Emergency help for heatstroke, important points for saving lives. Heatstroke and sunstroke: course in children, help

The consequence of a person's prolonged stay in a hot and stuffy room, also in the sun, is heat stroke. Heatstroke often occurs in a person during long stay under the sun. Sometimes heat stroke can be accompanied by sunburn on open areas of the body. Heatstroke is serious illness for humans, first aid for heatstroke simply necessary to avoid sad consequences.

How to tell if someone has heatstroke

With heatstroke, a person may experience various ailments. This includes nausea, dizziness, and sometimes even vomiting. If heat stroke occurs from prolonged exposure to the sun, then redness of exposed areas of the skin, sometimes even burns, is observed. In this case, a person may have darkening of the eyes, severe thirst, and rapid breathing. There may also be an increase in body temperature, nose bleed And fainting. If the case is severe, loss of consciousness is possible.

How to provide first aid to a heatstroke victim

Heatstroke is a dangerous health disorder that requires immediate action. First aid for this problem is as follows. It is necessary to cool the victim as quickly as possible. It is necessary to lay the victim in a shady place or in a cool room; if possible, put a fan, fan him with newspaper, his legs should be slightly elevated. To cool, apply a cold compress to the head, cover the patient with a damp sheet, and give some water (adding a little salt). Gently begin to rub your limbs to improve blood circulation stimulation. In this case, the blood that cools through the surface of the skin will begin to flow to the internal organs, and the blood from the deeper layers will flow to the surface, where it will cool.

It is urgent to call for medical help. If you transport a victim to the hospital yourself, you must cover him with a wet sheet and his head must be raised. You should not give the victim antipyretics (acetaminophen, aspirin, etc.), because their mechanism of action is based on the fact that the body’s internal thermostat changes. You need to know that during heat stroke the thermostat is set to normal temperature, and external conditions do not allow the body to realize its capabilities for self-cooling.

Do not give the victim too much fluid. When providing first aid, replenishing fluids is less important than cooling the body. If a person is in a conscious state and asks to drink, then he should be given cool water and should drink in small sips.

The victim's body temperature should be checked quite often. It should be refrigerated until the temperature reaches 37.5 degrees, but not below. It is also necessary to constantly monitor general condition sick. Some symptoms of sunstroke may occur within 2-4 hours. Also, after such a period of time, the temperature may rise again.

If your skin turns red due to exposure to the sun, apply potato paste or fresh cucumber. The patient should not be left alone, unattended, as he may lose consciousness. If the patient complains of pain in the heart area, then before the ambulance arrives, you can give him a Validol tablet or drops of Corvalol, Volocardin.

Under no circumstances should the victim be offered alcoholic or carbonated drinks. Do not wipe the skin with alcohol where there is redness. Don't give him very cold drinks. Do not allow the victim to climb into the water to cool off, especially without supervision.

First aid in hospital

According to statistics, up to 20% of victims who are not provided with first aid die. In the emergency room, first of all, such patients are undressed, covered with cold compresses, and fans are placed near them.

At in serious condition Hospital staff can use a special cooling solution and apply “flushing from the inside.” A catheter may be inserted into the victim to control urine output. Used to maintain blood pressure and urine flow intravenous infusions. Remember that heat stroke can be very high temperature body, which can damage organs in the body. First aid for this problem is very important!

Heatstroke - This is an acutely developed painful condition caused by a violation of the body’s thermoregulation as a result of prolonged exposure to high environmental temperatures. Heat stroke can occur as a result of staying in a room with high temperature and humidity, during long marches in hot climates, or during intense physical work in stuffy, poorly ventilated rooms.

The development of heat stroke is facilitated by warm clothing, overwork, and failure to comply with the thermal regime. People suffering from cardiovascular diseases, metabolic disorders (obesity), and endocrine disorders are most often exposed to overheating. The degree and speed of overheating in different individuals varies widely and depends on external factors and individual characteristics of the body. Thus, children have a higher body temperature than adults, and sweating is less. Overheating of the body is accompanied by increased sweating and significant loss of water and salts by the body, which leads to thickening of the blood, an increase in its viscosity, difficulty in blood circulation and oxygen starvation.

Main symptoms.

Based on the severity of the course, there are three forms of acute heat stroke:

1) light;

2) average;

3) heavy.

In a mild form, headache, nausea, increased breathing and pulse, dilated pupils, and the appearance of moisture in the skin are noted.

If at this moment you take the victim out of the high temperature zone and provide minimal assistance (drink cool water, put a cold compress on the head and chest), then all the phenomena will soon pass.

In the moderate form of heatstroke, the victim has pronounced adynamia, intense headache is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, a state of stupor occurs - confused consciousness, movements are uncertain. The pulse and breathing are frequent, the skin is hyperemic, the body temperature is 39-40 o C. A short-term loss of consciousness may be observed.

The severe form is manifested by loss of consciousness, coma, convulsions, psychomotor agitation, delirium, and hallucinations. Breathing is frequent, shallow, pulse is rapid (up to 120 beats per minute), weak filling. Heart sounds are dull, the skin is dry, hot or covered with sticky sweat, temperature rises to 42 o C.

First aid for heatstroke.

Move the victim to a cool place. Lay horizontally. It is necessary to remove clothes, provide access to fresh air, spray cold water on the face, put cold on the head, chest, neck, or wrap the victim in dampened cool water sheet. If the victim is conscious, he must be given cold water (iced tea, coffee, mineral water). Give ammonia a whiff.

If the victim does not come to his senses after the measures taken, if there are signs clinical death- Performs cardiopulmonary resuscitation.


Occurs when physical work in the open sun, abuse of sunbathing on vacation - especially on the shore, on beaches near large bodies of water, the sea, as well as during prolonged exposure to the sun, hiking with bare heads. The blow is a consequence of the direct action of intense sunlight on the unprotected head; may occur immediately on the spot, or delayed, after 6-8 hours. The central one is affected nervous system. A contributing factor is alcohol consumption.

Main symptoms.

Weakness, weakness. Headache, dizziness. Noise in ears. Nausea. Possible vomiting. The skin of the face and head is hyperemic. Pulse and breathing are rapid. Heavy sweating. Body temperature is increased. Possible nosebleeds.

Signs of severe damage. Stunned state; loss of consciousness; temperature increase to 40-41 o C.; rapid, then slow breathing; pulmonary edema; convulsions; excitement, delirium, hallucinations. Severe shock and terminal conditions may develop.

First aid for sunstroke.

    Place in a shaded place. Free from clothes.

2) Cold compress on the head. Wraps with a wet sheet (the water should be cold). If the victim is conscious, give him cold water to drink.

3) If there are signs of clinical death, perform resuscitation measures.

4) B severe cases– calling a doctor, urgent hospitalization.

Prevention of heat and sunstroke.

Preventive measures that help prevent overheating and, as a consequence, dehydration are: shade shelter from direct contact with the body sun rays, installation of air conditioning systems, table, floor, wall fans in the premises, the ability to use a shower unit to cool the body, etc. One of the most important points in preventing heatstroke is preventing dehydration, which means that in the heat it is advisable to avoid increased physical activity, as well as strenuous exercise, and drink as much fluid as possible. However, this should not be alcoholic drinks, strong tea or coffee. You should not only drink water, but also wipe your skin with wet napkins (towels). When going outside on a hot day, give preference to clothes made of light, preferably natural, materials in light colors, and also remember to wear a hat. Elderly people and children during periods of increased solar activity (12-15 hours) should completely refrain from walking in the fresh air; being on the beach at this time is generally not recommended. Before getting into the car, which was parked under open air on a sunny day, you must first open all the doors for cross ventilation. In addition to plenty of fluids, you should eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible on hot days.

In summer, in rooms without air conditioning, it is quite possible to get heatstroke.

Heat stroke is a consequence of severe overheating. Its second name is hyperthermic syndrome. It can be obtained not only on the beach, but also during a long stay in stuffy rooms. First aid for heat stroke involves cooling the victim's body until a doctor arrives. Further assistance is provided in the hospital.

Hyperthermic syndrome occurs in places where it is hot and stuffy, for example, in offices or stores without air conditioning systems. The same place is a sauna and bathhouse.

The first sign of heatstroke is paleness skin, dilated pupils and loss of coordination.

Important. The mortality rate from hyperthermia is 30%.


Symptoms of heat light blow and moderate severity:

  • tachycardia;
  • hard breath;
  • increase in body temperature up to 41 ° C;
  • tinnitus;
  • lack of urination.

People with hypertension and heart disease need to be wary of overheating.

The severe stage manifests itself:

  • fainting,
  • convulsions
  • mental disorders.

People who suffer from cardiovascular disease and hypertension are prone to severe symptoms with hyperthermia. The thermal gift can be obtained by staying in stuffy transport for a long time.

If you have to use public transport in the summer, be sure to have a bottle of mineral water on hand.

Alcohol increases symptoms and is a complicating factor in providing assistance. Therefore, you should avoid drinking alcohol when visiting baths and saunas.

General principles

It is necessary to help the patient within an hour, otherwise irreversible processes will occur in his body that will lead to disability.

Briefly, the procedure for providing assistance is as follows:

  • cool the victim's body;
  • drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration;
  • call an ambulance.

After providing first aid, all that remains is to wait for the doctor to assess the person’s condition.

Even with mild degree overheating person needs emergency care. He needs to be taken to the hospital or wait for the medical team to arrive.

Algorithm of assistance before the doctor arrives

Let's consider what and how to help a victim of heatstroke. First, you need to assess the person's condition. If he has a protective fever, then it is necessary to immediately reduce the high body temperature.

Antipyretics such as Paracetamol or acetylsalicylic acid, are ineffective. There is no point in giving them. There is a driver's first aid kit; instead of compresses, you can use special cooling packs.

By following all the rules, you can reduce your body temperature.

Instructions for assistance in feverish conditions with hyperthermic syndrome look like this:

Call an ambulance.
Move the victim out of the sun and into the shade in the summer.
From stuffy room bring it to Fresh air, or open a window.
Lay him in horizontal position, raise your legs above the level of your torso.
If there is vomiting, turn it on its side.
Unfasten the collar, remove constrictive and synthetic clothing.
Apply a cold compress to your forehead and occipital part heads.
A towel soaked in cold water can be used as a compress.
Ice cannot be used.
Wrap the body in a wet cloth, spray with water at a temperature of 17-18 ° C, or immerse the person in the river (if you are on the beach).
At home, the best cooling effect can be achieved by rubbing with alcohol, vinegar or vodka.
Give water every 10 minutes.
Iced tea will do plain water or saline solutions, for example, "Regidron".
If your consciousness is confused, bring a cotton swab with ammonia to your nose.
If there is no breathing or pulse, do artificial respiration and cardiac massage.
Resuscitation must be carried out for 40 minutes or until doctors arrive.
Correct execution technique.

Important. After hyperthermia, repeated overheating must be avoided. The likelihood of getting a second blow in the first week after the first is very high.

Learn more about helping the victim in the video for this article.

Treatment in hospital

In moderate and severe cases, immediate first aid in the form of resuscitation and subsequent medical supervision. The patient must be hospitalized.

Rehabilitation therapy is no less important than emergency care

Providing first medical care carried out within the walls of the hospital. To reduce body temperature intravenously by drip saline solution is injected.

Application medicines depends on the patient's condition. "Diphenhydramine" is administered for mental disorders and agitation; for convulsions, "Seduxen" is used.

First aid for heatstroke is especially important if the victim is unconscious. Before the ambulance arrives, he may die from hyperthermia. After overheating, a person will have to stick to it for a few more days. bed rest and don't go out in the sun.

Heatstroke - pathological condition, caused by a general sudden overheating of the body as a result of exposure to external thermal factors.

The reasons are a violation of thermoregulation that occurs under the influence of excess heat from the environment.

Overheating of the body is facilitated by conditions that impede heat transfer:

§ High humidity and still air.

§ Physical stress.

§ Enhanced nutrition.

§ Long wearing clothing made of synthetic, leather or rubberized fabric in conditions elevated temperature environment.

§ Insufficient fluid intake.

Persons suffering from cardiovascular diseases, obesity, endocrine disorders, vascular-vegetative dystonia.

Signs of heat stroke:

§ Increased body temperature.

§ Redness of the skin.

§ Increased sweating.

§ Increased heart rate and breathing.

§ Headache, dizziness, weakness, weakness.

§ Staggering when walking.

§ Drowsiness, yawning.

§ Noise in ears.

§ Nausea, vomiting.

§ With prolonged exposure to heat, there may be an increase in temperature up to 40 ° C, loss of consciousness, and convulsions.

§ Breathing is rapid, shallow.

§ Sometimes nosebleeds.

§ In severe cases, loss of consciousness.

Help for heatstroke:

1. The victim should be immediately placed in a shady place or cool room.

2. Remove the victim’s clothes, lay the victim on his back with his head raised (place a roll of rolled-up clothing under his head), wipe the body with cool water or wrap it in damp sheets or towels.

3. Place an ice pack or cold water pack, or a cold compress, on the victim’s head.

4. When overheating, it is important to first cool the head, since in this case the central nervous system is especially affected.

5. The victim should not be immersed in cold water, as reflex cardiac arrest is possible.

6. Cooling should be carried out gradually, avoiding big difference temperatures

7. While maintaining consciousness, give plenty of cold drinks (water, tea, coffee, juice).

8. If you lose consciousness, use ammonia.

9. In case of breathing disorders and weakened cardiac activity, artificial respiration is used, indirect massage heart, necessary drug treatment.

Providing first aid for fractures of extremity bones.

Fractures are damage to a bone that disrupts its integrity. Fractures can be closed (without damage to the skin) or open (with damage to the skin). Bone cracks are also possible.

Signs of a fracture are:

§ deformation of the limb at the fracture site;

§ inability to move a limb;

§ shortening of the limb;

§ crunching of bone fragments under the skin;

§ pain with axial tapping (along the bone);

§ in case of a fracture of the pelvic bones - the inability to tear the leg off the surface on which the patient is lying.

If a fracture is accompanied by damage to the skin, it is easy to recognize it in the presence of bone fragments protruding into the wound. It is more difficult to establish closed fractures. The main symptoms of bruises and fractures - pain, swelling, hematoma, impossibility of movement - are the same. You should focus on the crunching sensation in the fracture area and pain during axial load. The last symptom is checked by light tapping along the axis of the limb. In this case, there arises sharp pain at the fracture site.

Help with fractures

For closed fractures, it is necessary to ensure immobilization of the limb and rest. Immobilization means include splints and auxiliary devices. For fractures of the hip and shoulder bones, splints are applied, covering three joints (ankle, knee, femur and wrist, elbow and shoulder). In other cases, two joints are fixed - above and below the fracture site. Under no circumstances should you try to match bone fragments - this can cause bleeding.

At open fractures You will be faced with two tasks: to stop the bleeding and to immobilize the limb. If you see that blood is pouring out in a pulsating stream ( arterial bleeding), a tourniquet should be applied above the bleeding site. After stopping the bleeding, apply an aseptic (sterile) bandage to the wound area and immobilize. If blood flows out in a uniform stream, apply a pressure aseptic bandage and immobilize.

When immobilizing a limb, two joints should be immobilized - above and below the fracture site. And in case of a fracture of the femur and the plausible bone, three joints are immobilized. Do not forget that the splint should not be placed on bare skin; clothing or cotton wool must be placed under it.

You should know that in case of an open or closed (with displacement of bone fragments) fracture of large bones, it is necessary urgent hospitalization and reposition (restoration of the anatomical position) of bones in a hospital setting. If more than 2 hours have passed since the fracture, and the bone fragments are not compared, a severe complication is possible - fat embolism which can lead to death or disability of the patient. Knowing this, insist in the emergency room that your patient receive urgent care.

Heat stroke (hyperthermia) is a very life-threatening condition that occurs due to severe overheating. It is formed as a result of accelerating heat generation processes with a simultaneous decrease in heat transfer.

This phenomenon is also dangerous because you can get it not only on the beach, but also when visiting a bathhouse, sauna, at work, for example, in a hot workshop, or while staying in a car for a long time.

A type of heatstroke is solar. It occurs due to prolonged exposure to the open sun. As a result, the head overheats and expands. blood vessels and there is a strong blood flow to the brain. First of all, in this case, the central nervous system suffers.

Sunstroke and heatstroke are often compared and sometimes confused due to similar clinical picture, however, in the first case, the health consequences are much worse and the body takes much longer to recover.

That is, we can say that sunstroke is partial thermal, but occurs only due to prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, while thermal stroke occurs during a long stay in hot rooms.

Symptoms of Heat Stroke

Signs depend on several factors: intensity and duration of heat exposure, age of the victim, presence of diseases internal organs, individual characteristics body (allergies, weather sensitivity), taking medications that provoke symptoms (drugs, alcohol, medications).

  • A weakness that is getting stronger. There is a desire to fall asleep or just lie down. In the future, myasthenia gravis is possible, it is difficult to move and lift limbs;
  • Dull and aching headaches, turning into non-localized and diffuse;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Heaviness in the chest, desire to yawn and sigh;
  • Dilated pupils;
  • Pale skin;
  • Hyperhidrosis;
  • The temperature can rise to 40 degrees or remain stable;
  • Noise and ringing in the ears;
  • Impaired coordination of movements;
  • Tachycardia;
  • Breathing is intermittent, rapid;
  • Possible fainting;
  • Dehydration.

Signs of severe heat stroke:

  • The temperature rises quickly and suddenly (pyretic), can reach 41-43 degrees;
  • There is no urination;
  • The skin changes color - from hyperemia to cyanosis;
  • Breathing becomes shallow and heart sounds become muffled;
  • The pulse is thread-like, weak, but rapid, can reach 120 beats per minute or even more;
  • There is a desire to move, psychomotor agitation is observed;
  • Mental disorders - hallucinations, delusions;
  • Convulsions;
  • Coma.

Lightweight and average degree severity is easily eliminated with timely assistance. As for severe hyperthermia, in approximately 30% of cases it is fatal.

It should be noted that the symptoms manifest themselves especially quickly and strongly in people with cardiovascular diseases, those who have had a heart attack and stroke, with heart defects, as well as hypertension.

Diseases endocrine system, vegetative-vascular syndrome, diabetes, asthma, allergies, metabolic disorders, hormonal imbalance, anorexia or obesity, hepatitis and cirrhosis, neuropsychiatric disordersadditional factors, increasing the risk of heat stroke.

Children and the elderly do not tolerate hyperthermia well, since their natural thermoregulation is either still imperfect or already weak.

What to do if you have heatstroke

  • First of all, you need to call a doctor at home or an ambulance;
  • The victim should be moved to the shade or fresh air, windows and doors should be opened indoors;
  • Unbutton the collar or undress to the waist. Clothes made of synthetics or thick fabrics must be removed;
  • Lay on your back, raise your head. If vomiting is present, turn the patient on his side;
  • Apply cold compresses (soaked cloth or towel, cold pack from the driver's first aid kit) to the forehead and back of the head, neck, under the jaw, temples, collarbones, elbows, under the knees, calves, groin and sacrum. Water for the procedure should not be taken ice-cold, so as not to provoke vascular collapse;
  • Wrap the body in a wet cloth or spray with cold water. If possible, accept cold bath(18-20 degrees);
  • Provide plenty of fluids. You can use valerian tincture diluted in water (20 drops per 1/3 cup of liquid);
  • If breathing is difficult, moisten a cotton swab in ammonia and carefully bring it to your nose several times;
  • If breathing stops, perform artificial respiration and indoor massage hearts.

After first aid for heatstroke has been provided, you must wait for the doctor to arrive so that he can assess the patient’s condition. It is usually recommended to stay in bed for several days. Recovery is slow and at this time the risk of recurrence is high.

First aid usually comes down to three main actions: cooling the body, providing plenty of fluids, calling emergency services for threatening symptoms. The measures described above should first of all be known to parents of small children, but they will not be superfluous for those who like to bask in the sun.

A variety of available means are suitable for cooling the body. It is worth remembering that you should not use ice water for compresses and rubdowns. If trouble happened on vacation, then you can immerse the patient in a body of water (river, lake).

Fanning with improvised materials that act as a fan will also not be superfluous. Suitable for rubbing not only plain water, but also weak solution vinegar. A person needs to be given water every 20-30 minutes. In addition to water, you can use Regidron solution.

Heat stroke treatment

If the victim is very excited, then diphenhydramine or aminazine is administered. If convulsions occur, use sibazone (Seduxen), phenobarbital or similar. With the help of cordiamine, caffeine or strophanthin, cardiac activity is restored. Increased intracranial pressure eliminated by unloading lumbar punctures.

If the patient is given oxygen, carbon dioxide is added to it. The asthenic condition can be further treated with B vitamins, as well as calcium and iron supplements.

How to prevent heatstroke:

  • Avoid activity physical activity on too hot days, as well as from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.;
  • Protect yourself from direct sunlight with hats or umbrellas;
  • Clothes should be made of natural, well-ventilated fabrics (linen, cotton, wool) and preferably light colors;
  • Do not go out into the sun during periods of high activity;
  • Drink plenty of fluids (about 2 liters per day). Fruit drinks, hot tea and kvass quench your thirst well;
  • Ventilate rooms, open windows, turn on fans and air conditioners so that air constantly circulates in enclosed spaces;
  • Don't overeat;
  • Do not drink alcohol;
  • If the work process takes place in conditions of increased temperature regime(in a factory, in a confectionery shop, in a kitchen, in construction, etc.), you need not only to take care of comfortable work clothes, but also to take short breaks every hour, drink water at this time in order to normalize thermoregulation and provide the body with moisture.

Such preventive measures don't require special effort and costs, you just need to know and follow them. Thus, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from such unpleasant phenomenon like heatstroke.

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