 years), visit the dentist every month, carefully care for your braces, and give up certain types of food;
  2. There is no way to remove them yourself;
  3. The older biological age, the longer the treatment;
  4. Contraindicated for children under 10 years of age.

Their undoubted advantage is that they are removable before eating, this is especially important. Mouthguards can only be worn at night. They are plastic, transparent, almost invisible, and thanks to the special material, after regular use, teeth whiten by one tone.

If the crack is not large, this treatment method will help to easily fix this problem. Using a special filling, which is polymerized under the influence of a special ultraviolet lamp, interdental tissue is built up from one to 3 layers. The number of layers depends on the initial width of the hole.

Advantages of artistic restoration:

  • The patient chooses the composite material of the filling, its shade himself, from the color palette presented to him by the dentist;
  • Photopolymer fillings completely fill the gap;
  • Minimum time investment, from 30 minutes to two hours;
  • For artistic restoration, the use of anesthesia is not required, it is painless;
  • There are no contraindications for using a photopolymer filling;
  • It does not require special care;
  • There are no complications;
  • Restoration can be performed for children, pregnancy, and cancer.

Veneers or crowns

The use of veneers is a revolutionary method, but quite expensive.

They consist of the thinnest layer of porcelain, are attached to the front part of the tooth, and the result of the correction is immediately visible.

Positive qualities of using veneers:

  • Visually, the crack disappears completely;
  • Only the doctor and the patient know that the treatment was carried out, since there are completely no visible traces of the treatment;
  • Possibility of choice: all-ceramic, metal-ceramic, ceramic;
  • Possibility of changing the color of teeth, thanks to a variety of shades;
  • Does not require long-term adaptation to “new” teeth;

Lumineers (composite resins) are often used to repair the hole. But the effect is temporary, after certain time restoration and polishing of lumineers is necessary.


Frenectomy – means removal of the frenulum surgically. Performed for children younger age. After such an operation, the cleft closes itself. Operations are performed to excise the soft tissues of the lips or tongue, and remove abnormally growing teeth. After surgical treatment orthodontic treatment is mandatory.

How much does it cost to seal a gap? There is no clear answer to this question, since the price is individual and depends on each specific case.

In cases where the gap is formed due to periodontal disease, treatment by a periodontist is necessary. Once gum health is restored, braces or bridges are used to move the teeth back to their original location.


Traditional treatment at home

If you are not eager to seek help from dentists, try correcting the defect at home. Folk way Reduce the gap using sewing thread. Wrap a 30 cm piece of thread around the incisors and tighten tightly, leaving overnight or for 12 hours. Slight pain is possible.

This method of treatment gives the first results from one year to several years. Before self-medicating, you should consult a dentist so as not to worsen the situation.

As a result, knowing the numerous treatment methods and the benefits of each of them, you need to think carefully and choose a treatment method that is acceptable to you.

Gaps between teeth bring not only aesthetic discomfort, but also affect diction, disrupt the chewing process, and also contribute to the development of problems with soft tissues. Minor gaps are not dangerous, but large discrepancies must be corrected.

There are two types of clefts between teeth:

  1. Diastema is the distance between the teeth on the upper and lower jaw. Its size ranges from 1 mm to 1 cm.
  2. Tremes – big gap between the teeth in the far row - molars and premolars.

Important! Often in children there is a gap between the primary incisors. This is the so-called false diastema. When replaced with molars, it disappears. If this does not happen, they speak of a true diastema.

This is what a diastema looks like.

A gap between teeth appears in several reasons:

  1. Low location or increased size of the frenulum of the upper and lower lips.
  2. Microdentia is the growth of too small incisors and fangs.
  3. Bad habits: long weaning of a child from a pacifier, thumb or pencil sucking.
  4. : curvature, crowding.
  5. Long-term change of teeth.
  6. Excessive number of teeth: an anomaly occurs in 2–3% of people, characterized by the growth of additional canines, incisors and molars, most often on the upper jaw.
  7. Complication of gum disease.
  8. Loss of teeth: the remaining units are pulled together in place of the removed one, as a result, the integrity of the row is disrupted.
  9. Swallowing dysfunction: 5 - 7% of people, when swallowing, rest their tongue not on the palate, but on the upper incisors.

Important! To prevent the development of diastema in babies, they need to be weaned off the pacifier from the age of one and a half years.

Restoration methods

Depending on the cause of their appearance, as well as the size of the spaces between the teeth, gaps are eliminated in one of the following ways: orthodontic treatment, composite restoration, prosthetics, or surgery.

This is trema.

Important! If a gap between the front teeth appears due to a non-standard size of the frenulum, first surgical plastic surgery. Only after this they begin restoration.

Bracket system

Braces are used when serious violations bite They are usually installed on children and adolescents. But with the help of the design, curvature is also corrected in adults. Average duration therapy – from 6 months to 2 years.

Important! The duration of treatment directly depends on the size of the pathology and the age of the patient. The younger the client and the shorter the distance, the less time it will take to remove the chip.

Types of bracket systems.

TO pros bracket systems include:

  1. Preservation natural look and integrity of the dentition.
  2. Safety.
  3. There is no need for depulpation and grinding of enamel.

Design disadvantages:

  1. Expensive.
  2. Duration of treatment.
  3. Painful sensations at the beginning of therapy.

Made from metal, ceramic and sapphire. The cost depends on the materials of construction, the manufacturer and pricing policy dentistry. On average, installing a turnkey bracket system will cost from 20,000 to 75,000 rubles.


Invisalign is a transparent aligner for correcting teeth.

Invisalign system– a new word in orthodontic treatment. A transparent mouthguard made of high-strength plastic is placed on the patient’s jaw. The design gently and gradually tightens the teeth, eliminating the gaps between the teeth. Thanks to this, minor curvature or chipping can be eliminated.

The Invisalign system is used as an alternative to braces. Compared to orthodontic braces, it has a number of advantages:

  1. Gentle effect on the jaw, no severe pain.
  2. Convenient – ​​the mouth guard can be removed while brushing your teeth and eating.
  3. High aesthetics - the transparent design is almost invisible.

Important! The mouth guard will have to be changed every 3 to 4 weeks. This “ties” the client to dentistry.

The disadvantages of the system are its high cost and the impossibility of installation in case of severe curvature and crowding. Prices for Invisalign start at 200,000 rubles.

Composite restoration

Often, dentists, when patients ask how to close the gap between the front teeth, recommend reconstruction with composite materials. This method is used only to eliminate gaps between incisors, canines and slight curvature.

Result after correction.

Composites are elastic photopolymer materials. They are applied in layers and harden under a special lamp - a photopolymerizer. At the end, the dentist must remove excess fillings, polish and grind.

pros composite restoration:

  1. Fast: recovery takes from 30 minutes to 2 hours.
  2. The procedure is carried out in one visit.
  3. Painless.
  4. No need to grind down the enamel.

Important! retains the opportunity to correct the bite in other ways at any time. The method gives time to think about what to do next in case of serious defects.

Composites have significant minuses:

  1. Average service life is 5 years.
  2. Restored teeth will need to be polished and fluoridated regularly.
  3. Fragility.
  4. Due to their porous structure, composites change color within 2–3 years.

The price of a composite restoration depends on the complexity of the restoration and how many units need to be fixed (one or more). On average, the cost varies between 5,000 – 7,000 rubles.


Large gaps between teeth are preferably corrected with veneers – ceramic plates. Their thickness does not exceed 0.7 mm, they are attached to the enamel and completely restore the aesthetics and functionality of the jaw.

Important! Veneers are made from individual impressions by a dental technician. The color and size of the plates fully correspond to the patient’s natural bite.

Veneers are one of the methods for correcting gaps between teeth.

Advantages of veneers:

  1. The plates are indistinguishable from natural teeth.
  2. Long service life - from 10 years.
  3. Increased strength.
  4. Allows you to correct many crooked teeth at the same time.


  1. The enamel is ground down.
  2. The duration of the procedure is 2 – 3 weeks.
  3. After the installation of the plates, restoration using other methods other than prosthetics is impossible.

The cost of veneering varies from 15 to 25 thousand rubles.


Another way to eliminate gaps between teeth is prosthetics with single crowns. They are made from medical porcelain using impressions and installed on a pre-ground incisor or fang.

Important! Only crowns made of ceramics and zirconium dioxide are installed on incisors and canines. Metal ceramics do not convey the required transparency and are translucent.

Crowns are often used when it is necessary to restore one tooth or severely damaged incisors. They are durable, identical to the natural bite and shade. However, they have several disadvantages:

  1. The tooth is severely ground down and depulpation is carried out.
  2. Duration – the procedure takes from 2 weeks to a month.
  3. Once a crown has been installed, restoration by other means is not possible.

One crown costs about 15,000 rubles.

Gaps between teeth can be filled with composite restorations, orthodontic treatment, or dentures. The method of restoration depends on the financial capabilities of the patient and the clinical picture.

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