Juniper oil: use, treatment and contraindications. Juniper essential oil, properties and uses

Unique properties common juniper have been known since ancient times. Therapeutic effect the plant is due to the essential oil that is part of the cones, pine needles and other parts of the crop.

Juniper oil has diuretic, disinfectant, choleretic, analgesic, expectorant effects, and other beneficial features. The product is used in folk medicine to treat diseases, and is also used in cosmetology and aromatherapy.

Characteristics and properties

Common juniper is a coniferous evergreen shrub or tree. Its fruit is a cone berry containing 3 seeds.

Essential oil Juniper is found in pine cones and needles (about 2%), less of it is in roots, wood, and bark. Main composition of the product:

    • camphene;
    • pinene;
    • cidrol;
    • borneol;
    • juniper camphor;
    • terpinene;
    • felandrene.

    The biological activity of juniper cones is due to the essential oil they contain, which has the following beneficial properties:

    • Painkillers.
    • Antimicrobial.
    • Diuretic.
    • Mild hypotensive.
    • Expectorant.
    • Choleretic.

    The diuretic effect of the product is due to the presence of terpineol in it, which enhances filtration in the renal glomeruli.

    Juniper oil helps thin bronchial secretions and facilitates the removal of bile from the gallbladder.


    In folk medicine, oil helps in the treatment and prevention of certain human diseases.body:

    Disease categories Diseases Methods of administration
    Immune systemAllergyBath
    SkinAcne, dermatosis, lichen, eczemaCompress, bath
    Nervous systemAstheniaInternal use, bath
    JointsArthritisCompress, rubbing, bath
    CardiovascularAtherosclerosis, varicose veinsIngestion, compresses
    Gastrointestinal tractAtony, gastritis, constipationInternal use
    ViralFlu, infectious diseases, coldInhalations, internal use
    Endocrinological systemDiabetesIngestion
    UrologicalUrolithiasis, cystitisMedicinal tea
    DentistryPeriodontal diseaseRinse, lotions
    RheumatologyGout, rheumatismRubbing, bath, ingestion

    Peppermint essential oil - beneficial properties and uses

    Application in cosmetology

    Thanks to its cleansing and drying properties, the product is suitable for the care of oily and normal skin faces and bodies. It is used as a tonic, reduces swelling of the skin, increases turgor and eliminates cellulite as in pure form, and in a mixture with other essential oils (lavender, pine, geranium, bergamot, fir, orange).

    The product is used to treat acne, eliminate dandruff, strengthen hair roots, and for aromatherapy. Juniper oil promotes weight loss.


    The drug is contraindicated in the following cases:

    • intolerance to plant components;
    • pregnancy;
    • severe hypertension;
    • acute kidney inflammation.

    Methods of application

    Diuretic teas with juniper are prepared for oral administration:

  1. 1. 1 tbsp. l. Brew a mixture of 4 parts juniper berries, the same amount of bearberry leaf and 1 part licorice root in a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, strain. Take as prescribed by your doctor.
  2. 2. Take 2 parts each of juniper berries and horsetail, 1 part wheatgrass rhizome. 1 tbsp. l. pour 0.5 liters of boiling water into the mixture and leave for a quarter of an hour. Drink as prescribed by your doctor.
  3. 3. Take 1 tbsp for a glass of boiling water. l. a mixture of birch leaf, dandelion root, juniper berries in equal parts. Soak for 10 minutes in a water bath. Leave until cool. Drink the product daily 3 times, 1 tbsp. l.

Diuretic and disinfectant action juniper berry teas are due to the presence of essential oil in them. Excreted through the kidneys, it acts as an irritant, increasing diuresis.

When using the finished product internally, it is recommended to take 1–2 drops per 1 tsp. vegetable oil. Should be taken 2-3 times a day for 30 days.

Outdoor use

The product is used for rubbing for neuralgia, rheumatism, polyarthritis, and paralysis. For 10 ml of base (vegetable oil) add 4-5 drops of the product, for compresses - 6-7 drops.

Hot compresses (for arthritis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism) are prepared as follows: to 100 ml hot water add 5-7 drops of the product, mix. Soak a cloth made of natural fibers in the solution, squeeze lightly, apply to the problem area for 2 hours, and wrap. Perform 1-2 times a day.

Ointment for scabies is prepared on the basis of Vaseline. Add 50 drops of juniper essential oil to it and mix.

Other recipes for external use:

Type of procedure Method of use How to use
Rinses, lotions ( inflammatory diseases gums)
  1. 1. Dilute 5 ml of oil in a glass warm water, rinse your mouth.
  2. 2. Soak cotton wool in oil mixed with water, apply to the gums, leave for 15–20 minutes
2–3 times every day (2 weeks) morning and evening
Inhalations (diseases respiratory tract, cold)
  1. 1. Hot: pour boiling water into a wide bowl, add the drug (at the rate of 4 drops per 1 liter of water).
  2. 2. Cold: inhale the oil from a bottle or using an aroma medallion made of porous clay (apply to the surface)
Inhale for 3–10 minutes
  1. 1. To 2 tbsp. l. milk, honey, sea salt add 3-5 drops of oil.
  2. 2. to 1 tbsp. l. sea ​​or table salt - 5–7 drops
10–15 minutes at water temperature +37...+38°C
Aromatherapy (room disinfection, insomnia, mental overload, headache)

Add 4-5 drops of oil to the aroma lamp with water (per 15 sq. m.), light the candle

Juniper is a coniferous tree or shrub that belongs to the Cypress family. It is also called veres or archa (ancient names). Where juniper grows, the air is very clean. A hectare of this plant can cleanse a small city of harmful microorganisms in just a day. The plant is widely used in medicine: essential oil is made from the berries, and aromatic tinctures are made from the needles. Juniper bark and roots are also used as medicine. Heather berries resemble small cones of blue color. They have a rich pine aroma and a sweetish taste.

Juniper was used as a medicine by the Egyptians. Ancient Rome. The Egyptians believed that the product was able to strengthen the stomach and relieve spasms. Instruments for surgery were stored in juniper extract.

Juniper is a coniferous bush or tree from the cypress family

Chemical composition of the plant

The benefits of the product are due to its rich composition. Juniper berries contain two percent essential oil, acid (acetic, formic and malic), glucose, wax, and alcohol. They contain a large number of microelements, macroelements and ash. The bark and stems are rich in various water-soluble aromatic (tannin) substances and contain essential oil. Pine needles contain a lot of ascorbic acid. Veres contains phytoncides (substances that stop the development of bacteria).

Beneficial features

The healing properties of heather oil are difficult to overestimate. Juniper essential oil relieves inflammation, promotes wound healing, and generally has a positive effect on the body.

  • The tonic properties of juniper oil are used to treat various types of injuries; it helps restore strength after active training.
  • The use of juniper oil is beneficial for people suffering from skin diseases, bronchitis, pneumonia.
  • The use of this juniper product will help cope with many problems in women. Juniper essential oil can be taken as a tonic during menstruation. It will relieve cramps during menstruation painlessly and without harm to the body.
  • Juniper essential oil will help get rid of diseases of the kidneys, stomach, and bladder.
  • Heather juice and berries have a diuretic effect. The berries are a pain reliever, so removing crystals or sand from the body is painless.
  • Juniper oil is also used externally. For example, with strong ear pain, ringworm and scabies. It also has a beneficial effect on gum disease.
  • The product is used in the beauty industry to treat problem areas skin and hair.
  • The product is used for weight loss.
  • The use of veres increases reproductive functions in men.
  • It can also be used for hygiene. Antiseptic properties The product allows it to cope well with various microbes (including STDs, for example Trichomonas).
  • The beneficial properties of this product affect emotional sphere person. Juniper aroma has a positive effect on human performance, reduces irritability, and suppresses negative emotions (using aroma lamps).
  • Use of the drug during epidemics for prevention viral diseases. It is useful to use essential oils by inhaling through a special device (inhaler).
  • The aromatic properties of heather provide the product with the ability to repel insects and vipers.

Homemade recipe

Juniper oil deserves special respect. This is an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent that is actively used to treat various diseases, as well as in the field of beauty. To prepare the product, juniper berries, similar to cones, only blue in color, pine needles, and rarely bark and roots are used. Blue berries used for cooking must be ripe. The harvest is harvested in the fall. It is thoroughly inspected, sorted, pine needles and grass bugs (which give the fruits Not nice smell) and dirt.

To prepare 1 liter of juniper oil, you need 50 kg of plant branches. The branches along with the berries are washed and chopped. In a three-liter jar, lay pine needles at the bottom, pour in unrefined vegetable oil, and leave a gap of up to 5 mm on top. The jar is closed with a metal lid. Next, the jar with its contents is heated in a water bath over low heat for about 6 hours. Periodically add water to the pan to prevent complete evaporation. After 6 hours of heating, the needles are thrown away. After this, the entire procedure is repeated again. The finished essential oil has a pleasant smell and taste. This medicine should be kept in the cellar or refrigerator.

In order to prepare 1 liter of juniper oil you will need 50 kg of plant branches with berries

Benefits for weight loss

Juniper oil has been used for weight loss for a long time. It is very popular among people who want to lose weight painlessly and quickly. It is used both externally and internally.

This is the remedy

  • Helps fight cellulite and improves skin elasticity. The product delicately removes toxins, filling the body with missing vitamins. This is why juniper oil is especially effective for weight loss. Its use helps eliminate the “orange peel”. Therefore, the product is used for anti-cellulite massage.
  • Improves the metabolic process in the body. Its use helps regulate metabolism, normalizes hormonal background person.
  • Affects self-confidence, helps overcome self-doubt and one’s capabilities.

Juniper (heather, juniper) is an evergreen coniferous shrub or tree of the Cypress family, growing in the Caucasus, Europe, Siberia, the Himalayas, and North America. From its berries, pine needles and wood, the most valuable oil is obtained, which has countless beneficial properties. Juniper oil from the berries of the plant, obtained by steam distillation, has a wider spectrum of action, and oil from pine needles and wood (dry distillation method) is an excellent analgesic and antiseptic.


Composition and beneficial properties of juniper essential oil

Juniper oil contains substances such as terpenes, terpineol, camphene, tannins, borneol, coloring matter, ascorbic acid, important organic acids, trace elements (aluminum, manganese, iron, copper). It has the strongest phytoncidal properties. People have long noticed that in places where juniper grows, the air is cleaner and fresher; it is there that weakened and sick animals come in the hope of restoring their vitality. North American Indians used juniper to treat tuberculosis and joint diseases, leaving the patient in the bushes.

Essential oil from juniper berries has an effective choleretic, cleansing, diuretic, disinfectant, diaphoretic, insecticidal, expectorant, antirheumatic effect, helps improve digestion (increases secretion gastric juice and normalizes the functioning of the stomach), wound healing, activates lymph flow, and, if necessary, can induce menstruation. Juniper has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, calms, and normalizes sleep.

Video: Juniper essential oil, its properties and methods of use.

Indications for oral administration of juniper essential oil

  • Malaria.
  • Cystitis.
  • Rheumatism, arthrosis, polyarthritis.
  • Gout.
  • Phlebeurysm.
  • Long-lasting wounds.
  • Skin diseases ( ringworm, psoriasis, dermatoses, (compresses, bandages, rubbing).
  • Hemorrhoids (in the form of enemas: 3 drops per 5 ml of herbal base).
  • Diseases of an allergic nature.
  • Diabetes.
  • Ulcerative lesions of internal organs.
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis.
  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • Edema.
  • Urinary tract infections.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Flu, chronic bronchitis.
  • Impotence.

The use of juniper oil in aromatherapy

Concentrated juniper essential oil has a sharp pine scent, but when mixed with water the aroma becomes fresh and pleasant. Aromatherapy (aroma lamps, baths, inhalations) using juniper oil will not only disinfect the room, but will also set you in a positive mood, eliminate tension, irritation, unfounded fears, will relieve stress and apathy, increase efficiency and concentration, and improve attention. To enhance the effect juniper oil It is recommended to combine with essential oils of bergamot, orange, cedar, pine, grapefruit and lemon. Vetiver and juniper will be excellent helpers in the fight against colds.

Use of juniper oil in medicine

Juniper berry oil is used in the treatment of most various ailments. It normalizes work digestive tract(used for colitis and flatulence), restores metabolism, cleanses the body of waste and accumulated toxins, improves functioning genitourinary system, has an anti-inflammatory effect in the treatment of cystitis and kidney stone disease, has an analgesic effect for menstrual pain.

Juniper oil is actively used in treatment cardiovascular diseases, because it has the property of normalizing arterial pressure, increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels. It will also help in the treatment of atherosclerosis, because it lowers blood sugar levels.

Juniper essential oil is often used as a massage product, often prescribed for external application for weeping eczema, acne, peptic ulcers, scabies, muscle weakness, paralysis, varicose veins, sprains, injuries and bruises, rheumatism, osteochondrosis, arthritis. His therapeutic properties effective for elevated physical activity(compresses, massages, baths), hormonal imbalance and decreased sexual activity.

Video: Use of juniper essential oil in the treatment of the body.

The use of juniper oil in cosmetology

Juniper oil is famous for its anti-cellulite properties; it perfectly tones and smoothes the skin, fights stretch marks, and smoothes out scars. It can be included in the care of owners of any type of facial skin, but most of all it is suitable for oily and problem skin prone to developing acne.

Juniper perfectly cleanses the epidermis, maintains skin tone, reduces inflammation and dries out pimples, and perfectly tightens pores. If you add a few drops of it to your daily face cream, you can increase the level of hydration, elasticity and firmness, as well as get rid of swelling, signs of aging and aging of the skin.

In folk medicine, juniper oil is famous for its antiherpetic properties (during use, do not allow the juniper oil to get on your tongue).

Juniper oil has found application not only in skin care, but also in hair care; adding it to care products (shampoo, conditioner, conditioner) will return the hair’s natural shine, eliminate dryness, itching, dandruff, and strengthen hair follicles, will prevent hair loss.

How to use juniper oil

Juniper oil can be used in several ways: added to aroma lamps and pendants, made with it medicinal compresses and inhalation, taken orally, added to relaxing baths. Each procedure has its own dosage:

  1. To enrich ready-made cosmetics(masks, creams, shampoos, balms) – 5 drops of oil per 10 g of product.
  2. For aroma lamps – 5 drops.
  3. For aroma pendants – 3 drops.
  4. For baths – 6 drops, pre-dissolve in milk.
  5. For oral administration - a drop of the product per 100 g of water (pre-dissolve in honey - 1 coffee spoon).

Masks with juniper oil, recipes

Mask for oily hair.

The mask perfectly cleanses the scalp, deodorizes, and reduces the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

Natural vegetable oil (burdock, olive, flaxseed) – 3 tbsp. l.
Juniper oil – 6 drops.

Heat the vegetable base until warm state in a water bath, or simply pour it into a container and keep it in hot water. Next, add the essential component of juniper and rub into the scalp, and then distribute over the entire length of the hair. Keep the mask on your head under film and a towel for about an hour, then wash off with shampoo.

Anti-dandruff remedies.

Adding juniper oil to shampoo and conditioner will help eliminate dandruff. Use every time you wash your hair. Take 3 drops of juniper per teaspoon of product.

For the same purpose, you can simply comb your hair with juniper oil, adding a couple of drops to a wooden comb.

Mask for oily skin.

The mask perfectly cleanses the skin, tightens pores, regulates sebum production, reduces inflammation, and dries out pimples.

Egg white – 1 pc.
Juniper oil – 3 drops.

Beat the egg whites until foamy and add juniper oil. Apply the composition to a cleansed face and leave for fifteen minutes. Rinse off with cool water.

Tonic for problem skin.

Tightens pores, refreshes, improves tone and elasticity.

Still mineral water– 200 ml.
Juniper oil – 4 drops.

Combine the components and pour into a clean and dry bottle. Wipe the skin with the resulting product several times a day.

Mask for softening feet (heels).

Olive oil – 1 tsp.
Juniper oil – 2 drops.
Lemon oil – 2 drops.

Mix the ingredients. Lubricate the soles of your feet with the resulting mixture (after taking a bath or shower), paying attention to your heels, and put on your socks. Do the procedure at night.

Juniper oil for weight loss

Juniper oil has the ability to penetrate deep into the skin and stimulate the breakdown of fats. This component is necessarily included in a set of procedures aimed at weight correction, because it perfectly removes excess liquid, tones and tightens the skin, fights " orange peel" Externally, juniper oil in its pure form or in combination with other oils is used for massage, wraps, baths for weight loss (reduces appetite). Juniper goes well with oils of orange, frankincense, bergamot, lemongrass, geranium, grapefruit, cypress, lemon balm, sage, lemon, lavender, pine, vetiver, lime, rosemary, cedar.

In addition to external use, for weight loss purposes, it is also recommended indoor application juniper oils. Internal use should be done during meals (just drop a few drops on a piece of bread and eat).

Juniper oil contraindications

  • Inflammatory kidney diseases in acute form.
  • Individual intolerance.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Chronic hypertension.
  • Contraindicated for problems with the urinary system.
  • Other inflammatory diseases (after consultation with a specialist).

When using juniper essential oil, it is important to maintain the exact dosage, because the plant from which it was obtained is considered poisonous.

ABOUT healing properties juniper, plants of the cypress family, have long been the subject of legends. All parts of the tree have a powerful therapeutic effects on the human body.

Plants are extracted from dry fruits, pine needles and bark by steam distillation (hydrodistillation). unique product– juniper essential oil. Most often, blue-black berries that ripen in late summer - early autumn are used to produce ether.

Juniper oil is transparent, sometimes with a barely noticeable tint of green or yellow tones, light, fluid, with a subtle elusive aroma of pine needles and meadow flowers, has notes of resins, plum pits and smoke, perfectly refreshes and tones.

Juniper is an aphrodisiac; it has a multi-layered scent, revealing all its facets gradually. Like all esters, the product should be stored in dark glass bottles in a shaded area, since Sun rays destroy most biologically active components.

The healing properties of juniper oil are due to its rich biochemical composition. More than 170 biologically isolated in essential oil active compounds, including: vitamins, mineral salts(macro- and microelements), organic acids (acetic, malic, formic, tartaric), natural sugars (fructose, glucose), resins, tannins, bioflavonoids, coloring pigments, antioxidants.

The main qualities of juniper oil include:

Juniper oil: application

The uses of juniper oil are varied. This is both aromatherapy and ethnoscience, and cosmetology, and , and .

Juniper oil – proven aid in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • poisoning of the body with metabolic products and heavy metals;
  • cystitis;
  • urinary and kidney stones;
  • swelling of various origins;
  • inflammation;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • bronchitis, pneumonia, laryngitis, tracheitis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypotension;
  • neuralgia;
  • cellulite, obesity;
  • sprains;
  • gout, rheumatism;
  • joint inflammation.

Impact on the psycho-emotional sphere

Eastern sages use juniper oil for meditative practices. Its smell awakens inspiration, Creative skills and intuition.

It is believed that the woody-coniferous aroma creates invisible protection in the human aura, activates mental capacity and internal reserves of the body, which help in the fight against existing breakdowns both on the physical and spiritual planes.

Juniper aromatherapy eliminates fears, lethargy, apathy, depression, neurosis, blues, puts thoughts in order, improves emotional mood and general state body.

Ways to use juniper essential oil

Aromatization and disinfection air in living and working areas: 5 drops in aroma lamps for every 15-17 sq. meters of room.

Steam inhalations: add 2-3 drops of pure juniper oil into hot water (temperature about 80-85°C), bend over the container and deeply inhale the healing fumes for 7-10 minutes, covering your head with a towel and closing your eyes.

Proven remedy for severe cough, runny nose and colds. Like baths, hot inhalations are contraindicated at elevated temperatures.

Cold inhalations: soak a napkin or handkerchief with 1-2 drops of ether, inhale for 10 minutes.

Wearing an aroma medallion: 1-2 drops.

Massage: 5-7 drops per 30 ml of base oil.

Compresses: 5-7 drops per 300 g of oil. Impregnated with the composition gauze bandage and applied to the affected area of ​​the body, insulated with cellophane and a fixing bandage.

Enrichment cosmetics: 2-4 drops per 15 grams of base.

Water procedures using juniper oil, especially baths, relieve fatigue, melancholy, lethargy, apathy, optimize mood, increase the body's defenses, relieve symptoms of withdrawal syndrome (hangover), and eliminate excessive swelling.

During the procedure, a double effect is achieved: the healing components of the ether penetrate through the skin into the bloodstream and improve the functioning of all organs and systems, the volatile compounds of juniper act directly on the respiratory organs, cleansing them of mucus, viruses and accumulated toxins.

This is why juniper works so well against colds, increasing the body’s protective functions. Ablutions are in an effective way combating acute respiratory infections and diseases of the bronchopulmonary system.

Bathing is considered a contraindication elevated temperature. For the procedure, you will need to mix 4-6 drops of ether with any emulsifier ( Bee Honey, whole milk, salt), which then dissolves in warm water.

Juniper oil for stretch marks

Basic massage and self-massage vegetable oils with the addition of juniper ether at home eliminates stretch marks (stretch marks) formed on different parts body after pregnancy, breastfeeding, sudden weight loss.

It is best to combine juniper with grapefruit: add 4 drops of each essential oil to 15 grams of base.

Massage with juniper oil increases muscle tone, smoothes shallow skin folds, promotes the resorption of scar tissue and scars, and improves color.

According to many women, essential juniper oil is a proven assistant in the fight against overweight bodies. Ways to use ether - baths, anti-cellulite massage, wraps, applying creams and body lotions.

Inhaling the aroma of juniper using an aromatherapy pendant or cold inhalation also promotes weight loss, but not directly, but as a natural relaxant. Juniper eliminates the effects of stress caused by not eating your favorite foods.


Juniper oil should never be used during pregnancy. Contraindications include acute infectious kidney pathologies and hypertension.

It should be emphasized that the ether should be used strictly according to the recommended dosages, since juniper is a poisonous plant. Juniper oil should be used for no longer than 3 weeks, after which a 1-2 month break is necessary.

In the northern latitudes of the globe you can find a very beautiful, evergreen coniferous shrub - juniper. This is the most valuable plant! The source of juniper essential oil is wood, pine needles and fruits of the tree.

The essential oil has a pleasant, tart, I would even say smoky aroma - the smells of resin and pine are mixed here.

Medicines based on juniper have wide range actions. Used as:

  • Tonic for nervous system, digestion
  • Antiseptic for lungs, blood, digestion, genitourinary system
  • Diaphoretic
  • Cleanser
  • Diuretic
  • Antirheumatic drug
  • Antidiabetic agent
  • Sleeping pill

In addition, juniper improves the removal of toxins and uric acid from the body.

Aromatic juniper oil is used externally, in the form of compresses and rinses, to enrich cosmetic substances, for massage mixtures, when taking baths and for aromatizing the room.

Indications for use of juniper essential oil

This oil has found its use primarily in cosmetology. It helps to cope with the problems of inflammation and oily skin, cleansing and refreshing it. Helps fight acne, with eczema, increases blood circulation and gives impetus to skin regeneration.

Very effective for treatment varicose veins veins - eliminates spider veins.

Juniper oil is used to treat cellulite and swelling. The aroma of this essential oil will relieve the condition colds and acute respiratory infections. The oil has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

The oil is widely used in the treatment of pulmonary diseases: tuberculosis, bronchitis, pneumonia. Juniper perfectly purifies indoor air from a wide variety of microorganisms. It is even used for meditation.

In the treatment of diseases such as arthritis and rheumatism, you cannot do without this oil!

Enrichment of cosmetics

Most cosmetics can be enriched with aromatic oils; this is the easiest and effective method application of oils.

To enrich cosmetics, you need to take 15 grams of base (this can be a cream, lotion, tonic, mask). Add 5 drops of juniper oil to the base and mix well.

Juniper oil copes well with problems such as itching and irritation after insect bites. Add a couple of drops of essential oil to baby cream and lubricate the areas of skin that bother you. In a few minutes the itching will go away.

The oil can be used externally in a mixture with other aromatic oils; it goes well with lavender, cypress and sandalwood oils. They must be mixed in equal proportions.

Used as a basis for any massage various oils or cream. To enrich the massage mixtures, add 5 drops of juniper oil to one or two tablespoons of base.

Taking baths with essential oils

The duration of such a bath is from 10 to 20 minutes. For a full bath warm water(from 36 to 38 degrees) add 5 drops of essential juniper oil.

It is very useful to take a bath with a composition. To do this, the essential oil must be mixed with one tablespoon of an emulsifier (milk, honey, sea salt can play this role).

Of course, when talking about aromatherapy, one cannot fail to mention the use of juniper essential oil in the bath.

Bath recipes

For three liters of hot water you need to use 4-5 drops of oil. Mix the oil in water and use it to transfer water to the heater.

A tincture of juniper fruits after a bath is very useful. Juniper fruits are amazing - they are very similar to grapes, contain a large amount of sugar, and it is for this reason that the fruits are called northern coniferous grapes.

A tablespoon of juniper berries is enough to prepare the tincture. Grind the raw materials and pour boiled water hot water(200 ml). Heat the poured raw materials in a water bath for about 20 minutes, cool and strain. After this, it is necessary to squeeze out the remaining raw materials, and bring the volume of the tincture to 200 ml with boiled water.

The infusion is very useful to drink after a bath, adding two teaspoons to tea or fruit drink.

Traditional medicine uses juniper oil to treat wounds, and juniper berry extract improves digestion and serves as an excellent diuretic. A decoction of dried juniper berries can be mixed with honey and drunk one teaspoon before meals.

In conclusion, I want to say that before using any aromatic oil a sensitivity test must be performed. If you do not experience discomfort when inhaling the aroma, it is not detected allergic reaction(coughing, sneezing, shortness of breath) you can safely use aromatherapy.

For skin test You need to apply 1 drop of oil or a mixture of oils to the front of the wrist. If after 20 minutes no irritation or rash appears at the site of application, you can safely use the oil to enrich cosmetic products.

There is only one contraindication to the use of juniper essential oil - it cannot be used during pregnancy and for children under 10 years of age.

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